MOSELEY BROTHERS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Agents : SOCIAL and PERSONAL : I fxJt MalooB Men ms Solons. I JJeiroit, Mil'll., Jan. 11.—When tlic* I new Common Council organizes to- ! morrow, the saloon-keepers who usu- , ally dominate that, body will be well weeded out. Only two keepers of bar rooms will be present, whereas last year there were eight of them, in pro- PXatSONALS. MOXD.AY, .lAXrAKV II, l!i|.‘,. Senator Harding and Ucpresenlal ive IjiiughinKhouse both spent Saturday Sunday at home . Mr. Samuel Watkins and wife of Apex were in Greenville yesterday. Mr. K. K. Hryan of lialeigh was in (fiwn yesterday. .Vlrs. II. S. While visited at Mr. 1>. V. Dixon's Saturday. Miss Jeanette C51issom of Goldsboro same to Greenville Saturday Mrs. W. Li. Ferrell who has been vifiting Mrs. W. A. Mitchell at Kinston has returned to her home. •Vlrs. .\. II. Tripp of Kinston visiting relatives in Greenville. Mr. K. Cowdry of Scotland Neck was in town yesterday. Mr. J, \V. Harrell ol' Kniston was ill Greenville Sunday. Hev. n. W. Spillman of Kinston came :ver Saturday to see his brother .Mr. .1. It. Spillman, who has jusi returned from II hospital in Haltiniore. .M." ^'pillmaIl'.'i friends arc Klad t)mi ir.-! I faith is being resltiri’d Hev. and Mrs. George MaKlie.-; .>r Union who have been visiting .Mi'. Luhi Fleming left Saturday. Miss .\gnes IHxon of .\ydeii spi iit ^'iiiulay visiting .Miss .Minnie Klvi*.';. .Mr. Josiiih Di.voii Ilrutl. .Mr. Josiali Dixon, one of the oldesi citizens of Greenville died this afttr- noon at about 1 o'clock. Ho had been in bad health for some time, being < ;inline(l lo his room for almost a year. When a young man lie was struck on the chcst by a log at a log rolli'i,; which injured his left lung causing him much trouble. This trouble bc- rame much -worse during the past few years owing to his age ■which was near !y 7S. He was born and raised in Greene county near Farmville. moving t i lii'eenville about fifteen year.^ ago. II< was twice married, bis second wip* wliii siirviv(> him was before her mar- n.ige Miss I^tta ICxums of Green coun ty. He was a member of a lartti' i'iraily of which five lirother.-; ;\ni] si . .-survive him. Mr Tiixon was a very iiiilusirioii' .nul haril working man. He ii;i'!l -■’mas.^ed a eomforlalile fortuiu' lu'foi'i'! I :-iiming to Greenville anil has ,;in’'j Ihis 'iiiii' iMiikiiitr al'icr liis farm ' iiitr iiiicrc;ls. Ho served during the whole four 'cars of the war and made a good re- nrd. He was a member of 'Whitfor'l'' regiment. The funeral will bo preached by Itcv. J. .T. Walker, pastor of the Christian I hurch of which Mr. IHxon was a mem ber. The remains will be taken in the old home place on the early train tomorrow for interment in Ihe family burying ground. Bsnnk. 'I'wo members were secured by let ter in the Baptist churcii Sunday night. The good weather is improving the condition of streets and roads. The new policemen are on their job. The interior of the building formerly used as a drug store by the late Mr. Mc(i. Krnul, is being renovated into an ctl*ce for Mr. If. H. Harris. The ladies of the Kound Table wiil meet with Mrs. T. M. Hooker Tuesday aiternoon at li o’clock. To Call I’wliee. Ueginning with tonight two police officers will be on duty at night. Oiie of these officers will be on patrol du’.v and the other stationed at the city ball when he may be reached by catl ing telephone number I. These ofi’’- c( rs will alternate in doing patrol a n1 fixed post duly iml one of them may ;>iways be secured by calling the ishove number. l!ec lal at tlie Training Sclicul !>\ Mrs. Frances Ueiifrow Doak. Timo 8;30 o'clock; Admission 2‘i cen Tickets on sale at the door. 1-11-ltd. si*i:riAi, Ti;\ »\vs sAi.i: oi ido of the l.ati'st Coat Suits at lialt price. 1-ll-ltil H. ,1. I’n,LK> . IfKdTAI. KOI{ HKNKFII OK Y. u. r. The V. W. A. of the Trainin'; i School iiopes lo realize enough monev from Mrs. I Soak's recital tn increasi- niaterially the ftind to send delegates lo the Summer V. W. C. A. Confereiii.e at nine llidge. l-:ach year the Training School has sent delegates. This is Always a source of very great help <>se f’elegates get in close touch w' These dc'legates gel in close tomb with Ihe Y. W. C. A. work and pass on to others what the association here is doing. Uaising money for this is in deed a worthy cause. The recital will be in the auditorium i' the Training School on oMnda\ evening. January litli. 