The Missouri State Lite Insurance Co. Not the oldest Nor The biggest JUST THE BEST Let me show you J, F. Stokes, Special Agent Greenville, N. C. Y, ». C. A. Services. Winlervlllo Items Sunday evening services o£ the Y. W. C. A. were conducted by the (re- WINTKKVIIXlij May 13.— Mr. anil coutly olectcd) president., Miss Katiej.Mrs. A. G. Cox spent ^nduy witii !Saw(yer. The sul)ject: ‘‘The Uattie at Mrs. Cox's sister, Mrs. Juo. Sniitli the Forlt of tin; Hoad." was developed at ilanrahun, i l)y means of scripture readings from different parts of tlie Dible. The nietn ■ l)iTs took tlieir liiblcs and contribute 1 to the service by reading parts assign- I (1. whicli liorc on Hk; topic above. A reading, '"i’lie ISattJe at llic ForJt," '■.I!, carrying mi- of Hn sau.c lliought 'Ihe lessons deprived from a study of these topics are particularly vital to students, since tlicy are away froiii hoini" and in sonic eases do not fee the need of living a Christian life lUrictlv as if they were at lionie. BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE off Hf ay Wonderful Stomach Remedy Shuiild Convince You That Your Suffering Is Unnecessary. ^ocia/ an ersoftti/ PERSOMALS WKIl.XKSU.W. .\I.\V i:;. i:iu Mis. .1. H. Kt'cl left this morning lor Furmville. .Miss Jennie MVLawhorn leii this morning for Durhaii). .Mr. K. I). Alli'ii left this nioruinj; tor Robersonvilli'. .Mrs. l.aura White left this inorn- iim for riirlsmnnlh Id visit her ciaiigii 111'. j Mr. I^lward Hearie- leit this niorii ini: I'").' ' 1. iit’ersoii. Mr. .1. 'f I'.irres' u-rl lo Farii;- villi' loiliiy. .Nil'. .1. W. I''erri'll I’n slili iii of the .\tl;uitic Coast, Uealty t'o. arrived l>htrict ron/'oreiiee. .. The Washington District Coiifi i'M('e wtis held in Swan liuarier .Mav ,i, " ley ’I'he following delegates to the Annual C'onfereni> .A 15. Sw^indell, W. K. .Tacobsonj ,Ino. F. liruton, J. C. Draswell, T. 11 , .lones. Cl . I . Swillllell . 'I'lie I»istri('t Conferenci' fur l:i]ri will be held in Farinvill.-. Ilocommended for Chronic IndlKCSt^on and StoiTi.-ch, Ltverand lntc«> tinal Ailmentii. ABKIIDKKX, S. 1).. May I- I'aliota retail merchants gathered ill force today fot- the annual ('onveti- liiin of Ihi'ir stale assoi'iaiIon. I’resi. dent \V. 1j, Ware ('ailed tlh‘ iK'casion 111 order and Mayor I-;. M. Hall wel- cotiicd the visitor.s. 'I'lie b<,’ne(lts >f lation (,f good road.' to home trade were dis it this a;'t"rn()iiii, 'j'jii.i convention I'oiiiinue iiiiill Thiirsclax' after- iuiine riiitu FranUlinton today from local organization and thi Imlilini; a larye ;ind suci i ssl'iil auc linn sail' at lhal plari'. Mr. I’iirlier, uiih Iliggs-Tal't Coi.i alsd .Mr. .1. ,1 hyon w'ent to*"ooii, Fainivilli' tuday on business. j Mr ('lias. .Meekins nf \Va.diiii,e:ln'i ■ .\iiiioiineenieilt. I.- :i liii^iness Vi .lor hi re today, I lir. !•’. Fiits, Osteopath, begs to an- Mr. .lohn Warn n of C.rinieslanJ I announce that he will be iti Greenville n.i:- in lown today. ] for the practice of Osteopathy Tues- .\l r. loila.v Mr —'"tit in own - - - . 'iv fi'oniierful.'itomacS wi.n. oloci i./t i l.ivi’r and Inti slinnl < Ailrients, Oypapsia, Prcasiiteof Ctrl Arutina iii.uft, S^'ur StoniacU, Distrst,s ^crvmtznss^, Dizzines:tt Futntin^ SprtU, Sizk headaches^ C'oniti^ation, for$iid LivJr^ I’lr. rri ! ■ i.T^i' .i'V.r ;i' 1 t.i;' .ii"' li: ; it ill Ifi i>;tiers :4i> ( 1ki! h, 11- .ii-.» J. /’■> i tho ;ir •; i f living. Mayr'n Wonc/crtul :il,->nuiLh ticn K ll'i! l.