mnii The Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home — in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic— wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light—like sunlight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn’t leak. Doesn’t smoke. Easy to light and rewick. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY WMhington. D. C. Richmond, va. Norfolk. V«. (New Jeraey) BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. C. Charleaton. W. Va. Charleston, S. C. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before i began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me, 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give CHRDUI The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more tiian fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! \ii \»crat{c“ For (lio Season of i'l-r lliiii(lr*'(l i’liiKls. Mar- k<'t» ot' Slat(‘ Can Mqiial (his .\»ora!J»“. I Mu- of till' leailiiiK aiiiumi i-vciits of (iie year, tliat is Idolioil forward to with laoro iuti-ri'si tliaii anything elsi? Ilial occurs anutiiR fnir pi'uple l)ut oncu u yi'ar, is (lu> opctiiiig of (he Oreoii- lilli' tobacco market. A litue that ia longed for l>y the growers of the weeil and tlie business constiluont.^ as well. Not only is this applieahlo to the farmers and business men of lliis immediate section, but through- <jut tlie county hearts are made glad, Iteii in so many instances the farmer cun rid his mind of that little note here or there that he is expected to take up at tobacco marketing time. And just think ot the other fellow, tliat piece of paper, lo. these manyj months, making his plans where he shall use the «-ash. On account of tlu‘ drought of the early summer the tobacco stands are not as good as last year, but now a bet ter harvest is expeiteil than was even a month ago. The weed this jcar will fall short in body and weight t:ompared with that of last season. This is due to the bud stand made in the beginning. Last year there was sold on Green ville market pounds whicn was very well divided among the seven wanliouscs. 'I’he sum paid for this lobacco was which made an average for the year of $19.45 per hundred pounds. That average was equalled by few if any of the markets of the state. The South Carolina market opened last week, and like lust year big prices prevailed from the very start. This viry likely means that the farmers «)f .\orth Carolina may expect good prices ill (he beginnii.g. and if the nmrket hohls its own. as it tlid last year, they will contimie through the ( III ire season. The warehotiscnien all report that Kiev are ready for the big opening that is expected on August ISth. .\evei before has this market been as well prepared to take care of the to the factorii's that will enable tho liuycr.s to take care of every pile they (an buy The largest iini>rovements niaile iluring the year was that of the i:.\port l.caf Tobacco Company, they having erected two large build ings that will enable their local buy ers here lo supply the c’norotuous de- i mands made of them each year. The warehousemen report they are expecting (he bt'st year .since the iirst leaf of tobacco was marketed in (ircenville, for the main reason that till- market is becoming more and more popular each year, each season bring ing growers here from the adjoinin,? counties that had marketed their crops elsewhere. OF TYIMIOIII.r\KrM(»MA .W|{, >V, S, WII.SON niKS After an illness about ten days of typhoid-pneuinonia Mr. W. S. Wil son who lives about a mile south of Creenville ilied Tui’sday aboul I- o'elock in his forty-second year ol ! age. He is survived by a wiff and I seven children, and was a member ot I the order of Ued Men and Moderr Woodmen of .