THE CAROLINA HOME FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR {OsM s wmK) PvUtalMd bjr to BMrUUTSQM COMPASTX. Uc. a. WIUCHAAD. lSiUu». •UnEKVUXB^ kUDRTU OABOUHA. 4H «ari« 0t UtimMM mat nwotettaas Jl niiiMt will b« olMirKad In- l word. OovuatuOMttoaa «dv«rtMas 6MbO> Mttaa win b« ahnij-ai ter Mt Ibrm fKtaiM per ItDe, up to Iftjr &Bter«d M Mcwad elasa mtatkm AufVBt 20, iSiO. ai th* pMt aflto« at ttraeairUie. Nurt2> CSaroliMii^ amiv tot «( Mareii L 1879. Kriday, Jtuie 25. MO.'t. I \<;l. WH VM> S(M Til \KI!I< \ A ftnv days ago Gcni'rul OcWtl, a liruisli .->ul)jci L (iT Soutli .Mrii a. wa.s !r!cii anil convii toil (if troasuii. (leiKTa! lii'Wi'i Iiaci iiii'ilcd a ri-volulion against tic i';n(jlisli i i'Dwii, ami lor tliis lie mu.'t .si-rvo six years in prison. • ioH' ral J)r-\\ ol IS to l)e pitiod in ;i srnall measuri'. It will h« ronienib('r. *rs fonsilu fov 111"' frc'i'doin of lliis in ITTt'i. .Sniitli .\fri<-a Is undiT liu- ruio ol <;rcai Hritain, bnl the people want ;i ^oviTnniont "f iheir own. and iliey ev-niually .u'l'uri- ii . lia.-c, in tli<‘ prcr.i-iil Kiiru- |)'.^n war, i witli iiorrih'.e a'!'ori!ii'.- aKaiiKi Ml' llliux'etil. I ivi! inn i.if l!"l 'Uiii I'f n:iit il u inn d' ;ind w'! iiiiii'-i scldii-r^ (>:i '.I'.' I^ariii fi'.'I.i : Tii;laMd sliovild :ii.~i> n'ln' tiilpi'i- tluit . ' M.s of 'ioiim 111" -I'lii' ihii-^ Id thi' i ivii popnko'uii i. '!!•• H'liT w;n’. .\oi iinl> ijiii .-Ije niiiiil . I" w lundi'd Mildi'-r> nn tin* lieM. bu' M!" !i:i l lirr soldi'M's III lire un woiiii'n i:l'i vliil Ir-'M ;n si'V 'r'ti Iiin'S diir Mli; 'he w.'ir ■l'!i<''.' ;i!" tiiiiii;.-' .he .'lioiili ■ "i!;i'ii\ii.'i' .ind-'he should also reineni Ui.ii i.’i'i,'. ra! ('!irhi}:ni u-;i:' f'^r the fr. i-dn],, of lii< IKU:V' Mii'l Ihal ih' world will iini ii'-r ;iiiy praise fui- llo- i n m ' :i-' 11 iii'eord hiiiL if f, ( Ill >1 \N i! 1.- Ii.'in:; rini'.'iri-d l^uisiiii' V. ;li Hill hi' (lie man to fie appointed t 1 >11.1 1 I'd .Mr iir\an whu ri-siKiii'd ret.1 r> or .'!tate ^onie lime uKO. J^ilisint; IS ihi' propi'r iiiaii f'jr the )d;K'i' b' he has the ahility to do fii.' >vorl;, and b(;siiles hi- is a man of Ih'' riiilit calibre to lill ilii- plae ■ v.ti'.ilcil liy liryun I.UKsilii; fully iinderisaiid.s the ripor oil,', diifie.i imposed on the man that 'II' 111.- liMSl iiuj)iirt:ii;t pi.sition in 111' .\iiieriean I abviel. and we helieVi' ■irji he will be a man that will attend In.- 'liiiies strietly, and not let other 'liii i-i'i in alieitd of hiiiisi lf ;inil his I III": just sit down and indulge in some fan- tiful thiukizig, while you stare into blue iiiiiueiiBity, and see if life doesn't take a brighter view . It will do you good, anyway. II »VK vor TIIK TIM1-: Have you got the time to wage a lit tle private clean up plan, or are you to ensrossed with your business affairs to Rive a little time, thought and lab or to the health of yourself and neigh bors? itight now is the lime for Ty phoid to set in. and it would be well lo have the premises around your house eli'aned up and made sanitary. There is no excuse for you to delay this You will never have a better I'hanee th;iii lo start right today. Oi'* a move on you. SOMKTIIIMi WOKTU WIMM V.'