^Ibrlai m mm EAswmmm f&mm 0smasmA. wimm A <rw F&om ONE BUVDRED Uli> MIE. AND /vS SUB- BY THE BEST ^«tKf JF« mui9Tiar. mDWmmBS OF ALL Kilfm ARE INVITEV TO LOCUS'S HERE FOR WE HAWE ^EKTTEINO 7€ OOfiFES IN TWE WAY OF LA^&R, OAFITAL A It 9 I mssffVAm FAeiuTtss. ‘ WE BAWE Atf A iVD /fffWJKPAmJ! t^NT. Hk CnliM hKaifini AsfftoaUan la the X»tt OmfnI. tke Most Healtkfnl. tke N«fit N«>bl« Eiaploysicut »i Mttb—«eor«« WasMi»|rt»it- (jKKKl^yiLLE, .\. (., I'JiroAT MW II. I!)|:>. ipjr 9omg A fftmeansM^ WfW/ OW TWtBmE JTiW. DRE]9 AMOS& TB£ MBJSf PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INTITE TBO&E JVIIO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED W/TU THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN i BO SI NESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW ISOBES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHA3' YOfJ HAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OVU ADVERT I&INO ^ATEf^ ARE LOW AND €‘AN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. M M Hi: I! I'V WiTilNliO MILES PflZEMYSLFQRT Russians Continue to be Driven Back in illlesiern Calicia I From Alli«'n>i Ks|iniiito>> Turk's I.ONS ill I'nOIH). ll(i<.|)itiils rnal>U> t<> Acroiiio- tlafe tVouiulcd. LonilDii. .May 11 —Tin; Uiissiiins idii- tinuf to lull baik in Wt'stcni (iitU('i:i l/»f()ie tlie fVuslri) Ut'riiiaii tlinist an(i Jln' (uTinaiiii’ allies now liavi- crossril llic nppor ri'uihi'S of llio WisloUa rivoi iuiil ari' within Tiii niili s oi' Ihc loi'trcvi- <il I’rzoiiiysl. Tliis nui' li is ailniiltiil in tlio I’l'tvy jiraii (ilficial coniinniiiiation but it is ^l•ol<l'll of in a mnttf'.r • f tin t way, wliii-h (i(u‘s not kIiow nunh perfuil'a tion, and ttoiiples with the riA'ors’ flaiins of haviiiK roconiini-ndoil a siic- n'SKfiil ofii'nsivf afjainst tlio Aiisim; Ct'rnians at various poiiits. U is anticipatod in l*)ndon that tlu alliod advanco on tho woshth from will liolp to reduce tlu> pressart' on Iho Ihissians. A now and siKniticant dp volopinont in the \S'('stcrn theatre is that despite the CJerman concent rat ron in Flanders and F’rance the liritish ^n(! French forces find tlicmselves stroiiR to attack on suih a wide Iron!, t'onhrniation of yef^terday's state ment that heavy reinforcenientf- ha! readied the allied front is found ni the Herlin otncial communication which estimates the rainibi'r to tie “at least four fresh army crops." 'I'he recruitinK fever aroused in (’.real Britain by the sinking of th<' l.usitania continues. T«rklsh I.oss<*s arc Ksfiniatr*! a< 4,'>,00l} l^ondon, May 11—The allied troops iiu the Gallipoli Itninsula continued Iheir advance Friday and Saturday, according to an Athens dispatch to the KxchanRe Telegraph Conipany. They are reported to hav(> occupieil positions in spite of the desperate Turkish resistance. The Turks’ loss es are estimated at The hospi tals n Constaniinoplo are said to be so crowded that wounded are being s< nt to Konieh, in Asia Jlinor. Tiirkisli Onifial ISfalrnieiif. Constantinople, via Amsterdam and London, May 11—The following state ment was issued today by the TmV ish war oflice: -On the Dardanelles front the enemy made four desperate attacks near Ari Hurnu Sunday night but was repulsed by bayonet attacks and suf- fered heavy losses. Three enemy bat talions were annihilated. “.Monday afternoon the enemy <(m- stantly carried away wounded to thoir boats. “In the sotilh, near Seddul liahr, the enemy attacked under the protectio;' of Tiaval f!uns, but owing to our c ciunter-attac'ks his assault was unsui'- cessful.’ Hiissian OiVicial Slalemcnf I’etrograd, via lyondon, .May 11 -An ofticial statement issued by general I’cadiiuarters said: "In (he region of I'zsok I'ass the enemy made a fruitless atttack Satur day. "Serried enemy columns attacked impetuously a position held by two oi' our companies in a sector of the Jav orina inrmntain chains on the slope- above Ixininitza. The enemy's losses were so heavy heaps of bodies inter- Mr. II. H. Allen Prominenl Farmer Falls Oead While In llie Field ,\lr. !I. 11. .Mien, a well known farm er, dr'ipiied dead late Tuesday attei - noon while ploughing on his farm the old (’has. Uountroi' place about two miles west of (.'ri i'iiviile on the laiiil road. Mr. Allep. was (iT yiar.> Ilf age and h'aves surviving him. four .■•oMs and tliroe dauglilei's. Ilis resulted from heart failure. Tile funeral of Mr. .Mien was le li'i this afternoon at four o'l'lock at I'?' lainih burial ground, lie was a niein her of the .Mason Lodge and was biirii’il with Masonic honors. Th • deceased was a tine lypc of man aiui hail a splendid I'liaractcr. lerod with the liri> from our lienches Owr troops, in stiptt' of the enemy';; mill liine gun lire lei'i their trenoViC-. and swcpi the i-iu niy from the whole region. ■■'I'lu' same da>. c.fter ,i i|e>jieri:i , light, the emlny firced a Russian di tai hineiu ne:n the ' iltnge of ZaU'vi ki to r(tire < ) Iho !■ ft htir.k of tl'.e lU.U'-.. t<'r. 'Sunday night our vang^iards ha\fc- ing crossed 'ihe I'niesier, aitackcii il.c etu’iny on the Chal'aruki rroni io t! <? Miuih of the Stry. We look l,"i ii pris oners, one gnu and many :nacliir e ,;uns." French thViciiil Slalciiient. I’aris, .May 11 The French wai of lice this aftern-ion issued the fol'ow- ing slateinent: “In Hi’lgium near St. Cn'orges the eneii.y endeavoii’d by a night attack (o recapture tlu' positions taken ly us the day before yesterday. Tltcy were, howev-r. repulsed To the norih of .Arras our progres.j has continued. Monday evening we took posse5-sion of ihf ceuK'tery an«t then of the eastern part of the villagr! of ('arnet'y and also of the road from C'arency to Sauchez, where we took two hundred utul thirty more prison ers including three officers and cap tured several mai hine guns, is now in vested by our troops on three sidiv and is reduced to precarious communi cation with the tierman lines. "The lorces brought by the enem> from l.ens and from Doual in aut'.> mobiles were not sui ecssful any plao-.- in getting the ailvantage. Four stron,; counter-attacks broke down under out lire at the same time suffering verj heavy losses. "These attacks took place in fronr of IjOos, at Not re iJame l>e Ijorelle, ai Sauchez, and at Nnville Saint Vaasi. ■M this last mentioned place we gait', ed territory, at the. saine time making about one bundled prisoners. The number of ollicers vaktn by us up to yesterday evening is more than fifty. “.Monday night the enemy suffered n further check. The counter-attacks to the iiortli of Xuville Saint Vaast pro ceded by a violent bombardtneni, wtwt* conipletcl,\ repulsed and we retaken all the gronnil gained by us at the srimi' lime inflii'liiig vcr.v heavy losess on our ass,\ilants. On the riiiuiiniier ol the front from