PAGE FOUR 18 GREENVILLE’S GOVEK.XMEST DOIX.' ITS 0W> PAKT. Greeiiville'ti insuraucc rates can be lowered as mucli as ten ueiits ou Uie biiUdred dollars it' the city uiidmuins a lire department commensurate with rcQuirements set by insuraiue com panies. Such reiiuclion siivc.s iiiopcny own- tra $3,r>uO each year, lessens tlie sub jection of [Hoperty lo iii’c risks, and cuhances the lirofiis to be deriveii from iiie (/ivnersliij) vl real esialo. The < ity lias i>iuchasoii a lire inu k l;ecessitalinK tlu* cxpcniiillire of aii- I'roxinialcly ^*1,**''^*. in ord».‘r lo con- biimiiKite the purpohc I'nr v.lii.ii Uii- twpi'iuiiturc lia.s been iiuuie. a uuin vitli intclligcacc and i wiit cioulitf'ss be I'.iroii ior p; a'; i> i.i- vliolc liiii''. Will) - for a;S i!:. . j vi’pcrr. «jwiier cr uu- n-nii r'.’ Uca! c^iati 1 ■','iic;> :;kuic ii .-o ituit r< ntal I'rupe! '- b'iiu;> a i v htal prii c £Hin< ic;:t to j'. > i,.x; s. i;i-unnK.- liiaiiucnauco. :'cii:i!:s and a pn .'it. Xu crll.i^'i^un is dire-, tv d li: U;c jnop- rrty (".vncrn. iIh- iii'itc of liis rii.i. or the pu’Tliasc I'f ;hc fii't- irni-k. i! i-^ t>)! i;i:t:rc;y rimiiiuii'ia'iK' li is all riKiii lo ii'iiscrNc •I'ar < :iyV jirop’riy vaiuc.-, i>. r sn cci?'. l uldic |.i.'ildiKf-'s, privai-.' proP'rty. sriu;t>l-. chill.h's. etc. iiut su.h asseis ca-i jiot compare wilii iKaltli. life, am! jiaysical ('(ru-ii'iu y. Tlie^c arc vital i.' \'iiai be- tause ihey euiu'eivt'. i oii.-'iriit t, co'ic j'lcle and put lo ii>c ail ctlicr a^^•el'. Xoti'.iiiK our lily lias t;.n lie of us. exvoj)! ii! so I'ur as it can serve mail. .\(iiiiiiiir eiiliar.ces llappine'^^. pi'".i; jtss or cllii iency so niucii as li.'alili. Xi) town can iioi.e io ii.)iis(rve lil'. limil its guveriicinm iuve- dui' .liii- tlile-atidU to sanilatioii. Small I.)\C|IS iiave i" . ■.I'-I- .'it^'S be (•;. IS' siiiv.'.i liiir. t!ie l.rolilcm th..t tou.'iu - ut;i!ly ilic in- t.-rc-t- ef the .tVei'ai;.' nutii. Its ndu- ti('ii iiivii.'s liis iniiiiii;raiio!;. pr;’inni.-> bis i:i pi,iiie-s and lurii'. rs his iuo^- perit;.. 'I'l..' avrTaj-'i- pr.'fe;'> bi.uli l:;'..- to di-easc. pilin. in. !li< ien.-,'. death, dcr'. ’r-' liills and fiii;. i';ils AVt.e', lumdicafipe.l by sieiiiK ss b.- (an not produ.-e, consequentb he i:el:- i’lto delu aii'i des]xiniUn.y. In uUier ■words, s|i io’.'ss converts liim innii an i\>sei into a liabilitN. I'ropi'rty i tnuaniinaii d by infect iou- or contasiioiis disease is bad iiropen.v. it will not rent to people wiio liavi' iu-' enough to loidi into its his tcry. It is liot worili proKciioii from I'roVf it to tc unlie.ilth.v and it >vl)J milli<-r I'fiil uor sell. It makes people who oci iipy it 'llurefore tiie avei'a^'.- luan ab.indons it f(ir a healthier place, .iiul damns it ior a death-trap ever after. In oilier words, the great trutii has at last couie tothe average man that a liome saturated wiili infectious dis ease IS clear at any price. Sanitation is common iiimwledKe now. Schools. Voth white and lolored. are teachint? it every day. Children know more nhout it than firown-ups. Your cook's child can teach you thiiiL's aliout it tl'.at perhaps you never knew. In the face of these facts property i'- being rented today in Creei.vilh- without regard to satiilation. Mr. may put lii.s property in first-i lass cun- (litiijn but Mr. 11. fails to do so. iiat are we going lO do about it Shall we continue to go on record as a municipality with surtace pi ivies draining into open diteiics, wliicli ditches, according to our State l«ite iiratory of Hygiene, are daiigerousl> l-oHuted'? Can we afford to longer permit con- flUioiis to exist that acctirding to I nited States public health a ithori- ties are breeding aiiofdHdes nios- (luitoes sufficient in liuniber to ii.fect I Ur whole town? Are we going to delay longer sani- liiry reforms that otir (ounty health f.fflcer lias advised, urged and given detail plans for? •Man's protection against infectious disease can had, but like all things ■worth while it has its price. To have it costs money, brains, effort, and co operation. To do without it costs stagnation. incfllcieiK y, disloyalty to the average man, disease aiid death. Tlirow aside Christianity. Sociology, llunianiiariaiiism and all the higher f^enliments if you will. Study the jiroposition from that sordid but im- l.ortant standp(/iiit uf how it hits the liorket nerve and even business judg ment will force the conclusion that it it; economical, wise and best. To delay longer is BUlcidal to the Biowth of a municipality whose gov ernment values both property an<l tin Bnfety of human beings. CHAS. O H. l.Al GHIXliHOI SK. NOTICE OF .4DMIMSTRATI0N. Having qualided as administrator of the estate of the late Williaui K. Lyon, this is to notify all ^)erson^^ having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned administrator or to his attorneys on or before the 6th day of August, 1916, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please make immediate .seltlement. ’i'iiis August 6, liii"). ZKXO LVOX, Ayden, X. C. Hardii'.g i'.- I’iei'co. Attorneys. T he Pipcirft of a MONl’MENT OR HEADSTONE '.he ii .-I le^lii.. iny li.iiT e;i e.iii of liie iipprei ialinn l'.:;- tlio-. wlio have Olie eeUJI't . Ail suitable de..;)'ii.' ;.':d pi n , s njay b. ,'C. fi'. 111. Dees Marble & Granite Works Grrenviile, North Carolina at eeii; less than same >an in i iid from iii.y af;elit. See or write lilt in and lie couviiuv.i. JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD OF SASH AND DOORS Mowers, Rakes, Harrows^ Hay Balers, Stalk Cutters, Manure Spreaders, Paints, Oils, Nails, Lime, Cement and Gupsum Platter HART & HADLEY jWANT ADS I W AM mo I I |!M>11I.I> KOO>IS at oiici'. .1. W, Siiaw ul I'arker's Siudio. Tno ('onimon !Miuiiu<'r Viiiiieiit''. Thousands of hay fever and asthma victims who are not able to go to the mountains lind relief in Foley’s Honey ami Tar Compound. It allays the iii- flanimalion, socjthe and heals raw and rasping bronchial tubes and helps m overcome difficulty in breathing, and makes sound, refreshing sleep pos- wble. Hold everywhere.- Adv. >OTUE Xoiice of registration and election upon the proposition to issue Fifty Tiiousund worth of Head Bonds by Falkland township, Pitt County, Xorth Carolina. Xorth Carolina. I'itt county. Xoiice is hereby given that the Hoard of Commiss.oners of Pitt coun ty in regular session assembled on the Dtfa day of July llUo, It being the regular meeting held the 1st Monday of ./u!y liuri. ordere.i an election be held in Falkland township, Pitt Countyj North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21st day of September 1S15, at the regular polling place in the towns of Falkland for eaid township, oa the question or proposition of Issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent interest per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run tor a per iod of thirty years (30), the funds received from the same to bo used for the purpose of laying out, estab lishing and repairing, grading, con structing and improving in any way the Public Roads in Falkland town ship as provided by an Act of the Legislature of North Carolina, Ses sion of 1913, designated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two (122), of the Public laws of North Carolina. And notice is further hereby giv en that an entirely new registration for said election was ordered and called, and that J. H. Smith was and is apopinted Registrar for said Election, and that the Books for Reg istration ■will be open on Monday, August 16, 1915, and closed at sun set on Saturday, September 11, 1915, that on each Saturday during the said time and said Registration books will be open at the regular polling place in the town of Falkland and at all other times at the residence of the said J. H. Smith in the said Town of Falkland, North Carolina, and all citizens desiring to vote on said Bond Election to be held on Sep tember 21, 1915, will be required to register. Thi.