THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR {One* % WMk) PublUhed by tU KEFLECTOB COMFAICr, Ine. O. J. WHICHABD, Editor. ARSENVIJLLE, WORTH CAROLINA. ■ubmrlption, oue year. , . fl.OU Mz montba, .60 ▲tfvertt'git rate* may b« bad upon application at ttie buaiueae office in Th* Reflector BuilUiuK, corner Krans and Taird streeta. All carda of tbanita and resolutiona <tf respect will be cliarge'' tor at 1 eeuc per word. Commuaicatioua advertlalut candi- toias will be ebarsed for at tiiree oeuta per line, up to fifty linea. ii^utered aa aecond clasB matter August 20, 1910, at the poat odlce at Qreeiiviile, N'oixh Carolina, undej act of March 3. 1879. FlliD.W, .M'RIL 17. 1:0 t. 11 li iiiiui Id say N(1, o l.nuU (Ull tor iliat Kasii r li'usl . i> Villa .'•wears hut in'vtT siirrt‘ii(l<Ts. Siiiiii' nil'll arc gri'al and (illiers jiis: make a arcut iunsi>. .\i)w is llu- linif to takt' a lurn's- iu>mii iui' loursc in swimuiitip. Tii-iitk' .sprlns is as tr'iiim'i iiicntal is u i’rima Uoiina. Sprinir li-si r is a now iiimi'' lor lazyiii'ss. I'lir rrtit ill (iri'envillo ari> srari'i' items. Then' was many a sad heart yester day because the weather was so bad that Kaster suit or dress could not bo worn. j There are lots of good men that j are not desirable neighbors by all it is statod that more than SO.OOi? ministers ol‘ America belong to the M:‘. sonic order. Kasior Hats. Kaster Weather ami holy wook has got most of the laiii's iipsot a trifle. What's the matter with Greenville'H j Civicr Leagues? j o I Out of 2,552 saloons in Illinois 1,: 100 were voted dry by women last week. Delinquent Tax List For 1913 Thirty aviators were killed in throe minths time. That's a pretty fair rrcord for the high flyers. Tlio way .Mexico towns are bi'itig re ported to have fallen, they will all Iv- down if it keeps up. Kinstiin has passed an ordinanci' which will debar carnivals from tin iiKorporate limits of the eity. 0 "I am strenuously well," wires th.' Colonel. Wonder does he think that is inlorosting news to tis? The four gunmen may not be guilty, but who should worry about a guii- man. o Well, the boys didn't have the nerv.' 1 have this day levied on the fol lowing described. Real Kstate to satisfy the taxes duo to me state oJ \orth Carolina and the county of Pitt, for the year 1913 and the said Ileal Kstate so levied on will be sold at the court house door in the town of Greenville, N. C. on Monday the 4th day of May, 1914 at 12 o'clock m. unless said taxes and legal charges a'Ki < xpcnaes arising from the failure to pay the same within the time re to turn out with that straw lid yester- 'luired by law, are paid by that date day. S. 1. Ul’OLEY, Sheriff. o ' (iitKKWII.LK TO>V>SHir If there is any one thing wo woul<; WHITK like to see in North Carolina it is a Candidates for sheriff are coming a plenty, but as to the other county ()ttiios little is hoing said. Why not put up the little hammer that yiHi have been knocking your To«n with and got a fly swatter'.’ Wit is I lie erealU of ill iiatiiri’ sours. inti'ri st I lull riiiit Confodi r;ite nionunii'nl I ' f. tainly looks Kood ;il a rtistane.