9mWENVILLE 18 THE BE^RT OF EASTERN SORTU CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED kND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING VOUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HA VE EVERYTHlNd TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE WB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. imtM. Agriculture |g tb« MoNt CJl^efui, the MokI Hfalthfui. thr Most Notile Etuitlo)meiit :>l Dfna.—Groricf WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE UUN- i DRED AMONG THE REST I PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN i PART OF NOHTU CARO- \ LINA AND INVITE THOSE I WIJO WISH TO GET BET- ■ TER ACQUAINTED WI'III I IHESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAEE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UA VE TO BRING TO TIIKIR A TT ENT I ON. OUR A DV E R T1 S I N G 'iATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAP UPON APPLICA TION. VOLUME xxxiy. <il!KK>VIM.i;, >. < „ FHIDAV AFTKHNOOV, 0( tOHKH J:|, l!MI. M Mlil I! TM. Belgian Army Supported By Allies Resisting The Strong German Advance First Electric light Made Tliirfy-Five years JI90 loday Every Available Man Press ed Into Service—Railw^ays Overworked Carrying . Troops and Wounded for Germans W|M‘rat{«iis ill I'iif h'Hst ('uiiliiiiic- l’r/4“niys| is IN‘|»oi'<('d <o h<* I’nicli- cull; ill tli4‘, iliiiiils ol' tlut Hus- siaiis Mucli FiKhtluK 1j«(Iu1i)ii, Oil. ;jl l'’iKlitluK of ilu inoHt (IcHiii riili' rharacU'r Is la pro- Ki'*>Ks ill West I’laiuliTs anil Xortli- wi'HttTii Kraiifi‘. Tilt' Iti'lKians army, siipiiorti'd liy the alliis, is lioliiiiih tsUil)bornly to the lino of the river Yser, aiiil ihiis far has lialtcd deter iniaed efforts of the (iennatis to ad vaiu’e ah)HK tlie coast. 'I'liis in aiiiioiineed in Ihf Kreiicii ollii'ial coiiinnniii'atioii Issued yester day afltTiiooii and is admitted in the report of (ierman Keiu’ral lieadiiuart- .■rs wliii ii nays lighting lias been K<>in(; oil since Sunday in the vicinity of Xleu port, which stands at the crossiiiK of the river near the sea. Further to the South, the allies arc attenipliiiK to advailco toward Klllle for the relief of that city, which has been in Oerinaii liands for sometime. Tiiey also are pusiiing on to the North and South of Arras. Their efforts .sesterday to advance on Lille, wher(' tlu' (lerinans hold Btrong positions wt're repulsed, according to tlie <5er- iiuin report. Tfi tile Soutii, at the iieiid of the line the (iermans continue furious but futile attempts to lireaii the French line. Along tiie Meuse in the ICasI Hccording to tho French account (Jerinans have failed to repulse the French who deixtuclu'd aloiiB the ter ritory in wtiich is sittiated the ('amp l)i‘S lioiiinaines, now in the hands of the (iermans. in an attempt to cut out tiiat portion of the (lerman aruiy wivicli is thrust towards St. Mihiel. (leiierally speakiUK the French claim to have made progress at vari ous points along the front. Taris reports that tlie allies liave destroyed ISfteeli (lernuiti siege guns, near I..a- l)nHsee and a battery of (icrman iieavv artillery in the environs of St. .Mihiel. Suprfni(> StruKtfle in West llotii sides are iiringiiig reinforcn- ment to the West front, where a su preme struggle is on. The (ierman.i are not bringing new troops from III Kast but are throwing every avaiiable man in lUdgium into tlie tiring line They seem to have thtJ railroads work ing well, although they must hav liei‘11 seriously damaged during the liattles of August and September Troops are being transported ovr emieavors are iiiuile to carry position;* by assault. (ierniaii and itussiaii feporls agrei tliu thu situation in tli<‘ Kast has not changed, altiiougli the arniieB are in close toiii'h along lli<! Kasl I’russiaii frontier and across i’olund and Ga licia. In ('inllcia, however, the Aus- trians claim to have repulsed Uussiaii attaciiH and to lie muiting progress in their campaign to drive out the in- vailers. Itiisslaiis lleslroj h'oi'ts. 