•ul« fclbttafi OmmEXYl^LE IS THE MKAET OF EASTERN l&STH OAROUNA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR TBOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARitlNO COUNTRY, INDUSTRIES OF ALL EINDS ARE INVITED TO Lot!ATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TBiBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE rOft A N D NEWSPAPER PLANT. 1 I 1^ ifricaitnre U th« Xt>t>t rsefnl, tke KoKt Br-althfaL tke Most Noble EraplojiiieBt af Mu.—Georjre WathlogtoB. WE HAVE A OIMOULA- TION OF TWELVE BUM- DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN TEE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARQ- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAEE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU ^AVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE I.OW AND CAN BE BAD UPON APPLICA TION. TOMHE XrXIT. 4 t^KFK.NVll.I.K, FRIDAY AKil ST (!. Discuss Mexican 111 010 SIlilCR BV IHfiEE M E H 0! City Of Warsaw Situation Today In Washington Proposals Vv ill Be Made To The Six Latin America Countries That Have Ask ed For Cooperation PASSENGER IRl II STREET Is Taken By Teuton Armies jOccupanls h\ki 20 Feet- I ifwin kitl] Still I Hod Sit} Sarnliiii riuS km i Ofoken . Clement ifiashinsion Oos Xhrce Weeks of Ham* Pyrchasers-- Homofei! « OgparlmenI Stofe Hex! ^pfiofi Alls. ^hln^ for lo- (liiv's . oiiK'i-i'Mr,. on llu' Alcxii iUi jirol)- liMii w< re conipli’U’il iifii'r ri'tiii'v UiiisiiiK luid uilkeil to !’resiiiiit Wil- suii lit Coriiisli, X. H., ovi-r the trk'- plumo. I’roposals to bt> made to the six Latin-American diploiuats wliose Koverniiieiits liave aulliorized them to fo-o()er:itc wilh the l'niteecrelary hamriing maintained si lence as to tlie program outlined. .Mr. Lansing conferred with I’aiil Fuller, one ol' the president’s coiitiden- lial advisers on Mexican affairs, who recently talked personally with all of the I'aciioii leaders in Mexico. Mr. Fuller will jiarlicipate in the confer ence. rnusual activity in ihe war and iiavy depai'inients were evident loday and an order from (Jeneral Scott, chief of staff, directing a battery ot the fifth lield artiUery to proceed from Fort Sill. Oklahoma, to HI Faso. Texas, aroused i rted bombardment of the •Mexican bordi r town of Nogales was receivi-d. tleneral Carranza had i.s surcil the stale d<'pariment he wouid not in'iinit the attaik and ollh ials were at a loss to explain Ihe rci'>iied action of Clen. Calico, a Carranza loin- mander. Kiiiwloii Hii<^ AiitlMtrit.v. Cicn. Funsion. commanding all bor der iroops. has orders to reply to the •Mexicans’ lire if bullets fall in Ameri- i iin UTritory. ()!!icials believe he would ait promjitly to protect .\mi'rican lives and jiroiii'rty. .\rm.v ollicers said a general assault on the Mexican town (ould not avoid endangering those on the American side of the bolder. ' Although administration oflicials have given no hint of what is to fol low tomorrow’s conference, the army and navy have been preparing for any service they may be called upon lo render. Secretary Lansing conferred yesterday with Secretary Daniels be- fori- the laltcr's departure for .Ashe- ille. X. r. The imrpose of the confer- • iii-e was not disclosed. Tlic lirst step lo be pioposul toiiu.r- rov. will be the issiKHice of a final iipjMiil lo leadn's of Ihe lighting fac tions. il is lieiteved reftisal of any leadi r to join in a peace conference lo b.' followed by an arms embargo again--l that factioiK II will re> veb' tion of a president for Mexico tn- Germans Claim Now Rumania Violated Pledpe Wiirniiig l-Mied That \ofliiiig .Uore (iiii ISe K\|X‘(‘te ( on>iilcred as existing,'’ C'ount Uevemlow points out ilu- mania's refu:-al lo permit eximrts of grain or lo permit amniunilion for tlie Turks to )iass through its lerrilury. although liiissia was ]»ermitted to tranship muni.ions to Siberia. He says it had been hojied IJumania would fullill its treaty obligations or i»re- fcrve at least an upright and well wishin g neutrality, but that the con- Iraiy came to pass, Kumania's neutrality became • | ,tlc- volent," he asserts, with a tendency lo enter Ihe conflict on the sii.e oi Cerniatiy's enemies. The importance of Kumania's aid lo (Jermany and Tur key lias been greally lessened, lio-.v- ever. ('ount Ki'veiillow insists, l: - love Uiissia's (ialidan defeat Runia:i; i would have been a military factor in co-operation with the Muscovites, he sa vs. I I Spi.'i iill lo tile K' .ii < lor. I I Koberstinvilie. A;ig, ■). Wliile at- Uiniiting lo ei'o.'S t!ie lailiuad traik 'here lale .