llh OREEirVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN WORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR. THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED IND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDVfifRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE IIA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AS UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. ! I i Uliiii mm WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE Hi S DR ED AMONG THE PEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTEnX PART OF NORTU CAI.'O- LINA AND INVITE TU(j;^E WHO WISH TO GET Hi 7- TEH *4 CQ UAINTED )> / / II THESE GOOD PEOPLE i BUSINESS WAY TO TAEli -1 FEW lyciIES ,SPACE -l.v.v TELL THEM WfJAT X'fJ •lAVE TO BRIN a TO THI.Iti ATTENTION. 01] U ADVEliTlislSo HATES ARE LOW A.\J) < A V BE HAD UPON APPLh A TION. VOLFME XXXiV. vnrli'iilturi' the Mvut IlKefu*. tbr Ht'ahln'n!. Ui*- N<in|'' I iufiii .i ificiit iM Ifan.- '<'> iis.ii*n,*!< a. (JUKE>VlliLK, >i. C% FU'.ID.W M TK!{\(K)>, ><»'I::, l»ll. M >11! i i; T. in[ ilorfl) odiuniiu umiii Association io Ike! at f^iisoo iov le-lli S;s Praclically Every kliGol Repraseflfed, Very Senclicia! OisGussions Mi I Oiii- of llio mosl inijiortiint mid in- j j If'iTsiinj; ronvcntiimR of the y('ar is to' I 1)(! !:c1ii by ltn- Ndrtli Carolina Drain- ‘ I a;ro Association to <liscuss tlio cjui's-; {'|Q|.tio;i (if till' rcclania'.idn of tlio a\v:un[)' and ovorflowi'il lanils of Xortli (’ar.v ; liiia. Sini’c tiic orfranizalinii of tli s Association tlio draiiuiBO of those lan^l:-- has reachod larir<' proportions, tii'' area draincti. ('r now hoinsj drained being in tho nolKhborh iod of SOO.Ofiil •■e liiiiidrod iiiid Tnolve 'I'eaclierN iit At(<'n(luiico—List of Prizes Offered to Schools Writing; Hest Ac count of Work Do no. Thursday, Novprnbcr 5, was a bi*? liay in (ho c'duoatioiial life of J’itt Cminty. Thp occasion was a inoetlni? af the school coniniittecincn of the c )unty in a KathorlnR the size and ei>- thuRiasm of which exceeded the ex- ppctatloTi of till! school authoritlc.s. An inspirini; address by State Super-, "'ay; Mr. R. E. Rico, T^and and Indus- interidenf ’ lynor, a rn'k ' ' faMo ''oi that tlH!re are within tho State 2,S00,- OOfl acres of unreclaimed wet and swamp lands, The reclamation .jf these lands means millions of dollai*! to tho State in increased aRricultural values and tho elimination of malaria; from these sections. | An inferestint' propram is being' arrangi'd, and anionp those who a.vj expected to pp >ak at this Conventio:i ^ are Covernor Locke Craig; lion. Johir II. Sniall, Congressman from the Firrt; District; Mr. N. V. Richards, Land and Indtistrial Agent of tho Southern Ua'l-j Jerence engaged ia freely by the com- miitteemen themselves, a helpful talk I'V A. Ci. Cox, Chairman of tho Hoar'i r.i Kducation, and announceuients an.l suggestioTis by the county superinten- rtent were the features of tlie morning and afternoon sessions. In the neighborhood of a hundred committeemen, repre.senting practi cally every school in the entire county wi re in the court-roora when the couii- t-ip) Atrctif rf the Xorfolk Soii‘horn Railway; Ivfr. H. M. Lyndo, of the IT. S. Onice of Drainage Investigations; ■h’.dge L. U. Aiken, President of the Georgia Drainage Congress; represent atlves from the State University, the .