GRSEirVlLLE 18 TEE HEART OF EASTERN SORTH CAROLINA. IT BAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE IIA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAi .'F LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. 1 »k %y>N In the Mont Cistlal, tin* M««t HpKlilifiil. fbe Sonle <ii Huu. WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN ^ BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU ^lAVE TO Bh'l.s !'• TIIKIR ATTENTION. O UR A D V E RTI S I N ’lATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLI MK XXXIV. x. friimy .MAl;c)l 211, i;iu. Winlerville and Kinston Will Men Buried Beneath Debris Dross Bats Next Saturday WI.N i'l .UlilLl.K, Man h IS.-The iiusc bull ol' W. H. ri. hurf bi'i'n workiiiK hurt! for the past lew days! ill pri'pariiUdii for llw opi'uing gaiiu willi Kin.'ilon liiKli Hcliiio) licrc . M.iiirday. 'I'lic allilclic licUi has bi'i'ii |iiii in cxi i'lk ill sliai)!', and at pntsi-nt | liii’ ((Mill is ill i xci'lliMit cnndi!ion. ■ When Burned Club Wall lumbied Charges Agninst H. C. Smiih, Employee of laiiooal Bar.k ' i.rii|):i|)lo line up lor SaUinlay naiiif [ SHOIIIACE IS M4D[ SBBO I'nn y I f. V. .Slii'ppiTii i;. f. and oilln*r| I'iiTcc, Kcoll, II. Siii'jipi'rd or n iici- r, f. Kinsliin is saiil to liavi- a vi'i'v slniiiK ti'Min lliis si’iison and tlio iioinc ti aiii is looisiiiK (o liavc a li;ird ^ 1:;!!iI lo win. 'l lu' ir:inn' \m11 hi‘ call' ll ■li p. m. 'l'ln' pndiablf hnltcrii S' 'M h • fur Kinston I'illn'r Hinos or !■ I'liiiiifr ;ind Tyndall and Winti'rvilli'. j Sinitli. An intiTi'stinK ganii! is t>x-1 Hy I'roslilf of tli«> Two Hunks. Tlio .\fi iist r liim' I Sui- !-<»( is SiM'fii- lutiiiii. (lol.itSllOliD Man'll 17. For sovtr al days past an i'.\pi rl lianU I'xaniiiii'i lias bri'ii in ihf city inspi'cliiiK Hi' iiooliH ol till* GoUi»l>i>ri> HaviiiKS an Trust .'oiiipaiiy and llu' National Itaiil;. P'<-t.-i|, Kvorytiody conn-. bi'iiiK 4-uninioiii d Uith by Ot-orRO A. Norwood pr<*sii.b-*iit of tbo National | Jlauk who had Kuspt'i'li'd wroiiK Wiis | /^oiiiK on, tiul so i|iiii tiy had lUo allair j buen kept from the public that not^ until only today was a shortaKC of th (Jt'Is laist ill (ircfiivillv. tUal(df;U Niws and idisi.TVor.) "1 got lost ill CJri'i'iiviilo llio otli.T uu... ....... - day whi‘11 1 wiiiit homo on a abori two above banks sivon to tho stock- \i‘ii,' said lion. A. 1j. lilow, clerk of holders and tlu- public in Ktnicral. This Hi,. i.uitcd States Court, after returu- aftornoon llie slockholders of the two ' in,. Tuesday niKiit from Greonville. banks out llu; followlnK state-1 - iiow was it iliat you yoiir- meiit; "That the Cioldsboro Savings j if '• \v;is aski^d of the I’itt county tind Trust company had disiuvered ;i ; nian," and why is it that you could shortaKe of $riO,(MlO and sonic few bun I ||„i niakis your way about over the Jred dollars ami the National bank a ! town, us It has been only a short tiino HhortaRO of $2r>.00rt a defalactkm by > Hinee you were down there." H. C. Smith an omployu of tho Nation-1 ‘ Wull, it has been only Bix week» at bank and tor two years cashier of L.,,u^.,, j tliere," he aaid. "but tboao the Goldsboro SaviiiKs and Trust com weeks have wrought wonders Ir jany. the looks of the town. 1 never iu niy The llrst shortaKi* was discovered in | jif,. much building activities the National bank but relatives of | „„ j,i town as 1« now the case younK Smith promptly made Rood that ,iown there. No matter which way Hiiiii and ihe affair was kept (luiet. 