Moseley Bros. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGTS. WfjUjiT^ riuhl ill Hull lilim. i;i I’aso, 'I'l'Xiis., Si'pt. 7 —I'laiiU .(•’dw.scr, llic hi'advillt', C(i!i)., wi ltcr- vvcislit? and .Tuluiiiy M( f'arly (it San Kraiicisco wen- lo cla>h this uricrnooii iij a sclu’dulrci ^O-rouiid lialtlo in the liull Kiiif; at Juari/., Mi'x. AlcCarly lias hKlilinK tor a nuiiilji r ol \fars and has iiu't all thi> best in hin I lass. Kowhit is a ni'w conii r, haV' ing boon boxing for only a yt'ar. Si-«'oihI Triiil for Allructi Miinl«‘rcr, Ci'iii'Va, 111.. Si‘pt. T—Anthony IVt- I'as. Mccviscd (if slaving 'riicrt'sa llii!- I.inilt'i'. his I'ornuT liani'i'i‘, in a coinc-^ I t ry in .Xurora one ninht. last I’Vb- i iiary, was arraiTiKi'd in I'Durt licri' lo- ilny III stand trial t'(ir tin' socnnd tinu'. il;i‘ tirst trial of I’ctras look placi' I'l I'' early in .Inly. 'I'ho jiir y disajirriMl .'ilandinfr II for a((niittal and om' t'or conviction. It is ox peel cd that counsfl tor llu‘ assuscil nifi will (‘micavor to Ki'iuri' a Chanel' ol' vi'nir(.-. )liniiCMifii Tair <)|m'ii'<. Minni'apnlis, Minn.. Sept T 'I'ln! Inm sota State I’air, oni.' of tin- inosl nuportant of tin' .vi'arly ai?>'ii'uliiiral ' .\hiliitions hi lil in IIh' I'niti'd Stall's opcni'd tciday wiih a largi' crowd ami ihf larijisi di^;phly in every depart- inent ever Uiniwn on opeiiiiif? day. Iliirses. (ilttli' anil other live sloeK ex- . ( I ll in number and exeellence the iniilai ilisphi.vs in pervious years, V hile in the aurielnniral. nieelianics and (liuiiestie art halls the cxhiliit.- ere more varii-d than ever before. ,‘\n altraetive racing prn.L'ramnie and many other bieh-lass lealures of ■ ni' rtainnient have been proviib d by (he nuuia.iienient. »<>iniiii .Miiiiaucrs S« iia(ors ('iiiiiimii;ii. I’hoeiiix, Ariz., Sept. 7—Said to 1) lilt' only woman in the United States who ever iniinaged a political caiu- laiKii for a candidate for the United States Senate, Miss Myrtle Garrison cmielnded her labors today in bohalt of lieese Lin^?, who seeks the Demo cratic nomination in Arizona. will go before tile voters at tomor row's slateuidi primaries. Miss (lar- rison is a newspaper woman. I.uImii- liii) ill I'liicimo. ('hil■a^'o. 111, Sepi. 7 Today's ob servance of l.abor !>ay in Chicago was more general than usual. 'I'he banks. pxchangf's and iniinicipal buildin;' were closeil, as Were nearly all of the leadin.s? business bonso.i. A bif! parade in the morefn"- v.a'- lollmved |i\ fnilin>c-i eondai 'i d by nuur. labor I'nions. WIMI UVILLK NKWS Wintervilli', Sejit. 7 Our little town \ as shocked 'rimrsday, evening by the sudden death of .Mrs. \V, I!. Sto(dis .Mrs. Sloclis had been sick only i' x\eel; with typhoid fever She was about tifty-live years old and was loved by all who liiiew her. Mrs. Slocks is survixeii 111 a liusiiiiml. ihre'.’ ihni.ghters. Mi's. Samm l \'incent. .Mrs. I.. A. Kittrell and Miss l^stlier, and tour sons, lilane.v, I.awrence. Uay- mond ami Cb tus Stocks, 'i'he remains V. ere intered in their family burying cround near here yesti'rday aiter- riKin. Uev. i:. !