For the Road OUR RAYO LAMP DRIVING is the most compact and efficient lighting de vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar oat. Equipped W’ith thumb screws, so that it is easih^ attached or detached. Throw^s a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and wher. detached makes a good hand kin tern. Strong, Durable. Will last for years At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY >otire of AdminiKtration. The undersiRiK'd havint'g qualiflei! as administrator of W. M. Hagsdal. dt'ccased. Iati> of I’iu t'ouiity, Nor’i i.'aroliiui this is to notify all per foiis havintr i laiiiis a>;aiiist the I). s;tid ili'o asi (I lo «'Xhil)it Ilu'in I ■l.i’ uiitU'r:^i.mii'il oii nr Ix'foro iho t'll (i:iv <pf April. nr this wi; Im' jili'Uii in ii.-.!’ Ill' ilii ir n l ovi-ry. A! |ii rsous indi bii d in said i slali' wi'i lili’.iM- iiiaKi- iiiiiii'liiaii' paymi'iit. HlCIl - .UACSDAhi:, Administ ralor MAIilMXi’i ,v I'1 i:i\i ■Allorii>'ys . -i t'- ltd :;w. V»^ashin*iton» O. C'. Richinoncl, Vtt. Norfolk. V'a- iNew Jersey' BALTIMORK Charlotfis. N, C. Chnrlestoii, W. Va- Charleston, S. C. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS llu'. ilii; i|!ialit,i’ii ii-i I'Xi'cutors llarr’. i 1.. lioss dmasi'd. lati' lU' I’iti Coiiniy NoMh l';u'(i|uia. this is t.j imtil'v all (M r.-ur:^ liaviiiK i laini- iii. aiu'^i Ihi- i-stali m' 'hi' said dcccasi d, li I \jllliil llli lll 111 II.I- UUdiTsiKIli il «ilhiii twi'lv.' irmiilhs in iii this dat •. or Ihi.' luilii i- will Im' I''.'adi <i in bur '•i! thi-ir n I'ovi ry. I All persons itidi'lit. li 'o said ost.i! ■ ,"’11 ['!■ asi inaki^ iiiiiUfiii.iti' payiut (i: j I'!.is April l:!lli. 1!'!4 ' .Idslma liii- • il. A liiws I Kxi'rll'nr': r t; .I,mil's and s,i:. -■\! inriii V-; 1 Id ,'iH J xiTiitor- >olii'p llaviiip iitialilii'd as i xi i ulors of H I' I'.iinioii. dii'tasi-d. !ati' of I’iit i-nn.i .Viirth I'ardliiia. this is lo notify ill ; pfi'Oils haMiiK i laiiDs rt(jainst Iho ( s- lali- of said din asid to prc'scnt tlii'in ' to till' iindcrsiKiii’d iviihin Iwi jvi' ^ iiioiitlis of this dali‘ or tins notici- wili . hi‘ pl";idi d n li;ir of thi ir rccovorv jAll piTsisn indi'liti il In saiil I'stali' wll! I |di as<i iiuiki' iiiiiii'M.iiati p;iynii'lit I li’’ .'111 d.i> Ilf April ]'!!' 11 I HK1.I,\ i: I ANNO.V ' I K I'AN'Xn.V. I t'Ixcculor' 1\ I), .lA.MKS \ snx. A''v>. ltd T.Hv I V MONEY SAVED by The J. 1. Case I'obacco Transplanter. Great savinR in time and labor, increase in yield per acie. Set your plants when r-eaJy-dont wait for ram Each plant waiertd ai the roots, covered with dryearth-no baking. Every fealure necessary for every purpose, desired. Come and see these machines before you buy, built riglu, works rij^jht. wears ri^'dt, and prices right, “The Case" IS best made Criiucsland, l'.. Kcb 1", ll'14. Mi’ssrs Hart Hadl<>y, (irefiivillp, X. C., I I< iitlcuK>n: III r*'gard to lln' 1. ('380 Tobaciu rransplanli'r will say; that 1 am wo’.l pli-ascl wiili it. 1 couldn't a.sU for one lo work any bi’ttor and it was jiisl as yon ri'prc-sonted it to bo. It worko;! ti' porfr-c'tion and I am satisfii'd it savi' nil- si-vcral hundrrd dollars. I set niy ( iitlre crop of .seven acri'.') with it and it was dry woatbor wh<n I Si t it. I nsi'd six barrids of wati r tirst sfttiiiK. I set some parts o' p. r acr.- and Kot a porfoct stand the rows all throuBh ruy pati h by hand just to try it and I found that that whieli I set with hf* 'I'ransplnnter grew 1m Iter the season tlirounh. 