Seventeen Marines Killed at Vera Gruz Being Oroiight Home For Burial \'ki;a ritr>^. .\ia.v ru, inHti.s IT liliu'jaiki'Is and mariiioj kiilt'il i;i ihf sIitci, li.aliliiiK iliiriuir tli'.' opiTalioiis ari’ompanyiiiu; IIk' inciii’a- lii'ii 111' \’rra Cm/. )iy llif I'uitnl Slalo!;. ili i't.starii'il (111 ihfir way lo N. w >'ori'. liHlay (ii! luiard llu- cniiscr Moiilana. I'oli'inn lioiu'i's wi i'i' ])aiil by tlii' .m'c i! ■i'si'iu!ilai;i' (11 Ciiili'd Si.Ui's :iii'l iiir ■if'ii tta:' vt'ssrls as llic M.mtana li' pa’" <■(1. 'I'hi- I Ti'U's Ilf ilii' warshiiis in luIl iini li I'm Inn il the r-liii'S (1 Hill' ua"'lil|'.- aiui as lilt' Miiiilaiia ri aiii' il t ai li (■ii. J ll.i' Ill' ll r>liH)(l at alli'iiUiiii, till’iiiari!'- ii.iarils iirrsi’uli'il arms and th'' sliiiw hinds [ilayi'ii. nm' hy niii', l!i,- ipUirs I'l llii' liulilin^ i-rat'l sank to half masl as I 111' .Montana passrd tUfdUiiU a lain- loi'iiii-d |iv divisions oi' Ilir AtUiniii On sliori' diiriiii; llii' Muiilaiia's pas sa.Si' out o 11 111' liarlior tli'' t'lai; I'Vi-r lirinadii-r IIi'IH'ImI Krodi'rii U Ftiiislon'-- luadiiuai'tiTs was half nuistt'd and was oiil> raised a.uain wl’.i'ii Hn- vi'ssi l bad disapp.-arvd o iillu' liori/.on. SHOW i:l{S I'KKDK I KI) I’AIM OI THIS ^ I 1 tv ri'HiiM'raliiri's >\ill Ht' VIioto tlio >»'i loiiiil Vvfnm'c -Tliiindcr S((iniis in Kiir \>es1. WASIilXGTON, May Slio«. rs ili.. nrst half of llu wn'k ovit most of t!i'' ciuiilvy I'roiii the Mississippi to I hi \ilaiiti( rt'.th ti'mpi'raluri.s ahovi' scii- soiial uvi-raci . and sIiowits and ilmi; di'P suirnis in thi' far wi'si thf lasr P'.irl (if ilu' wi'i'k fort'cast by tin- wi atU I!' buri'aii tonight. "Indii ations art- ihat tln' t> nipi ::, ■ li.ri- will LivtTaf,'!' aliovc thr normal ki’U • rally in thi' oastiTn and soiulurn siati-s and ihf !;ri‘ai ci-ntral valh'ys. said till- biilli'iiiK •'Tlif ppi'ciiiitaiion (.liirini; tin' wn-k will b'' loi ai but fairl.> W'dI distributi'd ov.t tlir un'ai i-. ntr.'i vallf.'.'s. till' ri'}:riiin o fib'- (Iri al l,ai\-' .iiid til" i-asti'rii southrrn statis. '■.\n ar’-a of ow baronn'tric pri-ssiiii Ihat now lovi rs tlii' plains stall's W'll ri'acb till' Allaniii- stati-s 'I'Ufsday nr' W'i'diii'sday. this di'pri'ssion will In- a' I lull'd by sho\?i rs lln' tirsi half of ih.‘ 1VI-. k oV'T niiifii of till- fountr> from till' Mississippi vab-y ti> tln' Allan'i- roast and in Ibf pulf stati's ".\notlii-r (listurl)ani'i' in tlii' far wr : Wi'ilivsday o 'I'liursday will prevail r.\ .'P 111" iniddb' wi'st iii'ar 111'' i lnsi’ if '111' Wi-. k . '■ large Ms Mlended [he Closing Mses of Scliool SVI.NTKHVll.LK, .Ma.i- 1. .Miss Cora V, . bslon of Walstonburi; is vi.-iiiiiii; Miss .\iuia .McC.lohurn ni'ar h< re. II is almost tiiiii' t'l bi'plu to nili - vai" yoiir croi). so you bi'tti'r s"i- W .Xiiii" and ,t;i'i oii'' "I tlmsi' fxri'i ii'iit ( ulivalors Iji'fori' ttu y arc all Sl.’li. \\'i‘ ari- si'lliim at i osl a iiiri- 'ini- of straw hats. Harrington, l!arbi-r and ' (' Mis.-> !li I'-n Smith was \isiiin,!; .Mrs. I!. I'. Co.\ and otli'-r frii’iids hfr'.- last COWED THE CHINESE. The “Foreign Devil" Used a College I Yell as a Battle Cry. I On lifiiu'il a launch on wlii-,'}] I was .“wilins np tliy Van^itxe river were about thirty ('liinpst- soldiors of sucli a ^ rngiiiinitfin appcnr.