il 4) I I •?a i THE CAROLINA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR iO'icu a v.eek) i-’i,Dll8l.'‘(l by IhHK KE’. Ll.tiOii ( OJIl*.i>V, l!K-. D. J yVUlCHAUU, biUitor. iRKKNYILLt;. MHl'li CAROLINA. any (luosiioii ihroatcninK war wUiili tin. uvonise uiau’s coadilioii that which is about 25 per cciit sell thoin somt'thiuB. That time has Itplnys ure Dniiserous >VrI(t*s Hr, lubt^rintiuii, "ue ywikr, . . ItlK UiUxllUS . .00 AiK raU‘S uia; ti«) had upuu ■ppliciiliou at llie bubiaesd olUce iu rh* Ketii?ctor Uui!U:u|{. coriinr KvauB »ad Tiiird streets All eurdB 01 itiaiiKs and resoluiious »*( respect will be clia.rgud Ijr at 1 CNiil per Aord. luis luii yirldi'ii (o oriliiuirj dipUi- (.om,(y or a country? uialk' iriulnn'iu atul wliieh ikies noi ^ iiiviilvi.' llu' luuii'iial luMuir. ll pru- \ iiles a ••bri-ulhiiiK spi'll" ami I'ompel.s a jiausi' while tails are rstablisheil bt'liii'e nations can nisli iiili) liostili- tifs. SufU a stries nt tri'aties aiiuni^ i:uro|ii'an nations vvoulil assiiri'dly avi’i'I. liu' iiUenialiotial warl'afe tha: now tlu'rateiis. | Mr. lirjaii is dcserviiiK t>l' ill hiirhcst cDinnu'tidatiou aiul lluinUsi I'or wliat lie bas alri'ady aeliieved in bis pvair ireaties. Ho disiiii.miislied a’l^ j greater than our previous largest Passed. This is (ho age when the !, n.p. John D.Farrwell of Chicago who'““-rchant secures a suitable I , , ,1 buildiuK, selects a suitable stock and I is ibo bead ot one of the largo whole-i to I’resident Wilson last week tha:j The first step in selliug nierchan [irosperily is not only couiing but has . publicity—or to speak plainly ailve.riisiiig. Advertising is a not haphazard. .Much money IIIK “rKV H.VIIY- TIMO |‘” | Koes out after customers and literally Nobody can properly object to any ^ale dry goods establishuients stated ^ „,aKes them buy nieniber of Congress heeding his own consciiMU’e and judgment iu bis course upon public nuestions. In fact a lit- already arrived. I’resident Wilson has tie stronger and more frequent exer- ireelj consulted with many ot the advertising is thrown away else of both consi ieuce and judgment large business men of the country re-j That is a fact, woulil Ik- a pleasing iniu)vation. Bui cently and is Uarniiig frotu them what wlicii a trio of Senators professing al- is most in'odcd In tlio way t>f legisla- l.\giance to the Uemoeratic party have tion to promote healthy business and made themselves consplcious in their industries and he has reci'ived some rsistent opposition to the important useful suggestions for these sources. aiiilinrily as John I'.assetl Moore says i I” ^ . I,i,,,r iiolieies and purposes (if the Adminis-; ibey art' an atlvaiue oV'T an.'ibing 1 i | Comuiuntc.ilious adverllBias canUi i»i^9 will be charjcd for at three ^ per line, up to llfty lines, liutered as «econd class matter I August i’O, 1910, at the post otflce at | Qreenvllle, Noun Carolina, undei »ct of March 3, 1S79. I brlove Ibem. Tbosi' |)eiuliiig should he iiiiii'kly ratitied by Hie I'nili-d Slales S.'iialc as an e.xanipl'' si't by this :;ri'at eouniry Cur Ibe ri st ot the world Id follow. tration from the date of its beginning:. We no(o by the In adlines of a con- -o- .