librfcia a QREENTILLE 18 TEE HEART OF EASTERN SORTH CAROLINA. iT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. tNi)USTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHIN r, TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE rOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. m Africoltarc li th« Oeeful, Um HealthfnL Ibo HvnI Moklt EMiilojriiivBt st! Man.—HHSblufftoii. WE HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN iriE EASTERN PART OF NO nr II CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO get bet ter AC\fUAlNTEl> WIUJ THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES S/‘ACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HA VE TO BRING TO TUEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING ^iATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. TOLUMR XXXIY. URKEWILLK, X. l\, FKIDAV AFTEHNOON. H UKI A i:V 1.', Russians Claim to Have Won Important Battle By Fierce Bayonet Ataek j>KWS X»TKS F|{<).n TJIK IMVEK.SITV Eermans Stiildno fhousands of HoilSB CoosidGrS Ihe hwl Men lo Chak Mm Wvancs I Being Madi! in u NO flGllllllE IN TH[ iSI Th«> JljiKle Ft>iiuiit Oiif t»f TIh' (.iTatcst 01 tliO Uar, tdssc*. <)ii Uodi Sides Vrc Very llwny liiiiiilon, Ki'ij, 10 rill' iLn.iSiMii .i , Au.sii'D-Gi'riiian annli'^ iiri' lighlii.4 atiothtT siiTifH of I'or i>o.ssi“-.'i ion of tbo siiow-covoreil CariiaUiiiii passes to decido wlietUor Uit; lUiSHia i; will comiuonto anothor invasion n' tluiiKary or cxucuatu part of Ciali'i.i »s they have ovacuatod liukowiiia. The Uu.sHian.s have i.ssut'd two oHi I iai roportrf of the opurutioiiH cluii.i- iiiR till' iM'ttor of tlu> liBlitiiig. Th • r riRhl witiK has crossed the mountain.', jmd has boon cnKaRud in a battle ik ir Hartfiold and Sviduik, on thi* Hungar ian side of the Carpathians and on ih' «Ige of tile plains which sweop down fo nudapoBt. Trputon ll«‘ar Threatened. This army, too thro:'.tens the reav of the Austro-tiermans who, havii witenyl Lupkow Pass lo the east have suffered sevoro losses in a battle witii anothi ;■ Kusslan forcAV Tl* ' i . ..St lighting has oocurr< 1 on the {.■ ’ vn .side of TuUoholi'a pass, V, i< Sunday the Austro-Ge; - luaQs captured the heights In the re gion of Kodtouwka only to l>e drive ) baek after a bayonet tight, which tti ■ KuRBian report describes as l)ei;:i' "without precedent in history." Correspondents say this battif was terrific. The Germans brought n.) Chap.! Hill, N. C., Kel). 10—The viHitinf^ I'ominittee of tliu approprla- t'.ons eoiiunitteo visited the I'niver- sity Mouilay. The entire ,‘ not yet in tho Ipffl.slature." I Senator (i. P. AIcl.ocil acted ar | ' Greenville Branch of College HHonisn HqIiIs Regular Meeting Ml ST GIVK KVI'f AV n «0\ .Fmli^e Carter A^ks 'I'lial !Solieit p,-„^r.:ig.. of the ],■ ,1 , 'P!:u lically evt-ry moHi- .Anu'iidiiientr:. suli.^t ii argune 111s i*’* I't'niniitfi'o ilermicd h ni on Imtn ^ idc i-ni..s warm U.'lf in favor of th,- increased rcque^! i(>r Hj'* iMusi rabid ;ili this r^uvt* i\ wlili'U ik uti anniid* and jM'iri! lo the l„n|f drawn out ,]?,-['''"'il of f U’n.noO ami a four-year per- liberations. In llie cmi. when 'ec bnil-l!ng fund of $00,000 South for the higher education of W,.- (lisapn.t niciu Iv twccn .heli- men; Second, lo rairte the standarl r;irter and Solicilnr ..\beriut!iy aro- of education for women; Third, .u ,,vt r il:i' i nse of .State v.~ Jam" talks were full (,f i'* d -I’lnost contlnn il'"‘ -| SVu.-liii',:;t(in, .\ >.v ho i paratory s< Isnols anil coUttgcs. O.ily murdi r havhi.t.' ;-n it i fiaiil Conlineusly for filly-fou^ Hours Withoyi Hoy Char.Ge ol [Iscess Isnols gi'adualcK of A coll 'g '.-s i :.' for UK'nibei-, Jjip in llii-; lion. ■h man o; | ch'ir:'- j allege, j ■ ail >d til i|‘;illi III .lai'i" I Kiufiiil . I near this city a fi sv i.c.e.tlc'. a^n e; reeliji s.s drivintT hi,-; aulunudiile. Tlu'i i roll call was asked on tho bill ex planation after explanation was n;ad‘; by tienators in opposition to the in ':v (lie IVoeeediiigN in Jlou'e. The House resolved itself i:.