-. Wii II ilie iivi'r^ise man drops into politii-j 111 drops iliiir tliroitsh. I: ii:. !ii y had sotie' iiilvr lUiiiir P'-r li:i;>' il would tn' jiisi as hard to si ' Ti.' ■•v.ailier for-'casi pronitsis the.i tli.-ri' will 1)1' no il;iniai:>‘ done to iIim' II. \v li 1. Now that: Hooky Mount and Tarboro are loekiiiK horns in the barge tratis portal ion movement it would he lo (ireenville's interest to join tin- ranks L. .Mills Kitchin. son of Congres.s mall Kiti hin. is now owner and edilo! of the Scotland .Veek Common wealth I’ri'tlier Kitehin has the ability and w wish him success as one amoni: us State wide good roads movement. Mrs. Clyde Brown 105 acres ! I ffrown) * I Wiley llrown 1 lot (Moore .. .. In .January 1911 when Cole Illeasf j. jj nernard 1 lot (Perkins) entered upon his duties as Governor c. K. Cherry 1 lot (lies) .. .. of South Carolina there were thirteen ' Kvans &Crawford Guard. 190 Iml «li:i' )r lio'.v I ■]'li< y say liquor iiiusi u I iip.eorns ii> mosi is «ln-r will fo. - riuiliin'i liiiv Mil l-;asli'r suit so '■ n> .-.iioulii Wi wciiry .ilioir tin- l!i.-r- niiiiiii'i 'r, — - o - - It "uik'-s no dlffi rmce h.iw loim'i lookin;: a fi-llow may hi', a .uirl jus' call ! Iii'lp hut admirin.s him if lie wi ' oniv :liri with her. I lie wei-k stiiiid shows must oitln tliink (Iroenvillo has a money tree, r that hi-r peopio are an easy mark, .'t any rate ihoy almost run on < ai 'i oihi-r lo mot lu-re and whether pood had or inilifferont they c:ol a good erou li The four .Ni-w York tluniiioii niU' pa\' I 111' penalty Monday for tlio nii::' d'T of Uosentlial unloss tliori' is :i ooiisiiii'raiil" chaimo hi foi'o then. Tlo' .111' askiii.; for a now trial of ih L-rounds of in-w ovidoiu-r thoy ehiiM liavc hiiii iliscovorod h> a former llablii. .N'-vi-r llii're suoli a i l.iiiior fov ilie mall wlm knows his tradi' Whe|i. I r with pi n or hammer, whether wiin a lirusli or spa<io. ho's equipped, th'' world di'inaiids him Calls upon him for his skill, on pay du.\ gladly hands him ridls of rouhli'S from its till. nil If you wish to he siieeessful ill mu. m.ivoiiii lit you ma> uiidetako. sie nd i vory [lossihlo p.'iiiiy at home, then you will reulize a conio lnuk. Once tri.-d will I).’ sn(Ti( lent . That svhich you do noi know about vDiir friends are the vitv ihinns ili ■ makes you like them so mtu h. If yf) > only know a little nupre ahoui llifii you'd have less friends. Uo imt ask any of the monumi'ii' workers to <'all aeain when they ;ip proaeh you for a contribution, hat Biake your subscription at once. Thi- Wlifti womon tliomsolvos. refuse to voli- for eai h other, how on earth do they oxpi i I snmo one else to vote for them o What Hon. Claud Kitchin said ahoiu the Panama Tolls question in that speei h published hy the ('.roenshop i .News was certainly onouBh. With many of the trees jtisl lugiii- iiintr to bud il hardly looks like thei. foliage can attain full growth by the liith of May. the time the leaves are usually said to he erown. Champ Clark has almost kicked him fund