NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Disc Harrows, Drag Harrows, Pulverizing Harrows, Corn Planters, Ccnbitalun Plenttif, Fertilizer Dislributors, Manure Spreaders, Oliver Chilled Plows, Tiger ard Red Sfar Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing. Prices always ll.e lowest. Come to see us for anything you r.ced. We carry a c( n f !«te Stc( k. ’icu remember our MOTTO is QUALITY J. R. and J. G. MO YE Established IS66. E.G Flanagan, Managed ^^U(BC5VC®= MANUFACTURERS OF Buggies,Phaetons, Carriages, Etc. (jREENV/LLE, N.G.. The Flanagan Line Is The Quality Kind’ AS THACKERAY SAW US. His Opinion of American Cities and Civilization In 1852. I'iirly ill I H'l i. iiilior of isrrj'rijiiok<-r:iy wrulc rroiii .New Vork (.ily lo a friuuil ia 1 ; •■I’vo liui ii tiiMo unil ttii'l'u in till- 'uiiiH'i- fi'ii’ WDiiil. hut iiutuuich. it's tin- iniist niriijiis variiiVli oC civi;i ziiti"ii. J 111' uii'ls illt; ili'csscd liUe tiK; niosi MiiMiiiii;; I'riMK'li .-u-trosMes, tlio lioii-i'- 1'iinii'in'il lilic >|ili‘)iiliil ^raiiiliJiii^' liMU.-i s. Ii's all pilil aiid \i‘ilo\v brii f'Uili', :r;il lailii's ;ilo I'l'cli.'!! sholl ImiV-;, ;m|i1 tlH‘ lll>'lSC< .'I TO ail Sll r;i‘\v ih.'U ihi. ualN arc iin| (■vcii pii I'ci''-'l, aii.l I'll till' walls ill llio inlilsi. I'T till' haii^iiin-; nl' lirmMili' and tin' ornnniiius ^ulil rrainos ami iiiiiTitr ymi lili:'.' tw.'iM'iiiiy [li'-liii'c.s anil ooi'ji- II! 11 rim s." Tun iiiviiilis iatiT 111' wrnh' I'riun I!al (i:ii'ii'i‘: "Now I liavi' si'i'ii ilii-i-o jiri'at, cllii's-r.isiMii. Ni'w \iirk, riiilaili'l- pliiM, I ihiiik I lilic Ihi-iii .ill iiii”lily well, Thi'y si'i'iii t'l In- iinl civilizi'il as our l.iMiil'iii, liiit iiinvi' Ml than Man du'-'trr iniii 1 .l\I'rpiiiil, At ij'isinu i- very u'o.iil liii'raliiri' I'niiiirifiy iiiili'i'il. U >' I.!..' IMiiil)iir;:li I'":' llial a \ a-;i ^iiM'iiii.l .i|' li.rxi.'ia .iii'l 1^'Mi.sliih'.^-; ovi'iyu lirri': that nl' Ni-w tlicslin pli'st anil leas! (iri'li'ir i>iiis, t' lr il stif ! liri’s ihal a tnaii sln'iitil l.i’i'p a tini* lumsi'. t;ivi' partii's aini liavr a i|:iu:;!i ti'r t'l ".'I all till' NM.'i;.! I I him.”—I’ills- bur” 11 I‘ri;ss. STICK INSECTS. They Sleep In the D^iytime by Going Into a Rigid Trnnce. Olii till' niiisl ciiriuiis Inlialiiianls of till' insci't wnrlil i> what Is knnwn ;ls (In* slii'k ifisi’i’t, ali'Hif \\'!iicli l’r<i ft'SMT Srhniiilt Ilf dll' Inipi'iial iiiii voTsily III SI. I'i‘! i-r.Ni 111 l.a-- bi'i'a inakiiu sdiiii' strai!.i;f i|isi i'vi'i-:i' Tlii.- ipii'i'i' iii'i'i't ii-i.,ahi> ill a 'I’la'i Sl.'iti- iliirin:; till' linir' nl' d.iy'i^ihi. Fntil I'liw it has alw;iys I'l-i ii siiptin...i'.| that lliis was sliiiiili.-r. Ii'il I’ruri'S'".' !'<'hiv,i,'.i says it I.