\n;i s'l' there is strong ground for the sus-^ t< niporary that the "Uepublicaii Split picion that siuuetbing less admirabl-.v ,,, Vermont Widens." The (Jreen than either conscience or judgmei'] state is one of the two that ilii tales tliat opposition. In short, the ,.;mt their electoral vote for Taft in (diirse of Senatos O'Ciorman, Ueed an'lj Wc caniioi liiid il in our hearts llitihcoek warrt'iits the belief that to hope that our ti. O. 1’. friends aro '11. wiivr 111!. MO'ii i.KV iniMi.s or iHi: m»ii’ir\L movi;mi:m , I’, Most‘l''.\. oi' b’annviilc, N. a 1« it'^r in this i>sii.' endors- itiLT llie vonstriielioii and tnailifelUinee of a Hospital by tin I'oiinly. |ir. .\lo.-'i'b y bas luui buspital e.'C- [irrienei'. bavin.L' bei'ii resident iihv- siriaii iu St. Luk'-' Hospital, .Nori'olk. \'iri;itila. I'(H' a >'ear. hr. .MosiK'.\ was burn in I-ciioir ('oiiut.\-. lie bought l»r. ,)oyuiT s practice al I'arni- \ille. l-'roni lie bt•^iuuillK oL Ills career his tuerii was rt-cogiiized. 'i’o- liay no mat; in aii.v lalling.,,.>i\nil ih' ii.Ktrar,' l!n'.\' av ,i '_T 'al 1 >'0!i( lull al as-rl !ii ihi- H" I':.'' a!\- not .,1 1^lin'iiiu uorU' i i'. a i I'.b I M(» oriii H iMMH{si Mi:> i.s io:t (HIM \ iiosnrvi. I>r. I'. < I. Cirillin, ot liethi I, N. C. had a letter io the Comniissioncrs i'! Salunlays issur tiiat i> v.-r\ strik ing It is saiurati-d with a iiuii’t eoni' di-iue that «oes wilh knowl'dge; wiui| (ia( roltisiii dial i an Iloiirlsli onl.\ in | aw ay frooin their i)arty during the 1>'^' hunianitariau. It i-|islalion on the tariff bill, doing th. ,r be^l to enib.irrass the I’resident unl'i are studiously seeking for persona! nasons. to hamper and discredit President Wilson, wiib little care or regard for the olfeet of their actions ujion the sveltari.* lU' llie lH*mocrat’.v' party or the best iiiteresls of the go'- irnnu'nt. All tbr.e of these Senators jumped going to lose her. It will be so lone some with only I'tah left. tlif heart of progressive, glorying in what has berii aeeoinpUshed and ilitUusiast ii in llu* desirt' to aet-'oinpUsb mori-. Il .-hows that llie lingi rs of liuinan bel- irrnu-nt have finiiid ibe of h’s soul, and llu-ir tou> h has brought lorili Hn niusie o( i-o-operatiini un- ntari’tMl b.\' llU’ disi t)rds of narrow no>' atal s llisbness. It giVes a iribiU< ll. the ai I'onildi^lun.'ut (>l' modern i.ulbods in slaniping out disease that .-hows a ktuiwled^e of pri'V, iilive iiied- ieine rar. l.\ po.-sessi'd b.\' oil' ol hi- I. I, ,.-!.. \ '..I a d. ,1 make ili>''a ■ ’'.ill-' ' 1 :.i: .,.uii j.i l..i.e.' they sa\.- iile i;::ir.' >'ab!' lUil .• !!■ r a;. . ; |!.,lay'- Miv^ieia 'Ui.iy. W U 1 ar His id'a for 111., M li.xd i liild 1 iiii'.'V's ciiiLii r-iH'ws iiiai lie not only has a loart. bat a li.'ail lia.-' nailed iToa'i inli'niialion ;iail ib.u;i;lit u. ni. tli.o, w ill I !h . k what ii.i.'ts l.' liivi III he I ivili'.'.auoii.-. ureal- I'-^t wa.-le. ii' looks upon pauperisui ,i> a ilisease. he !.■> ri^ai. ;i is a dls- . . aii.l the only I nre for ii is dili- Ill prailiie of pr. v. alive ni'dieine ul.'. ll niaU s til.' elii'id's bmly sui' ^!ro.'i).■ lo he ir;iiiiei| in s:'l u lial h. KIM I'l \1 I I \( In. 1 \ 1.1 ll;. 1'! ' .-(.'h; (Il'i' -pe. .1 '.vlil-' :• i!.'_ .1 IHi I'll I.a;.I'll,' biu ai.d u..iriv 11 i 11; i',iiro|..- ;! 1- in- lalde ,o hule lli.ii ,1. I.r- lii' ili' hi.'. K.-lie;.Ill has le f I hiireb.'.'. bat i;:.'.le;-..i lu.'.ii wiriiDrT ri,.