>'-;t .I’lil trn«I wiiii'i.- i.i-. vr. -IV f..r tin; ai, .ve iit'-ai'iu-^. -V.-,!, yun. ..u . ill ■ ■: .'I ll- 'M *•* ii'i!;l\ . ] 'l.t it If. ;i ti--t —' Me ■ ■■■ u .'■hi.iiM oeiiviiie,-. || is i;i:.rvel.iiis 111 its In.-: liii^ .'ir 'i'.Ti:.,*'. ■ni! iM en-.” is ;;;i'..r; ! :i . il. .'.'f.; I'll tilt? siiur.'t* .'itui I'I'.iniliitinn of stuni.-n li rioutll aiiiii' Ml !nii.,t t-ii briiiKs iiiii'i; rcliL-f .-mil nwil'is. lut'lll.v Slf re-..s(!:l iiemi'iiy li.i-i i.iliL'n t)v t!i.‘ iip ..,i |iniinit;L-iit IH’upie. .Cl i I!.-!..!.’ Ill flit I't iile, iiiiini.'j tln"ni ^^"l, !ii !•< of Ciinirri' s. u- of ttia !ii:|iri-ii.-(' I'.r- Ivhi-..tnrs, l„cvvi.'rs,.M.Ti'iKinl3, Uieii;i!r-. iJ.i.-i..r>. I)ni««i.;t,, X-irsus. M.miifiic- 'irf ii. I’-:.- .; . .Mini~ii.-f;. l'',irm.Ts, wiili lustins eiu:it mill it slmiilil l>a ftin.illy siii'rfsstiil in ; ii'.ir I .I*;!'. .Si.n l i,,r free v.ilu.ilile Ijenklct on i'l iMa.'ll .\:!llli>llts 111 Cieii. II, M.ivr, Mf>r. l;Uo.:ii.,t. 154-15U Vi’liiuii!? btreet, Chicago, lib Fertilizer distributors for y|)ur se.' ond application of fertilizer arc now on sale at Harrington. Barber and Co. Mr. Walter J. Wyatt bft Monday for Uidge<rest where he will .spend the summer. ' Hring us your chicken.s and eggs and get the highest market prices;. I!. IJ. ForresI and Co, Mr, H, 'I'. Stokes has accepted a position with A, W. Ange and Co. He will take great delight in showin,^ you dry goods, hardwtire and machin ery. Call to see him. He will mal.e the [jiii'cs right. Misse.s Dora K. and Laura Co.\ lei': ■Monday nnirning for .Vashville. ’I'enn . where they will attend tin? Suuihern liaptisl Convention. They will re turn by Italeigh and attend the Mori, dith Colli ge ('ommcn('i‘nient. I^adies ;ind genlleinen, you cun >;c i slippers al reduced prices at Harriiii; ton, liarb'-r and Co. i We have pants to lit the in'uh. lli • low. ihi' rich the poor, the stout aiei t! ■ J'lilii. (' inie lo sec us hefori' le.iv ing el,, where, i!. !• I’orrisI ami Co. h\(;kk kxo>kk\tks AI,KX.4>BKK T.\hKS THK BI.AMK OK Ml SALlSIU ItV. .May 12. Floyd Al. For Sale in UreenTllle, N. C., bj THE JOUST L. ^y00TEy DKL’O CO and Druggists everywhere i:d l-'laiiaBaii wciil ii() Ihc, Thursday, and .Saturday mornin.'s j from SiSO to 11’:,'iO. Oflice at Mrs. Ada Cl imes III Crinieslan I i (’lierry’s residence, corner Fifth and Washington streets. Phone 270-J ■Aiisl ill IS in town tnda.\ on business. .Mrs. .1. I. Uumbly and children who has been visiting her parents who has been vihiiing her parents here left this morning for her homo •’! -Nashville. W. t:. liiirke Ilf the Publicity and i.dvcrtisiiig dejiarlmeiii of the .\tlanlii CoasI Iteally Co. Icl'l lodav lor Win .-iiiii-Salcni and C.reensboro on i)usi. ii.'ss for Ihe coiiipany. ,\lr. ami Mrs. .1. I!, .lames lefi this morning for .\orfolU. .Mr. 1>. I). Haskett left this niorii- 11,,g fi>r Mildred. Mr. W. .S. .\ikins of .Norfolk i; spending a few ilays here. .Miss Kathrine Crady. who has lieeti holding a position at 1‘arker’s stiidii;, left Tuesday afternoon for In r Imme 11'. Kinston. ' S .1. .Maiigum. maiiagi r o' i .<iiles Forte of the .iBlanth (Nuei Itealiy Co., spent .vesterday in town •ind lefi last night for Winston-Sab i;; where tile company is holding a sa'e (ii city lots and small farms. Mr. ('has .lames returned this morn ing from llichmond where he attend, td the May Festival. Miss Ada Konip of New'- Hern t ame in Tuesda}' afternoon to viit relatives here. ' I .Mr. ,t. li. Brinkley of Freemon. near Wilmington, is visiting his dauafh ler. Mrs. D. C. Uudley. