9mmmrrt^Lt ts the mmsmr of eastsrn ttmrB CAROLINA. IT HAS A FOPVLATION OF FOUR TBOUSAMD, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUB- ROXJNDBD BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR ^E HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE WB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. fi.: 7:4 'C J*"''”""" " “'•'■'.'"I- ».»1 N.Wi- .. WB HAVE A 0JM0UEA- TION OF TWELVE HW9> DRED AMONG THE BBB9 PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO^ UNA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE aOOD PEOPLE IN 4 HU SI NESS WAY TO TAEE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU 7A FE TO BRING TO THEIR A TTKNTION. 0 VK AIJV E n T I SI .V G ^’ATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. VOLUME XXXIV. «;i{hFNVIl,l,F, \. FUlUAY Al(;iM'20 11)1.',, E BIILS T lilayor ot Ullanla Up holds Frank’s Murder I foffflgr Sniilhlielii Mayor Iniiicted Foi forpiy, Embiizz erne lit, false ?relense-His 'Uliera aliouts Uokfiown Siuil liJii'hl, Aiik- I'' I’ll jury III' dll' iiri'MTit tcrrn ni .hiliitshiii Supcriou I'DUi'l iDilay ri'Hiruid l.iio liillrt ;i|4aiu>l L. II. AUi'c<l lor cliibuz- /.li’iiii'iil ill mu cases, I'alsi; lu aiuillicr aiul nii'Ki^iy in a I'ouilli. 'riio I'uLDii in llu' raise iirelenso case alli'Kos llial Allri'il ol)taineil a Ihoii- shikI (lollaiH li’oni t? V.. I’itls, KiviiiK as Kcciirity wliat |)iir|)ortc<l In be a nuirtgaKe tin l.'iii acres of land bcloii.n- iiiK 10 L !•:. Hrannan. If is saiil thal IlK'i'e is tm siu li person as l<. I,’, iirau- iian and that the land was imaginary. One ol llu‘ enibi'/.zk'inent 1 liarge- uri'W oiu of ii business transaction Allrnl had with l>r, h. I>. Wharton, it bt'iuK claimed that he apiiropriated for his own use one thousand ilullars thal Dr. Wharton bad jilaced with him to be loaned as thi“ doctor s\ii liosed. In this cas(> also a lictitious iiiortnai^e is said to have liKuri'd. 'I'Ik other enibez/.Ienienl case was in coii- noction with !?T0|) \ilr(>d loaned I'ol Mr. and Mrs. (V M Wilson. Nothing has been heard from All- red since lie left here a week at;o. lie is said to have spoken of KOiHR to Oklahoma. Another rumor has it (hat he has sailed tor South America. Mrs. Allred and children aro with re latives at Selma. The cases aKainst .Mired will be I'ontinuod and capiases for him will, 11 is expected, be issued. Hon. Claud Xilchen fails lo Speak at larboro Kinds Clmuibei' nf roiiiiiM-rce Vtteiul- iim' Fir<*iii«*ii's and <iocs (o a Kikll <*aui<‘. .\ii amusiiiK joke on the Tarboro chamber of ciimmerce cun»c to HkIU today. It seems, from what could !)>> learned, that Hoii, I’laude Kitcliin started to Tarboro yestoi’ilay lo ad dress the local chamber of commerce but upoii arriving in that fair city found that the chamber i>f commerce wa.H out at tho racu traik l<i witness the tlrcnien's tournament. ’I’Ik! honorable then decided that I o would have a little sport, so awi-y he wont to Itoi Uy .Mount to witne>s the ball game. It is said that he was one of the loudest ''rooters" present at the ganni. >>peiikiiiij III < aliiDriiiii ,Sii>» Kraiili <‘0( ,lu’'t l)|IC' Slaliiii, Hau l-’i-aiicisro, ,\UK. I'. J. i;. Wooilw.uci, iiiajo!' <,r .\llani.i, Ch.. in Hdiiie-,.-. iiri-,. h, I iiijilii, di-rlareu lib'll l.co ,M. l-'i'ani; MiK'ei'cd ilic 'jiisi |ii‘!iall\ 'or an uii^ieukahlc i-riHie." 1 In* iiiii .'I' at the :..iii:i‘ liiUf joi iiji'r s'lucriior Slaion, jio\. in t'.iliroi'hia, hot 10 i\'!ui!i Id vie.u .mu. -■'laMu- \\'iioilwanr:^ adiii'cr-.i wa.- Hri.ili' al a balii|ii ' 01' Hie Calil'ornia Stiile ,\.'sessiil .\:-Mii iations. l.ittle lu' no aiipiansi- Kreetcd hi?- v<" Mraiid i marks, aUliuu.uh he ua.-, listi-iu'it to ss'itJi close attetilioii. .