It. will be no giviit while be- f(ire some inoii in Pitt eoimtv see and FftRini and EASTERN 'I'-;; i ilshamed of tliiriffs thev have done. THE CAROLINA HOME! tllll and EAS REFLECTOR (Onc« a week) PublUhed by BEFLECTOB ('0MP4^V, Inc. D. X WHICHARD. Kditor. MUQBNVlLaJsi, 1^/viiui.iNA I’resident Wilson tllks about tiie Mexiean situation like a man w li<) knows what he is doini;. £VEKETT-BAKER Winterviile News Mairh may do her blowinir. hut you ran take consolatiim rroni the thoufiht that the had .veather is iu>t for much lonjjer. dinnnie (’owan will be promis- iufr iill kinds of bathing; .suits if the editors go to Wrightsville next sunuuer. SubrirlntiOQ, «ue year, Jl.«< •ix moutbs, . .60 Advertitig rates may be bad upou tpplicatiou at tuo busiut-sii uiUce n TUh Kvlltftur Uuiltliiig;, cortur Kvaii. »iid Tiiiril sii't-'MiM All cards of lUdusa aud reooiuiioiiir 'rf reHin't'l will bn cliiir<>'d t )r al pt'r Aorci Comiuutilcattoiifl aJverusiiis candi- will t ir ,it th.'i't- i»»‘f 11'.' . u^ ‘ Kiiti'Pfd as «.Jcoiid class in;itle) L'l', I'il'l. cii. tUl- I' Oifil’l' I Ciri'cii'ill''. (.'mmHii.i a::,! ■ «.'( ii.' .t. 1>7;t C'het'r up. you will be readins; suuiiuei' I’e.'ort ad\i‘ii*semciits he- I’ore a iireat "hile. Mari'li liid not wait to rd out liki- a lion, litu cuiiio in with a tii« I'low Miul blustor Uu' first day. journals that are tryinK tr hrln!j:>'ii a war. ha\c a hai'i! job on A year ago t Tiiurh pr. >.h:!ll comillllo. ,Moi'(' llian >i\ly employes and lil'ty of thoin liii'N nf the Lynn I’api'i' I’xis ( ii., of l.ynii. Ma^'^^.. wi'i'o ih'i\i'ii in to till' sli'cfts _\('s- ii'rd:i\ li\’ a 1.111.()iII1.1III lire. ( icdl' 'Hie I’l '< iiaii'i' 'ii.! ;!i,r s w li.i -iMrt '.nil ;i ( )\ ''-ah' w; it i.~ not ea.^v to ia!;e. ii>r Ihi' MV.'iliiin \i-ii'ri' i.ii'll!. 'I'niHi' N«'\\ I ici'r\ I'l'itriN. •■ly III riiH'iids l,.i'll;i. hi- |i;i y injiiroil. I KIDAV. MAKCn i-. I'-'l 1. ■ur |i- iHin'au ( . ill I'M-I i- .Snow i;ivon t'ini)loyn,iUt |!U' idl'* rich! to till • L' Ur A I'l'N.I-i ('Ml!' I' I’Hli'h I'! till' Il'c-U -a \ ' u h;it 11; ' M I- ^iiap. • i'llnii' I'’'- !'■ ii'.riiit'-' i> 111- ■ . lit' l:i, .11' I'll: III;:'’! 'i :'l: IM ,~1 ari-' Hill i Ml \ 1 :i!.' ! 'I '= I; U‘ ■'III' n aim lia I’nai- I'liiiiury. ■■ n-. iii'i 11 I'l I'l 0 thi'iiry ihai I'l ( I.Mlliiu- -- 1-1:1 1 1’,'T 1 !i 1 aii iiii: .i!v 'I’ni' t'Ni'riit i\ i‘ 1-iiminil li'c of tin Nurih ('ar''liiia i’l'i'-s A--Mii'ia-| lii'ii «i!l |i;i‘i't in K’ali'iirli on the. Imh iii'l. Ill 'rli'.-t ihe plai'o ami I l!ii> aiinii.-ii l iaiinn nc\l .i'.,ni.i.i', i.ul liiiiL i.' I’.iU u hat i‘ i'Ui‘ I u-> lionil, >'l Ilii •I'-vator li::ui.' .11 liiua ! .'U ru!. ■ryIll'll. ■ r til I'l'lii'i t arti'i' III' any re- -poi t aliii' I'il r/iii. lull !