'H ''tt, GREENVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN yORTIl CAROLINA. IT HAS A Population of four THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED IND ONE, AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE TIM K OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FA Cl LI TIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE I OH AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. ^ , . —s.)?'. > W B' i.*.-Pj,rf \/'A ^ cfif’pr^ f ['cn r^ ■ ■ f, r I -A Hi'iihlitiil, the Most \oole Kiiii>loyiiH'iii it .’iIhu.--!^ H'ii.'f'i rHit:. WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE RUN- DRED AMONG THE BE!ST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE those WHO WISH TO GET lihT- TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IS 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UAVE TO BRIM. TO Tlll.lR A TT ENT I ON. OUR A D V E R T I s I S (1 ‘iATES ARE LOW AND < A\ BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. voi.i Mi; xxxiv. I'.m. M Ml!t Ii Huerta Wires Mediation |Praiie Arrives From fera'ligliteii Oonili Placed Under Son of Hew 8ern illderraan|5[|]_ His Willingness To Reign His Hepresentatives dialed lliey Had Been instructed Ihus From Ihe Beginniny OWUMASI BROKEN l’rc|>ai'f(l (or >cm « >0H J MACAHA FAI.LS. Oiil.. Juno 2. I’rcsiiiriit lUn rta is prfpariiiu to r>'- sif;u. Ill' iddiiy aiitliori/.ed liis n pn - Hciitiitivfs at tile iiii'diaUoii coiili r < to aniiDuiui' to tlu' world tliul •'luitli'r inistaki'U pride luir piTson- al iiitcrfst" would prcvinl his with drawal, whi'ti once Mi xii’o is "politi- lal pacitii'd ' and tlu' K<'''. riiiih iit sii ■ iccdiiif; liis is so constituted that it laii cinint on the support of puhlie. opinion in .Mexico. j The Mexican delef;ales in theii- t'ornial statenu iit n veuled I hat the\ j had t)een instructed from the lirsi to inl'orin the inediatnrs that (.Jencral llui rta's personality would not lie ;in olisiai !e toward reacliiiiK a peaceliil olislacle toward reachini: a peaceiiil Settlenieiil . They also stated Ihat th" iiiteriial ;.ilu:ilioii in Mexien was; •'nue^.-ary liouml up wiili the inter-| natiiuial (jtiestions ancl that this j spirit had ai liiiiteil iliein in coinin:;; lo the ni"iiialion conl'erencc. Coirn’i-| (lent with tile annoiHHenieiit hy the' .Mexican delegates ot' their position, the nii'diators toninlil sent a note bv mall til Uatael Zuharam Capinaruy lepresentatlve of Cieneral Carranza i i Washiiifiton replying to tlie coniinu nication lirotinht here rriday by .luau F. rrcpiidi. 'I’lic mediators in effei I asked Ccneral Carranza if the Con stitutionalists wore willing to discuss internal as well as international af fairs anil if they wen- ready to dc claro an armi.'itico with llic Huerta forces so tliat the ‘'political paciticis- tion" to which the Huor'a de!oc:ate.. referred in their ‘ tatemem r.ii.irhl b' sp - dily brought about These a«' .s—the i .suance of tin sta.ment ti; 'in' .Mexitans and the mailing of a reply to Ziroaran—brtiV.e the deadlock in the nepotiations. the ('xistf'uce of which the nieie ixovernment on «'onditions Ihat. at the tiiii<> of his withdrawal Mexico shall be polit'cal'y pacified and the povernment succeod- inp bis shall be sucb as to count on llii' aei|iii.■ „eiiee tile gnveriM'd amlj I'll l!ie siippiifl III public iipinii):i.| whilil eimstlHlie the ie;il hasis foil Iieaee and sii'bility in any enuinry. | Ii lias iiei n and is I’resident Huerta’s wi.-h to phiee on ri'cord that neither niisiake;i piide nor pirsonal iiiti resi will previ nt hi.-, withdrawal mice the above nanieil eonditioiis are siilislii d. "The Mexiean i.'ovi-ninient a<'cepti I ilie laeiliation o! il:e Sniith .