Moselev Bros HI -4 . --< < - : 1^. I r i ■? \ ;? '\r^ v**-- ■ 7^ , rcn; i ifrt» :n-Mrie.c(,'.i M;:' »»• 'i ;- ^PSl?., ! : a', r. ,e Oak ter Afottoixi ' ■ • t ’•' ;>-:d r;-»rt; . >rc..: noun • ; ■> troni’ v' V. V i *<>■ $ I V*,'c "»> -. u U 'iT.. ••. •ii‘ ' ••!’. I I ' I IMMi ;:ni » ni'i i: \ i h'n w i i i l.‘M UV MI'I N 1 liti>n i \!. k\ 9s. 4Vf^'a ,.tt. A .-'Ajbw'.WWB-«'-> PKOFES8rO?r.4L fAR»« DR. V. H. XEWlBOBir Optometrist Office at J. R. Smith and Broi, itor« \yden, N. C., the second Mondsf at each month. Eyes Examined Fro# Konie Office ; Washington, N. €. Motropolltan Mfe lDtir«Be« G», of New York Afcsets 447.S29.22S.1*. 'i. i'rco A. Pl.>iro>t. Special Agtml !i, l.'.aua St, Ur^eBvlll*, J|. 0, ;:. iSlMIKT RiKKISfl Stil! >Vith ‘•0M» lu i.)\i i.i';" i I'- K'ltual l ife litsHratif# ('c., ,. ot >. V, \\ '. E ,\‘ VI L L t .. N . C. J KVKWEn <'i<ir;it'.» ;vl J.%Ti • ii;.%4r*fii f’;;liiJ’,...., c’.i th<i liOiisv Attorney ust I aw •imtf iQ ahe’bari: LuCv'I .f, T:.:?-*) «: ^hffli'tsevor hi» w* ilcslr<^ : Hreeavlllo, No.'th Carol iBt, ^:iiiri^.a. h. .1 .\ _ i,.-- i.iuui.t'-r i ia 1- . ,\li'~, K, 1.. I'.ir !■ :• ;■ >„■ . le^ • ne f'.r a Nssit ; :, Flor;.;.., Misses Kiii’i and IC’.i.i Tuck, r ■ : >^iinps..!i, %vli, i,.i ■w l.'-eu vSiun^ .%i;‘s. |i V.', ilar.'.., :: ti.:s na.rt.i!!-. Mr. ,r. A, La:: l-ir tiiis n:-'ruii:» ■,,r .'|iri!!L' .- .Miss Aiiu M'.hi- 1; I'..’ ■ ■!, a 'i-;; •d her moth- r ; i!', l In’..Ill' r^, Mr, an ] Mrs. il , 1.. J 'A la I hav ■ heeti vi^ilir.L- e;.- la.r.nts, ,\lr and ,Mr.s. W. !;. ,1.^:'.. ', 1" ‘I Saturday lor 'ia\ tot.. L, r.irk\; ■ M-UUI I". i i .l i i'I.ii- 1'!' .! ;|h:; •u- H, iVilio. ;. vi'd ri.>u- N I \ I I ul MM! 1 II ( u;ni |\ V jirjinr!iiiriit I’l M.ili' ililKiilc I'l 1 Hill" t'i ( iiiiM iil tie 'Iiii KIhiIiIi r- III PN'iiliitii'ii 1 !;■■ I i- I r. Wilhs, !(iriu!'.i i>: .'lal! wa^' I iwo h.)iirs, ■ if li.f llUi.' r,i All !o Wi'.i'i'a I Ilia.' (;r''itini: Wh.'i-vas. I: a I'.iiiiiiii. li>- lu-c. rri >. ::• ' May ra:ii'!. vas !.• rinrn)''ii l'\ i.; til'. .lol'.n-on-Willi^ Saiii- ! ' Ki. l.moii.l, an.i Mr~. xua-: '•ars Im iuly auihi ntiia ■ciliiips lor thr : 111- Til.- i . ;■• ratuiir lalili' l .tr | ' iii'raUiiii was oiu- li.'ri'unia-ii at tlii' i I'tHurd ■'luuary :i my ol- 5c. Per Line Per IniertioQ I*. M. CL4SK Attornt'f lit Lmw L«art and Dralnace Canes s la oBce formerlr oocnylei Jarvis and Blow. Says I. toxin Letterloihe N'pal cutii r is siluatri! in ri;>‘ town of I'rvilh? roviniy of I’itt State of r.- -.V iiiiii fru'ml.' of Mr.-. 'I'lin- -•a.! i:o,ky M.,un: and in h. r l.omo ' ^'o^- the, Soard of Commissioners n wn at Ciri-i'uviili' wiU li, i-'no'.v tiiat sill? stood !!io i as \vi-;; a< diii. ' (iiitsiioi Bf ilE K. linu;. irip I. I'raiU'l.i 'Kra •Mr and Mi> i , unit'd ;ron; a w ok»-. .