GREENVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN yORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FAR.YING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. 1 U ytifH vgrlcuiturc Is tbe jlodt reefnli the Most HealthfaL the Most Noble Employment of M«n.—George Wiishln§rton- WE HAVE A OIXOULl- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN TBE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WIJO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN i BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE I FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING ^ATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLIME XXXIVi (JKEKWILLE, X. FUIDAY AFTK1{\0«>\ H I V 17, li»H. M >iiu;h A Palace For Paupers Or Hospital For Helpers Which Shall it fie, One Both or Neilber, Is What Or. laughing- house Asks Of III an Addrt'os Kcforc 'I'hiit Itotly at a Sp*‘cial ll«‘ld Yoslenlay, in Wlik-li ll(> cit(‘s a H<>tt«‘r i’laii fur earring for I'aiiiier Tlu' following is tli«‘ atldrt'ss in part (IfliviTt'd yeslfnlay by Dr. Chas. O'H. LaugliinKluiuse to the Board of Coiu- inissioiurs of I’itt County. ilonoraliU- Board of Coniniis.K’oiiiTS of I’itt County: Vour County Iloni“ at pr-.-lout i:i two of wiioiu | '/.vnn and liii liard Canipboll wero | praclic ally t)orn tluTi' ovi r r.rty yoars ago. 'I'lU'y have l)Cfn County I'liargi'S evi r sincu. '1‘lif otlier is a paralytic ironi apoplfXi'v, and is about .'n years of f?a»'. Vou liavc six white women. oni‘ of whom, Kmily Campbell, wa-5 liofM in III' institution, one l.ucy Warren was admitted wlien a w/e bit of a child, one an epileptic; wi\i. ■'nhtlully belongs in the Stale Kpi'i- tie Asylum. Three of these wonfn arc AH'll and .-^troni:, but old. Not one of these people can read or write and not one of them or their pcopl<‘ have ever bef n m -re coiufor- tatile than they are today. 'I'be averape, age of the white p 'o- ple is years. You also navo six negro women one a deaf mute, that l)elongs riplitfully to the State. One blind that belongs to the State, one Feeble minded, one a Paralytic, Two are there because of age. This takes the lifteen, all are igorant, a majority of these have spent so many years there that they will prefer remaining where they are. Moving them into the new home will appeal to tl;e emotionalism of a few—who are guided by sentament rather than reason, but it wil not add to the happiness of those whom you are trying to help. Be that as it may, you are about to construct a County Home, Before doing so lets see what it will cost. Your County home last year so your home superintendent says cost you $300 a month for its maiti a nance which is tj per cent interest on !ftjO,000. Surely your new home, your .f4o,0(»o plant, with its steam heat, electric lights, sewrage, hot and cold water, coal to burn instead of w'ood, with its laundry, its refectory, its infirmary, its tuberculosis ward, its pest house, its worii .Bhop. its places for amuse ment and ref-rention, and its sun par- Isrs, all of which, by the way will re main practically empty, will cost you in maintainance not less than $600. per month or $7,200 a year or the in terest on $120,000. Your home as you have planned it will cost complete furnished and ready for occupancy not less than 40.000. Let's sura it up. You are spending $40,000 the interest on which is 2,40(1 a year, add to this .*7,200 a year for maintainnece and you have $*> eoo add to this the $tI2.50 a month or $7.ji*.0rld from .\Tsterday. Your fathers and mine came to town in carts, today you come in Cadallacks. 1 was taught at home by a private teacher, the best that could be had, children of farther'^ tenants have better scoho' facilities than I had. Griniesland today has better publit' schools than Kaleigh had twenty years ago. What does it mean? It means that our people an- growing in I intelligence, it means that they have more time. 'I'he country man's mail ' conies to his door today and without i expense to him. He can phone for what 111' wants and parcel post lays I :i in liis lap. Comng event.s ^ast theii j shadows before them, you will no- I lice by studying each individual in your (ounty home that not one of I hem ei ri' ad or write. lake your I>oor house list for the past fifty years and you will find that not one tenth of one per cent of the n had a;!y education whatever. The man or wo- n-aii with even the rudiments of an etlucation has not applied to your home for admittance in the past. If education has kept thejii out in the past, Vhy won't it do it in the future? 