■Mnn BT' Great Buying Time for You at Sliehdan’s Clearance Sale Now is the Time. Attend the Sale Today For the next thirty days we are going to divide smcng our custo mers over $300.00 worth o! Rogers Silverware. All Men’s Ladies and Children’s low cut SHOES now going at 1 -3 regular price. Come and see, is all we ask, and we will make your dollar do double duty. B. SHEHDAN 'Wei# Kitchenette Let us show 5'ou the only all metal, in sect proof, and most sanitary Kitchen Cabinet. Twenty comparlmtrts, ho’dirg ever 200 pourds of Gro ceries. Deroonstratirg rooms, next to Hotel Proctor. Pure Food Kitchenette Company. was East Carolina Teachers Training School A State school to traiu ti-ucliers for the public itchools oK >ortli Carolina. Krery energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to uil who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September ItK. For cataiogne and other information address, ROBT. H. WRIQHT, President, GREENViLLE. N. C WANT ADS mm Sc* Per Line Per ImcttioB I HER MANY CONQUESTS : • iC-Si.l • Z By CLARA MOnTON. S e • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tho little stenoKvaplipr Rtood at the] door, looking dubioubly at the desceiid- iiiH; elovatur. Then, with a djep sish and a poli.-nin expression, she turned aud pushed opf'ii the liltle gate.. "Ah—am F Jii.st—awfully atirat'tive— whi.'n you don't kiiow me very well?" i 1 she tmiuired seriously of tlie book- t \ keeper, her brow urlnUled in per plexity. "I toll you—it's tint, plaid skirt!” ho exi'laiincd, turain.i^ wondering eyes iipon the broad bars and stripes. “It'a a lu rl'ect magnet for eyes. IJut who's berii troubling; you?" He frowned with Uli an eh'ect of I'xtreuio ferocity. ".Vo, It's not il'.at. They ean ad mire niy skirt all ihi.'y want, if they'd be still about, it! Hut It's lots different from that!" Slie sank dis- uuilly into her cliair and rocked baelc and fortli, drrivin,^ comfort from tho squeaks It eniitti'd. ‘I'vo tried to bo nice," she said reaiiniacently. “liut I dik- keeper. "N’ow, if you'll ju.-;t Rive me, say, three clues—cr nuiybe a good hint. I'll see if I can guess, that i.-i, if It's a riddle." He waited invitia.ijlv. ‘Honestly—I'm serious!" insisted the little stenographer "I may have to quit if It gets worse, thou.n'ii i ilo.i't know how it couiJI" She seemed very woe!)ei>one. "What's really up?" asked I. e li.n'k- keeper sympathetically. ■'Is It wronK to smili'—at towi I boys and elevator men anil window cleaners and Janitors and painterh aiii! —and even iii" '-»is!;er b^' !" The question enii . an Impetuous ex clamation. “Not If you liko to," declared tho bookkeeper, judiciously. ‘‘Well, the towel b'jy, one day ho a.'ver sal;! anything to hi*n !)ut ^of)(l inv/rnir.^ or Hoino such tiiin ;! ".Vnd-anil," tlic little sK'iio-rapher flushed, "ihf janil'ir witiked at me yes terday when I fiinili d at him!" “Wait till ! si'e him—" said tho bookkeeper "Hut tl.at'.s not ail.” she broke In. • for when the men were paMiting hern —I'd seen th' iii arottnd the ha)l for years, an.l never tiioiii^ht an>’titing of Bmlling in a friendly way at them, just tsem saiu or . ‘That’s my girl.* And they both laughed. Oh. It was awful! One of them kept coming back Into the oirico for brushes, and every time he’d say ttiat It was just onca more to seo me! I kept still about It, for I was iishanied! ‘'But tiie wateii.nan stopped me In tha hall t!iis nurning and asked whcro 1 lived, l;''cause l.e wished 1 lived near his for Ii') I'.ad a fine phono- gra !'li! "Wliilfi I was :-ll V.:lt'd t’Toug’! and throuL'!; I gel. Ill t!ie i'li'vator. and it was enijity. 1 iin" 'iiHci'Aihly ^-niik-d at tiie n»au an-1 a-r'ed that it wns nice weathei*. a;id h" said yt*s, tine i jr tho f-how. .And llii II and thi-re !;'• asked rae to no I ' a -l.'iw wi'l'. him! 1 didn’t know \sli:it. t'l ■ ;!> ! I don't liko to hurt him, ti'' u niee sort of gooil iiatur.’ I boy—Kut, pau.-:ed. ‘■Well, it's m-.t so 1.