8 ;30 p. ni. The admission will be twenty-five cents, and tickets may be .secured at the door. Marriage Licenses. Uegister of Deeds Brascoe Bell has isf ued iicenses to the followinif oouplos since last report. WHITK Mills K. licil of (Jatesvillc and .Mat v I>. Dixon of Sunberry. -Neizer Hoyd and licssic ICdwards of Swifi Creek. Calvin .loncs .'md .Vuta Dudley it I Swill Creeli. I Herbert !■!. Ilatliauay oi' Cafolii.. j and Ida Irene Pollard of lielvoir. | llerliert I,. Garris of Griftoii aii’lj I !;ic .Miinford of llaiiraluin. j Henry .-X. Minitiitii; and Lena llo;iei lit' I 'ontetitIlea. j .'Jciii/.o Kirkinaii ol' .'iwii't Crc'c\ ^ and Graeie I. White of I’ollcH ksvill” | .limes Coiini. ' Tiia-.l l.esvis aiul I'Milli I l.ilUiiwav ,ii' i:,'lv"ir. I (0i0i{i;i>. j i^Iiliriain .loyncr and Kloi'eiue I’li- , ker of Karinville. j Sam Snmrell and lleltie l.ane oi | Greenville. j Fred Cainerson and l.iila oi . I’aetolus. j Sam White and l-^lla Staiieill >l', (ireenville township. Tony Tyson and An«ie Hymim ol Farmville. I':iic .lones and Lillian l.eiia Ward of Carolina. Stephen Mason and Hattie Vance o.' < 'hicod. Karly .Meadows and .Mamie l!ay> more of Greenville. Arthur .McCotler and Cherry l-:d wards of Contentiiea. John Coward and l^ldora lilount of Contentnea. Albert Langley and Victoria Daniel of I’aclolus. treat BritianlR Reply Claims Site Mas Dsee Ro Wroiig NVasliington, D. C. Jan. 11.—Great Hritain's preliminary reply to the p-o I from test of the United States against in-|®>* '^°ard. terruption of American commerce byj^''^*'*’ year lour of the eight alder- the British fleet was made public here i saloon-keepers retired trom tho and in L^mdon today by mutual ugret- 1 ‘'“S'ness and three others of ment between the State Department i were defeated in Ihe recent elec- and the British foreign office. tion. The British not concurs in '1>< | l A l/ TK\ DAYS SAI,K O.V view of the t'nited States that com-1Goods. Kmhroideries and luce merce betwen neutral nations should j at 3:{ I-:’ per cent off. I!. .1. Pulley. be inierferred with only when abso-M'l'-'’fl- lutely necessary and officials hero con ■ i „ TT. .Hay («et Sufinige Vote loiiiorron. strucied it as conceding that tiie p< u ciples expressed by the American p;c ' I test were just. The (uily formal comment w'as this statement, issued by So<;retary B'-yan “This answer being prelitninory and not being intended as a <‘omplel'' reply we will postpone comment until the full answer is received.’’ Briefly. Ihe British reply while t'on- ceeding the principles on which th.’ American contentions are baseci points out diflicultiies in actual prac tices by shippers and cites statistics tice, refers to alleged fradulent prac- showing an increase rather than a j decline in certain neutral commerce j in suport of Great Britian’s sus-! piiions that Germany an dAustfi.i have liet'n directly obtaining contra- band irough neutral countries. The note promises, however that i Great Uritian will make redress whe".-1 ever the action of the British Meet j may iinintenfionally exceed the limits of iiilernational law. Thougli officials were reserved in SHOES YESTERDAY AND TODAY llieir comment, it was said authorita-i — , . , , . 1.1 Products of the Modern Last Hardly lively i.mighl that they regard the somewhat tone of the note as enetirely friendly Contemptuous Phrase. and believe that further discussio'i! I The poet "Whittier selected the shoe which will tollow it will he l arried on , symbol of maturity, the passing in the same vein. | of . outh. "The prison cells of pride” Admission bv Great Brilian l.v oiiei^ns the phrase in which he described , : shoes. In that homely iioem, with Piirl- ot the chiel points in the American . jjoy." Hole that the relations helween neii-' The announcement that the I’nited tral were those of noripal times ,,i I States government will purchase near- 1 ly $100,0(10 worth of shoes in St. Louis peace and not ol war was gratit,'iiifi i Indian tribes that constitute Id iilticials who believed Ihe conliM-' the wards of I'tiele Sam within our vorsv now