'you turn to look, you see Bomethlnj, Today an inspection of tho books of j Roing up and 1 don’t wonder ST. LOITS, -Marcii IT—At least two per.'ioiiH were killed, 15 buried under debris and lt» injured when the west wall of the Missouri Athletic club build iiiK, whicii was destroy ,.! by lira ii; whcii 3U persons lost their lives, a week .'HO, collapsed under a high wiiidj lu re late today and crashed through a iciur-story biiilding oei upii'd by tlie 8t Louis Seisl I’onipaiiy The wall of the Missouri Atlib tic tlub building which stood sevi'ii stories liiKli. eniniblei! when a unmile wind VI ered to the northwest. few min-i uli'H before llie collajist li, Huildinj? t'i)niniissioiier .Me^volvey, who wa.s dlrectiiig 170 nu n i.i the work of ex-j ploriiiK tile ruins of tile .Mis.nmri Ath- ■ lete club, feariiiK the wall would fall j and or.iered his iih'ii out of llie di'bris 'i'liis action probably prevented a lieavy loss of life. Tin fimr-story liuildinR occupied by j the St. Utuia Seed company had weak- eiiird, apparently uuriiij' tlie hurniiiK of the Missouri Athletic chib bulldiiiK. vhich adjoined it on the east, and when lli( bri('k wall crashed on lie roof of the four-story huildinK, the walls of the latter gave way and all above the se cond floor crumbled. Hours after the accident it was Im- po.sslble to determine how many had been buried In the ruins. .Many doubt less escaped and went away without RivinK their names but 10 persons ar<- unac«;ounted for. Six injured, three of them women had heen taken from the ruins two wore known to lie dead and si'veral still were in the debris. Ihe Holdsboro SavlnRS and Trust com pany disclosed a ahortago of $50,0011 but tht' olss will only be $40,uiK) since Smith was bonded by an Insurance company for $10,000. The atorkholdors held a nieetinR this afternoon behind cIosihI do<>r.s with r.'r^iilt that tiet)rRO A. Norwood, pre'ii'ent of the two ImnUs deposin d ?50.00f) In cash with the stockholders as a personal loss of their money or interest on same, and when tho meet ing had adjourned tlie ah<*vc state ment was given to tho public. The stockholders were willinR to share the loss with Mr. Norwood hut ho refustui their aid and stated that ht» felt as though he was responhible for tho condition of the two bankK and his conscience would not allow him to do otherwise than make Rood tho defalcations personally Manv banks throuRliout tho south have telo- grj^phed Mr. Norwood this afternoori ofTerlnR their aid and if made Into r total would run up into the hundreds of thousands. Bmlth was also city treasurer but no examination has been made of the books. Up to this hour Smith has not boon arrested. While in conversation with Mr Norwood this niornliiR Mr, Smith is allcRod to have informed him that bc( intended to end his life, as ho now had nothing to live for. The money, It la suld was lost by apeculatlon. YouiiR Smith was prominently con nected In this city and the affair has cast a Rloom over the entire town. Fliirlila TeniplarH in Coiiclave. (5A1NSV ll.l.lO. Fla.. March IS.— (iainesville extended a warm welcDine tcday !o the Knlsht.s Templar gather ed here from all parts of Florida for the annual conclave of their graiul commandery. The Beasions are being held in the Masonic temple and wUi continue over tomorrow. iit the conn actors are so hard pusli- ( ' to get labor. "The new additions to the training school are now complete, and will bo acci'pti^d by the committee in Juat a few days. And that 8(!ction of the tow'ii Is oiK^ of tho finest. Hesldea the lu'W model school, which is a new department that Is being added by the training school there arc a numbor of residences that are going up in that part of tho town. Many of them are being put up by profes- irrs in the school, while residents of the town are taking advantage of tho line loc^ation to build homes for them selves. "And thi.H la only a small beginning tl'.at 1 have t»)ld you of. It would be a long list if 1 wero to tell you of all that is going on. (Jrecnville Ks a gooi) t'<wu, and our people are hustling In every line of business. They hav< faith in their town, and are investing tht'lr money at home, with the ex p(ctation of getting returna from it. ’ ttruDKO itIoNSomH. A spray of Orage blossoms that came to The Reflector from Mr. F. M. Hodges, (Icola, Fla., la a fragrant re minder of the "Land of Flowers." •\nothor .Scries Matnres. The fourth aeries of the Homo nuild ing & Ijoan Association reached ma turity this week, and Secretary H. A. White has distributed checks to those holding the ahares. While the fourth series was a small one, it ma tured in 331 weeks. Kepiiblicans of Oklahoma will hold a convention in Oklahoma City next month to nominate a complete state Mcket o he voted on at the approach ing election. (JrimeNland Itcr.i.