- ri'.aMy a st.atr ui' oatali'i sy, or tran f, wiili-li llii' in-.i-'i li.'is il"V I'lijjM'd a'i a ii.'i'.-.'i:s III' firi'li-' tiuii -i^ainst its I'lii'inii-. "’I In (iiMi of Ihi I' iraiii'i's tin- in fii'i 1 - '.'III I'i'inaiii f'lr h"iii's i:i ni.i't al'ii' :';:;al pnsilinns-vi^i.,,!;. ,,n tlu'ir lir-.iil'. tint ii'i ihcir ha-'k-i nr with lln'il’ •':^s I'xli'iiiii'il hi:;h hi ill I .'till! Ill' hiiil.v ari-!i'"l lii l!n' l..iai ; Imw I »iily siiliii' pr'ili'ii-i'il i‘\ :Ii' j (if III.' in'rviuis sysi.'iii will ri.ii'i- I frma l.'iis ri'.’iil r;,la!i-|.i j.''-, wlii'ii lln‘ Iraia-i' iu.i.r llh'y .siL'iis '.’-halcvi'r nf i:ris,"ilar r.\;iL,'i Tl ■ -tii'k inse t pas'i's all i!^ in a irani'i' aiiil I'l'cil- :ii iiLliI " fulla-.'.' Ilf pl.ints w’li'i'i' il livi's. chain;!'. • an' nii'iil t'.'iii hi;’ W- Ir; i|.l.\ ; I I■ -lA We Have on Hand Fa . i i i ,1 3 o r Far.J C irs. al so assessories. ' ) r : • • ij: t J o.T 1 ij i!i i.'s cash or negotable notes We tliJK pitrjis for pist fivars and Solicit a continuance of same. Ford Supply Co. j ivor‘»t c«'i*»es. iiotiinttor of liow lotiii' standitir;, :iie c'Jicd I'V tin woudfiiiii. <>«l it-Iiablt? 1'-. Por(cfs Aiitisrt Oil, it n’if'vts I 1‘aiu and Heals at the same limf. Cfc. fl ■' i Trainlria the Young Cow. j Two Wiishinfitoii yonns;;?ti'rrt wpro vlsltiiif: tlii'ir fatlicr's country place In Virginia \\ln'n (Uiis of ilu'tn ob-' served: i "Mario, 1 don't so<» liow rows can [ eat grass. l)o you?" j Marii'^ Kavts flic question approprl-1 ate consideraU^jii and then replied: | ■'I supposo >t's liko tills; Wlion thi) cows arc yotiiig th<! mother cow keeps; sayiii!; to her c’lildren: "If you don’t eat grass you s'laii'c have any pio.” | Phone 237. Greenville, N. C. rsxatsm'ji'' vjg:.egTmftMtfiOTyEaian««ii»wag'CT S. T. HICKS Plumbing & Heating Contractor Moved to New Store on Fourth Street Opposit Allen’s Stables Esti nates Cheerfully Given on all Work Large or Smal' Repair Work a Specialty Out of town work will receive our prompt attention Residence Phone 385-L. Office Phone 60. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 666 will treak i nny case of Chills & I'evcr, Colds & LuGrippe; it acts on the livoi- better than Caloirel and docs nol gripp or sicken. Pru'e 25c. j J. C. LANIEB I WOMMKMS .4XI> HKAI» SlOMSj .4M) IKO> I KX KS } ClUlLX VIMiK. • NORTH ( AKOM>n TRY a Ton oi Our Cotton Seed Meal Feed cheaper than e. s. meal. HALL & MOORE Office at Carr and Atkins H 'ware Store. W. s. Newcomb, House Painting, - - Interior Decoratoi Paper Hanging, Wj^dow Shades. New Gar den Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets Maine Red Bliss Irish (lit; Seed Oats Rape Seed Dr. Hess Slock Poultry Powder S M SCHULTZ PHO>E U OFTEN ROBBING THE COAL PILE. •imoke That Goes Up the Chimney li Fuc! Thrown Away, I'or the lieiiclil Ilf !i' ,\' iiiK! w hii iiin\ II It SCO the !inalii:;\ lieiwceii a rolilied dial pile iind ii sinnkiiii: ehiinney i', may lie hrieily ;md simply e\iilained. 