\gricultural and Mechanical College; and others Tlie program is not yet complete, but speakers are expected to take up all sides oi drainage pro blems. One of the int/jresting featur es will bo the reports from commis- MEN OF PITT. Vnii !IIC CM I'lU"-! ly il:\itcil t'l le.i \ (■ your :il;(l lari . lic', :ii!i| stoi'o mill plii'-es (jf Ijii'ine-s with yoiir \vi\u-- aiiii .'■■.iris iiml liuiiL^litcrs. li.'-ciiiUle at yoi’r coiii i iinii-.e, at te'i iliiriy A. M. 1'liihiv, NoMmlior l!*n. to tal;!' i>uit iis iiio i'lipi'O'iie ( creiiK'nics ol' iiineiiinu,’t!ic iiKifiiiiiieiil ctvc':- fii Oil till' ('(iiii'l House Sc|',iiirc. ill iiifiiHv.'y <>1' ti:c ( (niIViio'' ;ile .'()!<iiei-s of Pitt Coui)(y. 'I'lie Sinirletiii'v ('liaiitci- ot’ the I)aii_<:!itci's of the Con rcilcr:icy liuve ])!iiime l luid l;il)Oiireil (o secure tiu' (M’cctioii of llii.s iiioiiuiiif'rit; iind lliey now (losii-i; lo set* a .u'feat con- (•uur.-(> (d' tlie men ami wouieii of I’itt (bounty lieie, when it is iinvi'ileil. to rejoice with tlieiii in its rompletiou. It \vn- ei’('ct(Ml to ;)ei'|)(“liiate the menioy of yoiir iK'io\eil lierocs. 1111(1 (he (laiiixhters of (!u> Confeilei’acy !iro sure yoti wiil take fZfeat plensiiie in purtieipuiinj' in tiu>>e fcieitionic- 'I’iio (iovernor of llu* Stiite will be here to tell of the valni' and hei’oic ilee*ls of tlie (’nnfiHlei-alo .'-oldioi-s in ono of tin- irreatcst conflicts of all the ages. The Daiiuhlei's of the (’unfodei'acy iirfrc all who caii to liather, with IIkmii, aromiil this nioniinient (>rocteil to e\- lialted coiirap', to patient eiiiltifanc(‘ ami to willinir sacri fices; and they pray tliat all wlio jjrathei' there may fiet a new l)apti>m of iIk> love of Country and Home, and may get a 1't‘w vision (d‘ a pooplo -vlio stand fur hislier ideals fif life, anil who l)clie\ 0 tiiat true greatness, in Xations and in individuals, conn's from rendering nol'le scr\ici- and doin.';' i xact .iustice. MKS. TIIOS. .1, .lAKVlS. l*i:rsu)i;N r. IfSiil-'l \^ mm on oioo ' j... sOrH!!) l;lGM2ie ii> tti. i ppcr'i'iiity Ilf ihf- M'lii iliiy (<-:ulu'r to KclVf I II,il pn tj'i 111. '1 lic ciMcs and tDwa.s | ;ir;- .iipj'- III si.'ivi' tiieir iirohli ins a:i i I'ar.' <i;' tin’il '.Ovi'K or-j J a;'.i'/alioii.-( imt ihe rnrul districts ar lai-kii'-^ in ih“se uiui it is fi)r th-.-j : Il act.'T to introduce tlieiii. i n fHi I 8. (, j 'I lie <'iilliusi.''..-iiu O!' the 4:i,(i(IO boys i i I ’ arieiis cluijs shows signs of jirogrcas. • I It is up to Ihc teaciuT to keep up th I ' enthusiasm for tho future progress ofj .NortJi Carolina depend.') iipon thei trogruss of the county. j Tile majority of the country peop'e | I('o not know the kind of school that is l',.‘st for them. They dislike tho agricultural schools, the schools th®t Kirc d I iichccl.!