lioos to Arras there was no counter-attack yesterday. "Following the bombardment of Dunkirk, ri ported v(?sterday in 'rning. during which three shells fill bni without hurting aiivhody or inlUcfiiV' any damage, the (icrmans threw eh'ven shells on the town of liergue;;. five miles south southeast of Diink’rk T welve persons were killed and elever were woundcii. "t)ur l-.alleries at once opened tire ntui they put a stop to the shelling of Ihe enemy whii h was not resuniei! during the day. "On the rest of Ihe front th«‘re has (Continued on Third page) Wilson Remains Silent Following Three Hour Cabinet Session Yesterday Dr. [dgerlon Tells How Prolocl Yourself Ugainsl fyphoid Fever Ilie Pcesident and Secretaries Bryan and Daniels ftefirse Io Comment lUE myDFipmii spffch ( lilel F\eculiie Hel'cr' tii lli-> ljuiilior ( ily Address as Cowriiiu' UN »ie«s on Flit ire Sub.iecl of Foreign KolaMons. W a;^liington, May II The r.ibinel in session three hours tod.jy, die loiJiTest n'eeting sovi ral months Xonr' of ilie r.ienihers woiild deny that the l.nsiiar.ia incidenl Iiad been ^liscusseu lull a'l refiiscil ati.-ollitely te commetil. The .!eiiiea!u>r generally of the Cabi net nieinbers was grave a’. 1 reserved, Secretary Hr.x.in, pressed with i|ni..' ir-iiis, said: "We must v.ot disen.-^ wh.it oeiir^ u Cabinet u;e >tings," Secretary Daniel-;, isked .whej!' r the .Atlantic tlei't won'd pass throupli (he I’aii.'Jiii.'i Canal ir> .Inly in aci-rrd- anci' with ivevionsl.v miionnciMl j'li.r.s replied • "I c.t’.ii'i-t discuss liiat or aii.v • tie r (lUesti'il' low," Mr, litniels was asUed whetV-'r tie review o£ the .At,.,intie Heel si’anne I for ii!V week in New Yor'u 'vculd he held Yesterday he had deni 'd tliai plant ‘or the review would '.>i chauiT (d. 't'oday he snswered; "J cannot disctiss that." Waite House olhcials winjiii give no iniii’iates as to whether I.’>" I’resid- enl had decided on a course. They sia’.ply declarid there was nothing to bf said at present. I»«*uies Pcclaratioii ol r<ili«-.T. (’resident Wilson said today thoi bis speech in l’hiladephi:( last night WHS not a declaration of volley in re erfcnt'e to the Lusitania c.isaster; thai h( was not thinking of any speciK,-' iiuitter hut of the newi^ iuiluralizt<? .Americans in his audience Tho rresident used tl'» e.\prossi .r that he was ihinking d‘ the "Cair" some people were tryint to raise. Tho I’rcsident said he wmild iiiak ' II decision »in the polic.v u be followoi in the LuE-itania's case «s soon as He had all the eli'iiients ii mind. For the present he had luHhn g to add, h Faid. to his statement of .‘-aturday tlia: III was coiHiidering "vt-ry earnest’.' but very calmly the rignt course of fiction to pursue" and u at be knew the country e.xpected him "to act wit;i <leliberation as well as wi h lirniness Fx|tiH‘ssed IVrsonal ^tlitiide The 1’resident maile it ilear he wi's itnprt-ssed with the beliel that he was referring specilii’ally to 1-usitaiu s trageily, hut he indicated hv his re marks today that he ineaiit his spee< 1. to be broader than a single ineideiii. and to cover the entire siibj'-,-( of fore ign n lati'tis as well as the .subject of domesiic solidarity with relerelice u ihi- aliens who have become .’latiirali' ed in .Aiiurica. MFMItFltS OF <’\1{INFT \Ki: u;a<H{\\t ttF ri.ws rUFSIHFM II vs I> MIM< -At the iisu;.l lioiif Cabinet menibor-i 111 gan arriving for the lirst eonference with th« I’resiilent since last Friday, Whet her the I’resident would take up ti.e l,.usitania tragedy m- wait u»til he hnd gathered further facts was some- tliiiiK which none of Ihe secretaries .