-itu'o as lo o.xi irt* iny suspicions, but fortiinnti'ly without fh('ir rith's. As t'vi'rnns (.if tlio first day caiiu> on tlu'v crinvib’il !iriuiiul the Pinall dtvk !)oiisi> aiul (iciiiaiub'd of the iiitiro a.cTi'iit to knnw what llu> ”for- i' (i(.'vil" was di'iii'j: lioro. Now, 1 JiaiJ boi'ii (.'Icaninvr Mini I'iliii;; tlio viiri- (iiis pans of niy samplo iiiai'liini‘ >rtiii tliirim;' tlu> »la v. lU'foiv ni.uhtfall I drrw th(» bliiuls of till* (Icckliouso and. qiiit'kly assi'mbliiii; th(> LTUii. .slipped ill a li>ad(.'d bolt. 1 now toiii t(ii' asi'iit, who was wliiio with fi'.-ir. to 'I'll th('S(i fellows that this ‘■ devil" "ln'lon.u: erazy" and also ■'bun U'lii" (Very tiereei and as a sort of waniiiig to "keeii (,'tf tlu' >:rass" I oi'eii. I'd the door and let etV a string; of about fifty sbo's iiito the air. at tlip saiiu' time jriviiitr the Vali> eolleLre y«'ll, vvbieli was ilie h.indiest v\.irer.v I could ttiink (if at the inonieiit. Whether it was the inforuiation im parted by tb(> ajjent, Chen, the shots or the V.ib' cheer I laniiot say, but all hands I'rowiled to ilie olbi'r end of the Ifliini h ;iiid remained at a ri'sptvtfii! distanee until Nam han^ reaebiHf. to the f;re:it aiiiiiseiiient ef the Chint'se captain and enirineir, who. hewever, had dei'iiled il nood |n)Iic.v to allow the piissensers to settle their own disputes without interference. This irH'ldent is ple.isinit to remember, but lit tile time 1 w:is badl.v scared.—From ‘■Drummiiii: kevoliitionary China," by Rarflett t;. Viiin;, in World s Work. ORIGIN OF BANK CHECKS. Den«e London Fogs, )t Is Said, Forced Their Introd'jction. It is claimed that the business world owes the idea of the bank clu'ck to else than I.oiidon's fosrs. Thes(> fo”s are sometimes of such density tbat tlu> pt'deslrian r'an S(>e but a f('w feet ah(>ad nf him. .''ninethiiit; over a Inriidrril years a:;i'. it is said the attacks I'f thieves and h;i;bway- nien in the Hritish upon baiil; nn'ssenuers ami iradi'siKeu H'liui. Hirouuh the <!l'eels I" sellle Iheir bills iK'canie so fr.'ijiieiii in limes nf heavy foS as scriiiu.~!y in iiiii-rfere witii the conduct nf l.nllil'iir.' Im'ilH'SS, It was t-as\ I'.I' the lliii'f 1(1 .■inibiish liis victim, ehili iiiiii ii.i'i insensibility, rob him :iiiil !bi"i di-^-ii'pe.-ir into the inarky atni"S|i|iei'i-. uiili ‘iii'e likell- ; liO'ul of api ri lieiisi' ii ni iileiit iii'-ailon or that I’assersby W'.iiM wiine-s the conuiiissidii of the ' linie nr be nf any ,'issistanco in the i li.i-e. Jn thesi.' r:ri um^i.'iiu-e- b.iukers, tradesmeTi and nibi is -..t ib"ir wits to ! workiii:;. wiili jlie i. vult that ihe bank check was devi^nd fm- i!ie payment of debts. Suoii the hiuliw ay im'ii found that a few picies Ilf 1 ajcr were all the booty they \\i>tr likely tn iret from a "holdup" nf evil a wealihy trades man. .\cror'liiiLTly Hie ,i' tivi!ies of the daylivtbt robbers mumi , ;iine to an end, but till' c'^iiveiiieii' e nf the bank check proved SI.1 ureal that it survived not only in I."l.dnu, but was adopted thraiiilioui the civili/.t'ii world,-Wash ington ,S:ar C. li. Wilkinson, ARcnt, •Mutual I’n'm'lil l-ifo and lufii.r;inc(' Ch.. .Newark. .\. ,1. -M.v Dear Sir: —Kindly acc.'pt my many thanks for check in the amount i)( vjsUH'O.UO. which is lull settleiiii'iit under policy -N'd. (lloiilli -Collin I'.'. 