\ri:. ,. ' Til" d..' lor 11.ay l-.' . \ ■ r su , lail h" laijiioi liiibl disens. pkiii la!;'!'d I'V. ry I ini-'. Tlu re ar the final vole i ;uii<'. when as a ma:- ter (d' poliiieal preservant, they ;-wiing baek into line. The thri • S. naiors again stood io.cether iluring the enaetniiMit of the i urreucy law inj.'cHng oppositsion to the adniinis- tr;ilion's bill right alonu and oiilv vot- for il at lh>' hist nioineiit. In the tolls lioiit again all Hire.' were found in llie r;iiiks opposing the I’residln'.. -\o'i\. In rresident Wilson’s efforts lo ha\e 'riioiaas 11, .loiies and I’aul M. Warburg eoiiliriin d ;is members ot lb.' Fe.l.'ral re.-ervf b.>ard, the triumvi rale is one'.' iiior.- t'oiind lined uii iu t>)i|io':iiion to him. Til.' s. . Tel 111' lli. II' ( pposilioll 11 the I'r.sideiit seems In be b-.ldil.!.' eeol.u ' reseU'.lllelil Sen;iler O'Coruian is under !lie iiil!ui''ii !• i.i riiinniany liall '.vliii'b I’T'.sident Wilsi.n has ignoret! in p.iirona'^e disp.iisatioii. Seii.ilor lb'll was a ihalii[iioii ol Speaki*'.’ Clark iu liie r.aliiuiore eunveiilioii .'.r.'l las lo be niaible Io .uet over hi.' I liaui'iii 1). I luise ol Ii" dela. t ol l;is l.lMirile. .\|S0 il.' i: .1 p piiri'lit 1V ■ s.'i'.'' ii\er lli.' failiiri- of ihe I’resi- hi uraiH his evi i' :ue;U witii r. .lar.l lo llie ilislribulion nf I-’, lieral I'.i'1 oiuiL'. IU .Missouri. .''.11, lliti'h- el.e.iek's opiiosiliun is Ir.oed to h'.J I'U.l wilh Se('!-i't;ir> I!i';;i:.. whose in- i.ti’ueiui' \vilb the .-Vdiuinisii'atinn nalii- Jr;tlly ov. rsiiadows his. I iii^ trio rd' iibsl riiei iuiii.sis are. lo pa' il mildly .'\bibiiint; \ery luisi.u. suuinlike iiualiiies in liius perinitliiig ib. ir per sonal L'rio.iiii es and dis;iiipoiutineuls Keal advertising arrests ami hoUU gri'ssively applied Ueal advertising arrests and holds uttcntion. Ueal advertising arises and spurs curiosity. I Ueal advertisiiig awakens and in creases interest. | Ueal advertising appeals, more than possessed money appeals, to the mo- I I an I mcderr, .1 iriiiily Iha; , i.-. I'M'.ii al 111'' ■;|p l!." ■':;riiw;i iips." Hi 11 i.;i ; pass.'i!,. liiiir di p. u- r'liirion aial nio.i.ii! nmn.v Notice bus just been received by postmasti'rs throughout the country r year. Tile closing of stock e.xclianges in this coountry because of the war as- pe( t in I'Utrop.'. shows that all the world is so closely allied that the in lluenee of \v;ir in one section reacb(-;i to all others. live of personal gratification. Heal advertising will develop over-mastering desire. j Ueal advertising should and -ivill create a compelling appetite. Ueal advertising will precipitate ap petite into action. Ueal advertising will always, not sometimes, but always represi'nt bona lide values. 0 >Vliiiliel«l uiid I'ruri'N tiii> Kourd to Krect Hospital ut (iriTiivllU* I'eiitrul lidcutloii Grifton, N. C., K. K IX 1. July -Stb. iyi4. To The Honorable Hoard of Comiuis- siotiers o£ Wtt Count}'. (lentlcmen: — It has been carefully ligured out and successfully shown tliat a small tax of four cents on the hundred dollars worth of property (just forty cent.s on the thousand) listed in I’itt ('i)unty would build and equip a lirst class public hospital: and I am writ ing to respectfully urge you to at once take up this matter, and establish at our county seat a county hospital. A number ot years ago a medical friend in charge ot a nearby county home invited me to accompany him i on his rounds, and to consultation ct ■\lore disii'arleiiing news fiU' Hie calamil.v how k rs. 