\eslerday evening Uie car ol ,\Ir, U. L. Smith was ,slruck by A. C. 1,., norihboiind f.>ass ie/i arm broken, though his condition is not considered precarious. Jlr. i;. L. Smith, who was also thrown to the side of Ihe track by the for< e of the train, sustain'd minor in juries of no imporiaiu e, ^'oung Smith was considered in a very dangerous I'ondilion this morn ing. .iiid jdiysicians t.nierlained grave fears for his life. The train was just piilling away from the station and had not gained niiU'h headway whc'ii tiie car. which was coming from Bethel, attempted to rross in front of the train. Occupants ot the t ar say that the engineer failed ui give Ihe danger signal, however the engineer firmly asserts that he did ami that he made all efforts possible to slop. MONTIII,« AHTKIM.V OF TKUMX; sriKMU. l\Ti:l{KS i ix;. (f’ontinned on Page Four. I ,\n imp(irtant and interesting little magazine nffecling Kaslern .\orlh Carolina, and esi)ecially Gi-eenville, is Ihe fiuarlerly just issued by the com mittees of the Eastern Carolina Teach- e’’s‘ Trniiiirg fcho<>I faculty, ; 'ri'.e iiK'ga/ine is v,«'ll gotten iin and iii> ad(!itio!t lo m.-mv nrti<'!is fif di ■’ in- ]|e«esf reirardii'u this splendid Ih'oI. ] il has a siib.’C' i of yet greater iii;- iportanee ip a full sketch of the ' irih, I death and life of the late !>,-lJov. j Thf'mas .1 ,Tarvis w itb pn enir'':ivi!'g of this iJIn'.=irious ‘*( hes a* ,] e,.-- ifribniinns i>f deep intere'-t I titiliT'ovn, or 1 ertainlv parti;’'y iin- kiiiiv.li. Kv-rv - jti/fi.- of (^ru''’ I : ve a eiipv o? tb!s map,''7’’n' in lil-= li hasi’il ibis building some year-; ago and they had contemplated moving the bank into il, hut after securing the room in tiie new building al Five I’oinis the idaii was abandoned. In a telephone conversalion wilh Mi\ Washington, one of the pur chasers, he was reluctant lo give out anything delliiile about Ihe depart ment store, however he hinted that ihal might be tlie plan. Owing to the fact tlial possession will iiet be gained until next spring, there is room for considerable speculation a* to what business will be started in the VniiJd- ing. I'.nl it is generally understood 'hat the (j(.partme:it store will be a realily when these gent’.enien gain jios- ession. On account ef I'treeiiville being «iU'b n ideal U^eatic-n lor a uepartmeni store, and iliat the r.c-d here is felt or one, local citizens are honing ihai oiie will be installed. mering Polish Capital Falls Victim—Germans March Triumphantly In City ilsDii iuietly llfatclies ProtesI lo Jmericans: Hemoved From liga lleclarc riiiil Trailic In 'rm^ I' **l ii- moral" -iiul It Mei.ind. San Franeisevi, ..\ug. 4. I’rotesi'^ against ihe "uiitiioral traffic in aruis and aminu’iilion " with l^ngland, and criticism of the government's altitude toward tlermaiiy were expressed ti>- day in resolutions unanimously adopt ed by Ihe National Oerman-American •Alliance. riie rescl'itions dt'< lare the loyalty oi I:e-man-Amei leans to be sleadfasi lu.t say We dejilore that our govern- iiH a? has, on llie part of lOnglaiii! practically permilted violations of ii;- vriiatioi'al taw and inlerterence wiiii (o:iinier(e to the deninient of .Ameri 1 .III inter* sis and has on the pan of an»-ther cmintiy. Mexico, supinely siit fered the deslnii tion of ,\merican life a!id vroperlv. while in the -' <>i;l fh.af if < .New Ynr’iii •■s- • i«, ni. .liieiiicin e Ui orders for ihe reino'.^i goveriiiiieiii inslitulions, Ilie St..t< Hank already has been translerreJ trom Uiga lo Tula, to the s7 mile.s northeast of Uiga. f>wing lo the ex .-liis of the shipping, ageiicie. are mirworked and are rc- fu'ing furtiier ir -i'-r- tor the shiiinient of household go. d.-. The deiiarnin of workingmen from l!;e ( ity ha.< e iiise.i an emergen< \ which the F,i,.