(WKENVILLE IS IBE niCA AT Oh E A S T E It N SOUTH VAROIJNA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUli- RorfNDED nr the best FAR.UINO COUNT nr. INI>rSTnih'S OF ALL E/NDS ARE INVITED TO IJJCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERY THIN a TO OFFER IN THE T}'.l )' (>F ii I Alton, (APITAL AND nnRin'ARY fa( iUriEs. W'F }}A )■/:’ .! V r;- 1 />./, ’ tF rnr; i II r;. \i ^pAl‘r/: I i >XT. ■-.o • V ^ ‘ ''' ‘‘W ' ■ >' HE HAVE A <!lRrrr.A- TION OF TWhl.VE iH,S DRED A MONO THE HES’t PEOl ) E IN JHE EASTERN PART OF North oai^o- I.INA ANI> INVITE TIlo.^K WHO H7>7/ TO (,'FT RET- TER ACQUAINI E/> Wuii THE.'^E (,unl, PEOPLE IN HV SIN ESS UM>' To TAEF \ FFAV INf HES SPA( E AND TJ.f.f. Titl'd WUAi ]'>l 7 1 i v; TO Hi;i\<i T‘t ! m il; MIT \"t I <>\. on, A A r /. z . iii^ n».; it i lii- t!ii . (ii iii ( nvcu if *. ! Ij;il I Ih f liii' i lir- 11 ii'I iif 1 1 u -! *; 1 'i t' I' t i 1 i 11M ! I (( i r . t :! i Ii,!"-. liln t., ! n.'-i ^ . .Hi. i! .1 . ..U i.r iS !i i if- 1 I, I . , .. I I I i • n . > !m ' I I 1-,. I ii • I)! Ill r :|.i ■ ! Ill' X ai'i''I1-: lliiiii''. i!i ,'t I'." u!ai -i- ■ ■■ >! • ;■ I I IM.' I.I i-Vi ailil ' 1 ' II II. I .1 ■ ' a (s .1" . t'l 1 ■ ' : I ‘ I-: i • ■ ' .1 I t!-. ,1,; I h Ill'll 1 ■■ i..‘ ! , a • ■ , \V . 1 . , r - i, .. 11 .1 .1- > I • I Ti'i' ■■« imaiiiu;: uni "a 111.1 '. ‘p 11' ,. , Kih:. ; , : •. iiitfijiu r. ar'l t:Mi ni pia ■. r iii .laiii'i , HI. I'liiili iiils, .liilin •iidli'l t. a; h lln' i. ■. [.U' to li.iv,' ; ii 'arllil> thii'.u^i 111 ihi iv liiuf.... nf wof .Ml. lit iiiiilvs.iv lip aniii. , iih i r.li. lias ...tali'.i (hat Iii.‘ W , i !a III i.-.t.. nl' f-'iirnji,- aii,; llrllmili.-l:. (il .\iHi-rii a all flaiia lam>an, . h • laU.-- a .Uk al il.r Mi UuuJi:'! i'hur( hi .' nl ilii,-. tim.. ar.. ( uiuUii tiil U 111 T'' u ill till' l iiui'i'ii- t .s Ih' III Hit I >■<-.(r.s-.s(ic Wli.il wiiiilil .iiiliii WfiUiV tliink Ilf (hr McUiu(ii:4 iluirchi'S In Uliio ami fls"’- wh.'t'i' with their kitiliiiin, iiliius iui'iit>;, i-ti- il.wiHilil sf.ciii ihal K.ssit* ('(iIUms ilatthcw iH nil iln- wroiii; tark. Si!.- isn't ill Oliiii at all, atnl iiil;;hi, x^iia prnprioty. fulluw llic uilvii'c til a i t"' tolii biickswooJ cilitur of tliis buluiti; Will'll ill liuiiu’. 111 a Kuiiiun ( ailu)- iic," .^t any ratf. ii ih ci rtiiiu tliat lUr »imstrui tii.n of llu' swiminluK luinl and f^yiii objt'ctcil to i s^oiiiK righ' utu'iiil as if slu- illiln't dciilnro tlio fa< t at all. .Aiul lu'siili'H, {(icrt' i.'f .h niche, in one auililoriiiui in the church whore u million pU'liire macliiiie in be set uii. What «iiul(l I'.'