l^lhnau GREENVILLE IS TIBS HEART W EAaTBRN SORTll CAROLINA. IT BAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iNP ONE. ANlf IS SUR- ROUNDE/) RY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HEBE FOR VfE UA VE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE ; t>OB A N 1> NEWSPAPER PZANT. i t Aifrrtcii'lttti'c Is tli« Miifiit ITsefiil, Mr UealiMula tbe Slwot Kul»l« Sf)tn.—0«<rr9«' Wnsli1u$ton. WE HAVE A CIRCVLA. TION OF TWELVE UUN- \ DREI) AMONG THE HEST j PEGPIE IN THE EASTERN \ PARI OF NORTIJ CARO- i LINA AND INVITE THOSE j WHO WISH TO GET BET 'S TER ACQUAINTF.O WITH I THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN i BUSfNESS WAY TO TAKE 1 FEW INvnEH HP.iCE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU 'IA VE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENT I ON O UR A I) V E R T I S I N G •iATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. fOLlM® XXXIV. v. Friday AMKI!>OON. H IUnMJV il!, Russian Defeat in East Contirmed by Late Dis patch From Polish City Sindenburg Repeats His First Suc cess intlie Mazuiian lake lisiiion URGE NUMBER sun mwM AppropnaltOR Rill With out lUlucIi Opposition I l>t I’ralctl i>i .\iiMlriiiiis l{i'j>orli'(l in l£i‘- ufoii <)i' .Uouiitaiiis VVIa'iv ('<>iit<‘i)iious i' Uoiiii; Wiiuoil K<ir rass«“. Suwalki, I'liland. Saliu'cUiy, iVia Berlin ;ni(l I’d) -■ Tlio (ii'i niiiii I'on’fs uiidi'r Ki ild Mai- ^lial Voii lliiiilciihurf;, li\ haict tiRlu- ing ami oxtraiirilinary inarclu's, in- tii'lf.; such a KtriUlng uctVai oiim'lh ' Hussiun opposod to them in the re cent biitlli! ol' Uk* Miizurian Lakcj country, that the lluSHian ri'mnani.-i are a noKliRblo quantity in the opern- t:«ins now in progresa. The IJussiann killed and wounded in four days Hgliting are estimated at liO.OOO men. Over t'0,000 ItussianH, out of a total of 150,000 ensuKed, are prisoners in (!er- man hands. The lighting hus been deseribi-d a;- the February campaign in I'iist Prus- iiia and North I’oland, and it is re- narded here as a second Tanneti- berg. The Itussians. loniposins thi^ Tenth .^rmy. were c.i,- .umdi'd by t!erenyl Hievers. By sui|'‘''.i- use of the ra.I roadii at his dii<i)> ■ ■ and by the sac- ’•ifioe of entire battalions in order to bring off a few gunH, he succee<leU in saving a greater part of hts artillery but no fewer than tiO.OOO of his ITiO.- •00 men and already are c'ounted among (lerman prisoners, while the Kussians killed ami wounded in the four days battle and the subsoquont running tights are estimated at ;>0. ftOO men. 'I’on Thousand Sun'ounded In Kuwalki there could be heard yesterday and today the sound of ar tillery from a swampy region to the southeast, where an isolated Hussia’i dvision, perhaps 10,000 strong, liai been completely surrounded, but stu' is offering resistance. Several thou sand more Russians probably still ra- niain in small scatterel bands or a>' wandering as stragglers within thv> ring which the, tlcrman troc'ps have now eloseil around the woods a .\iislrians .ind C.Tiiians at sever;-! points ell ihe wi'sl.-rii front are claiii'- i'<l liy llie Uu>'iian^; in an olliciul I'oiii- nnniieal ion is,sii.'