Marriage Licenses Kegiater of Deeds Brascoe Bell has issued licenses to the following coup les since last report. WHIT1-: tieo. Leon Allc'u o( Heavor Uai i and Minnie ij. Allen of GroonvilU'. ]•;. Kiistertine of Swift Crorh ami Mary A'ann of Contentiit'a. 1. AV. IMaylock and Miimu' li. AVi;- l<crt;i»n of Farinville. A\)ii. Ij. Hadley nf Martin County and .\nnii' Ix’gnett of Carolina tow:;- .ship. COI.OUKI) l-'raiik IIos!?art and Ijillie liarnliil. i.f Uethfl. Hi'iiry liiilliii and ^[ary Mooio v'i Chifi'd. I’olo I'onnor and Cora WiUoinihl;. of Contontnoa. Ijonnie Williiiins and Mainiu i;f .-^wift Cri'i'k. rias Hiniby and Annit' \ I'laiiii'ls (it (irocnvillo Imvnsliiii. llfiu-y Wliiiliurst and Klizabeih ll.irjior tif (iroiMivillo to\vns;liip. nn i: Vi:\Hs A kimtivk i>y> \hiti:k is auki stfk N' W York, Ffti. i:i Mnlllii'w A. Sclunidt. :!1 vfiirs old was arosti 1 liiTo tunlKlit aN a funilivi' froni justice on in indicttneiu found in Ix).s Ani;eIos in ()(tol).'r, f'.UO, charging him with liavint: In'cn inipliiatcd in dynamiting I Ilf I.os Angoli's! Times building. The was niado on upper Uroailwav when* detectives had traced liiin afttr M search of four years. l>etiH'tive William .1. Hums wiui ae eiiinpained the (jffici'r making the ar-, said tli(> indictment eliurires tliat Schmidt was one of si-veral men who went with .T. 1!. McNamara to t’.io \vork.s of the Ciant I’owih r Company, in California and pnnlia'etl ) .Oii’l pounds of ilyuaniile. Sc’hnndt was held witlidui li;iil until I'ehruary I’dli to await extradition. AVlien arraigtu'd lii'fore Magislrato Mrtiuade the prisoner said he was a mec hanic ::t. years idd hut n lusi-il I i answer ih'- olhiT c u>toniary ii\ieslioii~ ,\fter thi’ arraijrnmi'iit, howi,\i'r t.r- iiKiiristrale said the man liad lonl'es.-- e'l Im tiini ill iiis <-liamliers t!iai .Miilthew A. Si'liinidt as iill< i!i 111.- I.ii> Ani;el.- indictnuiit \ I I IMiON : IMMII l.'s; le ALWAYS THE WORLD’S WAY PoaMsaor of Wealth Mor« Thought off Than tho Man of Virtuous Worth. A young merchant went abroad, and after many years, having a large top- tune, returned to his native laud. When he reached home, he found that his relations had gone to a feast at a country house a few miles away. He was 80 eager to see them that he did not takB the trouble to change his clothes, and was wearing the things h6 had used ou board ship coming homo. When he entered the large hall where the guests were all assembled his cousins showed very little pleasure at the sight of him. It was plain to them that ho had come back a poor man. A young negro who had accompa nied him from abroad was qulto upset by their coolness to his master, and Bald: "They must all be very bad men to receive you so cruelly." "Walt a minute,” whispered the mer chant, "and you will see a chauge in Lhelr looks." He quietly put a flnc diamond ring on his linger, and, lo! every face began to smile, and they pressed at once around him and called him “Cousin William." •'Has a simple gold ring the power to charm people like this?" asked the black servant in perplexity. "It is not that," replied his master; "but the ring Is worth a good sum, and they guess from It that 1 am rich, and riches are dearer to them than any thing." "What deluded men!” exclaimed the negro. "They think more of yellow metal and a piece of glass than all my master’s virtues and loving kind ness " Th' .ili ■N'lirili I 'artdiiia Siai" hi par! I’.t 111' Ai;rlcu!lur.' will di.-i rilmle. i. larm.-rs of lie- '-:at' , liquipl iii.i; eul'iir.-s mr all Kind.', i.:' iica-. ( !n\i i's |ii-:u!uls allali.i v.'tcl. ■ am! so dll al riri\’ ( .-nls ati a. I'- :i. .iiraii!-t M\., dullar,' an a. rr eharrf-1 t ' itie li'adiiit; eomnieriial eiimpani.'-.; liandl,- thi.s niatiTi,). i^'uH ,iir.-c- I -'II lur treating tli.- >-eed :;u with • •.oh arr.- hulll.-. and all jidsia,:;.- i- (iri-jiaiil Iiv ih,. I'epartiiU'iit of ,\gr cnliur.'. fiiily ai ri’ .