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Carroll return ed today from their bridal trip are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I>. Whichard. .Mrs. Henry K .lohnstou and little son. Wesley, from the country spei;r Tuesday with her daughter. Mrs. C Maker. Till' Weather is olil suranier tinii wearing that " feeling. ■good For W'eaKnes.s cnj i .o.s.sof Apfietito Tlie 01<1 StjiTnl.Trd uniernt stiefifjtlieiiins tonic, r,HOVI-; .S T.VSTKI.I-:SS chin TdNIC, drives out i'l:ihiri.'i .inil liiiililii no liir ,svs(»‘in A true tonic ^ bure Appetiser. l u> acl'iii.s aud childtc'i. SDc. Marriiige l.leeiises. liegister of Deeds Hrascoe liell has issued licenses lo the following I'c.upli's siiK'e Iasi n-port: >Vliile Chas, F. .lohnson and Letha Lewi.s. I'lelas .lackson and tjeiieva .McLjrw- horn. I'h nesi 'I'. Forbes and Cora .M. Clark. . .Colored. . Ishore Crummer and Uosa Harrell CHOICE CDT FLOWERS For all occasioDa, Roees, Carna- tioDg, Violets and Valliea the lead era. Our art in weddlnc arrang<»- menta are of the latest toncb. Notb' ins flner in floral offerinci to be bad nioomlng pot plants, azaltaa, Hy I’roi. r-’. C. Nye reiiiriieil MoikIii eveiiiiiu' after snpplvinfi for llcv I K. Ili-iuiron al Mills >'!iiday. The iiiiys are growing wmnicr Imi A. W .-Vnge anti ('a., iiiui'-' grows iliiniii'r and llierefore ilie dav;, will 111 ideasani if you hay iiiuiei- Weiir fioni them. Saturday morning while hauling .gasoliiii'. Cleius Stox. a IL’ year old boy. got his foot very painfully but nol seriously mashed by a barnill ,i; oil falling from the carl | The horse beianie irighiened ami bewail rearin'; and III' harrell got over balanced and fell I'roiii the I'arl on ihi’ boys foot. When In need of lobaci'u liueks. screi-n iliiors screen wire and all kind., of Iniiilier see the <i. K. I.nmher and •Man 11 f:icl 11 ring Com|)iiny. .Mr, M li. I'.arliiT reliirneil froii; .Xoriolli Saliirda.v. Vesi -nl.'ty nlh riiiKiii tit lladdoi k.'; j Cross Uoads .\Ir.\\'il! Cox's liilic ei^lii ; year old child w'as playing willi a > caliber revolver ami shol iis liH lluee vi ar old slslei'. 'i'hi' bullei cn j lei'ed i|ie cliilds head .just under iisj nose and il is lliouglil that Ilie ball | |)cneiralid tile liraiii. The chili died iiisianil.' . 4 lub Koiueii >feet In SparlaiiburK. SPAUTA.VHlRCj, S. C., May 12.— !^ijarl/inburg capitulated today to an invading army of t:lub women who ar rived in legions to attend tlu‘ anuuul convention of their state federation. Today s^as devotetj lo the ri'ceptio'i of the visitors and meetings of coni- milii'i's. JJi'ginning Viith a vsejconm demonstration tonight the sessions will be continued until Friday noon. The ( onvention has its guest of hoti- or .Mrs. pen y \' Pennybacker, pres idi III Ilf the (ieiieral Fi'deration of WOnieijs Cllll,.-;. ander, charged with implication in the ii'urder of Preston I^.verly at Harb';' February 24. is on trial here. The slale rested its lase this aflernoon. after using practically the saim- ev; flence whii e convicleii .Si<i Fing< r last week. The defense used Hnger as a witness and he lompletely exon erated Alexander, takinn the crime upon himself and telling in all the horrible details how he alone visited Ihe store and killed and robbed l.yerly and set the lire wliicli des iro.v'ed Ills body.' Finger stnek to his awfnl story iIhoukIi Kaslern < arolina, "Our Greet: w-e!l under a severe cross e.vainiiia ville is alw‘»iys furnishing something llial so many oilp-r small l ilies can't I I Mlaiifa mil'll iMih .shriners. j, Al'KA.NTA, Cii.. May l:!. It wa.s estimated lhal L'.'