would resolve ilself into a',""'' borders tells the story. In bald : and unvarnished terms, of the Indian s frank discussion of what were ih | graduation from the class of Infancy, and his achieving of man’s estate. Gone Is the moccasin, together with the wigwam and the unsurveyed peeling that the ultiniale destina , ppgjrip a„(i forest. The shoe lion of a neutral car,i;(i is belligerent • has made its appearance. Getting hack to Whittier’s phrase, “tho prison cells of pride." we may hint that tiia shoes of tho Quaker poet’s day were not mado in St. I.oiiis. They wore otleti made by the individiiul, uho was his own shoe maker. wiirU'.ug with tile leather lie had probably tanned himself. I’e’-haps here and there an excellent shoe r»“S'.ilte.l from that individual method of workniaiishiii; hul it needs but a sli’-’lit exercise of the iniagina- tUm to c ur. .lice us that as a rule a shoe was tcrriljly aiMl 'vcnderl u’ly made iimler Mio oM iMCi'.'Jses. Tiiey must have been i'.MiHiiig, often—and an ill-ii'tii;i; ;-lioe is t'ar more than a "pvisfMi f-eH ■ ' pride,*’ li is an instil ment of liirtui's.--St. l.oiiis Times. Washington, Jan. 11 —Representa live Henry, chairman of the House I Rules Committee, planning to put he ; fore Congress tomorrow the proposed ' suffrage constitutional amendment, i for limited d'hate, and a vole. Suf- ■ frage leaders are here in force ex pecting to witness a victory for the’;' cause. Vancouver, B. ('.. Jan. li- Newa ' Singh, a Hindu, will l>e hanged her" on .Monday for shooting William Hop- kinson a Canadian immigration iii- I spector, in ihe corridor of the court- ! house in October last. Singh was found guilty and sentenced within nine days of liie murder. The in spector was active in preventing tlie I landing of several hundred Hindus ; trom a steamer which had been char- lered b.v a countryman of theirs tc lest Ihe British Columbia exclusion laws. Repair the Leak A small leak may sink a ship. A small expsijs regularly incurred may hinder, if not ruin, your chances for success. You can watch the “leaks” when you pay by check You Will hesitate before you write a check for a needless purpose. Let this Bank keep your checking account. National Bank of Greenville Jamei L. Little, PreiMeit. F. J. ForbM, CasMu. A CASE OF BLACK I'LAtJI’K in town would probably frighten the oldest inhabitant, but we are prepared for the necessary remedies even for tliat and are supplied with the fresh est stock of drugs lo conipound any kind of a doctor's prescription with the newest dtecoTeries iu medicine or drugs of any descriptioa. Ou/ service is prompt and mistakes are unknown here. Coward-Wooten Drug Company Buy your Cow Peas, Soja Beans and Seed Peanuts before they go higher HALL WANT ADS I actual necessities which impel inter ference by a beligereiit wIkmi su.s- ten-itory. !(»t.n r “»MH I V «►! 'I'lii: (ii;n ss• The Training' .Siliiml mi >Iiiiida.t rwniiiu' ■hiiiiiiir.i I Hit. Insic-ad Ilf Ihe liiiseell.i’ieini.- .uraiii. .IS staled in l'i';>i:i\'s .Mrs. h'Tanci^ la'lU'fow lHial< ''ni ".iv. " l ulling of .\i;irKai'el .Mav^t'.; iiurmi! ■ pUiv ' I’ollv i)i Ili.' I'irru.'’'. .'i:'.-. I le • K s:iys. "I liavi' nil it Ki iine iiiiil a li;.'' iKuir'- al^! inaUes a’ici;'’'ler i: iilit ;-i pfii,i;ra la I ever ;;a ve." Pdily i,i' tlie Ciii-ns is a eiiarii::'' lilay. Those who liave lU'Ver f-ei ii lie play will weli’ome (lie np|iort unit v he;ir lile storv. and tiiose who h.i'.e seen it as a play will ln‘ inlerested to hear it as a reading, and gel vii's. I i.aU's interpretation. CmsIi BtuM ae«oiQ9aB7 ord«3r« for waat *dt, except from tho«« havtnt AdvertUtni! cotLBtt. r«te i» B line. •Ik woff!* to tfe» iln«, T®!- nptione No. 7«. ( \KWTIO\S KVKin IKY .VRS. 1 lasket t. I-Il-Ctd. “IIH.IVI-Kn W AGO>S“ iSL’tUMt < llK.ll* er than you laii bu,' Ihem elsewhere. Oiir attractive styles will impress your customers ot your desire 'o piease and will liriiig you new custo mers. Satisfai'tion giiaranteeil. Write for illustrations and prices. '1I1I-; HOi'K MILL lil'GGV CO. 1-1 l-i;id-eoi!. Kock lliil. S. .idniiuistrator >’otice. Having qualified as administrator of J. Ij. Patrick deceased, late of Pitt county, Xorth Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against tho estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months of this date or this notice w'.l l-o pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This, the 21st day of December 1914 J. P. QUINERLY, Administrator. F. G. JAMES & SOX, Attormeys. 