Ik a Letter to the Commissioners En- Was an I'pright (’hrlstlan Gentlemen dorslng the Morement For County Hospital In Uen of County Home. Bethel North Carolina. July 25th. 1914. To The Hon. Board of Co., Couiniis- sioners, Greenville, I’itt Co., N. C. Geiitleuieii: — Please allow me to express to your board my hearty support and endorse- j meut of the movement which has been , inaugurated to establish a County | Hospital in lieu of a County Home. | J am a young man, and have only resided in this County for three yt-ar^i,; but in tliat short lime the people an.l the traditions oE Pitt have beeonie very dear to me. 1 have looked witli. pride and pleasure on the rapid stride j yhe has made, even in so short a time. 'I'he increased opportunity of educa tional advancement, the magnificent; public buildings she has erected, thf . miles and miles of good roads she; has built, her rapid growili in popu lation and material prosperity. 'I'liese things have made me proud of my County anil tlie reliable conscientious i men who have directed us along these | lines of advancetuents. Have we not,! howi'V r, neglected the ijuestion of ouTj I'nldic Heallir.’ That issue which is of paramount importance to us all. ] Modern mithods of sanitation and preventive nu'dicine have put it with-, in our n acli to practically wipe oul i the contagious and infi-ciious dis- | <’ases that yearly cost us the ('ountvl thou.-iaiids of dollars in money and' untold values in liuman life. ^Vi^h a County Hospital and a Whole Time Health Otlicer these things are • ii-j lirely within our reach. Malaria 'I'v- phoid Fever can be absolutely pre vented. Dther infectious and contagi ous diseases can be reduced to a mini mum. School cliildren can be examin- <‘d and minor di'feets corrected sr (hat they may he able to grasp tlu' opportunity which birth t'nvironment entitle them to. Shall %ve. then, with thi.s splendid opportunity before us to bring th< liealth and happiness of o\ir Countv lip to the .standard of perfection, shall we, I asU, neglect this great oppor tunity, in order to provide a palace for three or four indigents? Please do not think that I am desirious that the Cpunty shirk any of her respon- Bibilities. On the contrary, the Pau pers who DO NOT BELO.NG TO STATK I.XSTITI'TIONS would be so few in number that they could be eared for at The Hospital with the addition of very, very little expense. Poverty and Pauperism are a dis ease. Shall we encourage thriftless ness and treat the results of our care lessness in regard to the Public Health; or shall we raise the stand ards of onr physical well being Rt that %ve will be able, in a larg.'' mf-astire, to prevent vagabondism and vagrancy? Tliis is the iiuestion that is before you. I trust, (iemletneti, tliat you may not ronsider me too presumptions in thus expressing my views. I lielieve in American Cilizensliip and I know that you. Gentlemen, desire to do that which is to be for the "greatest good of the greatest number." and what ever your decision in this matter may be [ shall remain. Loyally, I'. O. CRIPFIN'. M. n. j Tliat Had the Interest of Uls Fel lonman at Heart...Funeral This Afternoon. Mr. AVilliam M. Lang died at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternooD, at his home in Farmville, after a long illness, hav ing been in poor health several years He was a son of the late Mr. W. G. Lang, and was 53 years of age. In his death Farmville and Pitt County loses a good and useful citizen. For many years he was one of Farmville's leading merchants, and also engaged largely in farming. He took active part in the progress of his town and county, and used his means liberally to that end. He was a member of the Christian church ami his life was that of an up right man. He was also a Mason and ilevoteil to the primipals ot tile j frtitcrnity. On (.H'tober ISsS he married Miss .\nnie Phillips, t>f Kinston, the wife i and seven chililreii surviving him. } I I'liese are .Mrs. H. L. Humphey, .Mrs. j ,1. Y. .Monk. Mrs. Paul i-:. .lones, .