T.iE 2AS3Ll.iA HOME and FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR {Ouc« a w«ek) Pabllibed by KEFLKCIUU tOMl’AM, Inc. U, J. WHlCiiAiUJ, taitor. .•iOiau cakoi-ina. >»L.e >oai, . . li.uJ iA.x . . .toO Ajvti rai«<j luaj be had upon Ippilctttioii at busjiiicftd iti j a ijiort'iuiitl uiuriiu' is jfiovidrd an fvory ri’asoii to btlitvo. bast'd upi);: miiiiilirt'acliabli' iiil'urinulioii, tlia’. tli.'M' I'xchaiigt’s will rcmaiit rloscil s-i long a» uiir gold suk'U luay In luotun' oii by Ilii'i ati'iird si lliUK ordfi'ti li'dii' abroad. To iili.'Hl uur d' bis aboarii lor lUi’r- chandisf and .-;.('urili'.‘S ])iiri'ha.~c(i b/ ii>., lli' Tf is ai pn scnl a imivfiiiom I.O.Mi STM'I.K ( OnO>. J AX OX FKKIOHT. Congress seems to find il nillit'r dif- >01l( K OF JSAI-K fnder and by virtue of tlie power of hale contained in a certain deed of W(> iioliio that llu- long staple col- . . , , Jicull to decide wliat to tax in order, . ion groiviiig eouiiliis of the South are . ,■. ! *'''*•'**■ made and executed on ^ovem- u „■ ,h> .. ... ‘“^'\ber l>t;th, iyi3, by John Fellers and :i losult ol tlio war , . . , r! tho Kov« rnuient ovi‘r this period «)i | wife, Kuby Kollors, to Kdwani L. Stew tlnaiu ial stringency caused )iy tli< art, Trustee, which said Deed of Trust for this Kind of cotton con- jyUj,,;, „ff import duties and other'is duly rec<»rded in the odice of the I sale is held to satisfy said indebtnesa. This ir»th day of September, 1914. ]•;. STKW’AUIJ, !i-l(i-ltd-3tw. Trustee. not sulicriiig a^ cDUdilions. In uni the demand uiui prici linues relalivi ly gooil. Trices ace running oii an avi rage of about li nis a pound iiiglu r llian they were soul'll <)l revenue. .Most of till' suggested taxes appmir talk Itc'gislt r of Deeds for Beaufort Couniy I in iJooK ISO. Page Ki2, the undersigned i 'i'rusli e, will, on Friday, the ICih day III her coninioiiiiics to I lin'Diie. voluni.,- of slii|.uieiils will increase as T«e Ked«ctor BuUiiuig, coruer tvaue (Uid Tuird Btreeta Ail lib Oi TcSwiUli >iij ,t respect will liii cliar<ed Ijr at 1 cent piT Aorsi. c,'oiiimuaicalion* advertfsus cauai- iaititf will bd charfsd for at three .:»ui» pel uue. up to lifiy lm«B. ir.uteleil as »«eoiid Ciaso iliattar Augusi ISiO. at the i>o»t oiliue at uitjeaviiif, .SoiMi Caruiuia, uiidei let ot March i. IsTD. rain, eaniu-d goods, coal and c. nis a pounn iiigner iiiitii iiiey were t.nough but when laiK ,j,- octob'r, IIM4, at 12 o’clock noon. Tin I'*'"' I I'e explanation is pro-^ (;,x on freight starts I here is a * ai I lu> Court Housi' door in I'itt C'(Uin- bably du,' to thi- fai t lliat long staple deal of opposition to it from the |y, offer for sale, to the highest bidd''"- I nniiinl'acliiri at ihis lime contin-^ y,., ,. ^larl. Tln> averagi- man will not j loi' cash, the following property, to la's prosperous as it is carried on , , n ,,,^ "it- pi'iiu ipally in Ann riia and Scotland. sniiplii'.'i Id the pcopli- who lu ed and , i . i. „ ,n, . i- 1 1 he tarnuo's shoulil U»1m‘ notice ol, i „ I',),- thorn essarv bul he will olijei t to being tax- hoil'Mus are obtain, d lo i-onvey iln verv siarl. Tli ohj. ei to a small tax on some things I wlhdi he can easily do witlu/ut if nee The Sereiary of Agriculture prj-j liii'ts a deliiaud I roul abmad for our j agricuUural products Uuu will be dif-j lieiiU Id satisfy from llu surplus ol ; Ihese products above liomestie in this Kind of coiion they should nial<- ^ an elTori lo j;rou' ii. .