'I'lie llufisians, on tht> other iiaiid say they are taidng large numbers of prisoners. Heavy fighting is goin;; on around I’rzemysl and the capolas of the forts surrounding tho town says an Italian corrc^spondent iiavc been destroyed by tlie big ItusRian seige guns while the forta liuve bee.i mined and disniantU>d and the inaga i;iiies blown up. The town itself, how ever, has not been damaged. ritOSl'Kn OF I'KVt'K IN MKXKO DiU Washington, Oct. I’O ilecent devel- opnients, it l>ecame liiiown timiKlit liave shaken the belief of otllciais lj«“ie tiiat the contest iietweeii Carranza unit Villa for control of the political witua lion in Mexiccj was about to be ad justed. Iti'ports that Villa had moved a large force into the vicinity of Ai;uas Caii- eiites and had atteiupted to coerci peace conferetice delegates, were doubi ed liut a more oerious view was taken of (lisimtclieH announcing that Carrai;- za had repudiated tlie claim of tli.' conventiou to soverigii power in Mex ico. There was no ollicial conlirniation of this or of reports that the first chief had (li'clared he would deliver tlu executive power only to a man elected l,y the people; but otllciais admitte 1 J \|{ III I I, I.An VI HS < IIOOSi: OFFK FUN. \\ ashlnglon, I). Od. The •Niirlh Carolina delegation of lawyers will) are alleijding lln' niei'liiig of tlin .Aiin rii aii Bar Assoi iaiion, today re- I'leiteil their r<‘presental ives in tie' iialional body. W. I’. Ityiiiini was re elected as a member of the general I'Oiiiicil and Col Harry .Skinner wa:! ri'-eleili‘d as vice-president for the Sliite. The memhers of the local council were also electi'd. \'isitors today included lien K. has sili r, Oxioi'd; 1C. 10. Uaper, i>ei;ing- tiiii; 'riioiiias S. UolllnH, Asiieville: (ieneral Julian S. Carr, Durham; M, F. II. (iouverner, Wilinlngton, and Colonel .lohn I<''. lirutoii, Wilson. 'I'ho la.-it two are directors of the Federal reserve liaiik for the sixth dlstrii t and were iiero at a nu»«aiiig of reserve bank ofllciulg. 'I'lie following North Carolina posi- inasters were iioniin.-iti'il today: •inlius llridger, Windsor; 'I'honiav^ C. Frisliee, Hot Springs, and Millard !•'. Hales, Wendell. riM SIDK.XT DKM VFIIS AUnitFSS T<> I.VWYFKS Washington, I). C., Oci. 2n Im- priiveineiit of tlu! law from within I.) stem the present tide of popular <riticisiii, was the keynote of the tirst day's session of tlie Anu-rica'i liar Association here. I’resident Wilson, in his address ol weleoiue, pleaded for the huroanizinf! of the law by incorporation of more justice and Ipsm citations in legal cases. Former I’resident Tall, speak ing to the Judges of the country, gath ered for till' first time in the history of the country in formal meeting, emphasized the necessity of remov ing delays in litigation. Associate .Tustice Mclleynolds. of the Supreme Court, urged the Judges to giv alltMition to public opinion. At toaiglit's session of the Mar As sociation, Senators ICliliu llool speaking of the ••l.ayinen's criticism of the lawyer." suggested lawyers should apply the rules of evidenci with more regard to common sense, and might well avail Iheniselves ot experts assistance. The day’s program was concluilid tonight with a reception in the i’an American iiuilding at which ( hiel .lusticc While and Associate .lustice^ of the Supreme Court were hosts, lleports of committees and a pilgri- Ninety-Seven Hew Memtiers Join the I W. C. i. Ht Itie Training Scliool Tlie folluwiiig anil le li;is Iji i ii Iihi.mI id us for piil)lie;ition liy .Mr. I.. Holeii who if: in chargi' <il rln‘ elei lri- eal deparliiiiMit of 1C. II. I.'vaii;-, geiii'- ral coiit nn'ior. We ail' niaring Um' lliiriy-lifUi hirlluliiy of lie- electric i mcainli si'ent I light inVbiilid and piTfectiil by a.i Aiaeriran tiorii elect rii'ian. who known ilie world ovit as lie' atirailiv ijiitiire when ili" >i|il scientilic I'lid rician yet proilui i‘U. i nn'nile rs. dri'sseii in wliil'-, iiiau le il in ThoniaH .