PAGE TWO THE CAROLINA HOME FARM and EASTERN REFLECTOR (Obo« • w«ek) Piihllabvd l>7 rmK JtXCLECTOB L'OMrAM. Inc. D i WHICHARD. Hdttor. •KHENl’ILLB, WORTH OAHOl.INA Bub»'*rl UJiHj. oiiti ytinr, . . $1.00 Six moiiUia ' I AlHnrdfc'.s f;itc3 mar bo UftJ upou ! »pj)lio»itioti vt tUe bus2«j»(j oiU<'« ill ‘ Tixa UuUtlius, coruer Lvaug ; %nd Ttiird itr«»t9 i All carit.M ni tUrtUK# aiiCS rcao!' ■ • U rsmpcci wll oo cUai'frfd t >r nl j1 c*nt, per word. | doe.-i lu' ? • tin'l I'.oV A sluari I'hai). tliat iclloi'. CouiruuiiU.'vitlouB aiivorilsuig e.uidi- ^ Wiii btf Citai-jst^ for ac ihreo ^ I' 'er.‘» pi*'' !i".s. ui> to flitv ■ i!' >MIV (Iti roN Is H>MI{AUVM>. fiiiti'u (loi'lari'it loim'a- I aiiil by llu' lirilisli govermiiiMii. aiui no iiioro iiilton i.s allowod lo n-ai li llii' ii; iMi.ulaml's ciioilUos. iiutlins; I'ollon on li.c contra il.iiui Ii't i-an;^i'il (.iiiisii’i'raii)!' r-|H''U- !ali"H ill Anu'i'ira. ami (■■'iiiH'iall.v llii’ sniuU, iM'rail mUoii '' !■ Iiirr priHlu.'i of till' soulh anil ' !i. 'i i!)" r' i.>!io>vi].:; ri'iiiui'lvs iroMi ilu' i !iil;'iit''|'iii'i LciIk'.'T il|'tl>- ilr- ‘1 I ilu's till' ^iin.ition aiid Irl!-. plaiiil.N I V. ijv Ki 'la!'.'! ;'"i l oitoii on ih-' co;’• t’-uloi't ti No::h Caiol!:jiV. »Cl ol i. 137S. ■ i!' I i . I, -i; ,.i^ mivi i-nnu'iii liait I ,ii;ii.ii rt.nlialianii in .lanua:','. in iocotid tiusB matter 'pti^iiahiliiy (Icnnaiiy wonUi tuiu- lio ,1, .il Iho pOiit v>;Ri 0 at I I'liiinou ,! animui'.i- and“; Frida,v A. ^ ! 2 , 19 15 mil: m. ■ \\ ilii :n ’’■a' i:' i.,n> 1-. i s:r \\ il'iiaii! i;a'ii>-a' . ^ a’. ^ ■ ' iifini'l. al 1^'' na ot- • • r.rilisii Si iiMU'c r.nihl. Sir Iri'i lu's Uiiaroiv- I 1 iai:ii;iiH' LI' nt;iij;li sri.'.'i'rnnir'il '.ii'a!!! ri'io n I .iiiM alKind, (l. :‘ ■il 1). ' I., nri -i ort m n: .i- I'Mi \l !aMi;ir> . 'ria- nroi'li'''' i' 111'' I'ai ( ■>•..•1 111. a 1 ir,:.'. rcil; x'. I; a • 11 i .-. 1 Lll'OUl nil i l o nt'Xt to usek'ss lo n.oiitioi; tiii'tii. Tlio fhiel' tliiiif? iliat tlio town nt'i'il;;. as il now staiid.s, is inure inaniilacliir- in^: ontorpri.^i's Sonictliin^ lo i?ivi' vork to a lar.ijor niiiiilii'r of pi'opli'. lid ihi' work for tlu‘ iiooplo and Ihoy \ ill iinnu'diaii'Iy fUick lo (! i I'i. avii.o. I'd gi't llu> Itall starud lo rollinj;, tlio il fill I liainbor of I'oniinoroo sliouid o’l liii^y at oiu-o and advmiso the | ii-.^iliilii il ■■■ ili;; will ho to got oul a pro:-- 1 oonis of (.'rooavill.' and mail il to I'M’Ts ii.iM.r ihal oaii ho -iiourod in iho Mli.di- I'liiloil Sialos ill' Alia-rica. 'A Ik n ^onl.■ in i.-.on toad.-' :'winothin): 1 al'oiil (ii ooiu il;.', and inoiiionia 11*' ''*■ • , Moyo s I'ads lhal il I." a .uood lown, iio uill v'aiii lo Uiiii'V ai'ir,. ;iiid \'ill j'roiu]it!\ writi’ Id liio !oi;il ohainhor of loin- tiino hi loll hiiii lo ollor. I.‘I's o.ii i! (irooii >'iilo for .a ■!;i I :• ad l.oilia' k. n I NOTlCi; iiiorio. 'I'ho-i is ih '' (ll i o;i\ ill.' li:i? xoTiri’ North Carolina Pitt (’ounty iN'otifo is liori’liy givoii tiy (lie hoard of County Coiiiniissioners of I’it I'ouuty ill an iidjouriied session as seiubled on .Monday, July 11’, lti|5, or dered that ail election be held in the followiiiK described territory: "Hoginning on the north side ol' Tar river opposite Mud I’ldiit Seine Beach, thence running north 4f> de grees east lo Crindle oroek, tlionci with the Creek to H. H. Satterthwaiti. and tlio Milos l>ittlo, Siepheii laiii thence wilh the said Satterthwaiti aiul lattle line lo Uobort Wilson’^ line, thence with the said Wilson