\la,\or Wood ward said: *'I am KoiiiK to take oi'casioii loninlil to ti'll of the eviius tliat have put lieornia on the nia|) in a very uiiite- sirablc liKbt. I am goinp; to ehiieavor lo set you rinht. I“eoph> throuKUout the I nited States have olituined their Ideas ot the V'rank case fr<im a pois oned and .subsidized press and press reports. "(’onmion ilccem y prevents me troni tollin,tc you the revolting truths of the murder of .Mary I'haKaii. I wish you all knew tho truths as I luiow tlK-m. I know then), for I have been with this cast! ever since it started and ! have reud every line of evidence that was introduced. I know that there is not a member of the jury that tried l.eo M. Frank who would change his de cisioii if (lilt to the test a^ain. ‘ lleorKia is the leading state of the south. Its p<M)ple can not be rlas.'ied with tramps, lioodhini.s', bandit.s and lawbreakers, but thiuKs had come to a point wtiere every avenue of the law- had been exhausted and tiie jiulKment o£ the courts set aside by one man, and the piwitle felt that it was up to tht!m to take the law into their hands. “While we people of (Je<»rKia deplore thi.s deed of .Monday night, we know what is behind the feeliiiK that prompt ed it, and 1 want it understood thal it is simply emphasizing the fact that when it comes to a woman’s honor there is no limit we will not go to avenge and lo protect. Ignored All Appeals. “There were only two people imiili- cated in the death of Mary I'hag i'i. I know the uegro did not commit the deed, and am positive tliat TT. per cent of the pe»')>le of (leorgia are convine<‘d Heavy Flood And Famine in Texas Cities funny P.ece oi inianiiy Invaded llefiector Mfiee! I tValked III >1illiiiiit hiii ckitig ami | t'ilM- tile il" a liaiil (ner tlii'I 'i'hc It'.'lieclDi' l.U’ie I'a,i'.''vc! ui> Number Of Buildings Ran Into The Thousand—Loss iil Be Heavier Than In 1900— Many Bales Cotton Lost 1 rh; ^ i-. tuinif I CM 1 u u h \\ I’.lioat !m)\v t I'OST { \UU l»U I'l KHS or H!VNK vui; uvinu:u. ! liniu> (K* (){/■ rail '■ i’tui i j llie jliUiil u\rr ilif it ; r.:..'. jnuM'tvl o:l' aii'I Ik'iuh)** i-.u ; iy ;)! r’ .. |iah With "ijriiit'-i-V ihvil/' > \Ai-y yaiiii; iliai svvU'ilty u u-tiuf iU.fJ tfllim: Jniii ihal h«' uuuii! ru vji ii btiuml, llu' I'iiH*' ul’ |U‘^:iu lO t*‘il ill'.- pi’iSitfT l»*ty lutw ; I i>ap'.‘r should 'h- i-.uUvn ui*. ! hi>> has siiU’c uxprL’sstul |s('ir ill tiiosL* wonls: mi lIEiM 8E OF mm 10 E Sofiig liiiiik h iiiUiS fia:br Spiiniisfic n.t Ihsi il u ossi Ufi fitons. that the man lynched .Monday iiigbt committed the deed, and they are on the ground and ought to know. “Ah mayor of .Atlanta. 1 have rc- i-eived tons and tons of letters and 1>! titions and requests asking that something be ilone for i<’rank, and tliev have all gone Into tho waste basket, for like all (ieorgia peoiile who are in a position to get at the truth, f know i):i- I'acts. “I know Jack Slaton, have known him for thirty years, ever since he was a young win. 1 havobof'n friends with I'itii. ;"id wbi|i“ I hale In s:iv it. 1 would not a<lvi:;o him lo renirn to {iPora:ia fora v<>;ir if fvcr Atlanta Aug. is Pdj^i ca"' )• tures of the body of Kmnli. lianMuig from a tree, today were barred from the mails by local iiost otlice authori ties. Action was taken under tlie sec tion of the postal regulations forbid ding tlie mails to "libellous and inde- ceni matter im post cards." Several huiulred ol iliese rarils, which were sold freely on tlu‘ streets here last night, wore destroyed by ilu; authorities, who announced that under the law the si'iiders may he prose cuted. <io\('inor Harris aiinoiniced later tlial he would offer "at the proper lime’’ rewards for the arrest and con viction of members of tiie inoh. lie said he had not determined the anioiiiil. .M {lovernor Harris' otlice ii was said that before taking detinile action the governor would confer with uiem- ber.s of the state prisim commission. This conference is expected to