T M I U N I V I R S A I ( \ U Moseley Brothers Insurance and Real Estate Agents. SOCIAL and PERSONAL PERSONALS. AVKDXKSDAV. MAY. 1'.'. lUir. Afr. W. !■'. <’rl<‘ssrs. It. W. .Smiili. It. V\'iiipiic md .Jesse Cannon, of Ayden, wcri' in • Irfcnville today. Hon. T. W. I5icknci‘nieni addri'ss al the clos ing of (lit lielliel school y<»si(>rday .-^pcni last night in (!rc('nvilli>. \lr. ('. K. liland. of Washincton. uKC*nt for Sludohalfpr automobiles, was in the city today. Aftorney K. M. Cox. of Kariiivillt*. was hf'ri' atlcndint; court today. Alisses Mary (.'owtll and Ijllian WhichartI attended the coniiiu*ii<;emi'nt I'xcnises at Bethel yesterday. Chiel' of polili>ervi' llie riilt'> ^il the road and Ui'"p tu 111.' ri^'lit ll.cr.' soiiifi to he a ri'iil . 'rli'u- aicli’iciit • 111 Snllie of Ihc cil> .'trei'Is m.iU'' lilli' hiy. 'I'here is im eM u.'c for a piTMiil to Irive on the Icit siih' of a sII'm I, and lUe polii-e would ilii well to .■.ci- ili:it i.'.io iratl'ickcrs Ui-ep to iln- riiilii. KKSULTS TELL >orn K I North Carolina i I’itt County Notice is lu’rehy given that the lioard of Coniiiiissioners of I’itt Coun-1 ty, al a Special Call nn-eting assembled j on Wednesday, May 10^ ordered! an election to l)(> held, in the following | described territory: ■ liegiiining at the inoulli of Otters | Creek where it (>nipties into 'I'ar Uiv-j er running up Otters Cr<‘ek to the: •Mayo .Mill Creek, thence with the ilayo | ■Mill Creek to .lolinsoii liranch with Johnson Mraiich to .1. II. 1>( Them ('an I(e No Donbt Abont (he l<4«SDlts in OreenTlllc. Keaults tell the tale. All doubt Is removed. The testimony of a Greenville citi zen. Can be easily investigated. VVhat better proof can be bad? W. 1’. Symonds, carpenter, 207 Washington St., Greenville, says; “About a year ago my kidneys were out of order. I had dull pain across my baclt and loins. At night I was restless and could not Bleep well. I also had headaches and dizzy spellls. The secretions from my kidneys wera scanty contained a brick-dust sedi ment. Friends recommended Doan’s Kidney Plils to me and I got a supply at the Warren Drug Co. After using tnem a short time according to direc tions, they relieved me of all the sym ptoms of kidney trouble. . Price 50c, at ail dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Symonds had. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. I’hi* Wrong ld*>a i.N'ews and Observer.! How great a pity it is that (ierniany and the (icrniass do not understand the I'nited States anil its people. Here goes the Tageszeitiing. a paper pub lished in lierlin. which gravely charg es that whoever reads without prejit- dici' the nol<> of I’rcsidelit Wilson to Oerinany “can scarcely escape the im pression tliat the 1‘ritish Atnhassador al Washington was not far away when it was framed. One could effually as well imagine its contents to he a specli by i’rciiiier Asquith in the House of Comnniiis ' Whai (ierniany needs Just now is to reeogni/.e that I’resident Wilson ill his noti' for .-\nierica and .American sentiments without the slightesi tlioiiglit as to what i:iigland thinks about the matter. Oiir ".(ITVK^ " Ottier 'I'tiis and ~ic. |i().\'T .MI.S,-; 'rillS. Cut out this ;;|ip. enclose with liv<‘ cents to Koley iV Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your naiiie and address clearly. Voti will receive in let urn a trial pai:kage containing I'oley's Hom y aiiil Tar Compound, for coukIis. colds and croiii), Foley Kidney I'ills. and Coley Cathartic Tablets. Sold I '.very wliei e. alien land; thence with this land to the late .lohn King farm, and with the said King line to the Henry Harris lie. to 'I'yson'K cri'ck; thence with Ty son’s Cieek to Tar Kiver, and up Taf river to the beginning," That said election to be held 'I’lies- day. the rith, day of .luly i:i|.'i. al the I'uhlii' School House in the above de scribed territor,\-. for the purpose of taking and asi ertaiiiing Hu- will of the (lualilieil voters of the above describ ed territory, as to wlielher there shall or shall not be levied and (ollected a Special School Tiix of .