PAGE THREE ''Why you should insure with the Na tional Life of Vermont” because; It is an OLD LINE COMPANY and has pass ed the experimental stage. Th» contracts, taken as a whole, cannot be excelled. It has more insurance in force it Pitt County than any New England Com pany. It is payinyr larger dividends than any New England Company. ll /j.j5 On .\4illion ^Dillars Insurance on l/ic lives of County people Its in/estmgnts are of such character that today notwithstanding the disturbed finan cial conditions of the country, not one dollar of interest or principal is in default. It has maintained the lowest death rate of any company of equal age for more than a quarter of a century. // /iJ3 no insurance or inoestments in Europe. It will not carry over twenty-five thousand on any one life. It does not invest its money in any fluctuat ing stocks or securities. It has increased its cale of dividends four or five times witin the la^t seven years. It has assestsof SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS. IT has around TWO HUNDRED MILLION INSURANCE in force. And last but not least, we have sold exclu- sivel'y for The National Life since 19 10, and it is our one effort to deal squarely and hon estly with ail of our policy-holders. See Us before buying; It will pay you MOSELEY BROS, Greenville, N. C. Agents Miss Uerlniili,' Kiison, of l-’anuville, IS vi.siliiif! ut llu> lumio of .Mr«. W. A. Jr. Mr. Wili'v Hrowii wt'iit to IJollioI l.liis luorniiiK. Miss Mary IVikiiis k'fi iliin niorii- itiK for Fariii\illt*. Mrs. K. T. Clirisim.'iii amt litilu son, William Karl, of I’ortsinoiilli, ar(> visit- iiiK Airs. R. S. Way. Aliss .Jiiiia Harri.soi) liux rcliinicd from a visit to Portsinoutli. Mr. aiul Mrs. l.ycurgiis IIoI'Ut and niece, of Gatesvillo, ar(‘ vibitiiiK Mr. ami Mrs. \V. T. ilimtor. Mrs. .1. L. (’apppr left this morning for Wilson's Mills. Mr. J. r. Rowlett has roturncil from Illaikstone, Va.. whero he went to visit relatives. Mrs. J. A. Hland and cliiUlren liavo gone to Everett for a short stay. Mr. J. Milton Johnson is spending a few days in Washington. Mrs. G. W. Baker has returned from .-'.in l''ran< isco. .Mr. Conrad Lanier went to Wash- iiigioii loiliiy. •Mr. H. <’. Siiiig spent today in IMiza- heth t'it.v. Mr. and Mrs. J. liryan (Srinn's were liero yesterday and wetit to Grinic'S- land today. l.(K'Ar. lUMFI’S —These stidden siiowers are l)ail for tile ''please-don't-rain-suits” so inueh ill evidence in Greenville tliese warm (lays. —August 17th is the big day for Greenville. 'I'iie toljaceo market has its initial opening that day. —There is no let-up in the miinher of folks that daily leave for the lieach and for the mountains. - A full police court is a thiiig of tlie past in (ireeiivilh!. Hoii.s'«>liol(l and hitciieit Fiiniiliirc for Siile. The ttndersigned, as agent, will sell a lot of household and kit<hen furni- iiire on the courthouse lot Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Terms, cash. F". .M. WOOTKX. MABKET8. Norfolk Markets Quoted by Gob* Bros^ A Co. TODAY ¥ESTERnAY ^’eptember wheat liit! T-.\ Hi:v. ■». .1. WALKEK tiOES TO WALSO.MU ItU TO I'JJEAI'H. Rev. ,T. J. Walker, of the local ('hristian cliunli, will go to Walston- lutrg this afternoon whero he will open a revival there tonight. Two ^ears ago Mr. Walker conducted a revival at that place. At tiiat time then; WHS no church building there, but during the revival Mr. Walker added si.>;ty-oi,ght members to the cliurih and a building was erected. -'Ir. Walker was assisted in that re vival by Uov, Horace Settle, hh; ininuM I K AT o. I.. .ioym:u s today. Mr. O, f-, Joyiii'r gave a biirbeeue to the ioba< I'o men of the city today, rriie barbecue was b'‘1d at his farm just ottij'ldi! town and the table was /irrangeil in tin' gj-ove, A very largo nunibcT of local tobaci o and business men were out. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. ChappeD, of Rve Tears' SUndiBg, Rflieved bj CardoL : SOCIAL and PERSONAL liOM) IS.S! i: TMMMFS. Uliick liiier To\Mi>hiti In lluriiolt ('(nis(y Voles Angier, Aug. II.—Black River town ship Inst Saturday voted !f2.'i,0i)0 bonds for good roads. It was a bard fought battle, but pood ro.iiU won by about ■}.' ma,;ority. Rev. (', A. I'pclntrch has been aiil- ing Itev. .T. A. (’aini)bell. pastor of tli‘' Baptist church here, in a revival, per haps the best in the liisti>ry of the town. Vp to this time 2l’ hav(> beer, receivi il I'or baiitisni. 'I'bi' niiciing is scheduled to clo;-e tomorrow, ISoiiselio’d ilitii Kitchen I'liriiltur«> far Siih'. Tile uilder.signed, as agent, will sell a lot (jf lu)u.--elioM and kii' ben ftirni- iiire on the ((jurihousi.' lot iiaturday ninvning at II o’i'lock. Terms, cash. K. M. WtiOTKX. Mt Airy, N. C.—Mrs. Sarah M. Chap pell of this town, says: “I suffered for five years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my puni ItTi .'