-t( I ulil I.ale in Mic N iijlit lo tarni- I’obacco Market in Height of Sea‘>ott. ! !\U'lJ!\ilh‘ was \i.iite.l .Muniii:.'. t!v a vor> lli^^^stro^IS tin- i au.'iiiK Ic lohses. The fire originated -u alur,.: tjr superintendent called tho meeting sioners from the overflowed areas, re- lo order and introduced the State S.i-, presenting on area of 942,121 acres, perintendont. Dr. Joyner was at his Tile drainage will be discussed in con test and talked to the coininitteemeo ■ siderable detail, in his own inimitable way along the! ■ ■ ' lines of the duties and responsibilitiiM 1 ing of several songs, and talked on (»' their ofllce and its magniflcicnt op-1 music in tho schools, portunity for real public service. II'’| The county supr-rintondont took un h:ul the undivided attention of hi^ ^tiie plans for tho year’s work and dis- hearsrs and made an address th.if i cussed various matters with the teach- will be of lasting value. | crs. R'>ports blanks, pamphlets etj In the afternoon tho coramitteemoii | ^vero distributed. The platis for th<j exihanged ideas about the educational | (,i,j;,.cvaiice of Community Service work of tho county and laid plans f>i;- j were outlined. Prizes were aii- progressive steps during the ei)ming n,iunced to be given to tho school^; year, ''onsolidation of small districts writing the best accounts c" and the elimination wherever po'^sib'.e, I iione in the various coniinit- ol the sniall and necessarily inellicieiLt j comnmnitie.s. There are a iiit.i! one-room school, wi re among the ton- . ,,j- twelve prizes as f dlows: I'irst I’rize ^^•cll!,/! I’riz.' ics iiscussed. The committeemen' enter-d cnthuHiasticully into the dr. - j I’ussions and the spirit of tho meet- j ing w.is splendid. | The county snpcrintendent made j various announcements and called | espc i ial attention to the jilans foi j ('oniiuunity Servict' \Veei< Heci'mhi-r 1 jiul r.. He asK'd lor the hearty su i-| poll of the committeemen and tho pi.i-| bli.! geii‘'r.iliy in the educational worl: | of ttif- county. I Uefure adjournment Tho j^ssoci i-1 lion of I’itt School Committeeni' M j nas formally organizetl, with Mr. P.. M. i I^cvvis as president, >!essrw \V. H ‘ Mooiv and C. W. Stokes vice-presi-' dents and ('ouiity Superintendent S. B. t^nderwood secretary. It was decided that regular meetings should be hel ! twice a year. The next meeting to li>' the second Tuesday in .January. Reported Allies Have Reachcd German Soil at Three Points ot Battle I.ine m;h vokk, ,\<>v. kkpoht .m st in:iu: srwi.i THAT Tin: jmtkh statks cunsi k noijth < has I I* l$Y TlI THI KS l>FF THK ( OAST OF UTfKKV. IT WILL IS! Kl .MI MJU:i{i;!> THK NOUTlH’AlftH.I\A WAS SKM’ TO Kl HOIM: iil l il teaeli farming in the best wry to the;-' odovk in tlie stcun phitit of L ' Ixiys and domestic Bcience or honu | Morrow Ai ( o. which is adjoiiiini: tl. economiis to the girls. It is for the ti'acher to use tact and introduce this t\pe of ('dueation into these districts. 'I'lie type of school that is needed i3 one wiinse ininlmuni of teachers i' tiiree. 