1 also spt soino for several of niy neighbors and tlii'V say that tlp irs rrew bottpr than I hat thi'y set by hand, and they are bi-KKinR niP to set theirs for them the tomiiiK season. I ul^o tiave friend.*! at a distance of llfti i n miles from me vvlio want me to set ilu ir i rop tor I hem. I ran t say too iniii h for Muir nia I Mine and wouldn't be w' lOiit otje toi l’i\e llunilred liollars and as 'o .\ii\ir servii es. 1 couldn't a k for liet- ter. Yours truly. .JKSSIC. II. S.Ml'l'M Majority of Friends Thought Mr.' other niediclnes. 1 decided to I take Ills advice, aithough I did not have i any conliJetice in it. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. 1 have r.o'.v been taking Black-Draught for ttircc iiionth.s, and it has cured me— luuen't had those awfu! sick headaches since I began usin^ it. Pomeroyton, !\y.—In interesting ad-1 I am so thankful for what Biack- vices from this place, Mr. A. j. Hiiglies Drauglit has done tor me.” writes as follows: "1 \\as down with! Thediord's Black-Uraught has been I stomach troubie for five p) years, and found a very valuable medicine for de- would have sick headache so bad, at, rangements oi the stomach and liver. It .Xoilli Carolina. I Ml (■■.ui.t\ In I’lihli ll 1'. Il.irriss HART & HADLEY, HARDWARE NORTH CAROLINA r ('(iiirt 'Ullllllol. times, that 1 thou^'ht surely I w.xild die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, 1 cou:d not eat or sleep, is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, i ■ used by youn^ and old, and should be .\il.iii!;i ('iia.-i l.ilH- liiiil l!oad ('.uh- luiiiy. .Xi'W ^ I rk i''i.iral and llii'l soil Kivi r U.iilriiiid (’oiiipany. iMu I inniii.iiiii Sti jth Sliip Company ai. i ciy.l.' I.iiic .stl•;ltll^llip Coinjiany. riif ill fi iidaiits. .Xi w York Central ;ii'd Hiiilsiiii Uisi-r Kail Hoad Cotiipai. and the did I'oniinion .Sleanishiti Ciiiiiiiaiiy will take notiee that fln ii I ion Notice lo \\ lii-fi as by a d< i Hirt of I’ltt count.' ( rciliiorN. ri e oi I he Siipi rill-' made by bis huiioi' Mail iur lit'tied as above, has lu ' ii . , ininieiiceil in the Superior (.'ourt ot' contains no dangerous ingredients, 3rd ,, , , ,, „ ’ I ritr County, tor tho colleetion of ter- acts gently, yi-t surely. It can be freely !tain damaKes arising by tlie delay in 'tile sliipment of one certain enRino ^'•hipP' d lo O. K. Harriss, CreenvilU,, and all my friends, except one, thought 1 ^ kept in every family chest. Xortb Carolina by Tuttl Motor Co.. would die. He advised me to try, Get a package today. jof Canastoia. .\ew York, on or about ,, ,, ,,, , J . 1 „ ! Alrireh ."rd.. IftKl, hv wav of the New lliedford s Black-Draught, and quit, Only a quarter. Make Your Own Painf! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L. & M. SE\n-MIXl-:D REAL PAITVT. at $2.10 }>er And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - You then make 7 gals, of pure paint tor h‘s only $1.50 per gal. Anybody can mi.\ the OIL with tl.e PA5NT. Whereas, if j'ou buy 7 gals, cf rcatiy f ’ CANS, you pay SJ.IO a cr $K,.70. . iiaiiiels. .ludu'i- I’reMiliiif; a! h ti-rm. 1!U1. I’itt i-oiiniy super- oiirt in lliat lertain special ac- I III • nil! |i ll .1 11. iripp vs. 1. .t. I 'riz/i lli . .1. . Koss w as appmnii ' I'l i i-ivi r of ihe tirni of Tripp, Hart \- Coinpaiiy and was autbori/.od by said decrtc of the ciiurt lo lake po.