\!r. aial .'drs. I,. 1 iiiiiir-:>!i. of '\'hi!ak'rs ai.d .Masu-r Aiifii i’ri!( iiard, of Ki'diiuond, raiii'^ in ~at!]!'day o.'i liii-ir autoiMobile and -I't'iu rh'' niulit and yestorday with Mr. atid Mr,', 11, T. Kiiiir. leavini: in ilio •ift>'ruoon tor iht'ir hiuros. .Misses .luallito Savast-. Sal'.ii- a’id Wi;!;' .lai'ksi)!. ani! Fliinmi;, oi Hiii;:-.' and .Mar;^’Ut.-rit’,' I'avis, of Kins ton. ar ■ an' iidii.i: a hou't' party th'- '.v.-,'k at til" Uoni" of Mi>s i.oui-;'' riu ki-r. aijoui two mii'-' T-i!;, liriM-u- vil!,-. .Mr. ,\. 1' if d!n;an lor .Norfolk,'a ■lorih'-rii fdti'.','. I II I I I N \M II MIN I \'III.V 1> msiiim. ulad to] s of th.,-' I”'' jio!n|di'’d with 111'' r>'iiuirfnii'nts of ji liapii-r L’l of til'' lo'vi-al of i'."',',, on- jiitl'ii "rorporaiions," and iht> auK'nd- ! nu-;its ilu'rrto, iiroiituinary to th<^ Is- lir li!'. ■ ^uir.i: of iliis crrtilicate liiat sU' it coii- — — j Si nt iias bi'on tilrd: !.;■ ut. 1', s. Wilson and lauiil\ 'ir-, .\ow. Tln'rt'fori'. I. .1, f'.ryan Crimes, I ivi'd hfrt-last Saturday from Ailanta, s,-i ri !ar\ of Staif of tUo Stat*-' of wiu-ro h'.' ha.s bc.Mi staiioiu’d ;or soniv * ('arolina do ii'Ti li.'’ i iTlify that tiiii. . 'I'iirv will In' U"ri' until ahout, ’ |j,;ud i orpnratiou did, on tin' -0 .•^.-p'otKli.-r lisirijiir in iIi-- lioiiu' :•!' ,|,,y of .Iuly l:'l i. lilo in niy ofliro a 'Iri'asur'-r 'A'. H, \Vil>on, when h'' isj,u,iy r.xiruird and alto-stod conseat • Npi'iit'd I'l III' t ransf''rr."i lo the- I'hillipin IM Im ■ ls!anii>. Ilf Thai Thf Voliiiir rin>ul:i- lioii <ii I’ilt ( ount.v li*‘ <ihcn an (>P[i(ir(uiiil.v Jo J-;,viir<‘ss Tlwir "i>ln‘s hy Itallot. Wiulcrvilli.'. N .Inly IJDrd,, I'M 1, 'J'o III' llonorabk' Hoard of County ('i.iininissioni'rs fur Pitt County .North Carolina. II-.: iiiornin-: ! I ".liT \ 'II IM tl.l.NS ,N Ih;k (tile \\liii >(i linor, i ni'-r. :l'-s.~ ,'udi.''' is ]’aih"i i ,iii ', ori- h:n; i!,*- w,-ak and th*' wanting 111 till- wail, iinlv ihr truUi la.i 'rtilicati'' body at your .July nu'otinp. concorn- proii'odintr"; ing the County Home Proposition. t, ,ui!-iopi'S a:),; .'dii'ku; th(- ii'.-ntiful ii>t. sii.ln: with'' Mr,- 'J'hv four'll story nf ihf K;v- i oint iriaiiiji- huii'i’.rii is cMnibinc: on u;i vnd til- int..-riijr work i.-; k-- p;n.c pa:"-' wirli t!i‘,' wa!N i-jisr ■ ■npl- j!.-;i.-r 'Iiirria-’<‘ l.ici r , i . :a<-:is.s to till? .Ih. . l,t.- r.-p..'; WMIT K ,11'^•, :>-r .i::-; 1„.o. ha I ■I'lT.itn’-:' I -^a!!'. Snnti; and ir.';- :, Wjl'.i.iiii U'l'.lis a:.! !'•' im ,ir I'.aiiks and lO ANVl*Nt ! .iia loiiki’.j for a ri'• M ov- r I l.irk, '.'i-i',. r.,'ytor.. WilUaliH I I'lir y.'ars tho followin'; .siato- i-oni a ilri . nvillt- r.