\i present a- largi ainonni of iliis ee'iiDii is import ed while our short Iibre col Ion is t x-1 uihi it if i;tii unlikely ilial in the man- j 'iiiin uDDils and oilier porleil. Ol eourse iher' will always eil for soinetliing which is almost u i:eees^-ii,\ at this time. TlU’ shippers wo'ilii luive U) pay the lax, it is true, bir liiey would increase llu'ir prlee.s by just lhai imuh so the ullimate con- siinn r would havi> llic lax to pay as Fi:I; i.\ V. SI:i'I i:miu;u T'11. \ 'IcvNa^e of V^'iiraiK'c I rmii I II* Nali.'iial \"iiciatii>n ni ( redit Men M. a ho lit m*'!ubi ea. u !' .\,U...iKil .\s.-oe;.unin ol ('redii al. olvalii,<ai'.oii eenipn.-et! i>; ;«e[ii\ liionsa'id individu.ii , in I s' r;.' >iaie in ih- I'nioii ;r .■.■■.n'iiiL! :t svlu/1's,ili luuis". ui'er ol s^iii.e kii'.il, bank, or .'’iiuiior. .uranliiirT eredil ' . l;.l> i;-.<Ueil a ne-'.-a.ue of ,1. lie liu.'i!.'iul. r^ >ls uiiii :i v.ew 111 resiorin- '. I jiei king llle 'I' preS Ilia! IS ihi'' aiein d il.- eor.ilnions in l-airope i.~ >11 f.niely ihai we ar ■ |.; a ,;r. aler pari of il r; iio i:-‘ niu; s--* ihei" ; - ■ ',||'v'lliiaN '!> I " o|n rail ami - (I,in III k— |i business nuiviii4 , ir-Mii llle n;es.~a-' Inllnw . IV. r> ai.ii 'jr.inlnrs nS er, dii I i I. rni' 111 I iinnii' ree, d. bioi.: I r dilcir', il'' ■ uiviii'- serioiif I 1 |ir-'s- til I I'arje 1 olliiil ions , , Isi iieliiiiii; I h' ill avoi.l un- !!■ ■! iiiri akirimn^' i onehisiDiiS- ■ !;-iil!,i’iiiii wiiii aii'luii'ilies in .; j'.iii ai: I ulln r e:!i« >, llii.' e,iiii ,1' .1 i. iia,-. Il ell |ir- p ll'i .1. . 1 ;i,ir:.': i.i e.Hupai'' Mtflis and •, ■ - ' ,v |ii'e\ aleui. in oiir eoin . >:i . ■■■iilMiiins itr.'i . xisi.-d in ■ 'ie; ,i I iirii'F ilierehi |i i.-- 1. • ■, ■ r. ; nai lie iir.-.-'-ni .'i! - i . l:::aie ial and i I'.-dil re- ■ .1 eaUr \ > I'e liil .-iiii alarm I i.' I ■ ■■;!.I r;.'. Il « .i li. l.ii.ir-liii;.!' ■■■'i:'. iim> 1; ..i‘ V.;..-. ■■ 1 riin.ar;. ii[ii!y , \ iiip-.ir- l Te n. '■ li> ai'r- pre.-'-nlin-,j ;i,.\ «■ r snrt ; rel. 1 -|e u.i..ie r I lii ii in hi II. iiin ii.- 'i'li-i, ..I,. I., I. [I. I il in;i ii,...i - , -1. ■- .' I ii- • I- M,. leni.- 1,1 111,- .\l'ir: \'r ■lai. i .\i;. ,i i.p: i>i • d .May ■ ■ i--i' :.:i, ,iai i.,i.-.i ii\ 111 I'edir;,' le'-. i‘. ,\| : .ind lile : ,,1 Aii;;n,'>l !. '■■11 I;.- I " lan 111 i.--.'iieii .< 1,111 I, ' le . . 'i;ri'"ii, ■. llirona'h X.iiamal Cui r. lii-e .X'Soeia! ;uli.^ lo llle Inetnher ■ linr I upon the ,~e. uriiy of .Slat ronr,';. ,ii;d .Munieip.il bonds, similar seiiirnie.^ and roiiiiiieriial papiT, A r purl i.-^stieii by ihe Coniplroll"r III' llle I'lirreiicy on August :;ii, ll'll -.liou d only ,■?I.'t.ii'.'i.iiiMi of sm h cur- rehi V U.is been issued in liiis i liter g my ai.d iliat ■<I,:;''T,''H*i,oiMi still r’ main.