^tei'iiav .esh'rday i veiiin^ and nighl. li-U that ilie\ Were amply repaid for till- tinii' and money that it took. Th'' Cliaiiluuiiua i.' somelhiiiK more than wi' ri'alizc'd. It is grejit. It is ,i;rand. It is an ediualor worth while, and it aiiuiSi's at the same litiii'. It dispels the dull eares from your iiiiiiil and semis >oii to your hotiie, gay and happy (!o down this . veiling and see if wilut we say is true l*\ri!t»M/.K TIIOSK WHO HKI.I’ I S ll would lie a great t’avnr to us if the readiTs of this paper would pa tionize ilie iiieri'hanls who give us ad- rtisin.i:. and at the same time, ineii- tjiiii the fait lo tiie merehaiil that you ^;^w his ad 111 the llelleetor. It helps lis and helps the menhant. too. ll is a Ituosl for the hu.siness. uiid makes ilii' iiieri'hanl fi-el that h hi' iii(ii!i-y's non It And the blackberry wine about *BIKD DOGS FOI! S.iLK: here. Take a swallow dear, and see setter,;. Kroi.i if it is good. It's a long, long way to rhristmas. Squibs From Other Squibbers stock. blacit. G1 AU.lN I Law School OpenH •ogis*irtd I Chapel Hill, June 22,—With over Kight ws3'«'^ ol 1. White ai..l forty-live matriculates on the records Each in-i'! J5.. t.niale $2 ad, 'and with a faculty of three men, the Write li. F. Ma HjiM..., ti-2: ID MU Pannele .N (' 11’iiiversity's suntnier law school open- jeU here today with fine prospectjj of I a most successful term. The BChool .iostralian Ofticlai ('nils Ha»>ebull Slllj opened last Friday, but registration New York, June 22,—It remained has been delayed because the unus- for an Australian minister of health ually heavy enrollment in the summer 'to discover that baseball is brutal school for teachers has made it nec- dangerous and also silly. During a essary to devote all attention lo it. recent game in Sydney, teams repre j seiiting America and Australia wen .\eroplane £Dfrin« iitopprd play at a Patriotic Carnival. Ac ' Francisco, Cal., June 22,—Twd cording to the report of a Sydney ilummunl live hundred feet in the air Should IU‘tueiut>er (Wilmington Dispatch.) Callant young men in the surf with'jaiiy. |and flying up side down while loop- charming young women at Wrights-j "in America’s second inning a ing-the-loop, the engine of the aero- ■iille Beach should understand it is not player defected a fast ball straight roplane operated by Art Smith, of Fort permissible to duck a dear. If,,, the densest portion of the crowd, j Wayne. Ind., stopped today. Smith laud a scream was heard. The ambu-1 righted the airship and voplaned to lanee men rushed to the spot, and earth found th:it a woman had been struck I on the head by the ball, but was not >o REASOJf FOB IT. periously injured. Without waiting to j si'e if any damage had been done tlu-j wjien UreeDTllle C'lllzeni Show a Way. plavers proeured another ball and | eotitinued the game as if notliing had ! 'I'^ere can be uo reason why any l,ei ('obnebs (Jrow I Washington I.*aily News.) Some people wouldn't pay a nickel to see the statue of liberty do a hand stand on her pedestal and there are <>thers who wouldn’t pa\ a nickel for PB0F18810HAL CABM a. w. cisna a. ». fttUmu limited to dto—at lr«t lar, ITaM ui HvmiI VlM fttllll Of Wmcm with Dr. D. h, JamM, *Uto, M. a, afMT Mamtnr. tmm* Ofloa. WashlaftM. ■. ft HABDDfG * FntBCl Lawr«n Practicing la all tha Coorta ' OBea IB ITootan Bnlldlnc oa VkIM •traet, trontlns Conrt Ho«aa. J. F. THlCtPEH Teteraarr Snrgaoa OBc«: Wlnslow'i Stablaa Pfeoaat BAT II ITIOn MM. an advi-rtisenient. in spite of the faet that ihi.