\nierica. I 'I'he interment took place Wednes day afternoon mar Aydin at the family burying ground. MO>KY IS WHEAT. I’uts and calls are the safest and suri^st method of trading in wheat II or oats. Uecause your loss is absolutely limited to tlie amount: bought. No further risk. I’ositlvely tho most prolitablc way oi trading. Open an account. Vou can buy I'l puts or 10 calls on 10,000 bushels grain for $10 or you tan buy both for $20 or as many more as you wish. An advancc or decline of 1 cent gives you tho chance to take $100 profit. A movement of 5 cents $500 profit. Write for full particulars and bank references. j{. w. XEUir.vx.v Columbns, Ohio, Address all mail to Lock Box 1420. ri:> ri( i ruK Mattie L. SOTICK Humphrey William \V. Humphrey The defendant above named will take notice tha t an action entitled as above has been common('od in the Superior Court of I’itt County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and tho defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next Term of the Superior Court of I’itt County to be held on (ho se cond Monday before the first Monday of September it being the 24 day of | August 1;>I4, at the Court-house of! I’itt County ill Greenville, X. C., and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for (he relief demanded in the complaint. This the I day of .luly 1914. A. T. .MOORIO, Clerk Superior Court. .IfLlt'S HUOWX, Attorney for I’laintiff. 7-2 ltd. 5tw. Notice of Valuable l.uiid Sale l!y virtue of autliority contained In I certain judgement decree rendered a special proceeding or action pending before the t.'lerk of the Su perior Court of I’itt County, entitled ,1. K. Carrol and II. S. Ragsdale and olhirs against Sherwood Uagsdalu mil ./I'liiiiitgs Kagsdale and another, the unilersigned Commissioni’r will on .Monday, August loth. I!tl4, at J2j D'l lm k .M., sell to the liighost bidder | at imlih' auction before the Cour'| I'niiSAI.I-: House .)oor ol I’itt County, (ho fol | I'welve farms in .Martin ('oitnly, lowing (%‘scribed liouse and lot, '.ny ^ ^ I'rojn iliirty-two lo live hun- and 11 itii.' in the lown of tireenviil?, ■!( res in size, on easy terms and .\orlli Carolina ami more lully tie- ! ceasoiiable prices, solicit ini]uiries. scribed as lollows, to-wit: Marlin Coiiniy Really Co. •■Lying and being on the North* Willianislon, .V. (Continued from Iirst page.) .suggested a recess until ;! o'clock p. in. whereupon oliiers ventured a few remarks and upon motion it wa? agreed to recess as stated above. I’roinptly at ;i o'clock tho bell rang out, and after a languid, lonesonu toll a (luorinin straggled up the ina.-- bli' steps, '^rhere after an hour’s pos- sibli' wail with a speech or two san- wi< iied in (lie meanliine IIk; platl'orm conniiiit< e announced its readiness to report its lindings. Herlofore it was slated by the chairman of the committife, the i)latloriu ot "resolves ai (I principles” had been prepari rl in advance, but tlii.s time it was not lli'iice the unusual delay (Tor lack of space the platform of principle's is not incorporated h<‘rewilh) how ever, (he long delay gave the Seiiaior another oi)por(uiiity to advance u few observations. Hi' told about the invi- sihli' government and (he mighty ef forts the opposition were making to defeat him in the coming Primary, Hi' told u.s about a secret meeting of some of tlie high cock-o-loriums In a certain lawyers ofTice in this town l.’Kt week, in which the statement was made as he was reliably informed that "Hill Kvans had to he beat,* if they had to steal the election.” Where- niidii he warned his friends to be vi»;ilanl in ami out o fseason -and lliere Is no doubt that they are di'ter- mined to watch (he ropes. .'\rter the reading of the platform and its adoptions in toto, the conven tion iietook itself to the task of eii (lorsing c(?rtain candidates to be vote.l on ill tho coming primary. Here they are: For the Senate: W. F. l^vans. For the House: r. S. .lackson, on S(,ulh side of river, the .\orth sid" be ing left open until a suitable can- liidate could lie found. For Connly < nmiiiissioni'rs ihi-y adjudged li. L. Worthington, K. L. .loyner, ,T, I’ Hardee, and S. A. Conplrlon good malerial. There wet^e no other caiulidati s givi'ii the (). k. .\t this point the little Leadi-r sut.'- gistiil that Ihey go into exiMiitivi session. Wherenpoti Ihi'V made a lii'rali for tho jury room thus ilepriv- iiin the writer of anything tnrilu r ' i iilisi rve, so he left, as many others linil done liefori'. A SI'K("l'.