needed must bo pledged in two i,„„„eratic party since> mor^ . been keeping company with W. ^ It. Hearst. IJetler watch yourself The (anipaign is on to raise I he fund , i, > . i„. ( hamp or you will soon be a lonesome for the erection of the Couforiera'e statesman. monnment on < ourt house s(iuare. ('. ■ j ^ ri-ady to make your ((intrihutioii a soon as called upon, and let it lie ;i lihi r;il as the i ausi' deserves. I Freozinn toniporature and ICaster | hats seem to contliet a hit . o Tlii-.\ should havi' waited until Mr l.ry.iii sol rid of that cold. I \ ijreat many poopU* wont to l!al- I liberal IV eigh Wedni'sday just to see what ro,H'- ] ly happened. The campaign committee in charge of raising the public part of the fum for I hi’ erection of a Confederate Mon- jumi'nt on the court house sciuare. ha\. I this wook mailed circulars lo thous iinds of the citi/ens of the county, .\o.\l week, from Ihe 14th to the ISth. :i canvass will he made lo receive suh- , scriptioiis to the fiind, and it is hoped the people will re.'ipond promptly and hundred prisoners in the State's Pen itentiary, During his administration he has made several wholesale par dons, and there remains now onlv Isii within prison walls. Last week he turned loose a list of fourteen ;i- n\one which were eight murderers .\o doubt it is his purpose to keep hi< word when he told a committee of th'^ session of the Cienoral Assembly thii' ho would empty the prison hefor ■ .\u.E:ust I. of this .vear. It is a pi'.'" that a people have to submit to such from the Ciovernor of their State, and if it he necessary for them to continue under such lav.s then il would be nothing more than right lo tare from the statutes of that state every leaf pre tainiim o crime, place them under Iock and key in the pcnitentiaiy and apply a torch, then lot the supporters o! Cole suffer the consequences. Mexico has certainly ?ot to pop a eap or litire volley since I ncle Sam has ordered the movement of the .\tlantii licet and the .Marine regi ment to Tampico 10.50 16.03 12.69 ia.03 19.20 24. St; . 12.IS .20.';;: Acres Homo 15. W. Forbes 150 acres t.r. Forbes) .1. K. .lames 65 acres (May) I., H. Pender 1 lot (res).. .1, W Perkins 140 acres (Thig pen ) •• 1 lot '■ '• 1 lot (Dudley) 1 lot Lucas 1 lot Res 1 lot Adams .. .. 57.S7 .1 ,\, Ricks 1 lot Res 1 5th Street 21.25 David G. Sermons 200 acres Sermons 9,2'. .1, W, Tripp 52 acres Patrick S.L!5 W. H, Willoughby 240 acres Willoughby 24.:{4 ( ouiil.v Home I.and t'or Sale. Whereas the I’.oard of Commission ers of Pitt county have decided to dis pose of the old county home property and to establish a county home nea'.' (Irconville. the Hoard on .March liO. 1914 appointed a committee consist ing of I!, M, Lewis. ,1. Cl. Ta.\ lor and •lulins llrown to divide the present | I'ounty home land and buildings for | the pur])ose of soiling the same. And ! whereas said committoo has dividou ^ tract of land in four lots, dividiii,ii:, tile land lying on the east side of the Creeiivillo and .