*iiicie(y .U<‘e(s, 'I'he \Vi,man’s Missionary Society of the i;manuel Baptist church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock with Mrs. W. 1,. Rice. Time to bring the special offeriiig fni- ilw training school. iTiii.K i)A\( i: FiMfHV \f(;nT, 'I'here will bo a public danco in the t;c',v Hines building Friday night. I'.verybody welcome. I-adies and spec tators free. Gentlemen dancing, 50e. fS. BI9U 1 —.*■/ i#M..i8niKeol was more than any one coultl tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardul, the wo man’s tonic, and I decided to try It. I had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me more good than all the other medicines i had fried, put logclher. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and 1 tola ihem about Cardut. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of Ihe ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backacUe, sideache, sleeplessness, and that everlastin&ly tired feeling? **80, let us urge you to give Carduf a We feel cctifident if will help you, St as it has a million oUier women la e past half century. Bedn taking Cardui to-day. Yom won’t regret it. All druggists. tVrift It: Oljs’tanoofB M«dlcUn Co., Loditl^ Aavisoty Det^it. Chaitanooga, Tenn., for fytciai UttrutUam onyojr Wis tnd 64 pag« booV, Tloir* for woiB«v" in iMujj ./i«py*it. N.O. 114 SA\ » \Ns u;i: no l III r ti I! V(.A I \,v r I I!1 NMI, l);ividsun. II, C;ir!yli. slu;.", c;im.„‘ j!i .-fvcial liii;,a;,;i) I'roni ChiHe I'ily. \';i . w;l - li'llii'.o lo Kiy ii|' )iis e\'pcri( 111 e.i in iirc,'i, I'l uiu e, ijiir- ijig his I'cnir days’ stay tli. ri.' v. illi l.oills .lubnstoii, lit .--aiil lliai tli'' French diil ikjI si em to fi'cl liiai tlii! Gerjiiaiis were \'Ty l)itier a;;aiii.-l. tiieni or particul-uiy eagi-r to sink tlieir trading v('.sscls. Koidii is told him tiial tiu'ir <'oiiiiades from the trciuhes in lie' we.'tern sciiiuii ,«:iid that the Gcrntan.; only two bunilred yards away would call oat to theni from time to time: ■•\Vo arc not after >(Mi. It’s the Kngli:-I; we want," Announcement The i(jllowing prices fo.b. iJelroit, elTeciiv,- Angusi H.'l,";: lord Kuiiiiiidiil I'iM il TotiriiiLV ( ill I'enI Town ( ar lilo.oo Xo s])eedonji'iei- iiicliiili.'d in tlii-, yrai',- .■ijiiijiuicni, (;iherwise oars fully uiiiiijiii"i|. 'I'here can Ic no .i,-.jura)ii'' wiven au advain<^ ia iheso prices at any time. We guiiraiiti.'c, Iidivi'm.:-, iiiai there v.ill Ij,; no j-ediiciion in tbe,-i' lu'ices prior l-j Au'iii t ! Ford Supply Company % We Wish to buy 1000 Bushels of Shelled Corn Whenever You Need a Qeneral Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grave's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contaius the v/ell known tonic propertiesofQUIN’INB and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up ihe Whole System. 50 cents. Get the Want Ad Habit— Reflector WantAds Pay! East Carolina Teachers Training School AUGUST 17, Atlantic City, N. J. - $11.00 Baltimore, Md,. - - $10.00 Norfolk, Va., - - $5.00 Richmond, Va., - Virginia Beach, - Washington, D. C, $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 ,V state M'liool to truln teachers (or the public schools of North Carollu. energy Is diretteil to this one purp'»!ie .,Tiiitiuu free to nil nhu agree to t<’ach. Full term begin Si'ptCnibor 21, lill.'i. For catalogue und other Inlormktloa address R. H. W RIGHT, i'RESlI)E->T J. C-LANIER .MOM MKXTS AM) HEAD STONES AND I«ON FENCES GKEENVILLE, - NORTH CAROLINA VIA THE Heeeiuber wheat Seideiiiber corn Uecember corn Seidciiiber lard neceniber lard , Seiitember ribs . December ribs , loT o-S 71 1-4 .s.i:, s. JL’ Atlantic Coast Line “The Standard Railroan of the South” Returning, tickets wiU be limited to reach oriRinal starting point prior to midnight September 1st, 19 15. Corresponding low rates from other points. Horany information, reservations, etc. address W. H. WARD, Agent, Atlantic Coast Line If It Is Headstones Markers Monuments Let Me See You HENRY T. KING SOUTHAMPTON COTTAGE 5TH STREET WILLOUGHBY ADVANTAGES OF BOTH BAYS ROOM AND BOARDING RATES REASONABLE MRS. J. W. YORK BOX J7-' OCEAN VIEW. VA. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Heac Because o( its tonic and laxative effect. LAX A TIV'E BROMO QriNINE is belter than ordiuary Quiniue and does not cause aervousness nor rineius io head. Remember the iull name aud togk for tbe signature of £. W. GROVK. 25& EDICAL COLLEGE OF \iriHCiWIA TO S E E BETTER SEE BEST W: Don’t Neglect Your EYES If your ejes are truiihlliig you l)riii^' tlieiii to nio nliere thf KX.V.WINATION IS FUEE ami friii.s.'.es It) Kiiif your eye* an supplied at roasoiiiililc cost. Uroltfii l.ciiso (liipllcatftl. W. L. BEST, OptUiiin The House That Protects You The largest, best lighted, most up-to-date Warehouse in Greenville. Complete in every respect. ^X^e guarantee you the highest pos- sible price foi YOUR TOBACCO at all times OUR MOTTO: Efficiency, Reliability and Service Come to See Us. Your friends to serve. O. G. RUCKER, Auctioneer. Market Opens Tuesday, August 17, *15 Johnston & Foxhall Bku.

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