-^M s^ioi. o*' lollei lions of all kinds, notes, niort- nafi' S and i lainis of whatsoever kiirl dill- to the tirm of Tripp. Ilait ,v Cnin paiiV and eollei t llie sahle as s( as practicable. •Xotice is hereby given tii all per sons iiidi bled to the tirm of Tripp. Hart & Company to make immediate settlenieiU with J. S. Koss, receiver, and all persons having claims against riu- r. a\f. <!E.\n ^rixFn Kr.\r. r M\ r:< •lil\C t>nJ Ll\SEL U (Jit., the ht‘piu;n •'•vr ;yn!T- Use a gal. oat oi any L.&M.PAINT ou bu.v, aiicj ;i paint made, return Ibe paint and bcl ALL. n .1. .lit. i .1 I. >fo\r. ».iahWii.Li':, .n ( , MHI HIIU.I -IIU KS in»\v. ( (»., s.\ovv llll l, > e (itSKll.l. Him. ((».. vp.nuKit.v, > ( WHEIIEVEil TOO NEED J M TCIIIC ■ TME CBOVE’S The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a Gcnerel Tonic bccause it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malctfia, Enriches the Elood and Builds op <hc Whole System, For Grov.'n People and Childrent You know what you are takiiif; wheu you taite Grove’a Tasteless chill Tonic M the fononla is printed on every label sho%ving that it contains the well known tonic propeities of QUININK and iRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Fortn. It has ro for Malaria, Chills and Fevei, Weakness, general debility and lo.‘ ? cf appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pate, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. No family shonld be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. SOc York Central and Hudscm Hiver llai!- road fouipany. the Old Diminion .Steam ship Company and the civde Line Steamship Conipauy; and tiie said do- fi-ndants will further take notice that they are required to appear at th" n«-xt term of the Superior Court of (‘itt County to be held on the 11th, day after the 1st Monday in March, it being Ihe IS day of May. 1914, ai! the ('ourt House of said C^ounty, in ^ \otlee. Oreenvilh', .\orth Carolina and ans-| Having duly quulilled as administra- wer or demur to the complaint <>1 the estate of Meekin ’Worthing- plaintiff in said ai'iion, or the plain- deceased, notice is hereby given to tiff will apply to the tourt for the persons having claims against said I I V Ml SM.I l'..\ wriui'i- 111' till- powi r of sato ; i iiiit:i iiii'd in :i ili rd of irn>l made !iy '.I. It .Mcl.anib to II. ,M Wliii,-. -I'ni-- I ll c. nil 1 >1 ci-nilii-r ll’.lli, l:ilL', which I il'-i-.l 111 lni--t was projii ii> ricordi-ilj I ill III.- lltlice 1,1 llie Kefji.sli r oi I )ee,i i ‘ I Ilf I'iil Coiint.v in liook |)-1" pa^e t'.'u,' ' and also uiidi r a niorigaj-'i' cxi-cuted , I liy the said .1. L. McL.unb lo I, S.| Fliiiiiii!; dati'd lii-cemlur l.'llli. i;'l'.’i and recorded in Hook .-\-ll page :il. biiili of said inorlgages beiii.g given lo si-i-nre the purchase nioin y due for ,1,1, I tile land hereinafter de scribed, the I undersigned trustee and mortgagee will sfll for cash at public auction before till' court house door in Ijreei'- ville on Saturday .May Olh. l:H4, tin- following desiribed tract tir parcel of land situate in the county of I’ilt and in I’at-loluK Township and known Grain frivileoes IN I I'ul Mll'i • wIII n. ri' til.' saf' 11 a l;iii; in >1 aim u lii-iii Uiss is aiiiouiii ■ the firm of Tripp, Hart Company ... as a pari of the Grimes farm, are hereby requested to tile their i claims with said receiver This ih L’6th day of March. 