-sid.'nt h.TS M.d I:,:' .'ti-rii.-sr of all t. st>, 1,. Iv Ma’.iium. Fifth St I ;ri • nvil!'-. -ay- lio.m's l^i.lncy I':'.;' ir-’ no' a ifw ri-ni'dy to iiic as I usi d llifiii O'! difftT.-nt luas- a;,l i.avi' lour.d th-'Ui t' rii. '.n- of crc.'it ihcrif, I had )n'f‘n :r>'i;ld' d with kidtii'V roniplaint atid a i:;.! ;m l;;:;i.' hai k, l-';nally 1 pri'- ’ {r- 1 Sloan’' Kidney i'ills from ih' {.. \\;io!--i! iM'iii; Co.. and n^.-i! il'icai w-*;. iwn--;ii i;il r. „\ilis. I f‘.■! justitied i!i ’■•■I ■ iiuniendii,'-' tni^ r'-tn>”!y for th.- aVi- r. . ■ iv. >i, I iiav.' llaii “J.") t., U'- lH'at;',s Kidney fills l^t tiir.-.-' vi-ars as tlio rur.' has be.-;; a la^iin-r ,\, I). r,'l! ti. n Tl;. Who will tn iit I. .\, llrooks, (.rifiiiti. ,\ 1“. " I'.'.; I'.!,;kvii,lk JuU -T Mr I ans reiurn.'d Friday from liiirhata wiiere h.‘ ^p.,■nt a wi't-U with his 1111.'h.r, t',u> .1 i;ood oil I .11,. ill.' Beanaiii 'i’here a plenty uf thi-ni at .■\. V,, tl..y riia.." for ’i,.‘ has a la-iin-r ^ j The bi'.'t 1' aiway> the (/hi'ape^t .--'O I’’'-'' d>ab'r>, 1iiarriiii^triii. I’.arabcr Co., for your k tiir a kidtu'y r. iiii'dy —e.'t | |i,,,y ii,.\e jtist rer.-ivi-d anoihi. r nr load. Mr^, Mai,izu!ii had F...--r-Mi;bur;i j K.uiiail loviard of tiriivm ( . I’r.p-, Htutalo. .\, V I,-pent la.-'! Tuesil.iy with Miss \'eiie'..i ' Cox, Whin the lii'. al.irin is Ki'i'U i ■ , , in uriiim;' to tin* dissolution of said 1 wish to o.Npross to you iny hearty I'lirporation. .x.TUted by more than ondorsenunt of what Or, I'has. O H'. iwo-thir.|s in ini.-re-t of tho stock-1 IjauEthinghoiise had to say bi'foro your I'.oMer-; tli.'ri'of. whirh saii and the r.-. i.rd of t li afore~aal are now on lib in my said | The present way of caring for the o!!iee as iirovid. d by law, I paupern will, in niy opinion, in a few In T' silmi'ny Wlu-reof. 1 liave her.'-. year.s lie done with, 'J'hen why sliouM to Set my I'.atid and allixed my otlieial ^ \ve expend so much money in croct- seal, a> Uab’ii-'li. thi>- _'i day of .lii!>'|ing ?)uihlinKs for (he pauper'.’ The I idea of rei)laciiiij County Home.s hy I Coiiiiiy llospital.s in many States is I growing ratiidly. The doors of th3 j COr.NTY HtJSI'lTAhS can he thrown ' opi.«n to the .sick pauper. There they ! can get the best attention, j Civilization demands that the pau- i Vk'T and the poor should liavc all the ! advantages Medical bkill and Science I can give thein. Those who are more j fortunate in this worlds goods can I seek hospital ireatment where they Cauli muKt accompauy or..2era for want aJ«, exccpt iroir tho»** havUif reeular adverOslnt ac counts. The rate Is i cents line, Elx words to the iUi». Tel ephone No. 74, M >V Mri.I.HTS. s. M. Schultiu \>k (iroitr f»r nillTE SW.4>' KI.Ol'K—Tat (lit* hot. 4 25 if HKLl’ WA.MKn—.VKA W.iMED to visit trade with our cigars. Palary .?