.ssie rnlliiis Mat Ihi w. who can t see why churelief in this (lay ami tlnu* shouhln't b'> like they wero bi'fore the churches had to get a hump on to koep up with luoj- ern progresH, think of that?- Kree I’resB. Sunday School Work I’lunurd. Cincinnati, O . Dec. 10 -Tht' thre« day meeting of ono huodred lead<‘rs In Sunday School work throughout the country camo to a closo today, when the public was admitted for a Jlnal iieBBion. The seBeion wa.s a joint coni'orenc^^ of thf> Sunday S. hool Coun cil of tCvanRfiica! Denominations anl the International Huii lay School [ AHOciation, and the object w«»s tht j adoption of standard %titenn. | r-iu, ;ii It! .! ,K t.'ii. i.'t.i. i a>i.l ill |. a; ' ;iiii' Lur .| I.I.. Vi-. \ui;iiral r |i ir!> that Ih' l!.iii.-!i I III .nthti* i ai'i- v^ry I'l v.' i.; r.inali'r ■■'-nriu' M)r\iS(ii-h iiavc iii rU n'-s.-ilv ) rri.'i: I’ll" (iii..i-.i..iau aiiil Ih,. L-'iji/iu.' inilian » in \ i.'tor). I l..-'nl.iii, 111 I'. ;i :■ L-‘ [1 111. il i: ii|!U i.il'y atiti.'il.'' ''1 that S-^iililii ISi'V l,i(i Ciivirimr lit' lla ra, A.;ialic 'rtir Ki . riiliiai.'inili'i' iil' lhi. TiirKi 'a I'orf"-. ill Kiiriia, Ni' Iriilay >urr liili'i'i-ii uii- 1 i-iulil uiiuill> with lii:i trmip' tn tin i'.' :ui IAsii'ilitlimary forces, whii li iK uiii'ratiir^ at llir lu'ail nf tlio i;i;’f. I',.|>i iiii; Il I., t ■ ,.Mr \ ■il !l li Ih la 11.'!' ■ .Mill . I Ill, , .:.,N ! ■I^ ;i very tfnin; n ■ aii.l th.'V ari- i',i\ r . v»'. .'..'I II hi'i" tUi. 1.11 r;! i i t)i I ij t . i. 1> . '! i , . I' \ 1! ‘ \ lhiM» K u» ( (h)U il in; n if; W'ar'lihiKlnli. 1'I'l I liilii.r 1’ I !ii : I Iil till lit li\ Ila.riia Kalo, ,l;iirii.' i'l'i' Illiill:.|iT. Ill til ■ liift y, .1, • i'"\ lli.il .laiiati ! I ’■ i i ■ in nrnln '.I a'lv (uuiiirv !•. M' :i 'II A ,< 1'lnm , . (iiii.a all rail!, iiuu li ir.i'Vt • in ntVi.-il I ir.' iM hi re \\ ::i'H .'afan il..'ivi.ri'I lu r u'tiin i piTHi.iii (Irrmany, UeiiiaiiiiiiiK the evai a nl iMii nl' l\ ian ( lii.u , I !m ^ latiiiii.nt wi' • piihli-.(i,.<t (li.'i! (he tcrriliiry unulii !>.■ lie retunieil tn I'hiiia. 'I'hat i^i «a- I lalrr iioiiiti'il nut \v;»^ upon ihe b\i,i- I position tlial (n'riiiat'v wmilil c'>iii|. v with the tiTliis nf tlu' iiUiiiialum ani ■ wliii.tarilj (iinii'd nver Ihi- terriidry I lliisvi'vt V, iiH .lapan wa-. jnn In n «>'n ■ I ral military caiii;>aimi to Ket posse- ttie Norfolk ami t arollna Kailiii.i*! <i( Kiaci t'luiw . one conti'iit inn now M.milay nmrnini; hy .Mr. 1-Yank I' | j,, j.,,,iat th. .ShiehiH, one ot thft large.^t faniiei,.^ .^1 nut hiiuilim in this .section The shipment wi | ' ’ I 1 I, |;n M i: I HIS WVlt K\l*KKIIMi: hi; ■I’ i.Mii.