NOTICi W SALE North Carolina In the Superior Court Pitt. County. L. C. Turnage Harilware Ci). vs \V .A. lugrani and Wife By virtue of an execution direi-ti-U to the undersigned from the Superior Oourt of Hitt County in the above en titled action, I will oti Monday, the Bth day of July. UU.j, at 12 o’cloi'k noon, at the courthouse door in said County, in Greenville, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution issued on a juilgtuent ren dered to enforce a lieu filed against the property, herin after described for material, all the right, title and in terest which the said \V. A. Insirain and wife, Icalcal Ingram, th..- defcnii- iints. have in the following describ ed real estate, or had on December 30. 1914, to wit: Situated in the town of .\yden, I’itt County, Nortli Carolina, and is the and loi,s locatoil in the western part i)f said lnwn of Ayden, lying on 3rd street, and the same lots upon which the said owners are completing a residence, and being the same lots recently purchased from ,1. Me. Dixon and others. Uoginning at a stake i;!0 feet from .Joseph Gaskin's corner, runs a We.^terly course with :inl street 70 feet to a stake, thenco North and at right angles with ,'ird street ll't feet to a stake, thence an eastorlv TOurse and parrallel with 3rd street 7n feet to a stake W. A. Ingram's cor ner. thence a Southerly course and parrallel with the aforesaid second corner of 3rd street to the beginning And also a lot lying ju.«t east of the above described property. This the 2nd day of June, 1915. Joseph J[c. T>iiwhorn, Sheriff . ltd .“Jtw ('ertilicati* of Dis«o!nt.!uii State of North Carolina, liepartment of State. To All to whom these pros -nt ; .M -’.■ Come—Greeting; Whereas, it appears to my tion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the volfntary di<- solution thereof by the 'inanimon? consent of all the slockholders d»pos- ited in my offi- e, that Th • Parker t’ompany. a corporation of M'i.-s Sia* ■. whose principal office is situ Ued ir the town of Creenville. Countv of I’iit, State of North Carolina (C. L. Par ker being the agent tiierin a!i i in charge thereof. >ipon whom prs'ofs may tie served), has complied with the reciuirements of chapter -1. Revlsul of entitled ''Corporation.s". pre liminary to the issuing of this certi ficate of Dissolution. Now, therefore. I, J. Bryan Gi-imes Secretary of the State of North Caro lina. do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 10th day of June. UnT). file in my office a duly ex ecuted and attested consent in writ- in lo the dissolution of said corpora tion. executed by all the stockholders the’-eof. whiih said i-on>ent and thi record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on lil'- in ray ^aid ollii e as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my ollicia! seal at Raleigh. N. C this Imli da'- ■ June, A D. 191.T, .1. Bryan liriiiits SerTefar>- of .Slat ltd aivi ;5tw CERTIFirXIPE ‘6f dissolution State of .Vonh Carolina Departnunt ot Stale. To All lo whom these Presents May Come—Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion by duly authenticated record of qhe\ proceedingti fijr ifhe Voluntary dissolution therof by the imanimous consent of all the stockholders, de- pisited ill my office, that T. M.Meade and Company., Inc„ a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated in the town of Greenville. County of Pitt, State of North Caro lina, T. M. Meade being the agent >OTH’E To the Creditors of Eli Rodgers. You are hereby notified that the un dersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt County, made an order in the proceedings now pending in this Court wherein Kit Kodgers, In petition, and his creditors are respondents, which said order is in words and figures as follows; North Carolina, Pitt County. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. In He: Petition of Kli Hodgers. Insol vent Debtor. ORDKIi i;ii Hodgers having filed with the undersigned ClerU of the Superior therein and in charge thereof, upon I'ourt of Pitt County, petition alleging whom process may be secured.1 has I hat he is an insolvent debtor, and complied wiili llie retiuirements of Chapter -I, Kevisai of IHO.