'J'ucker, luy son. riio death proofs were iiiadt mil on the l‘ith of .April and ch‘'ck was on the L’Jnd, 'J'his vilhiii itself shows the iironiptuess and scrvicc which the .Mutual lii iictit l/ifc Insurance Co,, gives You are lo be conuueiuled lor repriseiiting a company like the •Mutual I’cnelit l.ife Insurance Ci-. This policy was issued last .Tiiiii' and llieri' had been but one pr'liiiiim paid mi the polii-y, \\’ishin„' ,'iui iiiiiih siii-c'ss, I am. ^Durs very ttul.\ . •lOll.V i!. 'I Ti K l-.l!, •Vdmlnisi rator, % % =# Candidates Cards All Caiididiite Curds are I2.0U per iiieli per mouth pa;uliie in iidvuiice. lOK nti:AsriMiK. I will be a candidate for Ihe olliec of Triusurer of I’itt County, subject to the action of the Di'niocratic Pri. mary. I ihank the people for the >:i,i port they have given me in th' past iMid if elected, promise to give them the same service I have tried to give !>iuce 1 have been in ofiico, W. I! \VI!.S(i.\ 4^L'L’-tf. For ISIieriiT. I w ish to announce to my friends and to the public generally that 1 am a candidate for the ollice of sheriff if I’iii county subject to the action of the Democratie primary, I will appre ( iate the siijiport of all, R, HY,MA.\. For .Sliei-iiY I I wish to announce to my friends .and the public generally that 1 am I ( aiididate for the oHice of sheriff of I I’itt county subject to the action of Solid Comfort! The home fhat In fiiriiitthed •»} ns is a reully cosy, com- foHai*ic home-like placc— heraiisc the furnitare you elioose here Is Intended ex- xaetly for that purpose. Furniture I hi.t will suit your tastes—the plaee ymi intend for it -lust but nut Ica'I yonr jnirse. See the «iYeri',i(?s. Taft & Vandyke \v. -K i-'or all kinds nf liardwar" li. I', l-’oi r"sl and I'n, 'riii-y have a nice liii' tli rultivalnrs .iiid l raL.-plallti-rs . 11 you ari' in ne. d nf lumber nf nn.. kind you will niaki- no misiake ; ' si ■ i|ie t). K. Lumb' r and .Maniilac I'riii'.; ('oDipan\' • •Miss Sallii' .''^miili nf Unb.-rsiiiiviil'' V siiiiig •Misse.'~ .b’liiri- and I.a Uii" .M' < ;i(d:orn ni'ar h'-re. Will'll in iii'- d 111 liirnitur'- .-■■ ■ A W . .-Vnge and (,'ci. .K iii-w line of up '■> dati h.ils anil 1,1 ps at llarriimion. i;.irl)'-r and Cn .Mrs, Hirbi-rt .Ii-nkins nf Aiilaiidei. who lias bi'i'ii visiiin.^: li"r pareii's .Mr, and .Mrs. .■\, (I, Cnv, returnefi bomi lliis morning. $ If it is any thins ni dry goods or no lirns i;, I>, and Co has it Strayeii! f)ne Iron .irray mule be'i Viome April 2ii. W, '1' MIks. Clioci. loinity. .V, ('• 'riier<' was a big crowd of folks her*' last week attending the Wintervil!' High Sehool ConiniencenienI • The I iiiiini ncement was in every way a sii- Cl ss as it always is. The school has won a great reputation for having < < I'llent commencenK'nts and tbi-re j i'l ways a crowd here to it^ Raw Sponges. Ti’> pevsniis who know spoTi'.;es only 118 they appear ready for sale and use the nnimal ;is it cnnn'S from the .sea would be uiirei.'oyiiixab!(i. It is a soli'l looking, rather slimy, tiesliy body, va rying in ooliir from li^ht grayish yel low tlirongli ,‘i range nf brown.s to bla.jk and in fnrm it is cun shaped, si'heroidal op eake shaped, according fii the s[)ecies, it.s age or the envirm- iiient in wbicb it grew. In general, in appe;ir:uic(? and c.Uisi.stencv and llie manner in whii'h it cuts with a knife, n living sheep's wool sponge i.s not un like a piece nf beef liver perforated with boles and i iinals. Tin' sponge cf the markets is nierely tin; sk('leton. the .'Juppi.irtlng framew.irl: wliich gives prrf-nglh aiiil f .riii to the soft, gelati- Douci tissue of the living aniiuiti. For Solii'itor. Co the Democratic Voters of Itie Fifth Judicial District: At the request of Democrats from various sections of the district I hero L/ announce that 1 will be a caudidati :n the ne.xt judicial conventio* for the Ortice of Solicitor for the Fifth Judi cial district, R, A, NUXX. 4 111 Iw ,\ew Bern, N. C tl’.o Democratic primary, and will ap preciate the vote and help of any. 3-i;*-tf. W, SIMON MOYK. For Sheriff I wish to announce to my friends that 1 am a candidate for sheriff -jf r'itt county, subject to the action ot the Democratic primaries. Should I he elected I will endeavor to serve Ihe people one and all to the best of my ability, I will appreciate your \ote and help. KR.VHST U, DI DLKYV For ( oiisfalde. 1 aniiouiue lo the voters of Oreen \ille lownship that 1 am a candidat': for constabb' subject lo the action of the Democratic primary and will ap preciate the hi’lp of any, AMDS C, ,lACKSf>,\, t L'l If For 'I'roasurer. I use this method of announcing to tlie voters of Pitt county that I am a caiKlidate for Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. 1 solicit the vole and help of my friends and the public generally, and if elect ed 1 promise to fulfiill the duties of tl'.e ollice to Ihe best of m.v ability. I M O. W, HAIlUrxnTON. 1 “A B A” Checks GOOD IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. . . For Sheriff To my fellow citizens of Pitt county I heii'by announce myself a candidate for Ihe nomination for sheriff of Pitt county subject to the action of the Democratic primary of said county. I' nominated and elected I pledge myself to make you a good oflicer. Thanking one and all for their support and co operation I am. J.VO. I>. OIBSOX. if ( hicod Township. Criniesland. N, c, '4 L’O 14. Flies Greatest Germ Carriers. The niiisiiuii'i ini|ilani> (he Kerm nf inalaria, and tli'-^ i.-irry ihe ^ernis of tuliei'i'Ulo.-,is .'I- Well .'IS III her disease', .such as tyidioid and diphllu'ria. D'ln't wait until the warm weather t'j kill the tly Sv.'.-il tiiiu iiiiw liefiire llie Imblovers lifi^in t'l proiiacate. >Otiie Having bu(;n elected las Listi r tor the town of (irneiiville for the year 1;T4, this is to notify all persons liab!(' for taxes ihat I will be at llie court hmist' during Ihe monlh of May, l!>14. frr Ihe purpose of listiiiK taxes for the said town of Greenville, All persons liable for taxes please come forward and list thf> same. This lirst day oi May, 1?14. 1 t'f I? A TYSO.V. Tax Tak. r Uinual Heetinp—Ihe Home Ituililiim and Loan Association. The ninth annual meeting of the shareholders of the H(<tn<‘ Huildin.r; ai d I»an As-ocia^'m will be lii'bl in Mayors office at the city hall. Tuesday evening at S;,'Ju. Kvery member of th ' association should attend this meet ing and by their presence lend theii hearty support to an institution that is doing more for the upbuilding nf Creenville than anything else. SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TBAI>9 Atlantic Coast Line. North Bound South Bound I No. 58 8:18 a, m. No. 72 1:18 p. m No. 72 5:22 p m. No. 69 6:30 p, 31. Norfolk Sonthern. ' East Bound West Bound I No, 4 1:02 a. m. No. 3 3:19 a. n? I No. 2 9:32 2l. m. No. 17 7.54 a. tn I No. 18 6:35 p. m. No. 1 5:02 p. O' PoBSiblT Huerta wanted the ultima tum delivered In persitn