-; available for use in llle discre- 1)011 III' llle Set reiary of ibe Treasury 1)1 Ibis available remainder, liank-i in 111 ' Simlliern Slates may issu' >Il,a.''^:;,lllln: bunks in tie- -Miiliil" U t si may issue .^:1ii1,4;U.ihmi; bank.s in lie Western Slates may issue •'fTn.Ufu; and banks In the I’at ilie Slate-; rna> issue ^.n;!,>'To,iiiiii. It is obvious that llle amount ol eiirr I'l’V available uiitler the provi sioiis of ibis eim rgeiii y act is very nun h greater than Ihe amount need ed to tare for our onlinary daily com mercial t xehanges, including the har vesting and movement of crops and tth pairiieiit of wages to industrial, workers. * * * * j The closing of the stock exchanges! ulai Hire ol siaple articles I'ur laetories will sotin be laXeii lo their nlinosl to siipjily I,,.- neei.'siiiis wliii ■■. eaiinoi b.> sup j piicii by llio.'.e priiilnei r-i siuialeii^ uiiiiin llle :one ni' lairopi ;iii i ouilii i j Tliis bri'r (■' nipar^soii b ad.' Iti ill | eiilu-tu>iiHl llutl lluTi is llii iieeasioll I I'er al.tnii, bul liuil i v ■ ry r. a>or. t xi.si < !(.r ill" I \i reise of .--Il adin- ss. and liei’ j eversiille lontemed ill ll.e el'eiiil sys- (eiu sli..u!il I 111 erl'ii’iy assnnii- his. sjiari ,ii' wli.iiiv.-r may b, r. iiuii' !■ Id iiiaiiiiai!: il.' slal-ilii.''. i This is Ihe lini.' aliov, all lini.-;| win n iiise .-^liould r;tii endeavor i<i ilirov, Ihe lllir.letl |l|IOl| some oil- el-..-, I. i p. i iilaii ii|ion a pi'ohatil-’ ri.-.- iu v.il-j lies nr 1(1 II. ai any wi.-^e s,-l::>li ni ui. i .1.. ii. raiive. Ti.( jdai.l. r inU'i r. i oi;;!i/.. the ti,-- l„ 1.,, lie,. ri|' his I r lii'iir.- upon liie re- .. lajiMi'i. Ilf hi.' (ibii-al lor.s and tlii re ler.- williiiglv disposi of a porlitin al l--.i.'i Ilf bis I Pops I V, n al a low pne.' i:i ord. r Ihai ihi liiii.ii n inay be di\i.l- I ■! Th. r. iaiier ii.usi r i ogni/e Hi- I'ep. I.iii 111,-III li.e U lliilesal. r or 111111'. ii aeMirir upon bis i'eii.-ui|il ion in ob- Iiu.,i;dus ; ai.il llm-= betw. .-n \% hole .sal r and ii.aiiura. Iui'er, and aiaiiii laeiiir. r ami bank r tin r, shoilM b- aelne, lioiiesi eoop. I'.il ion all.I a divi sion Ilf llle hiir.leii, so iliat il nia b,- safelj- larried. and no disiurhaiie or III', liking li.iwn i.ei ur in uur t r. dll .\ny ■■■.I-ion oi an hoi., si obliLrali.in or ol' i r an.I in . d-.1 .onp. raiion wi.iild I" .ii.'lo>al 'iii.iirii.sl iiii.-resls ,1- a -..ii.uaiiiu'> . l.ir even iu lie' siiii- ph-sl II!,■■ a lil I'eiai e.illliniin- ,v. :;''!i a!,', lailur. In liv, ll|i Iti on lic.iiio!.- .iiiii III a,"iiiie a pri.p'T siiar of lil.. Imrdi Ii irisintr ir.iiii a irvin •iiiniiion is il i lu'eii Jiiniii the i ntir lahrie, an.l, lii i'",.ir. . liiis ui.r.l n a-i ;iiiiine, an.i ■ f app al I,, ihe veiy 11" I :ll,,| hittil. -I ill.plli-. IS in,id ,. :' i:.. I 1,1,1 - ne I i'. . niiini. n ial Usiia i be more short siapb eolion grown Hian III. r, is of lln. long, but there! I O ■ sl.DiiUl be a lend, lit y lo grow the hit-1 I ler aiiti to improve ilie b nglh of the^ .Mmut I \s‘o weeks agti the i.*ouiti ol i libre oV tin- ordinary \ariet.