Moseley Bros. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGTS. Ouring His Sermon Minister Heartily Endorses Recent Urticie for Hospital (II I Ilf coiirsc of liis serujon Memorial Uaplist churcli, Sunday Dioriiiiig, lU'v. t', .M. Rock referred to llie recently article by Dr. C. O’H haugliingliouse, published in this paper, and said he had seen nothing in print lately that he more heartily endorsed. la this connection the minister referred to th(! urgent need of a hospital in Pitt county, and the great good tliat would coniu to the people through having one. He said that with all the wealth and intelli gence in I’itt County, there is woeful ignorance and neglect as to the pres ervation of human life and tiie pre caution of disease. He cited instan ces wliere through failure to properly ..are for tlie si»'k, and neglect of precaution and sanitation the lives .)f families and communities were en dangered. lie urged co-operation of (Ilf churches and I’hristians general ly in the movement to establish a hos pital in I’itt County. It it preaihing the tiospi'l, he asked, to speak of these things from the pulpit? He felt tluit it was, and justified it in 4]uoting the words of (’hrist “Inas- niuih as you did it unto one of the least Ilf these, you did it unto me. Cliicoil Voters Strong For Harding and Presents Names] For Ihe House Uiro!< Deiith of Mothrr Mr. A. n. Taylor, assistant tele- t,‘aph operator in the Western I'liion Telegraph olTice was called to his home in Spartanburg, S. ('., the latter pan of lasit week on accoii u of his mother being seriously ill. A tele gram was receiv(‘d this morning from Mr. Taylor stating that she die 1 last niglit about eight o'clock. STItiVKU ONK HAY HOKSK. weighed about limn pounds. Int'or- niation to wherabouts will be ap preciated. >1. .T. .Tenkina. 7-20-tf. W'AMKI) TO HI Y A good farm. Prefer it being near Ayden or Winterville, but would c >ii- £>lder other offers. I do not mind the f>rice provided the land has the nuahty and terms are satisfactory. ^ Apply to bos t!T, Ay’<M. .V. C. '-Irt-tf law & w. .tlurriuge Lk'cnsos Uegister of Deeds Brascoe Hell has issued licenses to the following ciiuples since last report; WHITK Herbert Uoss and Clyde Sutton. .1. C. Hawson and l.>illiau Munford. L. H. Allen and Varona Hemby. 'I'had Little and Xina Hart. C0I.011KD Cieo liarrett and Ary Gray. Kd Moore and Carrie l.ancley. Krank Harriss and Ktta Perkins. SKVKMH UUKCK VK TIM NOUKdLK, Va., July 1!* t'larencf Philpotts, of Hassett, Va., one of tiu’ victims of the collision between an electric train of the Virginia Passen ger and Power Company and a coal (rain of the Virginian Railroad Thurs day night, died today. This makes th total number of dead seven. One of Philpotts legs had to be amputated and he died soon after the operation. To the Democratic voters of Pitt Co. W’e see by the County paper, can didates for different otlices in the County. We like .\Ir. Harding for Ihe Senate and we want to suggest names for the House and the two that we are going to suggest hav.i been on the field of battle every since IStio. 'I’hey have had e.\perieiico every line both old Confederate sol diers and successful business men They are men of good ripe age and experience they know all of the peo ple from one side of the county to the other side. W'e know them, and they know our wants and needs. We suggest Capt. J. .1. I>aughing- house and Mr. Robt. It. Fleming. With this ticket, we can win, and for us in Chicod Township Mr. W. S. Gal loway, as County (.'ommissioner. Vours Respectfully A. I). (T.lARK, !•;. S. ARNOhD. C. !•:. UOVD, ' 'r. K, PROCTOR, J. O. PROCTOR, W. K. PROCTOR, HK.NRV ]>|.\0.\, K. K. KLKS, J. J. ICLKS, R. .