■'. I’ittman of Ayden Mrs Stocks was a kind wife ami a loving niotler. and our heartfelt sympathy poes mn lo the reaved. I If you want the liiglu;st prices for your beef cattle, milk cows and couii- ti'.v produce, see II. ^V, Dail. I’rof. F (; Xye, b ft this afternoon lo lill the iJiilpit at Ailington Stre..| liaptist church at Uoi ky Mount 'I'here will Ije services in the l^jjis- eopal church Sunday at 1 o'clock in Ihe afternoon. Services at Ihe l!an list ai II o'ehiek and ^ p. m. by Ih - I asto)'.'^. I \'oung man, if you want lo be litted j for the shop or parlor, it will -he ;u > onr interest to see 1!. I). Forrest i*C jCo. as Ihe.v liaVe a eoiiiplete line o! I gent's rurni.'liing. I Get the best and i hi a pest /isii at I I!. W. I laII s six (lays lo the week. ■Miss Uora I-.'. Cox renirned this afier iM.on from a several days visit to her .'•isit r, .Mrs Itc rhi-ri .Jenkins. hon't torget ihat Harrington, liar lir A- ('eii\illc /(“ii\ l.'xperieiu'f. When Ihe back begins lo ache. I'on't wail until liaelvache becoini ' hronic: 'Till liidlley trouble develop; 'Till Uidney i ronbb- develop-^: re>!. lireenville citi/.en's i'rolit b\ p'rie'nce, I .1. I), .lones, Carpenti r. Ini;:; chest-| mit St., I .'reeiiville, says : "Aboul a j >iar and a half ago I was trouhledj with my liaek and Uidiievs I had a| iiiill pain in iny back and across mvi liiin>. When I tried (o smop or bend j lo pick up my limls I had a shai'iii lain in iny Iddiieys. 1 had headacie | end diz:'y ^pl■lls and my sight was. iiiurreil. Si-eing 1 loan’s Kidney i'ills; ail verl i.--ed. I proeuri'il a box. This re- med.v r. nghlliied my hack and pul my Uliliieys in '-;iioil shape. Iioan'.- ICiilitey I'ills ari' a vei'\ sjuitii r. medv ier Uidiie> iroubi'." I'riie .'ii c.. r.i all ih ai ■I'- iuin : - ‘iiiply a. k t'nr ,i kidney r> niedy I li.ian',' l\idn"\ i'ills ihe same iha( .Mr .loiii-s had. I''u i’-.\lllbiirn, Cu ''I'lip:: . Ciil'ialo, X- T. 1. Moore Jeste Speight Moore & Speight INSURANCE Fire, Health and Accident Opposite Proctor Hotel GERMANS CHANGE PLANS r tii( A small boy weiu iiiio ilc I'h i light i.lllee Siilunlay morning, i.illed I'lr iliree III luir- i power eiei glohe- \lilS. Sr|it. <—Ai-ii'j ill'll ;i< rc;il ( H'i'iiiaii.< 1(1 ruiil imic tlil'ii- j Wit.'- (liscdVi-i'i'ii by in ri'aili ‘ 1 rap w liii'li I lie • ii'iicra! >Ui i'f iiinlci! at :iiiaii airnii'ii. iii'inH'Icil all imi^ a I abnijiiniicil. 11 iii-lii-\ I'll I liai ill i|(l up 1 111' j il'i" I'l'i'i'i 1i <1 Jlial lill Millr Ilf b;d 1 li> bi'l \‘v I'cii I'casdii I'ui' lailvirc (lii'crtly nil l.*aris if 1 Ih' plan 111' bat- 'I’lic Allies an*, ii'ss til spiiiiii' lli(.‘ as liaiti il by < b'i‘- !il plan h;i\i' bi'i-ii till- t icrniaii^ a11 fiiipl to !i;i\1 u'l'ii rliaI.Lii'il 111 ,a nilivi‘- liiii' n'."lini;' n.iilli nl' Mcinla.'i'rla. Kai.-'i'i pi'r.-^iiiially i.- ilii'crt iii”' ibc v’a.'-lii'l ami Vi'nluiii. i ri' II. U. ( AIM I It. M. I». I’arctii'e limited lo iliseasi s of the I'je. No'.e iiiiil riiriuil and The lining 111 ukiss.'s nilice «ilh Mr. 11. h, .lames. Crei'H- \ille. C.. every ,'\londav. 