and SattertliVfaite lino (o liolkrl I’c-d's lino, thoiue wiih the said liolieri I’ool's and Sattonhwaiio's lino ii ■Voah l,oo's lino, thonoo wiili the \oa!i lioo and Kob.Tl I’ool line to .1. U Baker's lino, thotue \Niih thi! .1. K. Hakor and .Voah i.oo's lino to 1!. K. Floniing’s lino, thonoo with the liakei and I'loniiiif: lino to Tranters Crook thonoo up tlio said Crook to .1. H. uvorton and Walter Wobb's corner llunce wilh iho said Overtoil and Wold) line to Coo. .Move and Walter V.'obb's corner, thoiico witli the said and .Move's lino to Matthew lino, (hence wi'li (lie .Matlhoj Mo>o and Webb lino to the Sattor- thwaiti' lino, iliciuo with Iho Salter llnvaile and Wobfi lino to the White head and Satterlhwailo piiidic road thonco wilii the said road lo the Shop pnrd .Mill road, ilu iifo wiili tlio Shop pard Mill roa.l lo the fork of the road in front of Malis-a Thomas’.^ hoii.~i ihoiii'o with tlio road lea liiiK to .'^^ina l.'ork til ilie r.amhill aii'l McUawhon r.ow roa l, ihcn. o a stiaiglit line t- r.u.L rs I P and we'll rush our trouble man right around when sometliing like this hap pens in your home, if your plunibiug Plumbing is defective, antiquated, unsanitary or worn out, have us make necessary re pairs or install a new system of .MODKH.N' 1>M’.M1UN'(!. •loldiin^ a Sperialfy. S. T. Hicks ri>iiiil)lii|; nnd Heatlii);- (, !-|i: :.i il i-y , .llilM-i ds ol ilho tlio .v'l'rslo liiaii' ii. th.'iic.' Uirai!4h! line lo iho ton niili' ^o^l on I .Notice of rogistratiou and election, I iho . i'. I<. Kailroad. tlioiioo w ilh ii[ion the proposiitiou to issuo fifty liic .Mi l.awhorn. rarnhill and Whioh- thousaiul dollars worth of road bonds I'.'"' Willis lino :lho!!ci' wilh Iho Have Willis ami \\ hu !!>::rd lino to Hiinlins; Run. llioiici by I'ariiivillo 'J'own.«h!p, I’itt county,! 'i! II,’ .\orih Carolina. .\onli Carolina I’iit Coiinty. "1 .'li; ■a.i li- 111-.- o-l!r,':'-.. l!’..!!, ill a vow:'.:. ,'! ,'. .-'-a -;e I'M- all I iio K.n ri .. ii't'ii, a I ! '-I--! I pi iti'ais III col I'l iln; 1. a i.'i- oacii i iniij.i. 11' - a : c a piiri’.x iai.i' - !v < ur- I ho iaiir. 1' ion fai loi'ics o;' < ici I pi ire | .im'o.ihiii po\rn!s ol' cot da.v (o 'ii;i[ih Iho Held arlillii'.'. w -.ih aniniiinii ioii. 'I'liiH S'. .'i(u il •I i'alo il.;y i>r bales a l-'iir: her. iri'cai i;'i.i til il i"S o.' -.I'.Ill] ;i'-c lic'.'.i d lo siipply slliall arn-..-; arnniiir.ition, tu >ity nuthini: m' ■ ;;t.'r;al f'M' clni!;i!i,;.'. both troop.-- an.l ' > 1.1 f. n t l.-itis u 11- . r hoi;i bill I it!i-~:- iii i-n;.iiiy has a lai'i I ottnii stored up. or niib's: overs si'ineililiit; lo iak<' llu iiitoi: in III.' ni.iiiufaciurc .- -U|lp.^■ -ho (i;>- |)la'-e "f of giin- 'j.oudir. the (ioniKin nation is in sori- liiip i',11 ■ Ha: iiir. -.1 ea -lai L’.latico ai tl, S i..'1-t). r 0 'i.'eiii> llla^ r i- a-liui;-i'r ni' Mary Ann 1' r-1 ens daii,m'r of having a de'ii it in hei ; atnnniaii ion siipidy. This will. of Icniifsc. be to tile I'ldvaiii.i.i-'i' of till' al j lies, and IS what ihey ai " lookiin; for. 11 i.a .' tiiliai'u:!! on cotton •Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of Coniniissioners of Pitt Coun- ly in regular session assembled ou the oth day of July 1915, it being the regular meeting held on the first ward line lo W.I. -Monday of .Inly 1915, ordered an elec-1 Hatton line, thence W. L. tiou to bo held in Farmvllle town- with IlnniinK Kini to (Jrindlo fri'ok tlieiu-c wilh tlrindle I'rook to Henry ■\Vard and the lio',d the -1st day of September I Fleminp li*I5. at the regular polling piaco in,.