w !■ I ■ cmsMirriLLE is tee ME^RT OF EASTERN ^ORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS 'A POPULATION OF FOUR WHOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED tND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARJfINO COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE 10B AN D NEWSPAPER PLANT. in 1 V E t.fj} !i '//*/ Sk.v'i Agrtcaltur« is tlie Ceeful, tb« Most Ilf-altbrul. the Must >oble liihpl.o iiiiiit al Jfuu.—GeorKe WHshlnirtuii. WE HAVE A CIKCVLA- TION OF TWELVE MUN. DRED AMONG THE BBS9 PEOPLE IN TEE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN A BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4. FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU ^AVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLl'ME XXXIV. <;|{Ki;>VILl.K, >. FlUDAY AFTI IOOON AIM SI T, DMI. M M 15Fit V.». PEN PICTURE OF THE MEETING In the bounty Court House by the Evans Faction IIIIEII BY A SPECIillOII Germany Has Declared War On Great Britian TfPKOID DEATH RATE OF NORTH L At Wliirb Time the uiul Two -HemlMTs of the Lower House Were roliticully In dicted. As liad boon noratcd little Willie and his faitlit'ul cohorts stormed the Court House Saturday for the pre- iiu'ditatod purpose of politically in dicting in' toto, our Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Ihe two UK'mbers of the lower House of the Legislature, and, incidentally, every voter in the County whose judgment ran counter to the imperious will of the little Dictator of the rapidly vanishing of the once formidable In dependent party of Pitt County. The organization having been com pleted with that imposing specimen of htmianity, Mr. Isreal Stockes, as gavel weilder, a committee was ap pointed to draw up articles of dis satisfaction of the manner in whcih the oflicers of our County are behav ing, and, it need be, to impeach the whole bunch. Hut before this com mittee could retire and proceed with I heir deliberations, it was necessary that their duty should be made defi nitely plain. Hence, the Hon. Senator was recognized for a few remarks on the becoming issues responsible for the convention of sixty two people (the writer and a few of his friends included) in one of the busiest times that ever hit the unhappy but pros perous people of Pitt County. As the great Apostle Paul counted himseli happy for the priviledge of speaking for himself in the presence of the most Xoble Festus, so little Willie not only coteted, but, as it appeared, was delighted to hand out a few thoughts, of many months standing for the special consideration of the Resolution committee. He charged them to take into consideration vari ous and sundry offenses high handidlv committed against them by one Heddy Clark and the County Commissioners. Among the unatonable offenses com mitted by Clark was a reckless and damnable attempt to destroy the to bacco industry in Pitt County and to foster petty coat administration on the people. The County Commission ers had contrary to law denied the people the priviledge of voting on a certain road law of which he was the father; one of them had engaged in the business of selling rotten meat ,and the other four had paid for it out of the County treasure, they had betrayed the people in their failure to build the Stock Uiw fence back on the old line, they had tampered with the County Home proposition and in many ways squandered the peo ples’ money. These and numerous other keynous offenses against the peace and dignity of County’s citizen ship the the committee were earnest ly adjured to ponder in deciding what should be put into their article nf impcachmcnt. The charge being at an end, and th.' large number of seats in the auditor- iiitn of Pitt County's handsome temple of Justice, just yawning for occupancy, the litfle factional leader and dictator (Continued Krom Page Five.) The Latter Government Re ply s That a State of War Exists Between Great Britian and Germany from 11 O’clock p. m. August 4 JAPAN MAKING READY TO LIVE UP TO HER ALLIANCE WITH GREAT BRITIAN 1-0.\D0N, Aug. 4—Germany has de clared war on Great Britian, accord ing to the official anouncement. <>r<‘ut Itritian Declures Har on Ger* many. LO.MtOX, Aug. 4—Great Uritian de clared war on Germany at 7 o'clock tonight. War KxIstK. LO.NDOX, Aug. 4—The British Foreign Otfice has issued the following statement: “Owing to the summary rejection by the German government of the request made by His Brlttanie Majesty’s government that the neu trality of Belgium should be respect ed, His Majesty’s Ambassador at Ber lin has received his passports, and His Majesty’s government has declar- ('d to the German government that a stale of war exists between Great Britian and Germany from 11 o'clock p. m., August 4.” ?iews ('onfirmed I..O.\UO.\, Aug. 4—11:20 p. m.