\. The col-j Aid- ruieii urderevl the cleaning up of I lull grow, r will he well paid for his|lhe I’roperiy betwi-t-n Thirti and I ,'i'ioris in llii.' lii feel ion, he will have-^ I-,'iirih slret-t,s on ihe e,ist sitic tif Ih.' I a ready, eoiisiam sab- al a higliiT A. I'. L- tracks ! prill- and lan. a inarm 1 lliat is not|i.''ner ,-asii\ ell'-eh-d b\ oiilside eoluiitiOllS iliei'. .Mill h iiivesiigaiiou has been inade^n -' aim:.:-' lliis liii, and \aluabli infor ' iii.p. laaiioii I an b- s eiii'i .1 from the pro-^ p. r ollii i.ili- ol ill. diil. I'-'iil stales. i I I urn I li|. 'jiiiic) I o(i»(. Vinl It ill I I i.iiie Itaek III ^ on While some of tin' making imiirov.-ments, are olhei's lliat have done notli- II iwi) or ihrii' heavy lines were ed on some of I be iiegligeiil ones lib/' remedy matter*. *0 sl\ j. p..ri v.ar I ailseil lln adoplion of new in elolliiiig and hats says a ri'- I'roin .\llanla Tin- ladies wiil sv.ords aiel pislids on their hats jii'i-ail ol llle birds and wax fruit of .Mai,' p ople do iiiil iialii'.e wliat is! pasl. Tin- iiovi-liy makers are ineai.l ill speakin.i; abeiii i.'ing up (,ut miniaturt- arinameiils by n.on. y .\lilliinis oi p. ople. iiu-n, wo-,|,^ tiioiisand lo adorn llie fall bats, I. .1 and iliihlreii, ulni may owe ii»y-1 ;i:al ill, bai.' iheiiiselves will iniilai.e il.iiig frtiin ii-nis up. aiui think .ii. aeoi iiiil o, .-iiinlil ions Ihey will laiid on 111 111.- f. w dollar.' iliey have,- doh l l.tke inlo e:insider,ilion that they all- helpin.t; lo li,- up and keep out. i! the regular ehaninls many mil lioii;- ol dollar.' Ilaeii oin- iliiiiks hiS, liiib mile lil). s not amiiuut to any- iliii'.g. bill II liiey loiild realize that il do, s ainoiiiil I.I a great deal ill thf; l-'ri-iii h All the limber of ainl above the si'<!,.> ot I'J ini hes in liiann'ter on the stump eighteen inihes above grouinl whe.n lul, 'Xi'ept I’ine, Cypress, Oak and IMekory, standing in ami upon the fol lowing trail of lanil, situated, lying and lieiiig ill ihe County ot I’ilt, ami Slate of N'orih Carolina, anti tleserib- ed as follows, lo wit : Ailjuining tin* lands of William Crimes on the wt*sf, ,7. It, \\ illiaiis and llle heirs of William liitile and wife till the east, .James Newman on Ihe sfiuih. Said to contain IM.'! ai res north, and bounded liy 'I'ar Kiver on riore or b ss, and being the same lan 1 '.fliicli was I'onveyed to J. <) and W i:. Froctor by lieed from Olivia W lilakely tlaied April l-tb, is'.i:*, ainl llu!' rei orded in Ibe oHici* of the lieg- i-iler of Heeds of Pitt County, in Hook IM;. I’age to Wliieli ileed referent e is hereby matle. Alsu all of III., rights of way, eas..'- int Ills, privileges, anti powers ol every 1 il’tl, charaeier and tlescriplion, wbieh are ineluded in a tleed froni .1. O. l‘roc- loi and olliers lo Carolina Cooperag- IMtl Coiiiif) Fair ('tiiici'llt'iK II has been intended to hold the I III Ctmnty Fair on November IL’tli unti Kith, but when the coniiiiitteos looking after the contribution^for lb'' premium list made a canvaijs of the county, they found such depression iunong the people over the outlooks for prices of farm protlucfs, that th" iK'cessary subscription colutl not be secured. 