1H14. J. S. KOSS. 3-31 It. Receiver of Tripp Hart i. I'l' anil .all- 111.III.-,i III I 1 11 i.r iials 11. . aii>.‘ yiiur I ab:-oUili !y liniili d In I le- , hiiiii-'lit. .\() fnrili r risk, i l’ositi\i!v t)i,' iiHi.-i protilabl. n;n jo tradirii'. Open an ai-i oiiiii. Yiiii i an lni\ 'n I puts nr In I alls on lO.OdO bushi I-- Igiain for $|o or you can buy both tor or as iiiaiiy more as you wish .\ii adrancr or decline of 1 cent given .\('U the I li.mcf lo lake .$lilll prolli A luovenient of 5 cents $.'>00 protit. Writ!' for lull parHculara aud banl. references. K. W. >KI MAN.\ ColnmboN, Ohio. .Address all mail lo l.ock Dox 14L'* r*Iief demanded in said complaint. This lllh day of April. 19H I) C. MOdHK. Clerk Superior Court I’ilt Co. P.T. A T MOOKi-;. IV C. H.MMH.XC, I’lKHCK. Attorm y.- 4 14 lid II tw A HEAVY HEAD u a pretty sure ai^ of a torpid liver—let Tutt’s Pills aid nature in ita work. You wrill be aurpriaed at the beneficial reaulta. At your druggist—aufar coated or plain. et-tate to present them to me properly I authenticated on or before thi- T day of March 1915 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recover.v. AI! persons indebted to .said estate will make immediate payment to me This ul day of March U<14. R A. WORTHINC.TON Adrn'r. on the PBtaie of Meekin 'Worth ington. deceased 3-31 Id Iteginning at the .Tones <.orner an 1 running South ,'i W«‘st feel to th-' oak branch; thence with llie riin H said right branch to Ihe A. C. 1-. R. K. right of way; thence with said right of way West IfitlS feet; thence South I’STO feet lo .lones' line; thence with said .Tones' line 2IL’s feet to th<: beginning containing 125 1-10 acres more or less. For more accurate de- cription n'ferenee is hereby made to deed from I. S. Fleming to .1. 1) MeI.amh dated Dec. l.’llli, li'lL’. This .April f'th. I!U4. H. M. WIIITK, ’Iruslee. I. S. Fl.KMI.Xd. Mrlgee F i; .TAMKS & Son, .-Mtorneys. 4-i:;-ltd 3 tw. >'otice. This is to notify all parlies that t am no longer connected in any wav the firm of .Anderson, Ford * Co., lo- thejc-ated at llethel, N. ('.. having sold >otke to (’redltor^i. I Having duly qualified before Superior court clerk of I’itt county ny interest to .hdin .1. Ford. He as. Kxei'ntors .>utiee aad Adrertitieii For (iaias. lent .or before the 30th day of March I I91S, or this notice will be pleaded in — bar of their recovery. All persona in state of North Carolina, Pitt County; immediate payment. Thla the 2t> day The undersigne-a Having been ap >|arch 1914. pointed and duly qualified as execn j tor of the estate of F. A. Patrick, de i W. J, KITTRMU.. cKased. all persona having claiin.s I Rrecutor of the last will and testa agatnst said estate are notified I ment of F A Patrick, de> easf>d to exhibit the same before me on|n-27-td 3w. Urifton .X' C H)K S4LF 0.\K YOltK (U OXEX i weight about 11.00 pouuds, ago- six or ] seven. Well broke. G. T. TYSO.N Greenville .N’. C. 4 S ltd law 4t w Route 5 as executor of the estate of K. A. I Moye, Sr., deceased, notice is hereby I given to all persons indebted to the I estate to make immediate , to tho undersigned; and all personi* I having claims against said estate are ' notified to present the same to the u.i 1 dersigned for payment on or before [ March 31. 1916 or thla notice will b- plead in the bar of their recovery. This 1st day of April 1914. J, L. CARPER. Executor of the estate of B. A. Moye Sr., deceased. 