-.5 weekly to start. Cordelle Cigar Co. Station D,, New York City. 6 11 14 3m I.OM : ( AU M .HIU:U 3.’>!t3 AM) lantern. Finder return to I>r, J. E. Nobles and receive reward. 7-10-tf. KXri lMKX I II LADV clerk, appl.'' to F, l,.o!)don's .v lo ,store, 7--7-l'l, lilll.MKS, S.-eretary of .siai. Only One “HRO.MO QL'ININI." : r > «i't t':.- c,i ■ TlVl. liKilM. I vl I.NI> n i- w. i-.Kovi:, ciitfs, ■ cjukU .la 1 r.e.ii'.H.;;',!,-, 1 : for full natiu*. I..\X I-;. I.t>uk forsi> C il.i in Otir l>av. ; !i<l *A‘uik> oi? col 1. . »MM 1 iJVM,l i; M >'S -itap [ioar,'s Kidn wish. Jiring the Hospital nearer home by building one, centrally located in I’itt County. Provide cheap or free , bods for the poor, the voting I pojiulation of I’itt County express I their wish on tho {juestion hy ballot. ; Let the OKI County Home bo redeem- I ed, and have it cultivated by the Con- I victs, growing vegetables and other i table supplies for tlii’ pauper and !”fhain gang.” j (Signed I H, T. CO.V, .M, 1', Ml o. I,. i;i( II vi:n J>ii D ri!(*H SI ASIHOUI I.AM SM I KPVY A I Sini’sON MI!S. 1;AI!MM I. (.1{0» IHi;s IN \OIMOI,K IIOSI’IIAI, wi> 11 livii.i i; iin.H h* lioui >Miiler>ille. V. Prepar.'s n.>ys an.l iiir'.> for <‘oI- o-ge, [.it*‘rar>, .Music. I!ib!e an i t’un day School .Ni-,r;nul r.)urses given. Ijoeariiiti Hea'.lhftii, Railroad and T*d." phone Facilities t.'onvenient, FaiuU.>' of K.xperienc d M.-n .itid Wum‘'n, T'-rms Ueasonable The K^all Ti->rin Opens .\ui, C,', r,‘14. ol.e in.',' to be tile lirst to reach til,'I fre l!ut you had better try lo b’’ the! I tir^t to g.;i \our pick uf iliose im e Life is indeed a mystery aiid time new ties and otli.-r gents furni>hii!_'i,-, at last sets all things fr«.‘e 'i’oday tho I,OS]-M > DAY MI.HT KLUVEKN Methodist church and Proctor hotel key ring with six keys and a penny at- faclied. Finder reliirn to this offlco -727-31 d. KAKDI^G * PEIKCI Liwyprs PractlclcK in all the Coarta In Wooten piiUdtni oa VMTfi stTofrt, fronting Court Honaa I ! H. W. CAitrSB, M. V. I Practico limited to diseasM of tlia lor«. X«r Nose anti Tkrost ■Sashltirtoi;, N. C. »r«MinU«, M. K Oec0 with Dr. D. Li. /amsa, Ttllfl, ihy every Monday. • • la t« I DK, JOH.V F. TRIGPES. Vcter*ary Snrgeoa. aas moved his office from Old llaij Bow Stables to Dr, Zeno Brown's Stables on Fourth Street, Pkont 884 Day or Nlgbt. Im e an.l w. Dll, PAFL FITZflERAL». Deatlst. Office over Frank Wilson’s Itors Telephone 487. Qreenvllle, ; M. ■, B. F. TTSeS ' Insiraae* Ldfe, nre, Cick mUi AetUaBt oa«« OB Fdtsrth st7««t bmt nraat WlIlOB^i ttM» BABECF <iKDi>>k.R Attorney at Law 8REENTILLE, NORTH CAJtOLINit Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. r?ie