'i'lic vi.sihle (lart In .'■niuki' is nearly all carliuii, either ii« Mmt er eitider. an' '•arhoii is the pi'iiii-lpal eoinlmstilil ; art nf coal i. e.. tin useful part, Ihi part eaiiahle of yieldiiiL'' heat. Ciirlini eiiMipletely linriii"! fi rms a:i invisihh L'as. carhcin dinxidi'; thi'refi'l'e wlieii iver the jr.a-es fr.U'i i stiiek show l.I.'lek they t-ni'taiii (■■arlmn, •^iijeh ilidl eales that I'nnipli'te ci-n'ih'ist.i .n ha^ not taken plaee in the (i illi'r rurniiei'. In othi'i' words, al. • f tin- availahti ill the eoal I'as n I heeii reali/.ed It i.s the same as iiioii.i;li the eorri' sp'indiim part of the ■•nal fed Into tin fnrn.'iei' had hreii thr'iui; away, fia- r.llhiiiiL’li it has pa .i-l liiruiiuh tin fnrnaee, it has hi i n I'liinvn away i!| Ihe slaik lieyuinl ri" i very. Is Iliis then, so vi'ry d I'fi'ri'iil. froi.i inliliiiii. t 111' I’l''' I pile V 'I'he iiwner wli" thi'ouL'li iunoraiiei allows eiiiidit imis '■> i'\i-i w hii h ar' !vit l';n onb;e i" Ih" nii"! ■■(■"n'Hnii .i oiieration f !■'' ln';'"r fiii .'i:ii es, a thmii^h hi' I.- iiir.v:! 1 iiii^iy inl,l;inir hint RINGS OF AIR. How to Blow Out a Lighted Candl* Twelve Feet Away. Tlie di.siaiico from wliicli fin avora/ie man can lilow out a eandU* rarely ox- ceods three feet. If lui i.s an ade[>t at. blowing smoke rini;s, however, a can (lie may be exiiniiiii'hed at twelve feet. Of cor.rsc the smoke't necessary. An ordinary air riiiji will do anil lias the addeii ad' iinla;4e of lieiiiy; invisihle. Hiinpl.r pii.'kcr iho inouili as you would to !ili'\\ a siiioki- rini; and e\|iel air in a iju''i'. -’ :.rp iraj.iii-:- Il lakes a ;^iiiid d".al •' i.rai ;ii'. 'o d ' ii. All I'a.-i'-i- In ■ ii )V. Il.i' I'Ifeet if one i.'- dni;l.i !'i:l is i • pl.'fi' a sheet of Cloth e.invas nxi'r the open side of a lin.x ntlierw i.-i' clns. d, niaking a small. rnlllid hnln ill alinlllrr si,i,>. p HI .'I '-harp i!i.ii,i"'r nii (he ■ iiile :ur rinus w ill Ix- I i; I self, os\ n The ;s tii-vnri!h ! ■o;il pill' r -(■•aliny: finm hi- 'I'hen la eain as a nd ih\ I prodiii’ed. 11 11 person'.'- I are :il hf wi'.l fi'el I hi far.'. Only a fi to e.\t iiijj-ilish a l aiiille ai To ri'hder l he riiu''- \ i- I may he liiirni'd in ll.n Pn d|s|i Ilf aKiliinm.i m:iy In liy sidi' wilh a s;:;;! . Clilnrie in’id. Il i these liipiids makiiiL;' a do CURiOUS PIPEFISH. Amateur Henclsm.Tn. Mi'si if ns .arn umii in iliii.k nf Ilm lielK'M'h’iienl ;is a relic nf the dark at;i's hilt !hi.' last di"-aiita! ii'ii wlia h t' ";< plni'c in the r.l'ili-'h i.-l.'s WI-; no late- tli'Oi 1^'JH. The vii-linis wi'i'n uvn nil forliinates whn had I.ikcii a | :irl in llli' lioiinyimiir risi|.