\iiieri<-an powers In a frank and open spirit an l the .Mexican »T«'it;nlty. "It should be unnecessaiy to aay that I’resident Huerta gave the Mex ican deh'Kation special instructions not to consent lo anything which coub.i hurt the sovereignty i^t the Mexican iiati-,)ii and to refuse a hearing in the deiiiii rat inns of tli ■ eiiiiferonce to an..’ tiling wliieh iiiiglil be eonstriieil a^^ an imposition from the outconu'. "l'’or their own part, the delegate- would not have acceptcil instruclioiis of a diffi reiil nature on these points, bill ihey beg to stale that liitlierto ihey have no oceasioii t ) 1 efer U !ii 111. lliaiiks III ilie i .\i|iiisiie lact I i till .-.e iiieiiiation pb iiipoleiitiarii ^ and lo llle l'lreuil|s|)eel lull ill' tile .\nii I'ilMM i|- li uale.-i. "Til il'eat 1)1' !he 1 I'.'i'liir paeiiiea’!■ ni Ilf M,\ie.i in liie ( oiirse ot (jelib': ;i lions nil llillieull ie.s Ilf ;in illlerilatinll.l eharaeii r e:i,ii...t In i onsidereil as •-iibinii;ing the sn\ereignty of the ii i lliiii to an external iiilluence; said paeilication is necessarily bound up with the internaiioal (lUestions. Tliis has bet n appreciated by the .Mexican delegation and in setting forth the in tentions of its government in the inaiter and in its endeavois to bring about, ilie pacification it has been i’l spired by the knowledj;,. that with out it no satisfactory coiulusion can lie arrived at in the international *'» (linrrnnuMil. ,lust before the statement was is sued, the .Mexiiati debgatt'S had n long conferenc" with the mediator.^. .\fterwards they telegraphed Ciciiera! Huerta to send them the names of the men who will be satisfactory to l:ini for places in the new provisional government which is to consist oi two men chosen by Huerta, two by the Constitutionalists and a neutral provisional presiilent selected by co;n moil a.greeineiil of all parlies. Tin tirst lour are to compc.se the cabinet but are to lie morally obligated b.' the terms of any agreement reached here to share eipially the responsi bilily (■:' a fair ailininistratii n, whleli will b” expected iioi only to condiici .1 i;eiiinil eleeiion. but to make a b - :4inaiiig on internal ri forms. It was ju.->l before the niediato"; the .Mexican delegates and the .\nieri- ean representatives enteicd th. ban- riuet given for them today by the .As sociated Canadian clubs that tyj)e written copies of the position of (leii . Huerta were given out. The .\meri- can commissioner read it eagerly The .Mexican iioutin,n tiiat the building w.is aboiii to b-- lie I stroyed by dynamite, brought, laeut. Col. i>et by Jauch. sevral nf Ihe cooler U'illiain lyassiter. of I'eter.'burg, just j lieaded I )epartiiiei:i ujiieials ran K. relieved Iroiit conimaiiil of the Fourth -.ho baseniei.i. where they tonnd lour Field .\rtillery. .suffering from dysi 'i j btick.s of dynamite on wliieh tin fus •. tery l.ieut. It. li. .\nderson. of tliei i^d lieeii burned out. Apparently same regiment, sick and naval l.^iuir to d'ciare it in order that the dut.\ may be upon ihai which they wish to land I'lllel.l l.lillli Till (Ipi'ning (German. MI'TI.inON, C.. ,lune formal opening german of the .Ne v I’anacea Hotel will be given Saturda;, ev( niiig. .hine Ut. .\o effort will be spared to make this o( casion one of the most etijoy- ;',ble of the entire season at I’anaeea. •Music will be furnished by I’roccia's Drchestra. The beautiful ball room, which has a floor of the finest hard wood, is one of the bes.t in this t: f lion of the state. Ituffet baiuiuet wi’.l be served lompliuientary lo the d.sn- cers. l>ainty favors for each of the dancing ladies. I’anacea has been long famed inr its true Southern hos|)itality. and on this occasion a most cordial invilalui.i and the asi-.urance of a hearty w ! come is given to all. A large at tendance is expected from variou. german clubs and the dancers nf Creiiiiille are especially invited. riMirlc)mil liiteriiatioiial < uiitc|ilinn, -\:, th-‘ d.'