i^arW-'W' kmmrn «F MdavmaM WKTM $AIU>LfNA. tT BAS A FaPVLATION OF FOUR raOWSAitD, ONE HUNDRED UfD ONE, AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. I INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INTITEB TO LOO ATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TMBUTARY FAGILITIBS. WE HAVE AN UP-T^4>ATS WB AND FLANT. NEW1S«*AFE9 m j I 1 iRfKnObu* l> n* Xm( CmIoI, tMe Most HealtkfnL Ue MmI S«bie JBa|»l»7BeBt 9l Mow—flmrc* WMUiirton. WM EJmM A OtROWLA- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN i BUSINESS WAT TO TAKE 1 FEW INCHES SPAGE AND tell THEM WHAT YOU HAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING ‘iATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE BAD UPON APPLICA TION. Toimoi XXXIT. tiREE^VILLK, y. FItlDAY MAY L'l. I!H5 Kitchener Wants More Volunteers Kitchrnoi', FOR AFPEXDK ITIS Mr. Sam Brewer, of near (Ireen- ville, took his little ten year old son to Kinston yesterday to undergo an operation for appendicitis. The little fellow was in a serious condition and he was rushed to the hospital as soon a& possible. No news has reached hero concerning the operation or stat ing his condition today. W iK'fealioiits of .1. A. »hitiiarfe(l From S. A leter has reached the Ueflector otiiee, asking about J. A. Whichard who was raised in this county but has spent the last few years in South Carolina. Special friends would like to know where Mr. Whichard is now residing, and anyone knowing his whereal)outs will confer a favor by (IriMiping a line to the Ueflector ol- lUe. mim r \im>i:aus in iMMCtsif t \ium:t am» pamm momi m KI NS Kitri' l.ondon. May l!>.—What seems a cabi net crisis has appeared in Oreat Hrit ain. There has <'on,e to light what appears to the public, as one of the l)iggest niixups ever known. The trouble, it is said, is between Winston Churchill, and the lords of the admir alty especially. Uird Fisher, admiral of the fleet. At the present this situ ation claims all the political atten tion. Nexl Sonday lo be Rally Day at the Christian Church .Next Sunday will "Rally Day” at the Christian church here in Green ville. It is hoped that all the mem bers of that Sunday school will come out and give the clmrch folks the lar- Kest congregation evur seen in (iroen- ville. Not only the members of the Sunday school arc urgently reauested to b(^ present, hut all menilxirs of that htirch are wanted. The purpose of lliis Rally Day is to maki' a valiant attempt to see just how many of the good Sunday school workers will report. The nuignificent way ir. which this church is coming rapilily to the front is an inspiration to every worker to lit' present next Sunday, and to lend his aid in inakig the Sunday school wliat it can l>e. and should be in a town the size of Greenville. TOBAi t 0 At KEAtJK TO BK ( I T IN KIMiECOMBE AM> NASH Rocky Mount. May l!)th. -The far mers of Nash and Kdgecombe coun ties arc going to cut the acreage of tobacco this year, d<‘spite the fact that the crop last year came in so handy with cotton selling at such a low lig- ure. What has caused this reduction in acreage is not known, unless it is that the farmers have a clearer insight into their business than most folks think. The acreage is to bi' reduced at least .’0 pt:r cent. A \F\V K.VTKIU'KISE LOCAT- KI» IX (JREE.WILLE Messrs Leon W Tucker, tJco. K Clark and 11 C Nelson Purchase the Repair Shop of the Late J '/. (iaj^ncr The Gardner Manufacturing Co., on Cotanch street, of which the late Mr. .1. 7.. Gardner was owner and proprietor, has been purchased from the Gardner estate by Messrs. L. W. Tucker, G. A. Clark, and H. C. Nel son. These gentlemen have already opened for business and promise to give the public first class work along their line. The new firm will be in the business for repair work of all kinds of vehicles, automobiles includ ed. The company will also manufac ture the improved Nelson Tobacco Truck. The Gardner plant is locat ed on Cotanch street, just a short dis tance to the roar of the City Hall. With such men as .Mr. Tucker and Air. Clark at the heail of the new enter- I)rse and with Mr. Nels'on. an .ex pert mechanic also associated with tlie lirm. this new company will of fer to the public the best that can be had in repair work. .^idore-Kag'sdale Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore invite you to be present at the marriage of their daui;liter Susie A. lo Mr. Hu«1i Smith Uagsdal • tin the afternoon of Wednesilay. .!un> the sei-ond at four o'clock Saint I’anl's Kpiscopal Chur< li Greenville. North Carolina. rOLOHKII (ilKLS <;kt a FKW IHYS RElMtirVi: Mattie Sutton anil IVarl Pr'ce. two sleek and well fed ladies of Afriiini extraction, who have been lodged in the city jail since Monday evening in default of their fine for vagrancy, were released last night by the mavor and given a chance to work out their fine. RUMOR OF CLASH IN ENGLISH NATION GAINS ATTENTION House fiiyidBii Into Iwo Factions- Coalition is to lie the lutcome (•orrrsMot Ras Reached a ( risis Lonr; Expended and Whut the Out come W'ill b«‘ is Not. Kncnia lA)ndon. May 19.