-y are sure of getting more | jjapppned, A few moments later thii* * suffers the tor- thaii tlii'ir money's worth. liotli are wiis also dt'flected to the upper I aching back, the annoy- in the same class. Don't disturb j.torv of the pavilion striking a man ; urinary disorders, the pains on the shoulders, Mr, Flowers, the j dangers of kidney Ills will fail to heed the 'words of a neighbor who DS PAUL FITZ«EBAL9 —DENTIST— ..Oflee aier Fraak Wflaoa't Btaia HrMaTlllc H. C. — Pfeaaa Mt tlieiii l.el the cobwebs grow 'I'lie Voice lIlaleifTh Times, 1 No, Genevieve, the man is not i actly ill ineiited, hi? is just doing a liltle work for the local baseball cluli. The reason he rides up and down the street yelling like a wild man is not for the express purpose of frightening children and horses, but that form of advertising isn't by any nioatis a*- < xpeiisive as newspaper space and it is prolial'ly v.orth what it costs. Mr IVilllain K. Tolson and .>Iiss KIlie Itrown Harried Today I ;i,'r:..aii> :-ays that I'ngland throws lionihs I'll uiiforiiliud towns, Kngland .-.:iys (■,1'itiuiny throws lioinhs on uii fortilii-'l lowiis. C-'niiany .says l-ji.g laiiil has ir't to stop it. l-aiglaml says III I'liialiy ha.- ^i>l to uii" .'s iKiill"^- At ;i o cloi'k Wt'diiesday morning .Mr W'illiarn K. Tolson iind .Miss Klli<‘ Hrown were married in the Jarvis .M— iiiorial -Methodist I’luireh of this city I The < hurch was simply hut artisti- ! cally demraled with potted flowers, ^'Weet lie,'is and gardenias. ,Mrs. S I T hite presided at the organ ami is getting I [ lay,.,J s^„fi iiuisie while the guest .'issemhled. Ininiediately before thi bridal party entered si.v young Itidics all intimate fi iends of the bride, wcki'- iiig Itiigerif! dresses and black picture hats entered and took their stand h>' fore I he altar. They were Mlssc- .Misses .lennii' I!. Morrill, of Snow Hill. ..\nnie l.eonard Tyson. .Mary U:iw!.;. of Wil.aiti. .letiiiii' Williams, of Warrenton, Ward Moore :ind Bets;. (In,-en<‘. The ushers entered next. They Were .Messrs. .hinies Hrown, Jr.. Kittrell. (iarland Brown and I. Itrowti. Miss Lalla lirown. sir-ier of the bride, :is maid of honor, then entered She wore a pink crepe (O' chine dress and hat to n’atch, and | carried pink Killarney roses. The bride entered on the arm of her father .mil she was met at Ibe ;tllar (>.v llu' groom ;ind his best man, .Mr I'ranU \V Hrown. of Halttinore. The lirhU* wore n hecoming going-aw.-iy suit of valley lilies. Ue\ . .fno, U .Mat-' thews perlotneil the ceriniony. IJo- lieiiu'rin's wedding iluircli w:i- iis the bridiil prirtv entereil. also as a recessional. minister for health, who was present ■ rushed out on the ground, and called ; out; "Stop this silly game.” The pla.v. j ''HJe citizen^says. <'rs promptly obeyed his orders, and I play ceased.” has found relief. Kead what a Green-1 Mrs. A. S. Jenkins, 1112 Cotanche I St., Greenville, Says: "About three ] years ago my kidneys began to give Having qualified as administratrix of I l'-““‘>Ie. My back ached all the .1 H Bunting, deceased, late of Beth- 'headaches, dur- el, l-itt county. North Carolina, this jwhich objects floated before my is to notify all persons having claims | against the estate of the said deceas. j ed to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months from date or D. M. CLABK Attoraey at Law ^Dd and Drainag* Caaea a Buiial# In ofllce formorly occnplad ky F. 9. James ft 8on. 8. J. EYERETT Attoraer at Law OHice in the National Bank Building Dickinson Avenue, this notice will be pleaded in bar uf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleiise make im mediate payment. This the 2ord day of June I'Jlj. Sallie 1... Bunting, Admrx. 1'’. f'l. James & Son. Attys. 6-L’?. I.T ltd and rUw Sale «if I’ersoniil I’r-iperljr. 