m MmEMWtLLB W TOM mWASa OF EA8TKBM warn ajutouMA. itbas M. POPVLATIOW OF FOUB WEODSAND, ONE HVNDRED ttFD OME. AED IS SUB- VOtrEDBD MF TOE BEST WABMIEO OOVETBT. mmSTRIES OF ALL KUim ABB lEVlTBD TO UfCATE HEBE FOB WE HAYE EWEBYTHING TO UmPBB fW THE WAT OF EAJBOR, CAPITAL AMD ranBUTABir faoiutieb. WE BfdVE AE UP-TO-DATE tOB AM n MEWaPAPWK PiMfT. Ik CntH Bneaibnii A«rkellere li dM >fct ewfal, Um MmI iMltklai. ih« Mm4 WcM* W Mm WE WJOm A OMteWLA- TtOE OF TWELVE BUM- DBED AUOHO THE BEST PEOPLE IE THE EASTEBM PART OF MOBTH CABO- UNA AND IMVITB THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN i BV81NE88 WAT TO TAEE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WBAT YOU HAYE TO BRINO TO THEIR ATTENTION. OVB A DV E BT I a ! M O \ATE& ARE LOW AND 0AM BE BAD UPON APPUCA TION. voMnn KxxiT. GBE£KV1LL£, S. FBIDAT AFTKH>00\, .lAM AHY S!*, I5M5, M HHH{ "4. "m VOMEN GAN NOW ACT AS NOIARY IN THIS STATE Uns Kll Cnsis Creaf Ihmm but Finiily Passes of Farniijr Forges s Check is GaughI and Placed in m\m miMAHY bill TELKPHOJiK t'Ol’KT SEHVU E . S. .foues, a farmer who liv«ii near iled Banks, was arrested last aight and put in jail here for for gery. He secured a blank check of M -. S. T. Hooker and made it out payabl'i to him signed by Mr Hooker for Lii' sum of •$40, He bought a bill of fur niture from Quinu-Miller Company and gave the check as payment. This che(!k was later turned in at the bank where the forgery was detected. Papers were iasued and Jones was ar- u » V .. 1 * 1 ..-.I . rested last night and brought heri- Mfiutor >iMfa IJitroHuceM Kill to Sun- He confessed the forgery and $20 of piify Form of Deeds aud Mori- the money was recovered gageH, New BegrlNtniUou Act L>< PropoHed in Hou.s« Kaleigh, Jaji. 27—The women were Tietorious yeatorday in their flght be fore the House, the act allowing th declaring that all the Rritish ships engaged in the action have returm d to port in safety. The announcement was made ov the Secretary of the Admiralty, whoi- ' statement said: \o BritiNta Nhips Sunk. ".\11 the Ilritish ships and torpeito boat destroyers engaged in Sunday’s-' action have returned in safely to port. "The Lion which had some of her forward compartments flooded !>y shells bi. 'ow the water lint*, was take i in tow by the cruiser IndomiUib; ,• The destroyer Meteor, which also w:in disnblou, was taken in town by the drs troyi-r Liberty, lioth vessels were guarded by strong escorts of destrcy- (srs. iU'pairs to both vi'ssels can 0! speedily made. “The totnl m niher of l usualt'e anmi' ■ tin- olticei.. and men repi t' i to the .\'Jmira!(y i..; On tlie Lion 17 meu winindei; .m the Tiger one o'!! cur and nine men killed and three olli cers and eiglit men wounded, on th’ Meteor fcur men killed aiul one nuin wounded . “U is not bt'lieved that any other casualties occurred, but if so they will be immediately published. ‘‘As soon as Admiral lleatty’s re port is received a full acount w'ill he given.’’ Kaiser's Itiiihday 'I'odaj. Hoth Hritish and FYench official re ports assert that all these attacks fail ed and that the Germans .suffered heavy losses. The Germans admit their attack oii the British north of the canal was unsucceful, but say that on the south side of the waterway their effjrts brought complete success and that the British attempt to recapture these trenches was repulsed with h McCreary Company of Atlanta. M AKE FOREST PILES IP LAKtiE SHUtES Wake Forest, .Ian. 2fi. Wake Forest defeated Atlantic Christian College to witrhj night on the home floor by a nia t.'n tho assistance of a Swedish steamer. | of TO points allowing the visitors oni'’ Their activity has stopped the trade carried on by German steamers b’.