FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1913. The Mutiitii Life Insurance Co OF NEW YORK DECEMBER 31, 1913 Lanterns Strong and Durable For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Conditions, inx'Kil’rs Give steady, bright light. Easy to light. Easy to clean and rewick. Don’t smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don’t leak. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY r'l'i'iniiiiiK !iil(‘rt>l and n'lit >u|>iilotucni;irv I'oiilriu'ls nilil rollci' I inns rrclit- ofi ii'al olate ami scnnilios sold Aci i'iial of iliM'diiiit (Hi l)oiul' 11' ;’.l l.Tso.i'.) Washxn^on, D. O Richmond, Va. Norfolko Va« (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C, Charloaton, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Ciifton Mills. Ky.. in writing of her experience with Cardui, tb.e woman’s tonic. She says tuniier: "Before 1 bo;jaa to use Cardui, iny back and head woiiid hurt s-r* bad, 1 thou';:iit li'.e pain wosikl kill ne. I was hardly a!'le to do any of my houscwurk. A::or taki:'.;r tr.rco butiics of Cardui, i bcuan t i fcei like a new Wiin’.,;'i, i painod 33 pounds, and n '\v, 1 u.) all r.’.y li.-usework, as well as run a bi.i: w;itv?r r:;!!. I wi>h evcrv suaoiiiu wu:i!J clv2 The IVoman <ji cn I Tonic ■ei a bad, a f stiil t!se Cardui w it a!\va>-s ci .es me sooa. ifeadache, I'jckaciic, t'de ache, ncrvoiisnc?'?, tired, \vt irn-oiit fecli:;,::s, etc., are s.'.re siq:ns of woman ly trouble. Si^rns ti'.at ynu need Cardui, tiie wotnan's l"nic. You catinut make a mistake in tryini^ CarJ-.ii for your trouble. It lias been helping weak, ailin;:j women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! *3^ !•-;) CriCK'! . .'7 rt c :.i . rt'7 ij.'r poua-.\; f tiyeiuJ (jrtus., j:!. 1. a. hj.f YE )D s :'o;iK r.iV LABiZLS ONLY ( ) lAl l.ral .Mo|’( I ,.'ai; Li'an> I'll <• lio!i.j.~ nn all' ''^.1 ^ I,"".'*. I'.* .(Mlii.lliHi.MII i i.ti I .i.iii < liil 7-J ali'i'al anu ri'Pi diu' aiii I’l’i'iniiiiii' Ui ■ oiii'M' ol' I'lill rcnuM r_’.o-J at nil j>av rlaiin rt-l I i! 1 ,'1.11 .0 ! !.,iO SJ.'CErs.’E I >1 \ 11:. ol .-all N S \ l,i rin’i'v Lil Jail li jII n Hit, iini.i'i'.^iiriu'ii Ul IMV ui at I'J (I'cjiH-k, iiiX'ii. ox- iujl'lii' ^ali- at II..' court liar* iJ i ('( tl'r’llM'lv o|>( illl!"! ir ovrf the j in >S| )i'c! i- a year in ilicir or- i ;i II iza ! I<‘II. The ( i I'cllil V. ill ii;,nn 11. i:; • 'aiiit' a.' la^t M-ason. iliH'ilay. DLSr.riJSKMKN rs I )i>alh I'laiius iimciils and .siinciidt'r vabit's .V iinuil i('s Di vidtMids Mi|>j>!cini'Utarv roiitra<'ts 'i'axi’s l'i\|)i>iiM's (t'xcliisi\i' of (axes) !.o^si's on roal rslati' and bonds sold Aniorti/.atioii of prcmiuins on bonds ()ll>ci‘ (b.-l)iirs('in('nls 'i'otal di>l)nrM'nH‘ii(s Ui'coipts in fxccss of disbursfiiifiits T( )TAL MAP.1I.ITIKS Policy Ivt'siM'vcs .'^iippltMiicntaiT I'onti'act ri'sorsi' ( »l IliT poliry liabilitifH ’rciiiinins, InlciHsI iind rents jiaii MiM'cllaiu'oiis li.abiliti(>s 'i'a\f<. I.ii't'iisi* fci's. ftc,. pay |)i\id(‘nd- jiayabli' in i‘-M I l.’i'r- 'i \ I' fi;r i'linirc ilci'i i rcd d ('ontinp'nc> rt’siTVi> lOI \I. LIAHIldTlKS (;i 1.1 l.'S..)