- i;>n government is ineeting by est„Mishing temporary em ployment ageie ii-j here and in interior places. Hira is the •-eat of the povernor- iieneral irf tl;. Haltic prpvinc^s. It is the capital of 'he province of I.ivonia and situated n!i (he river P’lna, about five niilp.o above ifa mouth in the Onlf of Hit'a and ""J miTee sout’i've'‘f of f'l fr(\crad. hreiii Haiti Are Ml Sciil lo WiNeii a( SiiinmiT llenic. Wasliiugloii, Aiiir. 4. i're'-idei.i Wilson is keeping close waicli on ihe siuiatioii in Haiti. .All advices from the island rehitiiig lo i ondiiioiis ihere are forwarded lo the summer wliite house as rapidly as reeeiveii. Secretary Lansing siiends several hours eiicli this government, liow,.\er. and prolialjly luiiit will lie i)hiiinid iiiilil sonic fona of gcnei'iinieni lias ben. 1 sialilisiit’i! witii whicl. the I'nited State;, may lugotiaie. Advices from liear .Adiiiiiai Capertmi loda.\ indi cated that tile peace comniissior. dis- paieiied fiDili Fort All I’rin. e lo I'ape iiaitieii to persuade tile revtduiioiiisis lo disarm tiid not succeed. Although ('Jeiieial lilot, ihe govi rnnulit < om- maiuier. is reported to have resigned l!i« coiiimand, and some of his troops disarineil. the revolutionary fenes lUidtr ileiieral Hobo are said to hav" re.iected The proposals. Blot is re ported to iiave agreet; to liead a n.ove iiieiit for tile i.rganizalion of a (.oiii- mission to manage civil affi :'> oi ti.e leiiuldic pending an cdeciion Willi the arrival of the Icitile-hip ;'oi;:u eii( lit at Port .An I’rii i'. today .‘.oniirai Caperton ha- a maximum toi'ee .if ’i,::iiii nieii .ivailaltle for use. i'ive hiindreii uiariiH"- from ll;e ('on- neiticiit were lande IMl* \M» F \|N f i l l, ITI MK W II .Vo; folk. .Ai;^- 'I'lie storm warn ings iiispla>cd yesterday lor the coast frot'i DiHiUvare Breakwater to Boston iiverleiilu-d .Norfolk, but tin storm did Jioi. High winds were in evidence (■..rily ir. the nit-hl and by In p m. they ■,\cre blowing a gale, wliile rain fell for a while heavily. Tile otficial siatemeiit of preeipita- tion bel\'een 1" p tn. and a. m. was two-telillis of an incii. noi nearly so much as [ledestrians estimated, and doubtless those who were on the streets alioiit 10 o'clock thought it all fell about that lime. Reuveen 2 and o a. ni. there was a second dnwnpour, which, accompanied by high winds, idayed havoc in home.= where window* were left pone. The rain seemed to beat down from every dirction due lo the varUiMe winds. A'.lg. .■ ‘>:i 01 bf‘11; i*:! I'dll.elt: bv P t V.'i;I'sai.-ll a viLiini t:i iiiiaii ,,iid .An-trfiins mart I.*.! tri- iinipiiaiiily into the I’oli-h eity, i-'i>r li.e (la-t ie',v d;.y> lias belli on tile Verge 'aptui', I had been expceted iluu it wimii: iaii ,i priv sooner. The liussia!!- p:f- paring yesterday to leave tl;e . ,;y ai^d had given up all hopes of hoid;i.g it li'oiii liie liiiniineriiig ’.hal Mu. ■i'-ni '’:-' were administeriiiy. ' Warsaw Is il;e e;.p.i:.i : I oiand and lias |.i . n 'I’v i/'i,,- ' . : '.r.e • ieriii.in.- sjiiei , :ui> I'.. • r U Was In the I'l.gioii el W.i. 'v \’oii IlindtnlKrg vaiije.i >i.. : i',..- alijC : iu ei. sses. 'rile eilei.l !■; tin- l.ili < I -.1 ...1 be heavil> hit by (lie !.■,.■ .. - :ii!i bast, by liie Hr'lisii, lu UI i; ( I \Mi I i:u M>>. lo t!ie iiiniK i inis. u. i liaLk’ ii.istake- made b\ our-i ivi > .r, d o'.ir eii rks i:i tile in.itii.r t>f i.r.argl,'.g scft dril)l^^. • ii;;irs. ■ tc., we have cei idej lo |iut the loilowii.g ariiele;; ci; a lasli iiasis. to g.i into et.'iil ini aiid after Au.-iist I.'i, HMTi, iianielv : .All drinks, iie ei'eams. cigai»-. ligaictus and < In « ing gum, vti-. U e desire lo state to our tiistoilKrs ..nd friends, in making this announce ment, that our iiurpose is net to pro- liit oiir interest ah'iie, but \e.irs as well. We often fear that, in the rusii 01 business, we cliargc these articled to the wrong customers; many tiraew they are charged to no one, thueby causing 113 much waste and lost. We desiro further to state that ne have no cause to complain of credits! heretofore extended; no loss of conti- denco in our customers and friends, liiit. having the assurance that the sy.s- |teni herein suggested will be to tho I interest of our friends as well as to p‘iir own, we beg to advise lh.it wo ili.iAe adopted this system. Cash bl ips UP. sares yes. Yours for business, Coward-Wooten Prug Co. Oreeiiville PniK Co, ; W’arren Drug C’o. .v j-3-r,i 3p-tit Ip