\t>w Hi'rn road in tw,. lots and the land lying on the west . side of the liroonville and .New I’.er.i ' roail into two lots. Lot -No 1 is the ^ northern portion lying on the oast siile of the (iroenvillo and .Now lieru road and contains ilo.iio acres more or i Il ss of which about 15 acres is cleared j land and said lot will retain live build-j iiigs. Ix)t .No. 2. is the southerii por-^ ti(>n of the land on the east side of thoj (ireoiiville and New liern road an 11 contains 5.T.50 acres more or les.s which bout S' acres is cleared land | said lot is to have three buildiiiKs, | buildings .Nos. 2, and 4. I»t .No. \ consists of the southern port'on oil the land on the west side of the Green \ille and New Bern road and conta 50 acres more or less and on said lot; there are now three buildings and j building No. 5 is assigned lo said ; lot. there is about 7 acres of cleared 1 land on said lot. Lot No, 4 consists of ! the northern portion of the land on th" ' west side of the (ireenville and Ne\'| Mofn road and contains 28.;!0 acre,4 more or less of which about 9 acres is cleared land. There is a good buill- ing on same and building No. 1 is a! loted to said lot. A complete map of said division is in the ofllce of the Register of Deeds for inspection. And on report of the committee to tho board on Tuesday, April 7,'-14 theboard COLORKD i 'I ravis Allen 1 lot Pitt St. 5.07 * .lohn Drown ,lr. 1 lot Patrick ti.l2 i .\llen llrown S acres Home :5.1'.^ Ueuben Clark 1 lot Cotanch St. 0.7', Isaac Carr 1 lot Pitt St. tl.41 .loe Daniel I lot First St. W. H. Kdwards 1 lot Clark St. S.'I'j Frank Kvans 1 lot I! Lane tj i)1 I'.dward Fleming 1 lot Havin'* 7.17 ill. K, Foreman 1 lot Pitt St. 7.54 I Za<lox Foreman 1 lot i:Uh St. 4.4."' ■lohii F, Greene 1 lot Mill 6.4i! Ada Hemby 1 lot Perkins 3.9S .lant‘ Hardee 1 lot Pitt St. ti 3'! .Martha Harris 1 lot 1! I>ano 5.S0 Andre Hopkins 1 acre Munford 4.i'4 •Nathan Isler 1 lot Green St. IS.30 Charlie .Tackson 1 lot 15 Lane 10.7‘J I Sam Joyner 1 lot First St. 4.S9 'Ida .Tones 1 lot First St. 5.9S I Henry Knox 1 lot First St. 5."'' I.r, Robert King and wife 1 lot 1 Clark St, I I lot i;5th St. 11.'*:? I \'irginia Kine I 1-4 lots Lucas 1 .. "I Res ' 1 15 Lane ' Li/zie Korney 1 lot Clark St, 1 lot Clark Si. .Mattie K, King 2 lot C & I! ' W illiam Lilly 1 lot Green St. [ Kdmund l.ittle 50 acres Drown .1. .1. Lang I lot First St. I>. R. Little 1 lot Higgs 1 lot Kinsaul 1 lot Perry I lot Perry 1 lot Ebon Sam Mooring ;! acres Shivers Andrew Moore 1 lot Pitt St. Frank Norris 1 lot 13th St. Charlie Patrick 1 lot Patrick St William Redmond 1 lot Reade St. 5.30 i5,i:; 9,2j 4,4! 7. mi; 9.57 4, .S9 22. S:5 4..S9 7.10 ti.'.'i 2.67 SWIFT CRGEK TOWNSHIP WHITE \V. H. Clark 14t> acres Clark 11.92 K. J. & J. K. Dali 125 acres 12.33 Mrs. Bettie Edwards 60 acres 7.02 \V. H. Faulkner 200 acres Green 10.95 N. M. Farrow 3000 acres 12. 