• il'i ('I'll '|i tun -iii'h ari inn- :i' t lic-c. i'"Hi- initii'il t’\ iiU'ii liuiiir ill till- i'i\il- W’hilr I'lir Lr'':iiiil jiini' ai'c i> '111 l!U' i 1.'1 ii'l I'-elll - 'Villlli ’I III b' , -I t! law aiiiii'iiil ''iti/i'ii' if 1 11 I'l 'III Ik. I !t:il 1 !n'-i' 1 'i'ii| >li \\'i!iiiiiii;ii'! hcf'llf III ill n-iia I! \ alto la'll' III i'll' \ i lie had I It Wria'lil-Nlll I'liatii'i' fur Life-Lon^ Friendship Culinlnate Mar riage at I’aluijra SCOTI>ANI> NECK, Feb. 28—In midst of a gathering of warm per- aoaal frioiids tlie cuiurination of a lie-long frendshij) was \vitiu'a.(Od or. Wfilni'sday, Fcbni.iiy "a. u the mar riage of Mis'i Sallie Spruill J!aker to .Mr. Jk'ajiiaan Uryant K'.'eiett. The inane oi tho bride's p.iionts, .Mr. and has nnu'i'! "•''‘er, at I’alinyr.--., was tl.e .scene of this wed tiiu, distinriui.-ii• eU n evtry feature by Baipli^^ity inforni.ility. In ilu> h.tli l. i. liee.'.a- tioii'.' of southern sniilaK carried out !l'^' iii ';> ar... til ,'il.'. t ..' Hairs and newel pi'st beins eat'vinel 'vih tlii.'. ■\v the lu'i'.ii of tl.e .'■t.iirH C.oria’.s i.| riu'Sli'a. ot lln'.'li'* ille. iii '.)(li;ced sv i'i t niu; ie, uhie'.iiironi|it!y at liish nocHi ii!ell<'(l in to ir^iiii.s af lii'i' chn's we'Mli'.r I'laii'.i- 'I'he .JUi'st ,v ii s ;i i .1'-' \.e: ' iinitud aito ll,i |.;i' lor whu h '.V IS be:r,it:iully (le- I oral ii'd with t niiUx. wl.itw eairutioas luii' . Aa lu !' I li nH'i In ’.lie roi'in ' liL'lii 'il witli '.ii'Uii'■ 111 ^:Ue^ caii- I'l'lril'ni \'liii''i sh: ii a . .lit ^aIiiw out ;-i'i'ni'. .\t till:'- |ir. U. K., I I :iai hi'-'i'.i a I'un.i r |i,i- i r of II 1' I'liit*-, too’.i Iiiti pill. i>, while Mis'.'es llieel!lii» "I I i;;.,:u.i,|. ,\n li.iis-.oa. .M;.r.. i. oil 'ii .io::n.-lon a:ul r.iaii. he aiel l-ai.el bite i';iil\in<^' , .. .1 aisle enliT I. 'I he ineel nii;' itii the nionn- w .■l^ .\yres -'011^01' or ii| kiileil ’s and w a- I- alrea.h ".••■lu , 1 ,,11 .ittirnl ... n.'i' t!;e meet in- Int I it, 'I'liea in lie mid.-1 of of a loviitj!: r.eai iiale I'M ~hi ire, a I I as .\'lie a""i'i;ili' 'II la.'l ye:; I'leai'h 'Iiiil< a 1 next lime. !’()(I I \ !; It i-li'l .ill V 'lOi i; rowx. .‘.’.i/.il i'ii^ railiuai. i''o, '■tii.ibi.) 'i'ell it a.s ui-uaiii'' \li I nuliiim. ■ah I'll iil!L!ilt 1 With I. ' l!,e (•till. M-l - n 'ii •I lAlclil cl iMir li ii III li I > i'i'\' I II talk I'm- \ery inai' at IiDiiie il ill thi eieiiior.ili!" I: r?'iir : '|. r., ■ ither, Hoine aeire^'ses jii.-^t to .slio'iv tliat .1..' a.i yn'int; :i,s ever they Wiif. '"here i.< one siure tliiUr^, ii'i a\iaior;' i:-I kiileil '.'T'h Ue.-nie." a.- i.::- jl'- little to.) ■••oltl to i;o u|). 'I'iiere IS quite a bit of perijonalit.. •■ihouii ill ilr.-.s'..; these days ;'nd sum. times tniire persotu'lity ihan d.-e.'S. ii:l ini' - I'll \ •i.-l|!i :j',.U111L1' U::M1 1 !i,;»I a-'!ii. ''iiliii' Pli'l ..i,: '■ i' ■ ■ : : I !:: n nil h'III-- I'l r I lill'l \ 'I:!' - I'l 1 I In' I I'il'l, k;!;, I i- t' e man i hat w .ii' 1 n I'i'iler til ii'i't the ln"! i iVi. a IIla 11. 