12-23ttd-3tw. Ohio hiaugurilfi"> ^e« tiineriior. I'oliimlnis. 1).. ,lan. 11. Kollowin.-’ a big parade nf military and civi. liodies of llu^ stale, the inauguratioM Pr.wM Tl-eir “Crackccl Ice.” p,rna(i\':iy, Fivl >-S;'eond siioet. New York, always in July is known as •■Hocking vall 'v.'’ You see. most of tiie actors ai;d actorines have been out of work for a few weeks, and dur ing the muiitii of July it is a case of all going out and nothing coniiuf? in, with tho result that they are "hock ing their cracked ice.” Piamonds are the navings banks of all Ilroadway lalent, and they are the next best tiling to real money -when their owners are broke. .N'early every theatrical person iiits hardpan in July. They may need only a few hundred beans to tide them over until they sign up and it's easy to slip oft a ring n)i; sM.i:: om: si vi x 1!0(mi house, anil adjoining lot suilii'ieni y large eiHiiiili for aiiuih Tlii.' is a ii.irgaiii li'i' a (iiiii'l; Ini'ir I .Vlilily 1.1 <.S. K'lUiaroe, I':i''nivine or | K. C. Ilarding, u". I 'lvM!.', \. C. | ‘ ^ I ,VsJi Yonr (Jrowr for MOSS R08K KLOFK-Fttt tlie bpsl, 4 « « — I M'.Yi .TSTLi.feTS a. 1%, | I I SKK K. II. i;V\>S FOU ELKCTRIC irons. Heaters, Lights and fixtures Proctor Hotel Building. 10-28-ti. ".Vhenever You Need a General Tonic Take tirove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless j chill Tonic is equallj’ valuable as a ^ <-enei-al Tonic bccause it contains the residetu e "oil known tonic propL-rticsofQUINIXE { anil IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives j out Malaria, ICnriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole tystem. 50 cents. niOl l>S10\\l t AU!>.S KOJ{ IU:M' two M( 1 I.V I I UMSil ed rooms with water and lights on IMi kinson .\ve. Phone l".'i-L. l-T-:;td. (It Frank liartlelte Willis as Governor ol Ohio took place today. The parade or stickpin and get the kale from was Ihe one public eveiii of the day tliB "uncle" that they are visiting In "Hocking valley." for the inaugural hall was oniitled. at Ihe request of Ihe new Goverii ir who seeks to do away with pom-p and ceremony in public events. General John C. Speaks was Mar shall of the parade which started at 1 o'clock this afternoon. On a sta'id erected on the north sili»au ruU. (lovernor Oswald Bage. with many recommendation's Tie firmly' believed that the years spent In school were far more Impor tant in tho formation of eharaeter than all the many years .spent after wards. There was one way in ■w hich the character of a man best showed Itself, and that was by his manners. >«‘it Ur<>uoii Go\erii(ir. Salem. Ore.. .Ian. 11. The inaiigii •ralioii ot Dr. .lames \Vithy<^onibe as ; Governor of Oregon today brougl'i ; about a < hange from Keinocratic hi that lie has gathered in his long *x- perienee in public life. Boost BIccer ffrecnTllIe. West, who rt'tires after a notable ad ministration, has smoothed the way for his sncessor, with whom he con sulted regarding appoinftnents for llio coming year. t lij H. W. CARIER, M. D. ■’motlce limited to diseases ot Kye. Kar. >«tiie aod Tliront —*nd— The f'tting of ai».ssf-» '^re v/lUi Dr. D L. James, Ore«2.- ■'iie. N. C., every Monday. Home Ortlee Waabinrten. N I*. M. (I vi;iv VKorney af Law Uuid and Urainage (.'ases a Specialty In I'flice formerly occupied by Jarvis & Blow. KHM> l\ TIIK SriU Kl M AH THK storage house of American Tobacco I'liiiiiiaiiy one pair of spectacles with ^ case. Owner can get same by calling j and paying for this notice. j 1 L' If. fr.; i.osr om: kkmai.k. iu:vATIO>S AM) OTIIKK U.0>V- er.s. Miss lletlie Warren. Phone L’.'iO-J l-'.t-lld. Ml{, SIIOKTY C;iB.SOX IS BACK wiih Ihe Kmpire Sales Company where he will lie glad lo serve his oi l friends and the public generally. 1-0-ntd Establithcd 1171 Jb'resh Hecker’s Buck wheat, Hominy, Pan cake Mour, Oatmeal, Cron Flakes, Kelog’s Washington Crispa, (Quakers Corn Flakes, Post Tosties, Post Tfav- tm. Porridge, Grape Nuts, Instant Postum Cereal, Qblisk Flour, Self-rising Flour, Cmi- tinental and Caraja Cof fee. S. M. Schuhz I'