%Hss ‘ ‘ /Vnnie Laurie Uiiig, and .lack, Wil- . liam and Jatnes Lang. He also leaves one brother. Mr. .1. A. Lang, of Creen- I ville. and two sisters, Mrs. Fannie ' .loyner, of Farniville and Mr-;. W. K. I .Mowborn, of Kinston, j The hurial will take placc this after- tu>on at o'clock with Masonic honors. THE BEST COMPANY- The Mutual Benifit Life In surance Company, of Newark, N. J. C. L. WILKINSON, Sole Agent. - ■ Greenville, N. C, Candidates Cards All Candidate Cnrdi are I2.M per incb per month payable In adruee. For Sherll* I wish to announce to my frlendt and the public generally that I am candidate for the office of Bheriff of Pitt county subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and will ap preciate the vote and belp of any. 8-19-tf. W. SIMON .MOYE. For Treasurer. I 1 hereby announce myself as candt- j date for Treasurer of Pitt County sub Ject to the Democratic primary. I4ietf. W. L. HALL. FOK tOlXTV C0.V.«ISS10>£B I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner, to succeed myself, subject to the Demo cratic primary of Pitt County. K. a WHICHARD. , I lliMi'e l'art.> Near (-riltnii l-'or the past few ila>s Miss Lill Cliapmaii and her lirother .lack have given a h(ntse party at their luantiiiil loiiiitry lioine near t'lrifton. Their I invited guests being Misses Hattie Hoilges, i,a (Irange. C., Annie Lau rie Lang and Henrietta .Moye, Farm ville, ,\. .Miss l-;i<ie I’ugh Oriental , Miss Fannie Manning William I ton, .\. .Miss Susie Cray Woodard. W ilson, .N. C. On Friday evi ning they enteriaineil in I’.onor of their guests and the visitors of the neighborhood, the features of the evening being Pro gressive Hook and a contest, "around the world with music.’" I'elightful I refreshments l onsisting of punch and cream and cake were served. LittI'’ ■Marie Chapman and I-:iizabeth Jolit;- I son gracefully presided at the punch bowl hidden among palms and ferns, 'file entire home and lawn were de corated with potted plants. On .Monday night, an automobile party was given the young people driving to Kinston <a distance of si.x teen milesj at which place they took in the city and enjoyed the differ.* it places of amusement. The entire week was spent in fra- ' nuent automobile rides and water melon anil fruit parties. Among tho«e i visiting the young ladies dtiring the week were .Misses Hodgie Williams ef ! Ixiuistmrg, -\. C., Hlanche 'rucker, Kleanor Worthington and Mav Price For Sheriff I wish to announce to my friends that I am a candidate for sberift of Pitt county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. Sbould 1 be elected I will endeavor to serve the people cce and ail to the best of my ability. I will appreciate your vote and help. ERNEST R. DUDLET. -IJ-tf For Sheriff. I wish to announce to my friends ane to the public generally that I am m candidate for the office of sberift •>? Pitt county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I will appre date the support of all. R. HYMAN. H»H tOlMI lO.'ttMISSlOEIl. To the voters of Pitt County: Having been urged by my friends to run for County Commissioner from the .North Side of the Kiver, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the I.iemocratic primary. Any support given me will be highly appreciated. J. P. DAVENPOUT. 7i;j-tf. For iSherlfl. Tr tbe Democratic Voters of Pitt conn ty: I take this method of announcing my candidacy for sheriff subject to tbe Democratic primaries. Sbould I be elected I will endeavor to administer the duties of the office with prompt ness, using coutsey to all. I thank you for your support and beg to re main your obedient servant. Very respectfully 3 23 tf J. J. SATTERHWAITE. For Sheriff. 1 take this method of announcing t* the citizens of Pitt county t.hat I an: of (infton, Sallie Hett Quinerlv and ® can>l!date for the office of sheriff .lennie Turnage of Ayden, .Messr.s Wes- subject to Ihe action of tbe Democratic ley Tluimpson and .Toe Wilson of Dunn .S'. Wright -Moore of Wilson, N. C., .las per 'I'urnage of Ax il. n, .V. .lot and Cliif j -Moye, W. A. Uarden and fiarvevi Tiirnage, of Farmville, N. Hintoij I If elected I wll endeaver to I serve the couty to the best of ability. I Klmer Gardner and Llo, 1 your vote ard an^ help you may give me. C. E. FLEMINO. St of Greenville. .\. C., T, .\I. Wood ard, W. H. (ioiver, .losh Tucker, Milan I'rice, Paul lirooks. Tom I'awson. .To.? anil .Millard Quinerly of C'.rifton, N i’ Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Wayr*s Wonderful Stomach Remedy Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stomach, Liver and In* testinal Ailments JM On* Dos* Has Often Dispelled Ysars of Suffering AUires Wonderful StaachReine^ will change that ^Lon^ Face! Mayr*9 IVbn(ferfuf Stomacf ffemtdy can really be termed a wonderful r rnedy and the Oenefits that it gives in many of most chron* ic cases of Stomach Trouble has spread its fame from ©re end of the country to the other. No matter where you hve—you will find people who have suffered with Stomach, Liver and etc., and have been restored to health and are loud in their prai.