wor^tcaves, no nintter of hotv loiijj st.nndiMi;. are C’lrcd hy tlu' woiivU*rfnI, oUl reliable i>: I'orter s vie H<*aliti|j Oil. It rfl’>v- s Paiii ftnd licals at tUe same time. C'c. foe. NO I,AI XDRV. Owing to the moving of our plant into its new home ou Dickinson Ave,, which will require a week, we will he forced to shut down the first week in Aui'ust. Our patrons will piease govern theinsolvcs accordingly, and send iu all the work they pos.fibly can tins veek, i s it will bo impossible for us to do any work for you tho week we move, RISHOP'S LAUNDRY, T-22-lOt. i'or t alalog and Partii ulars, .Address, and l. aves a wife, who has sympathy F. r. >’je, B. V,. rrliK'ipal. < f the ninuerous friends of the family. Mr, O, 17, rii. har l, for a lonsr tiiU" 1 Mi.n tor. Ilia n lor the .Nortolk >ou':!i ■ ] j [^ve just arri v. d at P., 1', For re -t I ilow«>rs bloom, the birds sing, the silv- I a: Co, j ery lining smiles, tomorrow the clouds Mr>. .Maggie Butt, Miss Vida aii.F hover, the llowers fade. "But some- j .Messrs. Horace and Harditig liult of | where the song birds dwell, for (jod Hope Mills are visitl'ii.' at the home rules and all is well." <■ f Dr, is, T. Cox, Not now, but in iho loniing yeari Hello; Yes we have a plenty ol all of us will understaiul the I’rovi- Kufrees and .-Inrwin and William? dence of him who guides the star<, I’ainls. Tlie :a..>t U' Lc had ami it sweetens the bitter waters, aad gives •v. igbu 1', pou d to Ihe gallon, A. W. to each and all the consolation of .\nge '. I. -,. I knowing that "I.teath is only a dream," We kiss the lips of life today, tomof- ■ -ri at Simpson, about six mile.'? o? ; ’• ..V ,Ie. sufferpd a ?evc>re snu- .-■,'ok.- Friilay aftemoon wliile enga^- .-.I it! his duties tho station, whii h resulted in his death SaturJav aft. ria.on about 2 o'clock. Mr. Uich- ard was about ihirty-five years of age t IK re ci.t'on twine to tie yorr: Hux Tailoring Parlor & . . Pressing Club . . SUITS MADE TO ORDER Phone 213. Cleaning and f^ressing. loiiatco and thermometers to tell you' row, we watch beside the silent tomu how aiph yo.i-- l eaf is going all at and we ask our self this question. Evans Street Altering, Cleaning and Prejiing of all kir.d*. Hats a specialty. Special altenlion given to Ladies' Coat Suits and Dre»»e». CLOTHES CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. Work guaranteed. H. McD. HUX. MANAGER Proctof Hotel Building. GREENVILLE, N. C- ■■MHOTHaHMaanMHaaHBaBauH.iwajji.Wi. i.’arrington, iiarb.T it Co. I rof. F. ('. .Nye left Friday for Au- landi-r on husiues.s. ' i iz" will cure sore feet, but Hunt t lub ^hoes will keep your feet frc)m totting sore Wliy not giT a pair from i’.. I). Forrest a.