-iii'-r I' :ii I! a. Illi . V . ' t! 1. ll.:. S !N li I 1 11. ;r i-.'i.'ii \ hi 'Uri'.i; th I I - 11 : .'liil 1. Il •tii-.C'i.. In.ii-.' li'iiiise, .1 pr.i \‘. II V. '’ll .'Ii'|l i .'V thi- r iii'iir ■ I!m; OK II Vl.IFW ii(m;s| Si'nthuiii Nc <-k. l>ec- 'I'lle !ar gest single shipment ii*' livi' hm; in''' haps ever sent out in lialilax I'Uiii ty was Uiailinl at Ni'al’s Statinn or two stilld carli adM and was consigmi 1 to a \ ifRinia live stock coticern, to be used tor but' herintr The hogs weigh<-d (in an average ahniK IMii pounds each, and many of those who saw tiien> declared it to be the line it lot of hogs they had ever seen Hesidea this largo Bhipment Mr .Shields lias a big quantity yet on his farms, ’^hich are located on llorioakc Uiver, about five miles south of Hcot- land Nock. !:i ti>iiiii heinre iiiairiai'.e ■ ' 1 ^ 'p. r ii i;i u .IS sii ..iai iliar a 'ii|;!ii; iii'i’i v h i T'c.'i:l!y raiji ■ li'i'iii 111'- Havv, ti'il S'll It I •l.i> iiii:;.; In g. t aw.u with til., gni, who niilv i' > .ir- . I li-i ’ I ; Ic.-ht. !• llirii spnlii-! tlii'.r plan. 'I'liis evi"i i.’ii; the n!):. • I', a hanilsnme ynlilli: li'lhiw. Will', ll ill'll .1 cliurcli ba/.aar, -.p.iUe ti) Mi-s Uiiii'f and a iiiinii; : .ti’r\vanls li'iiidii it her iaio a v. a t autiiiiu'lc.lo. 'I'v. n (,rnth- rs nf Miss (JnaNe t;;iv. c!ia I i:i aiinilii-r machine liiit wli.ui IM ;U'I> up ui'h the elnpers li.iil lllni'ir tl'iilllile a' ll Ui.'-i cnTnpeUi d t'» ilrnp .i'll nf the ra ■■■. i’aige and the girl t'aiih tn the eilce ,ii- i. i,,«»ii;i imf circl.ii! 111. eiiv rather thit» risk arrest t>t!ici rs were tlien waiting fnr thelu lu-ie The elnpcs ■U'e lii.i^'Vtil ti) he hi'Uili ll West 1 -i.l. 1 1 ; , 1 . 1. H )r |, . .1. ,1 ,1 , ' ll . it .) '. s- . 1 ■ 1 ■ >\ ., 11, :,.i . '■ ' ' ,i i"il . ' -i-i, U ■s- '1 > .'M- II' 'i I': .1- 1 vs ,1 .? •. ... M -■ i ' 1 1 Vi ( ,. V . . 1 s aiM,'. ' Pr.t-.K hA-\ I'nlllJllltti li pel jury '|..; \ ci.i'-., t' .. :::;r 1 (. 1 ; >.. . • - ! >1 1 li; .1... i‘h i'.'T t u: I'liae.i I I'lr!':- 'inii'l..: l: -1 ■ , , i ‘ . t' ; 1! I — .-nil'; '.I with fill- si.i r-‘ in. ■niiri '.- refu. .ll tn -I I .'.-'.I,. ■h-- ■. : ■ ' ..|1 i.'l tfi.- e". -.1' 1 tl',1' 4el!t Vrolll the court ro.mi th-' ■ AiUu‘1 !' ‘I win Vi turiie.l t.tf i ir.l-a 1 ,!is ll W ill 111 ^iilld. Ugh aai m.ire I il siars .ill e\er . NlHIO I IM. I 1 Mi.ll !. I'.iii (i^i ' ,M .1 hiirn. ; i i ti'iiii'rvew till re , ;. tlnli h-. ri aiii' th. ' ' ,iT - i! ,i« ,iv if :i 1.11 !>, aiiii I win go rig!;: 1 ili.striii I :!h lO.iiii I .1 siur,. Uiii'K !i of ChanKON at ilutel Kortha Mr. K W t’obb h« '<tenl1y .soM out his interest in th ? M >tel ''.ertlia to his partut-r, Mr. I'aee who will con tine the hotel as it has been run i \ copt that he will be In '<i” e<ntroi oC the nianagonient. Mr Cobb will <•« gage iD otbt r budiQeiiii here. Van 0)ke to Sail Saturday. iVi v\ ' i.rk. (lec. 10 t' ■ Kenry V'lr Dyho, Minister to HoU." 