\'!'OK. WJMKUVILLE NEWS WIXTFllVILLK, Aug. 1 -Misses .leunnette Cox, .Minnie Wiiithurst, and .Messrs. ,S. Owens and Si-ba Corbi tt will atti'nd services at St. .lohn’s .Sun day. Ilarringlon, IJarber it Co., are giv ing some Very good bargains in suni- I’li r dress goods now. Il will pay you to see them. ■Misses Kti lhi Huek iuid IJIanche Smith, of Kinston, are visiting .Mias Rosa Lee Hail here. We always want (lie best wlieti w-- buy and (o get (he best wagon, cart or buggy you will have lo see the A. C. Cox .Mfg. Co. •Mi'ssrs 1C. 11. I’ashcull and 11. A. Cadilel left yesterday for their home in Sanford. Iton't forget that A. W. Ange Co , are .selling pants at a greatly reduceil price. Miss .Marii' Ruth I'ollani of Farni- ville is visiting .Miss .leanett" Cox. We have a nice line ot lull's that we are selling at cost, If. i». Forrest iVi Co. Mr. Geo, Rowland left Friday for hi.s home iti Wendi ll. A few more pair of mens summer weight pants that we are selling cheap now, Harrington, I’arber k Co. .\ new lot of roofing just arrived at .X W. Ange k Co. 'I'liere seeim d to be a lot of excite ment al M. 1). Forersi Aj Co., Thur*;- day evi iiing but il was .soon learned that a ni'W lot of Hunt Club shoes had just arrivi'd and everybody was trying to get a i>air. lietter hurry don't you will miss yours. .Mrs. Wilfred liuck left yestirday ntorning for Middlese.x where she will spend sonic tinH- with InT cousin .Mr.s. W. II. Uoiisi . .'Ir, R. ('room b'ii thi;> aft' rnoon for -\vdi'n on business Mi and .Mrs. ,1. F. Harrington went 'o (Ireenville yesterdav. 'J J )' !■ ), fj(‘, '• 'I'iM.M 1 .1 FRF.C SEARCH MI..1 luport I >M |iai« iiJ.ilnli:y. i;.u.l; -f-, PATENTS QUaO FORTUNES f-r-I D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington. D. C., j N.niv Msi.i: >iooM.Miin SAll, IIOWN i\lt IflVEK One of the season's most i iijoya- |j)i' I Vents was the moonlight .sail ilown Tar riv r .Monday night, given liy llie young nien of the town coni- plinieiilar.v lo Misses ICsther Hurley ol .Ml. Gilead, X. ('., anil .Marie (iod- lre,\, ut .loiiesljuro, X. house gues!. I f tin- .Missi's Tiioinas on Dii kinso’i a W'lui'-. ’ Tiie "Annie ,1.” one of 111. nicest I and iuosl comfortable 'loats on the river, left the dock al nine oclock for Strawberry landing wiili a merry ei'owd aboard. Alter an litiiir's sailing tie landiiig was reached and thi' i)aily went asliori'. .\ boiilire was built, lunch was sj>read, and refreshui'iits serv ed. Aliogi'ther tlu‘ erowd was a most I ongeiilal and inerrj om-. every mem-- In i' of til' party seeini d to thorough- 1> enjo\ the Hull' spent on the land ing. Tile I'litire parly joined in songs .loki's, and mi-rry laughter on the re turn trip. Till- fortunate ones wire .Misses l-.'silier Hurley,- (irelrhen I’arker, Lmy ()ullerbridge, .\ill and Ada 1 lionias. .Marie (iodfrey, .Marie Rice i;iizabelh Quinerly, and .Messrs. Karl I’ilrti r. Willie Wilson, Clifton Kd- wuids Itavid .Moore, Hi rberl .Iidin.son, I’al -\li(iuire. Ficklin Arlhiir, Wil liam liagwell ami Mr. and .Mrs. Knott. NdiiMtcni Itjiilnay Auciifv A.Slli:viLLF, X. C, Aug. .". -A larg" aliendaiii I' inarki-d ilie opening here toda.\' of ih'- aniMi ineetlng of tli. Soul hern Kallway .''.geiils’ association Th'' nieeling will Iasi ihri'c days an 1 will be ilevoli d lo llie disi ussioti of a widi' rangi- of inpii-s relating par- 1,'iilarlv III Ihe uorU ;ind dufii's oi Ih" r:iihva\ a^etiis. .-^eviral fianires of ' iiieriainnii'iii ari' in ln' inelndi-d in I hr |iri)i;raninie. Is Your Slcln Clear as a Baby’s? fji’ With Pinipi*’> B.nU'h HElSKELL’S t OINTMENT anii alUh«' f<->r .samule 11' 1 Ke>;ularhuw .'»«»•■ u JfS- .\il* lOHNSTON. HOLLOWAV & CO. 1730 Spring Card«n St. I'asl side of Siillon Street, and better known as the Northern portion of Dickinson Lot and hounded and more particularly described us follows: Itonndeil on tlie .Xorth by C. A. \\ liil'' an dthe A<adeniy Lot, beginning il the corner of a trai l froinerly sold by .Marshal l>icUinson, al the Slahli's (now C. A. White) runing a straight course will! the line of said tract m the.- South West corner of a tract als'). conveyed by Ihe said Dickinson, and [ now owned by the Trustees of llie .Veademy, ihence on with the South line of said Academy Lot to a point on l-Xans Street, which a line .