1 le!p liim i'. a tiian Iia- eiilhii'-ia'in. it' I'liiitilill.illx ih'i'i iiraii'e.l. he ■ el'l a 11; I \ I'a 11. I • li't ln' a I ''iaij !i-ll 111' 'hiiW the iitlii'i' lelliiNV ,iiii'~n'l I'li^l \'"ll iilH‘ eetit. will'll y 11. W'lial l> i.' til '|H‘1I liar he 'I'l !'- •. i j. e I' a 1111 le mure I hall a ler hiiii'i' aii'ri-'' in I'lii'iii'I ii'l I't ihai inli'i'i’ere. Kenii'iiil'i'i' iliai e\ii'\' limt iii.'iil h it. -•Ill' ■Il if ie i~ will I’enn.-.''Ivani.i V urg'^nt nei'd ai tin p. '.-(111 eiisis si i'ins til I"' oil" ot drvill.' Wright',' a'-ral .-aabi iitciVi. 'itill, il till' iiaiser 'viuii.' to visit tin i nited States, why not I rini^ th. .'■oiiastiT alons we ar.' fond "f tin kidh Hovv wald you like t.i operator in (e'lniany'? llipy call a diiidintc rod ill' a linolypr Ovi r ti.,".-' evpiTt n nie- .V hlnriila tii\s II ha' an m'di- I haiire pl'i ill i bit I liir "kin I'kinL;' till liixvn. ami the |)eiialiy is line m impri.'iiniiieiii I’nr any cne inii- \ tcil Ilf speakiiii.' evil nf pri.|ier- U. 11' \allle. nr llie hea 11 II III llU'" Iif the tiiwii. 'I ill- ai'liual '.Ttatcinelit ol I'iiO Iluiiie riiilili.'ii; and Loan .-Vssm iatioli, |iub- li-i; iti ( p.'ipi':' . e-'terday, •■iffnrdi <1 inti're.itin;: ri'.idin"' spe''i;;ll> for tliosi fiiniliir with t!i '.vorUiiit-'s ot buihliiif' i.'.d loan assoi'iaton.'. An iis"in’iati. he room m.'iny hanil.'onie presents 'Ilpji' I'l' ihe new'|ia I lei". In' pay' attest"'! flie popularity ol botli’briib' ni'i'll|ial inn lax. he a"isls ill alljaiid ^rooin. l!:e elianlie' and 'llppiil't.' the; Tt,i> diniiiK room was beautifully i'iiMi'''!ie'and pnlilie iiru'aiiizatinti' ' ,|,.|,(,vat( d w ith ■pinilax, pink sweof lie I nere,i'(■'11 le \ ,line lit yniir rea! I and pink tulle, and a eoinse I 'tate. he make' il pn.-'ililo 11'I j i;.„,’heon -svas served, the ices and le I in' I e"ii itia I man tn exists, he caijcs carrying out in an unusi’.all,' mill'a I'lty. in a wiird.aini wit h-1 attractive way tlie color scheme of niil iIh' mereliani wi' wiiiild ha ve ■ pink and white, which pro im t"w n. W'e wniihl IniM' im news I vailed throu.i.'rh the hou'io papei' .'ilid nn prinlitiL' olliees. no] Mr. and Mrs, Kverett left on the lall'vviiii^'i'In'lnitenror.K her. 'ri'iO,se w ho thou;;ht l,ii'iiisiai: i ' ■>eci'de from the I'nion and j lia ie I win ' t ., diit . ,1. ^'i;-'i. -i'.:; tiiin d havi bi-en iL.-iappoialct Ttiori' is an r. ar,.iii to t">in'Vi' f ar i.’- '.V ,1,1,. k..!on's In^h li'mpi-r !oe.s ' :i not go with his walking fitick, vvhieii rei I'utly .^iven to l’re.;id"Ut Wii- il'i* \ Mi,isoiiii man advertisei for r. ■A'ife weitTh'ns poiindd and who i» >1'; fe.'t, t.i.ll, Jionn people siniply < iiii t (ret lUong witiiout a boss. ■ any :■ i,'ir l!nn V, ,u o::',mize(i. It stand,-', to l!n- jiiiird :i.. a ialioa t.:tilaui- 1 tiir'-i! oai "' it • ri'’.. in a slneti-r Ml.I- than an ntln'r a.