'I'lie c orn crop which Ibe ,i;ovi rnnieiil has cstiiiiali'd at bushels, may posslbl'. exe.'id ;;.MI1|I,1M.II.IM1II bushels. kill. .1. singii nuiny ai.ii lull'' iui >' I'lsl ll. .iiiii iippru ' T';. Ilr,';m'.s u oi'M-p. ;ic' r w.i- ..i.'lii.ii.iiiil.' .iini.n,.; his ei'iiii' !'i ■'ii'.'i' ,-i; ,\ir.'.-~ p. ;i.e trea!i"3 \-li"ii i.' ii.iiKiieit 111.' ries by smaia o.." ui'ii l.uiiiiiie Sa;i;iii..r, !:m wiui I haI’lii lei'i.'tll "puiiii.-Ill '.iinl failli. he s>''j.; nylii ua, and .-iijii. ii a treaty W llelleVt I' .1 tli’W'i'imi. Ill all.\wbere llL ni.iilei’ wliat 11^ M/.i, Would a.gree tiiat II was a good Hiih.g. There an- no'iv ;i IH'.' of ir'Klie.s 111 Hi.' group awiiit- iiii; I iinliriiiation. 'J be\ include Sal- '.idor, I iiiatcniala. I’atiama, Honduras Irugii.iy, .Netherlands i>.'li\i,i, I'oriimal. I’ersia. I'eiiuiark .■S',\ II/.i rlaiid, ( iista Itiea. 1 toniinicia'i U"!iiili!it . \ eiie.'.ui'la. I'l'rii, [ jii .1)1 t, ('specially Hie (duntry popu .iiid li.iI.N. 'Ill' I'M ol Hie ireatj I j.jijji,, jj , Hi, r: K'- man's family at heart —tlu I ; that iu or'l- r to cun.', the ihu lo.- must have th. aid of trained nurses,! a|.pliaiice'. aii.l b.'spital r j i'iiiie. Wiihoul these, no matt, r bov. j prolicieni till' iliH'lor tiui.v bf. b*- 1. (•luni' .s as handieapp. il as the gard- n.'r witiiiiiit a g.ird' n. .-\tteiilion is I ailed to a b iti'r froUi Hr. W illiam t obb Whitlii Id. U. K. Ii. I (If tdiirsi* William Harm wicked boss now. though diirin.i: the seven \iar.s In lu'ld oll'u e under an. i.i.'U iir.iers from th.' I'oloiiel he wa- a "bully" fillow, like I’enrnse aii'l t';innoii Were until KooseVelt (DiiUl no lon,t-'. r use th' 111. Th.' w;ir iu which praclually all of llurope si.'eius likely til engage oili rs no ph asing prosped for the ^oiilhern portion of the riiited Slales 'i hin is gnat fi-ar that it will prac lically ruin prices of our staple i rop.'. I specially l olloii and tobai t o. t'n- fortunalely tin South does not raise TO di.lale Ih.'ir public a.'li,.ns. Thevj.^,, ,,,. supplies, and if des- r\e and will reeei'<(' tU. unquali-j inive to be imrcbased at high lied 1 olid, lunat ion of 1'eiiHH rats th. i.iUMry over it they d.> speedly .iliandon their "cry babv' altitinle and lb' ir petty pr.vate rcsent- s.'t III.'Ills iV.r til ! VNttllllU p.iriy and i iiblic giKid. — -o KNUOHSFMIM KUIJ HOSI‘11 Al. wilh l'"r.ui'." lias b'ell a^rc d upon al.'.i Hi'' oiie «ilh (ir. al I’rilian, will, ll is lieiiig .'Uliiiiiited to tlu' \ari- .111- .oloni''>. China has ;iiiU0Unei'd Hi.ii she «ill sign a u'ealy similar to Hu- o.ieri wilh t-rance and Creat l>r. .lenufss Morrill wlioMt- letter iidursing Hie County hos-jital iden Hriitoii. ur.iimr lb. n.uhty fo bulb!: and maintain a county ^ ' Hr. Wbitlield has been pr.,ctU'inc; that very splendid .lo. tor o£ th^ ai.'db im' for a great many yars. II ' | th,' conditb.ns of I'itt ( ountys'H-' nt many years not onl> ministering •ill the si( k in and •around l-’armville, ^ bill leii.ling a hand lo i v. rything that I was worthy. Ur. Jenness is a worthy war pi'H I'S, while lotton and tobarcj bring only depressed prices, the ex- p.'ete.l proliis on this year’s good ( rops will be turned into vreal liiian- cial loss. Till' (dtii ial opening of the I'aiiunm lanal is set for .March,. but the great ditch will be actually open for eoninierce vessels not needing more than ,'Jo feet of water, on and after the l.'ith 3f this month. There will bo no oste’itatioii or ('.