'I'bt' < rinvassers reported this condition to a meeting of tin' govern- ing board helti on Monday, and for tins rt'aso'i lht> board tlecitled to cancel tbii fair for Ihis year. I,. W. TlTKKn, Kecn-tary. A Cliarlolle lirm is advertising that il will accept from one to live hun- tlretl bales of coltoii from its custom ers on their accounts. This is one way to relieve tht. presi'iit linaniial strinp- i-ney caust-d by the low iirU-es offert’d for collon. o W e hope inin h td' the coast slonn tloes not strike this fur Inland, as the recolleeiioii of last S»pleniber's storm is t-nough for many yi'iirs. Thi' .Norftilk Disjialth says Ihe Sen ate is on Ibe right liiii* in culling out ,$|s,iiiMi,iiiMi ill the Rivers and Harlioi'' bill, •'wilhoul alfei ling projects of ini- Cmnpany. datv'd -Inly Imh. IMlL’, and’ nniliale imporlance," and Congress Ui. nil eooji. r.iliiii. "tnllv ;.il sitiia . r. ! .li.iriii. Iiii; I V. I . i si.-a.lii v\'.- ,111- IU he .-1 lioi.s rrfim ibe r.-greiiabl.. lonrliii aie ai! iiid iiiainl.iin lie- inlegrily ali.l labilii ot lie- li.ilioi: s er. dlls file lobaiio j;i'o\vers in ibis pai" ol Ihe Slal.' do 111,1 iiavi iniii b room lo I oinidain till.' y,-ar judgiii!; by ilie way lobai\o is eoiiiing on ili. C.rieiivill marl,.'I. U ilh ,i br. ak ol mi r a huli million pounds om< day last vs eeii and prospei IS of a large sale ttiday Ih lobat'i o farmer tloes not iiave mui ii tanse III -ay that llle pres nf condi tions have injur, d ills sales very much. He can lintl reatly sab- ami t asli money when he does stdl all hough the prices may be off a lilile. Thf. Virginia League is in class C one degrci- higher than tiie Carolina a'ague wliii'h is class l», but this ear Ihe Cartdina hunt li has taken lit' ( hainpionship series from the Vir ginia league. The (lass C fellows get more pay but judging by theii- playing lin y are nol in lln ir propi r class. I ih. I iennaii In Iniels and lb I ai.d laiLili'h caps. o .\ loWll. lo a gl'eal eMi-lll, is judged ' by its papers so il is necessary in orde" to create a gootl inpression lhat ll, ■ I I ■ n-:s li.‘ riubi up in ihe top notch. i If the p.ipers are full oi gootl news, i ligl.l np-lo-dal.- and of interest tc , , , ; .|ie p--tiple il speaks well for the town. atirn-K.ti... they wtnild ke, p u niov- ' ' ‘ editor, doc-' paper is consigned lo the waste basket or carefully rea.I tliily I'ectirded in Hook— . I’age —• I’lli Connly Uet tirtls. This being lln- original tb-etl from .1. n I'roeior and others for the timber rights above tlescrilieil. |ii;FAn.T having been made in lln li.vmeiil Ilf the notes secured by saiil. Heed ot Trust and application havinu'| het n mad' lo the unib rsigiietl Triisle.. bv Ihe bona lide holib r of said note.! nr a roreclosure proceedings, this would do far better if il fell upon other unnecessary appropriations ami peKv grafts and cut thi'm instead of sei'kiiig in all direciioiis for siihji'tls for win' laxai ion. 1t is wonderful how some peopb kt'cp up appearances, bul liny get I aiighi sooner or later. ing. They would pay tin lor. ll,‘- liwy.'r. the nieri-baiit and oilier p. op|. w bii li.iv.