'■ ' /-/l/r/flj, ffmMKif9VB£F IS TME mvmtT @F EABTSRN tern's oAmuNA. it has A POPULATION OF FOUR VBOU8AND, ONE HUNDRED UID ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARHING OOUNTRY. INDUSTRIE’S OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE ^VAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE 10 B AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. 7^; r mmmmms; TOmilE XXXIV. AgrleaUnre la tii« Stoiit Oteful, ttr« flfoKt Hc»IUifula tbe Most >oi>le £iii|iluyment ol M«n.—6eor|(e HashlHgtnn. WM HAva A omev^A- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERT I 81 NO HATES A HE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. (;i{i;hNvii i-K, \. („ FBiiHY .11 M: II. i!»i:.. M niu;i{ Hi:.' COMMONER RESIGNED FROM WILSON CABINET YESTERDAY il: IS 10 eiAME investigations Still Coiris y at Annapolis NIVHL OFriCtR mifOlVEO l!(iir \iliiilriil Will. M. Kiilliiiii 'riiliikN Oik- Miilsiii|iniaii lo itiuinc And ll<‘ l{i‘siim<‘s Ill's Coiirl oi' hii|iiir.v 1'oiliiy. 1Io|m>« to / l<‘iir Tnidhh- ll> Aiiiiiitiolis, .liiiu' S.—lU-ar A.liniral Will, P Kiillaiii, Kupi'rinii iiiianl of ilio -Nasal Aiaili-iiiy who rt-.siuiuil his los- liinoiiy today bi'foro the naval I’otirl ol' iiKjiiiry aiipoinU'd liy Socrctary Dan it'ls to investi^ati' cluirt;eK of ii Tfnular- itios in acaderay exaininatioiiH, (li>- < larcii to the court that Midshipman •lames i:. Moss, of Annapolis, was tlif man primarily rosponsildo for the wholi' si'andal in coniu'ction with tho last annual examination. jVIiilshipman Moss, thi> admiral as- siTltd. was bciiiK supported in his plea for I'lemeney by two I'nited Slates Senators, a reproseiitalive in Congress and tw'o lawyers. If surh farces, said the superintendent, were permitted to control in such a case il would be possible to maintain a standard of discipline in the Xaval Academy. |{«-p4'ats ron>ersatioii In^uhiiii; Xaval Oflic^r The admiral said he refrretted very much to have to testify concerning a conversation with Robert Moss, father of Midshipman Moss, and a member of counsel for the accused midship men, which compelled him to mention the name of the naval ofl'iccr. -Mr. Moss told me, said Admiral Fullam, "that Surgeon McDowell, whom he (Moss) had defended in a civil case, had assured Mr. Moss that he would look out for his son,” Moss had told the admiral that he did not wish to make charges against McDow ell or anyone else, but he expected the belief that the papers claimed to have been received by Midshipman Moss from an anonymous source were sent to his son by some ollicers. Sur geon McDowell, (he admiral said, was mentioned in tl.at connection. Ill the course of (Tossexainination by ('ongressnian Hay. of the midship men's counsel, concerning the issuance (II "doiie’' or information about stud ies. .Admiral Fullam said it was cus tomary for instructors to diret't the special attention of tnidshipnieti to cer tain parts of the subject, they were stuilying with a view to their time be ing devotcil to the most iniportaiit parts. It was legititinate. he s;iid to make use of copies of former exami nations which could be distintruished from information about fresh exami nations, by reason of the old papt rs contain their headings intact. The fact that the papers th;;t come info Mess' possession had the top cut off Hands In His Resignation Rather than Cross Views Of President Wilson Resignation lalies [ffect loday llllien Note is Oispalched _T V ninereliee iil 4>pliilitii Itetweeii >Vil< son iii:J tlic roniiuriiier Ciiiised tJic Itesiuiiation. Kolli of llieni Heeply Heurelted the Seierance <•!' I*iilili«‘ Keliitions. but Will ('ontliiiie <ii Wdrk l-'or Same Cause i'h<tiigli \<i( .(•lined lij \Htioiral i<aiid« W ashiiiKton, ii. i'.. .Iwiie s.—Wil liam .leiiniiigs iiiyai). tliree limes Deiiiocralic ciiiididaU; for the presi- liency of the i niied States, an author of nearly tliirly iieat'e treaties willi tlie pi'iiu ii)al nations of tlie world, re- .'