mggEirrtzLE m the aSABT EA8TKBH \OSTR OAROUNA. IT BAS 'A POPULATION OF POUR WBOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED %9D ONE. AND tS SUR ROUNDED BT THE BEST ifABMINO OOUNTRT. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HA VS EVERTTHINO TO OFFER IN THE WAT OF tOBOB, OAPITAL AND raiBUTABT FAOIUTIES. W9 BA^E AN VP-T04>ATE fOB AN 9 NEWSPAPER KABT. i m WE HATE A OrB€BEA‘ TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN TEE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAT TO TAKE 4. FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT TOU ^AVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUB ADV EBTISIN G ^ATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. QBBBNTILLE, N. C. F&EDAT AFTERNOOX, FEBRl'ARY IS, 1915. M'MBER HT llOOESMT Mef Mitters of tnler&st lakeo ip by Ike legislature Yesterday IliRimCE QUESIIOK IS UP Ijiw Hakorh Are Making Satiaiacton l*n>grAH8 With The State’s BdsI* esi*—llave Made Very Good Record So Far. Haleigli, Ft>b 17—The Weaver ChilJ lAbor bill, whU:b had been sot tor H|M>icial ordor ai noon y.>»terday, canif ■p on the calendar in due courso 4l«nator Weaver, the maker of the bill and onf^ of the members ot thu committee submitting a minority re port, withdrew this report. Th>ere was no argument, and no explanation. 'l\j all intents and purposes, the hill is dead. This ia not saying, however that another bill of like import but mt different form may not be intro- dHced later. Senator Ward introduced a resolu tion yesterday morning to memorial ize the North Carolina Representa tives in Congress to umo their efforts for the passape of the ship purchase bill now Congress. Senator \V«r.j earue;Uly dibclaimed any such puryoae In hia resolutloii. •tfering it In good faita without pur pose beyor.1 that of the public good. The root light in the Senate yester day was on the Cooper bill to provu'e for the taking ot collections up to tlie limit of len per cent in fce.^ upon jxidgiaeut.s on contnicts proniisinK tlif sauie. It turned out in the round np that 9o:j!’ or Cooper wa.^j about th'’ y i.,f one favoring *he meauuro. Sen a' - r.'i Il.'ynioro, Mi'.itichral, Hpelglit Muse, V "I'll, At .vat:-r, uallou all >i them foii.iil grievous wrongs opcnlnii up thrdUgU Ki’.c'u .1 measure. It wum jjron^ unciiti unconatUutional, imju:'*' wnfhir. the acnu' of pornirious legisJa tion, the ir. irei t r.m't; o' ohi-giri; us’u'y, a ' i'l to opt n l.i. uoo; for -p- pression, and a ,iood bill only to.* tv. .■ by four lawjorii and inoney jhiirl:s. Senator Coopor v ..-3 not lookir^i for this. He ofTered 'r. >vithdrn'.v hi.s bill or to table it if ou.ii v're the imprr?- nion of the Senate rcrnrdfiig it. A' any rate this; is tbo course it lin.-il- look, swamped in unfavorable crlti- fisni not iliri'oted at Senator Cooper but lit his bill. House I’roewdhurs. Debate on the K-^nvell bill »o ea- large the power.s o:' the Insurant.^' Colan1iH^i>'iier and regulate fire insiir ance raft ! in North Ciirolina foatur.-d the Hoii>;t; pr.ic’eeili’itc■ ytst''rday an 1 wlien the 'lour of ;Ml]uiirnr;'’;it a.'- rived the vote on f measure h;id not been reached rnd further eon pideratlon will be t,i‘en ii« It today SpelliDg Bee last Nigfil Was Yenr interesting Occasion to large Crowd The spelling bee which was given last night at the Court House waa greatly enjoyed by a large number of people who were present In spite ot the bad weather. After the crowd had assembled the sides were choao i under the leadership of Mr. Roy Flanagan and Prof. Hoy Taylor. Prof. reele gave out the words from the old “blue back" spelling book Some of the best spellers In towa were pitted against each other and some good spelling was done. The moBt interesting and funniest part of the contest was the way some crack spoilers were tripped on simple words The first words given out were com paratively easy but the ranks began to thin out at once, one of the best “pellers in the house solnt down on “discreet’’. Other words which prov ed the undoing of