« the &Ih day of July 1915. S. Congleton, Chm. Board County Commissioners Attest•- Brascoe Bell, clerk. Kisr IN ia \\«A\ (»N l>l( KI\S(»\ avenue Suiul;iy gold wauli and neck- laci'. "I.. H., .May. Pdl.'’ in liai’k. IMiirn l.iimi i^'leiiiing Si. itewanl. \'^iliK'd as Kt'i !>s;iKu only. ^I'E I. 1. EYAKg FOB Ir.'ini, He«teri, Ugbts tad Hroctur Hotel Batldt&g. lin \orij (.as( i non m\ti I'uke on liickinson aceiuie next lo I'.cw Hiller, iniilding. >OTI( I. Xoilii (.arouiia -I'm Couiitj. in I he ^Superior Court. -Mary Harris vs. Hscar Harris. The defendant, Uscar Harris, will take notice dial an action cntillcd as above has been c(iinnicnced in liie su perior court of I'ilt couiiiy, Xoilli Carolina to obtain a divorce absolute froii) him; and tiie said defendant will furtlier take notice tliat lie is roiiuired to appear at tiie term of tiie superior I oiiri of I’iit county to be helil ou the second .Monday after llie .'Moiidav in Se)iteniber, 1IM5, it In'ing the 2lilh day (d' said nionih. at the courlliouse ill saiil county, and answer or demur lo tlie coiiipiaint in said action or tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the ri’lief dcnunwloil in said complaint. Tiiis L’dh day I'lf .Inly, I'.<1.'. ,1. I), COX. clerk of (lie Superior Court. SALE OK la vi. VKortinv. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed and delivered hy Vaiue llelcher to W. H Daily. Jr., dated the 13th day of June, liU l. as appears of record in the register's office in Pitt county, in Book .\-li, page 302, the undersigned mort gagee will, on Monday, the 29th day of August, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, e,\- pose to public sale before the court house door in tlreenville, to tho high est bidder for cash, the following tract or parcel of laud, to wit: “Lying and being in the town of Parmville, situnted on George and Belcher ‘.trecis, and being sub-divided into eight (8) lots as shown by plat of land made by the .\llantic Coast I’.ealty Ceimpany. eaili of said lots being 50 feet front and l.'.ii feet deep.” This sale will be made to satisfy the term.-i of taid n ortgage. dated June 1;!. 1!'14. above referred to. This tile 30t!i dfiy of .tiily, fltl.". W H HAIL, JU . Mortgagee. Harding & Pierce. n»K ,>Ai i: s-i^ooin iiome, conven iently located. I'Jusy terms. Splen did sha.le irees and all modern con- \i.niences. lio.'i liTTi, iircetigville, X. C WA.MKH — Two or tbriu ,jenllemen for fuinisiied rooms, wiiii or witli- otit board. .Mrs. Spear. I'iione 219-J. I(»l{ 1MK»M AMI BOAltO AI’I'LV TO •Mrs. .•\niiie Quiiineriy. .MAC KEIttL—s. M Schultz. tfd FOR liENT—JINK 1ST, STOUl now ccupied by L. C. Hatch Higgs Bros. 5-20-tJ ( AI.L AM» SEE Ori{ A( ETVLE>E tias -Machine for lighting your homes. S. T. Hicks. FOU KENT -A EOMt-KOOM Al'AUT- ment in Hotel .Macon. Modern con veniences. Apply to L. C. Skinner. 7-2T-15-eod-tf FOlt SALE (OMPLEIE Elilll*. ment for small restaurant. Big bargain. J. H. Calloway. 'Washington, C. Reference, H. A. White. WAMI O - T(t ItENT (H{ HI V KESI- dence in good location, .\ddrtss • House," care Hetlector. tf l AI.I. I\ AM> I\.SI*E( T OI K I'EK- fection water iieater for domestic use. S. T. Hicks, SMIEIU I E OE I’ASShN<.F.K TKAINS Atlantic ('ou<>t Line. .Vorthbouiul Soutniiound Xo. 5S SM'i a. ni. Xo. Ti l:ls p. m. N'o. 72 r>:L’i; p. Ill, Xo. G:;iri p. m. Voriolk Sdiitliern. Easiliound. Westbound. Xo. 4 1:0S a. tn. .\o. ,j 3;02 p, m. Xo. 2 !i:4rt a. tn. Xo. 17 7:r>4 a. m. No. 1^ 6 ■30 p. ni Xo 1 : L’li II. m. Xntjce i'. tiereliy given tlmt on I'ri- day, .\iii.'iist i'7. r.'l'i. or as soon there- al'ier as i<invenient to tiie governor, an appHciition will be pn ^ented to the governor tor the p.ardon of (ieorge Mltciieil who is nerving a (ive-year term on tlie roads of 1‘itt (oumy for liousebreaking He was sentenced at tiie Xovember Term. l!»i:;. and began service immediately. This the (1th day of .•\iif;ii't. GEURC.K Ml i’( lli:i.l.. By .Inliiis l’.r(.