*. March 16—Dr. C. M. Jones wont to (IreenvilU; Thursday. Messrs. W. K. Proctor, .1. J. Elks, F. A Klks went to lireenville Wednesday Dr. W. H. nixon of Ayden passed through here last week. Mr. U. r. Uosser of I.ynchburR. Va , who represents the Snath Stove C’o. was here Thursday. J)r. James Y. Joyner, State Superin tendent of rubllc Instruction spoke iiero I'hursday night. His address wa.^ very Interesting as ho always delights Ills hearers. He ahowed the r<'latlon between the parent, teacher and child. There waa quite a crowd from here attended church Black Jack Sund-vy Among thoao who att<;nded were: Mrs. Jennie I’roctor, Mrs. J. J. Klks, Mis ses Kstha Phelps, Hlanche Proctoi and Karlo Proctor, .Mary Proctor. Mes srs. Jno. Warren, J. A. Clark, Stephen Pholps, W. U Godley and several oth ers also. Mr. Kd Matthews of Washington who represents the Harris Hardware Co. passed here today. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Klka went to Greonville this p. m. Mrs. J. H. Hudson left last week to visit relatives near Farmvllle. There wll be services here Sunday and Sunday night in the Christian church by the pastor Mr. Warters. We will be glad to have as many come i! can. Strnnire Find. .\lr. W. n Pollard, of llelvolr town- hip was in town Saturdav and related a strauRe lind made by him Friday af • ernooii. He aaid that two young hfiund puppies of hi.s were chasing a i-tlbitt i;bout the farm near the house, mid finally treed him. so ho thought be would irvestipate and upon reach ing the hollow tree in which wea aup- li'tod to be the rabbit he discovered ;i mother possum with thirteen yourg Fraiiii's of a Ifear <Viud<i« 'I'orii Into Njiliiiterh and a i.arue tjuantil} III' Krick^ lakcu I'niiii the V>all. I wo .Wrested. Hetwei-n twelve (r<'kn'k last nij-'lii iind tlie wi'i! '.snui bimi';-- <n iliis liiorn- ing a wlioleiJuli' ii' livi'i'>’ was luinli from the I'uunty jail wUi-n ' ij;(a ncgr > prisoiw r.-i made their escapi li.v (i-ariii).' down the brick walls. They b'-ing; Siiuire Cirailerii', .luhn Henry Clark, Cliarlie lliirgess, Li-. Gregory, tMiarlie Spivey, liruest !’ay John r.iiker and Hill T:ifl. It is kuiiwn that tin y wi re aiili d hy s(-iue oiilsiile party ur purlii s as sev eral neee.sfi;ir.V illSt rulllell I. . ‘.'Ucll a.- hack sawii weri; r-iiT.-i in lli" jail Ihi.- niiiriiiiiK. '1 be iron iluor cdvereil the window wa.-i"ni"l with Iw) off the wliiilow framinR and hreakiiii,' largo pad Iticka from the inside ami tliesi! WiTi' sawed III';'. .\!:ii alter (ill ing this they were I'liabl' ii to get fair piay a( tile window Kill ami Inimiii wliieii they tori? into splinters am placed in a i-eil adjoining the wall | ’i'he Hillside parly tore away ^ enmi!'li brick beni-alh the v.iiulnw toi allow the escape. dae ul' Ihe negroes, diaries ISiir-i gi only went a short distance, ’ml he spetil tile remainder ol' tlie ni,s;hi ■ wi"! is family in town, and ciniie to; Hu fiherifr's oH'iee bright and early this morning and surrendered. Hill '",'ifl was taken into custody near (iriiiies land today and brou,i<ht back to jail j II is reported he has revealed to Sheriff Dudley the names of the out- Bide party implicated in the delivery j Hut their report could not be contlrm- ed by the otUcer. All of the negroes were in for tnlnor charges except Sijuire ('irafferee. who was <harged with burglary of tin store of J. J. Klks at Grimesland. One of [scaped Prisoners Off|C[(lS IN In Grimesland Secticn BAiriE WITH .S(|uire (iuili-ri'e one oi’ ilie iii'groe,- lliat escaped I'roin the eounty jail last l‘'riday jiiglil and who is thought to be the leader in making the e.scape i.