•igned loday as Secretary of Slate as a dranialie sei|iiel lo his disagreement with I’residenI Wilson over the gov- irninenrs policy toward (iermany. The resigiialioli was acepted by llle I’resident. The Cabinet then approv ed the response which had been pre prepared to the (ierman reply to the I..usitania note. .Acting Secretary Uol)- eit I-iansing will sign the document, tomorrow il will he cabled to Rerlin. . lieturnis (o 1‘ritylr Life SecretRry Bryan will return to pri vate life tomorrow when his resig nation takes effect. It was learned that he intends lo continne his politi cal support of the I’resident. Rather than sign the document which he believed might possibly draw the United States into war. Mr. Hryan submitted his resignation in a letter declaring that “the issue involved is of such moment that to remain a mem ber of the ('ahinet would be as uiil'air to you as it would he to the cause which is nearest my heart, namely, the prevention of war.” I’rosldont Deeply Keirretfiil The T’resident accepted the resig nation in a letter of rt'gret, tinged with deep personal feeling of affection. The letters, constituting the official an nouncement of Mr. Hryan's departure from the cabinet to private life, were made public at the AVhiti' House at six o'clock tonight. should have lieen sulfieieni pruoi' to I any one on tlie scene that they v(>re not old examination papers, diriared I till' witness. I l!i‘fii>es to l!('lca>><' teen>ed 'liil-liip- Maii Washingliin. .lime .s Si'Htaiy ! Daniels loda> ileclined to graiii lh<- re (|uest of Iouiisel fur the mid-liiptn:iii I on trial at tlie .\aval .Aead' -iiv tiial they be released from arie ! uhi'e the <iiurt of iiKiuirv is sitti:-;.' Mr I Daniels said In* was following pri i mI- ent He iiistrueied ai adeiii,' aiiihnr- ^ilies to see that the iiiidshiprnaii had every opp#rluniiy to confer with ci.nn- sel. Raging Battle In Galicia Has Not Been Decided Up to Now. Fights Go On Gounly Commissioners were in Session feslordajf Nolliing Gi)en Out I he (ouiity eoinniissioners were in siiort session yesterday, tint no ini- portanl i|ueslions were consiciereil 'i'here was talk of buying a ro; d nia- chine, and ihre \vi;re two nr ihree men here to sell tlie e(nuity. Imi no niacliiiie was decided upon. Tlie ma- eliine ilial the commissioners waiii will he a motored propelled iniiehine Riimanians Have Hejecleii Offer of llie Allies Says Germany I'olo'aie, lii'itnany. June, via l.eii- lion. ^ )). ID. Tlie cliajn-es nr- iliat Bulgaria and Uumaiiia will enter ihi' war with tlie allies are diuiiiiisliing, says a Herlin disp;'trh to llu' Cologne (la/.ette. "The political he;iveiis of the li.il- kans have cleared somewhat," the des patch says. "Rumania has rejected the first offer of the Triple Kntelite as uns'itisfactory. Bulgaria also lias received offers from the Knlimte. It is not known tlia-l Bulgaria has form ally rejected them, but she is in agree ment with Rumania and since llu* lat- tiT has ro.ieetil the ofl'ers Bulguria probably will do likewise. "This assumption is the more r^'a- sonablc because Bulgaria's lirsl lie- niand is immediate oicupalion by her of the Maccedonian territory taken from her by Servia. The Kiiteiiie has not yet offered that, Bulgaria nai- tirally is not decideilh—b IMM'vbgkc) tirally is not disinterested in the Turk ish frontier hut Bulgarian statesnii'n nre keenly cons(-ious that the ojipor- tunity regarding Macedof^ia is one v.liich will come no war ii(*vcr". Iil>hed to lie I’l'eM'iit. The principal of the (iraded School tor the coiori'd race, through tliese eolunins invites the wliiti* citizens lo inspect the sewing, coidiing. chair, can ning and school gard(‘ii work of the school froiH it A M to ."> 1’. .