4-1-ld 3w THE FARM is the Basis of all indudry UME is fiir hasi.s of all good farming. ^Vrite ior bullrtiii by the best authority in the United .Stairs on Ume on the Farm, and get price I>f ike purest lime. Don't buy earth, sand, i'tr. A postal wili give you rcaMuia. AdminiNtrator’s >'otire. Having qualified as administrator of Iseral K4lwardB, dt'ceased late of Hitt countv, .\. C.thls is to notify all persons hi.ving claim.-t against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months from thla date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate w.'l please make immediate payment. This April 7th, 1914. J, H. EDWARDS Administrator. POWHATAN LIME CO. If. G. JAMKS & SON Atty. STRASBURG VIRGINIA * ' ltd otw BUnins all liabilities and assets of the said company. JOH.N A. STATO.V 4 ;;o Id .^w. Xolice of Sale. [ Ily virtue of the power of sale con tained in that <;ertain mortgag<‘ deed and delivered by Kphram Rives and w ife to .Xixon Rives on the IS'th day of May IflOn. which inortagge is rerord^d ill Hook page in the Register of Deeds office of I’itt county, the unde'', signed will expose for sale for cnsli a* the court house coor In the town of (Jreeiivilie on Monday. .May 18th. ai 1- o'clock .M., the folb>wing describe j real property towit: "I.ying in Greenville township ad jiiining the lands of .1. ,1. Nobles and others, containing live (."O acres more or less and being the same on whicii the said Kphram Rives formally lived ' Sold to satisfy said mortgage. This Ihe IStli day of April 1014. NI.XON RIVES. Mortgagee. F. G. JAMKS & SO.N. Attorneys, ltd 3tw. >V|'>ronsln kuightK ol‘ ('olumhus. I'.KLOIT, Wis.. May 13.—The an nual convention of the Wisconsin di vision of the Knights of Columbus i.< in* session here, with large delegations in attendance from Milwaukee, La Crosse. Oshkosh. Green Hay, Eau Claire and other cities of the stat.' The business sessions v#lll continu two days and will be intersed with au lomobile rides and other features o! entertainments IllplomaH for War Time Students. Tl’SCAI/IOSA, Ala., May 12—In connection with the annual commence iiieni at Ihe I'niversity of Alabama to morrow honorary diplomas will bo given to a number of war time stud ents who left the university to fight for the Confederacy and wiere thereby prevented from completing their course At the same time there will be unveiled a boulder monument set up by the Daughters of the Confeder acy in memory of the university stud ents in the war. , That men may drift up the torrent —that the sharp thorns of disobodi ence shall somehow bear the vintage of the King—that all of themselves, these cursed conditions shall become paradise--that the abnormal is to guide into the normal, and that the sowing to the flesh is to reap the fruits of the spirit. It proposes al chemy. It is credulity without in stance or guaranty. No, “the ver.r good figs and the very bad figs" are separated. Uke yields like. Whai soever a man sowl*th that shall he also reap.” PATENTS t ratify marks Mital or < 8«ih1 nu«l(‘l, nkefche* or phoiuM an«l d*^ | rnptioii tor FRSI SKAROH r«|H M) iMittnitalMlUy. Hatik f»ATKNTS BUILD FORTUNK8 f»r I yoa. Our fr«w bookl«>ta tell huw. wluU to invent | aDd yuta mon^. Write todaj. ID. SWIFT tb CO. PATENT LAWVIM, ^03 Saveath 8t, Waahln|ton, D. C.j

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