-ti apprnaehes, Ihe I’lei-' ' e.si in 111' gi'eai irii i.iiial liii.'rn.;i le;, i. j Sniiilay .'•'ehool Coiiv ei.i ion i.i b le . I in Chii a;;o. .luiie i;::-:;ii. iiiiTi .1-- ■. i ■fliis is evid' iieeil li\ |i;e laii.'” i:;::;. i ber of people who have signitied ih ,rj iiileiition of attending by seiidii. 'j their names to the Stale Sund.iv School headquarters in Creensboro.i requesting credentials. j very attrai’tive rate has been oi-| fered by the railroads. The round trip fare from points in .North Caro liiia ranges from $L’4.ini to on Twenty thousand people are i \ peeled I I) attend this convention a' tbongh only live ihousand refnilar delegates will be seated in the .Med- iiiah Temple where the main sossio i of the I’onventioii will be held .A 1 other meetings will be provided f.'i in ten other buildings that are being arranged for the purpose. ing. loiter the police announced he !iad admitted that lie hiniseli' plaee l the explosives. 1 )ep;irt nient ollicials said they hi'lieved the watchnian i.i tended to discover the dynamite be I fore it lonld do hiii'in. hoping to win II foi heriii'iii. Tlie dv'iiamite had b"' ii iilaced ni I'eetly ben.alll ihe eliiee of Seerelai'..' Hnu:loi,. The Seiriiai.v wa.i out .>1 lowii, bu' iiniiiediiii. !y across tl'.e ee.- ridor islaiit ereiary C.aliov,u\ and SI V. rill nilii r eilii i:ils were woi-k ing. .laiieh ii:is b' eii i nipb'yi d I'oi five yiars ill 111' ill p;iri nil nl , l-'r'• qilelllly b.e ii,;- ,,,'.11 nilileV ir' Ilf physieiu'l ■■ . Ille snlill. r .aid lias liei :i eoinpelled to l,li<' r-e, 1 Tal leaves of abseiiee. The polie. said ,laiieh told ll.er.i that lie piii'eha-iii the (iMiamite i-i Springtielil. (iliio. hi;- Iiotiie lown. lb ri'cently returned from there after a visit. JOHN K Vlfl V. I NK I.KI'I H \i.\iN i> w vsimt; ION. Ib’l'ort' Hi', hlriilitf "as l)iM-()>ercil ll«- had laken t|iiiirt<‘rs at Hotel '> here (he Marshall" Ma)s. W.-VSHINliTiiN. .lune L*. .lolm li. l•^^rly. wIiii ill the last five years ha: made many enforced journeys abou: ii eeiintr.v 111 box cars and been held uidei' qiiarantiiii in many cities wkile nil iiie;u i xpi Tls have disagre "1 on wbelher he is a leper, turned up in Washington ag.iin today and b - foie his ideiititv was discovered tooU qiLiriers a! a lasliioiiabie uptown hotel, the home of \ice I'reside.ir .Mar shtll and nihir prominent in capi tal life. Early '\as ideiitilied afti r le had I.Uplioiied III .1 111w.-;i,ip,r a-S.iig for a n iior ^ r t^ inti \ w- 'Mr W oCn . ■ I le le p.il ' 1 111.Ill .'.t one. lee-stie Alade it lllipessitdc for Him In Attend ('iiniiiieiice cent liverei't''. WASIII.VC |H.\. I>. C. .Inin - 'lie' ai'iite -:|:igi nf Ih.' I'anaina I'aiial Inl.s i'-siie ia Ihe Seiiai' has m.iili ii nil fiossibli for Senator S.inmons lo a:- i.-nd the eonini.'iieeiueni . x. rc;ses ;tt ( liafiei Hill tnmorrow and iii - ''t.i.'ing ml li.e ,|iili h. r. may iie an for liiiu Ihe loss or p Stp.)i.. ni'nt oi h'.s.'ii stall . Ii beeaiii. know., !:■ t■ ,ii\. I'si:an 1 hin'iiii -• ■iilili ' nil h nil I he til gl ee bill .IS 11 is r:ii'e In hono ■ \\ iiilert illc Itelll'. I U I.XTl'iUVll.U:. .Inn.' . .\lr. I 11. 'Inoiiia-; b'fl h"i e > .'-I. rday :iii ;■ | noon lor Ibilii'ax in s. arch lor lie I li'li.' nl II;, vall. y. afl' r w!ii'-!i !: , will 1:0 In r:irhoro to .iiiei.ij eouri If >on waiii In le' Inallhv laU.' a| liberal iinantil.v nf .-Vini rie;,i. !!■ i l j in i-a iv spring or siiinnier A t:enii| supply III! band at .-V. ^\ . .Xnii,- ,ii, li riinip:iny. ' I .Mrs .'Mbi'i't I'lix a;,d iMi'-. 1-- 'i''". r.iiek Went to .\ydi n yesti nla.