the spellers were schism, guinea, bdellium, daguerreo type, ingenious, and others. The con test finally narrowed down to Mrs. Ij. C. Arthur on Mr. Flanagan’s side and Supt. Underwood and Ur. Fit.i- gerald on Prof. Taylor’s Bide. The final contest was between the last two gentlemen and resulted in a vic tory for the County Superintendent. Bvory one present reported a very pleasant time and quite a nice sum of money was raised for the Mission ary Circle which waa giving tbo ilee the total receipts being $28. As a general good time producer and fun maker a spelling bee is hard to beat. British Make Successful Air Raid on Germans in Belgium and Drop Bombs Bleokade Stiii (eoter of Httentioii in Western Zone of ' Fighting HEAV1I wim in m\ Valentine Party. The Fourth Grade at the Model School waa given a valentine party by the Third Grade on Friday after noon February 12, 1915 The room was attractively decorated with art ti tle Valentine’s which were niiul.' by Ue children. After a number of m-1 teresting games were played on tlioj school grounds the children again went to the Third Grade where they were given candy hearts. The rhil- dri'H amused themselvi's by writim? Valentine letters to each other. ('((don and rotton Seed I'riees The prices on cotton, cotton seed and cotton seed meal at various places in the State as -reported hr: the past week range from 7 to 8 1-2 cents a pound for cotton. 30 to 4*^0 a bushel for cotton seed and to ?>;!2 a t'Mi for co*^'m sctHl meal. The Kerllu ClalmK Big Gains* in ProN.shi But AIUch Claim Retirement is in Aecordanco With The Re- gslar Move London, Feb. IC.—Forty British and French aeroplanes and seaplanes to day attacked the Gorman positions at Ostend, Middlekerke, Ghistelles, and Zeebruggo in Belgium and, accordins to the official report, with good rr,- suits. Bombs were dropped on gun positions, trawlers, and bargea aa'.l an aerodrome. The official statement. <.onceruias the raid, says; "The air operations of the naval wing against the Bruges, Ostend and Zeebrugge district were continuc.l this afternoon. Forty aeroplanes and seaplanes bombarded Ostend, Middle kerke, Ghistelles, and Zeebruge. "Bombs were dropped on the heav> batteries on the east and west sid» of Oetend, on gun positions at Middle kerke, on transport wagons on th'j Ostend-Ghistelles road, on the Moie at Zeebrugge, t<> . len the breach damaged in fonito- :'”acks, on tlin locks at Zeebruggt'. ,>argeB outside Blankenberghe, and on trawlers out side Zee-brugge. "Instructions are always issued to confine attacks to points of military importance, and every effort is maiie by the flying officers to avoid droppin,; bombs on any residential portions of towns.’’ Blofkudc Overshnd<t>» All. Ixmdon, Feb. 16.—In the absence of any striking news from the two Kuro pean battle fronts, public attention in lOngland today waa centered on th ‘ threatened blockade of the British Is lands by German submarines and mines in retaliation for great Britain's act in prohibiting the carrying of food to Germany. Other Xeiilrals Join Protest. Holland and Italy, like the I'nit -<i States have protested to Gerrjany against her sea war zone threat and have asked Great Britain not to mu'..-' fref> use of neutral flags. Simila: to ll*' back in North Poland for the Ger mans today announced the occupation of Plock and Bielsk which the Rus sians recaptured from them a short time ago. Stiil Culled Retirement. •> While tht Germans seem to hav.j inflicted heavy losses on the retirii.p: Russian armies military men boi > and the newspaper correspondents in Petrograd continue to refer to tiK! Muscovite movement as a strategi’o! retirement to the fortified lino alon^ the N'lemen river which runs throu:;h Kovno, Grodno and Loniza amj thence southwest to the Fortress of N'ovoo Qeorgiewsk. Heavy fighting continues in the Cat- pathiana and Bukowina. In Bukowina the Huseions also are falling back but they continue to hold the Car pathian passe farther west and ara offering stubborn resistance