—Strong rumors were in evidence last night in the lobby of the house of commons that a coalition government was about to be formed. I'nionists lea How the old .Man was treat ed Miss Mamie Rufh Smith. Story Why tli'' Sea is Salt Miss -Maybelle T\son. ,\;fer having spent an enjoyable Innif playing rook the members de parted for their respective homes. What ••’I’cildy" Thought. (Wilmington Star.) Everybody was aski'd tu)t to “rock the boat but Teddy seems to have Ihought that It was only an invita tion fo everv body to rest on their oars and let h ?n rock the boat by him self. MAN NOW WITH KEELEtTOK WAS IN EI KOPE AT OI TBHEAK OK WAR ilncient friestle Unilergoes H Siege by Revolu tionists Keuui'ned Fhere For Scicral .Month> IWfore lie Was Able to Sail For I. S. A. Asa Higgs. .. newspaper tnan. now with the Kellector was in i-airope at the outbreak of the present war. He was in C.erniany when war was de clared and remained there for three months being unable to secure a pi.ss- port. I'ji N*)vembe.V Ik* crossed to ICngland where lit! spent some time. Within a few days he will start a series of artic les telling of hi;> I'xper- etices n getting out of the war zone. Rome. .May 1!‘. .Nikfiit 'I'rii.'-te. once the scene of iiiaiiy Uom.ui opt :- [itions in the days of .'ori-, i'- >imli ;-. miing a state of seige loilay I,-, ((.< rev : ■ ii file desiris of ihe people. Ho>;ti;>' !hr<-a(.s .-ire being made .•igai.’i''i I'.ii p(«rer Francis .losepli, and all fii' ;ii fouioliiles oi' file I’aliiie'f niemb' r'-' have lii eii ( oinmanderi'd exccrii .Kali.i Ira's. .Marniisf ninnjrs aie runi.niii- fhronghonf the city, and ii v,as :ei ■ time today that Prim e \’on r.. low. the (lernian aiuh:iss;idnr. had I' t* fhe l ity. It is not known win flier I., has conteiiii>lateil having nr not. l-’i I speiial train awaif;- liiin in i.;-- I break eonii'S. M \ NV PI Ol’I.i; ( 0>M. TO i;iti:i:>V!i.i.i: (on:? Thi re are a lof ot peopb in lown tendini; «onrttliis wieU. The strve’s liave been thronged with them frotn all s'-ciions of the eoufify. Sonu them report a heavy datnage to eroi”- iiwing to flu' hail storm Monda', I'armer.s .■^ay flial fhey are goin f- r till' 'bog and hominy idea " this yea; . or in other words, are going to plarr a k)t of torn, potatoes, peas and rai^■t .1 few fat hogs on tlie side. Some (>' them sa> they have been watehins. lb.- blaekbiTry bushes with enviiv.js eye?. (;i!r.i;>sut>KO bovs i’imm o 0WM;KS ok AKI{HIM.\>t (Ireensboro. .May 1'.*.— rinCe Green.- l)oro boys are the proud owntrs oi a real aeroplane that w ill make fligh.s The boys anv Forrest Wysong, Wi ■ Ham Cotlin and Uiwreiice Hutton, all students at (he A. K- M. college. The\ built their machine from written in struction of Lincoln Peachey. The machine is equipped with a Sli.’iO en gine. The young aviators have ready made several flights, and oi.-' of them will fly to Greensboro soo^:. he s.iys IIKWY STOI!>I NK\U AVI*I N \M> SIIKLMKBIMNE SK( TION Ayden, N. (’.. May tS .V very severe and heavy rain storm visited .Ayden aiid Ihe surroumling territory lafe yestiTday afteroon. 'I'he storm did not do nuich damage itt town, bnt it is reported that about a mile or two from here much hail as well as a heavy rain fell. This morning news comes from Shelmerdine that Ihe storm was terrific and pla>ed havoc in that section. Mo>«> Oil. I Selma Chronicle. > The best thing that you c-an tell a man who knocks Selma is ‘‘that we have very good railroad connection and pr(d)ably he will find a place to .?nlt him farther up the road.”—though we doubt it. SKITTISH I’IPKK \ ITI{U rs LAKtii; ( KOWns (IN STHI I lir. te'o. MeKi'iisie, a Sxitfish pi;' or. has been lii're for the past two dri.'--' and has atfracte(I enormous iial iiKtninn'nt. Thi' Knglish mar. ^ ■ ig song. "Its a long, long way !,• Tippi'rarN ■' has laptured the atten- tion of almost everyone in Greei;- villc. .Mr. McK'nsio has liis tafli" r aiid two brothers, lighting with f Hi ;i.-h .irniy in Kratue. \\ II 1.1 Al l,I N sl ( t I MItS TO sl ((»M> STIMHvi: OF AI’OIM.IW .Mr William .Mh'ii. of m ar C.rei ■ , ville. passed away at his home .Me; • .1,1 y afiernoon from a srri'ke • i! .\p<'piexy several weeks ago, but sur vived it. only to lie taken with a nior'i M v re case yesterday. .Mr. Allen leaves three daiighte;;< !o moiu ii his lo,‘?s. Mrs. W. F. Kvaii j ot Gret'uville is a daughter. .Mr .-Mien was a prominent fame t* iif lliis seel ion. and his dealh is deein 1-, mourned. Indrment will bo at the famiiji burying ground Tuesday. Palin beach suits and overcoat^ were both in evidence yesterday,