'I'l.er*' should b'- a tfaclior if agrfciilture, and in connection wilh thi.-- tl.ere “hould be a plot (if land for the use of the ;,tudents, tl.ut chey niay put into practice the principica learned in the text bool:s. There should h' also a teacher of domestic soiencc or home economics for the girls, an-! there should also be an apartment f >■' i racijee in connection with this. It is necessary that all teacher.^ ht t.iissionaric s going into a community with the purpose of serving. Tli( four tilings that are needed in the solution of the rural problem by th ■ teal her are; better schools, better war', house owned by this same < pa:iy. 'l iie fire spread (illicitly lo t!.i' wareiii MSI.' and soon ( aught the war, - houM' (iwned by Mr. C. It. I'owiiscn i '.iliifh >vas also destroyed, f.etore tV. fianjes eiiuid ls‘ (lui'Ked they burned two prize houses owned by tt.< .•\tnerii.cin T(.h;ivco Company to,ceth. : v.i'h teho' '''.' in ih''n' ai d a s*oi- ! elo;i;,'iii;r to Mr. 1’, Pipiiin. Til' v.'.irfhi.UM’ and prii:.' hou'-■- \vi-r-. 'oia’y rov- d and W'm im p:iit.'iil!y ('Herid wilh iiistiraiK'c. i'!. ■ ^'oi> (■; Mr. Pippin had no iUMir.in- '■ ;i* all tid is a eor.iiili-te hiss, 'I'lic ■.ei- i-!.'::ie i ompany’s cab!” w.is ;l into iuul I ' artiy >]ectrie wires aisc .-\ iiorsi' bt lor.irii'ii: to .Mr. Mur r>' A buriu.'d in tlie >tablts n-. ^ ihe w.inhoupe. 'i ’.ie !i:c was i.oi, uud- r l oi.troi u:'-‘ i 'I’liird I’rize Fourth I’rize i’ii'di I’ri/.v Sixth I’rize Seven;ti I’ri.;.' i:i;;lit I’rizi .\intli I’rize Telilh I’riZe Kievi’lltll I’rize i'wc'Iiih I’rize .Splendid Teachers Meetiiigr. Tho lirst meeting of the Pitt county teachers for tho current year was held in the court-iroom Saturday beginning i't lOioO A. M. One hundred and twelve teachers were registered. The greater part of the time was used in general announceuienta and sugges • ions for the year’s work. The meeting opened with the sitif,' iug of ‘'Come Thou Almighty King.' Total •fTr..!!') 'I'iie prizes are to b'' givi n with (li ' understatiilinr Ih.if they are to go lO the schools in which children win ing them arc students, to be used i.i permanent improvniuents. la the d •partmental meetings tht teachers organized and received a.s- siguments for the next meeting. The primary teachers, under the leader ship of Miss Miriam McFayden. are to study The Course of Study, using the State bulletin as a text, Mr. C. \V. Wilson will lead tho grammer grad.* teachers in a study of "Every day Pro blems in Teachings” and the Course of Study. The High School sections will study Kirpatricks Fundamentals of Child Study under tho leadership of President Kobert II. Wright There will be six meetings during the year, the next one being on the :>I0.M:V for TIIF A.MKi!l< A>S STI{ (THIS JIKl’OIM HAS .MIT HKFN K* PKFSS. i.fjiidoii. Nov. '.I At tlH'i'e points in II the area of liosliliti>';5- in Silesia, ia I'.ii'i' i;iist i’russia and in .M.-.aea —forci - 10.00 j or ilic allii'S W'le on tieriiuui soil t.i- 7.^'l,^!ly, :i!!d for tlie lirst tiiiio since tli > iiihr-. al> ut' ho.'