- inoiiey comin.ijj I . ih. Ill, All III. se , oiild lurn th", 111.lin y riulil over lo iln-se whom tluyi . He. Till- iiiil'i ha 111 s eoiilil pay il I'j nil banks, lln jobbi-is and Ihe iiiaiiu-; faiHU'i rs; the jiilibers euuld ki-i p It j goin.i: III iheir bank, lin- nmniil'.n I nr. rs oi \arioils Uinds wnoir. ilh .N iitt,-, .iiid before it I oiiii! ll. real- :z.-d lln- m;iiiuiaciiir,.rs Wniild be pa>- ing 111.* inoin y right baek. pos.sibly ir .1 iei,\ ,i.i\s ii;- w.-i-Us at nio.'l, :>ir lo- ba< I'ti, co'.ton and oilier lliiii.u.' at b. l- l. r price', an.l buying in larg. r tiiiaii- lilii-' than if llle iiinii.-y were In Id b ' i;.< iai'iiiiis p -ii|.|e ii. llle b.'Linninj; ,n is tloii. in so iiiaiiy < ases, I lo noi li' your iiioi!, V lip bv lioldilig il. Ini' lin'e' your ow ;> oldiualions with il ,'o 'I I an Uei ], iiioVin.i; in bii'ine:-s chan nels HI!(.IM \ \MI I \(» I I I I 1>II \ V. Virginia is now in Ihe last lUrtjeS Ilf a Slal..-wide prohibilioii lighi, Ih" el, t-inin coniing off next Tuestlay. I tie Iniuor men, us usual, ha\i usetl •\.ry known armimeiit (or llnir sitb* of Ihe I as. anti have t veil tried to tiring .\orlh Carolina into the liglif I hey ba\I i u.U'hi u lhat prohibition has so increased the tax rat.' in this depends to n certain cxtenl nptiii the iillilude of its n ailers towaril the in'ws gath. ri-rs. If news is bard lo gel there will nol be a lar);e amouiil of it in 111. pap. r. There are pleniy of happenings in Creeiiville every day mills and! to fill np a good newsy paper an I every eifori will be made to secure il MliMM \ iiin A loin.', bard-fnllght iiiiilesl lias at last ll. ell del ill.-tl. \'irgiiiia luis gon dry b> a lilajtirin' tif li. lwe..n IWeiily liVe or iliirlv ihousnnd votes, 'j'hc resuli 'l.ows ihal llii. larger lilir \-)I.-il in lavor of salnoiis by a small iiiajorilv rules, as long as the Slate lion voliil alinosi solidly for iirohihi lion Ibis is a fair case of when tin maporily rules, as long as the .Stati had local option there were no hopes of gelling rid of the saloons in ih' eities but, when the issue eanie ilirec'- ly b.-lore all the peopl. the result of yi'sterdays voliiig shows how matters stood, more people were opopsed li) whiskey than favored il, Virginia going dry adds oue more Stale to Ibe large number already dry riiid is till' second State gtdng tiry this y. ar. West Virginia having gone uiy arli- r in the year. Some ot the papers t lainn tl the result of this elec- I tion woulil show whether the pro COMING IN ITS ENTIRETY Greenville ; Saturday, NEVER DIVIDES NEVER SPLITS Oct. 3 At Arthur’s Old Show Grounds State Ihai it is op|»ressive, ainl that [ , ..1.1- hibition nnntment is increasing or los- ibe Stale has lo resort lo litiiid issues , , ,, .. ,, ’ ing out and if we take this view of the to get along, l-.very North t aroltn-1 ian knows this is wrong, it is true taxes have aihaiiced some but this was done to b ngthen the st hool term : .'III nol bei ause of loss revenue. If^ tin' Virginia Wi Is were to altemjit to^ put up straight fair argument they, V ould be al Ihe eiitl of their