For SheriiY. T«' the Democratic Voters of Pitt coun ty: I take this method of announcing iny candidacy for sheriff subject to the Democratic primaries. Should 1 be ebcti'd I will endeavor to administer the duties of the office with prompt ness, using coutsey to all. I thanU you for your support and beg to re main your obedient servant. Very respectfully l:: u .1 ,r, sattkrhwaiti; I For Constable. announce to the voters ot (Ireen- ville township that 1 am a candidate for constable subject to the aiiion o'' Ihe Democratic primary and will ap- ;)reciate Iheir vote and help. 4 14 A. R. STi:i‘P. For Clerk of Superior Court. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for clerk of Superior Court of Pitt county subject to Ihe action of the Democratic primary. Grateful for the flalti ring vote the people gave m<- four years ago. I again sidii'il your sup pert. If elect('d I will fill Ihe office lo the best of my ability. 2 If .1,1). COV, For Treasurer. I announce to my friends and the Voters throughout Pitt trounty that I am a candidate for Treasurer subje. t lo the action of the Demoi'ratic pri mary. If elected 1 will serve the peo. pie to the best of Hiy ability. Hoping to receive your vote and support 1 am. 4 J:; 14 C. T. Mr.'.T‘’()t!D For Sheriff. 1 wish to announce to the voters ot Pitt county that I am a candidate for sheriff subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected I prom my ability; never shirking from the ise to serve the county to the best of duties of the oflSce. Thanking you in advance for your vote and support JDK McLAWHORN, For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing 11 the citizens of Pitt county tbat 1 an-, a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the action ot the Democratic Darty, If elected I wll endeavor to serve the couty to the best of ability. I will appreciate your vote and anv help you may give me. C. E, FLEMING, For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as candi date for Treasurer of Pitt County sub jcct to the Democratic primary. 4 If, tf. W. L. HAI.L, For Sheriif. r hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff of Pitt county, hopln; my good friends will help me. If elect ed I will ser»e you faithfully. H. B. SM.TH NOrit K OF FLK(110\. lie it ordained, by the board of al dermen of the town of Greenville, in a call meeting, on Friday night the L’4th day of April. ItiH, as is provider, by the charter of said town and the various amendments theri'to. as fol- lows; 1. That an election bo held in th" several wards of said town, on Jlon- dry. Ihe 1st day of June, lt)14, for the purpose of electing live aldermen for said town. Those persons elccto-1 from the :ind. 3rd and 4th wards of said town shall continue in ollice for two years from the day of July. 1014. and those from the 1st and 5th wards for one year from July 1, ]!Hi. or until their successors are duly ('Iccted and (jualilied. .^Idi rmen to bi eb'cled from each of the five ward.s ()1 said town as aforesaid: ‘,i. That the following named per sons are hereby appointed as reg istrars and judges of the election, to hold and conduct said election in the various wards of said town, to-wit: 1st ward, ('has. Cobb, registrar; ,r. 15. White and .1. I. Smith, judges of election. 2nd ward, .M, H. WhitCj registrar: L. W. Ijawrence and B, F. Patri''k judges of election. £rd ward, D, T. Beaman, registi'ar, J. S. Tunstall. J. F. Brinkley, judges of election. 