1)11 Saturday the 20th day of .Itine l'.'l,-|, at 1 p. m. I will at the residence and store of H. li. Turner, deceased, in Arthur, Hei.ver Diitu Town, hip, I’ilt Co.. expose to pulilii; sale all of the stock of gootl.-; and merchandise, stiicii to be sfild iti bulk, and other nicies of persotml properly belong- iii.'C lo said estate. Terms of sale cash. InviiKiry of stock will be taken and (xinbited fill lUiy of s;\le, and the amount of said inventor/ can he bad on In.'iuiry as soon as same can be tak( ii. S;il(! made by virtae of an or. der of Che Clerk of the Supr'rior Court of l‘itt Countv. This file 7 d:i> of June l!*f,'>. f)I)K TrRNJKK. \ Irninistrator of 11. H. Turner .11 ! U S r.lIOW.N. .\ttorney 3td 3tw Tor Sale or Kent I have two stores f 1 here i.> one thiiif; in ihis world that doesn't cosi a cent, yet it Rives us an liiiliuiiie.l iimoiiiit of pleasure and rec- re:,tioB. It i" ll"' private thinkiiit.’ iliat wo do. If you liave tievei' tried this entirely ,,!eas;inl little bit of fus. inaling work, j.. it and do it now The happiest iiionieiUs of your life were spent dur ins your childhood, and in those haly- cut of ibis life, If you only go at it riRbt. Wlien business venture.^ go wronK, • Vnd ihe jilu'. i-':'o(i!id still as something useless, while the childieii ilod«e itulotiioliiles on the streets, cot' siaiiil.' in danger of h' in^r killed .Ml, this life is full ol thorns iiiid roses, pri'tty >;irls and homely men. :niil ue hate to part from it I'dijah Went to heaven n, a charioi. i hut that does not mean that you will | be taken up in the same manner ..\n exchange s:iys that if th| 1" in hneistir is silent, why ii. Tiiniili did they put it in there Oh Cowan, simplify your honibas- tjcisni.-i We are liiihle to misconstrue vonr statements .\ man's life is in jeopardy when he disputes his .Mr. and Mr.s. Tolson left inimediate- ly aft. r the eereinony for .\tlaiitic Cit.v. Niagara Palls and fhe (ireat I,akes. after which they will be at i'lonie i/< Kelroit. Miss Hrown is the acconi plished and popular daughter of Mr and Mis. ,lames Hrown. She has a host of friends, who regret to see her le;ive the city The groom is .1 prom- inent newspaper man of Detroit. The ■filgh esteem if the couple wa.s sho\rr< 111 the numerous and bandsoin" pres ents FOi{ HINT '■! FrinisiiFH noows centrally located. .^pply this of fice « 17 IE tf i.4\i» su.i: j lire Vre\rnlion .Me<“t I .'v-heviile, June Owneis Westi i ti -Nerth Carolina, timber '.ands j are planning to hold a confereiii'e at j Montreat during the time that tliei .Nin th Carolina forestry associati-oti i.s ^ in session there to prepare for tin j J MAKKKTS. ! ilNoridlk 5!.'irk<'tu Quoted by Cobb Bros. 1 I Jt f'9, j TOi»\Y VKSTKKIIAV | l.luly wliear 1.01 :i-i B. F. TX80W <*Hea M Fouiib Street a«ar Fnmh i WOsoa’a store intaraaee I — ! ALBION DCTTH I Attoraey at Law i Jfle* In Sheiburn Building, Tblrd I f'raetlees wherever his MrricM *r« desired. I IrMBTllU North Carollaa. I i ' IL BE?iTLEY I1ABKI!«H MtlU Tl'ltb •MILD SELIAHLE" The Ifatual Life Insaraae* Ca. of Kew York. J. K. .MARSH Veterinary Sur^eou and Dentist Treat All Animals Call* Promptly Answered Day or Nlgkf Day Phone 3u4 — Night SM-L K. V. CAISEY —A tt«rney-at-l.a w— Olllce: Wintervllle, N. C. DR. A>.MK L. .IOV>KB OMleopathie I’liysician Office in the National Haiiit HulldiBR Idckinson Avenue. Office hours 10 to 12 and C to 4. Sa .i, I hen r. If you lit of it. , you bone-headed knock don't like this town, get liy virtue ot a dei-reo of '.he Sui>i-!r- ior court of I’itl (ounty '.n ."