2*; J. A. Gardner and A. M. Batchelor 112 acres 1(>.3G ■I. B. Garris 25 acres creek 2.45 C. G. Moore 40 acres 3.57 Munbger and Bennett 350 acres 9.C3 C. J. McLawhorn and wife 172 acres S.31 A. L. Patrick 1 town lot 19.35 .1. W. Perkins 228 acres 22.80 C. H. Stokes 43 acres 3.98 L. C. Stokes 11 acres Savage 32.16 R. A. Wall 92 1-2 acres 13.32 COIX)RED N. V. Cannon 22 acres Cannon 3.9S Clarice Durham 39 3-4 acres 4.41 Richard Little 10 acres 4.11 Susan McCoy 132 acres 13.85 .Iordan Venters 10 acres 3.54 Wash Wilson 50 acres 7.38 l Alt.MVILLE TOWNSHIP WHITE Mrs. (;. A. V. Carr 1 lot R. A. & G. W. Darden 1 lots Ashley Dudley 2 lots F: M. Dupree est 1 lot A. II. Joyner 1 lot Dr C. Joyner 2 lota Cornelius Joyner 53 acres .Mrs Lillie Lupor 30 acri's L. JI. Morrow' 1 lot -Mrs AL.e Wiliams 1 lot J. T. Windham est 1 lot ti. W. Windham 1 lot 1). 1). Windham I lot 15.59 4.73 7.38 2.40 7.4G 37.53 7.79 2. 8J 20. .52 3.84 10.44 20.0.=; 17.(31 HKLIXil EXT TAX l.IST. (Continued from page three.) W. H. Wilkinson 1 lot 20. Ki Wells and Walston .Mill Plant 10.59 Wells and Ivy 1 lot 10.59 COLOHKD Mrs. Allie Dickerson 2 Town lots Mrs. Bettie Hardee 21 acres A. D. Johnson 3 1-10 acres J. J. Jackson 126 acres M. Laughinghouse and Co., 1 Town lot 15. F. Manning, Jr. 1 Town lot J. C. Raspberry 2 Town lots Stocks and Keel 13 acres Mrs. J. H. Smith 95 acres Mrs. Sudie Tripp 177 acres H. F. Worthington 63 acres COLORED Henry Allen 1 Town lot Jacob Brown 1 Town lot Stephen Barfield 1 town lot J(flin 1). Cox 1 Town lot J. W. Cox 2 Town lots Mamie Chapman I Town lot Jordan Darden 8 acres Gussie Darden 15 acres Perry Daniels 3 acres Aaron Evans 2 Town lots Alfred Evans 2 town lot R. M. Johnson 4 Town lots .Noah Jones 1 town lot Sampson Kittrell 1 Town lot Irvin ICnox 1-4 acre J. P. Ijocus ;• Town lots Charles Richardbon 1 Town lot Henry Smith 3.'! acres Norris Tucker 1 Town lot Jerry Worthington 25 acres James Worthington 1 Town lot Amos Williams 1 Town lot CHICOD TOWNCHIl* WHITE Jess Adams 10 acres H. A. Boyd 100 acres W. L. F. ('orey 449 acres 135 acres ,r. R. Haddock 175 acres W. L. Hudson 50 acres W. F. Harding 180 acres Adam Mills 300 acres J. C. Nobles 205 acres Gus Sutton 30 acres I James Turnage 100 acres H. F. Worthington 87 acres ! COI/)RKD Tom .\tkinson 1 lot Robert Atkinson 1 lot Emma Battle 1 lot W. J. Blount 1 lot Olympus L, Blount I lot Richard Blount 1 lot Willie C'hestnut I lot Ijfvy Exum 1 lot Richard Gay I lot Daniel Gay 1 lot Austin Hamlin 1 lot .Matilda lines I lat John Johnson I lot Will .loyner. Sr, 1 lot W. Alfred Joyner 1 lot Blount .foyner 1 lot John II. .(oyner 1 lot Kdgar Joyner I lot Oscar Joyner 1 lot A. L. Joyner 2 lots Lovehu-e Joyner 3 acres (May) Oscar Joyner 2 acres .M .lohn McKenoy 1 lot .Mary .Moore I lot .lohn McKeney .lohn H. May 1 lot Lela O'.Neal 1 lot l.ouis Philips 1 lot Jim Pollard I lot 7.05 io.t;s: 3.12 j 14.0s ! 13.67 ' 2.40 ' u;. 14 I 14.89 j ti.2: s.45 I 17.49: I . UK j 4. I 1 I Isaac 15ell 45 acres J. O. Smith 13 acres Bill Smith 13 acres Melvina Worthington 56 acres KKI.VOIK TOWNSHIP WHITE !4l - . I .lesse t;iark 2 3-4 acri's Frank Johnson 1 acre D. O. Moore 110 acres Billy Warren 26 acres COIX)HED Frank Battle 1 acre 15.5 »'Jim Burnette 113 acres 6.711 Ben Dunn 15 acres l4.5ii|West Ttdfnir 126 acres t;.32j 7 t. l BEAVKB 1)A.H 12.-.7, WHITE 2.16 W. M. B. Brown 50 acres 17.