\ a.:, r-! noon 10 \ isit a sick frn nd. | .Miss Myrtle .N'obb s gave a grand j reception to her many young fiienilsj .Miinday eveiiiiii.' U.'Teshiiienls w ■ r^ ! sorveil and the hiMir sei nn d 1 Xi • e,; j ii.gly short 1 .Now is a i:ood liiii.' lo |).iint Miiiri house. .\. W. .\i.ge and Co.. has th 'j lie,st and it weiiihes l;i ponmls t.i i:e' gallon. ' I .Mr. C T. Cox aiid wi:'i w.i.t '. 11 .Seven Springs on an autonmbil.' and I spent the week ellll. •Mr. Cfordon Johnson sp.nt ili Week end at Sevi ii Springs If you are interested in ieiyin:; plow castings you will make no mis take by ceiisuliiiig I'-. 1'. Furr ■'* and Co, We have a fi w more eonc n plow." steel and wood beams, ho. s to cut your grass when it crows.. H, ;i Fi)rrest and Co. .lust a few in.'re :-uiis goin.g :i: a bargain. .See n-- and g.'t onr (iri. .- Unii'ir in II iii'la.x- thal III. nd"il li ni I,, I., II :i li;an ' iiii l!l.' i|. '.M-. ■' nmiTow Thi-- 'il '.1:1' i. •: I ..1 :ili. S .\ u h.'ii :i,,v lii 'e.' 1-r. I u .1 il ..' knie,\ , ub i;al. .i;!i M I:.. bi fore >011 bliv else Wle l'' pie.I--.' V'i\l. Mr. S. 1). Thnn..' p. ■ ; .'^nnda.N • \ ■ ii.p .! ■ .1 ' ro'Ts. an. . dih ,i\ 111' d:iv~ >our fill :ii-' W' b :i Inil.iy for 1 1.: |i. . Hill le |.iesi ;,! Se'.aior Siuiinnie-' reii-. i ii |."r-e:: 111 I 11. I i\ ■ : sin I.:!, ; i .ijii,. in !i" V. a.' Ills’. 111. 1. i| ',, I' i iI I ' \'l''il.\ p' iipii ivnnw I!i:ii S'lialer I - .j. ■ |ih il ppi'.enii IV' ' f Ihe high :,.innr le b. b. 'iiiu. .1 nil l:in. aiel II,:i; .i:,;,\ a lliltielial b :-hi I i Ve efi-:s ki I 1 i.il:i 1;. 1'.' l iuliling for » il'oh. 'I h" eeni.ir' iind.'! s'ands Ilial Sen.i ter Siiiiiiuiii' is b'ading Ihe .'\ 1 iverman and ' .North Carolina's r. pr. senla'i'w'- w-;,l ..tteiid the Siale Conv. iilion Ki pri- S' niativ.. I’nii b 11 toniubt bir Ibe Coa- .uressioniil and .si.ite i'11 ,\.';i i^lns in t!ab igh. liiUint; wiih l.im .1 K Col'-e el.-rk i>; Mr I’ei'- .oniniMlei' and cliairinaii of ihe l''ranklin I'ouiey 1 •enioer.iiie I'ixeeuiive ('onuniiii I . and T. r. W:ird. of Xaslnille. .Mr I'oii'' s.inla’'v. Se\i'i'al in.niliii' of He I lb l.'i;.iiin:, iir. alr.'.iiiv in liie ?laii . I Senator Uvernein e.ill. .1 ai I -. I (’.'.'I. Il l ' 1'. ;i;irni i n -..il;.) in ,111 ■ , • : ' i ■ 1 >■ I •' : .i\' rnn . I I'M r 1 .V ■ ■ II . 11 ar.' mu .. r IT. li. \ ii : .1:, 1 I will I make 11,1 iiri'i.ii,. fi iMiiS.' 111. Hu:.; I Club Slii'.^ freni l: 1> l-'orrest :i:,d| t'oinpaiiy j I I i.'lee il irli. Ill it. II. r.ini II. i: \ .irie r istir.c' that I'aviilsi n ' '^ i II.null orip in.ili,\ .. bn . I'.X- .-.111111 V illi.:;. J >\NK»tKI» t(l PF K> }\ ill l{. The water in iht the liWcst point. river is at out at Willing lo Furnish Italejgh Witlit rieiiij Ilf Sparkling Tiire Water, j SA-NFOKl'. .lune L’ H'he town of San I ford, through .Mayor T I. I'ass. thisj niiit-tiing tell,I.'red to tin 'yof ot Kal 1 • igh Sanford waXer for the us.- of eon j veiitions this week and tn xt and 'oi the l ily's |)oor, water to he turnislied | ) b. c.irs at Sanford This offer w;i- , made after ri ading the report of Cit\ | l‘hvsi( ian .lohn S. Mi Keen of Kul-I e'gh Sanford having an inexMaii:-ii 1 tde supidy of pur" drinking water and , ofly -t.' miles dt«tant. j ,s. \\ Smi'h of Wiisiin we- i ,ei- iirnied by the Senate thi:- atii 1:00:1 (ii.siniaster thlt' • nding a loairo. \e;'sv ,)f sev.ral wei ks by disappoint ed candiiiate' and tin |r friends in a.i effor' to keep Siiiiih out ol the job. Mrs W. H. Council, of Hii kory is vi'ilirtr Inr son. Howard H . at the ■\avi 1 A. ,idi my .\iinapolis. Se. r-'iii'v Ki'dli. Id b.is written leM, r tn S. I ri tary Mc.Vdoo. madi' piibli.' today, coniinendiiig the actio i of the keeper aiid six stirfnien a' Cap.* l.ookont life -;ninir station in ti e sal- vace of the propirty of tl liglit- liouse rviee when the \Vrei . Point light was d.'sTiiyi d in 11 sUn ... :irly last month. 1.