(o a committee of the whoU; yeste lay. .',1; P.ynum chairman and made rapid progress in consideration of th'’ ri-ve nue act. Of the y;{ sections of the act 20 were adopteil without muc'i show opposition. The first live sei- tions refer to the objects for wlii' !i taxes are levied, p olltax, rate of tax ation. corporation tasca payable to Htat»» Treasurer and repeal of limita tions of ta.v <>.>:'niptions. Front .serti'C! «i to i;0 is included the inheritance t rate, liability collections, etc., in re ference to this tax Hate UemaiUH Same Section 3 provides an ad valurein tax of twenty-three and two-thir = cents i'or State purfioses, lo.'ir centH for pensions twenty cmt^ lor scho >!.< lea\ins nineteen cents for the comi ties. To this provision Mr. Wii .. of Cabarrus, the leader of the !(.•- yea r. Hr. Charles ly. Kapcr, professor of economics will probably s; end m:;;' wi'i-i. in Tenneaaeo conferring with a special roinm’ssifm appointed by Ih- iTovjTuor of Tennessee to investigate problems of a.s.sessnient and faxatlori This commission has instructions lo report the best bill it can devise t v •■'‘iit'sties of Pitt in co;n- tho legislature early in March. Pro-, ''on»ties from which it was learned that ..i riiis branch, though but recentlv | case has been continued again and it : I organized has begun to work in earn I arranged with counsel for the tlefcn.-- to have tb:s done In this statement read Very l:)!l-ti p na ■, Minn.. Feb. 11- 'p ' oroMuiateiy .^'.00.>. in ctth pri/e. | houses. What :s .»:11 be ;pl lip ' UiCig tho crack bow- jj; censolidnlion of money i i-i lers who ope:ied up today tl. • menf of tho International IJowliie. tho full co-operation of the lirancii ing the full faciM as to why this ca e with him in his work His talk was { has been continued and to explain in full his action in attempting to con tii’.ue the I'ase ut the present ten! without consulting him. Association. The meet will lant until February "2. From Wisconsin, Mtii nesota. Iowa, .North aii<’ South Dako ta, Illinois and Canada, and even fnmi far-away ol. LouI.-a teams of bowler.' are here for the tour ament. 'iiii' most people, and not a “chool-hou.< ’ at every man’s door. Instances were cited where cunsididation is especially needed rural Hchools being loeafed within a nrle and a half of each other Aith the enrollment of each not e\- I eeding twenty, and as low as thir- iheir best reinforcements to aid tl"'I publicans in the Hous« obji-cK .1 and Austrians and theniselves l<*d the at-'sent for ird an amendment >;iving tack. Backed by heavy artillery thev|{].,p y jo -eii!-'., .Mr. King u,in'- a.ssaulted the Russian position on the Koziouwk heights, but found them selves under an enllladlng tire from the Husslan.s on parallel hills aa.l were cut otT from the main Oeniui'i column. Kussian infantry then .if- tacke«l, driving them back at the poi' t of the bayonet. Attack fololwed counter-attacl; vn- tiJ tho Ra.s.slan.s bad rc,rained their old positions, loavive; the slop*':!, ac cording to their report ‘'littc.’'*d wiGi bodies of dead Ciern’i:ins.'' Similar f<» ''Viir.snw The lighting here seen'^ have as desperate anil si.tit- " ed to known hov-i much this would emout.' tf. ‘ l\Ir Williams itrdiel that ii would iiTiiii'tiU to at . *ast ^-l'>- 000 ill hi.-; county Cabir.'u . The house hov'evcr. stood ’>>• I • fin.rico eoir. liti'e un:l votivl dowTi tho 'A’irianis; ameidmint by a large majority, 'ihe only meii'.’iucnt made to the oiii;in-il bill v ... that of Mr. DouKla'^s turo; jj;/> f .,\s in the collection nf inher’t ance taxe.s by the clerk of tho court into t’lC (T-M'.er i! fund I J»'«‘wark ;)fli<“!al CliHrfre'i j.oi i. tii.n e-,'. ;ho o,i. of the county sealer's office, will be- tea was served. given a li-'aring here tndav bef ir ■ . I.eailerr, Kiscuss ((iiiutrj < hiircli Chillieothe. n, Feb, 1!. \ d' tingui'-hed gaUierim: of church wtir'.: I'rs met here today, under Ihe a',; l)ice,--" of the llijtlle Mi.s.-.ioll CcJtU'l'. tl) h'ur !lie .National .'^.■i re'ari' - e. the .\iethifiliM P.ajitist a’.d 1'. ' I - ian Churches discu;-s ' Tl..