* TEE mmKT. 0F. EASTSRir t. The Austro-Hungarian Government Declared War Against Servia Yesterday England Will Be Forced to Support Russia and France in Any Steps They May Take iiisijiiiri units lillle Jesse Voye Catches a Ihree Foot Shari! al Mine Heorielle Gailiayx Is 5,000 More Machines In Jlcnuiiteil Dn the Charge Aiistriuiis Look Forward lo a Uwr >Vitli Sorvia Witli a I'eoliiiB of JU*- Some Flplifintr (h-ciirs Along: tlie Kordor. LONDON, July 2S—The Austro-Hun garian government doclareil wai against Servia today by a manifestc which is one of the ti'efest of his lory’s iiiouientous i') .uujents. OermaiJV j-aveil tho way for tUii- (letlaration by announcing her rejec tion of the British proposal to bring four powers together in conferenct 'for mediation. Germany explained her ally could not be expected to sub mit her acts to an Kuopean council a?' thouKh she were one of the Balkar States. This announcement preceded the de claralion of war by only two hourt and showed the harmonious workint’ of the partnership between the twf nations which firmly together through (ho Hosinian crisis of 1909. JiuNsin Holds Coiilrol. The center of interest has shiftec sharply to St. Petersburg, which hold.^ the decision whether an European war, which probably would shift th«. balance of power if not rearrangei the entire map of Kurope, is to break out. Negotiations are afoot thert between the Russian foreign niinistei and the Austrian ambassador, whicl: are designed to “localize” the conflict The next news expected is the oc cupatlon of Belgrade and that now may be an accomplished fact. Re ports of encounters along the frontle’ have been permitted to pass the Cen- sor, but military experts here believe mobilization already has been effect ed and that a campaign is under way Englaii^ Stands Vy illies. There is no enthusiasm in Knglani for war yet there is ageneral bellel that her obligations to her partnerf in the triple entente, and her interests as a great Kuropean power will force her to support Russia and France ir any steps they may take. The Immediate effect of the wai cloud is likely to be a compromisi of Home Rule, since all parties fee: that domestic discussions must bt settled at all cost, in the face of out side peril. The fierce demands of the conserva tive papers for a general election have been hushed. The foreign office ha become the most important branch o! the government, and no one wants tc risk the possibility of losing Sir Kd- ward Grey with his exceptional in fluence in the councils of Europe. Flngrer on the Tritrper. The British warships everywher* are taking on supplies. Soon after H became known that Austria and Ser via were at war, all the officers and sailors ashore at Portland and Wey mouth were summoned to their ships AI'SriMAXS A HE iOVFl'L. VIKNNA, July 2S—The people fi the duel monarchy look forward t( n war with Servia. which today forniHll> was declared with a feeling of re lief. High olhcials are optimistic tha (he war will be conlined to these twc countries. Certain knowledge thai Russia will intervene, however, would no^t cause Austria to, alter her coursc in the slightest. News of the formal declaration o war ran through the city before extra editions of the papers could reach thi venders and was everywhere greetoc j with a spirit which might be describ ed as close to religious exaltation. •\o rjiance <« Stop 5o«- Vienna is absolutely wiihout newf of troop movements which the papers are forbidden to print. A sharp con- soryhip has been established over aV means of cqmnmnication. The even ing papers published the following inspired statement: “In well informed circles the view is held that so far as Sir. Edwari Crc'y's proposal to legalize conflict be tween Austtjia-Hungary and Servia the former can declare herself entire ly agreed with Sir Edward Grej’s re marks, but regarding what he has sail concerning the suppression of militar> operations, affairs have proceede( much too far to allow anything to bi done in this direction.” Advices from Belgrade say the Ser viah capital is now located at Nish whore the Skupshtina (National As scniblyi met today. All Servians be tween is and tiO years, able to beat arms, have been called out and