\. Kdison. 'I'lii.s first light Ilornied an aij^le, ihroUKli '’.hicn was prodiii i'il by l-Mi.'^oii im the L'lsi | inemhi-rs passed to (h< iro'.it day of Oi'toher ISTli. On that day seats. made and burned iiis (ir.st electriej ’111'' cliiii liaiure ot tho >ir\iC'- liglit which consisted of a glass ball!"a^< a talk liy .Mr. Wilson, who re- containing a carbonized cotton thread pr'sented the l ai iilty .Ad\isor\ Hoard. (Ill .<iiiiday i vi-iiiiig a h.aiiliiiil "iii- iluiiiv" .^i-rs ii i.‘" wa.-j li' l'l .It lie 'I raIniiii' S' lioul wii'-n !hi- iii -.v ne ni- of ili'-\'. W. C. , ui'Te hrouglu iuii) Jill) nil iiibi rsliip v.iiu i!n' as^ocia- linn. Till- iii'W ini'iulii i'shi|) .iinounteil In niiiily-si'Vi'ii. wliii-li is lie- larg'--: liUiiilM'r liii' a.-:soi ialion lia> liil%'‘ii in ai Dili' tiini' (luring its history. Ii form III all atlraeliv Ijiitiire when 111 Mis siiliji-it was ■■iieginintigs" in di veloping the importance of begin ning life aright he commenileil tho.-(e v.lio iuive begun tin ir school life in le w iiivironnn'iit by joining an organi- ziiiion. He said they had taken upon themsi'lves an obligation and a res- piiii.sibli'; till- success of the assoiia lion (U peiiils upon i vfry itnlividual member, tliereiorc eai h oni' has a ilu- ty to perform for every otln r one, lint he also said that it was a privilege as well as a responsibility to be able lo touch the better side ol lit<‘ and to help ill the foundation of moral char acter. lie closed by congratulating the sliiileiits on tlii'ir choiri' and ex- pressi'd till’ wish that tln'V make this yi-ar the lest yi-ar of the V. W. C. A. The spi'cial music, wbii h was givi n by a picked choir, was exi i'llent. On Friday evening, at the reguhi:' pra.^■er nieetiiig hour, there was a pn - leminary servici' when the pri'siibi'l formally recognizi d tlif lu'w members. KiK t.S.SOI HIION they did not regard it us unlikely that t»nKe to Afount Vermon will feature interruption of the work of tho Aguas ('alientes convention was due to such a (^auae. Some interpreted the ad Journment, ostensliiiy to await the ar rival of Zapata representatives, as really to allow sotiio of the delcgate.s to confer with ('arraiizn and determin ■ what the course of a<-lioii siimild lie. IIKI'OT IS Itl'llNFU AT Fire yesterday morning destroyed the Atlantic Coast l.ine depot at Williams- ton. It is learneil tiiat the baggage room was well filled with valuablea, them ami Hutch sources report tha* | aniong them being sample trunks of a train after train of wounded is iieiiu hardware sale.sman valued at a very taken back to (iermany. ill tlie fighting in this optn country, iiigh price. .\o particular.s have been It'arned of the tire, as to how it start where the men liave not the protec J ed, nor the exact ai'iount of the damge tiiui of 4'laborate entrenchments the though it is understood that the build- losses must be heavy, espci ialiy where ing with its contents is a total loss. tomorrow's program. I,iiri(i‘ 'I'dUaceo Hreak. A largo amount of tobac<o is herf today, several of the warehouses hav ing all they can handle. Sales will be blocked as if will require a great part of the day to dispose of the to bacco that was not sold Monday. In dications are that the .sales for tlll^! week will lie up to the usual number of pounds. a vacinini, a very crude affair Wi- must admit, but the basi.s on which in* worked to perl'ect his plans iiii i make it a <i)mmercial success, in bi.i further experiments he used lirst platinuni wire as ;i lilment. wliicli in creased the eandlepower but was too expensive, later he used a strip of lambs pith wlilch had been submerged ill carbon with splendid results. It h:is taken months and years of hard work to bring the eli etric light to it < presi'iit perfection whiili is shown iti bis ningsteii niazda and nitrogen tilled lamps. Think of it, thirty-live years ago it was candle and oil lamps, if we could get them. If we in our beauti ful city of (ire«‘nville wi re (o be cm off from our electricity one night, our cliiii'i'hes, theatres, i luhs, homes ai.d our well lighted stre.