—Ueu- ter's Telegram Company announce? that it learns that a state of war exists between Great Britian and Germany. across Belgian ti-rritory. Sweden to Defend Her Neiitralify. Sweden has made no answer to in- (luirifs from Russia and Germany re garding her attitude but is preparing to defend her neutrality. Japan is making ready to live up !n her alliance with Great Uritian in ca.se of certain eventualities. Spain is reported to be preparing ,i proclamation of neutrality. Austria- Hungary, for the moment, has retired from her campaign against Servia for the purpose of holding back Rus sia. and Servia has mobilized with the reported intention of invading Bosnia. tJreat Kritlan Keelares War LONIJON, Aug. 4—Great Britian de clared war on Germany tonight. The momentous decision of the British government for which the «hole world had been writing, I'ame before the expiration of the time limit set by Great Britian in her ul timatum to Germany demanding a satisfaction repjy on thg subject of Belgium neutrality. Germany reply was the summary refusal of the request that Belgain neutrality should be repeated. The British ambasasdor at Berlin thereupon recieved his passports and the British government notified Ger- H'any that a state of war existed ba- tween the two countries. All Europe is in arms. Line-np of Countries at IVar On the hand Austria-Hungary and Germany are opposed by Russia France and Great Britian, Servia and Montenegro.. Italy has declared her neutralitv but is mobilizing. Belgium, Holland and Switzerland have mobilized. The German demand that the Bel gian government should permit the free pasobe of Germa.i troops through Pflgium was answered by hasty pre parations to resist such an advance Kniperor Milllam Speaks BF>:rl1.\, Aug. 4—Kmperor William op(“ned the Imperial Parliament today with a speech from the throne. He said in part: "The world has been a witness jf (he indefatigable manner in which we stood the front rank in the en deavor to save Kurope from a war hetwarn the great powers. The great est peril duo to events in the Balkans appeared to have been overcome but then the assassination of my friend the Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand opi‘ned up a great abyss. "My ally, Kmperor Framis Joseph was compelled lo take up arms to protect his empire against the danger ous agitation in a neighboring State. "In pursuing its interests the Rus sian Kmpire stepped in the way of Atistria-Hungary. ".\ot only our duty ar! an ally call ed ns to the side of Austria-Hungary hut Ihe great task was cast upon us to protect our position against un friendly forces. "It was with a heavy heart I was compelled to mobilize my army. The Russian government giving way to an insaliable nationalism, has stepped lo the side of a State which, through a criminal act, had brought about the calamity of this war. That France also placed herself on the side of our opponent was not surprising to us. Jealous of t.ernian I*rosperlty. "The present situation arose nol from temporary conllicts of Interest or diplomatic combinations, but is the result of ill-will existing for year.s against the strength and prosperitj of the German Kmpire. We are not pushed on by the de sire of conquest. Wo are moved iiy tht* unbending desire to secure for ourselves and those coming after us the plaee in which God has put u.'s. "Aly Kovernment and, above all, my chuiicellor, tried until the last moment to prevent the worst happen ing. ■‘In 'iil'orced self-defense, with clear conscience and clean hands we grasp the sword. "To 111' i,eoplofl and races of the German Kmperor my appeal goes fortli to stand together fraternally with our allies in defense of that which wo have created in peaceful work. “Folhiwing the example of uur I'oro- lathers, firm and faithful, earnest; and chivalrous, humble before our God and ready to fight when in face of the enemy, let us confide ourselves to the everlasting Almighty, who will strengliton our d':>tense and conduct if to a siood end.” Adresses Deputies. At the conclusion of his speech from the throne, the Kmperor address ed the deputies Ioliiliziition Complete. LO.VDOX, Aug. 4—Servian mobili zation completed, according to a N'isti dispatch to the Kxchange Telegraph Company. The Servian government has pro hibited Ihe sending of press dispat ches. which is taken as a prelude to the Servian invasion of Bosnia. Kinp (Jeorije \ppreeiatfve. l.ONDON, Atig. 4—King George to day addressed a message to British colonies expressing appreciation of their spontaneous assurances that they will give the fullest support to the motherland. “They recall to me." his majesty said, "the generous self-sacritiee and help given by them in the past to the mother country. I shall b( strengthened in the discharge of the gri'at responsibility which rests upon me by the conlident bein'f that in this time of trial my empire will be united calm and resolute, and trusting in Ood.” Alden Faniilj lieuiiion UrXBt'RY, .Mass.. Aug. .'.-The Kiiirteenth annual reunion of the Al den Kindred of .America, composed of descendants ol' the famous John and I’riscilla Alden, was hcltl today at the family homestead here. Many members were in attendance, among them being several Irom distant parts cf the country. The,proceedings in cluded a report by the association president on the happenings at South hampton. Kngland, last August, when the Pilgrim Memorial and Alden tablet were dedicated. Celebrnfion at I.awton Ij.WVrO.V, t)kla., Aug. ,'i—l^Jiwlon’s annual festival in celi'bration of th..* anniversary of the opening of Okla homa to settlement was opened to day in Ihe presence of a large gather- ir.g of visitors from all parts of Ihe State. Kaily exhibitions of frontier sports and h va.-lety of other outdoor attractions are included in the three days’ programme. I WINTERVILLE 0 0 \VI.NTI:KVILUK, Aug. .' — Prof. F. C Xye returned .Monday after a several (lays trip to liertie County in llie in terest of the Wintervilie High School. If you want a nice cook stove, rang“ (/P an oil stove see W. .Ange it Co. Mr. C. K. Dail and Miss Annie Humphry of near here eloped last Thursday ami went to .Marion, S. C. where they were married. They re turned Monday afternoon. Mr. Dail is employei' of the A. G. Cox .