mob ilization is proceeding rapidly. Sliarp FiglitJiif; Occurs- The Militaerishe Rundschau ru ports sharp fighting along the rivei Drina, where Servian volunteers whc attempted to cross were opposed b> Austrian frontier troops. It also re lorts that Servians tired on tieir owr river transports by mistake, killinp and wounding several Servian soldiers The ministry of foreign afT&irs ha> addressed a verbal note to the foreigi; representatives infrt'ming them of tht dclaration of war, and dclaring that Austria will, on the assumption o similar observances by Servia, adhere to the provisions of The Hague coii ference of October 15, 190S, and the oeclaralion of war, and deci tring lhi 190H. Provisions Ont of Sight. An abnormal rise in the price <■>. provisions today caused great indig nation on the part of the public -whc Hocked to the markets to lay in stores Vegetables in many cases trebled ii pr.c « Feeling ran so hig'i that it many instances stall keepers in the markets were mobbed and the'police were called out to restore order. OfTicial arrangements have beei made to take care of families of re servists called to the colors. It is re ported that Emperor Francis Josepl has ordered the court removed froir Ischl to the capital. . >Var for All Euroite. The semi-official Fremdenblatt says: “War has been declared. To thi. people of Austria-Hungary there has been for days no doubt that It was in evitable, and popular sentiment has given emphatic repression to its rati fication of the decision of ttie govern ment. “War is also a fact for Europe.” ■Messrs. Ii. .1. U'hicnard and J. G. .Move and the hitter's two boys re turned this morning from Beaufort where they spent two days fishing. They report a good time and fair luck, ti’eir catch in the two days running up to fully 150 pounds. The greater pan of the catch was flounders, witti some trout, blues and smaller fish mixed in. Master .lesse Move-, only 7 years- old, had the honor of catching the largest fish in the bunch. The little follow hooked a big one that soon had him calling for help. The captain of the boat went to his aid and they landed a shark 3-feet long, almost as li.ng as the boy himself. Jesse never stopped there, but caught as many fish as anyone in the boat. The cap tain declared he was the most skill ful descipie of Isaac Walton, of any little fellow he had ever seen. >Je was a proud boy. The party stopped at Inlet Inn while in Beaufort and foiind it most delightful.. Mr. W. K. I'orch, formerly 6f Hotel Proctor in Greenvifle an 1 well known here, is now manager of Inlet Inn and is making it very popu lar. He sets a most tempting ta.blo with an abundance of sea food at every meal. Solicitor h. Aljernethv, owner of the Inn, spends his vaca- t^'ii between courts there, and he also sees that the pleasure and comfort of guests is well looked after. It is really a delightful place to go to. On the way home they stopped over night in Kinston at Hotel 'I'ull. Any one who has ever stopped with Jun-.' Steverson knows what it means and is always glad to repeat it. There is no better or more genial hotel keepc than he, and his house is always full. THOrSAND JKUiLAR F1>K ITT OS BLIXn TKiEU John U. ( hurles Draw* Largest Sooej I'enalty Ever Inilicted In J'nin City Municipal Court. Winston-Salem, July 28.—Mayor O 1>. Eaton, sitting on municipal court bench yesterday morning, in the ab sence of Judge Hastings, imposed the largest fine in the history of the court when he fined John D. Charles the sum of 11,000 and placed him under a 512,000 bond for his gqod behavior dur ing the next two years. Charles was jointly indicted -witl Frank Snipes, Sr., on a charge of hav ing more liquor in their possessiot than the la-ws allows. Officers R. B Ijarly and E. C. Yodng having foum’ them in possession of a four and one- half gallon keg of liquor about 3:0'; o'clock Saturday morning. Charles is the same man who was arrested by Sheriff D. B. Stafford, oi Guilford County, Saturday night, af ter a most exciting chase. Charles was driving an automobile which was found to contain 12 five-gallon kegs of whiskey when he was overtaken In that instance he was placed under a bond of $1,000 for his appearance before Spire Mitchell on Monday August 3. A reception in honor of the visitors has been arranged for this evening. Tomorrow the two associations will Librarians of Tno States MARINETTE, Wis , July 20-The ^dam Strohm, city hbra- . . ... J ,, I'lan of lletroit. twin cities of Marinette and Menomi nee are intertalning for Ihree days joint annual convention of the Michl- Mr. and Mrs. Paul ?