'I. is greatly recovered from the breakdown thit caused him to r-'' irn to Nmerv.a an l! Un. state I'epartment ha i will sail on Sat'fJay to take up his.jy g„ rescue, tn order that h ' work. Tonight he Is the *u<»st of the|„,igi,t ■ given his liberty. Lotus club. .Although f>r Van l>yke dcnios that hi.s return home had an,' slg' ' ' I. -I. !< te ’h" wiv Hitnation or p«<Tre pro'peet-i I* <a cortaln th-u hi-. Tiuit to Washin»!tou has fiirni: h 'l' ■ •■I'lni.i'lt ii’l f’lt* itlUltii'l' In Europe New Ui rn. l>ec. lii i\ev. It .M VouMilier, pastor (.if the Haptist church I at Jacksonviilii, ,\. ( ’ , who has rc , |>o V\ .tOKKICI 11. UIK ceiitly relumed from a trip throug i i I’l'F 0> '^Vl. VKV U^SIS Kurope, will deliver u locture at thej Dec fi '5 he county com- Kirst Itapti.st t hurch on Middle ‘t! nilssioners have *'\ed the milaries of 1 lU'sday. Ueccmber the lifteeth. In (several county otltcers who ha\e her >■ his lecture ilev. SouMiller, will rel'ate {oforo been getting fees. Th« clerk jt his experiences' while in (iirniaa France, Itclgiiini Holland and Kiu; i ,i,in sheriff .j;:.’, land at the outbreak of the Kurope war and for the wci \s. Whlli .Mill r was arrested spy, and a suspiciou.s character, and Itibaecii Market, The ttihaciii s.ili-i hi l . tin «, i k liiivi [i. eu >ir> h. a> ' " > tnt .i, .. (I!! .'i'll Ihe finors w.i.i. ..elU .Vtn'.ii.n ;i:i I '111'-'..!' -A'ti lit .1 h:.'. I '.lit thi '-a! ■ bl'.H kill V,..-. '.|y .c .! v,.;i \i. hlocki d ag.'tiu tnd.i> I'he ttialiur is pinbah laii'i e! :!;i' !:iU\' .tic a*- 11 f':i". iii i', '.i\. ■ >. • fn- lui.'dlli-g il I'liriiig till p..St ' .1 >. Thi I'l is also u de.sire to got ilic toliacio, as tnuch KarniPrM’ Coiiifrp'*'* Knd-*. j i.» 1‘aU‘stoiie, T X , 1>'C ID- The bin ". rut rs' t’onrri ts come.s tr> a cloie h'-r > ■.•light t.r (-ui'ceusfn! •"«. hitiit of thrt'c dayrt. 8onie of the bei; I (>r . In t I. ^ ht'.‘ V heard, and — — ’.''asp I rlcu'*'"'ll work n 'ir. C S Slocnmb of (i«di<Hbori ICaaterD Te*a« wm diacuftsed »i'd il was In the city yesterday. .jbtrat- t. Co -atlon for better Mr, A. Stariton of OreotiRboro f^rm reptiltr the of a VAii in town yt'sterday. very Kucct>sw«'n' convention. ' Will Maven Midi at ^cMral linn >ot Hit. I The negro S'a'l, festvval »r what e\i v It IS caiU i! u as in lull >Hiiig !a.i nii-'hl wlicu Will M.i-.iii ll :i . 1 star' I'll ili'H'i The s’ ps W ii.'i' 111' ha,! jriaiixil till ! 'ot h.' I !u lU tcre.l -i I stla’li.'e lii.gru kllnu 11 IS 'f.if l.