-i-'e Imtth'-. :M’ ilistribui'd. .Xd'h’i- al! . rdei.' to ilu> Cunilni^- -■-ioner of Agrienltiiri' and lii, sure to hetid puyiili'lit with your order as we .ire not. alUiWcd lo si ml (,nl tlie ma- (■■rial bell,I f fi i ri\ iiig till' I o>l (if 111.III- ufac turi. which tlie IJi.anl of Agrier - tnrr lias plaecd at tifiy ri nt> .m ai re Allproved: W. A (lUAHAM. Comn)is.-i|oni?r of .\grieiiliiin-. .TAS. U. isntcihss, Agrononii.-t it notaiiKt in (hai’i.ri IJAI'TIM IMMtKiS TO (O^li: MAIMSON. nis. Madison, Wis . Keli 1" Kire d^‘^ I ro\ ed the hig whide.-itle house (if ine (lould-Well.s-IilaeUburii iii.. early tn day. Firemen are tit ill ligliting Hi<? H.lilies and endeavoring to save tho .1 joining properly. Nn estimate of th,- loss is (d)tainable yet. 'I'he lire has oecosioned at least ^100,000 damage. Adjoining strue lures were threatened hut at 10 o' < lo< k the fircitien had it under oo,’’- (ro!. There was no loss of life WIFE’S DREAM A LUCKY ONE Engllah "Coster” Accepted Omen and Wat Well Rewarded for Hii, to Him, Daring Venture. On Sunday morning before the Derby of 1S73 a coster named Tini.son was awakened by ills wife singing out lus tily in her sleep, "The boy in yaller wins the day”—an old-time popular song. Tinison gave Sal a thump and told her to shut up, and, both being now wide awake, asked what all the row meant. "I dreamt I was on Epsom I'owng," she said, "and na\v a Jockey in yaller pas-i all the others, while the crowd shouted, ‘The boy I i yaller wln.s the day.’ If thero's a jockey In yaller on Derby day, Ned, I'd put a Mt on him If I was you." Ned again advised her to keep a fitlll tongue, but the dream h;id its effect on him. On the great day he saw during the preliminary canter tliat the Jockey riding I'oneaster was In yellow—Mr. .Merry's colors—so he put all t(in money he h;4d (30 shil lings i ou the "yidlow boy," and pock- eti-d Cu golden sovereigns for his pluck. It wa.s the n;aki:;g of him. lb» bought a new horse and cart and christened tl ' former ^ t-llow Hov. while Sal reason to exiiR abotit her dream.- I.ondon Tit Hit's. Dog Saved Lives of Family. r..vtraordiiMr> sagacity (>ii the part of a canal boat dog savi'd the lives of a family of tiir^e on board ai mid night. They Avere asleep in their cabin bunks on a bargf lying off Wheelock, near Sandbach, iu Ches hire, Knglanil, when the man In cliarue of the boat. .lohn Meredith, was awak ened by the animal springing on th» bed and barking. Meredith, still In a somnolent state, knocked the animal off, blit In iloing so discovered there wan a big rush of water, and that the lioat wa.t fast sinking. The terrilled man aroi!.=ied bis wife and child, and the threo only just managed to scramble from the cabin and gain tho etjibankment wl;en the boat nank, Mereditii bi ing (ompcl'., .1 to wade through wat>r which was np to Ills waist, with tin- child In his arms It Is believed that the foundering was due to a heuvy load of Iron bars, which caused a portion of the bottom of the barge to give way. Hundreds of persona visited the spot to see the bed clothing, pots, pans, anil other domestic articles floating on the wa ter. I.ater the boat was raised after her cargo had been removed. Accounted for Bad Luck. hen >oii see th« new moon for tho first time they say you should turn the money iu your [.oi keta. lint It Is no good doing so if you see it through glass. This means a month of bad luck for you, and «n instance of this belief was given the other day, when a bur glar who appeared before the bench attributed his capture to tho fact that ho had caught a glimpse of the new moon through the window of the shop' where he Mas ‘'working," plying his exciting trade. Curiously enough, he got “a month.” Greenville Bankkig ..and Trust Company.. Deposits at Government Call Oct. 31st $458,000.00 THE LARGEST In This Section. Deposit Your Money with This Bank. For Safekeeping. HAl’TIT I'AJSTOHM TO fO.Wi; IIKKK FOi{ A\M AI, .UKKT liiH'ky -Mount, Feb I.'.—.Notices ar. to-day being forwarded to the pas tors of the Hoanoke Itaptist associa tion, <alling attention lo the fact that there will be held in this city a pa!- t()r.s' confcrence on uesday, February 2". Plans have betui <onipleted for this nieeliiig. the se.ssions of which will be started at U':3U o'clock at thv.’ V. .\1. C. A. while at 1 o'clock the visitors will be the guests of tiio Find Haptist church at a luncheoi vvliirh is to be served in the V. M. C. banquet hall. \\hili' the sessions will be conclud ed about o'clock the same afte.‘- noon there has already been arrang- od a program of addresses, one of which will b(‘ by I!ev. ('. (1. Wellr., who will spiak from the topic “Kf- ticiency of Our I>enominatiomil Mee:- ings". G \ S I* A It I I. I, A r A B •> I V A L Tum|iii, Floridu MAUIM-UKAS CELKBRATIOX New Orleans, Mobile iind I’cnsucold Excurlson Tickets will be sold tor the above occasions from GreenvUle on February 9, 10, 11, 12 13 14 and 15, at fares named below, by the A T L A X TIC C 0 A ST LI X E The Standard llallroad of the South JiO BKASON FOB IT. ttben GrecDTllle ClUzeDi Show k Way. There can be no reaBon why any reader ot thla who Buffers the tor tures of an aching bacic, the annoy ance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidnej ills will fail to heed the words of a neighbor who has found relief. Read what a Qreen- ville citizcn says: Mrs. A. S. Jenlcins, 1112 Cotanche St., Greenville. Says: “About three years ago my kidneys began to give me trouble. Uj back ached All the time and I had dizzy headachea, dur ing which objects floated before my eyes. I was restless during the night and had to get out of bed and Bit up to rest my back. The least cold Bettled on my kidneys. The secretions from my kidneys were too frequent in pas sage and annoyed me considerably Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills recommend ed in the papers, I procared a lupplT at Bryan's Dnig Store. This medicine proTed of great benefit, strengthening my back and relieveing the other (symptoms of kidney complainL” Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't Simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same .that Mrs. Jenkina had. Foster-Hllbura Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. Tampa, Florida . New Orleans, Uv .Mobile, Ala Pensacola, Fla .. $24.70 $26.75 $24.65 $24.65 TAKKX rP. Ou my farm one black female Ivig, unmarked, weight about 100 pounds Owner can get same by paying ail costs. . SARAH ,T. WHirHAUn. Bethel. X. ('. MS-ldrStw. Troubles of a Prophet. In a certain (oiwi the local fore caster of the weather was so often wrong that his predictions became a standing Joke, to his no small annoy ance, for he wati very sensitive. At length. In despair of living down hts reputation, he asked headquarters to transfer him to another station. A brief correspondence ensued. "Why," asked headquarters, ‘‘do you wish to be transferred?" “ItecaBge,' the forecaster promptly replied, ‘'the climate doesn’t ix^rm with me. "—Pittsburgh .Chrontcltt. Tickets will bo limited, at time of purchase to February 26th, but an extension of final return limit tc .March 15th may bo obtained by da- positing tickets prior to expiration and upon payment of $l-.00. For Schedules, reservation, etc.. In quire of Atlantic Coast Line Tic ket Agents, or Address, T. C. WHITE, Cion'l Passenger Agent w. .1. crak;. Passenger Traffic Manager. Wil.nington, N. C. Fresh Hecker’* < Buek- ,wheat, Haminy, Pan- ^ke Flour, Oatmeal, Cron Flakes, ^elag^'a Washington .Quakers Com Flakei, Post Tosties, Post Trav- en, Porri^e, Grapi INuts, Instant Posttm Cereal, Of>Usk SIoib', Self-riBiug Flour, Cloai- tinental and Garaja Cof fee. S. M. Schultz “On The Side ’ have a leok at onr ornaraen* till SidabMrtfs and Baffets Tkey ar* richly «anr«d in th* k«8t seasoii^ waads, aad will snrely please the Bast imrclcalar crunk of a haiMe- helder, Onr eatre-tubles are also aa attraction t« thate wha wish Parlor and Dlafng RaoHi t« have aa air af caai- pleteaasR. If yon resalee any article whaterer la the Fnraltara line, or Carpats cane her* aad sare yaaself Name waney while secnrln; the beHt. & Vandylie Evans Street. - GreenviHe, N. C. IIEATIA'C THE HOISE or Chuch is a matter which shoald have the careful thought of erarj builder. If yau have decided ta bnIM this spring, or are