-iilitie.s condiiii'H.-i j^ee.-n U,.' ! I lo j;i■ :::-f in t!ie opinion ot T.riti 'i ■ 1 nuiili'.v oiiserver.-;. a revcrhiil ol tli- -.•'■•I , I'i.K-:. Ill' (ill* coiitciuliiig arrnie.-;. -.:'i I j i () !o the prt’sent time Cerniuiiv h,‘ - I j !,' i n f, ■.’.'.ting, generally speaking. ri -."el j the teriior'.- of iier ( iieini''.-;, lint ro .v sic would appear to Ii'> more or h - rioiisly ne'iiaei’il from Ilie ea^■t by I'.c’ victorious armies oi i;ranil l)\i!<', Nicholas. t!i ' iiir^'-^ian coninuiiidcr iii- .'iiii f ill tin- (ield, the aiivaiii-e guard s of whicii ari' less than l'‘Hl miles fneu I'erlin. I vM»vu i\ Tin; u \i{ zonf. ( (•NKFiniKD M TiMi; OF «;0I\. *'!'rlllalt^ li’eacu Oncn>i\c. i.i iuion, .Vi)\. ;< -Tile Cernians have "''iirwed tii. 'r ollensive in the vieinii..- ol ^ p''es ami !'ixiiiiiidi' whore tiie- i-ii-il to breal: lh’’ou_!;li ti' ■ allies’ liiici io ihi' coast of ]''ra!i"e lo'd were r.'- inl-' il a.’ir the nio--! >. '... re tightini: i'1 I III- war. l'.,'S(ii:e .”i ver.-'c iiii- Allro.(icria.i■/ arr.ri . li:;\e sin'i'ei'i il hi M i- ICasi wliele II' !^ls^i.l'ls iiave li-'roi.iii ii'irilory, ; i I I o he ;-.i i'.I Sfihl le lln' \\'.';il i,l an i I'oun the n-lslan. i:rili--ii and fielgali. U;.' ^ai’ie r.i-'iiri. So U''.’ ho eau'-i.- !iay Ih- 'U d': > ler Uii' lir-‘. ),ut '.I i- .'■uppo-'d 1 t .‘.u.Lht troni ih" t'uri..'ue if Uu T^'ai.t ^vI;m h liad b . ;ii u ■ 'h"ir fort o:i (ormans ai’i ■ini'orc'nieul ^ ivor lo hi'iaU" tile Fri ueii led by Mias Muffly of the Training School faculty. Hev. C. M. Rock 1<> 1' second Saturday In Derrraber beginii- iii prayer. Miss Muffly led in the sing- ing promptly at 10:CO. Always trailc in lloost r.igg'T (In Ireonviiie. Miville. AMKND.HFNTS LOST. j >OM(F. Raleigh, Nov. 10~A11 amcndmentsj to the State Constitution have been j which to dceora' - the table,=: for th- lost. This was made certain when Mr. j old soldiers. Will those wlu ha\c \V. S. Wilson, secretary of the Consti-' K''e for this tutional Amendments Campaign Com-j f itteo reported tho total vote for and against the ten amendments in sixty- six l ounties of the State. The remain-i ing thirty-three counties in the e>;-|theui. trcnie Kast and West of the State will no!, materially affect the result ap-, parent uow. Against the tax amend- ment, vvhich was No. 7 in the list J a better custom to give flowers to thf there was a vote of 32,S6< for and 45,- living. chur-hes. bi tter roads and hott''r;h:'< in the n^ghl and hu; for the faf homes. Theses changes must conic Cuil a t;> w system (d' water svoriis lui'i through the schools. The teacher hem rt.'.eiitiy installed much uea»\. r tliriniirli her pupils must become in• ! iei-‘ would liave occurred, .-Vn esi It rested in tho people ot the comnuin;-1 n ;ite ot the total loss in;iK''S i! v, : ' ty in v. hich she is teaching and it i,- $ I 0 recessary for her to become actiuain:-' ’l'!'