- Co. ■Miss Carrie Yclverton of the Train ing Hi hool spent the week-t'iui with ^Mss Manimie Carroll. They are selling slippers at a great reduction at A. W. Ange & Co. Mr. Uob Hembury, of Norfolk came in yesterday to accept a po'-dtion with the Humber .Machine Shop, Why o'h: Why this mystery. Last Friday morning Jury 17th th^ rows was Hashed down the wires from Norfolk that the spirit of Mrs. Ernest T. Gross had passed into the Great lieond. She was one of th(j seven who was killed in the fatal street car collision. The news of her death came as a thunderbolt to those that loved her best. Amid her sufferings she c'ontinuallv called for her baby and begged that she might live for his sake. On April 30th 1908, she became the wife of Ernest T. Gross of Burlington, N. C., only one child survives her. On Sat- >Vcek-Fnd and Suuiiuer E X ( r K I (► A R A T E S to the SKA.SIIOUK via the AILAMIt KIAST LI.NE The Standard Railroad of the South Round Trip Rutck. From Greenville To Washington, D. C. $10.93 To Baltimore, JIU4 $10.&0 To .New York City $19.91 To Boston, Mass., $24,40 Tickets on sale every d;,y until September 30. via Norfolk and atpamer. with final return limit Oct., *1, 1314. Vi. J. ('rule. T. ('. White Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt Wilmington. N. C. Warrenton High School >VARRE.MOX, X. f. High Grade Preparatory School, Classical and Scientific Courses, Special Course preparatory to Qevern- mcnt Academies, Trained and Ex perienced Faculty, One teacher to twenty .students. All hording students under Ihe immediate spervislon of I’rincipal and faculty. Atletic Assocla tion. Two literary societies, Y'oung M.'iis Christian Association. Moca ihan one hundred students now In col liges as leaders of fresh, and soph, classes at Davidson College. Leaders of soph, and one of three highest In fresh, at University. Other evldenc.>s of leadership. Expenses moderate, JOIIX r.RAlIAM, rrlnclpal. 7-l-2m. urday .Tuly ISth the body was sent to Goldsboro. N. C.. for funeral and in terment. Those accompanying the re mains was her father Mr. T. C. Bryan, I f Grifton, N. C.. her sister Mrs. \V. K. Tucker, of Greenville, N C., ani Mrs. AV. Scott Galloway of Grimes-, N. C., also Miss Dessie and Eva Gross of Burlington. N. C., and hus band and little son. The prayer of my heart is that all these may so live as to enjoy Heaven's eternal family re-union. May the same hand that has wound ed be the same to succor and comfort. ‘ONE WHO KNEW HER " New Gar den Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets Maine Red Bliss Irish wobblers Seed Oats Rape Seed Dr. Hess Stock 6c Poultry Powder SMSGHUITZ PHONE U OFTIX

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