'i'lie law prohibits the sale of laudnum, cocaine and morphine. I’ubilc Sentiment is so strong against it that no druggist or doctor with character will dare break this law. The observance of the law will eleniinate your drug fiends. Pro hibition has come to stay. Liquor is gradually getting further a.vay. i-Iven Virginia is going dry. The damage done by alcohol is being t:iitKht daily III all our schools. Every c.iild is 1‘arning it, for ;iV.ication is ul- sory now, children oi this day and generation know that positions oC trust are not given to men who drink, they are taught the damage it does to body, mind, character, morals an 1 souls, and tliis teaching is sliowin;: itself ill a public sentiment that is discountenancing drunkenness. The nl cidioli;' rooms in your County Home will be vacant for eilucatlon is going to greatly diniiiiish this ehiss. S\- philis, coninionly known as I’ox tiu'. disease that kills the nuiiiliiiess iu a man, that drives him to hoplessnes,:. that one grciit horror to the studeni of charily the one disease that makes more paupers than any other six dis ease, because it is contagious and puts pro.'tutes on the pauper list. This drea thing is curable now, «s three or four injections of l->licks I'liitl cures it as promptly as titiiniin* cures malari:i and in so doing makes spare rooms in your county home. County Homes in past . had to take care of foundling childn 11 and orphans, of the deaf and dumb, the blind, the feeble minded, thi' tubercolous, the epileptic, tlie insane •North Carolina has adopted facilities in the way of orphan asylums and reformatories to make it a crime 'o permit ciiildren being reared in a (ounty home. She has asylums for the blind, deaf, dumb, epleptic, an<: feeble minded and insane. She has a sanitorium for tuherculucis that is as good :is the best in the world and each legislature is adding to them from year to year making them more adequate 'i'hey can, and will, in fact they ar> caring now for this class of your paniiers better than you can even hope to do, if you had money to burn. Tliis county home question though sorrowful thotigh stimulating s\Tn- pathy and sentiment has got two sides. Like al Icharity it can be handled well only hy reason. It is all right to let sentiment and sym pathy prompt, but let reason and judgement tiecide. This is a matter of business, let’s handle it in a business \.i.y 1 suggest that we go away that we get out in the world and S' c what other people are doing. I.e*'s go to Virginia lu're you will liiid a state with more county homes than any other state in the South. Count.- homes that are constructed in a mo dern manner. Virginia says that the old county home plan is a failure. You can see that it is a failure, civili zation is changing the world medical and surgical progress with education is lessoning pauperism to such an ex tent that Virginia realizes that the only econonical and efficient way to solve the county home problem *s to have district alms houses. We will come to that; we are progress ing fas not to come to it; co operation systemitzed public ser vice, modern methods, e( niioniy an 1 c(mnnast. Neglect of the children in thi' public schools (> fthe past made the wrecks that are tilling county homes today. Due more thought please indulge nil' and I am done. Of the 40,01111 peo ple in your county there is never a minute hut that some one is writhing in pain, wrestling with the pangs and rvivages of disease. There is never a week but that some death takes place that could be avoided by proper medi cal and surgical treatment. There s enough money spent in ra.'road fares by ih.' citizens of Pilt 1'ounty taking some loved ones to liospitals away from home, to maintain a count.’ lii's- pital. Can you huilii and maini;;iri a conty home and also hiii'’ it'.J maintain a I’ounty hospital? if you can, will you build both? If you can't which is the more iniportaiit. a coun'y home for six useless negro women and nine white jiaupi-rs who will di'' ill a few \ears or an adequate county hospital to prevent future paupers’’ Which do the people need most, whicli do thy want most, which i,s the most economii al. which will do most good, whirl! is most < hrist like, w hich i.s most human. A hospital will go a loim way to ward niainlaining itself. It can also maintain your pauin rs. It will com- for prolong and save the life of mori p.'ople in a iMontli than your county home will care for in a y'ar. Let’.