-e Uame r Wari ;i(e,i;;.» ov.i.i.i |\ .'li Willi the conditions that exist in . Mr. Morrow together with ih ' ; ;a\.;< ■ the country, I '-as vatui il at about a-,..! t:. The tea< h'r iiiust dircci and develop i’hiiii' V' V> an hou.'i' ’,va - va’.Yied the minds ni her pupils along rural :iho: lines not toward the town life. A| S', l irire niaji'rity of the rural tsiys an t ;'irl-\ )'<‘c;iiise of the unattractive cot’, ditioii'. exi.'^tins: ir their homes an 1 surroiindinir,';. Irave for the tc'wn, it jtiiis { onftnii' S wli.-i' is to li*,"!.ine :if, '>-'i : ■ i 'inr f.niiiry !i;e.’ it is for the teach "I I'.- i - ; ■■ ;.'ui :,i.-- ! IT |.i ilirc'-' il'i' ‘ oeiai lilV in the couti v.l:.:. . ir. i'.( i; i ■' ai'i- ,'lry arid to bring to the pii ;i'> snir. ' > d. '' ' • i' in iir,il-: ! I thing of the life ot’ till* towe, ('■et tli ' liiii'!:i"! ! >iOi':-i j ;'-,r- ni'- eni 'r"^l'd in Ihi- m ' o(d and Inr.i' ' i.llior ac'U’ines Uy h:',vitu' aieitlicr Ida'', I'riday ,if;i ninoti i nter;.,ii.im I'll . iii'ia!;- a? ni';''l. Tin’ ,--diOol eo;,’ ! ' 1, iM, "I. n sillin' I Ii. iiiviti ;! a .d iiia'!. >nit‘. < ar' i 'c; i ■1,1 I'l'.'i H at lh' \ te . ii'Ue a li:irt ' ■' a'.> t.,! i ' 1 (; ri'at lir..',i!'hl ab'Mit in ■ I'l'i lin" illi 1 111 childrt II I 'i ii" leaclii-rs iiiu -' noi ■ a’l i'T, 'Il -;i in t!' ■ ri '''.ii n : [ I ■iinni'i 'My b']i inn -! tal-1 [pa''I, i.i!>i'itr adv.-ntrice of lii'irlniiMy that i; nr'i-rc ii h'' s. rvie.i, I 'i'lie rnr-'l di: trii ts must < nine to reali;,.ition tiiat Ihi'y are to no long r' 1’’''' d' pi'nd upon the St.ate to taki* care ct thi’ir si'hools but that they are ab e to do this thi'mselves. Tl.ey are to I’le taught how to carry this on by the teacher. To do this the teacher mur t ll.illiafiir\ Sii'I ‘'^edlfil. IIIV'.II . h'lve ,;inri'. :.r,' o ,,innr,i;i!!> by •lilt th t'l- r,.'n:i i i!''! ■ I ; I ar.'' ;ua i.li’" 'I'.'r.'.ie-'I e ov.-r land in ‘ r-v ■■ tin.ii'T j-r.Ki:--. v. ,• ’av I.\- tlie Su;!.".'n ' »'i 1' N'onh t'aroMa.i, id «hli-?( r- v< r: i ' ,'i. ’ ', thi-: a ' ' tl i-; a e. i, ■ I': - .'f moiii ;.!iiiou-; mii.i ii:'. e'- an ailiV' eV' ry ft' rend- 1’ ni r: lailiK li by T 'in.'SSI'.• tvi ii.' f the nren .nive’.'! !>>■ the I'aiied Stati-- fvc.'n Hi* .^-^tati' '■ .Vorth Carolina tor ti.' i.irinati.n, I the .'^tate of Teniie.ssfc. 'rhe territory is not ih.i’Kly po| Kllingtoirs store before Friday. If not ! convenient to briii.g them ’phone Ir Mr. Klliiigton and he will send for It is a good custom lo put flowers I Olli; against. Com. «n Entertainment. lati'd. but the faxes which will no.c bring into the community speakers j iU.il lit( rature on this sub.iect, bring ing out till' kind of schools needed. Hural schools must meet the retiuire ments to keep the country children in the country. it arc considerable, and the Stntc' boundary will be im'hi'd further t' the w 'St. Mr and Mrs. I.. C, Haker and little daughter have returned from an ex tended visit ill the country. Mr. T. K. Ilrown, who lia.s chnrg.' of the bo.Ts’ clubs in this Slate was ttrei'uville yesterd.-iy to deliver an ad dress at the Training School Mj-h. n. C. Munnorly of I?o<kj> Mount is vistiDg Mrs. J. D. Uuker,

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