-i-inir.iiiiii in p,. Si !'■ h,;s d irn' :-.ini it is cnti-i'in^’its : 111 ri lii'lii' ', m arl,. T per n ut net 'I'll'' i: i.)il it Is the coinnn'iiiitv i peopl'' to iiwn !i ijiies is in- ilal.b'. KA(T.'> <'AN.\()'!' I’.K DI: 'IM'TKn liank'^. Ill) anythin”' Imt jiist I'niiiiiiimily where I here were few linii'e'. atid lainl wiiiildn'l be wi'i'lh M' niiii'h per aere as it i> \^nrili a flint in a irrouiiitT (nwti. I’liiy everythiiiLr at Iniiiio yon ean liny. 1 >. i let the parcels post ainl I'hi'.ip L''niii|s allill'e you. Muihl lip a I'li v by imrehasitur thinirs at hniiie. (ii\e yoiir merehaiil' a liv- itiir pi'nlit. In iho'C days of elcse i'nm|iel iliiin he isn't iroinir in rob \IM1. if he XM'ie ilieliiied. lie helps Nnii, lie help' ymi ill a thiiiisand way', and ymi tt'el hin'k rimre thati \ nil ever pay him, lie beenmes a enjlei't i\e fi t'l'e alul \'i'U are milv I he i 111 li \ idlia I. I''ail'bfnt herV 1'^ er\ I hiti;^'. may he npelied fill' the I >"morrat Ic I'e In'III 1 n.'iI |iiH hi the ,'^ecnml enn- ^''re--r n.'il ilJ-'rief of N'ehra'lci b\ • * inii"- < I »'ihl im. the iiiayi'r o(' < 'iiialia. Mii'liiii'an I)emnerai< will re- ’minili.'i to ( II' A\ ondbrii liji' .\f. I''err>s. who is the lif't rein-e- sentalive of their party to fieenp\ the e\eenli\f oilice in rimre that tweiitv M'ars. III i.o: tl'oiuid train f r sc I' j I'.nown to their friend'd. me .^blnl|a_v aflel tii'i'n e Uei'.- il'ked iiy one of the enniily nlli cial.' to aecnmpajiy him tn the hiiildihir that all true I'itl eniimy I'iti/.eiis lonk llpnn with pliile the rniirt hnll.'e. W view the eotidi lion the eniirt ronm was left it when Mieaied by the ernWil that a.'semliled there with their leader W. I-'. I'^sail'. fnr the pm pi se nf ilrawiiiLr up re.'ohit inti.- entitaiiiiti”' their \ie\N' relative tn the stock l.iw i[iiest inn. tn siiiiimt tothecuiiii I ■ I'nmmi.'sinliel's then Ul sc'.'lnll. ^\■e wi.'h it was p()"-ihle that every eiiizeii of the, (•iiiinty conht l.avf viewed tlie^e cniid il inns, in iirder that they may be eonviiieed a' we. that every man that live.' (■'hliin Ihe bomnlary lines of Pitt enillity is nn1 civilized. b"iaU'e the heathen.-- of darke-i Africa even mn'iv i!i/ei| as they are.would nil diilllil have llinre -ell I'e-Iiect. I'is b'llnw man not <'nnsidered than (o spit and smear tnbaci'n I' ice and other tilth Upon a carpel and llnnr when cii--- I idnt's at'i- plentiful and conveiiieiil. Why it is donhtful i;' even the criminals within our ! pri.son walls, while irnilty of niaiiv Mi»reh .seems dispo'e f to miikejihin^oti C'eif:; aniend.-i for hittins; us such a hard i for years, would be fxuilty blow riffht at (lie start. I aet.H. la Tony K.iiisfrt rivtuftrant in St. Ixiiiis i.s kept nbook in wliii h f.-iinoii,- t>aron.