.onii members of th ■ Creeiiville is furnishing i|uiti‘ a lot of ilie coniniencenieni speaker.s lidii by lir. Clement Siilicilor < 'lenienl . who is assist ill >lay l'’es(l*al al \nn \rbor. A.\.\ AHIiOU, ,\li< h . -May i::. Mii-^ to .order and tiioiisands of additional vis ilors v\<eri in Atlanta this morning when the annual nalional i onclave of the .\obles of tile .MvsHi Sliriiie 1) itaii in I'armsi. Tlie city is Irans- iormed 'viili rtiltir and d-coratioii. liiirinj; the ritiiailider of the we-R il lovers from far and near caiin Ann Arbor today lo attend llie open ing of the ittenty lirsl annual .May f's lival uiiiler the auspices of the Cniver sity of .Michigan. The festival pro «ranimc this year iirovides for (i'. ciiiH'cris. with Handels Messiah ami l-:i,;4ar's Caraclacus as the prini'ipal, Ai laiila will be given ovi-r In the visi ailraclions. Mine. Alma (ilnck. Pas-jler.-,. Among the spetial features duale Amaio. Ki( hardo .Martin and ^ "f eiue|tainmenl which Vaarab'l'em- llejcross and Soulh j soloists an- to lake par | pb' of this city has provided ils brotn |a:.sisieii Iiv Ihe ('hnr:il union chorus |ers an- a grand ball receptions. Inn of i'.oo Voices and ihe Chicago Syin ■ j cheons. aiiioinobile rides and an ante lilnmy Orchesri. /bellnm barbecue. Office at Carr and Atlcins H ’ware Store. W. s. Newcomb, House Painting, - - Interior Decoratoi P.iper Hanging, Window Shades. WANT ADS . . fi ---jfj •'0 I >OH(i; OF KI.KCTIOX. lie it ordained, by the hoard of al dermen of the town of lireeuville, in a (all mei'iiiig, on Friday night the acinths, palms, ferns, Norfolk plnei -•ith day of April. I'JM. as is provider., other nice pot plants, by the charter of said town and III as fol and ,T L. firemen Have Mce Hall. The assenit)ly room ol Hope Fi'" ' Conipaii}' in the niunicipal building is liandsoinely furnished and is an a'.- iractive place for the members of the (onipany, A pianola, pool table, game tables, newspapers and maga zines. give plenty of opportunity to pass Ihe time pleasantly. Thn fire laddlcs are proud of their quarters and feel greatful to those who helped in furnishing it. ' . Voiir ra\es. 1 will be at the court house 'Jth. Ititli, 2.1rd and Sotb. All other times during the month of May at Hall & .Moore otiice on Five Points 1 \V. .M. MOOiiK. Ust Taker of (Ireenville Towuship. (! tf Rose bushea, evergreens, shrub- erriea, hedge plants and shade treet Mall, telegraph and felephone orde*'* promptly execute'd by I %I. Ii. O’Qaian A Co., Phones; Store 42, Greenhoufie 14i» RALEIGH, N. C D. J. Whichard, Jr., Alter! I’nr tireenvum an«i ▼leinlf ■Margaret Mayo's new farce, "Twin i;|as brought out in cjucago. Kugene Walters newfi'sl play, Plain Woman,” seems to have uft with favor in the eyes of the critics. eitUl'KHHlUMAl. UAIiUA. various amendments iherei lows: 1. 