take plac^ tomorr»>w when all of the mem bers of tho contmissioii will bt* here, ^'eantime, it was said, tfip governor would endeavor to obtain, fr<na otli- cials and t'uards at Milledgeville. de scriptions of the men wlio abducted I'raiik. Firemen’s lournameni Closes at larboro loday llodk uitd l.itddcr »fri‘ lielil VeNterUii) and C'uii(*«>r(i Took the Kil'st Tri/f »Hh i'arlmro Close t Special to the Ki flector. i i'arboro, Aug. lit. Yesterday was the feature day for the colored tourna ment being held here this wei'k when lb" hook and ladder couil>anies had their race. rnusually large ciov .'- w.-re pies 'll M’. STI V^II I.'N \l!i: l*IM Tl»!*S II \ TOIMI * O >1 * liM I'. l.Snecial to Ihe lleflci tor.) riuelops, Aui.'. If. 'I he openil'g day of the I’iiietops tobacco market cauie yesterday with the selli’iK of pounds of tobacco. This is the first opening ilav 1‘inetops has e-i r I'.-i.t, and Ihe liu al market here feel.-< that it will 1h> il success. j This i.H the onlv totiacco market in j I df.'.''<'om!)o county. j j ’)t av.l the tiremei: dispi.n d a large I amount of interest in the races. Fol mlts i)f t!ie book ;iiid (ial\l.Vug. |s, liy uil',.. h.s.s from t niii'd Slate:, transport l!u- ?ord. Then- is cousidera!i!(> sul'fering in ilu' cUy. 'I'lie water .•^y:-teui, ligiit- jng system, gas and street car sy.iiem?, are out of coniniission. 'I’iiere is no driniiing water in the ciiy. Three hundred feet of I lie i au>eway has been destroyed. .\ll ollicers. classi!i(>;l ei|j|>li)yees. eii- Hsti'd iiK'ir anil their faimlie- al i'ort ('roi kett are sale. wui i Ki:i» i(ni.im«.s IM \ TO I'llOl >AM)S. liousloii. Texas, .\u.i;. 1^. via 'I'eiii- ple and leleph.oiie to iiallas. The iioii.li’ii (,’lironiile prints tiie foUow- iiig intervii'w with J, li. ^loiiigouieiy. Jlou.slon corresijondent of tiie Calves- ton .N'ow.s. who got as far as Virginia I’oint. the north end of the causeway. Tuesday, and vie\M-d the wrecked cilj of Calveston: I am coutident the numher of dead in Galveston is largo. I could not see an elevator on the poi t side of Ilu- city and my (>pinio;i is that the lumi her of buildings destroyed will run into the thousands “1 believt' tiie proi)erty lo'is will be greater than that of li'OO." %rontgomery made his way lo the drawbridge of the (’■alveslon cause- Hvay. and owing to the fact that this slruclure was swept away he was forced to return to llousioii The man (made the trip in an automobile. “We encountered indescribable con ditions," ho said "'I'iie road liriduo-; at (Tear I'reek and Hirkiuson were washed out ami we ran our autonui- bile over the railroad l>ridges and acro.ss the ties. “We saw thoii.samls m' hales of col ton on tho prairies all the way from \'irginia I’cdnt (the m.iinland end <>f tho (J.ilveston caus< wa> i lo tho town fni La Marnuo. far inland. Those were washed from tialve>ion docks by tli > great tidal wave. "Tho water must have been several feet over the cau seway and serious damage must have been done lo it by Ihe washing out of large iiuantilies of linings in the center." The railroad drawbridge ha.^ been ■Viih know, I wi.'li ) liad handed I that giiv a spiel ihai uoijhl have tinuh' him see why tli' do|)e he was tr.’. i.'i’ lo srill in this ottiee don't count I'er tv.o biis." 1 i'at was lunv the "devi!'' i'elt about it. It could not be learned upon jusi what mission the tihenotnena was en gaged. hut i' was generally supposed that he was either a book agent or a solicitor for correspondence school. i lie qlU’.'IIUII llou .-lllll.- !l' in. -....l jllir >v;.ie.'rtay iniilt iiuui lo him- Itireenville be wonli me itio- i^y tha: .1 twill ta.ke ti) niaUc :t I r;iM isa*'l< .■-^uine lliilili dial ;( will he a gooii plan to have ilie wuti.i \vay construct- ed. wtiile oti'.ers seelii ’.o lie ratiii r op- i.ii{<;k ( immvks uk>t ro ui>K> t<um\. large number of people went troni here loday to be present at the Ala- sonic fete held in that city today. tiniistie over its outcoiue. 