\l. KLKS, Sunday School Organized at The State Sanatorium For Fuberculosis The afternoon Sunday School at the State Sanatorium for 'I'uberculosis has grown to be iiuite an important iiul pleasant feature of the weekly routine. Tiie lesson is taught by Rev. W. (i. Waff, of Conway, N. C. l>r. Walt is a Haptist minister, a patient tlie Institution, who after the teaching of (he lesson delivers a short sermon. There is an average of from forty five to fifty in atten dance. I p to this time no one ex cept patients and the medical and nursing staff have attended. All Ihe patients are much interest ed and seem to get a great deal of pleasure out of the serviics. Tlie singing, which has recently been add ed, is a very enjoyable feature, wihcU the bed patients, who are ui'able to attend the services, get the benetii in’ f'.nd enjoy greatly. A Methodist min ister is expected to conduct the nexr service. While the Sunday afternoon ser vice has been held for a considerable length of time, a regular Sunday School was organiited in due form only last Sunday. Pr. P. P. McCain, Assis tant Superintendent of the Institu tion. was made Superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. W. F. Jordan. Secretary and Treasurer, and Mis^ Hertha liowden, I..ibrarian. The Jenkins Roofing and Flue Company, Inc. • • • • Tobacco Flues That Fit Having incorporated my business and by this means getting more capital, { am now in the best pasition I have ever been to supply customers with Tobacco Flues. For six years I have supplied satisfactory Flues to my trade, and have never failed to fill any orders, large or smdl, when given in time. By fair and liberal dealings, and by making Flues in a satisfactory manner, 1 have built up the Largest Individual Tobacco Flue Business — in the World I am located this season at Gentry & Gorman’s Warehouse. Give us a call. L. A. Harper, Secretary J. J. Jenkins, General Manager Odi llli. A\.ME L, JOYMiR Osteopahthic Physician ill (lie Urown Building on Dick inson avenue. (Jffice hours 10 (o U’ and 2 to 4. -2n-tf. Dl{. V. H. MEnnOliN Specialist in Fitting Glasses Otlice at J. R. Smith & Bros, Store Ayden, X. C, Monday and Tuesday August 10 and II Home Otlice . . Washington, N. C. Kxcept Monday and Tuesday. THE FLANAGAN LINE commi DR. J. E. MARSH Veterinary Surifeon and Dentlit treat all animals. Calls promptly nswered day or night. Office at K . Smith's stables with hospital ser rice. Day phone 304; night 289-L 20 14 Imo. CHOICE CUT FBOWKBS For all occaaions, Roaea, Caraa tlona, Tloleta and Valilea tba lead era. Our art In wedding arrang* Bienta are of the lateat touch. Noth ing liner in floral offerlnga to be had Blooming pot plant!, aiallaa, H? aclntha, palma, ferni, Norfolk pinet aid many other nice pot planta. Rose buihea, evergreena, ahrnb- errlea, hedge plants and shade tree* Mail, telegraph and felephoae order* promptly executed by J. L. O’Qalnn A Co. Phones; Store 42, Oreenbouse 14V RALEIOH. N. C XOTICE. At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners Pitt County, held July H, 11)14, the following petition was presented; We the undersigned land owners, whose land the following described road will cross hereby petition your honorable body to lay out a public road leading from Littlefield, across the lands of X. K. Garris, S. K. Bed- dard, L. C. Garris, C. C. Garris, A. Ij. Garris, A. J. (larris to the Ayden and (irifton road Same will be heard at tiie regular meeting of the Board held (irst Mon day in August 1!U4, all persons de siring to be heard will please be pres ent on said date. Tlii.s 7th, day of July 1914. URASCOE BELL, Clerk to Board. 7-13-19t. J. C- LANIER lIONIJME^iTS INB HEAD STOITia AND IKON FENCES eREENTILLE, ' NOBTH CAHOLIHa NOTICE IJvi>ry occupant of any lot, on any I stroi’t in the corporate limits of tha I Town of Grenville are hereby notified to clean off the sidewalks around I such premises of all rank weeds, j grass and other vegetation by the 25, !day i)f July 1914. Failing (o comply jwitli this notice will subject you to a I tine i)f $3.00. j ' Tliis July 14, l:tH. I J. T. SMri'll. Cliii'f ()f-Police. T-l l-IOtd. WANT ADS 5e. Par Lia« P«r loacrtioa Cash must accompauy oraeia for w&nt ads, except from those having regular advertlalng ac counts. The rata la I cents f«r Uae, six words to the Una. Tel* ephona No. 74. HCLI.ETS. S. M. Schnltz. Ask Year Grocer for HHITE SWAN FLOITR—Eat the best. 4 26 ii HELl* WANTED -MEN WANTED to visit trade with our cigars. Salary $25 weekly to start. Cordelia Cigar Co. Station D., Xew York City. 6 11 14 3m ■O.yr ONE Al’TO.WOBILE TIRE AND im. Liberal reward. Finder return o. FORD srPPLY CO. -27-tf. PB6FlMI0iril. CIBM4 DR. T. H. MEWBOBir Optometrist Office at J. R. Smith and Broa, atora Ayden, N. C., the aecond Monday •» each month. Eyes Examined Free Home Office Washington, N. O. ■etropoUtan Life InsaraMa Oe, of New -York Assets 447.829.22».lt. George A. Porrest, Special AgMil 111 S^ana St Qreenvllla, M. ® H. BENTLET MABS18S SUU With •K)LD BELIABLB” The Katval Life lBS«raM« Co, ef N. ¥. IB B. J. KTBBin Ittorney at Imw Mwarda Building, on the House Square 0»Mt ALBIOM DUm Atteney at Law lee In Ihelburn Building, mrd ■%, Praetleea whereever kla aeorvlaas dealrod •reearille, - - North Carollaa WHEN YOU WANT Headstones or | Monuments\ LET ME SHOW YOU HENRY T. KING Only One **BROMO QUININE'* To get the irenuitic. call for full name, LAXA* TIVK UROMO griNINK. Look for siRnalure of K.W.GROV’K. Cures a Cohl in One Day. Stops cough aud headache, atul works oU cold. ^c. ■D M ‘3niAN:i3>10 aaovNvw •8uip|ing l»|oi-| jo|30jj xnH a=>w H •p>»iu»i»n8 *a3H3An3a QNv MOJ oanvD S3HX01D pu» iljng 1*33 oi uaAiS uoiiuaiis |«padg •i(||vpad9 B fJ»n ‘spui)| |i» JO 8uit*a4j pu« 8uiu«9|3 ‘8uua)|V SUBA^ ’8utSS3.lJ pUS 3UIUB3|^ y3Q«o Oi 3av^^I suns • • qn|3 fuissajj • • V PuiJOjrex !MKW» Warrenton High School WAIIRENTON, N. High Grade I’reparatory School, j Clastiical aiul Scientific Courses Special Course preparatory to Gevern- ; meiit Academies, Trained and Ex- ;)erieiiced Faculty, One teacher to twenty students. All bordlug studeuts under the immediate spervision of Princi|ial and faculty. Atletic Associa tion, Two literary societies. Young .Mens Christian Association. Moce than one hundred students uow in col- lejri's as leaders of fresh, aud soph, classes at Uavidson College. Leaders of soph, and one of threo highest In fresh, at University. Other of leadership. Expenses moderate, JOHN liHAHAM, Prlnrlpal. 7-l-2m, New Gar den Seed Flower Ssed Onion Sets Maine Red Bliss Irish wobblers Seed Oats Rape Seed Dr. Hess Stock & Poultry Powder SMSGHULT2 PHONI U OriKH I.OST: < AK M'MHER :I5!»3 AND lantern. Finder return to Dr. J. E. Xoblos and receive reward. 7-10-tf. » VMin Exporieiu'ed salesman or salesladv. Fur diy ^oods store. Adilres.s,, Dry Goods, caree tieneral Delivery, Green ville. .V. T-2ii-;itd. Week-End and Summer E X (' r R S I 0 N U A I E S to the SEASHORE via the ATI.A>Tlt’ (OAST I-INE The Slandurd Railroad of the South Rouud Trip ^Utos. From Greenville To Wasbingion, D. C $10,9J To Ualtimore, Md $10.90 To New York t'ity $19.9'> To Boston, Mass. $24.40 Tickets on sale every d;jy until SBptember 30, via Norfolk aud stj^amer, with final return limit Oct., II, 1914. W. J. t rai^. T. C. While Pfc3S. Traffic Mgr. (Jen. Pass. Agt Wilmington, N, C. SCUEDrLE OF PASKENGEH TBAIMS Atlantic foaitt Line. North Bound South Bound Sc. 6S 8:18 a m. No. 72 1:18 p. m NO. 72 5; 22 p. m. No. 69 6 :30 p .h Norfolk Southern. East Bound West Bound Vo 4 1:02 a. m. No. I 1:19 a. a> No. 2 9:32 a. m No, 17 7.64 a. m Mo, 18 6:3o p. m No. 1 S.02 u. B. M. CLABI Attorney at Law ^and and Drainage Caaea a Ipealaltrt In oBce formerly ooenple* ky Jarrls and Blow. BLAKDtNfi * PHBC1 Lawyers Practicing In all the Coarta Im In’ Wooten Building on WUrl atreet, fronting Oourt Honaa ■. W. C1.BT1B, m. 9. Practice limited to dlseaaea of tha l|y«t Kar Nose and Throat WaaUngtoc, N. C. •reearille, M. ■ OBce with Dr. D. Ix Jamsa, ■raaM* rtUe, day every Monday, f a ■ to I vk DB. JOHN F. THIGPEN. Teteraary Sargeoa. has moved bis office from Old Ral.i Bow Stables to Dr. Zeno Brown‘a Stables on Fourth Street. Pliona 184 Day or Night. Im 6 and w. DR. PATL FITZQEBILB. Beatlst. Office over Frank Wilson's Btora. felephone 4S7. Qreenvllle, M. K B. F. TT801 iasaraae* Ufa, fire, lick atfd AeeidMit ^Mcs <« l^urth street saar f^aai Wllsoa% stPT* ■ (KRy HKlNAfcU Attaraey at Law 9REENTILLE, NORTH CAROLINA

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