'i'hat an election be held in th s< veral wards of said town, on Mon.' dry, the 1st day of June, 1914, for the purpose of electing li\e aldermen for said town. Those persons electei liom the :1ml. IJrd and 4th wards ot 1 said town shall cimtinue in office for two years from the lirst day of July, 1914, and those from the 1st and 5th wards for one year from July 1, 191-v, I’eds or until their successors are duly elrcted and qualified. Aldermen to hi- elected from each of the live ward.s of said town as aforesaid. ;!. That the following named per sons are hereby appointed as reg istrars and judges of the election, to hold and conduct said election in the various wards of said town, to-wit; 1st ward. ('has. Cobb, registrar; J. H. White and J I. Hmith, judges nf election. i;nd ward, M. 11. White, registrar: | I.. W. Lawrence and H F. Patrick j g, j. EVGBETT j'ldges of election. j Attorney at L*w ^rd ward, I>. T. lleaman, registrar, | Edwards Building, on tb» Conr J S. Tunstall. J. F. Hrinkley, judges i Houkb Squaro 01 election. * 4th ward, U. D. Haskett, registrar; ' W« CAB'fEU, M. D. James Brown and W. M Mo.ire, i Practice limited to dlseasoa of th» k.r» judges of election. Eat Nose and Throat. 5th ward, J. G. Bowling, regiatiar; , Washlngion, N. C. GreenvHle, N I OU. JOHN' F. TU101>E>. Tetemary iSnrgeon. baa moved his office from Did Rai Bow Stables to Dr. Zeno Brown's ! Stables on Fourth Street Phone 384 Day or Night. Im d und w. New Gar den Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets Maine Red Bliss Irish wobblers Seed Oats Rape Seed Dr. Hess Stock & Poultry Powder S M SGH0L12 PliO.\E H OFTt:.*il Citeh must acrompan; orders for want ads, except from thiise iiavlni; refuliir advertiain* ac counts. The rate is 6 cents por line, fill words to the line. Tel ephone No. 74. IIOl !S(:il(>l.ll I CO.NO.UV 1 11! il'iiiii spring to reduce tlie high c(jjjI of living. Start at the vital point—Youi' r:.nge. See our ad in this iBsue. L. C riiriia«e Hardware Co. Ayden, N. C .M ltUVlSJ Iiini S -\T ,S, M, SrHLLT/ s|| h \M) ( l!i;l’l. MIllM >VMSr,s. ,li;.^l received. .Muiiford s ijiialiiy Sliop t:; -’111. MISS. W.S. M:\V(0.«B, M.IM FA( lurer ot Human Hair Goods, Braids, Curls. Transformations etc. Natural Hair Braids for sale. Prices reasoa- able. KesldencP Mrs. Ada Cherry’s 4 U tf. ■ABDING A PIEBCE Lawyers Practicing In all the Courts Office in Wooten Building on Thirt ■treet, fronting Court House >01M II» IM l.l{> I AH>ll:|{S « i.\r Caroliiiu l.ands. .See ileiirj- T. hiwif. 4 15 14 Imd, WVMil) Kt HI V—AN (M.l> VIO liii in good condition . Address C. 11. K care lieflei liir. -‘i II Jt I OM I I.ABVVS n iT( II SOMi:. where ill .-Vj-deti. lii lurti lo .Miss .M:il lie .lohnson, .\ydeii. ,\ (' 11 I'ld llOBKIfN IIVMIXi >ll{. A. I.OPK/. will bcRin a tlass Monday, .May is. 1!)1 I, 2nd floor new* Krown Huildin^, iJickinoon .-Vve. Instruction in ail new dances. 1 v\ . H. O. Kdwards and H. L. Cow id, judges of election 3. That said election shall oe hel' a* the various places in said wards, towit: 1st ward, at court house. 2nd ward, at J. H. Winslows sta 3rd ward, J. S. Cockrell's otllce. 4th ward, at Munford's store, Fivf 5th ward, at J. F. King's stables. 