^ re< oril tliei'- f.ivorilc lii'.shes .SivTetary I’-rv-in tin ri' cr.M'-' on rernrd ,n favf'rin:; “baion and sreeivs ' Thu< ii-^e the iiond of sympath,» e.-tab- U.-.ln d betwi.vt him and .s.. < .t ■ piiUi, who p>"i'f''r- ".lo",! ,'ind i lUiUi apiiroximat'' the "hoi!: ,ind hom- (if ii’i"'' d''iiioor:';i'>, and ari-'o <1, I'll for tlie restoration nf the .din|il-' of iinr custi’iner.s The esi>re--s eomiiatiic' aie nni it.nniiiir any popular favnv jn re- dticino- the rate on such shipment' as (he irov ernmeiil handle', by par eel-. pn-.t. atid rai'iniLr ihe rate nt ihe class nf shimnetil' Ih-U c.iii'hiI be earrieii throiiirh Ihe mall'.. This (htnii is Lriiiiiir to act as a bfMtnieranir on ihe e\]ire.>' cninp.i- nte.''. oi^A\ nirtnad .<4* : 1 .\i:vui , utj ^ ■> < '■ • ;iiUJ ' ‘S iJUi.fii.w V. j .. ' ■ ‘ i\.‘ '! I ' " I Pu.'s Jl) ■ .woii >( rt I ,.f .» jil ;( ■ 1.1 '.,1 ;n- jn.,n •..vv.i( O'.ji ;uq j> ,.|j j ivi ih.a a .1 ; ui . IT •>! 'a.’t?!-.!. ;s Aij;:''Si| p;.i.- [n.ncj-.. r tu.i '■ ; •' :v ' i. ijrt' ^ up ii luo.i i ... .; y --r j ■ i;..A i; is y w i. n i-\ t.!AUi-r ■ ' v.i ; -j 11. .\ *.s •i 0; ■> A-; \vui .s; josj...,'- ‘ ..J ■ . -I .;j /tli {(!» ^ * I I. • I m AUL I'.,; 3 uu'r . J v; I Otujt j:-, a . I ' • ’ ' l. ’O 1 » - * '1 I s; . ^. ojip .' -i p;iU i; -’n !”!{ t» p.>:n.'o-4 -M * M 11 '.s in) • .i p'pn-*’;, ai--| i 39a SpUESnOijX As pssi^fd pepU3UilUC38{J S| :p3UI3J] l|3CU!C}S S^>Ce|| siisiiiiijns H3VMI01S K«r .>mi* ill ••rrvntlllF, lij f-II, hi the JOHN L. W4M»TK?I DKl’G CO and Orugfflstn everywhere I An unusual interest has tioen felt j in this wedding, not only in this com-] ; n.unity but through the State. For ' years the two have been closse neiph- lii.V ebohr ‘.i AH AFC, FFlllMfFF hors and friends, and as the years I Iiassed this friendship ripened Int.-i something deeper. The bride is tin only child of .Mr, and Mr,s, L. ,1, ^ i'.aker, well known for their liospi- j ti'lity and gdaeiousness, and has ad-' rfed t() her disposition nianv other iliariii;:. From clilhlhood she lias eiijoyed every educational advantage from which h;i« eonie u mind of rari-j culture and wi.sdoni,.,- | j 'I'he groom is a son of tlie late .)iis-j tus Kverett, nf .Martin county, a mem-; her of one of the oldest fainillea in the State. Ill' is a direct descendani of John I'A'erett, who nt the Hillsboro convention in ITTa rcpre.sented .Mar- lai c.iunty. His eda.'atioii i.- none the less thorough than that of his bride. In r.iOT ln' received a de gree from tiie College North farolin.'. an;! in HUl rocelViJ tl.e M. degree from tiie Cniversity of W’is < onsin. lioth Mr. and Mrs. Kverett are in H'nipiitliy with every good work in the ronimunity and throw their in fluence to uplift every one with whom they C'onio in contact. De-ddes a number of gtiopts from i’almyra. Scotland Xetk and Hor:- good, there were present Mr, n, O. K'erett, of Durham, Mr, .Tustus K>er- ett and Justus Kverett, .Ir,, Misses I’lanehe and Ktiiel Kverett and Mr.s. Kate llfckwith, of C.reenville, Mrs. li, linker. Miss Nellie May Baker. .Mrs, Nellie .May iiaker, Mrs, Shi-rrod of Saiisliiiry, and Dr. Ii. 1^. Ixing of Hamilton, .Mif;. .T. H, Kwing, of lioston. M,a.s.'