-i eal|sill.g SOIlM' ol' Hie ciliy.ellK ol tin eollllly some uneasilieKs. When 111 wa.^ Iir.-t arrester hir liiirt;lari/.ing lie .;!ore Ol .1, .1. i llk.i seVi'T.-il w ■ . i>.-i aj; at 11rim'‘-ilaml. .Mr. St. ciomi manaiie'- o' the .M\iii i’arni iiiadi- thi- ari'i.r i ami l.'-inee lliai time ii l.s ur.i'i-r: tcmd tliai Cial'l'eri e lias mai.e "ii'V.-rai threat.-’ t. | |lhi' .-I'li-i-t that he infmliii killing Mr j I .SI, Cl.Mid lor 111" parr lie in iii:^ ' Hud 15u''uliiri/.fd I e.ipl lire. I .\!iiiiila>- narh! tin- li"ii;ro wei\i lo the , i.Mvin b'arm I'or iln- iiiirpo'-e no diniht I I'iiryihg nut his ll'.r":ils. ai.d eiin- I all'll liiiiis ll' in seine le-ii -.h m ar <h. e iil' liee ;illd W ll"U one ol' l!li‘ '’.irll: ■lei'.j wi iii U) the yards to pri-iiare 'liii'L' liie-se !'(ir ,\lr. .‘■’I. Cloud, H.-iil " tang oi Cesp&rado^s Try to bke Town of lucaina tnri- injis i{( f«re 1!( a.: tiiui; here 1 lie l*il< tu‘il rodk I’l.'ice. anJ iau'iiui.i H.ittl) ■' i- i ii u it i\Ms Mr. SI Cloud -ip- I ei'i-d lire on him. iiiid tin- I'ai'm | hiiviiiL' a r> volviT in his possession ' r.i the tune he tiie li'.i- tiin missi'il his aim. II is re)ii'rteil tha’ 'i', .Mar.*. i., A 'III, .,': ssa,' ■ n ai lieil > Kinve tl’.is in-.irriin.j- >:i iK . ;:i it a rai-e roll was ::i iirot;ri ss on streets of l.uei.iua ar.d to .'•■ml >fiNN Brinkley I^ie.N in JSaleig'h. Miss Jessie Hrinkley died Sunday night about 9 o'clock in the Slate hos pital at Ualeigh lit which placi; she httd been for some time. Her Illness was not known as she was thought to bo getting along nicely until a mes sage to her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. F. llrlnkley last night told of her death Miss Hrinkley was about :i0 years old Mr. Hrinkley went to Ualeigh on thi eiirly morning train to accompany the r.-mains to Scotland Neck for burial. Her mother and other members of the family went to Scotland Neck this n.erning. Maniasre I.!een'*es. Kegister of Deeds Hrasooe Hell is sued the following marriages last week: WHITB - Octavous Oay and Allie ^^^l|■ord, Het)er Frizzell and Uosa Hardee, J. H. Stocks and Hertha Sut ton. COI.OHKIV- William Moore am! (»/ella Orimes, Oscar Sugg and Agnet Hlunt, Will Wilson and Mary Dlttle David lUunt and Annie Darden, Kddii’ Mayo and Fannie Clark. Haril'ri-e l,;is made known his intentions to do oth- ei s hoiiily injury iiiit if In' riiiains in the m'iijhborhood he Is sii(iposeil to be the otlicers will no doubt hiive him iraiii hei'ore he can do iniieli harm PERSONALS rndorttoes Openillon. Master Arthur Coi krell, the young i’ II was taken 'o St. Vincent’s hospital in Norfolk yes- teiday for an operation for appendici- Hf. K«'porta from Ihe hospital today ■ays the HItle felh vv Is doing very well. ■\'ou can hardly po Ihe length of any Ftreet in town without finding a pile of building material. .Harried 'I'liesilay \f!ennM»n. Thin afternoon at fhree o'clock at the home of the bride In Ihe country ..liss Hlanche Cirr was married to Mr. K. laidford ,.tr.. of IClizabeth City The ceremony was performed by Hev C M. Rock, pastor of Memorial Hap- t ft church at this place. Affi'r a bridal tour of several weeks extending as far as C iba the young Veople will return to North Carolina vhere -hey will reside. WKDNKSD.W M,\KCH IS. Hill ■Mrs. I'’. J. Forbes left this morning for Hethel. .\)r. Olleii Warren went to I’arnit le today. .■Vlr. A. (J. Ciix of U'inter\ille i.s in ti wn today. Mr. H. H. Hiinsurker of Wiiitervill. i!= in town today. Mr. J. D. Cox of Winfi rville is hi re today. