WfAINE DE 8ELLSK Fmm»B8 Coatnlto With Boston £ng< Ush Opero Companr Gltes IVnrn' ing to Vocal Stadentij There are few people in the country today more qualified from a stand point of experience to advise arahi- tious vocal students, particularly with operatic aspirutioiis, than ElaiiK' D« Si'llem, the leading contralto of The Boston English Opera Company which comes to White’s Theatre Wea- nesday exening February 17th, in a aiagniriccnt production of Verdr*; famous opera “111 Trovatore.’’ Miss De Sellom says: "The pity of it. I i«ave beon requested to explain why with so many engaged in vocal stu-'y —so few attain anything like success Studios are filled with aspirants, wh.> spend time and money to say nothing •£ nervous energy, in striving for Ui3 artistic goal and the question arises Tfhy so few succeed. I’ll tell you in «ue sentence—not ten percent of stu dents have any just reason for as piring to vocal eminence and ten per tent is ii liberal estimate—and hero iM another reason. It may seem liii:- (ul but it is a deplorable fact~not ‘J~> pervent of those who give vocal 1"- Ktruction are qualified to teach tin- art forreclly. There is more chioati- i^ry and humbug in voice teachiiii^ iban in all the other departments of (he profession combined; it is tor this reason that there ought to be laws pvo uDiiting the incompetent from ru;j*- ing voices and blasting hopes. Not a week passes, but what I hear a miiu- i>er of girls sing, wiio arc studing for liie oijcraiii' stage, most oC them cou’ 111 r:in luakf a -ii. ' nn.vl liii'.g if you iKiM'P ai'.il c;i- SUiijiiits lo llallc-r tiu'ir vaiii'y ,rt L'ivni soiiKs ami opoi'alii’ (Xn'rii'is v,hr-n thev cannot ,'. but a vocalist—there is ii) jimiiatioM to bis or b will tackle aiiydiiiiK (in.' Iiii;h .^r n ;iiies tile bi'tier. anil wiio.-i' fauii ).■ I. that these jioor (ieliiileil aspir! 11.!s are led througli iiiiiiassable patlii^ i.!ie. iiuerniiiiable windings to t'md u! ..laiaiely that tbeir hil)r)f lia.-^ Iie.-n in »a‘.u .iiiil tlieir hopes blasteil, lo s.i/' notbing ol the money uselessly spent The fault lies with the incomptent and unscrupulous teacher. I persume what I have said w’ll cause excitement in the vocal habitat, but it is the truth nevertheless. If you don’t believe it, listen at some ot the vocal studio doors and hear some of the wailing that is supposed to eventuate in vocal supremacy, but which is certain lo eventuate in fin ancial and vocal disaster. I can only add in the words of the poet—‘pity ’tis—’tis true.-’ XfUKO KILLKD KV TK.ll> Asleep >car Truck When Train JSlirkrs Ills Head. i-arly Sunday morning XorfolK Southern train No. 4 struck and kill ed a negro man, Moses William.', whose home is thought to be in Wil son. It Is not known exactly how the accident happened. From the position of tile body and the wound on the negro it is believed he was lying or sitting on the end of the cross ties, probably drunk and asleep when the train came by and struck liim as he raised up to get out of the way. The train was stoppi'd as soon as the accident was discovered aui. held until a doctor liad been summon ed. The train was allowed to pro ceed after a short investigation ani finding (liat the negro was dead. Yesterday the coroner, i>r. ,1. Greene, held an iiKiuest over tlie body and after a full investigation which was concluded this morning rtecide.l that the killing was accidental. The .iason t^cl'' \r( ( ar«o. l.oiiilon, l-'cl). 1^ Tlie I'. S. I'.il liel’ ,1a«oli In I'.-ach I''. - toilay, aiiil wil! .-.lil ;-lmrliy ini .\liierii'U!i laileii willi an olijeets froM l-'ran<-e ami IJelgiuni inr tlie I'aiKiiiia- I'aeitie l-:.\posit ion . .Iiiilijing Field TriaK for INtinti-rs I!al\ersliel(l, Calif., l-'eb. Kob- I'l IC. Annstroiig of liarber .lunctioii, .\. began today ilie jiid^iiig of tiie pointers and setters in tlii- field wh;-'i pelied lieri>, 'I'lie wiiinins' (ioi;s w^ll lie view at tile l-:xpositioii. STIflV TAhI.W ri’. Otl(' wliite ‘ilioat, no niarliS. A\ei.;li- ed about :!o poiiiuls wlii-n taiieii ii|i alioiit Xov. L’l'. Owner can get saiu ■ li\' paying expenses. Ifi-iiry MeI.av liorii, (Iritneslaiiil. I! L‘. Ilox li-i;-ttil-:!lw. ttlBS Free! - Free!! We will give to the first customer buying $10,00 worth of merchandise a $3.00 pair of W, L, Douglas Shoes. At the close of the sale wo will also give a suit or coat suit valu • (‘(1 at $15.00 to the custonnor making tlu; J;irg(‘st ])iurlia8f‘S during the sale. Goods will be sold like you sell Cotton now. We are forced to sell our goods as you are forced to sell cotton. Fanners Saving Sale BEGINNING Friday, February 19th, am Look! listen to our tale of woe. The entire stock of goods must go. The almighty dollar is what we trust. And that is the thing we must have or bust. At Five Points in Greenville, there we be Oui* big stock of goods we invite you to see. Dress Goods, Underwear, we must sell or lose. Shoes, Hats, Cloaks, Overcoats, all been reduced. On everything you buy 25"« you’ll save. Regardless ot who speak, or others say. B. G. & J. R. Ab-e-you-nis ioi{ svi.i: One second hanil stationary ('oliiir.