\lfg Co., and has many friends here, and they all wish him and his bride much happiness. Kuropean war or no Kuropean war B. D. Forrest & Co., are still receiv ing shipments of those famous Hunt Club shoes. Hats and caps for men and hoys at Harrington, Barbi r Co. Mr. C. I). Davis returned Sunday night from Charlotte where he had been called to the bedside of his mother. We always try to sell you pood goods at a very reasonable pric(>. Come and see us, Harrington, Barber Co. .Mr. J. W. Harper is spending the week with his mother near I’.lack Jack. Can your fruit. There are n plenty of jars all kinds and sizes at W. -\nge Co. Mrs. Fannie Jenkins and daughter. Miss Hattie Lee of Greenville whc have been visiting her sister, Mrs Hattie Speir returned home yester day. Mr. and Airs. ('. T. Cox spent Sun day at Seven Springs. When you are hunting for a rial bargain in ladies dress goods or mens summer weight pants, see 1! D. For rest I*,: Co. They have a nice lot they are selling at a great saiTltice to make room for their fall stock. :\Ir. Otis Curry left Monday for his home in New Bern to spend a few days. Nearly Three Times Above Average in llniled Stales To Honor Itrltish of Hunker Hill. HOSTO.X, Mass., Aug. 'I he mem ory of LTiO British soldiers and sailors who wi re killed in the battle of Bun- l«r Hill. June 17, ITTTi, is to he per petuated by a bronze tablet which is to bt‘ dedicated next month in the Old .Vorth ('hurcli, from Ihe tower of which the famous signal lantt'rns of Paul Revere were hung the night befori' Ihe liattle of l.rt’xington. Till' connection of t)Id North Chureli with the battle of Bunker Hill was an intimate one, as Gen. Cage is said lo have watched if from the church tower. A British balterv, stationed in Copps Hill burial ground, only a few hundred feet in advance of the church, threw Ihe hot shots into Char lestown that burned that town to the grotind, and after the battle several British oHicers who were killed were laid in tombs under Ihe church. The plan of placing a memorial tablet in ihe church will be carried out uniler the auspices of Ihe Mili tary and Xavad Veterans of this city. 'Ihe society has received an inlima- li(Mi that King George V. will testify his inleresl by .sending a cable mes sage lo b« read at the dedication of the tablet. Mr. James A. Thigpen, of Florence, S C., came in Tuesday to spend a few days here. u\[ FOR mmi iowNS Mies and Open ( lo»ets the Cause While Sanitation and Vaeeinution is the Hmiedy. Health Ile- jiartuients .Needed. The preliminary report of the State lioard of Heallh on the vital statistics for last year is just being made 'I'he ligures for last year cover only the deaths in towns having a population of l,o(jo or more, 't'his really means only about one-sixth of the population of the Slate. Beginning with this year the new vital statistics law ligures will be available for the en tire State nol onl.v for deaths, but al.so for births. Prom the ligures completed a lew (iuys a^o. it was toiiiul that there was a total of I'-t") deaths from typhoid fever in the towns of tlie Slati' having a lidpuhuion of over l.ouo. This would nii'an appro.ximalely I,4Tn for the eii- lii)e Stal(‘ iv's against Ktlll figures .lioiie it gives us a typhoid death rale of ill.e liiii.iMMi, or based on the aver age lor the last three years it gives \is a death rate of .''.i.L' per 1ihi,(KiO as against the average lyplioid death rate of Jl.o ill the I'liited Slates. This, ill Ihe opinion of the Board is atri nieiidous death rale from thij- preventable filth disease, and a dis graceful state of affairs. 'Ihe ty phoid fever ileath rate is gt iii rally re cognized as the index of Ihe sanitary conditions of a I'onimunity. It in dicates in unmistakable "handwrilitig on the wall" that we will have' lo abolish old opeii-Viacked privies and make sewer tonnections in (owns and use sanitary privies or tly tight privies built over pits or holes in the ground, instead of allowing Hies and di)mesti;’ animals to larry and scatter this gerni-ladeiieii typUoiil material tar and widi'. .Vow that typhoiil vaccine may t» obtained free of eiiarge from Hit' State Hoard of lleailli through any pliy- sieian in the slate, there is absoluli ly no reason wiiy any tnie who values his life or iualtli at all shoulil not pro- te(t liiniseif absolutely against ty- piioid, eveii though his neighbcir doi's breed Hies and keep an open-backid privy. Seven towns in the State had » tvplK'id death rate of over 100,000 These in their order are, Sanfor.t first with Ivonisburg second, l.lil .-i, Hendersonville tiiird, 12!* o High Point Fourth, IlM I, Burlington tifth, Forest City sixth, 114.1, and Winslon-Salem seventh, 1(i4.'». M'ith typhoid death rates over fivs times as high as thi' average in tlm I'nited States, there is no <|uestioii but that these towns need to do sonn* house cleaning and establish a helalli department. Of the seven largest, cities in th.’ Slate, as nnght be expecli'd, Ashe ville with her excellent health depart- nini has Ihe lowest rate of 25.^, or just half that of Greensboro, the next low est with .‘o.t:. The nevct in order after Greensboro are Durh.im ,'i!*.", ('har- lott(> Raleigh 71.0, Wilmington 7*1.S and Winston - Salem 104.0. Heallh work pays big dividends la human life and heallh,