“ci'ined to know. Chairman Stose of th > Senate For eign Uelatioas Coimnittee, discussel the laisitania disaster with tin- l're:i- dent before Ihe Cabinet ineeiing b'lran and later s.iid he had no exiicciaiio:. tlui! an extra session of Cen.^nss wiailil iie ealled. Slnne I'tir “I’eace Milh Honor." "I aiii for peace u!th honor," sail! Si luitor Stone “I do not know wa.ii >tie I’resident plaiiK Io .io al'niit l!e- 1 .iisilaiiia. Il is his pf Idi'iii, .ind it is useless for o'liers to i.uenip', to ailvis' biiii " Seiuitoi' .'!tone (!• i !an-i he favnred passai-'e .d’ the governu.enl ship pur- chase biil whicli failed m ihe hits Con- LTess Slieh a step, ll.' said woil’il I f'uid ■ .Ainerii .in ships to carry ,\nier- icari liassent'* rs .nid goods, lie adih'd tl.'il he look It !cr graiited th. riiited slu'.'S w.uild tind means in pr-'ii'ct i's <''>1! .ships. Senator hal%.llette. .mother White .‘loiisi* <’a)'ier loday. opl"'!<ed i lu 'U! j.ieslion i.'iat d.phuuatic relations witi; (;irmati.\ be hroki'ii ofi, “I am 101 peace." sni.j S.-na .ir I,:: l-'olletto "I want t', nlted Stali'S ',o take a- rirtu stand, o .,;n oppose.l lo war.' Will l.iMi»a»'ir l« ( aii'c in Hit- Biiinity. Tb( ,'’.iilade)|)hi;.‘ spei.(-h w.i.s iiiu r- preteii 'ly ollieial ''Vashington, never theless as m«'an'''g that w’latever tou'S- is pnrsueo the I nited States prol!aV>ly would eiuleavor to s. rve the I of htniiasiit, by appealing to Co r many to send h< r sulmiurinn warfare ■lEi.insI unarni>'i! niercham -diips > ar- < ytng non-conibatiiiits. Hay Send ]Pcssage lu Kaiser. Ill some iiuarters the suggestion w.l'- i:iade that, the I’resident inight fores-o .10 usual niot.ns of dipkinaiii cor.' •spondt’iice and aiidress ii mesago :n person I.> h'njperor William, It wi'-s j pointed out ly persons hitherto in thi rrosidect's conlidi net i>.at he migb! lirst try lo T.reveiit a rccurreiue oi such an atT;ick as was made on ti t Lusitania. tiiKing up su ispquently (|uestion cif reparation for the loss <■; Amerii.an im's. tJerniany'i-. disavowal of any inici-- lion to d-s.toy Amerit an lives w.'is li oked i)U f>? many (dlii ials as signitii - aiit of (iertcany's desire, to «Kiinta/ii friendly rt:i,itions wii.n the \ nitc i .<iates. Illspatch F'viiin Ambassador (.ei'ard. .A dispatcn from Ai.i! issador ytri^ v.as reeeivef today and seni to thf I’resident. t, it its ('.r.t.-nts was r.ol reveaUd The evidei.ce giV'ii by Capiaiii Turnec of ti,e l.nsiiatiia b.'fore the eorotiers jiir,. has ti. i ii reported \o Ilie State Deiai'tmeni jiiid will he usen hv ollitials it. their suidy of tlii' <as<; (ii'ruiiin ('(toinninicaiiiiii l!ecei»<’il. Ambassador Oerard loday trans mitted a eoinne.inical ion from tlu‘ (li r man government dealing with the sut<- inarine warfare It was saiii to ln' ex [danatory bin ihe full nature of its eontents was not divul-:ed. It was laid before tlie ..ihiiU'i. It was ut>- di rstdod to have been oi casioned b> ill, sinking of ilo- l.uisiatriu. Hi»c(>se is Fii'lj Y«'ar> Old. riltshiir.i;. I’a,. May 12.