4th ward, D. D. Haskett, registrar; James Brown and W. M .Moore, judges of election, 5th ward, J. G, Bowling, registiar; H. (,'. Edwards and H. L. Cow id. judges of election. o. That said election shall bo hel'l :i* Ihe various places in said wards, towit; Isl ward, at court house. 2nd ward, at J. K. Winslows sta- 3rd ward, J. S. Cockrell's ofTlce. 1th ward, at .Munford's store. Five 5th ward, at J, F. King's stables. 4. That regi^ iMwks of sai l town will be open at the various poll ing places in each ward on Wednes- uay, Thursday and Friday, May 27. 2''. and 29, from 9 o'clock, a. m . t.i Ore o'clock p. m. as is provided fo» by the charter of said town t Imd. j ISSUED BY Greenville Banking & Trust Company. Coward wooten Drug Co. Onls the Besi ‘Drug* Uaed in Oar Pfmaiftkn Department L—itnt DtmtiMt »nd SmJmtn MONTAULK ICE CREAM Stiparitr (0 arty. AU Stia FmaUtIn Drtnk* Toilet Artielu, Full Unt of Stationvy, Conklin Fountain Pens, Kodak Supplies is«itVo Co ward-Wooten Drug Co. ScSSS*. T. I. Moore Jesse Speight Moore & Speight INSURANCE Fire, Health and Accident Opposite Proctor Hotel Norfolk Southern R. R. ROUTE OF THE -AIOHT EXPRESS’ Scli^dole In Effect Jaaoary 11, 1911 N. B,—The followinE schedule fisurei published aa information ONLY and are not guaranteed. Trains Leave ureenriUe. EAST BOUND 1:02 a. m. daily, "Night EzpreM" Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk, S;32 a. m. dally, for Plymouth, Elizs betta City and Norfolk. Brollei Parlor Car service Washinttoc to Norfolk. Connects tor points north and wegt. 6.35 p. m. daily except Sunday, t» Washinston. WEST BOUND. 3:19 a. m. daily for WlUon, Raleigl and weet. Pullman sleeping cm service. Connects no>th, soutli and west. 7:54 a. m. daily, except Sunday, foi Wilson and Raleigh. Connectt for all points. 6:02 p. m. daily for Raleigh and al Intermediate stations. For further Information asd reser vations in sleeping cars, apply to i L. Hassell, agent, Greenvilla N. C. H. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agent W. A. WITT. General Superintendent. NORFOLK. VA. HOTSBI M«TDI Into N ■takiss Oorntr to4 ft kvau MrMt« •AM BK«BT Trantfor tf«a No. t, Nldit ur VsT i(n«t« all Traju CHOICE CUT FBOWEBS For all occasions, Ro«ea, Carna tions, Violets and Valiies the lead ers. Our art in wedding arrangi»- ments are of the latest toaclu Noth ing finer in floral offerings to be had. Blooming pot plants, azalias. Hy acinths, palms, ferns, Norfolk pines aid many other nice pot plants. Rose bushes, evergreens, shruh- erries, hedge plants and shade trees. Mall, telegraph and felephone orde/s promptly executed by J. L. O'QaInn A Co., Phones: Store 42, Greenbouse 141i. RALEIGH, N. C. D. J. Wblchard, Jr., Agent >’or Ureenviiie ana Ticinity Cabbage Plants XILLIOKS OF THOROUGH BBEB FUO*!iT PROOF CABBAGE PLANT4 FOB SALE. The followlnrTM'leties: jersey Wak«* field, Csrleston ^tkefleld« 8n«MS- slon and Large Late Dnua Head. This selMtloo sbonld glre coutta*. ons keadlBgs throngb the snmmer. .. Prepared for shipment 1 ntlosshri’ Prepared for nhipinent In lota from lOM to 10,000 at 91.2s per aonsanl. over 10,000 at 11.00 per aousaai fl 0. b. GreenrlUe, N. C. Caa raitll ordera aaj ilie. Conat lAd latlsfaetlaa faaraataai. L. C. Arthur GREEJiTILLE, H. C. ,

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