-; compare the two County home, everv thing going out nothing coming in. .v I'lninty bosiiiial a irood d<'al going out blit a good deal cmiiing in. County liDine caring for a few who are wait ing to die, Ciiunty hospital earing for many, giving life, comfort, and healih. County home admitting only the paiipor. County hospital admitt ing the pauper and those that tare fo.' and maintain the pauper. County home says on it.s door, noihing bur paupers admitted here. Abandon hope come in it you are a pauper, si' still, do nothing just hurry up and die. C(«inly hospital says come into me all ye that are siel;. pauper fis Well as plulocrat. i will t'ive yo'i all that can be L’iv. n to restore you t 1 health. Oentleineii wliiih will you sriv.- )~ will y iti give biitlr,’ 10 PURCHASE TH[ 11 10 ESCAPE FOR E Squire Grafiaree Makes Iwo At- lempts in Ten Bays m iflCK Neuro Carrie', a Katl lic|Mitali«u ,\iul i'< Iteinu' Held for The Iturglarj 01 Se>eral I’laees Near tirinu";- aiiil Klvewhere, Squire Craffaree. the negro that has f(ir some time carried a bad reputa lion through this section of Kastern Carolina, and who is now eontiind in the count jail, seems determine 1 to keep his word as to ri tnaining in the It cal institution f(U' criminals, Si'Veral Weeks ago il will be re- nielllbered Craftaree made his eseap ' with several other negro [irisomrs from the jail but lat. r was arrested ill Suffolk, \'a., ami brought back here and once more placed behind the bar-. At that time the negro remark, d that the ottiei'rs would not be aide to kelp him within the prison walls, and last week Sheriff Dudley dis- ciivered that the cell iloor in wliiih Cr:iffaree was contined had been fore d open. He was taken out and place 1 ill another thought to be more secure, and this morning a gentleman livitir; probably a hundred yards from the jail informed the sheriff that he we..: awakened last night by a noise that sounded like some one was tearing down the jail building, and upon in vestigation the sheriff discovered that CraTaree had succeeded almost in making his escape for the second Plans as to .^lew County Home iSPIIiil s¥ IS BffEltO (ireeinille Citizen* K\pre*» a \\)!l- iu!Mies>. to Ihiiiale ’I he (irtniiid for Count) Home and llo'pital ( ombliiiie. Much < otiillielit It was learned today tluit :n tiie event ihat the County comnii:-siouers cluinged their plans as to building the new County flonie on the site re cently purihased for that purpose, that there was ;i r> ady buyer that was willing to take the properly off their hands at the rtgures they payed for it. which no doubt would he soM tor wh<'U he purelias*-d same, dll tup of all tliis. should III- '.'ouiu\' I'omiijissiop.i rs abolish ih* ithM ol tlu' new t'luinty Honie, and instead, a citunlv home ami hos)iital eiiiiilr.ned. .uUi-> ihe glad news that sonic i.;r> eiiville eilizi l.ave ottered to doiU:.‘ to the I'ounty < aV'cll'tt c siie for sill'll ;;n instittition. Tins is ne\ss that very proTMb;> w ill he well reci ived by n.any of th citi/.eiis of the ctuinty as it seems a majority are in favor of abo'iishincr Mie idea of the building of the new- County Honii- al stn h as subnr.tti'd to the commissioners in the rec-'it plans time. I'urihiT investigation ri'Vea’.e 1 that lie iiad placed a small block of woo.' against the tombination locK o!' ihe cell door that pr- v. !ited its closing all the wa>. though it could not have bieii deieeteii hy imc when closing and Unking thi- door. H*' hail jerked the door backward an I forward w ith sui h force that a com- liin;iti(>n on tbe runners above the door had been sprung, and he l;a 1 lieeii able to opi. n the door atimit fou." or tiv.' ini lies, and ii was at this (losilion whin I'V Sheriff jiiidli y this morning. t\illiani I’itl, a negro trusty, that has li.en allowed to work around tllfl courthouse sinee he was sentenced to the jail for a ]ii riod of several months, is tliouL-ht to be instigated in ill Ciraffar.e’.^ last attempt to inaka his eseap. . as several bolts that couM not have been taken off except from I 111' (Utside had been removed, an I I’iit being the onl\ (uie that cmild bi^ giiiliv of this ai ' was a.sraiil loi keil np. < (5raffari.e haiis from Lenoir county near Kinston, and is charged wita th'‘ burglary of several places in ami around tlriniesland. Since his ar rest the first time he has cost Pitt, county in the neighborhood of 0110 huii'lri'd dollars, making repairs 10 the jail, WiUi all his threats that h>‘ will not; stay ill jail. Sheriff Dudley stated this morning that he was going fo put into force every posible means for the keeping of the desperado until the m xt term of criminal court dis poses of him.