to ri.e Auatro-German offensive in that ri'gion. Here the armies are fightins; in deep snow and both sides are suf fering severely. Some Aftivit} in >Vesf Although there have bt>en no eveni.3 of outstanding importance on th u front a long official report of the Hrltish operations from N'ovember to the beginning of February, issued to day, shows that there is more or lea's acti%dty there. The report says there has been a lot of trench fighting in with the Indians and British terri torials have distinguished them-selves General French, in the report pays high tribute to the Indians, He says the territorials have far more than justified the most sanguine hopet? en tortained of their value in the ti> icl Tl:e report adds that relnforcomenf'’ ar'> arriving regularly. SIGHTED A WHALE fioveriinient Parfj Took Observations Bnt Didn't Molest. Wilmington, Feb. 16—The mem bers of a surveying party from the office of Maj. H. W. Stickle, United States District Engineer, sighted a whale on the ocean bar at the mouth of the Cape Hear Friday but as they didn't get within a mile of th’’ fish they were unabl<> yesterday to give .1 very clear description of it. It was reported, however, that it wa.H T.'i feet long and ever so bij: around. Son!" ol' the nth<'r rnf’mbers nf tfie enginf*fring office force were disposed to treat the story >vith .some scorn yesterday, declarint? that it was ,i "fish story." The doughty survey ors, however stuck to their guns and maintained stoutly that it was a whale and also calliHl attention to the fact that it wasn't the first whiue thnf has been seen in that vicinity. TAKf>G THE ‘OFFICIAL BATH. A Loudon •‘'I'ommy” Tells How the Operation is Conducted. London, (Correspondence of I'Ijo Associated Press.)—A description ui the soldiers monthly "official hath" is sent from the front by a member of a London Scottish Regiment: "Vestorday we had a novel exper ience," he says. "As none of us h.-i'i seen soap or warm water for ov»r live weeka, we were ordered to t iV.e to a town in the rear of our lines and escorted to a large building, w Ivre facilitioH had been arang«'d for th. purpose In the first room wo were E BILL PASSES LOWER HOUSE leans Try To Delay Passage lit are Oefealeil IlilBUI[S 10IHE Pil[!ilD[HI Result a DecldtMl Victor) to The Ail- mlui'tration Which Has I rged The Pasage of This .Mea'un‘ A( TLIh Coni'rex?* Waiihington, U. C,.. Feb. 17- Tat government ship purchase bill, as an am mdment to the Weok’.s naval aus ■ lliary bill, was passed by the Uou.-5 ot Kepresentatives at 1:20 o‘cloc.i\ this morning, by n vote of 21.5 to 12' The passage of the bill lollowed a fourteen hoar parliamentary slruggl«' which,, tuuil long after midniglit throdteni'<l Lo extend interminably be cause of a determined filibuster di rected by minority leader, ilann, who >-ielded only after administration leaders decided to apply a secoiui spt'ciul rul<! to bring the ti«ht lo iin end. To Vote on Kill Waiihingion. IV I',, Feb !t>—Dein ocratic leaders in both houses of Con- icriiss aijrocd tonight that the gover.'i IMTKI) STATKS EMBASSY .HAV l-KAVK MEXHO numbertiii into scr ds of t<‘n men or bo. In a s<>cond room \>e »‘mplieil j ment ship purcha.He bill either would our pockets and laid aside our iKujis-.j o iM’fore Pri-sident Wilson for hi« bonnets, puttees, and sporrans. I’v a siguatun- within a few days or dead third room we threw the re_t ol o^ii- .so far as this ■ ..sion is concerntHl. cloths into s heap, and then mau'' t| I'hi- House rt-uiaini'd in session lat’- .loublt'-quick to the showers. Thirre j tonight to pass the Wei>k-Gore bill wore two men lO each nUowev, and wi-!as the ami’udt^i uicasnre i.s known ant were allowed ten minutes under tlie j tomorrow th*' administration forces •'ot ,att>r witli a pc(‘i\erous sup'1 / oi iwill bepin a final utTort to get v. laundry soap. in t!\e St\nat>‘ 0!i the Hou^.■ "At the end of our ’.en niinuic wv. ! niu iitinu nis ,iv(>r th-; ^position ol tiitrried on to a drjin'- " i, each man gof a huge lOWi I .