^e of this rem edy. There is not a day but what one he^irs of the wonderful results obtained from this remedy •nd thw benefits are entirely natural, as it acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, temovingrthe poisonous catarrh and bile accre* tions, taking out the inflammation from the in testinal tract and assists in rendennf? the same antiseptic. Sufferers are urged to tryonedose— which alone should relieve your sufTenng and , convince you that Mayr*B Wondtvful Stomach \ Mammdy should restore you to good health. Put i it to a test today—the re<;ults will be a revelation I to yon and you will rejoice over your quK'k re covery and once again know the joys of living. I Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. HfMayr.Mfg. Chemist. 156 Whiting St.. Chicaj^u; wb^tterstill.obtainabottlefromyourdruggist. I For Ssl« Id (jreenrlDe, H. C., ky THE JOHN L. WOOTEN DBUO CO a.nd Drugglgts everrwbers Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Da>s Your 'IriiKRift will rc{»«l m’nfv if r.\ZO < 1 .MK.N'J' jails to cure any ca-si- IU'hit;g, H'lnd. I’Icedini; or Vrotniding in 6 to 14 >lays. Tbe t.rst ai.plicatii/n j;ivcs Kuw; aud Roi. Due. For bberlll. 1 wlBb to announce to tbe voieis ot Pitt county tbat 1 am a candidate tot sberltt subject to the action ot tbe Democratic primary. If elected 1 prom i»e to serve the county to the bent ol my ability; never shirking from tb« duties of tbe office. Thanking you .o advance for your vote and support JOE McLAVVHORN. -Marrieil at I'arlioro. ,\(‘W.s ft ai'licil lu-r»' yfstfrilay of Ilif niarriHK<‘ in Tarhoro Siuulay of .Miss .1. iiiiii' n. Clarli and 0 i-niiili, boll) of I’itt county. Michiiran Krnit (;r(tH«‘r>i j t’0.\TI.-\('. Miih.. .\iiK. Many j li adinp fruit pro\vf*rs of Michipan. ni*-nii).Ts of tli(' Stale Horiicuiiural Sof ifty, pathcreil h> rt* today for tiii ir nnnual niidsiimintr inf'ctinc. Tlif rfi'ssion.s will last two days and will bf> devoted to prartical discn.sslons .if fruit cuHure, nicthod.s of patkiiip. shippinc and niarketinp. b'OB TKEASLKElt. 1 wii‘ be a candidate for ilie oilioe oi Ireaaurer of Pitt County, subject , to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I thank the people for ‘he sup port 'they have given me in tbe past and 1* elected, promise to give them the samf service 1 have tried to give ..nice 1 have betn in office. W. B. Wn.SO.N’ 4 22-tf. WHITSETT INSTITUTE A LettdiDc; Boarding School for Two Hun dred «nd Fifty^ Students. Prepares for Collefe, for Biuineu. for Teaching* or for l^e. Ettablished 1M8* Wide Patronase. Reasonable Rates. IN THE HEALTHFUL PIEDMONT REGION NEAR GREENSBORO, N. C. For Illustrated Catalogue^ Views, etc.* address the President* W, T. WHITSETT. Ph. D.. WBlTSm. NOSTU CAgOLINA. To Prevent Blood Poisonlnr •n>I)r at OBce the wonderful old reliable DK. PORTER'S antiseptic HEALING Oil., ■ sur- cical dretsioff that relieves pain and heals at the tame tiae. Not a liniment. 2Sc. SOc. )1.0a For Treftgorer. I announce to my friends and the voters throughout Pitt county that 1 am a candidate for Treasurer eubjert to the action of the Democratic pri. mary. If elected I will serve the peo- pie to the best of my ability. Hopin;: to receive your vote and support I ati 4 23 14 C. T. MUNFORD. For Treasurer. 1 use this method of announcing to the voters of Pitt county lhat I am a candidate for Trea.‘»urer subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, solicit the vote and help of my friends and the public penerally, and if elect ed I promise to fulflill the duties ot the office to the best of my ability. 4 28 14 O W. HABRINOTON. For SberlS. To my fellow citizens of Pitt count; r iiereby announce myself a candidsie for the nomination for sberiir of Pitt county subject to the action of the Democratic primary of said county. It nominated and elected I pledge myself to make you a good <jfficer. Thanking one and all for their support and co operation I am. JNO. L. GIBSON, of Cbicod Township, Grimesland, N. C 4 20 14. For Constable I announce to the voters of Green ville Township tbat I am a candidate for constable SHbJect to the action f the Democratic party and If elected I will serve the offlcK to the best ol my ability. Soliciting your vote and help. I am, HENRY 8. MOORB e 18 tf. For CoDHtable. 