>’-'tiick return- gan and Wisconsin librarians' asso- ed Vis morning fu.iii >’ew Hav“ i ciation. Members of the two associa Co«n., where the> have been a week tion arrived In large number today to visit friends and relative:). PARIS. July 2S—.Mine lleiirietl' Caillaux, wife of e-x-F’reinier .)osel)^ Caillaux, was acquitted tonight afte: a trial lasting nine days on the cliarg'- of murdering on March Itj last, Gasto.'i Calniette, the editor of the Figaro. Toda>s session of the trial of Mnio Henriette t'aillaux came to an abrupt Use In Slate Toilay than Iwelve Months Ago U.\Ll-;iGH, July -What do \oi ihiuK of nearly ten million dollars be ing iiivesteil in automobiles in Noril Carolina, yet such is a fai t. lu(jui''> at the Secretary of Stan 's ollice yes terday shows that up to liate licensc^.- has been issued to 12.00U machiii''.' Oi if Piirs Many Va!ua!)le Lives Lost ^r.riyally Throupl] Lack cf Hospital Eeivice nCiHiUUt; \ cnixaujk. Liixue lU uu auiui/il.. , r.n/lincr Imw. Itn". end When the prisoner collapsed dur-| ^hese machines at ’.^TGO.y. l|y|l|[f f|(| || ^ njRIf R ing a cutting arraignment by Maitre , exceeding low esti- ”111110 00. U, W. UHUmi Chenu, counsel for the Calmettc heirs [ and had to be carried from the court room. Madaiin' Caillaux had been growing I 4r,ii.(iM0. No wonder the cost of liviiif.' SMio 11a- I’racliciMi in Our mitNt >e»e- visibly weaker during the address ^ the jury of Maitre Seligman. anothei, lias increased. And this is not th< total number of maciiines in the State paid I get busy for this tax was due July 1. of the Calniette attorneys, who began summing up as soon as the court coa-1 j,.j,^„ment has instructed voned. A hot water bottle was placed beneath her feet and a cushion at he: ral Year- And Hau- Seen the (ireal Veeil of a ( ountj llos- jdtal For I’itt. Washington, .X. C. July 'jr.th i;n4. back. Falls in lienp on Fluor As tlie hearing progressed i^he ba came listless and apparently was un consious of what was occurring it the sheriffs of the dil'fe.Tent counties j ■|-]n, ilonoi’uble Hoard of in the state to get behind the owner.-; j (-unnnissioiuTs of I'ilt Couiit> . oi unlicensed machines and see thiit i (Ireeiivilli'. .North t'iirolina, they come across with the cash at oi.i e, or be lined for their deliiuiui’iu-y. j i-ast Year the tax was paid on , ot building a ni'w County llonii- is now j (lentleiU'-n: — I see by the jiapers that the mat I el i;is in tiie state, siiowing an increase .ourt. Soon after Maitre Chenu begaujof nearly o,0(m) machines within tli^ | bdore you for consideratinn, and hav a scve^re' analvsis of her ae-tions on the j past twe'lve months. I he tags this ■ read with a great deal ol intere’St tli-. day of the tragedy she collapsed and^ year are of a green ccilor while la-st fell in a heap on the Hour of the pris-|y ar tliey were white. Therr is one <)iicr*ri t'liclosiirt*. ji'ouiity in tin* stiitt*, AliH lit‘11 in wliicli .Maitre Seligman in his aildres.s said: ^ tl'-'' slieritt rciiorts tluTi' is not a sdiigh- "Vc)u have heard witness al'tir wit-|g<'s wagon. iii'ss speak in i)raise of tlie late M | Calniette. There has been only oi\' discordant note and that came frou y ^ .M. CaillJiux. WluiT connection witl'jl WIis V XLLJl/ I the i-ase has the fortune of the mu” 0 0 ili vi'i! man? How many millions must | WI.\’THRVIl>l.i-;, N. C, Inly :J.''