., Mr. and Mrs. H. n. ,'..'ore Mr. .Voriiiaii .Moore, ;ind III t .Moore, of Kocky Mount. Mrs_ .Tnstii... Kveii tt, Caroline Berry I’heljf.- and Miss .June K. Ward, of ttal (igh, Mi-^s lUnnebe Nicholson, of Hath. .Mr. Warren Watson, of Wysoikine. Miss Mary Cotten Johnston, of 1‘Iy- niouth. Dr. and Mrs, K. F. Martin liilhaven. Mrs. K. K. ffwens, of I!a1- tiinort'. Mil..'Mr, Cuion l':verett. o' iloberstmville and .Mr. K. It. Josey ( f Tarboro. The debate last evening betv/een repre^ntutives of tre Columbian and ilesperian literary societies of the \v'interville High School was heard by a very good audience, despite unfav orable weather conditions. '^he (]uery selected was: "liesolved that the e.xisting conditions in tlip I nited States points to its dovvni'all as a nation." The allirniative was s'ljpporteil by the Hesperians and the i!ef:ative by tlie Col’Miibiana, iCaeh hj eaker had made careful preparation and aciiuitted himself v.ith credit to his society, niaking the debate one I f the best that has ever been heard here. The jiulK''s reiniered tlielr decision in favor td the negative, .Mill'll iiite:'! ,'t iiiiv, being taken ill the debate with Dell lligli Seho.d at Delvvay. N. C., wbicli will take j.lace on .Marcli I t. and v.ill probably ,11 held here, 'i'lie boys hero feel tlii'.t tiu'y will met vvortiiy foe and a'.e niaking care ful pri jiaratioii fn.' the coiiIi'.-j1. v, liitl' iKoniisi'S to be lively and interest- ii.g. lir. llibbs file presidiiit; elder of this distill I will he lu re Sunday to t , hold ciinli reiice Monday, S e U, W Dail lor .vuiir tri'sh meat ovvteis saiis".ge and beef. .■V liood seuiiii; niaclane can save tiie mad.nil a l-ds oi wurr; , 1 ne v i ry l,i.,'.t an be bought at I la. i iiii;luii's l;;;rlier;i iV Co. .Misa Jauiiita io ^pendin.; t.,e week-end at Heihel. We .siiil e.iu yoiij atteiitiuii to our Uii-l '-dale t. aiiciili'liti'r. it l.i one of tae I t*,it on till' iu'..i ket. Come and exauuiii' it, it, I*, i''orrest i.t Co. ;diss MetillsiM I’liiilitii is .'liending t ,i. v\ '■I'k-ciid at Wt'l.iou, Sei' J. Cu\ iV Sail lur voni' ir.' I fi am auii ,-oit di'iiii\i' e. .ill kinds, .\li:s l.i/./ii' I'arK.. i.i spi.iiding Ihe V I I'k-i'iid at 'I'ilb iy, l\.e p 111 iiiiiiii 1U..I I ir a uiiiiii li iiiiii' i.lily v.i' ;ire I cili'i,^ t' U.'t. inmi tl.i' e.isil li'Klslir at a (nr ectit ioi' C'lsh ll'.iiie. tome ' pi-ad ir e;'..)li with US and gi t your tn krt . il iua .1 L'IIIII .'I'l. lii.:; iiiai'liiii" I'xamiiie the Will C. Fn-a at A \\, Al'.ge Co. .Mis.s Kuth Sheajia is s])i'iiding tiie V eek-eiiil with her imrciits at Uooky .