resources, j q 111 .Stall's where the prohibition tight STKAIKI* ,1 A ridanil China gilt, dark order matter we eannot help being conviiu' ed that prohibition sentiment is gain ing. It is just a question of time when the issue will be placed before Ihi; whole nation and we predict success for tlK' pridiibitionists. fOI RANCH R^WIL^ WEST SHOW MM nr V/' HtfcfTnmw rooTftAu Rtri<i:SKNTlNG THU FOLLOWING FHATUKI2S lunlftllC The Kedl UeJ ^taa oC tbe InUlnilO piama in tvaf'pftint. Bucktoi Horte. Hoping, Sboolini „^Vh''Jfflr."*WILD.WEST GIRLS COWBOYS nrfiu^ht Direct from 101 Haiich anJ the Uetit Wttl RecKlraii Ruf^ni fro oil Ku(>htitu bteppes IIl'sI Koui(h Rider the l.aaU oi the UioGrAnde RcalTvpes of (be Mex ic«a Cuwbuy Oeniiine Meskican Mouotetl Police COSSACKS RecKlran Rt from rar MEXICANS Real Rotifth Riuere from QTrrn TUDnU/INC Jumpinjif from Hack of Gaiiopinj{ ilorse U I LLli I nnUlllllU lo Steer's Hums, then wrestling combat Football on Horseback Contest Retween Mounted Indtaos Against Cowboys and Cowgirls Actual Winners of Wyoming and Oklahoma Bucking HorseConteal BucklngHorseGliampions is going on the litjuor men seek to ... , ,, weight (ill pountls. .Marked crap and (.reate sentiment in their tavor by all . . , < n i two unilerbita right, swallow' folk kintls of false and plausible argu- |,.f| (aitjng her up return \\ c ha\e jii.si re'eivt-tl the imiuslrialj ii,,.n(s, w bit b by ilieir apparent truth to lue and I will pay costs. Ft. H McGOWA.N etliiiim i)f lilt l*;ikin I'riliuiie. It is a deceive a gootl many of the people. 9-2l-3t-w well gotten up paper of twent.v-four i It seems from the way the pt'opl pages, full of facts and pictures show- are working for prohibition that tliest ing the progress and growth of th.>^ arguments are losing their force, that town of Klkin. I HUi .SAI.K OK UKM -A FIVE horhc farm. Will sell for cash or on easy terms. Address Calvin .Mills, the people are getting on to all of winterville, N. Houle j these things and are doing their ow'ti S-l4-til-Uec. -4. w. You can spot the fellow who in thinking. From Ihe trend of things] and the elin.ination of an immediate sisis this is a free ttiunlry as th. I fi-l it appears that Virginia will get in KIMtS Iti LHH I N'arcissua, Saered l.illieM, Hyacinth market here for our securities held a- low who has done something be ought line with the tlry States after this elec i>. ifuMkett. Itroad was very firaely and wo have* not to have done. ^ion. '9-22-ltw. Low rates on all Lines of Travel for Greenville’s Biggest Holiday. EVERYBODY'S COMING, ARE YOU? The Largest Show of its Kind “The Girl Who Throwns The Bull”, First Time Ever Here. Prettiset Cowgirls Ever. ONLY MEXICAN CONGRESS, FIRST TIME HERE. ONLY RUSSIAN ARMY MEN NOW IN THE UNITED STATES. : : Newest Sensations : : Champion Ropers of The Canadian Roundup. New Indian Battles. LATEST TYPES OF ARMY FIGHTING. WON DERFUL DANCING HORSES. An Olympus of Real Thrills. Down town Tickete Sale Show Day at Wajren's Drug Store, Evans Street. Prices Exactly The Same as at Show Grounds. 101 Ranch Real Wild West

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