—The lifl i eth aiiniversaiy of the organization of the I’itlsbiiig diocese of Mie l-^pis- (opal Church will be celebrated n..' 1 hiircli le.idi rs here tonight, led by Hishop Cortlanilt Whitehead. Th" services will be held in Christ Church which is Ihe only church now stand iiig as il was without alteration ai' years ago. .^n acti\e iiiiniunit.v t.i typhoid fe\i v may be produced by introducing dead 'l'.\ phoid Haecilli under the skin w:th a hviHid'Tiiiic, syrin,i:e. .\n sear is pro'iui-ed and the proc diii'.' is harnj less and the best time of day U) b-.- vai' inaii'd is ahniit 4 o'eloi k in lie :if(.moon. When done at flii,s titio >1.11 ;ire a-li ep wIi.mi tile reaction is ,u its heigh'. 'I'he in.'thod of pi'ocediire conslsis Ilf :i to •! suhi.ulaneous injictiires froio ."i to 1(1 days apart. There is always a slight local tenderness and ri dnesr. at the site of iiiociilalion and in som- lase.- tlier-' may be some malaise pains in the back and limbs and sligh' fi vers. Those, liowi-ver, pass off in 1 lioiirs. Ill per eent of the ca-cs haV" no ueiieral reaction while S'l per cent liaie a in:ld or moderate re- iut' in .Mioiit one casi- in one hun- dr. d may fe.d (juite uneonilorlable but there is no danger. The inimiinity c.miI'i ’. ri'd ;s supp.is'u ti last l! lo “ years after •) in.iiciioin- and it may b.' .igain r-nc-wi'd. T!;e results of tl'.is treatment cannot ;iiiy longer he (piesiioii. d since it has been used extensively in this country -ind atiroiid. A few e\at:.ples will eonvi:,r,‘ the most sk. ptieal .Ai San .-\ntonio, Texas, in the sun:- iiier of P.MI, IL'sol soldiers were ir- oculated against 'yplioid. From Man h lo .luly ihere w. re only two cases and no <li:a’hs. t)iie of these was a lean. .->ier who had not beeu inoculated and the .riher was a soldier who had r<- ceived only I w ii injections. Ther. w,,’'e ,1M . ( ses , of typhoid with l^’ luatlis in San .Antonio dunng tlic same peiivnl. .'\t Jacksonville, Florida, in l^''’> ilnring the Spanish-.Ameriean war viith the same number of men there (were L’tl'.! : crises of lypiioid with IMs j deaths. ryphoid Vacein.itioii is us. d all over the world, it is practically a suri prevention jgainst typhod fever. It is not dangerous and ii causc-K you very litUe inconvenienc ■ and no .ilcer is produced on your arm. Finally best of all it will not cost you anything to reocive the treatment. The State l^;ibrawry at llaleiuh furnisr.'s Typhoid Vat cine free. You may get your family physician to g’'o it to yea. or the County Health oilie r will Rive the injot tions iriv o; charg* to any one who asK it. In ordi r lo reach every I'lie in 'h.' Counn lie will stali.m hiinsi lf at i.'it lereiit idaces in Ihe i innit.\ on difft-rent days i<r;d in this way u is hoped that thoiisaiids will avail themselves of !he opponunily. The jii o[de of t;reen».lle will b( immunized I'li Saturday afti-r- tioon. from - to -1 p. ni. This of cinirse is ptiri ly voliihtarx and in , rde;- tha' I iii.i>' know w'-e S wants i: If all thosi who wain to I be iminuni:'! I will drop me a card sn tating. I will immunize them lirst. ,\i, T. i:D(;i:irn>.\. m. d. County 11< .i! Ill OlHc r. tlpciiittg oi' Kalian I’arlialilciit. I; 'iiie. May IL’. The reopening t.v ila.v of Ihe Chamber of Deputies i-- (oiisidcri'd a liiglil.