„„i ,, Moore's lino to the late the town of Farmville for said Town-j j.iim i-'bmiiig's line, thence with tlu fhip on the question or proposition .Tohn Fleming line to the Matt Harrb of issuing Flftv thousand dollars Itheneo witli the Matt Harris and , a 1 ) * T. I-'leniing line to Tar river thence with worth ot road bonds, to bear five per beginning.” cent interest per annum payable semi-j -i-jmt ,[,p ^aid election to be held on annually, and to run for a period of | Tuesday. September 14. 1P1.'. at tin Thirty (SO) years, the Funds received j I’uhlic School house at the above ile- froni the .camo to bo used for the pur- .. rihod territory for the purpose of ... ^ V,. ,taking and ascertaining, the will of pose of laying out, establishing, re-j,,^,, „„aliiied voters of the above de- * *.• ‘seribed territory, as to whether there shall Or shall not be levied and eol- '"il" icria.ia rcqai ion is slai.d | 1".,' lit, H..-i.,i. iha.'i i'i.' World I .';i)cc !i-.| I 1 I' iniL'hi II.- tliai ilcrtnaiiv will ciini.'| c ii: on t.iji alter all , 'I vun<; \ iuw>. TIiosi.' Mexii’aii.-^ art. imw in a fair n-.iy '.) u. t a ito-o lhal «i!t knoci. .ill il'i ri-voiiit io’. ,-piri! out lit ilii-ii!. 'i i-'-y .iiiitlit to ai-yway ’lavli" ihi' Ktii'liiii l''i-'. I'rcs.- wa*- ia.;-ht hen ii h.inled liiat tiavso i ow,-. (l..-ir wi-ri- .iri'c'fi-d in .ishinmnii Mic . *h"r d.r. v,.'ri- iind'-r tlic iii.pi c.-;si.)'i ;!i: ' i!i. w-y, in .No,i)i'.~ arU' ir .! r:jl.i ha- I ii-il what I a: h ’Aas !) ll'il.i'T ~! 11'. t;!IJ11 Ml putiii' I a 11Ill -11 .1 \ 1 ■ I |. would do ill liic l-'.urop.' llu; i!ii d'. a ihiii-' . -I'lni; pie ..I'lii.'iia l.ailv .Nt-'V,; ha i \’i<- '.i.'.v-i in il, ('.iceiiviili' IS a proiiy husky youiii;- or for its auc, but il could bo niado to grow iinlil il will surpass its pres- eiii ..i/i-'s ju.'l nhai cvi-ry I'-,111 in I'li-i" i;\.r.i- ...lioiilil want in see. i-;-,i'!-\ lint- li'.cs ill (;I'ci.iivill" li.iuld tal>i- I'arl' prid" in seeing il,i' lown urov,- -lalil it has bi'ciuno a I'M. T!;c inctriip dis of l-^asl.-rn .North • 'iirnlin.i is not loo high an ideal to set. Wo call leai-h that posilion if we '.MirU hard cni.iii;li. Iiui this town will iicvcr 11.. niin h lartri.r if it does nut ual... up and ili - i'l.- ilrii it wants to l-f. a real inun. 'I'l.I- lu'.siii'. - till II of (Irei-nvill.. iwi'ilvim.' (o'.',. I-; ivcly and fm tin. ad j vii!i.-i.m,.nt Ilf the lovn al the saice !iaii". 1-111 ni.iKe of i;rcen\i!ic a litv i'i'l'. -’> ---I lie a'ldim! Ill lli'”'r mvii tnr I I a:i. ai ' a u c t iia--. rla.;.. la.ii,', o|ipor: la; . fii]. cnlar.di.M i ireeiiville llial it woa'ei pairing, grading, constructing and improving in any way the Public noad.^! in Farmville Township as pro vided by an Act of the I^egislature of •North Carolina, Session of 1913, des ignated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two (122) of the Public Laws of .North Carolina. And notice 1 s furthe Thereby giv-- en. that an entirely N'ew Registration for ."iaid election was ordered and called and that B. O. Turnage was nnd i.■^ appointed Rpgistrar for said election, and that the Rooks for Reg istration will be opened on Monday, -August 10, 1915 and close dat sun set on Saturday, September, 11, 1015. that on each Saturday during the said Kegistration period the Regis tration books will Vie open at the reg ular Polling place In the town of Farmville North Carolina, nnd at all other than during said period will be opened at the ofTice of B. O. Turnage ip the town of Farmville, North Caro lina. And all citizens desiring to vole in said bond election to be held on September 21. 