>.- n, .Mtorney. fnvlsoratlng :o tne Frale and SIckI} The Old standard getiein! strengtheatng tooic GROVE’S TASl ELKS.S chiU ToMC. drives oul Malaria.enricli^vtheb? *o<f andbuild«upthesys Um. Atruf tr<iuc. Tor if.uiib aua chiivlren. SOc Sliijiji'li l.i>cr Caiix's TrotiMe, 'I II.- (Lsconifoit and danirers of hot weather arc doiiijied if tin,' liver i.s sluggish and the bowels inactive. Foley cathartic Tablets are jirompt, wludesome and effective in action without giiping or pain. If you feel Inzy and languid, bloated or overfull, a F(dey Catbarlic Tabh t will help yi.u. Stout persons welcome the light and free feeling they bring. Sold everywhere.—Adv. CirM til Strif, otkir iHediM Wii’t Cirt The worst caw>, no nutter of how long ttanding, «re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Poiter’s Antiseptic tfralinK t*il. ft relieve! I'aiB litals .At I*-- same *insi.. ISc. BOc. S1.U(^ flw QuMm That OOM Not Afftct Tlw Hm« Because of its tonic and laxative eSect, LAXA- TIVH BROMO QUININE is better tlian ordinanr Quinine and does not cause nervousness not I rtnsingr in head. Remember the full name and look fr« the siKnature of E. W. CR01W. Uc> Norfolk n CW 5 outhern nailroad hort lloute Sch*'dule III Ei'i'eft April 11, l!H.'>, X. li.—Tlie following schedule lig- ures publisi.ed as information (inij and are not guaranteed: 1KA1>S EEAVE (KEE.N MI.I.E— Ell!<tllOIIII<l 1:08 a. ui. Daily, ".Night Express.’’ Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk 9:40 a. m. Daily, for Plymouth, I'-liza- beth City and Norfolk. Broiler Par lor Car Service Chocowinity to Nor folk. Connects for all points .North and West. 6:30 p. m. Daily, except Sunday, for Washington. Wesilbduiitl 3.(i2 a. m. Daily, for Wilson, lialeigli and west. Pullman Sleeping Car Service. Conencts North, South and West. 7:54 a. in. Daily, except S'anday. for Wilson and Raleigh. Connects for all points. 5:25 p. m. Daily, for Raleigh and all intermediate stations. For furtlier information and reser vation in sleepin gears, apply to J. L. Hassell, Agent, Greenville, N. C. H. S. LKARD, Gen. Pas. Agt. J. D. STACK, Gen. Supt. is when wr LOVE to ENJOY OUR The Summer Time ICE COLD TEA I have in stock your CHOICE of the BEST Black, Green and Mixed Teas in hal( pound tins at 35 Cents 1>! .\CK Ti:..\.S f*\>i fiU!s-a ( Km tnoi-a OuloTig <)raru'«.‘ i'ckt*o Ct‘>lun aiiii linliu liuhkt’t Find .laj-an Hiij'lis-h Hrf.'ikla.-t i'futilomJ J.’<pan I iii tnosa Intlia i'l-i Ion (JRLKN TKAS Japan Impt I ia! (lunpowikr Viinjr Hysson I’owticml Japan aiii) r<iriDitsa arid Japan Japan an<{ Iluiia S. M. SCHULTZ, : i 55 Winterville High School Winterville, N. C. I lie «iv(e''iilh >e'>ieii ulll Itegiii 'I'l'esdii.i, Vucust Jl, 1915. Lilorftrj Mil"!)' aiitl Hihlf C(iur<<(’> (liieii. I ac iilty of ( iirjvilaii men and women all tuning liiid evperieiice hi teiicliint:< l.<i<-ati<‘n roinenlciil and liealllii'ul, ExjieiiNe-. wry rea»(>iiab|e. For new calalog and p»rtieular'. address NOTICE J. C. WEBB The Photographer Is ooniieetod with R. M. ZAHNISER liett<‘r known us (lie sign lieiitl. lii the I'litiire all orders can In* left at .\o. .»i2 l>ickiii'>oii u\euiie, ur call ]>liitne II!). <iKEE>VlEEE, X. ('. F. C. NYE. A. B. Principal The Quickest and Most Permanent Way TO BREAK UP CHILLS and FEVERS IS BY TAKING LAXATONE The Madtcin* with a Guarantee It acts upon the Lioer in a mild way, and does not cause that skksnning feeling so often the case with Calomel PRICE 25 CENTS Sild by Country Merchants throughout Pitt County and ij Co ward-Wooten Drug Company, GREENVILLE, N. C. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. Over $45,000,000 Insurance in force Over $6,000,000 Assets Over $1,000,000 Surplus Why nol join the over sixteen thousand North Carolinians that carry over $25,000,000 insurance in the Jefferson Standard. Keep money at home and get the best insurance obtainable. Frank Ferguson, Special Agent.

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