\ important event in vii w of the interiialional situation as regal ds Italy's iiossible entry itifu Ihe I'.uropvaii War. It is i onsider. ii in some niiarlers quite possible th.u intervention may be anmninceil, al though, ateording to the constitution, the Kinc is entitleil lo declare war. 11^ the war (|Ueslion is Ihrown into Ihe Chamber, a iiuick decision is . x- adopt‘d for financing on a war basif. peeled, and prompt measures will be BYABM’LFLETCe ill N. I BAHIiyET jJafMs M. Beck Former Mlorrief General, Ulse Eratified al Our Preparedness IFCEPIIONGIvilOIIFriCfiS lia'cb.ill and Theatre rarlie- \i,ii"iig I'lti' llaiij F>ellt' t.i>eli I nr Tile I'literlaillineiil of the I lecl. New ^ ork, -May II I'nit'll Siaii s naxy tl’ai u I all"d up.Ill I. h.i!i’,T .1 f:!il nation ii the h. l'oi. traditions . V .i.i ed al il Uinelieoii III .-Xiliiliral Fleieh I'rid. ill '. .•,.(1 iiii.!..:i I) vindiii.ii t I U'.Uil Ullli-.. Ilf il- pll-l w, leiidi'ivii to.; and the .'iru. 1 .s Ihe Atlaniie lie hy the Sons riie oci asion was •rn I at l''rauiues Tav- of Ihe iie\(,ilutloii,. one ol til.my i vei.; • arranged for tlif iineitaininent i.i the tle-'i daring ils visit hi-re and w.i*. lolliiwi d t.iiiiglii by a r. Cl ptioii t.i tti» Mil .-rs Lit ihr .New York '^'aii'h I'Jul,. ’i’hi • nlisted men. nieanwhiK wirv uaiii I !ijo:. :ng to (lie fiii! me has;, ba'.l ;.ud theatre partiis which ar. u daily teaiu.'e ol the I'litiTtaiiinii nt provided b.v the citi/.eiis’ i-oniniitte', 'I'he guests for tlif luncheon as- si Lildvd in the historic room, w li< re Ci'orge Washington parted froui his- o!!ii'i-rs and Washington, as the l:>£l oiii,tiiauder in-cliief of tl'.e I'uiti <1 Stati s navy, was in part the iluuie ol t!ie addresses. .Ian,I S -M. I’.eck, Tonni r .ittor!'.e> gen.-^'al the principal speaker deih’.: ed tbal Washington had been J;r>'^- ent. "he wc.uld sliare with us tli< p!id(. and gratitication that we tal'o it. t.he navy of the I'nited States and in th.' conlideilt expeelation that if the tinie should ever come whcti tha! navy would be obliged to vindi- call- by force the honor <if the I'ni- ted Stales, every member trom the .■\ihiiirai (.n the bridge to tlie liuiii i■ie^-: stoki-r in the engine room wouid unit' 111 passing along as a flainiii): ((ir- h tci the next generation the m.Mi an in r('n traditions of ihe Atariiai, navy. .Admiral Fletcher voiced the appte- eiation ot tho otlici rs and im n for Ihi \iel<-oiiie tendered them here and ois- cii>';('d t!ie ttying accordfd to the cn- lir-t. d me:;. He said that the afmvis. plu re under which they grew up w..- :, w hoi. Minie one. 'i'iiin was no abatement today ir, il > thrnitizs t.| siclit-seers who visileij ii’,1' w.tierfront to veiw the Ih et af .u.- I hor in tho liver. A.'itionat t'diiurev' of Melliei'. I'ottl.iiui, Ore , ,May 1“. —The ' - tioi'.al C.'iigre-;. Ilf .Mothers. whu » op. ns today in lins eii.\- has brou/,' r. hiri-'e ill legations from mai:y se.'i.n -i ol .Anierii a. (lovernor Witliycmii: n ui;l welcome the women to Oregt i iliis ,.fti rnoon. Mayor Albce will spi-; k: and Mrs. .Arisleiie Fells, president ‘C lie ih-egon CoiiKie.ss, will welcome : .j v,^itors in the name of tho Tsoiu < o; the state. Mrs. Frederick Si j- e» of i liiladclphia, president of ih... ' < tional Cnngre.«s, will preride and ( ih livir 111 r annual address. T, ro .v a diseiis ;ion on chililren. (',. ' > the <‘imrth. Ihe school and -'i eriiment wil bring forth niarj : til nt fpcflk “ Tlie srs..;iiins • t'.'tid uoti’ i'iiJay ufl'-<nooii. j l&l!'

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