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I’arri: li b !i tills ni.irning for Kaleigh. SHss Mamie .Vmierson left ths morn ii.g for Raleigh. Mr. ’•’red Von llbi rtson of Washin,'; ti n is here today. Dr. C. M. .loiies of Grimesland is iii town today. Mr. U. A. (5. Harnes of Washingtop i 1 in our city today. Key. C. M. Hock, Prof. C. \V. Wilson .111(1 Messrs. Z. T. Hroughtoii, 11. .M Phillips, T. H, Moore, J. H. Kittrell nnd D. J. Whichard are r"pres,»n'jnu Memorial Haptisct ehureli at the lay- ini n’s meeting n Durham. ('apt. J. S, Harr one of Ihe eleverest of A. t'. li. conductors, is speiiiling a few da.vs here. Mrs. Cfi'orgie James *’as returned from the northern markets where she has been to buy millinery for W. .\ I oweii. Mr. Will Cherry o. Uiehmoiid ar rived last night and will reniain in town for a few days. The out of town attorneys atti-nd ing eoiirt here today are: .liidge K, W W. Winston of Ualeigh, Jacob Hattie of Uocky Mount; H.nrry 1 Moore oi New Hern: and H. S, Ward of Wash ington. Mr. li. D. Rives left this morning for Henderson on business. aiu-e Ut once. 1,'^ tuty l-i;ter a...: a posse \l'Ti' SOe:i 0!1 ill' ruiill aiix.nus lo .I.'. I iu Ihe fr:.y. b'lt by ihe f.aii- li.e \\ ll; Oil conii!'gi:t r-a^'lied Uie !-'.'-iie j l,.r had li* ' n iighi and aU ?e,it I'our of (he seven ill spi rate iii-gri e-- v,eri- iu ttie toils, aiiil addresses' llau- didpli Harris Suiloik. V.i; l'';‘;iiilv Mrowii and (’liarli s lloinies Xev.’ Hern; .lohu M's,-ii y Ni.irfolk. N .t, • ll iin Slliitl; i'l l' Dee. S, C.; .liin nett inrod: Fr;ink I’nini tt l-;ur,n I'ia Ihe hist two be'.;ig '.voundei! .a Uv leg. Kobhed Stiire al >Vai>a«. Last night the store of 1,. I'. !'.<!•'- in Warsaw was looted hy this eaiiie gang and some of the plunder ’.■.as 'found on their ptrscns. It is thonfUf, after robing the ^tore at NX ar.'-:iw they boarded a, train and came a* far north as Cor.tentnea Junetiou aiuJ jrot off and started south down lh« A huitic Coast Line traiks They terroided • Vi i ' liiit In I'.ii' tiiein and when Un y passe,i tin' ii-ime of .\lr. W. O. Matihiws h. im'i,la. il , Ills bicyele and touk .v stu.ii the winuis to i.ui aUia iiotitied Ihe mayor of town I in readiness wiieii lin y arrived stable Nattianu-l i.ui as di pi; |l,loyd laicas aiul ileorge 'i'a>l.<>i i. ■-!‘;t him and soon th< whole i- jwas apprised id' tht' fait and it w , . h iig before those who w ri- a!' ■ I.I ar arms had eithi r .i i- u/.-le 1< . tiiusket, rifle revoUi r or auto;-.. ' ri ady for serviei an<l Ihesi whi jiio fire-arms wa.-^n't luiir in .i:>' piteliforks. hasib.ili' .:'id Weapons. Hegulur I'ittUcd Hattie. ,ii,.| '.Vll n t to Wilt II Ihe negroes saw (lie ' ' < ivhites they opened tire and .soon t'lio was spitting from a hundrid « r ii.cire pistol and gun barrels. Two « i' tiie negroes fell having been shot iu il e legs. Thi' others made a break for M*ierty Mil l 'iiitoii’ob'Ks and bw ycics was soon in the chase anil three quarti'rs of nn hour after tho opening of the battle every one trf tho desperadoes were in the tolls. Women and children were t< rrer- i'ed and the tragic event of the luorn- ing is .still being discussed The negroes while being cii.iseil Mr. l.ynster Hryan of Richmond h.Hs through the 'woods, dispttsed of ;l.eir accepted a position at the Palace weapons and ■when the smoke or b; (- Theatre. ■ tie had cleared away only two pU-toU Mrs, J, W Ferrell left this morn-] were found among tho whole btn-!i. >rday ill for a trip to Florida. Mr. K. H. Dehorn loft vest Durham. Mr. M. H. Starkey of Wilmini’.ton ii visiting his brother. Mr J I.. Star key. They are now behind jail bais i« thi-i for I city and a dirtier set is seldom • eu any H here. An otheer from Warsaw came jner on the afternoon train and identitie.l the goods stolen from Mr'. Hesf Lir-t night. More building baa atarted on Itickin- Fon Avenue, opposite the Norfolk Southorn depot. Knjoy tho pretty weather wlult it lasta. as it may change soon.

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