\drlh 11 degrees l-'.ast would strike tlio South i;ast corner of tho M. .Moon', j now JIunford l..ot, thence from said ^ point South 11 degrees A\ est wilh| Kvans Street 15 feet to an iron stake | Ihence a straight line toward the j front door of the Mansion House ol | the said II. .'V. Sutton and wife, South | 71 1-2 degrees West to an iron staki' in the line of Sutton Street or lane, thence North 32 degrees West wiiii tho line of said Street or I-ine to the beginning, containing l-.‘! of an acre more or less, and being tho Xorthern portion ot tho Lot conveyed to 11. Sutton by Marshal Dickinson on tlie 2nd. day of lanuary, 18G4 as will be found of record in Hook Q U, on page 2 in the ollico of tho Register ot Deeds of Pitt County. The same being further known as the same lot or parcel of 'and con veyed to W. 11. Ragsilale and wife liettie Ragsdale by Deed from Hugh S. Sutton and wife liettie Sutton by Deed dated December 20th. ls!':l and recorded in Hook 1' fi, page of I’itt County Registry. It being konwn as the home phue of Ihe late W. H. Ragsilale." The purpose of this sale is to mak" division of the proceeds therefrom. The terms of said sjilo: two thirds cash, balani'o in three eiiual (lay- meiitsl of one. two and three years from date of sale, the purchaser be- S. ,1. IHeretl, .Mly. Greenville, X. (;-;:o tf. Mrs. II. 11. Hal'niuii and children j left this nniriilng for Wirghtsville. I •Mr. .lames lirown. Jr., and Fraiuis. Skinni'r have relnrni’d from Alhinliei iCily, X. ,1. i What ‘‘BeeDee” Means “Bee Dee” on the label means Rl'-Al. VALUE inside the packagc, and KI-SUl.TS and SA'FIS- FACTION alter Ihe contents Imve been used. Always ask for “Ike Dee” w hen you buy a slock or poultry remedy. “HeeDee" remedies are pre pared troni pure, medicinal int^redlenls. in a scien tific way, and are geninne medicines that you can depend on. ^ ^ STOCK a POULTRY KeC 1166 MEDICINE LINIMENT-DIP Bee Dee Healing Powder—Bee Dee Colic Remedy Attcr U'ini: tin- Rcc Dec RcineduN U'-‘n‘'ralIy for sunjihfjh.'. rloa- sure n> v.ivin;; lhat they are entiri’ saii*-iacti«in. and \Vf rliiJly rcc«>m- mcrn! tlu-in. McMilK-n Stock Farm, Waco. Texas. You can t^ct them at your dealer’s. Carpenter’s and Builder’s N4ITK K TO ( RKinTOHS. The undersigned having this day qualiliod as Fxocutri.K of (ho last will and (estamont of .Mamio Hynnin, not ice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the undersigned K.xecutrix and all persons who hold claims against said estate are hereby notified jne: reiiulred to e.xecn(o .sutHcient se- to tile their claims with the undersign , i urity against said land to secure ed within twelve months from (liefn,,, uiniaiil purchase price, dale of this nolii'o or said notice will i 'I'his .Inly l"th., 1'.M4. be plead in bar against Ihe recovery on said «-laims. This the day of .lune, l',il4. I,. ADA HY.MAX, i;xeciitrix of .Mamie Hyman. H.MIDIXC. I'IKIU'K Attorneys. T-!i-ltdir>t w. C C. IMKRCK, Commissione;'. T-le-ltd. :!tw. Hardware Everything for Building AND THE BEST. IF you USE THE RIGHT BUILDER’S HARDWARE WHEN YOU PUT UP A BARN OR BUILD A HOME IT WON’T HAVE TO BE “FIXED” EVERY WEEK IF YOU USE GOOD, STRONG, DUR ABLE BUILDER’S HARDWARE. CHEAP HARDWARE IS NOT CHEAP, BUT “HIGH.” THE BEST HARDWARE IS NOT “HIGH” BUT CHEAP— WE SELL THE BEST. SE E OUR SCREEN DOORS AND WIN DOWS. Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers Only One “BROMO QUININE* . . ,,, , 1 To get the Beniiinir. call (or full namf, LAXA- d as It Is this year, with additional I xiVK BROMO ouiNiNli. l.ook>or»i«naturto! ot .Miss KIhe rlcming near Houst' .Misses Willie and tiallie Jackson .Madeline Moore, I..ouise TucUer, •launite Savage of Cireenville. and l.illie .loues, t)f Uethet, X. C., are attending u house party this week at the home V .,1 H.W. GROVK. Cureii B Cold in One Day. Stops buyoFH aiui tho lUilllJ *luuitions ni»l totigh a»d hcsilachf, Bud works off cold* fc’5c. •* PHONE 32 GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA

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