-I!e\ a man have in order to permit hif'Cio, Frank Hill of Kinston will iinli being assassinated witli complete ini j)unit y ■ I will speak of nothing except tin assassination of IM Calniette,” Maitre (lieiiu was saying when the prisonei swooned. “I will ask the aecusee’ whether when she spoke of her lovf for hi‘r daughter she thought of the two children of M. Calniette, whose pictures never left him? 1 shall no' attempt to go into the biography .oi Mme Caillaux. She is a cool. sensibK woman without emotion or pity. Sh< has tears only for herself.” RAIN IK l\ t OnON BKLl Hot and Bry Weather 0>er the Sonti' >1iiking Inroads on 'I'he Crops. WASHINGTON, 1 >. C.. July L‘S—Rair is badly needed by growing cotton >u niaiiv localities, especiitlly in th« Southwest, according to the wc'athei bureau's weekly review, issued today Local showers have maintained the generally gooil condition of the crof in some sections, but in many partf of the Central and Eastern belt, hot dry weather had retarded the plant ami in Teixas and Oklahoma consid erable deterioriation resluted in tin drought. Conditions in Virginii* .North Carolina, and South Caroliiu' are summarized as follows: \irginia: Hot, dry weather w-n; unfavorable for the progress of vege tation. Corn, tobacco, and garden stuff are at a standstill. Good soak ing rains are needed. North Carolina: 'I'iie rain fal was generallv light and scatten e Temperatures were high. Cottot made satisfactory progress, and the early pianted is fruiting well. Corn and truck nee>d rain. SouMi Carolina: Excessive her. with nearly unbroken sunshine niaVk- services at St. Luke's l-;pisi-opa ehurch Sunday, August 2nd at -1 p. ni A cordial invitation is extended ti all. Goods are arriving tlaily at li i'orn-st & Co, and they a; • til! sell ing their summer goods c-lieap We have just a few more pairs o ladies and gentlemen's slippers am will sell them at eost while they last -Now is a good time to get a good paii clieap at Harrington, Barber & Co. When Diaz left Mexico that brougfii lieace in that country and when yon buy a barrel of Ijady Ijee flour fro'r A. W. Ange A; Co., that will brine •peace in your home in spite of the stormy weather Sun day night a large crowd enjoyed tin Children’s Day exercises at tlie Meth odist church. Only a few' short lengths in sum trer dress goods left and we are sell ing them at a great sacritic' to make' room for more goods. See them a Harrington, Barber Co. If you need a good pair of overalls lantern, thermometer, lime i.r tobaj CO twine,'see A. W. Ange Co. Mr Hugh Stokes spent Sunday wiil liis people in Ayden Mr. J. E. Green, our popular K. K agent is spending his vacation for . few days around Virginia Beach atu’ a week or ten days around Ashevilh in the western part of the State Some of eiur young people are at tending religious Services at Bear Creek church near Washington thi- week. We are glad lo note that the Post Office is being remodele-d. When com pleted our popular Postmasfer, J. i, Rollins, will be nicely etiuipped tf give I'ncle Sam's patrons the very best service. Miss t'lyde Chapman is spendiO£ this week in the country visiting her sister Mrs. Hugh McGowan. You are invited to attend the "Ice article by Dr. Lau.gliinghouse in th I’.reeiuille Keflet'lor of July 1-ltl:. urgiiig the constI'uction ol a <'outit> Hospital in.-iead ot'. or perhaps ir addition to. a New ('(Hinty Home .-Milumgli not a residi-nt of I’itt Countv t) I hav(.’ worked in your midst for seve ral years atui have fre(iueiitly had tlii opponunity of seeing tiii- great neei 1)1 A Hospital in your Couut\. I an tlierefore taking tho liberty of writ ing you on the subjeet In niy opinion the argunienis of IM- i,augliinglioii>e are nnan.-.werable. Ir tile lirst pla«i', the plan suggested bv him Would givi- ilie county an Insti tution fully e(juiiiped to answer botl purposes and practically self-supiiort ing, at ;i cost no greater than that pr '• poses lor the home alone. In th< next pla<-e, tlu-re < an be no iiuestio- but that a County Hospital is urgent ly nee'ded. Many valuable lives arv lost annually in Pitt County throuirl’ lac k ot prompt hospital servit e, wbii 1- iniglit'otlierwise be saved; the losi of valuable lontanu freight Kates I’edaccd. HELENA, Mont., July 20- N. a lance tariff rates averaging -n pec cent lower than tho ratis*i I creto- loro existing -were put into effect lu Hontana today, in complience with ai< order recently promulgateil by tht- State Railroad Conimisaioii. The nc^\ schedule is based on the rates in tli-: State of Washington and is erfectivi from all but distributing piiint.-: wiiiih enjoy jobbing rates. Mrs. Ceo i; Spruill, of Sil X is \lsiiing her panva 5 : s .1. L. .Moore.