*), entitled ‘Corporations", prelimini'ry to the issuing of this cerlilicate of dissolu tion . Now. Therefori'. I.. J. Hryan Grimes. Secri'tary ot Slate of .North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the ;>lsl day of May, tile in my otlice a duly executed and attested consent in writ ing to the dissolution of said corpora tion. executed by all the stockholders thereof, v.-hich said consent and the reconl of the proceedings aforesaid ire now on lile in my otTice as pro vided by law. In testimony whereof. I have heri'to sot my hand i.nil affixed my official seal at Haleigh. this 51st day of May, A. D.. Iiur,, 6-.'? ltd "iw Secretary of Slate J. Hryan Grimes. . . l.ocal Hank Ha' Somenlr (''lins of tlie Exposition The Greenville Hanking and Trust Company of this city, have on hand a few souvenir gold dolars commetno. rative of the I’anama-Pacitic Interna tional Kxposition. These coias were authorized by an act of Congress and the supply is limited to 25,000 pieces. They will be sold at $2 each, six for $10. They also have sor o sDuvenir half dollar coins commeracrating the ;ime event and will be sold at $l.oO each, six for $5 as long as »hov H >< Ixical people desiring nnv of these coins will do well to ca'l at the bank early, as the supply w’.l doubtlt \hausted in a rdiort time \otIce to Trt'ditors. ss be Having qualified as administrator oi.' the estate of H. B. Turner, deceased, late of Pitt County, N. C., this is lo noti'';.' all persons having claims aiu.-t the estate of said deceased to exiiibit them to the undersigned at Arthur, N. C. on or before the 7 day of June 191G or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will plase make immediate payment. This the 5 day of June 1915. ODK TURNER, •\dministrator of H. B. Turner. .TI'M! S BROWN. Attorney. 1 5 Id .')W praying for an order that his estate may be assigned an9AT«*a tiis cMt of a bottU. 5c mt all rro4'rr«. IMamoiK?. A Co.. «0M N Phnn. North Carolina, Pitt County. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Comtnisioners of Pitt County in Reg ular Session Assembled on Monday, May 7, 1915, ordered an election to be held on the folowing described terri tory: "Beginning on Contentnea Creek at the east comer of the Ward land, running with the Ward line, in a north wardly direction to the Karmville road, thence with saiii road to the Roanoke humber Company Traniroad, tlience with said Tramroad to the county road at Teddy, thenco down said county road lo the Wilson and Greenville road, down the Wilson an' l';bron line to J. B. Little and Bakei’ corner; thence with J. B. Little’s line lo the Barnhill line, thence with Lit tle and Barnhill line to the Daniel line, thence vith the Daniel and .1. H. Little's line to Crindle Creek, thence vvilh the Creek to the Pelt Daniel and Crawford corner, thnce wiih said Crawford and Daniel line (o the Geo. Moore line: thence with the Moore line to the Dudley line, now R. D. Harrington's thence with Harrington's and the Ward line to the Spier land, thence with the Spier and Ward line to Moye's run, thence with said run to Tar River, back to the beginning. " That said election be held on Tues day the ()th. day of July 1915, at the public school house, in the above de scribed territory, for the purpose of taking and ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of the abovi' de scribed property, as to whether there shall or shall not be levied and c(d- lectcd a Special School Tax of 20u oii. the One Hundred dollars valuation ol property and 60c on 'each Poll in the above described territory. And at said election those favoring the Special Tax vote a written or prin ted ballot containing the words, "For Special Tax,” and those opposed t% said Fax shall vote a written or prin ted ballot containing the words "Against Special Tax.” -And it was further ordered, that .1- J.Satterthwaite be. and ho is hereby appointed Registrar for said electior and that 1 S. Fleming and W. S. Williams are hereby appointed Poll holders or Judges and flection. And it is further ordered, that z. i.ew registration is and shall be requii cd. and that the registration Bool^s for said District or territory shall tot- opened on Friday. May 28th. 1915, anrf closed on Saturday. .Tune 2fith. 191.5, for the purpose of registering the qual itied voters of said district. This ihe 19th, day of May 1915. S. A. Congleton. Chairman Board of Com, of Pitt Count.’ .\ttcst Braacoe Bell. Clerk ltd .1. (. (.'KRK\E, M. I». rhone SS.V—1 RInc Kesideurr: 100 Second St., Tor. Hair (■reenTille, North ('arollnii 5 15 15 3 nio wkly. !•'. I i.ioiii'i. or lirut I Ipv.ou tor rRre SEAHCH and [ PATENTS 6UILD FORTUNES ?<»r 1 -MU. (hit- frrv bMLIt^w tuU how. whAt to invtvit \ u.til » 0. SWIFT tb GO. PATENT LAWVCRS, ^03 Seventh St., Waahinfltou, P. C.^ Mexican Uandits Kill Aincrieaa | El Paso, June 22.—-.'^teve Permenter.| an Americiin. has been killed at the I K1 Favor mine at Jalisco, according to ! travelers reaching the border today. | The killing w:is attributed to bandits. ! In the JPtates lUVKHlI’T >OTI« i: District Court of the Laiteii for the Kastern District of WALKING and RIDING TIVATORS -North Carolina. Sirth Division. In the matter of. stall. Bankrupt. Claudius 1> Tun- Jlotlce of First .Veeiing of CredJtor** Notice is hereby given that on th'jj rSih day of M.iy .\ I) 19i.j. Uj€ said t’laudius D. Tunstall was adjud.ged bankrupt, that the first nuet n ; oi the creditors will be held at the of fice of the undersigned referee, at Wasiiiiigtou, .V. <■ . on Tluirsda.-' tiie 10th day of June A. 1). 191"> at !I o'clock A. .M.. at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. Frank H. Bryan Referee. Washington. ,\'. C. »l-3-lo ltd 3tw I r iJi MOWERS, RAKES AND REPAIRS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Builders Hardware Lime, Cement and Plaster Hie Reliable Housc^hold Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home — in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic— wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light—like sunlight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn’t leak. Doesn’t smoke. Easy to light and rewit k. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. At dealers everywhere Sl'ANDARD OIL COMPANY Waahin;;ton. D. C. (NewJarMV^ Chariott«. N. C. Riciunoitd. v»- Baltimore: charte«t« orfoUc. Va. Cliarlaaton. & C. STOMACH TROUBLE Ti Administrator's \of Joe Having qualitied as administrators of the late Robert P Allen, late of the county of Pitt, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of the said Robert H. .\lli ii to present them to the undersigned ad ministrators on or before .luiie ir> • 1916 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery thereof. I ••Ml persons owing said estate will pleas«‘ make iinmerliate setth'inent with' the said administrators. ' Thi; the l.">th day of ,lune. IlH.'.. j .M. n. Allen Onan Allen Administrators Hardin.g and Pierce Xttys e 1.1 15 4t once a week. Our line of Galvanized Iron and Rub ber Roofing, Paints. Oils and Varnishes is complete and w<; can fill your orders promptly. FOR HVE YEARS! CVERYTHING IN Ph one 32, •a* • • Greenville, NC. H^iority of Friends Thongbt BIr. Hnghes Wonid Die, Bat One Helped Him to Recovery. ! I Pomeroyton, Ky.—In interesting ad- ‘ vices from this place, Mr. A. ]. Hughes ! writes as follows: “I was down with I ; stomach trouble for five (5) years, and I would have sick headache so bad, at I Hmes, that I thought surely 1 would die. I I tried different treatments, but they I did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I co'.tid not eat or sleep, ifld all my friends, except one, thought 1 would die. He advised me to try Tbedlord’s Blacic-Draught, and quit taking other medic nes. I decided t0‘ take his advice, although I did oot have! any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-DtauglU: for three months, and It has cured haven’t had those awful sick headaches since 1 began using it. I am so thankful for what biack- Draught tias done for me.’* Thedford’s Black>Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It< is composed of pure, vegetable herbs.' contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and shoukl be kept in every family chest | Get a packace today. | Only a quarter.