!’) i.'j''i.7.M,(;:. 1l';i.7i;‘J.7!i .VI.77<‘>. 17 ih aiii !!<I 1 .S.')!!.!; I !•. (.'i 1 I.SUl’.s 10.70 i:;.(Mi l.!H:j.;’,i!».i;7 i'.'.io.‘.'7 r),'ii'i.7;.'.‘>.^7 l^.n7s.."i 7'_’.'i.‘>.‘i.^77.»'.n ijili(»7.o.'i7.ol L.'iO 2 O O) ET cn 5* o —t O) cu c/> 0> M . D Q- <' ^ « D- a> 3 Q- c/> vO S-O fi) 3 d- vO 4^ EY HARRISS, fhe Creenvillc District hU * S- TJ!is n no^y Make Your Own Paint! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. lu'U^'• liodr in (ii’i'f'ti'illc. to tin' I'.ifjht -i tiiilii'r, liT thi.' lollow- ilii: it.'.-ii'i in'li trai ts or ui luuil, tu-wit; l-\ii!^ and I'l'ini.' in I!;.' cn^inty o' i'iu anil ,sti;ti' oi .\ortli farolin.i ami H|ii('ilica!ly <i<;irribf(i as rolliiNss; j’liis’i' ’ri;.M"i'. siiuati'ii ill ciiico'; towiisliip. liiiundi'ii on tlii’ iiortli li.< tiu> ianiis' of S. !•’. Wort!iini;t(iii ami .lane I'aiwaril-; on tlii:' wi-^t ijy tin lanils of Ni'lson atiil Donnis I Hraiu'ti; on thi> south !•> anoili". ; trai't of laiiii of W. L. F. Cori y ami j-on tiif oaHt tiy ttic lan'ls o: Amy Mtini'S. containiiii; Hm! aiTi-s. more or li >s anil lii’inc tlio siniu' tract of laml on wliicli till .said W. I,. 1' Cort>y aliii wife now I'csiili' S!;cu.\'l> TltACT. Siliii'I.'il in (’lii- ’ I ml I (III the i-a^^t side of , Fork .''Waniji aiijoinin:: tli>' lar.ils of .luHi'tiliiis (t.i'-kins ;inil otii'''''.-. ami ('nntainitis; 1 I'l aiT's, more or loss and ! thi' saiin'' trai't 'if land ; I'i'n'.c'I'd l y Haiiiiii ) I'nr. y to W. L. il' ( ..r.'v li\ d'-i'd r-'"-iirili d in tlin ri ^:- i'tiT's iiirii'i- in I’itt riiiirit .' in bool; i: p.iir,' i:',. I i 'llliUK T!t.\CT. Sitiial.'d in Chi li od township, on .Tann*.' I’af'osin, pon- taininc l^.'i acrc', inori' or l".~a. ami ti'-ini; ihi' hind irrantod liy thp .>;tati' of .\orth Carolina to Sannii'l ('orcy as; ai)i)"ars of nTord in hook Y-I5. paiTi' ISi'i. FOt rtrrr tract. I.yini; and Iip- inc in Swift Crook townsiiip, adjnin- in? ttin lands of .Vasiivillo Wilson W, I!. Hland. H. IT. C.arri^i and Sal- lio niand. containin:; fi6 acro.s. nior*" or loaa. fhe Old StsniariJ Oroi/c's TaG<c!c6;. Valuable os i' Cin'^Tui Tom'c becuus'.' Drives Cut M.ilar ia, Enrichcs the H' the Whole Systcxn. Foi* Grown ii I'onk Is Equally ct5 on the Liver, •* arcl Builus up . ani Children, >ori( 1, OK s\i.i: 01 i,AM» r\iM'!: A(.r. l!y virtuo o*' a nioriuaijo oxi’Outod t me hy t'i-‘ Ini.ii'iiondriit l>)vinp I'liion, o\c( iit' il on liu' L'Srd day of .Iijty, lin:;. ami rcgistorcd in hook L- 1(1, pauo of :ho I’itt ooiinty roR- irtry, sotting forth i-i-rtaiii ti rnis ami slipiilationw wliicli havo not hccii com pliod with, I liorewith aiiviTti^o foi sail- to tlio hisiiiost hid(l('r at the I'onrt hoiii-i' on Wodtn'sday, the ISt.h day of Maroii, r,)M, at noon, tlio fol lowing; di'siTiliod property: Sitiiati'd in a;i iii‘ar WiiitiTvill. id- ,ji iniiiy till' lands of 'I'honias Cani'on lii'irs. Dr. li. T. I’ox, A. f,. ('o\ niii! otIiiT-. For hftlcr (h'-criptioii, nf- iT'T.i'i' i.' fjivoa to di’c 1 ln.arin.t: ovon date of tliis iiwlriir.iont "iviii" df'si’rip nii'iir ami honndar> fi.r i):; acros of l.