Moseley Bros. REAL ESTATE AND S INSURANCE ACTS. W0tmvtm0^ ^Socia/ and ^^ersonal maaammoMsifafKmnmaBKmaammmtKifmitemv. PERSONALS I V poll iirriviii<< at Hot. Spring' 1’ilcln'r Kelley, a Ketl J’ox I'ook'c \VI''1)X1''.S1).\^’. IMAKC'II I. 1!>1 I Spokane, rejfistered at tlic Sox's liolei as “Mr. Ivhvaril Jvel- ly, iiK'iuher of tiie Woi'M's cliaiii- pioiis of TO WHOM TT MAY CKRN. COX- Mr. T. I. ^Moore li-li iiioriiinjj: lor iiethel. Mr. A. !■;. Di'iitoii went to lU'tli- (>l this iiioi'iiiiiii oil hiisiiiess. Ml'S. Mellie Harri.'S lel’t this fiioi’iiinj' I'oi’ I’ortinoiitli, \'a. J. H. Fori'i'st lel’t this iiioriiiii.i' for Knrillvilie. Mr, Ikonald liainoiid (hetter ■known !is Scotlie) left this iiiorii- injr for IvoeUy Mmiiit. Mr. .1. 15. I\it(rell left thi.' morning for llelhel. Mrs. (ieoi”ia .lames left this niorniiiir for r«alliniore ami New York' to hny >priiiir ami siinmier rnillinery for thi' linn of \V. Bowen. She was accoiii|);inie(l hy Mis-es Jjuy ^\'liileiiur't. N'eli and Mattie Lawrence and Misses iioiiise and riosic iiiieknian. of Washiiiii'ton. Mr. W. V. Clark of (Iriinos- I For W caitnc- s uiiu i.ossof Appetite The Oti'al days a^o and con tinued to irrow worse until tin end came. He was ahoiit iri years of aice and lea\e- a wi'e and se\i ral small eliildroii. 1 take this nu'thod to {'ive notico o those hnyiii*' ninttrcsses that I lave jnst rc'ceivod a ear load of •lean wheat straw for tnakiiifr •heap mattresses. When t)nyin}i nallress(>s ask for one of L. S. ■'milh's hand-made mattrc'ssos. the hest made. IJemeiiilier llu‘ South ern Heanty, the next hesi mattress that is sold hy Hiirirs-'I'aft Fiirn- ilnre ('oinpany. \\’hen you want vonr old hair fell niadresses re- co\ered 1 will do it frr yon. Just --(‘iid t!i('m to Hi^irs'I’aft I'nrni- Inre ('o.. :ind they will ha\’e the w. r>orii to Mr, and Mr'. (', I >. I Siiiilh a daiiLihlcr i-'dit'ii:ii'y 'jCi ninciecn hiindrcij ,'ind foiiricen. •Mr. ,''ilMir •Miss duel 1 \ THE COSTUMES IN 1‘ANDOKA. The costumes in Pandora are hariiioiiios in coh>r and in line that deli{,?iit the eye and help the inTiul and spirit to interpret tliv character. Floatini; draperies aiul scarfs in soft shades add f^reat to the iiiovenient in the dances. All of the costumes are from Greek mod els. 'J'Ik* costumes of tlie daneinji spirits and symholic eharactt'rs 1‘xpress llieir meaninjji;. Zephyrns and the dreams are .sediii'ii\e in soft hu eiidarand rose '!'he wiiti'i's in aplist •''■iida \', of rarnnille si|)cnl the I TIi. shade- cha rms. llci'iiis in hine and yellow wilh wiiiL'cd cap. sandals and stall", •‘cadiiceiis," in I lie \cry emhodi men! id niolion. I Ire (II Ills and (! ml desses a re ili.- e'liisi'd -^o niairniiiciently that ihev irdeiil M'cm superior creatures, l-'ai'li iiears 1 he emiilem of his |)ou er. 'I'he wiijfs are made h\^ a famoiH wi;i maker of New ^’ork ('ity. The costumes furnish charmin. comes to tak'e a position wilh the Pitt Luinher and Maiiii- faeturiiiLr < '<>■ Mr. H. I{. Colton went to Wash- iiiirlon this Tiiorninir. Messrs. Alhion i)nim and Har ry Skinner returned lliis morniiiii:uuture on each box. 25c. Don't forsii't that the per- formanct' at the Pahiee Thea tre l'’riday niirlit will bo un der the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the C'hristian cliurfh. Good motion ))ictnr(‘s wilh several se lections by local talent. Fresh Bread Every Day We are supplying a majority of the homes with Fresh Bread and Cakes every day, why not you? Our products better than ever J. E. Williams killed herst'lf several weeks a iiiveii a in'arin^ in conri tomorrow mi a charp* of heiiiir an accessory to his wifeV nmnler. .Miss Ilerdman in ht>i dyin^ stalement allempted to e.xonerate Manninir. but the po lice claim to ha\(‘ obtained (>vi- deiice lending to show that he was an aiH'essory and that he took Miss Ilerdman in his antoiiiobile t(. Newark before the murder was coiiimitted. ONK CHILD Bl'KX- KD TO DKATll. KOCKV MOl’NT, \'a. March ">.—The home of W. 11. Boothi near IVnhook. was desir' ■ i tin* early this morniiif' with its eoiiti'iils. One of fixe cliil lrei was burned to death. Mrs. Booth the mother, was also se\t‘rely burned in attemni ii'"' children. She had rescued one child and returned to the burn inir buildinsr for an-'f' ^he was overcome by the intensi' heal. She fell back ihrouiih an (•pen window to safely. N() TK OI'" THANKS. to lhank ihe piilijic al hui;c for their liberal IniIrona”’'' tluriii?:- iiiy siiccial .