- Church." ri port of the eon. which has been-travcling am'. . i.c. ing country chnri'li conditions will I'c submitted befi>re tl)' convention ad jour!i.-< tomorrow. Pr.'f. Harold V . Fogbl of the C. S lUirimi of I'du'. 1 tion will speak on ’'The Cc.untrv School" which he Iilis studied in .\nier lea and Kurope. mLill S[^S!OS IS P111IM3L[ I i:;hl .'la.< lie ( ,trrii-d To I'be llnici- if 'e\t >I the aid ol .Seiuitor.s .\<;rri.s and Ke.'S yon, iirogre.j.-iivi- i;ep.iblic;ii;s wir- h.ue .-u|iporti .1 ibe me.c-ure, I'orci-i tbe Seiuite 1.0 adiiiiirn tnuighl af'et tli(i Uingi si e(^n;mn(m^•■ scs .ion in H lii; tory. Iieij.ite had la.'‘ti'ii tifty-f ni liiiiirs and . boeti niinute.s, I'lus niade more uncertain timn en r the fat.e of the b il whu'li the admi.’’ i- 'OiiH , howeier uliii -IMI !ii-pi.'d ther- >1-1 miuht be lin.e !,1 disp".-e (if H|i I'l. ^priai ion bills ami the sl.ip pur 1-liiif.e nii iisu-t' i.-, one- form befni. ■'liari'h t. .\djoiiriinieni I..night cunie on :t ..cotion made b> .Senator n'l'rcirimn e;irried S'- to (t; affiT Si-nutor .Vo.' ris deploring the tilibnster hai! pii, i '.,ii!lieil his i-'ilieUi>i >n that opponen > ef till bill i-ouM lilibustei' it death- The Ca^e >til Ilnjir!<-' . iiii.ui;h dis.'tppoicli;! iiVer ib-' los- I . sup(iori from the pvegre.'.sive Re P'.iliUcuns administration le;ider-' i.-f the Senate would Hot admit t\ ,ii'' I Anti i, ! u;‘ ,t I're: idert Wi - r Freel'.olilers. \Vitjiesses- on Iiolh S' te,- that befori' the W'ar.'--»t',- ’inen diirii.;' j^u Juaicatlons breakers are ahead fer p' '" '> the last ^"cck. and so far ;is bCj{i,;j^ nci.ooi ilion when it eonn;! i:p ii judi'ed. by otlt 'uil ra'.’. for the flernians. The Gormans no'..- vbkli would .stop iuiy and .s' iiave assumed the oniensive on t'l' wosk on iIh* S-.ibbatb in southern border of l^as't Prtisrla. a;i I f-;;. to, as a resu'f anotb-r imporlant bittb i '■oldlers will Pi'll hav l\ear had esi’aped justice.’' I >* ’ throUKboui .New Vcrk eiu- ;m,j '' ii'init:.-, Ii r 'i » -nf ;’r< " ie >o 1- l’o»se VmUu'hed tiiid 0".e Killed t |joy Scouts at. ('aniplire. it ejit-: a dori. ti. 1 pie :m I .Cies in .Nashville, Tciti.. Feb. lo ,\i ; | ^va^hin^to^. Feb. 11.—Tho :i,ll, ! .'.re;ie,t' .-i. I .have b-' » ratiling a moon-bine rdill I’l ." Pomar j rii'"'etirK of tl.e Itr.y Seoul 5 c' <^int; i\ r-en!lor bn ,el .e,- .^i-v Tom Filisiiii Mifii.*' (HI lUrJhifaj’. Putin,in couiif.v. Tenn., th<; I d.^ \„i West N. .1, Feb. II--Thom if |iy Special fimpl lye Til'to.. »!!■’ uni ica is called for ti lay in \Va:'. ingtoii. After a discu e-ion of I'u ,i! (lavs and I 1 i-.i riie p’-i t.-'I.-rda: lei -it Ii 't '^ \. I'idison. known as the “wizat 1" bushed today by six ulle.'red -;iein his tlMli 1 irtbday today work in r shiner;'. I’o.s' e'linn .Tohn V. I prcgre: I I'f tho movoTnent and 'Ik to, j t’.iai the lasf o'" tl;<‘ lar,-/-,t foiii- measnres for strrngtbening tb.e ort:. on his plans for rebuilding bis bi;; I'ookvi’le. \v;;r killed. Kev,-s of tlii ; ni;;'tion, a scout drill will b - b b' slicp.s that, were recently burned tight was telephoned here to P.evenucjii we.s announced that Col’irab'a i .;i IS j;i!i'.; jo'‘n.'l (he n-.ovcm-"t. li h-'i amr known tei-.iy <;-at Go-- >'i if'r Whitai'.ui is keeidv i:'|e.-i'i.i. ,( till' ini r. ase aud is b'.'l: s k ■ t '.nio'iii- ■.nniitteo having n ported j (ions, but in charactistic manner he leaves tonight for the .scene with jeraft next summer under tbo dfrer | ed b.' .MfrcdT,. Pecker, a'to -- ner: 1, . 'so b.if brcn here scv-# developing in that region. Of Hiejfo ■•erve ci ib« juries in Nor b t’u ' iMany friends sent bin) eongratuln- Agent Knox ISooth. Agent Booth versify will give two conrse-- battle in the Tiorlliern part i.f Fast li I’ruissia neither oil'. i:il cote: luaica- u’v'avorabte a hill that would exempt [ celeh’-ated only by doing a little more posse from here and will be joined ft.vltion of Prof. .T. C. KIson of (he Itliem. work than usual. another at Cookville. vertiiiy of .\isconsiu. le h'l eral days investigating. i i -i