‘iilc on the One Huiiilreil dollars valuation of jii'operty and !iiic. on the I’oll in the above de scribed territory, and at said election those favoring the Special Tax shall vote a written or printed ballot con taining the words ' For Special Tax", and those opposed to said Tiix. shall iiav(! a written or printed ballot, con taining the words ‘Against Special Tax." And it was further ordered that C. H. Miiyo be and is hereby appointed Hegistrar for said election, and H. C. Smith and 1’. H. Mayo are hereby ap-j pointed Poll Holders or .fudges of elec- | tion. • And it is further ordered that a new i registratoin is and shall be required,: and that the registration l)ooks for said j district or territor.\ shall be opened 1 Friday. .May L’s. 19ir>. and closed | Saturday, .lune L’ll. r.il.l, for the pur-j pose of registering ilie i|ualilieil voters' of said district . This IHth. day of .Ma.\'. I S. A. Congleton. Chairman Hoard of Co;:i. of I'iii Coiinly. .‘\iie.--i llrascoe Ill'll I Cleric. lid '.'Hv I !)£E E. M. EYAXB FOM ILICTBIC | Irons, Heaters. Lights and tztorvfj Proctor Hotel BnildlBg. l*-Sa-tl < — 1 I’OH KKi\T—STOBE KOOM, NOW cccupied by Ooca Cola Bottling Com- : thence! ‘-'0''“®*’ Fifth and Washingtozi ^i^jtii's*; streets. Apply to J. E. Winslow. j " 1 3-&-tf. I I I ) FOH SALK OK J{|:.\T SIX BOOM' house on IMtt Street near Dickinson j avenue. Apply to C. M. Hock • 4-l!i.tr. 1 Come to see us for the New Model FORD Touring and Runabout Automobiles. Equip ped witn electric lights and many other new additions. Our profit sharing plan is very attractive. Tewinf Can $490.00, F. 0. B. Ro«iuibo«U $440.00, F. 0. x, DttraH. Ford Supply Co. Phone 237. Greenville. N. C. |{KMh:>ii{i;i{ Tilt: Whiti''s Theatre night. "The Tale \TTI! Vn iON for iif.M 'I'ui's of the alll " FJ!i;SII scHii/rz. aspakam .s. nA.\TKI> TO KK\T HM I? OH SIX roota house Addre:!S I’.ox .\o, ;>l4 City. TWO (»|{ TIIKKK KOOM.S H»l! IJ|;\T 110:.’ WaKhington street. if .yiSS Kl'OEXK JU( K. iJUAOrATKj nurse from .Memorial Hospital at| Washington, .\. C. will be located' here after Friday. May i;ist, i'honu j -■■■'.'<.1. r.-iT-:iti THE LIMIT OF LUXURY iB reached when one has taken a hatk In an up-to-date bathtub of cor Itttas. No house is complete wlthoat It aai the comfort and cleaullneas wblsk ra> Bolts from ItB use Pars the Price many times over. We bSTe IttMl the flneat hoase in SreenTllle wki not yours. We gladly will Icnra M It. S. T. Hicksy THE Plumber. IF VOC’ VISSKD SKKING -TIIK TAM; of a Hat" before don't fail to see it. at White’s Tue.sday night There will be a treat is .store for you. It \<>Ti( i: Sarth Carolina. I’itt t'ounty. Xotice. is lierehy glM-ii. thai the Hoard of Coniiiiissioners of I’itt Conn- ty at a Special Call meeting :issenibled on V\'ednesday. .May l!i. I!i|.'.. oidi'i'cil all election to be held in ihe tullowiiig ile>„i'il»'d territory. ■•I! FOR SALE! Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle Peas. Sweet Potato plants HALL & MOORE Ohiiei'ii'iii III Ihe \n, .Mcd'ial aiii.ii-i :i'e.-. a>'.'-ce liiat < oM; are iiiiectio-i ■■. lii soni** ilties cbihl r. n «itli coals ,ire isirrivl ti'oiii innin.n' at llie I la vi nporl. and I’locier corner on Tar Kiver. tlieiiee witli liaveii;iort and proeior lines lo i; I! l-'leiiiinn. .Ir , and I i;iveiiport's ' liii' lo It l<. Sniilh's loriier; Iheiiee' wiili It. Ij Hiiiiili and Kh iiiini;'s line | ii.'fds. I ''' WnsliiiiKUiii road, wiili said road i ripriiiK's cliaiiKini; weather hrinns niaiiy colds. The i|uickest and safe way to stop colds, coiiijhs and eroiip is to uiV" l*'oley’s Holley and Tar Com- pcnind. Sold f^verywhere. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up tlie Whole Kystem. 