(| |a..l nielli- It slateii that in I'usliTn (lalieia, soiit'.i ea;-.t Ml' Siatiifiaii. luo Aii:'triaii li" - ; gaili'M were ilriv.'ii oft with the loss* of ]irisontT:'. itii’lniling 20 otli' Mid several ilKicliiiic ^iinw. The I'oiii- nmnii'atieii follows: ■■l''i.tlll iiiK eoiititiiie- on Ijie tmiiU ol' till' llohf aiiil llie Narew i> isoiateil ellgagelllelll- .\ll rln'oullfer of secotiilary iniiiortaiiee nei-urrej ii":ir <'iriuliio on the Uypskov mail in wliicit Ur attaeUel the (lernuui-. 'Till' (,'tins of llie t'urlress were iim"I actively and elTeetively in thr tiglitii;,; in tlie Ossowetz district. On tlif rn.i 1 from l.oniza we look .ledwabno after a fierce combat. The enemy took th-’ offensive in considerable force in the I’r/.nsnysz region. MI{S, \\. f. ( (If KICK (I., Oh vuM'.m KM)s HKi{ I.in: Wasluiigtoti. ii'eh. li:j - Without a dis s>i iUitig vote the senate today passed the anuy appropriation bill I'aryiii.-; appro.xiiuately >'.!0:1,Moh,umm, while the hiub;e pa.iseil tlie .-;'i;,iMiM,iiiiii furtitica- i I ions hill. The only il. liaie i,n tli - ariuv bill laieil to action uf the seiiati' i,v)inmit- ti-i in striking out. of tiir liou-i- bill a proviuion whicli would prohibit the use of slop watches and other socall- e:l scleiililic si'.op tiiunamiuent nieta- i.’il;. in t;ovi-nin\i'ius plat.-; and deny -jp I.Tiipriatioiio for pavnn iit of bonuses to employe. Smators liu.i'Jios, Mar aud others urged restoration o; Neutral Boats are Sunk Along With The Others By German Submarines Washington, l<’eb, :J:!. .Mrs, W. K t’ockrell, of Dalniy. \’a.. jumped in! > the (devator shaft of the Wasliingto'i tnonumenl at a landing near the I'la late today, and fell to the bottom, uior,’ than 500 feet below. She left a tiote addressed to her husband saying s!i.' was sure she could not recover froi.i an illness. Her bmly "as crushed by h(riki;tfC the sides of the shaft on the w'ly down, and she was dead befoi’e reacv- ing the bottom. The district coroner issued a cer i- ticate of death by Buicido. Mrs. (’ock- rell's farewell note left in tile ri'ot. ment said slie ri'alized she was a "bur den” to her husband. It was the lirst time the loweri.nr obelisk, which was opened to the pub lic in ISSS an<l has been visited hy millions of Americans, had been t)ie scone of suicide. Bill Gels Thro'dyl] iVilliQut Serious Opposition lifter Hmendment is Idopted Noi mm li SENA1E lii till' provision, while Siiiiator Root made an apeul for the rewarding of ambition. The I'oinniiite was sus tained. Uidther ( hild l.abor Hill Iiitrodui- ed. ('(iliodii Mould I’eriuK Wimien to Vdle at ri(y Klectlons ti\ .Vnu'iulinent ■ i;ak'ifiii. Feb. Ill .Sonii'u!,at Ijaller- I'll Ihe Slate llighsvay ('onimissioti s; t jiiircugh the iiouse yestenlay .uid ti'.'.v I - ! goes lo till' Senati' for cunsideration The house appropriation coiuimtle,' - - , ,-,i • , , ihe original bill carried with it a.t completed the general delicinecy b‘ll the last of all these annual sup|)ly measures of Congress. The estimates covered in the bill aggregated $9,000,- 000 from which a conslderalile cat was made. The bill probably will li ' reported tomorrow. After disposing of the army biP, the senatt- began coiiHideratiou o£ tlie post-otlice appropriation mensurc (■arrying .'f317,945,8tjr>. Sl’KAKKK KMMI IT WOOTKN IS CKTTIXJ Mn:i V llaleigh, Feb. 