COTTON -: We are now ready to “Gin Your Cotton.” We can also furnish you STORAGE tor same. Moseley Bros. PRESIDENT POINCARE MAKES PROTEST. HORDMAl'X. Sept. - Picsidciit Pcincai'c s for solo ]»1('asiire and without tile sli”'hle>-t necessity wroiiulit this destruction at K’liieiiis through systeuiatic hoiuhnrdnieut. 'I’ho Freiic]; u'overniriciit deiiounc< s the action as a revdltin.n' aet (d‘ van dalism which sliouhl arouse the iudiuiiat ion ol' thf' worhi. 'The lirst news ol' the l‘'reiich naval force's has hceii iiiad*’ jiiihlic, l-’rciich cuniniercc is inirestricted and the iM'cnch na\y is rendering- iniportant serxicc in co-opcrat ion with llic llriti.'-h fleets in the Mediterranean and North sea>:. I‘'ieits are hlockadinu' (ierinan and Austrian coast.-. i-'rcUch are sine uh iniate suc<-ess if the war is i»i'oloimcd. ALLIES LOSS OF MEN GREAT L()X I K)X. Si'pt. lM- -Anxiety is increasing here* as tlu* Itattle in noi'tli !•'ranee coutiinies wilhout the Allies Ix'iniLf able to ”aiii any apprecialile advanlaut*. 'The sn'en_jj,th of tlie (iernian position is now realized. Il is admitted tiiat r-\-ery ad\antau'e uaincd hy the Hritish is a1 terrihle cost w it h t he rea lizat ion 1 liat 1 he casually list of 1 he A Hies will )»(• stai:L;'eriul:'. 'The war oflice declares Ihe situati l‘a\orahle lhoUL;h no dccisis'c results 1ia\'e as \'et been re in i it ed. BOMBARDMENT OF RHIEMS NECESSARY. I LI X, Sept, ‘J1 —'I'lic homhai'dnieiit of Rlieinis was declared liy t lie < iener;il staff necessary because tlu' hea\ !- <■>•1 lire frfiin the Kreiich came from tiiat dii‘i‘cti l-J east S |oles: then north I'l' cast I I l-L‘ p he^iimini; at a stake I'jiinia ,1. hupi'ee's conii r and rum mulli I ;'. l wcsl IIMI poles to a po])U- lar ill pronir of .lacob's Jiraiicii; Ihor. down tile run of .lacob's liranch to a ; lake, corner of W. U. Wllliains, ,lr.. tlieii with Ills line north 1 ".-1 east lOi) poles to a stake at I'jiima .1. Iiupree'3 corner; then .south I-:.'east t.'. poles to the be.uinniiif; 7.:i' Stale of .North Carolina. County of I’itI, ss; 1, W, H. Woolard. cashier of the a bove-nained bank, do sob'innly swe;ir that the above statement is true to liie best of my knowledge and belief. W. II. WOOLARD, Cushiev. Subscribed and sworn to before in ■. this 1 Sth day of Sept. IH11 S. T. CAKSO.V. Notary Public. \ly ('oniniission expries |)ec, i;l r.MI Correct-..\t test; .r. .1. CAiiSO.N, .\l. O. liLOr.NT. .TOlIX M.WO I lirei'tors WE HANDLE PRESCRIPTIONS >^l-ii,l.-.7.:i> ki If tifcuh were for members of our owu family. We vse none but thMo III) caution to Insure accuracy and faith (alnees. Have your prescriptions till- eu and you can have perfect confldencs In the medicine. And confidence, yoa know, Ib a grat help In effecting « cara. Coward-Wooten Drug Company THE FLANAGAN LINE IS THE QUALITY KIND II (•reeiiuih' lia'> In )o The liu-vit- able—Scores of < Iti/eiis I’rino If. After readin.i; the public statenieiii of this representative citizen of Green vilie given below, you must eomo to this conclusion: reniedy whieU proved so bi years a.go with the Uiilr.eys, can naturally be expected to iierforiii the siiine work in similar cases. Head this: Mrs. ,M. rornes. IL’th and Kvaiis sis, (5reeiiville, says; "I know from personal experience that I>oan'- i\idney Tills are a tine backache and kidney reniedy. 1 have used iheni w.'ili the host of results for dull, nag- .iriiiK haekaclies, pain across niy kid neys and hendaelies The kidney S''- cretions were unnatural and contain ed sediment. I'inall.v 1 procure 1 Doan’s Kidney I’ilsl from the ,T. b Wnoten Drug Co. and they hroupht me prompt r» lief. I have had no oe- casitin to usi> them for the past two .\i;.ra and gladly confirm my former endorsement” I Tice .'■lOe. at all tlealers. Don’t ; l imply ask for a kidney remedy—pet .Doan’s Kidiu V Tills—Ihe same that Mrs. Forne."! had V'oster-Milburn Co.. I'iMps., Huffalo. X. Y. ALLIES LINES HOLD. l'.\l\I,S. Scpi. lil — Iris oriici;ill> tluil llic l-'rciK-li Icl'i i iisIkmI i'oiw ;ii'(1 in ;in clTorl to oiiirhink tlio :iniiy hi'(l tin* fcii- Icr in ;i ilcsprratc otTorl 1o iiicrcr tin lines o| ihc ^Mliis I'oi'l ilir.Mt ions, ( I'c’ioiinr on ilic Allies Ictl rciilcr lias liccii siIciiccd. ,\s till' (iiuin^iiiicnl |>i-iim-issrd llic ;iyouct c]i;iuts Imt the Allirs held tllcil' liositioii ;it ;ill |ioin1s. RUSSIANS BESIEGING PRZEMYSL, S. jil. '2\ 'I'lu' \v;n- oHirr aniiouncc.s I'ln-llitT ;ul\anrcs by llic IJiissinn arni\ wliicli made lit'rcc a11acl\s with o\crw lii'ImiiiLi I'orco on Diihiccko on tln‘ i'i\cr San. 'I’lic i,’iissians caitlmTil lliousamls ol' ]irio>nia and I ;ii'e now w ithin K' niile>. of Sevaje\ ". c.iiul.i! ol the |H'o- ! \ inct‘, wliich is eeri.iin to lie c;i]i1ured. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER AND DESTRUCTION. 1 PARIS. Sept. IM 'I’iie battle of Ai>lie will he llllprc- iecdeiited in iiistovy lor slauuhtt'r aiiil destruction witiioni advantau'e on eitiiev side. 'I’lie Doiiihardiiient of i»’lii(‘iM<< M'ontiniies. Ilca\'\' uiiiis on tile hills tliree niile> aw;i_\ ar<’. j h'vcllinu- hjiildinu's. Il isadmitled tlinl the (ieriiian artil- I h'l'v lire is dt'adly aeeiii’ati'. .soiiu' ol the h»“a\ i<“st