- biis gasoline l-.'ngiiie lo )io»‘i", in good ciuiilition will S'-ll at a bar gain lo (luiek buyer, .f. II. Cob!). Greenville, N. C. L'-It-otil-eo'l. GUNS PISTOLS and CARTRIDGES We are headquarters (or die best make ol fire ams suck as the Fanoas L. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca ami Wiacbaster shot gans. Remington Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith &c Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistok. We are also headquarters (or all kinds o( gun Shells and MilnKc Cartridges. We sell all size gim sheik, 44 G^KImI 20 Gtge, 16 Cage and 12 Gage. Come to sea vs. J. R. & J. G Moye .( Il{\ Mi nU l'KV IS hii.i.i n \r • 'oMcoril, l-’eli. II .1 Ira MehaHey, ,i ralesiiian with (1. W I’attirs^nii wholesale’ grote-r lii're, was iiistant-y Idlleil tliis iiiorning aliout 1 o’< !o' k wlien an automobile in whii-ii .Mehaf- t'ey, Victor \V. Wideniioiise aid Wright TucUcr were riding istriick t'l.- concrete .stpes leading into the street in front of the residence of .1. V'. Cannon on N'orth Union street. Thj tnacbino was driven by Wideniiouae and was earning south toward the public stfuare when the driver for some reason tost control of the ma chine and it left the street and ra i into the gutter for some distance be- t'ore striking the concrete steps;. Wid- enUouse eStiaped injury but Tucker received a cut on the heail. Mehaf- fcy’s neck was broken. Tiie uiaehinj was damolistied and turned on its sidi It is said that Wldenhouse vras drin'^- ing and tiiat, thje otHers were tryi tg to get him home when the accideT>,t occurred. Mehat'fey Ss snrvived by his racther and a sister, Miss Hattie .Vlehaffe^ both of Concord. PnOFtSSl(».\L CAKD.S th< H. W. m. d. Ftftctlcc limited to Olaeaaai ot Ije, Ear, Nane nd tluoM —and.— The lltUacr «f Qlassea oace wlOi Dr. Q. U. JAmei, •re«B miOl. K ^ «varr 1b«at7. Com* OAce. WaHhlnston, N. ■ iMWWCl {WANT ADS I>|{ I'AI i. MT/(.I I! Vl.l» -DKM’IST ..Odire o»er Fnink \Vil»-oii\ Slore GreenrlUe N. t’. — Vhoue 1SJ SEE E. K. ETAXi!! FOB ElECXSIG frona, Ucaters, Llghta and fiztnrw Proctor Hotel Bulldlnx- tO-St-tt J. r. TBi«rEN Tetenurr Suveen Offlce: Winslow’s Stables PktMt BIT 11 NlftHT S81.J. QwBoi nmfk Dr. Annie L. Joyner, Osteopath'c Pliyaiciav. Phoae 298-J. Office Dlckln* saa Avenne (a tka Browa Balldine- 04ca ^«ra 1* a- a. ta 4 p, n. and AB7 aieBBO anil Siiaaa Streeta Saar Mid Nikiit |«i«i Xttw AUUtN BVNN Atfaiaer at Law Oflea iB Shelton Bnildiag, Third St Practices wherever his services ars desired. Braeavllle North Carolina D. H. CLARIt Attorney at Law Land and Drainage Cases a Specialty In offlce formerly occupied by F. G. James & Son. :'fiCS®SS8S5 HHhlMa thv BIm SOccBta. •awNM w rJOunarcwB TiADi 19, m. mm^UB,rn ip-^’ eTrBiik* ia.2 s. J. GTBBETT Attanwf At Law IB Bdwards BaliiUac oa the Court S««ara. ■IWOIC * FIBSCS Lawrars Practiclag in all the Courts OSce in 'Wooten Buildlag on Third atraet, fronting Court Hoase. H. BEWTLET HABRISS ^ Still With ^ “OLB RELIABLE” The Mataal lifa lasarance Ce. 0t Haw Tark. OMm «#. Mpit U$r Fnik alani lannwM i.Ain ,sTi;\o(iiJVi‘iiKK i»e- sircs position in fireenville after -March 1st. Address “Stenographci*, * eare Itefiector. tf HAYE YOi; LA>U FQR SALE, Wi subdivide land into town lots, or large farms into small tracts an 1 sell at auction. If you w^ant tu convert your property into cash and interest bearing notes, write or wire us. Southern Iloalty and Auc tion Co., K. M. Andrew?, Manager, (Ireensboro, N. C. 2-4-4 ;3 E.41t.«EKS TAKE XOTIt'K. AFTER February 20th we will gin cotton only on Tuesday and lYiday al our ginnery near (Jreenville. FarniTille Oil A I’lMiili/rr To 2-lL’-tf r.4l{\ATI0\'S, WIM issrs MiN«( Het- tie Warren Phone 250-J. 2 10 4t WANTEU TO TUAIIK 4 lllf«:i grade piano wortii {450.00 for a P'orl Koadster automobile, if slightly uae;! not damaged would be considered aeft Jefferson Furniture Co., Washington, C. 2-13-;*.!:d Owen & Murphy Plumbers •18 4th. Street Phoae If joa have plauhiag werk ta b® doaa and wBBt the best warfc eaU Oar tanas ara raMaBabla. (Ut% ^ m Majt aa yaw nfigr wa^ ap# wa will aasara ya« saM#i*tfaB amiB!ITlLLB, HBBTB CJUMLOU