dissatlsfed wilA your present heating systeH. Consilt Is before purchasing, and we will gladlf give you the benefit of our long perience in this matter. S. T. Hicks, TME Plufaber. w Tourlni E. O. B. Boniia&oilfii F. O. L Detroit. We bs^re aexv^ sppmd baud Motd anil ifMai Cara, ahnost as goo9 as new, for aale cheap. Ford Supply Co. Phone 237. Greenville, N. C. Strawberry Plants Plaat them aoiij M eeati ner IM. Cut FlowerB aad fwatal dea%M short atitlea. Ortera takoa for Shal* Treea, Grape TlaM, Boa* Pansy Flaats, Hyaelath aai Harelstw BnlhB. ^ MISS BXTTIX WAJUIH Phoae.SM.J. Notice Farmers This nonderfui little Huil Tractor Is what you need on your Farm It t!ellver> IS .11 P. at (lie Ileit; II. I’, at the draw Bar, and will do the worit (>f 4 or liorseN when properly openited It pulls Plows, Seederit, llarre»t> ers Urliis, DIkcs, and then grinds feed Saws Woood, (iin ('otton, or any iiflier Stationary Heit Work ou the (am, and the Priee of this Trartor Is Pra<'ti<*4iiiy Jhe Price of one good muie $51>5.00 F. O. B. Factory, will cost vou delivered WlO.OH for Information write. Johnston, Porter & Peck, ^ Farmville, N. G. Diktribi^jrs for Pitt and Greeae ^uUes. Stop Dreadful Pain Why suffer when you cau relieve and cure yourself quickly—safely? And you don’t have to use a ‘‘patent medicine” either! Menthal Balm is the private prescription of a highly successful physicion who discovered that practically all pains, aches and disorders were caused by congestion and inflammation. Mental Balm re lievos congestion and inllammation and is therefore a sure relief for Croup. Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Headache, Earache, Swo.l- ings. Soreness and Stiffftess, Pleurisy, Coughs, I)ronc'4iitis, Rheumatism, an'd all other troubles due to congestion nnd inflammation. Menthal Halm i? put up according to this physician's directions in the .Nixon Ijahoratory It is now on sale at 25 cents a hottle only at the store of .Morris & Lrfis- siters, C.reenville, .\. C. Get a bottle while the supply lasts, instead of pav ing .$1 or $2 for a doctor’s prescrip tion Be sure It’s Ni:;on’s Menthol Balm. Used externally 2-4-lai. Fiower.s For All Oecaslons. We grow them. Roses, Violets, Val ues and Carnations a specialty. Wed ding and Funeral llowers arranged iii ilu! latest artistic styles. Kioomintr Tut Plants l’’<‘rns, Palms and many other nice plants or the house. Write to our Spring Price List of Kosc bushes, Shruhheries, Hedge Plants. lOvcrgreeiis and Shade Trees. OI K III SI-NK.SS IS (iliOWl>G Mail, telegraph and telephone ordoM promptly executed by J. L. CQUINM & CO. Florist, Radeigh, N. C. Phones: Store 42, Greenhouse 14> MABKETM Norfolk Market! Qnotad hr Cohb Broi A 0*. TODAY nSTKBJDAT Keh Wheat 1.5f> J-2 l.oK 1-2 .May Wheat l.o4 1-S 1.3-, Feb. Corn SU 1-S SO iMay Corn SI 1-4 SI ;m Feb. l.ard 10. SO ,11. ir May Liard 10.99 11.21 Feb. Illhs 10.20 J1 i May llibs 10.42 11. T),'. When you want an automobile or country or town call. THE GKFE9I. TILLE TKAXSFFB CO., W. J. Tum- age and R. L. Moore. Day Phone St. Night phone 204 or 390-J. 1-19-lm. Norfolk Southern Railroad BOOri; OF TKE ^IGOKE sxrJBiafl* M JBOettt Q«M«; Ulh •N. SvMOate fikUowliw WDtwaalft tfsnnw pabUabj9d as InlWnMbMi IbNLT and are not >iian«atML TBADT8 LEATE ^OtBEimLLl —EAST BOONbi- 1:M a. m. daily, "£%lit SuMga^i PuUman slewing okje tqr tHrtSUk •:<0a. m. daii^ tor both City aad ISaacBCiHBMnM P»rler lOar Sandla0'Ch0«a»laittr to Noifolk. Oonnacta for an pdHita North and W«at. WaahingtoD. —WEBT BOUND— (;tO p. m. daily, Bxotw* Bnnday l:IS a. m. daily for WOtMB, RaftMgk and We«t. Poltana Serrlee. Conaecta IKfiM and Weat. 1:14 a. m. dally, &K*ept Siipdair, IM Y^ilaon and Raleigh. Connacti l4| all points. C;U p. m. dally for Raleigh and aJi iDteraedlata BtntkM. For forttMT laforqiatlon and tut/^ vation In Steaplng Oar», apg|;r IL L. HaaaeH, Ageat, GieaBVlllft, K. H. a. UUHD, Qenl Baamacar A««iA J. D. STACK. A«nl BBpertnthndnr. NOKTOX& TA. J. c umER ■•V1JM1NTB An nUB IMlli AmBowiurcu ■■mmLui, • warm aamiMMA

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