- and i-\-i‘ nnnvi-ii'd of hii;h treasnii, '|'ln' si'i.ien -i' n.-ir ried out ill .'siiriiiii.'. S-nibnul. The headsnian, w Im wa-, nia'l."d .'uid wnre 11 seruo f;ow n, was a smiih. iinr\ niis wliodi'l Ills wii'k sn liad:y that it was not tmlil ihn Ilii!'! simki' that h.' di"-apltaled "in id' ih,' i; ii 11 O't llli.'l In- The assenil'.nd ' T'lv.d v, ' ...j ".Miirdi'r!" iilid the nii-'i'iMli I' hi'iid-iii la was hn.n-.l I') remark, "i i-h |n lu'a'i'ii 1 had iini it to do." I'nr a ln.:u liliie his idi'ii lify was a ni.vsin:'^. il l.iler dnvel ( IH'il that hn a .'nim;; niedieal sia di'iit I'f (Jlas'^iiw. Till' a\ and Ilm mask ■wlii' h le' n-ed mi Ihn n.i-a' may still l>e s. n!i. - .New Vmk .Sun. What He Left. Kesidiiii; in a liltle \ liia:;e is a law yer who is fani'ius fn|- dia'\ iim wi.U in whii-li liiMiieh of l.ii-iin'ss hn |nii" I'lljoieil iliiinnpnly nf Ihe enua try for miles arornd. A I'ow niiiiilhs siii' i' a wnallliy died. There was mu h spei-iilation as P) the vahio of ihe piopnii.v. and ihe iowil jiossip set .ill.'Ill In liiid nut I he facts, lie liiiidi'd up she lawyer, and. after it few pri'limin.-iry miiiarks ahoiii the tleeeased. hn said railmr lilunlly: "1 stlppiisi; _M1|| niaiin I'.rnwu's will', " ••Ye.s." "Tlioii you prohalil.' knnu Imw mU' h he left. Wiiiild .\nii iniml lellin;; me'," : “Not at all," the lawyer answered, | as ho ri'surnei! his writing;, "lie li'i't everylhim,' he had " Males Have Pockets In Which They Cdfry THeir Youn-g. The kaiD^ai'n.r alu'a'.s snniiM"! ti. havf tl.n liiiiiinpoly I'f Ihal .-i'U. nnieiit wav .if rair\iii:.' i!s Piliies in a poiieh hot it has 1 disi'mnri'd that a (isl ha I till* saiiii' iisi'i nl rnnnplaeln. w liii’l it l.'-'eS fnr thn saillf plirpnsi'. The pipn hsii. as it Is n.illiij tr im the lnii:;lh 'il Us .jaws, has a po kni mi The Uiidel sidn nf ils liiiily ni'arl.\ half iis iniiu'ni It is foiiiid 111 Ihe II,.la' spi'i'lns nlilv :ind IS till- only pail II'' Ms h'id,v whn h ■ Ill'prntneli'il l.y l.l'un p.alns, wha ll t;iki' Ihe I'iai n of srao's in ils protei livi ■•irmnr. It a pipi'li -h is lak'-il fl' 111 I'm walel and ils :i!il.' m n-, ^l,,d.eii i.e.t of tin poll' h into ilm '.v.ali-r thn,v aiway- seem I'iiher uii.ililn nr disin' Hiind P run aw:i.\. Ilul if l!;n fallmr is p'.a n. ill the water a,i;:iiii all Ilm 'Uiall li-l; imnii'dialely swini h:i k ihi'pnu.-li Thc'e i iirioiis Hull' I ri'iiiures ha\epl'e hcnsih' lails, wlii'di tlie;. ii-.i' m hoM m III Ihe seaWl'i'il tl p.''n|ei'l 1 Ilnm.Si.'lvi'- fi-'Uii lieiie^' iar;ied awa.\- l.y the lidn Till' pipeli--li is similar lo llm small eel lieim; ahnut a in liimlh :iud an ineh in lhi.'kiii''S., uiiliKn ilie <i< it has a Very Inin; j:iw and lim pr.-ulia’ defeiisiv e armnr ali i ad.v l.u-nl a'lied.