50 centSi The Best by Test of TOBACCO TRANSPLANTER You can’t judge a tobacco transplanter by its looks. The proof of the pudding is chewing the rag. We have hundreds testimonals. tlrinieslaiid, X. C., Keh lIJth, l!tl4. .Messrs. Hart Hadley, (Jreenville. N. C., Centleinen: . In regard lo the .1. Case Tobacco Transplanter tliat I bought from you last year will say that it gave perfect satisfaction. 1 got a good stiwd :ind the tobacco grew oft better than when I set by band. It I couldn’t get another one 1 would not take Tlu'i’e Hundred Dollars for Hie one I have. Yours Very truly, J. H KDWAKHS. Phone 32, *a* Greenville, N C. Ill .1. II Wilson and C II l.itlle's corner, tlieiice with said Wilson and' l.itlie's line III l.iltli . .1 I!. HaVell-1 |iori and (iiaiiu'e l.anuh's corner.* ilieiiie wiili S:ii lerUi wail I ami .Maltliew -Move’s line to Sal I erl ll wa in-'.- ealial. I with said canal lo .1. I', l-’leiiiiim and Sal leri h Waite's corner, llienee with Sal lertliwaite's and l''leiiiiii!; lino lo Sai lerl liwaite's road, tlieiue with K. U. I leiniii^ and SaltenliwaileV line lo .1 U I lave upon and li, It Cl I'liniii; corner ; ir llie i:broii line. Ilieine wiili >ai.' liliroii line to .1 li. I.itlli and liaUi'r i iirner: iheiH’e with .1. I!. Liltie's liiie^ lo the r.arnliill line, ilieiice witli l,il- lie and llaiyihill line to ihe liaiiiel line, theme wiih the Daniel and .1. ii. i Little’s liiK' to (irindle Creeli, tlieiice v.ith the CreeK to the I’elt Daniel and I'rawforil corner, ihnce witli .--aid I'rawlord and Daniel line lo the C,eo. Moore line: thence witli ilie .Moore line to the Dudley liin'. now K. D HarrinRlon’s thence with llai ringlon’s :iiid the Ward line to the Spier land, ^ I hence w ith the Spier and Ward llin' III .Moye's run, thence with said run to ’I’ar Kiver. back lo the lieginning." That said election In- held on Tues day the t;th. day of .Inly I'll.'i. ai the luildic school house, in the above de scribed territory, for the purpoM' of taking iuid asceriaining the will of tile i|ualiliel voters of the ahovi ile I .scribed property, as lo whether there shall or shall not he levied and col lected a Special School Tax of L’oe on I the Dill' Hundred dollars valuation of pi'opert.v and tliir on each INdi in the ■above described territory ' -\nd at said election those favoring, the Special Tax vote a writti ii or prin lied ballot containing the words. 'For . S| ei'ial Tax, ” and those opposed to ^ said Tax shall vote a written or prin-j : ted ballot containing the woids I ......... ' •'Against Special lax. j .\nd it was further oidered, ihai I , ' .r.Salterthwiiite he. and he is In reby | jappointed Registrar for said election i and that 1. S. Kleniing and W S., Williams are lieri'hy appointed I’oll j I holders or .ludges and tlection. .\nd it is further ordered, that a! now registration is and shall be requir ed. and that the registration liookS| for said District or territory shall be' I opened on Friday. May ‘-‘J^tli. I^U.-i, and . closed on Saturday, .luiie iTith. I'H '.; I for th(' purpose of registering the i|UaI hi'ied voters of said distriit. This Ihe liMli, day of May llil.". , S. A Congleton. Cbalrnian Hoard of Com. of I’ilt County i..\ttesl' Hrascoe Hell. I Clerk jltd ntw A CA8X OF BLACK PLAAUl in town woolt} probably frighten ti(« ildest Inhabitant, but we are prefared ter the necessary remedies even tiT; ihat and are supplied with the tre*h- 3st stock of drugs to compound any r.lnd of a doctor’s prescription wUit the newest dlRcoTeries In medicins drags of any description. Oar )T «ervic« is prompt and inknown here. mlstskes ara k Coward-Wooten Drug Company EVERYTHLNG FOR THE Porch and Lawn Porch Swings, Rugs, Shades, Rockers of vairioiK kinds, Hammocks, Lawn Swings for the children as well as the grown-ups. Just a look at the one-piece Porcelam Refrigerator will prove it is the BEST Ouinn-Miller Furniture Company A NEW COMPANY We ha»e »|>eiied on Third Sroet In S. T. Hirk'ti 1‘lnmbli tbop, a ruotinK and tiiiiiinp bnsinoNs, and onr aim in lo the pablle the lienl t^ork possible for the money. (