1915, will be re quired to register. Thi"! the ‘^th day of .Tuly, 191". S. .\. Coiigloton, Chin. Pioard of Coin. Pitt county. Attest; I’.ra'coo r.cU. Clerk. lei ted a Special School tax of thirty eonis on the Poll and ten cents on the One Hundred dollars valuation prop erty in the above described territory and at said election those favorin..; the Special Tax shall vote a written or printed ballot containing the word^ "For Special- Tax", and those oppos ed to said Tax shall vote a written or printed Ballot containing the words “.\gainst Special Tax." ..\nd it is further ordered that. .T. .T Satterthwaito bo and he is hereby ap pointed Uogistrar for said election and S. V, Williams and ,T. S, Flem ing are hereby appointed Poll Hold ers or .Tudges of election. And it is further ordered that a now Registration is and shall ho required and that the Rogi.stration books foi said District c - territory shall be op ened on Thursday. August 12, HMa aninniis'rs Attest: ISrascoe P.oll, Clerk, 7-11 ltd :itw. Southern Railway Premier Carrier of 7 he South Low Round 7 rip Summer Tour ist I'ickcts !Wou' on Sale to “The Land of The Sky" Asheoille, Wa^mesville, I oxa- LCay, HendersomHlle, BreVard, Hot Springs and all Other IP'es' tern North Carolina Points Spoil 1 joar vacation in the cool uiountain.s of Western .North Carolina. Weed.end and Sunday F.scursion roiinii tri() tickets on sale to Asheville. I’dack Mountain, Mt. Airy, Morehead City. Wilmington and various oihor niountai’i and seashore rc.sorts. For illustrated booklets, complete detailed information, ask your agent, or communicate with O. F. YORK, Traosling Passenger Agent RALEIQH, N. C. Professional Cards -H. W. CARTKH, Practice limited to diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat —and— The Fitting of Olasses, Oflice with Dr. U. L. James, Cireen- ville, N. C.. every Alonday. Home Olllce Washington. N. C. I1AI!IH\(J AM> niMU'E, l.iiwjers. I’racticing in all the Courts. Ollhe in Wooten Building on Third street, fronting courthouse. r. TllKJl'E.V, V^'lerlnary Siirfjcoii. Ollice; Winslow's Stables, l’hy at lia>v. l.and and Drainage Cases a Specialty. Ill ollice formerly occupied by F. (}. ,lames and Son. S. ,F. Eviuurn', VJIornoy at Law. nillee in the .National Bank Building, Dickerson .\venuo. PARKEFi’S ART STI DIO, Curlier l^'oiirth and I'.'vans Streets. 1‘holos Made Itodi Day inid Mglit. Send us your KODAlv AVORK. . li, K. TYSON, Dllice on Fourth Street near Frank Wilson's Store. liiM'.rance. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by looat a{>plica{k>ns, as they f^acK th«‘ 1 liy uj) iniliiof the niu- COU8 lining .-t' ?hf Uustaciuau Tube When tbis tub* iH intlarurd you bav*> a rumbling BDiJiui "r iiiip* rf* « t h« arihi?. an«i whi n It is ciitirt-Iy fb'S'*1. Pt-afnoss is !!»«• r<-pult. and iiiilifis tbi- cm bo taken t«ifon vcr; nine cas<-8 out of toj> nr • caus- il by Catarrh. U'hlc*>j is noihln^' f»i}t innarncil ronijltion )f th** Tuucous aurfacfj.' \Vf will Kivf Ono Hui'drtMl Hollars for any case of f>i'afn»s.«» (caused by catarrh) that cunnoi be cur«fll by Hair» ('atairh Curt. Send fur circulars, free. F. J. CUKNRY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by DrtmKists. 