- \ew Vnrk .s'uii. Facts Ver.SLis Fancies. Kiihard l.n ihij.innne ua^ .',\m!ia- thi/.ii;,:;' wilh a .\nui:u' wriiiT whnse linnk i>f p'.elry had hnni refusi-ii h.v t welve piilili.- Imrs "Keal Invnrs nf p'li'ii'y." sai l Mr. I.i tlallieiilie, "are lii f-'i'luiiately 1h'Co:u iim' r:ire. Ti.,, many penple nowadavs are like the ,jiiii.:n. "This ,iudt;i' ri ' ominended hy a j I the eand;.' .11 I ener,i;'y of I pra<'tii.'il!y ai: I nii.2. while a set in Miolinii :i I and is therefnrt I I’eenrd Herald. e I' I'.'iliied at .1 e iim;- are made s .!,i.y slilk. Ill-' iaU are tie, es.sar\ le al I wep.e feet, \ 1- I'll' a 'mud;;e ,e I'.iv, ..r a smal. piared side '1 hyd.-o '! !',:mes lit ,.-e Mii.ilje, tinn w h.v one I'an put 'tut : w .■ '. •• feet is that tile ii !si ir 1-. ''(luserved an<t ; retained iTi !lii‘ smoke smipl'' IiIiiw:m,' has to whole sireaiii of dir w :i ii'fiii. — I 'hiea^o BOTH SIGNED THE NOTE. A Financial Formality That Puzzlet. Both Clay and Webster. The nil'll ill n’li -ia! Wasliiii;r!on seem to have less nf :i halo about them than in the ivood old d i,'-s, w ill'll tliu tower- in:; fnrin of Websier ir Henry Clay ; would attract ninre alleiili'Ui on I’etin SJ Ivaiiia avenue Ihan a brass band or a tana'o (lancer in IPl 1, In i hanii tlit- mher d.iy I saw a i.nie indnrsed joint l,\' by IIenr,\ <'lay and lianiel Webster. • The stnry is tnid that I'lay asked \V(di- .‘ter In ii.d I'n .1 ;.n;e \\i:li h;iii f>,U' .•f .'"ii III I “.\ll i'i;;hl." ^aid the sMalimis and : tlinii;;litfi;l V\'n!i,^ter. "IT d" sn. Clay, if yiiu'll I).,1,1' it ,<l.ooii :iii'l ;;iv(‘ me I half," ('!:i,\ a_:rei d In the i-.iinliaet, ; and th(> twn -el nl!t In! I'.,ini;er UiRirs, : .sillied the ii"te wilh due snleniiiily ami i Seeiil'ed Ihe |1|M a'l'ds, ,\s Ilii'V sWUli;4: 1 across the lhre>h'i!d out a:;'aill oil tile I .•IVeJllle ;||i|J d.liiied H:i' mnnev Web poelii; friei.d P j;reat man nf I In he on”ht I" rea liaviii:; hear.i m NV'niiM iry liini. " nd wh:ll dll ; liis friend In b.'‘ w.idl'd I hroii:;!i i 1 i hiilioii,' 'Isl.': if •• 'We!!, We;; III is.' said the iud .e Shelley. 'rhe I I w '■:ii l In.- sillipO'e.l .1 liltle p.ietry, aii.l mil' It nf She'lev, I ster in lb.-- p .iide-nus \iiiee remarked I to i'la,\, "Ilf 111',', w h.\' d'l yon supp.-ise I .Mr. i;i,::^s Wa’:led "Ur i:.-.mes nil that I note;" I ••It ballli's me, liiidi'l." responded ] Clay. ■ I’efli.ips he desired suuie nie- i iiieliln to hand ilnun l.i pnsierily, for . I OMIllmt a! thi - ll.iin.' lll n';, eive liow i it is ^nin^ t. I i. ■ .1 f. I ilie present ! s'eiier.iiiiui The eaii eled n"In is | ..I i\ ,i valued I siiuveiiir, wnilli i.i.;i',v iinn's its !a<'e, j because nl I lie iliiisir i'Us 'imii'i's. .loe I MiP'liell ('happle in .\'ai;' i,a! Ma}{:i , .'ii.e "II I hiiik nf if.