\!ount. See Harringtos liarber .Vi Co. for VI ur St! aw or h it i i!'. If ,.1)11 have a bi'i'f cow, hogs o'.' 1 hi.'k'M-: for sale sc or vvriti- It. W. Dail. A concert will be given by Mi.■'^ place un-, ,iniii;^te 1/ovlng. piaai.-t, Mi-a Kati ! .Iniiin .in. vocal reioist and .Mi'Sf< ! I.Dili:'' Fnti'ell, violinist, of Uah.igh, if tlie Winterviile A'lditoiiiim Satar- i!:,;. nig!,t, March the seventh at i o'clock. The admir.sion i«' l,"c and 25c, Mr, L, 1>, I>eaiy, of .\!orehead N. C.. is visitin" iii;; dauglitcr here in school. There will be preachin,'; at the Bap tist clnirch tomorrov,'. I’aii'iora, tiie ber.ntifui apportion, goes not hence liei'o;e Ihe tJreeaviile I'liblic is given a chance to see her, I o Mill lov" a love story See "I ’audora," ‘7A’67i’/iVl,SA’ rO(/A^ SELL ING POWEUr (let your business adds reatl by people who are prospective cus tomers. The printing press multiplies your .selling power by taking your message tt) thousands in a (jtiicker time and at less cost. 'J'he value of the ines.sage and hiisiiiess it brings in depends en tirely upon the wtiy it is pre sented. So inueh jirinted matter when printed and handed out, takes a direct route lo the waste basket, and it is of the hiirhest importance thill you let 'Ihe IJellector C’o., do the work and !,r''t yours right. To have lln* sale idea o why not give IIS your ne\| jnb nr add and let us cniivince you of the I III 11'lit a nee n| advertising. Ihe service we may give yntt will ccr- lainly impnivc yoiir— jiiiHin. Ilailley. and 1 >r. M, Move, while in a playful frolif .''ai'irdav liecami angry with ■ .n aii"i|icf ;.iii! as a tesnll lltirris re- ci i\e 1 a bad I'lit acri)'> the left tciiiple. it rei|uirin;x ten stitche- In close till’ Wound. 'I’he cnnns Claim In have been life I'Hi.g fi'ietids and ihroiigh smiie mis understanding Harris hurled two I r three bricks at Urown who .'■'oon grew tired of lakiiic; such |)i!nislimen(. ;ind drawing his pocket knife he did the I'ut- I ill"' a I'I, 'I'l ii,.ivroes were soon taken in charge by Oiriccr (ieortre ('lark and will prnbably be given u heariti"- fntnorrnw morning be fore .M avor .hiines. .Sliad lire I.nt« Shad are late gettiii!' up strean: tills season. None have been caii.'^ht in the river here yet and likly will tiof 'le until the pnow get.s o’lt of the waer. IJOld'I'K'S AND I’OLITKTAN’.S ; il file Cilfisliaii CliurtI) Kev. .1, I'red .bines who for eighteen years was state sccre- la.ry of tiic Christian church in Illinois but was transferred to North C’arolina lllled ilie pul[ii| of the Chrisliat church last night and was heard liy just a mi'dium size congrcga- !t i n. due (o the severe cold weath- |er. Mr. dones iinnoiinced that it had been his intentions to .speak on the Work that has been accom- complished by the Male Mism iii> ! I liroiighout Niirih (’arolimi. but on account oflh e small congri'ga- tioii lie would change his siibjei'l tidving lh»' life of ,Fohn from his earlier days with the leadershi)) of dc'iis to tlie notable character lliat he became. 