- tween Germany and Sweden. I'WO SHIPS LOST COLLISIOX AT SE% .New York. Jan. 2ti In a collis’on near the Fenwick Shoals lightaht') early today the American Hawaifaii Line fro’ght steamship Wasliingtonisi’i was sunk and the .American F*hoontr IClizabeth Palmer, which rammed her was abandoned, with decks awash. On - life wa' lo t that of a wat r tend..’. The id crews of the two took the floor Un its defense. He stated that the bill which he was in troducing aiming at tho simpliiica- tion of d(^eds and mortgages was not a new tiling. In essence, it is th- same as now in use in t went,-four | l.ondon, .Jan. 2H.—Tile (Jermans who ' vessels were lan K-d in York '!i- states of the union. It has hi'e'i the are reported from Holland to bo luaix 'nisrhl by the Hid Ooniinion Liue I'orni of deeds and mortgages n 111! ' ing preparations for a big inilita”> steamer Han* Unii form Norfolk whicii I nois for over thirty years. , venture lo celebrate the Kmpei'or'. . picitni them up near the scene of the The significant aim of Ihe bill is lo' birthday tomorrow, already have made* affident 2(^ mile.H southwest of (he ri'duce the number of words in tl.i ^ a more determined effort than usual Delaware breakwater, deeds from 204 to and in moi, again-it the French and British lit e.s! T|,e Wa-sini;'oiiian sank within teii in Flanders and Norther France. They ' ,„inutes after she was struck and al! -.1 have attacked the French to the 1-a^t, aboard were ordered to thf boats. II gages from .')1'< to 37. When it considered that something like hundred tlumsands deeds are lileil ii: i)f Vptes and have made no less Ihan^Mpyer a water tender on the Wash- North fVrolfna each year, this moans five attacks on the first division of the ingtonian was missing when the men a considerable saving in the way of British force on either side of l,i' were mustered for roll-call on the words, I Bassee canal. decks of the rescuing ship. 4 points in the first half and - in the last The work of Holding at for ward for the Baptists feaiiu'fd. Oi the total si'ore 2t poinis vveri' regist ered by Holding from eight goals and Hall with seven. Hen.sley put up a good defensive game allowing his man only one field goal during the enti e game and linding the basket for four field goals himself. The visitors were out weighted am! out classed in every depai t in. iit aiul were unable to cope with the spcoO.i passing of tho Baptists. The end ol the iirst half found the ?' oro 3ii to ■' against them. Forty more points were added by the Baptists ia the last hal. wh'iie Farmer succeeded in shootint* one tii'ld goal the score ending Ttl to ol Sernlces lo Be Held al fihrislian Churcli in Hydoi •• iieiow we give tiii! progiam wh:i(jht 7:!W 1. Song .Service and devotion .1 H, LeGrand, Wilson, X. C. 2. Sermon S, W. Sumreii, ) Duty of the .\linistt-r to Hi~ Flock K W Smith. .Xydeo N, C, .\ppointment of Commiiteos. i. Adjournment for dinner, Satnrduy Afternoon 1. Song Service and devotion .! \\. Lollis, Ivinslon, N. 2, Business session of tlie I'nion .Adjournment at 4;.10 Saturda.v Mgbt, I'rogram arrang('.■ C W,- B. M. SuirJa; >luriiing, 1, .Vyden Bible .School, 2. Song Service auil i1e\iiili)n 1. li. -Vlooro, (iriitoii, .V, i', •i. Commui'ion ^uni li, Ua goner, .\yden. \. (’, 1, ll::!u. Serin.ill ,F, Fred .Imi ^Vilson, N. i', 1. .\djournni< ni lor