-' ~ lid I .iitih;.' after he hai "W iia-.'s nf T.i ip-.v beaiil iful . ,\i's. ! daresay i •r'-;i wh.ii 1 V !i. t'l l.ll'lW is the fa' Is',' w h"ii ar. " -W.sir.n w I il'MI'.; || III Star. ■I a! Thft Stip^eme Court. | The Sll|i','nuie 'Mill nf |!,n rniled' Slates is siii'p.end ' i i'C ^'riiil;> noii-i political, fi-i'e fii'ii all parties ,ind: ah'tve all parfic'. Il u i < desiunii) h.\'I tile falhi'is nf Ihe ' ni,st ;i ,ii inn ;n ait’ as the i\nrii'ir." nr "llywheel." ni' oiir -yslem nf U'i\•■rnnii'iii, nainlaiii im; .iusii.e and riiili! in Ihe midsi nf the w raliLilii.L." fai-t inns and chishii.u in- teresls. enrdill:.: In Ihe I henry, |l|e Mlpl'eme eoiiri is In kimw nnihir,-.; b it the eonslitul mu .ml the law- ( af" made in piirsiian. e iherenf and in ev ery matter that is br'iii'.^lil up befnre it | |i|.,ssnUi'' I' ll. h.ild Ihe bahmne .'\en, muardl'-s nt, , ^ T\^ain^s Rate. M irk Tw.lill WillI !'| ,l':.| n|.e Mlllo I Ili'ibili sh'iW in h s Ii fe I le went will, .a lieli-nil trii nil After he had imvn i!te i'.iis and nilier sights the frii'Ii'l 'ai'l; 'a nuie m; .iVer here. The irreale-1 s;,;,,..|nan in the ailtoimi bi',e bii'liiess K vsnrkilr.^. a Ini 1 Want nil 1,1 hnar Ibiii,' They vent !.i a plane where l!ie 'a.'esniali uas t.a’kiii” P. a f'nssilde eiisl. ",nr ab.i':! th" iii'tIis nf [ijs car. lie W.IS rillliiu nill'v.-'rd >" last that Tw.ain uaspnd "Sake- alne, ' -ai'l Iwai’i in liis slowest drawl, '•if m,\ pub'i-liers ever heard ll.e t.-i’k a- f.asi as that man dues Ihi'V Wn'ildii t pay ni" ll'i i ciits a , waird "I e\ en ..a'lit- I'hi y'd ake I me produce wnril- ab.. :| a h:ii..|red fur j II ni- ke!."- Saia-da- l;^ e;,ii '' I" Ilnw is it III sa.\ s|ire,id' s. Ion;;', w liile niir seem si'Uiehnw Did Hii Sh.ire. The Ipcliirer raised l.i, \ .I'c with einphutic conliileiii e •'It Is ni,v ln'licf, aii'l I \enture Ini assort it." ik.-declari d. 'that there isii I a mail in (his audience who has e\er done anyihiim to prewiit the des'ruc lion of (iiir vast Imest - ' A rather timid henpocked limkin:;! man quietly amse in the rear of ihe hall !ini! said. "I—er—I've slmt w onilpeckers:"—I'.v-1 ery body's. j An Idyl. ••He is my ide.d ami I'lii his idol," said IIk' «;iri. •■.\iid .voii." lo\e .-ilT-iir/" •'Is an idyl " ■•.\n(l your liair eV" •■He's idle. .■i''..nrdiu^' to pap.i."—I.a die.s' Home Jniiriial. j A F sh Story. In a school lor ' nlnrod children the pupils were asked to conslrili l :i sen li'iico contaiiilu'.; the word •‘aniphih foils." t)iiick as a ila«h '.me hoy f;.ne Iho followtiii; I “Most 11,h stiiries am lihious."—I'e frolt I''rei‘ Press • Pretty Rich. I.ouiso—Are they rich eiiousli to af for(l competent servants'; .luli.i—My doarl They’re rich euongh to alTorJ I'lsbonest ones —l.ifiv I evers ihiii;; I'Isi'.