75c Take Hall’s Family PMls for conttlpatloo Take Out fhc rreinia is due to the circulation in the system of poison and wasto prod ucts that t^hould bo removed from the blood by the kidneys. If the ashes are not removed the tire dies and the ma chinery stojis. So with the waste products o fthe system, Foley Kid ney Fills hol|) the kidneys remove waste matter that causes rheumatism, aches and pains, stilT joints and sore aiuscles. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Curas Old Sorss, Other Remedies Won’t Cuit. The casc». no nuitter of how loair staadiflff. ^1-e cured by tb.e wor lerful. old reliable Dr. i’ofter's Anti‘*ci>tic Oil. It telievet Vi.m And Tt* ’ •»* = ifSc.SOc. Ai,iuo\ j)r.\.\, Afloriii'y uihI Coiinsellor at I.n w. The ■ , , M. IlEMLEY HAIflilSS. Still With ‘•Ol.n KELIABLE,” .Mutual l.h'e liisura'nco ('iinipunj of >ew York. H. ('. ( A( SEV. Alldriifj at Law. Dllice; Winterville, X. t’, 1»H. AN.ME L. .lOYNEK, Os(e(ii)ii, ('. I’liuiie »#7. Children's Summer Colds. It is wrong to neglect a cold at any time because it weakens the system ;md lays the sufferer open to attack fioni other diseases. Wet feet, siid- dcii cluuiges in temperature and ,.\ficr so p,i:in>’ oi inc p,nii.'rr;i|'ii''rs | sleeping uncovered at night cause lirhiini: iind near d\ inu over spelling j mnny children's colds in summer il ".Vewbi'i n " ibe esiecnied Wiliiiing- ! Foley's Honey and Tar Compound till) ,~i;ir coni!imi‘;> lo refer lo thejpfvos sure and prompt r'^lief. Sold I.ride of the .\(.iise :is Ncv. lvi-rn, W:issa- over\ whore,—Ailv. oru nrsiXESs is growing We grow them. Roses, Violets. Val ley lilies and Carnations a specialty • Wedding and funeral flowers arrang ed to the latest artistic styles• Ijate Cabbage and collard plants ready now. ItLOO^nXi l*OT I'LANTS Ferns. Palms and many other nice plants for the house. Write to our Spring Price List of Hose Bu.slies Shrubberies, Hedge Plants. Evergreen and Shade Trees. FLOWEKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Mail, telegraph and telephone order* promptly ekecuted by J. L. O’QUIN.N uud CO., Florist, Raiclgrli, N. C. Whit L. Brown, Agent, Greenville, iVorth Carolina. How To Olve Quinine To Chlldreo. FHnRlI.INKisthe trade-m.irk name elven to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrtip, pleas* nut to take &nd does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and uevcr know it 2s QuiDlae AImo especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does uot nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the heo(^. Trv it the next time ynu need Qii iiine for any pur pose. Ask foi - ounce orif;inat package. The name FHURXtri^’l) is blown in bottle. 25 cent& I The Greenville Tobacco Market Will js Open Tuesday, August 17th, 1915:: Many additions have been made to the large number of redrying plants, factories, stemmeries, and storage houses on this market sines last season and Greenville has never been better able to protect the interests of the tobacco growers than this year. We have the largest and strongest force of buyers in the state and it will pay you to bring your tobacco to this mirket, no matter how many miles 3'ou Hve from Greenville Star Warehouse Come To The Star-W HERE WORK AND WORTH WINS IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO, BECAUSE NONE OTHER IS BETTER LIGHTEDOR EQUIPPED TO INSURE THEIR CUSTOMERS RECEIVING THE TIP-TOP DOLLAR FOR EVERY PILE. ★ The Star Is (he liuliled warc- hoiise e»t‘r iMiilt for llie 'alo oi Icai (obarco. G, V. SMITH and B. B. SUGG, Sole Owners and proprietors