\1 . on Thursday, .lune lnih aii<l lo come to the iiradualing exiM ( ises at the S\ niori' Hill Baptist Church at night. C. c .Spaulding of hiirham delivers the address. I'lr<f Hanuinus in 'l'\tent.ii Year« (juilman. <!a., ,Tune 0,--Three ne groes will be hanged in this counlv tomorrow, and the event, the tirst of its kind for 20 years, will take plaie^ in this city. The negroes were i'(»n-, v.in-d last month. Thev were .lohni Timm:!:-, who killed Wiley Henilerson.j eiilored. .l!ick Miller, who killed h:s father in law. .Tack Kdwards. colored.' and .-Mf (looshv. who killed his broth- ' «‘r in law. Mitch Davis, colored. ) British and Russians Repoft Light er Fighting Ifong Front kUMrn Aiioui mmm The |{rili‘<h iind liii'siaiis lia>e I ortii- ed I'lie O|iiiiion that tlie Uotrians Uid The (>ernian>< Are \ImiiiI l!x- liau'ted. <-ernian Siihiiiariiic> SlioM The llosi Vclitit}. London. .Iiiiie The big liallle iii l aiicia has l eaeheil no dei isjnn. The -Aiisl ro-1 :criii;^^is have criisseil the Dniester south nl' l.etnbeig and haxe assumed the oH. iisive fartlier to tlie south, and according lo the .Austrian ollicial repDrt, luive pushed tiu: Uii^- sians hack iHtweeii Koldiilea and l\alusz in easii-rn (iailiia. The ojH'ration was necessar> liefore the Teutonic allies coiuliiiitd their advaiu-e toward Lemberg, as Russian attacks in tlie region of Kohiiiiea were h< ginning to ki<d< daiigeroii.'^, iufer Ihe luissiiuis had, as veporled fi'om I’etro- grail last wi'i’k, inllicted a defeat on the -Austriaiis in tiiis <lislriit. British and Russian military opin ion is that the .Austro-liernians, after their big efforts, whiih regaineil for them the greater part id’ (ialicia. have about exhausted themselves, and the view is expressed that they soiui will have to fortify a line on which they can withstand the Russian counter offensive. which already has made it- silf fell on the lower San. If the Russian positions really were dangerous, these authorities say the allies long ago would have taken the offensive in the west to relieve the pressure on the eastern from. No <lnen»i>4' in ^Vest. It is true that the French have been attacking at a number of points he- iwei'ii Rheinis and the <lislricl north of .Arras, and have gainecl some ground hut Ihe Hrilish are iiniet, and it hardly can he said ihat a general ot'feiisive in the west have begun North of .Arras the l-’rciich have gained addi- lional ground, ami nnrih of the .Aisne have repulsed four (Ierman counter attacks and extended their previous gains. The Cernians ( lalm lo iiave re pulsed some of the Freiu h iitlaeks north of .Arras and north of Soissons, llritloli (jnlet. The Briiish ii port all (|uiet oti their Irani, hut III lie Zeppelin brought down yesterda> they claim to havi' added twd (iiiniaii aeroplanes as an etlset to Ihe c|esiiu(lion. reporteil hy the Cermaiis. i.f an allied a<‘ro]ilain n-ar Daoiii. Theri are indications lhat a big liatile is iniinineiil if it has not al ready lugiin along the Isonzo riv<>r, where the lielians apparently have decided to laniich their principal at tack. The Italian cavalry have cross ed the river, anil it was reporled from (ieiieva tod;i\ thal tlie.v had pier< ed the Austrian lit.e L El CLOSED TO OAK Ron. Francis D. Winston Selivers Spendfd Address to Ihe CraduatBs 'i lie sixth annual edmniencenierii • x- ercises ol tile i-'a.st (’ai’olina 'i’e.'iciu-rs Training Si:ho<il catiie to a eUi.-e this niorniiiu wiiii tlu‘ adilress of lion. Kran <is II. WInsion and the .iwardmg of the dipliinias to the graduates, rroinpt 1\ at I’re.sident Wriglit. louetii er wiili till- Speaker and Hon. .1. ■loyner an.! liev. I! \V. (!a.