1 announce to the voters of Green vllle township that I am a candidate for constable subject to the action of the Democratic primary and will ap- predate tbe help of any. AMOS C. JACKSON. 4 24 tf For CoBfitiible. I announce to the voters of Green, vllle township that I am a candidate for constable subject to tbe action o' the Democratic primary and will ap preciate their vote<anl belp. 4 22 14 A. R. STEPP. For Constable. I announce to the voters of Green vine township that I am a candidate for constable subject to the action ol tbe Democratic primary and will ap. predate their vote and help. 5 H 14. JESSE L. WHICHARD. For Clerk of Snperlor Court. I hereby asnounce myself a candi date for clerk of Superior Court of Pitt coun'y subject to tte action of tho Democratic primary. Grateful for tbe flattering vote the people gave me four years ago, I aga.n solicit your sup prrt. If elected 1 will fill tbe office to the best of my ability. 5 2 tf J. D. COX “ABA” Checks GOOD IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. . . ISSUED BY Greenville Banking & Trust Company. Sl'K.lKIMi ABOIT rLl’MBIMS \V(,' are certainly “in it.” If you will (■njiaKi' us to equip and install. Your Katliroom Fi.vtnres. You will undoubtedly be “in the swim’ for many years to come. The com forts and conveniences of good plumb ing are iiuieed a blessing, well worth ilif price, iiut tho annoyances of poor plumlniiK can not be vstiniated. We (io fioixi phimbinR. S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber. If it INSURANCE you WANT SEE US HALL & MOORE J. C- LANIER MONUIIXNTS ANB HFAD HTOITBti IKON FF\t’E» enKiirriLM.. itobtf camoldh FOK (omrissiOM’n I announce to the voters that I am a candidate for Commissioner of Pitt county from Chicod Township subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary and solicit your vote and help. If elected I will endeavor to serve tl'e county to the beet of my ability. Joseph B. Hardee. 7-7tf For Clerk Snperlor Court. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Clerk Superior Court of Pitt County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. A. TlirR.MAX MOORE 7-8-14 tf. Automobile For Hire Town or Country DAY or NIGHT. - RATES REASONABLE Phone Rick’s Grocery, 17 D.4Y. (•2-L. yiGHT T. I. Moore Jesfc Speight Moore & Speight INSURANCE Fire, Health and Accident Opposite Proctor Hotel For CommisBloner. I announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner from Carolina Township subject to tbe actions ot tbe Democratic primary and solicit your aid. S. A. CONGLETON. V-24-tf. FOR COVMISSIOER I hereby announce myself a can didate for County Commissioner from North side of Tar River subject to tho action of the Democratic primary If nominated and elected will serve the County to the best of my ability. R. D. WHITEHURST. 7-18 tl. FOR COmnSSIOXEB I hereby announce myself a eandl- date for County Commissioner from Contentnea Township to succeed my self subject to the Democratic pri mary of Pitt County. W. L. McLAWHON FOR COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, to succeed myself, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. JOHN G. TAYLOR -27-tf. CHOICK CCT FBOWXBI DK. AXME L. JOINER Osteopabthic Physician Office in the Brown Bulldtng on Dick inson avenue. Office hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 7-20-tf. 8CHEDULB OF FA8SEKGER TRAINS For all occasiont, Roeea, Cum»> tloni, Tloleta and Tallies the lead en. Our art In weddlnc arraKS*- menta are ot the latest tonch. Noth> ing finer in floral oflerings to be lutd. Blooming pot plants, aaalias, Hy acintbs, palma, ferns, Norfolfc »lnM anti many other nice pot plants. Rose bushes, evergreens, ilunik* errles, hedge plants and abade treaa. Mail, telegraph and felephoie oriara promptly executea by J. L. O’QalnD * Co., Phones: Store 42, areeubouie 149. RALEIGH, N. C. Atiaatle Coast Lfiie. North Bound South Bound Nc. 68'8:18 a. m. No. 71 1:18 f. m So. 7i S:22 p. m. No. S9 t:SO p. a Norfolk Soatbeni. Kaat Bound West Bound No. 4 1:02 a. m. Na • S;l* a. na No. t •;S2 a. m. No. 17 7.64 a. m > No. II f:M p. m So. 1 1:09 p. « DR. J, £. MARSH Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist treat all animals. Calls promptly hswered day or night. Ofllce at R. . Smith’s stables with hospital bmt< rice. Day phone 304; night 289-Ii. 20 14 Imo. DR. T. n. MEIfBOBTr Specialist in Fitting Glasses OCBce at J. R. Smith & Bros, Store Ayden, N. C, Monday and Tuesday August 10 and 11 Home Office . . Washington, N. C. Except Monday and Tuesday.

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