\tensi\c ceremony about this opvuing. On the dale liientionecl Colonel Cioetbals will inaugurate the (cmimertial services by sending a gevernment boat through the canal. Modest as it is intended to be, however, the actual though not man Himself, the wile and Ihe (bil.l. He ha.' risen above that sonlid scllish- iiess tliat prompts the conclusion tha a |ilace lo care for disease is too e.v- I " iisive. lie bas too much confid. ne.' Hriiian. .Mr. r.ryan is at work iiiion j ;j„i| jj, (j,{j familiar with th ' ideal.--. son (It a worthy sire; than, capable* formal opening t.f Ibe canal will b and .so necessary to Falkland's .sur-j ,-i most important event which the rounding country that Falkland wotild whole world will walch wilh interest. ( not be Falkland witht.iU him. It can o—— be said wiihoiit fear of contradiction^ liiat no man »‘ver lived in I'ut County progress, idealism and better living. wiili iirazil. Argent me | ,,,„i eaiiabilities of those high toned efforts in his own immediat 1 men who govern the county s affairs, eomuiunitv were more su<'ct“ssful in war (loud iu f.uroie | entertain or express a thought tbai niatei inlizing blessings that make for danger would be permitted to lurk :i; a eounly hospital, lie reali/.i s that private institutions aro operated pri niarilv icr those who (an and do pav enough to make them profitable. He th.' IriaiK an>l Chile. 1 lie pre.-elll xlioiild pro'e a great accelerator tor Hi. itrvaii plan ot universal peace. Tbi i iiuntries whose dogs of war are now ^training at their bashes woul 1 be devoutly thankful if all lairopean powers had subscribed to similar agreeineiils among themsi Ives. For the llr.van peaic treaty do( s nol pro vide for the arbitration of ;inyihing. It merely binds Ihe contra( tin.? powers lo refer to a comniision of invest i'ration of a period of one y. ar The Rambler i(i«; This is an age of publicity —pay ing jiublicity. (’ublicit.v that does not pay is a painful waste 0 I This is an age (»f bigger business-- ( ItOI’S .Wll Itl SI- (ll,. jii,.r('bants wlio does not sell more M'iSS merchandise in 1'.'14 than in 11'U! realized that < harity in su( b institu- '•>« lions is a mutter ot policy, and that l>re>,ident Wilson is receiving good seriously thouglitful. I If Hi-' total .sales are not at least fry in regard to increase business tell per Cent oviT last year, sotm*- body is to blame and naturally th.’ while the landlord may be taken care activity ami general iirosperity. The, blame is on Ihe m(>rchant and ten of. and is taken «aro of well, there most potmtial factor in this direction ^ per ( ent is a minimus the gain is no pl-K.' lor the teinnt the laborer erops which are breaking.^''"'*'.'’ *»•’ h'PKt’--- i.s no I lor rnt it naiu» ino i.u> r< r. ... , , * 1 Ins is no tiiuo to rent a store room. or the men of small means. Have records this year. The wheat ^ j.xp,.j.tantly for \ou ever tlKuigbt tliat after all !t amount to about it )0,(M)|i,(»00 people to come and ask you to please letters from Dr, Moseley and Dr. Hyatt Fannville, N. C. .Tuly oUth, 1!M4. Honorable Hoard of County Commis sioners, (■rei'iiville, I’itt County, N. C. (.lentlcmen: — I am heartily in favor of the move ment for the erection and mainte nance of a