-ts would be In darkness, and w(‘ could then appre j'iale the competi'iicy of Hit* electrical engineer who maintains our lighting service. •lust after the Columbian World'.-^ i;.\p.isition at Chicago at tlie National JCIectrical convention 1 lieani Mr. Kdi- son speak, lie had been congratulated on being such a smart man in con sideration of his electrical llevelop- nieiits and he made this remark, "It does not re(|tiir»* a smart man to be an inventor as invention is'liut discovery" lull it re(|\iires study and time to jkt- fect. I’rof. Steinmetz, the Cencral ICIei trie Company's most relied uiuiii consulting electrical engineer say.s ‘•111 Mr. iCdisoii we have a man who 1.- iioi all theory but practical." lA)ok wliiit our Mr. ICdison has done tor us m,.,,.,] of i..aw Kxaminers. • nil side of the elctric light, he has pirficled the dynamo which makes fleitricily for light and power, he has Iierf.'cted the diipb X telegraph system so that four tinssages can be seiil over the same set of wires at (lie same lime witboiii iiiterlerring be luiK perfected the modern moving piitiiri’ machine, also ibe jihonograph anil storage battery. You see there is iiolliing impossible as long ;is we do nol try lo go beyond the laws of nature. l ilt' Soeiely of I'lei l rical Uevelop nient is making an appeal to all cities of our nation to make a tlemonstralioii of their appreciation lo oiir grand ohi man, Thomas A. ICdison. Ijct our city of tlreeiiville respoiul. if you have a factory or plant let your whistle siiiind eonlinuoiisly from noon to 12ring: your bells and blow your auto horn and let everybody boost Kdison day. msion iiis Was Prominent and Well Known Citizen oi Pitt County, Br.lfier of Secretary Crimes SUDVIVfD BV YOyie WIff At<‘liisoii I’rodiipe .Show Ati’hlson. Kan.sa.s, Oct. 21 Tho big produce show of the Commercial (Tuu of Atchison opened this morning, and a liig gathering of producers arriveded early. Tho exceptional crop yield of this section was a common cause of re joii ing. and prosperity was reflect ed not only in the profusion of excel lent oxhlbita, but In the enthusiasm of thi‘ visitora at the fair. ( Ai’T. itoiii:iM' i:. i.i:e ii.t. Hicliniond. Va . Oel lf» -Capt. Uo- bert !■'. I.ee, son of (!en. Robert F. lice. ihe ConfediTale commander, is seriousl.v ill at his home "Uoman- coke," King William county, accord Ing to word reeeiveil here by relative.i today. Capt. I*ee entered the Con- fi'derate army as a private in the artillery and foiiglit in battles. Meel** at ^^asliington to Kiscu'-'i lin- portunt Question. Washington, 1*. Oct. "ii —Ihe annual meeting of the .American liar Association which opens lure today was preceded by sessions of subsidiary organization attracted lo \\ashington by Ihe convening of the parent body. Robt. M. Hughes of Virginia, ad dressed the sei tioii of legal edm ation on "The Historical Evolution of the 1. Mau rice Wormser of .\ew York, read a paper on "liar ICxaiiiinatioiis" thnt said too many definitional and infor inational nuestions were aski d I'resi- dent Charles A. Hoston. of Nt w York, coniinenting on this paper told iif 'i test of th<‘ value of inforniational ilUi‘stions applied to a gathering ol Ib.' most siieeesstiil niemb'rs of the association Only one or two were certain how I.owfll spelled "lligelow ill writing the "lligelow papers' !ie said, and not one could tell thr ii.une of the Ui publicaii candidate for Vie« I’resident in Solii'ilor .losi'ph W. Fidk, of the Interstate t'oninierec Comnii.ssion ad- di .