—.New \ ork .\ i I A Golf Outrage. ^ The I'.arl nf W'eiiiyss nn a I'ifi ; j;olf course mi mie oecasl <u acenmp j paiiied hy an n!d ■■a.ldi'.' llis Inrdshipi ;;ot Ills hall mi "io‘ n. i a-'.in s., near lln I hole that to pla,\ il was, as it appealed, fo him siiperlhioiis, s,, |i,. sliij|dy lip ' ped it in with Ihe "f Ins boot. j The caddie re\,.Ited ilislauter, threw down the ■luli- .iiei Ionised linrrilied | ,r can'l liii'i a p'.i'-. is tha 1 s,',a i.,( i i wliereas praisi iiii means h\ e|\ n ama' urilleii, -,','i Oil wiili| I'Ncile- i l'|. ipn..., Cidd ! I .ej,,i w Ml . sickb . ii:.'e . -I.II _ Sc.ind'il. :'t II i| . W ili,'l.\ .! .1 I. kind In take f. t ih.-'t i Iud I: es '■I- In ^1 pn wlli'li men .| 1.1-Is S'I ■vni'ls dnn't I an,! bear til' stony 'tty o.'wers vvI 'ertaiti it li brisk l.illc, I ni:;hhnr is b,v A II aeipiuint- ; i d and sci v- I.veilin' pepper reas a sbee of '•'Ily is but H I hii' k.-ra V. When he fmiad wolds |,i -peak it was to say, "Ham; it. me l,ir,l, i;n,vf's t-'ow r:" Her Goodness !iride,v->1 y w ii'i' i- a verv irnnd ennk. Wise iJet oiill Her m.'Iher Pild me she was jiisi lakiii.; ii"i lirst lessniis when ynu tnanied her Hridey—I’.x ai'll.v She was I i tintii;h not |o cimliiiiic her les-..;i,, ,ui inn I'hiiadei- plii.a I’ress .K n erpn ,1 '. an.I tnv niarki',1 \ ii. •'Mv dear this sn ip " ••There rather hav. — Hall tin.ire Not to Bl.ime, tin're'- t".i mnr'.i 'alo;' in I (n!d Ihe enilk .loll Wnnl'i 1 il se i'nt>''d with parsley ■• ,\iiii ri' ,111 I! Acquainted, Ilia J a I W as Pik'ui; a 1,1 v ’."I'n- I . t he Stale- u ilh hei- d Ihe I I'I nf III,. j(iuru»*.» re 'll IS .I. painful In fi'el lliat j one is -I. Hear !i.,iii'' W'e 'UiLilif In , siuhl Sandy I!", ;; this a•'lenioon " I "Shall We','" e\ laiined her friend, ' " 1 h- t w til be III ■■ I 'nii'l leil me whi'-li I one he IS I ,'aii alw.iy- pak a .Sents man nut nf a > rnwd, " t hief Stew'ird Strong Presumption. I l aw.M'r-V'Ui sa\ Ihal Ihe defendant I Van Ills aulmnnbi e ii,|" the show win dow of a millinery store: hut Ihnt iloesn'l show he inioxieated, doe.s il? Iiflii er—Well, no; bin wIii'ii I ar rested liim he was tr.vini: on the hats! — ■New >'nrk I ; Inbe. I A H.ird Case. ^ i "His wife e,ii'!is her ow u money , , I "IndeedI 1 did nnt know shi* was smart meet pe iji e w hnm ihey reeoi; ' Wh. Sm.T^'tness [|.',i|,'|. tl'iiil; thev liize .ts smarler Ilian lln'mselves (hey rail them •■i)i-ajr.'i'.ili e " - lieiroit ,>'ews The t!ioUi;hts file wealth of ( fri; if his heiirt, these are mHn.-Hurinpiic Siiy- I'liipli.v cd." "Oh. yes; hard al it all the lime." hat doi's -he do':''’ ‘•Works him lo >;ive tip. ’—New York .touriial. Wait is a hard word to the hunjjry.-- German I’rorerb.

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