I’itt county hospital as pro vidi'd foi by our recent North Caro lina legislative body. 1 think, how- iver, that such an institution should L'e built as conveniently as possible to tl » depots of Cireenville in order that it nui; be more acc('ssible to g' t patients to and troin. Voiirs very truly, II. r. MHSi;i,i;v, .m. d. Mr. Il)a(t*> l.elter. Kinston. N. C. Aug. ;;ni, i:>i4. F.litor kelbctor: — .Much to my regret I saw in Friday’s paper that I >r. C. .M. ,)ones was op- Itosed to a public hospital for I’itt Count y. Wlu'ii our las! bgi.slaliire passed Hie Town llo.'pital under which any (ounty (an issue bonds, build and run a public hospital for Hu bem lit of all Hk' people to whii b each physi( ian w ill have access, W(' re marked lo a friend in IJreeliville, thal I’itt t'ounty would be the lirst County in North Carolinu to build a public hosjiiial and Hiat Heiioir would be lU'Xt. Wh.'ii Dr. l.;iugbinghousi- suggest ed that the (outily poor could b«' well cired for in a small annex to a public hospital it looked lo me as the say ing kjoes he "struck the nail on the head." I am sending yi'U under S( perat.’ cover a report (d' 'I'he ,lefferson County Hospital of Fairlield, lowii On page 1.0 you will see that for their lirst l.'i miuitbs they received 322 patieiiis. 'I'beir expenses amounted lo 1 l.:;:'2.t;i. Hospital earnings dur ing tim.' 11,;;41.0T. Making the County hospital cost .Jefferson County in the very commencement only l,14S.oO for 1.0 uKUiths or a fraction over 70.on per month. .lefferson County with a population of IT.UOO did this, F’itt C^ounty with her 40.1100 can do much better, we are confident I’itt i'ounty men with their usual good sense can take care of their entire pauper list out of the ho.s- pitaFs earnings. The time is now when public ho^•- pitals are as much a necessity as (oiirl houses and public school bouse.s 'I'bc ((uinty could, but sltould not make any more than running expeus- e^ on a hospital in this way they can give their citi/.ens as good service as laii be given elsewhere at actual cost. This movement for I’ublic Hos pital which is going to spread all over .N'ortb Carolina with I’itt County in the load is one of the mauifesta tions of the world’s movement for social betterment. We know you are going to get the hospital. Vours truly H. O. HVATT , some of the ciises ot tlie Inmates. We found quite a number of pa tients who had for years been greatly afllicted, and on account of this fact were unable to work, so had to be supported by ihe county. Several were cripples, unable to even dresa themselves, while some others were bedridden, and had for years been in this terrible coiulition. It made mo heart sick to see so many people suf fering who would be speedily relieved if tiny could only have the proper treatment and nursing that a good Hospital affords. These poor crea tures seemed doomed to a life oC niis- ery and pauperism with no relief ia sight. I called the I’h.vsiciau's attention to the need of a County Hospital, and now that t'ounty has one of the best in the State, and by this means the burden ot disease and aflliction has been lifted from those poor people, and they are now able to make a good living for themselves. Instead of being a burden to the taxpayers of tho County, Ihe.v are norf independent, and by honest labor are accumilatinR propi'rty and paying taxes