\i' « ii. ii.iai "iial' iy slartcii at; allccal nu li I rapidl.' pr.>gre.s,-.e(! in a luiiiii a! uhi. ii j gill's iisii.illy appear aiu! t!’.i'> appc.i'- I ed or rather it appeared ^ ‘ o f.ir is can lie learned .Masou had forgotten '> , his nr il.H la't have ■ l'?v,. ! np.'.'i <1 tire on tiis . jiji.iii. i.t and. I wl'cther he tried tn see hnw dost he cnuld coniB to him aini snu miss.;*’'’ l'> sib’i . soUi before the holiday, or, whether he did his b.-t to hit him, ^ whiih start after licit -veek The the court will get register 'f ^ is not kiu'svu; but tli kiu rciuains cuutinuo ver^ t-atisfadery m • 'no and feen, but ' t'.illet perforated the vi r' and de.al ruruiint* juc( ahout whv', ibey thes.' olllcers must employ their 'Vin . ahirt of Mason but did not touch -nm^'• tn rally are for «' ■ liffe-cnt j-rades. were Itred none of which 'I'^'s 'weck'»< nale »ill tie much bighei* it the n- tn ntUMu-l <t'*n '•*** week'ii when l,i'0(i,0e.:i pounds gro who did the shnotii-.g left j — f.ii parts unknown and at pri sent i» till O' large, j There is open the position of < ' Linprr^siou ('r<‘att'«l ^ mau-lab(.irer iu the custodian «ervii 111 .1 e!it i which ainuare-r of the posfnflice a* CreenMlli , th aii artici,- in regard to the Tobacv'o Hiiard of Trade and the Imiierial T'> t.ne"«.'emp.vn> starting relief measur- I . ‘‘•I.- th'- Kuropean war su'''i"s «■ . ■' ’* ‘ "" h 'd '■! th I hea lim; th- sta*- Pi "f th vi ou physical ubilitv, tra 'ii'’f t*"'' .-e I 'ob.icco Ci>mp.in> started the fun I /-..jhieneus .t'lti !;nv ^ contribution This WiiM 1 he bii''d ',j error and It .“hould have been .,ii..i .»>v i-i, ii‘e i.uini.e.i ((.esi> otlU'ers Hiust empli'v their 'Wn I shirt of Mason In the following several 'The Sallfbury tow nsb'u ’ Several shots wer ' in t'lcrmany Hev. VoUj,.,.^ eollec'ir 11 ’ *2 ""0 A r" jjiu M.i u ex< cpt rested many times as « cord of fi cn wa V. pt last y. »r and the{ xhe negro v'ho i I cninpnr. ■ 'I ... th.at the ckhi'i'v I will Hftvi tfi.OOO annually by thfi new Mtlary syntem Fiwmau-l.ulHtrcr. In'o*itl<’a? clnereased Fares ’ ''ti ’ "a.. l>ec. te I he • ‘■ill’".I f;, rvii'o I'onimission open (Ml tot'uv a henrhiR on the proposal ' •' ■ t'en; ’va"''! and oth' r rail hei^ f.if .1- mads to Incr of n'o”' >■ ar ... up,e. th ■ roada, who have had barely a to j.r ' evidence. -tate f' 'fia'-d d.niated «U>0 as a star* we>k or to the movement inaugurated I posi(;i. laying $0t;o pi-r animui Ap plicants nsast be between the agei perieiiee lUauks upon which to tnak t anpluation will be furnlshtd al th« the huperlal coiupaay. All applications luut h later than UKembor 2!rQ, 191C

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