(M jJ. T. Eason 66 acres 2.4it|H. B. Smith 60 acres 4.7'? R. T. J. Willoughby 37 1-3 2,4't) acres 2.95 (due) 7.0>;| COLORED 12.33'Emily .Nobles 5 acres 2.97 I 6. 2J 5.91 8.r» 11.11 2.40 10.04 9.93 7.47 20. 23.17 IO.'!'i 5.72 5.69 2..S'? 8.35 5.2i 7.73 2.16 2.45 2 .'T > 3.4*! 2.S!) 19.9S 4.4 i 8.39 1.9» 7.40 -.11 1,20 2,811 4.12 7,67 5.09 6.59 12.0(1 44.66 18.03 9.24 6.15 12.63 7.02 2.14 8. TC 2.Cs 7.02 4.59 1.90 6.1.1 2. Si) 1.9i) 11 .43 3.31 1 .90 10.2,! 5.79 18,12 6,1.'. 6.15 4.75 William Hasperherry lot . 57 Nathan Saunders. Sr. 2 lots 16.32 Henry Speight, ,lr. 1 lot 9.14 Julia Vinos 1 lot 20 7i' Abner Ward 1 lot 4 .OS H Wallace 1 lot 6.9'5 Sam Williams 4.11 Hanah Williams 1 lot 4.’■3 Thad Rodgers I lot Fleming Kath'erino Smith 14 acres Patrick Smith 40 acres Miles Short I lot Green St. Mary Thigpen 1 lot C. W. Noah Teel 1 lot Ravine Delphia Wooten 1 lot Perkins “ “ 1 lot B Lane. Amanda Wilkes 18 acres 2.6'^ I 2.67 8.10 3..54 3.54 I'Al.kLAND TOW.NSHII' WHITE Elias Carr Heirs 200 acres Eason and Stamper 100 acres Kewton W. T. Flora 45 acres Pitt J. R. (iay 87 acres W. R. Henderson 2 acres G. W. Lane 2 acres G. L. Lang 1 acre approved the report of tho committee i i). i». Moseley 68 acres Pitt You are constantly hearing a hov 1 about the high cost of living. Do you hear even one faint whisper about the hlRh cost of loafing? If tomorrow should bring about b.r Many a married man thinks he se«'s weather we fear many of the fair s ■; charms in other women when be lt we ever do have to take charp.o of things in Mexico lietter give Texas, the (ontrai.'t. M will be unable to control their ten: j cause he doesn't know her as per. J knows his wife. and (irdered the committoo to sell tho land on May 4, 1914. Tlioroforo by virtue of tho orders of llio Board of Commissioners of Pitt county abovr' referred tothe unders'?' nod will on Monday the 4th day o! ■May 1914, at 12 o'clock M . before the court house door in (ireenville, N. C . expose the above described land a^; public auction to the highest bidder in 4sharos as above set out and as a whole, provided any bidder bids more for the said land as one whole tract than the total sum bid for the fou* tracts separately. Terms of sale 2> COIjOREI* per cent cash. 25 per cent October 1.1 |u>ttie Corbett 7 a»Tes Pupree 25 per cent November 15 and 25 per , Klias Corbett 2 3-4 acres Swain cent January 1, 1915. PossesBion to Willie Fields 1 acre be given January 1. 1915. This th ’ 9th day of April 1914. B. M. LEWIS, J. G. TAVLOR. JPLIirs BROWN. 4 10 4td 4tw. Commltttee Bruce Moseley 45 acres Pitt G 4 P. Owen 1 acre S. Owen 50 acres Owen Owen 1 acre F. Owen 1 acre C. Owen 1 acre R. Owen 1 acre B. Shacleford 9 acres F T. Thigpen 22 acres H. Windhaind 342 acres Grove .Mrs. Lelia PL Wiliams 64 acres Williams Meber J. D. I*A< roij s lOO NHIl- WHITE Hardee 212 acres McClamb 156 acres The men who travel sa\ they find n > I i other town in Eastern North Carolin;i I whore there is as much building go .\fter holding office for si\t’'i'i years Miss Tyler yest''.’d: ’• received a niesage from the posl.'