to the ( Olillt.V. Can we, as citi/.ens of the great County of I'itt afford lo longer neg- lei t our diit.v to ur destilute sut- ferers, who ixrhaps by no fault of their own have fallen into a state of allliction that will not resi)ond to any treatment save that obtained in a good hospital. The saying "delays art' dangerous,” '-.i espiH'ially true in cases of accident and other emergencies, and occasion ally some valuable life is h>st that might be saved if the patient could be jilaeed in smne near hospital. The lapse of time ami fatigue of hmg journey in order to reach a hos pital bas often in tin end caused the loss of a valuable lif('. tirecnville is so situated that a Count.\ Hospital located there could be easily reached from any part of I’itt County, either by train or ambu lance, and many good pay-patientF would be treated there, thus avoiding tlaagc’dus delays in long and expen- s.v, trips by railroad and boat line to distant eily hospitals. In this way our Hospital wmild b(' made parti.v, il not wholly, selfsustaining. CIVK I S .-V COFNTV HOSriTAl. WHF.UK I'A’KUY Crn/FN OF THK COI NTY CAN GO. SKl.KCT HIS OWN I’HYSICIAN, AND IF AIILK TO DO SO, I’AY A UEASONAUM': FKI':. Very respectfully. M'm. COIil! WIIlTFIKId), M. I). < mint} Klorlion Itourd 'I'he State Hoard of Klections met yesterday in Ualeigh and named the county boards of elections and fixed (he size of the ballots to be used in the fall election. The size ot the bal lots in inches will be as follows; Stat(> 1-2 X S; constitutional amend ment ti X i;{; Congressional, 1-2 x 2; I'nited States senator, I! 1-2 x 2. There were three selected for each county, the lirst two being Demwrats and the third one a Uepublican. riiose chosen for I’itt County’s boarl are: Messrs. S. J. Kverett, S. T White and Ct)l. Harry Skinner. xn H K |!y virtue of Hie power (d' sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed executed and delivered by .1. I,. Speight and wife .Mollie Speight and W. O. Cherry and wife Caddie Cherry to I. II. Davenport on the 215 day of Jan. I'.iim and duly recorded in the Uegister of Deeds Oflice of i’itt County, X. C., in Hook .1 S page 201t, the undersigned will expose to public sale, before th*' Court House door in (Ireenville, N. C.. lo the highest bidder for cash on Monday the 7 day of September 1!>14 at 12 m. a certain tract or parcel of land laying and being in the County 01 I’itt and State of North Carolina and described as follows, to-wit: Situaie in the Town of I’actolus, be ginning at a lightwood stake in front of the I’ost Oflice and running I'^ast 5i) feet to the U. S. Tucker line, thence with the U. S. Tucker line North 100 feet, thence Westwardly fifty f<’ot thence South KUt feet to the beginn ing. containing aaa sijuare yard3. Sab> Jiiade to satisfy said mortgage d( ed. This the 4 day of August l;i14. ,1. U. DAVKNPORT. Mortgagee. ,H'LH'S HUOWN. Atty. S-.0-l(l-;Uw. Heath of Infant. The infant child of -Mr and Mrs. R. S. May died this morning. The fune ral will take place at 10;3tt o'clock Wedne.sday morning at the residence 10(17 Chestnut St. Interment in Cherry Hill cemetery. Uev. J. M. Daniel pastor of the Methodist church will conduct the services. The following are the pall bearers Messrs. .T. S, Tunstall, I! .T Pulley, W. M. Moore, ,Tas. L. Harrl.'i, Hurney Warren, H. Bentley Harris? C. S. Carr and A. B. Kllington.