‘,n 1 rjt:gli as a ^-a'jct Tht ii . • t'li off to a dre&i<ir.g r loui. v. Ii ushered info a room where a siiu:' 1 ef j ,ii.. ;.,,v [)r:i-e r i'l for cotton in th’s s. f iitm of fh.' Si \»e for cotton was ^'representations are expected ;-l lents at Fayi-tiovillo. Th" avi- to the two countrie.^ tomorri a,:;.' prire is abm'i (onts. Ci.rn is ^ j,, j„i„t note by Norway, S'vol^ seHn,'; for SO to $1.IM> a 'and Denmark. ',Vh>'3l accordins to market qui'tation^ is selling for $1.36 to $l.fi2. Cliillln Creditors Get Dhidend On the battle fields of Kurope nuli tary movements of the first iin,)>r tance are faking place, especially^ ‘ti the Kast. The German offenr.ivi' \<-w Vork, Feb fT—The noteholder-! stronglv support<*d but French troop I I and other creditors or the H. H. Cl.i-^is Iming pushed with great vigor bolhlwcr ilin Company, the big combination of j,, Voland north of the Ix>wer Vistul i Wa.shington, Feb. If! - rni'.i- States, President Wiis'ni said loUaA has received no conlirr.-:uion of >'«■ j mtendant ga-.'e us auythi 13 v,-.. ports that Spain h.ul addressed powers on rc.sioring ord« r 'ii V \iito The I’resi told ia!i..r.- Uice was no material change in the Mei;ican -Vnicri^'an alto hes of the'.cd '-;taU3 embasv.y in .Mexico City, I:U..'ly attached to the Hrailian legatio.i V i'l K-ivo iU';;iro v ily if a'l other dip- ■ ii'ativ' rupresenta:. t'opurt. The State Deprirti unit has informed ■v Pr:i:-;Iian n''ini.n:^r that it pre- h ' will ll ■ guuled bj instru^ - * ii'i.iti his <p'vn povernnn'nt with respcct lo loaviiii:, i,ut asks him to ad'ise the .Ann'r'can attaches tlun they ni.iv leave if oth .rs do. I'o'ilirmatory 'lii^pairiie;, of the t'a|'- tiire of Guaihr..i,;ara by Villa I'orces and .1 .steady advance on Mexico CMv leceived today. I stores that failed last sumnu r, today The Hussians have evacuated Kast received a divldent of 15 P'T cetr. Prussia except for a small area ne:»r under the terms of the reorganization Lyc-k. and also are apparently fallin..^ Whai most niarricl men would re i III- to see is a war tax on oh ba‘-helors. ..anti'd ■r-vi ;.r ■I 'liiuiiiig neiiin- loniidonliy t of victory and I’l V.'il.srn. after a conferem e wiih Si'iuMor IvMM, toll! ealers fh'' \vi V. l;,'puhlicans a:'.'l lUi i. era' M.! ii'i y ;iii- '!■; i.ajtoda' (if the pro.-l)' in the way of brai J-i 'w >i shirts, and socks, wude <vi hooUs or. bill won'.I ix' pasM'd. one side were our ','lLlaes, wli’. li j oi; VuiU oi: tin* I'apitol, bi- been thoron.'^hiy fuinij.’" led. jli. f wa.-- . r t . li. t it 'i.e Senate fei; ".\ftcr we had got back ou. '101.' cs j throuf.h ■ siiio b;)! vosild be a'.'Oii- iKKits and other property, we were , ,i;k ! aiiU ail eiiorts centered upon barbers aw.iited us. When tluy we. ■ through ve marc’ied, ?pic ard spi.i again, into a tea room for tea and ci;- a>'ette:,. Could anything be b,'ttcr ar ranged."—N'ew York Herald. If'.ti ll..' of ; ppr. i)r,a'-ien hills t>i iieiess.'.r/ an cxf.ra hcs.'‘on ; a:;' b.ll ii-f ii w’;l f..o tj tho Senate from th Ue'ir-e Inchules t' ship lUt a-'Ure as n?"ee ’. up :i in Si-nate caucus ac.d a provirlon two years after the < lose of ih.» Kuro- poan w; r ?hipn acqnired hj the I’nite.l States shi'.ll be tu 'ned over to t!i ' StH-retjiry of tho Navy to be oiier’ti il or I 'ii^'O" for comirercial purposes ui’- iler !b" terms of the V’eka bill Big Dcraand for Horses Dillion, Montana. Feb. 17—The an nual I>illon Horse Sale, which begj’! today drew an unnsnal number ot buyers from the East. Hieh pr:ces were paid bomt, of them r' cotu-bre''';-i. p,,s8ed by the Senate. ers for this section. Tho be:.^;• do i mand for h.irses by Kiropenn ro\ 0 ’ j I y the tit.’.” file av‘,;rage man rt'af m“'it has exliausteu tho oa.'iern ni r-je:, th.' age of fi‘‘!y he Iinows a lot l;rt, and the .^Ton^ ina r"nc'; ov. nen- of tlu:-'s he would like to get rij enil’.ed to see the bidding rise to rood-: of ai 1*:'' jk r cent, V.'Ss than coit —4 ly prices today. jf hicagu News.,

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