-aii'.. Wil! ai>ii appreciate ymir fiituri' bii.'- iiic; > a> I w ill be III a posil ion lo ijTiM' li> Her selection a> well a^ pnci s ihaii e\i‘r belore, 'Ihank- II IT Mill in adxancf for any and all fa Mir.'- show n me. I am (►lll’r- l(» S(*r\(‘, B. .1. I’l LLKV. — I We are in the Pony Contest and will give ^rl.diiu ()I-K1;KKD I'OIJ LOST CHILD, coupons on all cash purchases made at ourstoie NoKl’OLK. \ a.. .March . 11 * 1 1 and on any collection made on accoimtsdue u?o 'riiroii^h .1 , II, Cr.'imblell. a trav- eliiii: salesman of Akron. ()., the police I f Norfolk ha\c been asked to lin k for Catherine Winters, ihe ten year old daiiLdiler of Dr. W , . W'inlers. w hii di-appi“arcil iVom her home in .\kron Iasi .March and has not since been heard fnim . .\ rcw an! nf SI has been oll'ered to llie person or persi'iis who will ^i\f any infor mal ion lhal w ill lead In the tind iniT of the chiId. r,K()'riip;i;ii():id of DKKW .VND I’lII LIT. AN Baker and Groc<^^r Telephone 113 mKKKnmm-vimaf»Ke:aaid to me. KOSA BARKKTT i-td-:uv. (Col.) J. C. Lanier VII.I K • » »*»» Jk»»» rwniein-- IMIILADKId'Hl A. I’a. Marcl, 1—Many delcijrale^ aiul \isitors ■•ire arriviiiL' in I’hiladelphia b>r the inlernal ioiial coiiM'nlinii .>1 the I'lrotherhi'Oil ol .Viidrew ami I’hilip. an ni'ij'ani/.al imi for 1‘res b\leriaii layman of llie I'nileil .'Stales and (':inada. The coineii liiiii session will bci;in lomorrow i fli'rnooii anil conliniK’ o\cr I'ri ilav. Many noled speakers ai'' M’heduled lo address the ^allier- iiiir. j Get busy, urge your friends to patronize our store and :^ive you the coupons. Hig^s-T aft Furniture Co. WAl^rADS ^ *r .io^ '* • r I'l^ertion si K TiiK m.m; 01 jsntixj L.\i> iks shirt wair^ts at \V. A. Howent. 2-26-1w New Gar den Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets Maine Red B iss Insh Cobblers Seed Oils Rape Seed Dr. Hess Stock & Poultry Powder s M 'mmi PHOXE 53 OFTEN Harry Wollcr claim-i ibe New I York S'alikees iml the been oil' him when ihey .-'iild him lo Lov Ani'eles. The former New \ ork' •rariU'iier says Li s .Kmiele.^ has oi > fered him only lifly per cent of! what he recei\ed in salary last I '■easoii. Caeb mu8t accoiupaDy ordera (or waot ads, except from ttiose havtug regular advertlBlns ac- couuts. The rate Ib 6 cents per line, aix worda to the line. Tel ephone No. 74. ( KKi'K MATKItlVI.S OF Al.L KINDS are t.lip newest tlnnc for ladies liresKi'.s. We have tlioin in all st.vles and colors.. W. A. Mowen. ir. 1 A'/ F.I>—A I.L A7.\!^S OF hair work. Old braids ilyed aiul made o\er. made to look new. Braids made from <‘oinbin, f I (*r siiifi' it \i ■(.> fiiii oil tilt' innrkri, ;iihl hnvr t'oiiinl it tnn' Oc. ’me. GOWAN MEDICAL CO. loaraiiliad. •nil noniy rirjiiiKd br intir itiatiiii 'J .M ST KKtEITED A TAH LOAD OF Terra Coy,a pipe, 4 and 6 inch. i r H’-’ks, I’tume bO. 1 8 tf V >E1V LI>K OF LVDIKS SILK (liesses just rooeiveil ai. W. A. llowins 2 SAI.r.SMKN HAMFIi: #;.VOO I’EIl I aii'iilU aa.' ,ii e\;i.'iis‘-s to lip(-'in I i'\poriMiCO mil aiis'(iiitolv aerps^iary i I'akf orilirs i dealers (or cj’ar- •ites., snulT. nr.iikin.? and I 'liewinK fobaceos. Pern Wl'oli sale ■ i.iliacio C.) J'taton O. Now Y.irk, N ' II.' L'ni .t.V}V;.VA' //AV/.Xa Ch'KFN 'ille liDiise to rent white family, phone or write. S. .T. Kv»>rett. ni.'II.I.LWT SFT TA\<;o hairpins. Miinford's Quality Shop. 1-Jt M n ( 0 \T SI ITS n THE ■Nowitt for your inspertion at ’iV. K. Howens. 2-26-lw •'k; I im; 01 i.\( is \>d kmiikoid erie.i, all tliip seasons Roods on diti- I)lay at W A. liowens. 2-2ri-lo irST AintlVED, FKFSH I'ARAJA coffee at S, M. Schulta Strayed. Onf blai li pell and china boar, V cifihs al'out poiinds, 12 months c.lil. I’nmarked oars, d'opr at end. little V.liltn aroand ho'>fy. Will pay all eo.-t of keppinr. N’ot'Ify me. ( has. Mrl.onhom, WInt<‘rTlIle, N. C. 'I- I \ TAllLF.nnAint. ers. Mrs. U. (ireen. COLDS & LaGRIPPK 5 or 6 doses 660 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Cold* & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver hotter than Calomel and does not 4:iDf or sicken. Price 25c. ■ i- ■ kt"-- - nMtokfM