-“ed the association of attorni'ys gi iii He emphasized the weakiu'ss of the States in enforcing laws and their turning to the Federal govern ment for relii’f. as shown in the white salve and in the pure food law. The program ot the association on ■'.Military l.aw" was cut short by Ihe decision of several nrnty ofTicers not (o read pajiiTs in view of I’ri'siilen; Wilson's recent orders against com inent on tlie Kuropean war. I lie (Hdc't Son of I he l.ate t.ciieral Hr)an (irinie‘> and ^a' Kimaged iu Kariiiiiig at (Jriiiif'-laiid Kuiieral in a'hiiigtnii Ciiloiii l Alston Crimes, one of tiiis county's most iiidui'iitial ami proniin- 111 eitizi iis, diiii yi-sti rday in Hie hos pital al '.Vasliington. He was ihe iddest son Iif till' late (ielieral Hryan Crimes and is a brother of .1. liryan (Irinn s, Sii r.'tary of Stiiii'. In his ifi-ath thi eouin.\ lias lost one ot it^ Miosl vaUn-'f sons and bis many irieiids will leai i «iih .'orrow of his ilealli. Hi‘ Viis a niiist sii. eessful business mall, ,iros- pi rous iarnn r. a kind neighbor .uul .i Worthy son of liis aged niotber. lb was ilit-iiiii liy a man of liis wunl. iiis promise uas as good as his bond auo in all oi bis dealing- with bis fellmv nii-n le l oiuinandeil ilieir ri'spi i t and I I iilidi-iiee. He liv. il at tin- old lioiiK- sti'ail ot his father witii his motlu r, .Mrs rbarlotte l!r,\an Crine s. who still survives him. He was married o;i .liine ;;iiih of this >tar to .Miss Anna H. l.awn nei'. of -A\di n, who afti r only four months ol marrii'd liti- is i«' ri'av.'d of a faithful and ib vot<d liu>- baiul. ' Mr. lirinies was a im niiier of om* ef the oiliest and inst known families of this part of tin- Stuli-. They have held positions of tru>l and risponsibility and have alwa>s bei'ii ready to aid «iii> worthy cause for the iipbiiiiding of tie* count y. Of his brotln rs and ;-isli rs who siii vive him art .Mrs. .\ltred Williams, ot Ualeigh: Mrs I'raiik Hai kett. of .Voi'.i Wilki'^boro; Mrs. W C Rodman, o; Washington: Mrs. S i''. .Mi'rdiiai. id lUirhain, and Miss Susi.' Criims. ^t (Irinii'siand. and .Mi ssrs .1 ii .Uiiuus. and W ill Diiusie. uf \\ asliliieteii. and .1 l!r,\an Cirinie-i. of i:ali"!;h. To till' lii'riavi d faliiil,' and rilatlMs we I'Mi'Ild our d'i I'l st .Apressioiis el syiiipaib> in ihi- llii'ir hour 'd' sorr.-w I'h.' fuinr.il «,is h.’ld troni .<i. I'l'li r'^ ICpisropal I liurrli al Wasiiin;: Ion al M I'I'bii l> ibi"; morning, eoii- dint' d b> till' ri i tor. lo'V. Nathalie I Harding, and tlie intirinrn' wa- at (; rinll■^land. Mr. tirimi'S was prominently idfi:- titii il with the si'crct and frati riial orders of this c(mnty and ti'ol, a b ail ing part in their exereiMS. lie «;i< ■» nieinber id' the iienvilb ('l.apnc Koval .AreU ila-ions. I.ost Trunk In Fire. A. n. Windham of tho Allaiific Coa -I Kealty I'ompaiiy had the misfortune to lose a trunk in the lire (hat destroy- Montreal 'id' 1 iiciiiplo>cd. .Montreal, Oct. J1—Arrangi uu nfq have been ronipleted to put. to wiirlt next week CO.OiMi nion who arc out oC work in this city. The city govern* mi nt has offi'red to hire these men foe six weeks, and use them on Ihe pubr.f^ works. 'I'iic board of control is bus.V mapiiing out tho work, and nil see- tions of the »ity will be touched up during the campaign. In addition to the boon of employment wliidi tin'' workers .soughf, it was docided fd raise the pay £nm\ $2.23 per da> t.'i $2.r.O pt r day, despite many protests numerous'(ij tji,> Williamston Railway station! on aecount of Ihe stringency of waj( hast Monday night. [times.

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