^iiecial Frocoedii'.^s 1'Jo:;, entitled J 1'. I.lar- ris. administrator, vs J. II. .vtorris ft als. th.e undersigned ComiuissLoner '.vill sell for j in (iruenville, ,\. C , on vamns ininiediately. j.Monday, July IMT,. the ioUowing I describ'id parcel ar trai t ot laud, situ jate l in Ihe i ininty of I'lit and in IJetli 11 1 township ah(/Ut one li.ilf nole north I ot the town of Bethel Idiie acre of land l.'ing on (lii. right side of the road going froiu liethel to lllaimlton. aifjoinint; tlie ’..-inds of (■. jw. IMinuiiitson and Col flammotid. i being the litnd cr 9.fi2 10.27 10.00 HARRY iSklNKEK Attorney at Law ti>Ki:ri«TIi.LE, NORTH ( ARni.lV' .SCIIKDl Lt OF 1‘ASSEXiER TftAIM» control and oreveutiori of forest tires ill this sei tioij of the state during tin approaching fall. Thousands ot dol. lars are lost each year as a result of wbicu sw(-*?p the mcantam ^ sides and it is tV'.e hope of the men j who own ties clatjs of land that tliify | will be able to tiiKe effective s':eps to i ^k>TS .IM> lll.AI) STO.NKS [iroteet their holi.iigi from tire in the j fall the season uf tlie year wi;ea the j A.M> IROX IKNt'ES tires are in«ht frt-i|uetil.. j (JI»K1.S \ ii.LK, - MtHlil CAROLIM.V Atlantic (' Line. N.-wth Bound South Bound No. 58 8:18 a. m. No. 72 1:18 p. m. No, p. m. No. 59 6:30 p. m. I C-LANIER Norfolk Seathem Kast Bound West ollund No,. 4 1:08 a. m. No. !1 3:02 p. m No. 2 9:40 a. m. No. 17 7:54 a. la No. 18 6:30 p. m. No. 1 6:25 p. m. N orfolk ew Southern hort R ailroad oute .Men bants shou.d he doing some ad \ertising to catch trade from the chau- tainiiin visitors who will he here iicm week If tluit girl who wrote all that po etry in lU'r examination can cook good biscuits she is all I). K. We hear sotiie fello'W's who have pin their fist to a ‘scrap of paper" talking anxiously between the si'enes. playground for eliildren would ^ remove them from the danger of the WILI. M(>VE OFFICE crowded streets. j wish to announce that after July (ippf J occupy olflees on »be third We so no signs of the iiiipendiiiK floor of the National Hank Huiklin^ tragedy . ailed suffrage, getting a hold 617-3td Don Ollliani Carr & Atkins Hdw. Co. e s c o o u Ih'tniU \ajior Slovcis liurn Oil or (■asiiline I,ike 11 Cit} t-'a'i Stove For Sale By Carr & Atkins Hdw. Co. <;reenville, jt. c. j iicliedule la effcct April lltb IVlk N. B. The following schedule HgnrM published as Information ONLY and I are not guaranteed, j TRAI>,S LEAVE (JKEKAVILLE- i EAST HOUM> !l:OS A. M. iJaily, “Night Kxpress'' I Fullnian Sleeping Car for Norfolk i :^:40 A. M. Daily, for Plymouth, Kllza ' beth City and Norfolk—Broiler Par lor Car Service C!hocowlnity to Nor folk, Conueets for all points Nortfc and West. r):30 P. M. Daily, except Sunday, ti’ Washiiigtou. WEST BOL'Mt '<:02 A. M. Daily for W’iison, Kaleick and W’est. Fulliuan Sleeping Cai Service. Connects North, Soatk and West. 7:54 A. M. Daily, except Sunday, for Wilson and Kaleigh. Connects for all points. 7:25 P. M Daily for Raleigh and all Intermediate stations. For further information and reserra tion in Sleeping Cars, apply ta J. I* Hassell, Agent. Greenville, N. C. J. I». STACK, H. S. LEABD, t^en*l. HnperlnteBdent.| tien’l Pan. Agt. tavlgoratlBC Co ttie P«Ie sad SlCldy The 014 SUodtrd seneril RtrctictbrBinc totsie. OROVB'S TASTELKS8 chUl TONIC, drlvee out MalftrU .enriche* t he blood .and buildi up the if »• '.cm. « true toaic. Pot iduiiii aud children. 50e