'JS - Speaker ICnimeit K. -Voot n id proneunced to be '•more liiinscif,” today tl’an at any time sine- the accident, t'lough it is yet too eariv lo d. termine i..e seriousness of intei'- nad injuries sustained. Dr UiilHTt A. Hoyster said when asked for the latest developments' “Mr. W.olen’s condition today is sat- 1U‘ liad a very comfi'ftabli' Wood to riiii rananin l>ci'en>i)'>. Washington, i'’eb. '24.—To perfc • the detail- of the plans for the defens- of the rtinama Can , ioi Geuer:'i Leonard Wood, commanding the le partinent of the I-Jast, wi’t sail to. Panama within a week or ten days. Th(>re is much difference oi’ opinion, it is said, as to how the troops si lu'.d be stationed on the Canal, and as to whether a special department should bi' created for its defenie. The minimum jieace garri.-.on of tie <anal as provideil for in liie plan- o. the general statV wi'i consist of thn" rei^imi'iits of infantr> a i.,axi,iiiim ■■ 'iii^th, on<? V: it:‘'’.ioii of ...til- lery. one squin'ron ol' cava''v o e' signal i'ompany. one enirim r < ai pany, one ambulanc.' ceni''a.iy. o.i field hospital and ei^liti'on con.|'an;e. of coast artillery. Tt ' >ri ■ « ' amount almost to a i'iv!'»i(in in if is urged that a dcpartn'i. nt - hi 1 ' e^ created for the canal /on , itli a' Ihe I'lrst ni'i'u ;• Major General in command. Si'veial was iieid l i a niehi plans have been discussed b; ti'e War I'epartment tor a clianpe in r' sta tioning of the troops so tlia- they would be better prepared lo defend I appropriation of ?;!0,000 annu.'illy and had a favorable report from oilh lae committee on public roads ami turn pikes and (he appropriations co;iiniit- tee but the llousi? would hav ' killed the measure before they woul i allow such a large appropriation and the sum wa.s reduced to ifUl,000. still Ji members refused to voti^ 'or ii.e amended bill hut 09 fa\ored it i pas sage and it passed its third reading, ■lartis Cuuiil}. The tirst new county bill oi *'u session was introdiu'eil yesterday, init it does not se. ni to be the di-p'jsitio’- of the Legislatur.- to create any P’ore i new I’ounties. This bill provides f li the creation of Jarvis county frot.i portions of Harnett, Sampson, Cum berland, aiul .lohnston. It has been christened with an honored name, but the politics of t!ie proposed cout ly is said to be of the Sampso.i brand. ri'o\ide ( oiniiiuiiil> Home. Mr. l.anghinghouse ntroduced an importaiit I.Ml whicli provides for a ceij 'iiui'.ity home tor the aged and iiiii"u i.t' tlie courties coniprisin.. the rsl coi'gressii'Ual distriit. It pro- \ides tbiit these couiifie sliall aliol- ish th'.'ir prese,it. coutit homes and all jc.iii fi .L'ether and iui.kl a coinmu iiiiy home :'t some centi.ii point. i iu,’!.! Ill i;\ Kl in; VI M IV Hini.iiiKli.iiu. .Ma., I'’<'li. ”1 Tli'r ■ lllllllelll i'ieil UlU'SIS lost tiii'ir livi-- vvli. II tire d -^troyed ilie W indsor Ile- li'l lieri' this niorning. I'i'a 1 .-itni'es and other Imiliiiii.i.'.' iii-ar till' lioti'l Were burned. It is e.-i lliated the I'lss will I'.\eri'd Tl.e Windsor Hotel is a stnall one In the lieari of the eity, ocenpyiiig oiO' ii the iildesr biiildings iti liirniinnhani. i-'n-" v.ri'cU.d the strui'tur'' alnios' lOMioi'iely aii.l it. i.