‘nd, liaid di'i d l.oii'tr ma'ii- by A. (I, Ci!.\ ami will' to lmli';)i-))ili iit l^ovin" I'nion and to tho piircha.-i' of sai.l land I'V Imii'pciidi'iir I.ovinf,' Fnio.': lilt* siaid Imli'pi'inli’ut l.ovin;; fniop hrcaiiif’ indi'liti'd to A. Cn\ jui.i gi\i*s this dol'd of trust as sociirity /'or tii(> Kamo. j Torins of salo c:mh. 'I'iiis tho Kith day of i'\ liruary, I!)I4. A. tj. (’ox. Mortgagee. S. .r. FVtCKFTT, Attoru('y. You know what you ans taking when you take C as the formula is p-ititfil on cverv Jabcl .slioHin^ i . . tonic properties of QUlNINIv and ItiON'. II i.s «:■ ■ tonic and is in Form. It has no eqn il for Weaknes.s, general debility and loss c/ appetite. C. Mothers and I’ale, Sickly ChiMren. Retuoves iliUoii.sness without purging Relieves nervous depression anil low spirits. Arotxscs the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tunic and Sure Appetizur. A Complete Strengthener. No family should be without it. Guaranteed by yoar Druggist. VVemeanit. 50c '’s T.;ste!er.s chill Tonic contains the well knows 'itj a.'? the strongest bitter '.T.ilariri, Chills and Fever, s lifi.* aud vigor to Nursinj xoi'iri:. liy virtue of tho powor of sale con tained ill a cortain niortKaKO dood oxi'ontod and ikdivorod hy Kllen K (’■lice to W. H. lirowa on tho 11th' (illy of Fchi'iiary, K»ll. and duly re- I'ordod in tho oirioo of tito rogistoi ol ill oils of f’ilt county, .N’orth Car olina. in hook O-ti paj^o 0-11, tho nn- d. i-i«n.'d will oxi>oso to piililio salo ,.(,.,,.15.,, iHloro tho court house door in C.reon- Wednesday, Marcn I I'', IM t, in front of the court houtif • door in (ireenvilh* sell for sasli ttf the hif;lifwt tiidder tlie followinn dc- St rihod piece or parcel of land, sit uated in Contontnoii township, is idjoitiinp; tin; lands of Al- I.niMHtTAM' LA.M) SALE. liy virtue of t!ic power conforred upon me by a decree of the superior court of I’itt county laado February Ititli, 1!)14, in a special proceedings ill wliich .losi'pii 1,. Itobgood, .ad- inini-strator of iiichai d Carr i.s plain- tifl against I..ydia Stocks, Lizzie Gil bert, Ada l.ano Nollies. Albert Carr (leorjre, .lolin II. i;arr, l.ona Fair- eloth, .M.iry 1), Tyson and other* \illo, to tho hi.chi'st hiddor. on Sat nrday the j Ith day of .March, 1',M4 at 12 o'clock, noon, a i i rtain tract or parcel of land. lying and bcin? in tho Town of Wintorvillo, Countv 01' I’itt, ami State of ,\ortli Carolin.a and described as follows, to-wit- Buy 4 gals. L. & M. SEIvn-MIXKO REAf. PAIiXT. at !p2.10 ptT gal. And 3 gals. Linseed O.I to rni.'i with u - You then rr.a!;.^ 7 rr.I". < f '.jr? rr'.-t frr por g t-. FA.m $3.40 1.') «10 C!i '.C It’s $1.C0 Anybody can r :ix th ‘ CIL wit’i Whereas, if y'u b’ V 7 f • ! . . ' CANS, you pay $J.JO a p,;.i'. i.r ^ ■ < rill- I., a u sr.\ff.\Tixf ■) p'-:,' t, rrr ■ , , yt\'C aU‘i Liyi.S/.ICtJ (JIl^, ilw hi' -.. i f -t ■ Use a fial. oul ol any L.&Wl.PyM.^ T ynzi , Vaint made, return itiie iiuint nad i ALl .. J. JIL k J. MOYK, «Ki:i:>VILLE, >. C. KTHERlDUE'lIirKS ODW. (0., SNOW HILL, X UA»KILL HDH, T0„ >EWBEB\. \ (’ I- ■ W. ••' FIFTH TRArr. I>yin? and belnT in .Swift Creek to«n.