'Ihe early life of the apo'tle was cotnpared with that of the man of today, iind the speaker urged that men of this getieralion slioitld follow the steps of .lestis as .lohti thd and be come more ('hrisi-bke day by day .'ind by so dning press onward in •’ e iiei/(. of the liios(>velt tind consult with the aid stale will no doubt be a great to the Christian churches. l'iv<‘ candidates are contesting for the jjT'iv(‘rnorshiii in .Mabama. 'I'he T’eiilihliean ''■tale liekef in .\Iaine will hi* seh'cted nt a con- vcnti' ii lo be held in .\ugiista on .\iiril !•. (>n .\iit'i| 7 the voters of New ^’I't'k will decide whether a cnn- vetiiii'ii shall be held lo frame a new ."-^tale ciinstitnlinn. Twenty three amendments, in itiative and ferereihim measuri's will be V(i1ed on at the (’alif(irt)ia election in November. ' '-neei;i! eh'climi ^vill be held hi the seventh dislrii't of New der sey (11 ,\pril 7 fo fill Ihe vacancy caused bv the death of (’ongress- nii>n llremner. l''orio(T (lovernor Myron 'P. Herrick, new ambassador at I’aris i-' meti'iniieil ns a jinssiiih' eandi- ilale for j'overnor of Ohio rm the l’,.Mi'hli,.;in ticket this year. l/eiitemiiit (hnernor Ihirratl O'Hara, of Illinois is a caiidiilate fir the Demoeralie nomination for I’nitcd .''titles senator to suc ceed La'.', retice Y Sherman. Ke- piiblican. ■'neia'ists nf North l)aknla met hi (irand l''orks recently itnd nom inated a full State ticket lo 1h> sub milted to the voters at the gener al t'rhnaries to be held in June. b’e|)res(*ntal iv e C. (). liobeck Ft is re[Kirled I hat the ptirftose nf Theodore Dotights l{obinsnn in ('ol. hint Mr. VeriKiii I’riddy Ilriui. A (’ainUietli. Cnited .‘>ta(e,'' Coinmissiner (leneral of Initni- gralion. inny decide to enter i contc't for the I)er/i«Kra(ic noni- inceniin*r the (loliiieal situation iin Xew '\'ork. Mr. Ibibiii'on Is a I newpln'W of (he former I’resident land chairman of the \ew "^'ork I’ro'jressive Slate committee. I 'I'wo candidale are in Ihe field M . H, V, F’riddy, who wns a buyer for the b'eDublicaii nomination for th.' American Tobacco l.o.. on the for governor of Miclligan (his ^ o uig.-.'.ille iiiarket, 010 1 Satiiitiay in year. They are Alexander J 1 Idc.imond hospil-il. .S.ane yean (;rne-bee|<. < hairman of the ,<(a(e n;;o ,Mr. I’riddy was I i ated on the I eoinndl lee. and Krederiek ]^Iar :n;;’e tiifiacco market and is well leijjl ered by many friends here. ination for governor of Califor- niarried Miss Molllc i’arham, ■who Ilia |si:rvlves him. lindale. pres«>nt secretary of state Jitid ;i tlefeated eantjidjifp for the iruberruitorial nomination (wo yiMirs ago.