-^ probable that oilier bodies ;ire in the debris whie'-i is ])iled high in the shell of the build ing. It is not known how many p i;- ple wen in the buildin.g when the ti:''- begun but police are trying to get a cheek on those known to hav,- been ie till hotel. Sues Widow oi' Trusted Hook-Ki'cpei- ■Norristown, Fa., Feb. 21. ■ Mrs. .! J. Dallas, whose husband was kill"d in an electric car accident, has been substituted for him to defend the suit brought b>’ L. I’. White, a I’hiladi'^lpliia .U'Meler to .reciner .stiiiie. whii'h is claimed to have been missin'-: from th»> tirm's receipts while Dallas was tlii’ trusted book keeper. It was while the suit was bein,; heard that Dallas was killed. He la' ril'd 000. life insurance, lly airr"e ment of council the casf wiis c.ni- tinued until today, anil the widow wa-- substituted for her husband in tU.’ suit. ■ hsrican floats Sufik flow Hunilier fwo-lll Sfii;pi(!0 in Useat Oanger my 10 im iw Mr l.eon H. Hives came in last j night from Henderson to spend a few days with his mother. Mrs. W H Hives on Kigbth Street. .Mr. N. I’l. Hutchinson of Kib'iUon is in town today. ;li; Si ■ ture of IhesG wanderers is expe«t.' here and is regard* d as merly an client in a campaign t.< which ti. • grt*at sueee>s is called onl>' the P"C- lud('. Cermaii n'ilitary mi'ii '>t St.walki do not believe General .-^icver;! wMl b'> aide to brins any of bis troops safi'^v t) hind th > fortres; at Crodno i .safety whii'h rnn not be of iluration. Aiistrliiiis I'fiml.seil. iiii *if the Hou^‘ (C'le.l for the e\- prer ^ , urposo c c li'.sidering pr’va^e and uM-al 1 di-. lorry of the;,c w ."e di'.'i'osed of in abmit as many minuti s. 'til;, alie'ti lull! c.f th.' House members'i'n w; s presi iit o vioil. swamps between Suv.alM. Augustovi f.,y aiid the German frotiii T. but the cap ■ -;it niid be seems more like b!s olljtl'" ■" .1 .1 todav than at any time .sin.e the] If i-- W'-.id'-! I-'-* accident, be result of the operatio-i j'P'm'ose of training hi-| ieii in y.cnatc It is t<K> earlv I i'H'as on the entire subject, prepar.i-j ^ lory to submitting some definile |d.in For F.ooiioni). Senator .Muse yesterda' inlroduci d into the Senate a measure which, i' cording to the author, look.-- to tn. saving of ^lO.OOi' to the State in .li,‘ matter of iirintin.i; It perscribes th-- discarding of the captions in printi’i.^ the proceeds, and regulates thf prin’- ing of the various departnu'nts lo lb ' matters direeth under charge of th .t department Senator Ale.Nider took a ^liot at 111‘wspaper advertising in exi hange for railroad iniKage with a bill intetuie 1 II aimed to require llie payment of 1. iiial money on the part of the new.-. j :‘I'er for the milage according to tb.' jeoiitraet ill writing between the ra 11 .1 t.nd the newspaper. Neai'l) I ^el■} lliial Hhicli .>laKes i INirl Tidls of Seeing \ eiseN • rippled or of ilininu Seen Theui Sunk I'erlin. Till \'ia l.mul.ii., Jl. .'i. 1 1 a 111 ri'.i.- Ut'rnian .•\dnu- ralty lui- coniiiu'.niealeil a nienura’ diim to Cwinniainler Wallei' U. C.iier at'di. the .\nierican naval attaehi pointed out that the destruelion the .'\mi'riean steamers i;velyn an’ Carib was due to their not tollowi'i.’ tile course prescribed liy the (iermi'.i .\diniralt>' l.' a point nortliwesi ol Helgoland lierlin, Keb Via London. 