1 lonie I Mliee. Wii^,hiu.i:ton, N. C A liunillll't'inellt |)r. II. W Carter, announces that t peetacle-. and eye glasses, Iliade lo crder aeeoriling to his iireserijUion i.nd guaranteed lo be entirely satis- I'actor,'. ar' I'nrnished Iree ut' addition al cost to all patients who jiay his re gular I'ei' III' len dolars lor the eNa- laiiuition ol' their eyes. RUSKY TO RUSSIAN POLAND 1 ’I I'l'l)(i I’A 1). Sept. 7 iii'UiM'al l»ii>k\ 'aIiii tu<'k l.i'iuluiru; has bi'i'ii M'lit in lkn>si,iii I’nlaiiiK lii." ri'ii-c." hav ing (iigagod Austfiaiis while takinu arui\- thrunuh l*o- land. 'I'hcy attempt iim' in iTiim ii.ick the Au"1rians for- Waril llln\enilMlt In pre\e!l1 •'endilii,; teinrm'et'- lllelit It is expert I'd 11li> will 1 M' ,'i 1 W n i H' t hi'ee ik'l.vs bat- ife in nl'iler tn ei nuplet e|y viilijuu.'lte tile U>t ria I !v. K'lis- ."laiis ;i1t('iiiiiteil tn a II ni hi late tiieir reiii re. MANY GERMANS DROWNED A N'l’W IJ I'llSejit. 7 Stated niaiix iii riiiaiis drnwu- W hell iM'luaills npi'lied dykeS and rinnded (■nuntrv‘ util west n|' Antwerp. In ati alleinpl tn prc\ eiit east iiian> (It-''- njis ;uh1 I'O'.tii?. MetropoUUn Lite lni«Mii»'« i'*' of New Yorli AieetB 447.82i).ll».x«. Georg* A. f*orrest, Sp«ci»t IK Vy»nB 8t. •rMBvUl*. W iiiaiis I'lTni'ls tn in\ade Antwerp rmiu tl nriiis were tnrei'd tn take velime in 11 ei t alsn many unn>. ’i’!iei> e;tll\ Useless nil ai-enlllll n(' w.'itiT. enj'ai > ieu'e iiu ni iii'av Ml'-, piaeti- BARKl rilLUSlKlil Atfnej at 1mm •RKKNVILLF NORTH CAKOUIW- DB. JOH.V F. TMI6PEH. Tetoraarr Snrfcca. tiM moved bis office from OU Bow BUbles to Dr. Zeno Brows'i 8t»bl6B OB PouTtb Street. Ploa* 184 Day or Nlcht. 'm # and w. m. H. GLAXI Attornay at Law and Drainage Caaea a ■v*«la.-V la aSea formerly oeratlat Jarrta and Blew. ENTIRE FORCES PARTICIPATE. I’AK’IS, Sept. 7 Mntire (iermaii I'lirees expected to ■ partieipat»‘ in the ueiieval battle whieh jii-nltaliiy will prnve lh■ei^^ive and already lieuuu aecni'ding tn -war ot‘- ' lice whieh states the l'’reiieh and iJritish art' iinw <'n,n'agini;' UuM'inaiis imrlh nf l‘ai'is l»atth' lines exteniU'd nineteen ; miles. BLOWN UP IN NORTH SEA. W'ASlIINTl'l'OX. Sept. 7 State Departmc‘nt r<‘- [eeixed by eahlt' ri'nui ('niisul Uav, a jiassenger (h; .|bnard ship IJinin that had been blnw n up l»\ mine in th(‘ Xt>! til S<*a .staf(S li(‘ is only injured and is jiroecH'd- inu' to Dll. J, E. MABSH Veterinary Surgeon and Deatlil treat all animals. Calls promptly nswered day or night. Office at R . Smith's stables with hospital lar Tice. Day phone 304; night ISV-L 20 14 Imo. \iiiiiiiil lltii'Ni' Miiiw. Newport, K. 1., Sept. 7—i^ociet.v re gards the eighteenth annual liorso show, wliicli opened here tttday, as the event ol' the summer The golf links. Ihe tennis eourl anil Ihe yatchs have ill \ ol' its predi'i'essers. The pri'/.e list 1^ one of the best ever arranged for ihi exhibition. t'lasses are offered t» I hackney stallions, harness horses^ ponies, saddle horses, hunters and In- I hided also are several novieo and been deserted for the show Rrounds. ^ Un al events in addition to the usual In the quality and numlter of exhi- chanipionsliips. The show will contln* bits the show this year is <>iiual lo (j,. (iy,>r tomorrow and Wednesday.