! a'.Uhoritios j stating that she wou'U hiive lo turn I the Courtland ofTice over to her stio- 15.92 jcessor, li. A. Williams. -Miss Tyler';; 12.3.’ I protest was too late as the commission Mrs Margarette .Mason 21, acres iipoii given to Mr. Williams '■ * Lat Williams 144 acres COIjORED James R. Holliday 50 acres C. C. Holliday 59 acres E. A. Hill 5 acres Moses Little 36 acres s.7t: 'due course. I Moses Gorham 1 acre I Mamie Mayo 1 acre I Sarah May lacre I .Nathan Saunders 40 acres Abram Swindell 1 acre ' Eli Savage 6 acres F J. Bert Little 42 1-2 acres 7.77 5.73 Robert Mitchell 1 acre 4.8» 6 - 37 John J. Redding 100 acres 12.12 Thad Tetleton 53 acres S.12 Robert E. Wilson 49 acres 9.65 7.02 BETHEL TOWXSHll* WHITE 6.15 G. W. Bullock 79 acres 7.85 Bullock 1().0'» 7.52 Bethel Ginning t'o.. Gin and 2.4) outfit 46.60 *.25 John Ellison 60 acres Joht'.^iou 13.00 H.4S Lena Gardner 31 Rollins 5.1) 12,r .Mack James 1 acre 16 2’. 4.86 J. J. Perkins 194 acres 6 1.5 i;!,7.-i W. J. Roberson 1 acre 19.32 11 .47 J. H. Stall 1 acre Smith 3.50 ;i.9S Henry Sheppard 5 acres 4.60 12.77 J. B. Williams 25 acres 2 5.? 9.44 J. A. Williamson 25 acres 2. .5 5 2.07 COLORED 7.S9 R. 1). Best 1-2 acre Smith 5.25 7, John Pittman l acre . 8.K1 Minerva Reives 1 acre 2.64 3.54 I^uis Smith 57 acres Parmele S t»9 Clifton Teel 2 acres 2.92 4 41 Baker Wilkins 2 acres Grimes 6.40 rONTENTNEA TOWNSHII’ 5.S6 WHITE 3,49 Misses Lizzie and Florence 2.09 Blount 1 Town lot 16.22 10.7'» Mrs. Lula Bruton 1 town lot 6.4^ 2.02 Mrs. Lula Bateman 1 town lot 2.5' 2.02 G. C. Cox I Town lot 2.10 2.49 Geordllla Coward 1 town lot 2.97 4.41 O. R. Dixon 1 Town lot 9.02 4.71 J. H. Dali 10 acres 2.25 S. 9'! o 9. !'.' IiAM) SALE. 2.251 iiy virlure of the power of sal.' 6.3'i Icontained in a deed of trust made by J. D. McLamb to H. M. White. Trus tee. on December 13th, 1912, which in the office of the Register of Deedti of Pitt County in Book D-10 page 490, and also under a mortgage executetl by the said J. L. McLamb to I. S. Fleming dated December 13th, 1912, and recorded in Book A-11 page 34. both of said mortgages being given to secure the purchase money due for the land hereinafter described, the undersigned trustee and mortgagee will sell for cash at public auction b(“fore the court house door in Green ville on Saturday May 9th. 1914, th(; followiuK described tract or parcel of land situate in the county of Pitt and in Pactolus Township and known as a part of the Grimes farm. Beginning at the Jones corner an 1 running South 5 West 2313 feet to th- oak branch; thence with th(‘ run of said right branch to the A. C. L. R. K. right of way; thence with sahl right of way West 1563 feet; thence South 2870 feet lo Jones' line; thence with said Jones' line 2128 feet to thi: beginning containing 125 1-10 acres more or less. For more accurate de- criptlon ref.erence is hereby made to deed from I. S. Fleming to J. 1>. McLamb dated Dec. 13th. 1912. This April 9th. 1914. H. M. WHITE. Trustee. I. S. FLEMING. Mrtgee. F. G. JAMBS & Soto, Attorneys. 4-13-Ud 3 tw.

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