4. That regi J liooks of sai l town will be open at the various poll ing places in each ward on Wednes- uay, Thursday and Friday, May 27, 2“. and 29, from 9 o'clock, a. m., to nve o’clock p. m as is provided fo< by the charter of said town. » 30 Imd. ] Office with I>r. D. L.. James, Oreen Title, day every Monday, 8 ■ m to I yt' D. M. CLABV Attorney at Law Land and Drainage Cases a Speclalt* In office formerly occupied %y Jarvis and Blow. DR. V. II. MEWBORN In Fitting Glasses, At Aydeu Saturday aft«r the second Sunday of each month at J. R. Smith and Bros. Store. Home Ofllco KlnatOB, N. C. HARBF Attorney at Law GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Metropolitan Life Insnmnce Co. of New York Assets 447.82d.22y.16. Gfoiige A. l^orrest, Special Agent 319 Evans St. Greenville, N. C. H. BKXTLKY HABHISS Still With “OLfi RELIABLE” The Hutiiul Life Inttnranre ( o„ of N. T. DR. I’AI L FITZGERALD. Deutist. OlBce over Frank Wilson's Store Telephone 437. Greenville, : N. C B. F. T¥80JI infturanre Life, Fire, Sick and Ac. Office on fourth «t. •>t>i ^ . .• Wilson > •' • ALBiojr Dumir Attorney at Law Office in Bbelburn Building, Third Practices whereever liia services ar« desired 'Jreenvllle, - - North Caroline .\sk your groi'er for Fl.Ol.U —Hat the best MOH.S KOriK 4 25 tf HU{ Ri;>T om: m>k room house, modern conveniences apply to L. C. Skinner. 5 G tf I, vmi s SILK, < RKl’F dressi's, special prices. ijuality Shop. | \^n voim; Munford f r,.13.2t I Wnuled. To purchase a farm of nol less :i.'. ai'res not more than 4im), on easy terms. If you have one to sell write or see me, if you mean business. I pri'fer bu> ing within 5 miles of rail road, but jirice and ti'rms wou'd in duce puri'hasing elsewhere. ,1 F r.AllWlCK. r> 1 Ilf .XydiUi, N C >■ otice Having been elected Tax Lister for till' town of (Ireenville for the year i; H, thi.s is to notify all persons liable for taxes that 1 will be at the court h'luse during the montli of May. 1914. fcr the purpose of listing taxes for the said town o£ Greenville. All persons 1‘able for taxes please come forward and list the same This lirst day of Ma.v. 1914 r. 1 If I! A TYSOV. Tax Taker I I I I I L MISn mi KH I. Sal on a 'luiiVl. I aliiig- t)j curds mid whey. Aieug came Mr Spider, >Vho sat down beside lier, VHiile .Miss .MuiVet iust flitted uway. Vou'l not be frightened away nioM 011! i( i: ( »K parloi: Not a >pider, nor ii Kl.v. I he) lasle like more, our eurds antI >vliey— 4 lhal i> nh.v you'll want lo stay! Candy Palace .1. (i. I aulares, I’nip, .Notice ol UisKoliitiiin. Il' iiiuli'al ( oiisciil li'i ' Ilf .Meoie I 1 i; I'OiiiiH .11 d of >. I Moon- and \\ H. lioiig, is thi.-, day lii?.^ .Ivcd The saiil I. I. Moore, who livi'a a. •New iierii. ,\. C , will Continue to iiilend the siipi rior court of I’lit couii- I when employed in cases wliSii will justify his coming and will be ass.i I iateci with W, H Long in s'lch cases as his servite may be desired I'he said W H, l.iong will <. .u.iinuv' to practice law and occupv the t tiice w hich has bn t. heretofor<> ,i i upieil by the lirm named r.oili I. , id Mtxire and l. e said l.oMg V. ill ii't iinue to gi c ia>u i-,i. tention to the cases now pending in vhiih th<;y have been employed unti' the same are disposed of just the same as they would have done if a dissohiiioii liMd nol taUi‘n pla> e L I. .MOOKK, Wm H 1,CM! (ilecnviHe. .V C, .Vpril i:i. IIM4 ,'i s 1 w . Notice. This is to notify all parties that I i ni no r connect'! in any way «ith the lirm (if .iruie.-sM . I'ord Al- t'o., ineate I i.i lie^.iei, N , liHviiig solil my interest to .lohn .1. Ford He as. sinnes all liabilities and assets of tha ^aiil company.. T. It. A.N’UUDWS, 1 :’,0 Id "w .') "i Id 3w, J. C- LANIER .MO.MMKMS A.\D HEAD S10.\£!4 A>D lUOX FENCES tJKEFWII I.F. ■ NORTH ( AROLlHk

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