«liip and on both sides of the Washington road, adjoining tho lands of It. II. Gar ris. Haywood Cox and othorfi and containing 12 acres, more or le!W." This salo will ho made for the purpose of satisfying the terms of said mortgage deed and the above descrlhod land will bo fcuhdivided into smaller tracts and will ho sold both as a whole and in sutidivision tf) .suit purchasers. This the 5th day of February. 1914 Z. V. nOOKKH, Mortgagee 2 fi Id 4w IS YOUR COMPLEXION CLEAR? A clear complexion and a torpid liver cannot go hand in hand. Clear the bile duct* gently, but firmly, with Tutt’s Pills At yottr druggist — Bugar coated or plain. I’itt county tjort Carr, Fannie, the Frank- Ilcginning at Martha Gr.ady’s corner pontaininf and run.s we-st to Mill street, thence eighteen acres more or le^s and belnf about :r, foot south, thence parallel the lands on which Richard Carr liv- with first line to the railroad right ^d at the time of his death. Said lot of way, tlience north atiout I', feet to parcel of land will be sold subject the i.oginning, being that portion of to tho dow Interest of Harriet Carr the .Nashville Hardee lot which the Richard Carr and the sale hou'^e stood—for further description ■sort deed from S. J. Nobles to Kllen j H. Grico recorded in booK T-9, page ' 2!'S. 1 Tenns of sale cash. This February 12th, 1914. AV. R. BROWS, Mortgagee .MOORR LONG, Attys., Greenville, N. C. 2 20-27-6-13 will take place about noon. This F(^). IB, 1914. .TOSEPH L. HOHGOOI), Admr. and Commiesione; 2 IS ltd 3w FOU SALE; I.MUAN JIUNXEK DUC K eggs, best layers of pure white shell eggs. $1.00 per (Betting of 12. •Mrs. E, C. King, Falkland, N. C. 2 19 4tw To Prevent Alood Pofaontne •»ptr at once the wnnderfni old reliable DS. POkTKR’S A NTI3BPTIC H EAI.I NG OIL. • »l«» cical dresiinc that rcIi«Tr* pain and heala *tea«a>eU>ne. Not* llaiaeat. 2Sc. SOc. n.oa. THE FARIW I !■ the Basi* of all Industry UME is the ha.-iis of all gofid farming. Write for bulletin by tlie brst authority in the United States on Lime on the Farm, and get price of the |)ure-.t lime. Don’t buy earth, aand, etc. A postal will give you reasons. POWHATAN LIME CO. STRASBURG VIRGINIA' 11 :(•!«* iiiarkA anti ol>tAin«-'t nr no S*Miit tiKMl*'!. Hkt’trhe^ or ariit d(«* ' r free search aitil r«port j on iwitontHiiiiity. ftntik PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tor you. «»ut ftef lxH»kietM tfll how. wiiiit W tuvvnC | aii«l i«4Vt« you money- Wrltv todsy. ID. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, L303 Saventli St., Washington, D. C. Several of the ffroeiiville law yers are in I{aleijj:h attending supreme court. ts Your Skin Clear as a Baby’s? rith pimpl.**, Bl trh*'*, «iih til..If HEISKEI L’C iii< <*Ron< ailuiciitt-IVxent.i, AIMTueiiT \U\,iut ir.^ yin I MeIII an<i all iIia rr«l. W« rua eur« Send fur Minp|«> Im>x »f ihMlinviit An<t Uok' li^nltb *' At nn>i;gifi4 IOHNI7<>N. :iOVC.Q A’U I, r 17SO %ptinm St. M«EMPNMH0I ■PPIP

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