\ and sev ( ral of the si'hool trusties niarclied in and took Iheir seals on the ros- trillik. The,^ wei^e tolhnveil hy ihe Seniors. -I.", in nuniher. and a ( horns o', forty.tive girls from the other class es. who took their seals on the stage. .As .Misses Bernice Kagan and Clara liavis continued to play a march the reiiiaiiider of the student body march ed in and tuiupied the seats in front Ilf the auilietice. In beginnin,g the exercises President Wright called on Key. R. W. (iay, pastor of the Bap- llsii < hur< Il of Washington for pray er. This Vas followed hy a song frtmi the student body and an itistriinienial s(do hy one of the students. I'resident Wright made a few re. marks thanking the people f..r the in ti rest and attention shown ai ihe kiui- mencemeiit exercises this .M ar and then referred to the speaker of the oc casion as needing no introdu-. lion he- fnre a North Carolina audience. "He has held So many positions in the Stale that he needs no introdui I ion." said President Wright .Mr. Winston made a speech thal was truly representative of his ideas and his thoughts on ediuaiion in .N'orth Car ilina and using his own words as he later exprt-'sed it. 'WhetlK r I have lold 'oil anything or not. 1 hi- lieve what 1 have spokt n to you ' The speaker started out hv iiimnienlillg nil Mr. Wright's flatlering introduction and then In- the way of exiilaining his feeling told of the wealthy girl wln> h;id so many suitors "There was oiue a vei v rich girl,’ said he. "who hail a nuniher of vouiig men as lallers. hut she was ahvays aware that they were really liking for her wealth. Finally one of them came and had a hcarl-to- hearl talk with her, telling her how dee|i in love he was with her and al the conclusion llie girl said lo him. ■say that over again. I know you don't mean il. but il sotinds so good " "This is the way I feel about whal Mr. Wright lold you" said Mr. Winston, KIICRIN SROCKED AI SEC. BRIAN’S Dongressmsn is OiiiFilcuriled Sudden Development 2t 1 iic iV HO CUSH WIIH eiAMAlif ( iiiigrc'siiiaii l\ncw Vntlihig nf t.hc lla.'s lletelojiniciil I litil He \>a' \olitieil h) Teii'pholie. Hopes I or a Iteconijlliatjoii. Ite- Iwecn llryan and W II -on Kii.sU.ii, .luiu s. Toiiitlil at f.giU tile news of .'^ei i'etar> l’r>an's resigu.i- lioii had ni'i iiemirated lo ilie Ijtlc Halifax l oumy. lown ol Si ml.in I .\ecK. where I'laude Kiteiijn. le xt ni.i- ,|i:rii\' il aili r of ilie nanonai IioUm' ‘'.t I'epresei.tatives, i- siijeurning. .'»!r Kitchill was notilied al iiis iioiii' am duuilifoundeii. " iie di i hired had not evt n heeii advisid on liie i: ill \i loi.'tni Ills in Washington. Mr. Kitchill parried nearly evcr> al - tempt to draw him oni on tlic i abiiiel crisis and called lor full iiarticnlart-. „ 1 jusi don I know what lo think of it," he said. He said he hopid for a reconcillialion In Ihu inierest of tlic ad- ministralion. He thiniis the people will stand hy the president since he secnis to be backed by a well developed scli- linient as expressed in the majority of th*' newspapers and other publua- lions. "In the event .Mr Bryan will not slay in Ihe cabinet I would not he sur prised if .Milchcll Palmer succeeds turn or possibly Louis Branueis or some man of his <alihre. ' the coiigrcssmaii said "1 I tin t help but believe il.at there will he no clash between .Atmr- ica and Cerniany." He thinks the gov- emmctil will tnanaue to avoid an ai t- iial diihiralion of war .igaiiist lur- lin. (Continued on Page Six I IN.II KHI IN M TO tiniMM -Asheville, .tune N. — .Mrs. .Amtis Harris and small daughter. Caroline, wen- severe|\ injured in an aiiUimo- hile accident at Columbus, Ca.. ai lordiiig to information receivitd here ai Asheville while ennuite from their home at Tampa, Fla , to this city wan Mr Harris to lain- up their sum;ni i’ residence at Aslii vilU*. Two Wi .ij “illcil III the ai l nil lit allhoiigli Harris anil daughter had miraclll■u.^ escapes and statements from thi Ir physicians are to the ejicct thai iIh v will be able to resume their ir.p tn Western -N'orth Carolina within il.o lu XI few weeks. itcrniiin Sulmiariues \cli>e I Ciinian submarines continue thiie* actiMtiis. .Among their latest vt<tim.“i were three Norwegian vessels, Ilio steamers Trudvang and (:ittertnid, with iron ore and limher respectiv. Iv, for Briiish ports, anil Ihe bark .Supch with grain from South .Vmerii.a lo^ tjueenstowu. ... -

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