-d softly. “(,)h, I seo!" he said, with undf-rstand- Ing.—('hi< a«o Daily .Vi-ws. oil—" sbo ' fotn.''orted •d “Jack downstairs 1 o ^ "Asked Me to Go to a Show." I to Bhow "’at ■ --n't a snob—one of His Opinion. n;ll-_\r( 17, 1Si)8, ita motto being: "line flag, one country, ono llod over all." Its oliject is to se cure ".National and state legislation for the protection of tbi.' Hag from de grading and desecrating uses." and to secure n general observance of .lune I t as "F.'ag Hay, " because on that day. it; 1777. congress adopted the present I'liited Stales liag—the Stars HTid Stripes. Cash muit aecompauy ordera for want ads, except from thoi« having regular advertiilng «c> counts. The rate Is i cents 9«r llBO, six words to tbe Un«- T«l- ephona No. 74. THE FLANAGAN LINE IS THE QUALITY KIND MULLETS. S. M. Schults. -\sk Your Grocer for WHITE SWAJf FL(M;I{—Eat the be*it. 4 25 cf HELI' WA>TED—MEN WANTED to visit trade with our cigars. Salary $25 weekly to start. Cordelle Cigar Co. Station D., New York City. 6 11 14 3m LO.ST: C.IR MMBER 8.V.»3 AM) lantern. Findei' return to Dr. J. E. Nobles and receive reward. 7-10-tf. WE HANDLE ^ prescriptions' aa if each were for members of our own family. We use none but the very purest drugs. W use every pra- caution to insure accuracy and faith- < fulness. Have your prescriptions All j ed and you can have perfect confidenc: i| In the medicine. And confidence, yoa know, i3 a grat help in effecting n cure. " rr Ml H-Sl SrjrE R EXt I KS 10 \ to SORFOLK Ity-the-Sca Tuesday August 4th. 1914. via XlRFOLK SOUTHEKN K.VILROAl) Coward-Wooten Drug Company Schedule Fares Knightdale 6 ;33 a. m. 13,00 Wendell ti:49 a. m. 3.!)) Zebulon 6:53 a. m. 3.00 Middlesex 7:17 a. m, 3.O0 Wilson S:02 a. m. 2.b0 Farmvllle 9:02 a. ni. 2..'i0 Greenville 9:32 a. m. 2.0<» Washington 10:43 a. m. 2.50 Ar. Norfolk 2:30 p. m. Kates in &>anie proportion from I Wrightsville Beach: North Carolina’s Famous'Resorn Modern AMUSEMENTS Batbifig Bratirg Mufic, Prizes, Fishing and Darcing. MOST POPULAR SEASON. WEEK-END and SUMMER ■ ALl., INTKUMEDIATE. STATIONS Tickets good returning ou any regu lar traiu leaving Norfolk not later than special train at 10;30 a. m. August 6th. VISIT VlKtJIMA BEACH CASIM* The most perfect resort in the South. Hvery Modern Amusement Device, i:. n. KYLE, H. s. LEABD Truilic Manager G. P. Agent. >’orl'olk. Ya. Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 191 4 to August 1, 1915 and guaranteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car Runabout Town Car $490 440 690 Excursion Fares Via The -ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Week-Eud and Sommer E X C I R S 1 (► S BATES to the SEASHORE via the ATLA>TK' ( OAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Round 'I'rip RuteN. From Greenville To Washington, 1). C. $10.lU To Baltimore, .Md., flO.y') To New York City $11'.1'> To Boston. Mass $l.’4.4i) Tickets on sale every d;^y un'.i! September ISO. via Norfolk and steamer, with final return limit (lit. tl, 1914. For !5cKeJules, rales of (are, elc., see cr addrces Ticlei Agent W. J. CralK. T.r. While F’hsa. TralTic Mgr (Jen. Pass. Agt Wilmington, N. C. F. O. B. Dstroit, all cars fully equipped, la the United States of America crily. Further, we will be able to obtain the maximum ef ficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments if we can reach an output of 300,000 cars between the above dates. And should we reach this production, we agree to pay as the buyer’s share from $40 to $60 per car, on or about August 1, 1915, to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915. F >r tii'fhsf p»ftic liars regarding thr.'e low pncf'" ;»rd prcfit-shaiirg plan, see • M' n;tre!t Ford Branch or Dialer Ford Motor Co. Ford Supply Company, Agents. & LaGRIPPE f’oses will hr< .t!: Advertise Today, Reap! Inny case of Chills Ct bevi*r, Colo = the Benefits Tomorrowi|^Hlfi£il-- I XttE!FLANAGAN'LINE IS THE QUALITY KIND