7 ! > p 111. The American .sti'amer Carii) has gone to llie bottom ofl' tiu; C ' I,.an ii'a>t in :iie N'ortii Sea. as suit of striking .i mini . .\t the tiiu.' of the disaster liie Ca fib wa:'. not using the route laid down in the C.erman marine insinie.tion-; Passenger Ship \ttiickei1. I’aris. Feb. ll;:i.') a m. il)e- la>id in traiisnii.-'^ion. p - A lierina * ' '!"iline, wliieh for tlif past fe li.i-; ■ d been h iiig in tlii- Knglis ■ '"1.1 ■ 1 in wait for steam packe'i iil.\iiig between France and Iviiglan.l, -Monday night lired a torpedo at t’e' steamer \ ictoria while shi- was on I’.; voyau'i' from I’.oulogne t.i Folksto:'. ' with a number of passi'iigevs, inclinl ing some .'\merii ans. The captain ti the \ icloria, how ever, saw Uu> wake made by the torpedo and slowe<l do^.i his vessel and tbc torpedo passi^.l harmle-i^ly ab'Uil 10') ft'ef in front of hi'r •sfill Twii More Ciftiias l,\dil. \ ia l.ondon, Fi'b. 1 12 a. m The steamer, Kalibia. has a’ - rivi d here. ;ind reports that two ve.-?- sels have bi eii torpedoed o!' Ha 'iui’t* DtU' sank and the other was >uppose 1 to be in a sinking eond.tioii. itb three iraw b rs stan.ling by. The crew of t!i ■> tir--t vessel was se.vod an.l landed. A mine sweeper w is atlcmpti.ig t.i to.v Ihe other 1i* Dover. Her crciv waa ..aved b\ a Har.isc; t,- diinf si> at k. appi'ars satisfactory, v.'l t ) ascertain the full extent of lu-;, '.'i t Its nrst lasie e | I,.ht , Ill'll .li.it injurl''s, and he is not yet out j da.Igor, though be app' ars tn be |. ing well." to Cotigrei-s at its next ses'b'ii. jsi'iMvi i! notcnws - 1 (OMtmov rv) :n''ri* Mrs. .1. l>. l>a\is and d iugli' i- | \t l'_’::;o ibis morning Speaker l-an ' j .Mi.ss l.iic.v of 1! lufini are visi*ii.u ' mi n Woolen was reported a-' re^ti i,:] j:\lrs. II. L. Humber Iwtl!. .\o cliange in bis condition if Mr. L. A. Harper left this morn noted, and naturally what iniprov* nate V. niubi se-ii-ii.iis « into i.iie I'.i'cu.fsion of tli.' .^ur idi' priioar'. liil' ai eight o'c’.ii.*', The tin asnre i -vi. s i n a- !' '.iat*c (if siMii.il nr with a eouin. t.i - rr pull wjl'.i.iit j'"ejudlce. I .\lter toMir! I the I'l'gular t.ri'.er of eventr:. Th ( bild l abor. Child hill! r made its second a •>- .11 iM.i tiiMiiAM t;:vp\ rOSITH'V MO It M If ,‘shington, l-'i'b. " ' .'eiiug -.ipi.n the recommendntioii of Ocn.mis.sioner of lai r uii Kev.'nuc Oi borr, Seere- pea''atii e o.i tlie tlo.u' yester.idy whcTiji,n'\ tho Tl. I’vtrograd. Feb. 2;!.--Hepulse of the jug tor Winston-Salem. [ment there may be, ia very slow. pursuant lo tb" motion of Hobgtiod made ye^ierUi'.y. er.v Afi-.Vdon t 'diy Senator \\ e.iver, who had w .tbdi'awn ii|>j.,i.nii'1 .Titdg'"* A. W. (iraham, od ill.' minority report of tbe t I'an.i'i-! i |. ruited St'.les Cotti n futnred re ’ i ' favor of th.' Weaver bill re-! ;|| The jeb pay:^ Ja.nOii j) yi>:;^ ct 'ill'.. asl.ed that the t ill be ta' en j ^.n,; cm., ns. -. Tin' petitii>n was ci<'.'4 li sessii I's will b I from the unfivorablo calendar ai;dji|.,| u.'.di r .he Siuith-l^ever eolli)>| I'd upon Ihe calendar as a .“peeial. fi inn s bill wbii b reguk'ics l otilraets r measure for twi'lve o'cl u k l-'rt ;s.,ld o'l the c 'inn ('\, h.iiiKcs througlw day. |,)in th" country.. j , J natii.'

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