'I'ili^re is one thing ceriain. ami !liat is. that it \U11 not tienelit llreouviliv' from a standpoint of furnishing power, (.JreonviUe already has a uell eiiuipped power plant that is e.,pahU of fnvnis' - ing al! the power that is ro()uired. and besides ihat, can fiirni.'li even more if ■' i-' i.ee’cd ’I'he power [I’.'irit lu re is now in a position to furnish s»'vcral hii'iilro-.! if.ure liors'.'-power Viewing Uie I'ruposed \ilan from a standpoint of transportation, it nrf’ht '<■ ■>' value to tl;e farmers living on Iri'.rge portion of the peol'lo went b\ i-iv(>r from between here and Tar- :inluniobile. while Minie wem later I'y ; K;ieh ot th‘'se could li ive b's train. j.-uiall boat to bring his produce to >ii I I im; \r mt. im,f \s\nt i .s'nr.i. rovTiM I s. The niei'tim' ai Mt. I’lea'iant beint: ronducted bv 1! W. Sfancil, of Ohio, will contitiiie through Sunday night. There have l>een tweiuv one conver sions to date. Snloeets for remainder of wee'iv' .Amcusi 2I>. “The Ttettor l.ord": Ancu 21. "rnfini.sbed Work al the rios(> of tho I)a.\": Sunday niorninc. "Thv j Kinirdom Como’’; Sundav niglif. Working Over .fei usalon! " Creenville or !al;e it to 'I'arher-.i. a*- t o It «lll. ill all <'Vc;ns. lie a goi'd white before tho [dan will be tried, if ever, and several local citixons express ■':.’-M>elve ■ a-' hoping tlial i’ w ili not be tried out. i.ISales H*ere lijhl Here liiis \forniflg Me.'-n Or. Frank W. Wilson Made Urmy Surgeon ' !!KI*<H!’l'i:i» -INK.!’" I' r ,1 Concord, first prize. i-iade (h {.uticJon. Auk- 1^- J . , * »Mti fri 'J.-., siHomls. liUMu>r(» soroiul pn/A*. m II iiilti Ua- SinPii.h foai.'ii r !'i {«’.o -.‘Ml i * I st*(*oiuis. tons gro.-,s. have been sunk. Twenty-j OM'ord. third j washed away at Seahrook. twenty miles trom Houston. about Thri (• one of tile crew o;’ Ihe form"' leiuht ol tho latter wt>ro picke.l uii. pri/e Time ..11 1 M.r.e. al ha'.e hot. a Miti crews wer»‘ saved. The trawler t!eor Her cievv was savc l ■|''i I stated. I With today liie :.’.'illi annual colored I liri'UieM's tournament comes lo a ) ejii^e and alter sevei al towns bidding , persons are reporli'd to have lost tlieir j lives at that imint. I State otricials at .Austin were busy I Knlay Irving lo communicate with Cal- i veston. In tho meantime tents, blan- I kets and cot^ were ready in the adju- llant gonoral's department for sbip- , meiit to lliiK.ioti or Oalvoston for the I use of siorni refugees as soon as llio needs of the snff<Ters <•;)» he ascer also was siiaV. I for II IICM year. Washington niamiged tained. The assistant l <ir»"er (.rtt inilic l{e«e!>«'> I’lisi- tiiiii <>»er Seieiitj Oilier Vpiiiiciiiit'. Wednesday evening Mr. W. I!. Wii son receivtd a tetej.;rain from iiis son, la'. Frank W. Wilson, in \\ a^hin.m on city, announcing his promotion to army surgeon witii the rank ol iir-;t lieutenant This was a conipeiiiivo jiosition for which tiioro were seventy applicants, and Dr. Wil.-son was among tlu^ ten who passed suci'e~>fully. It is a high honor to him atid his lux^j of friends at home rejoine with him over | ti.is dist iiu’tioii. This makes the t'ourth sun .Mr W n. Wilson now has in the army sorvln of the government. Mr. 1>. S. Wilson being a second lieutenant now in tho riiilippitio Isl.tnds. Me-srs. W. U. Wil son and ('. 1! Wilson being cadets u West I’oint. and Or. !■' W t'iil,' Mnail Nuiul'erof !‘iiuii<)>- l>r(>iit‘.i!t In, Imt U Urmmlit a Verv »iooU I'ricc Fanners IMea'cii Mitli I’his Market. I^en if ihc .sabs were ve-'v small, tlif price paid tor t!io toii.icco nrouglit lii'fe today a.s e.v.ie[ttionaiJy high. The local warehousemen say tl.at the reason such a small amount is being bri'ught in is due to the fact that tho I'at uiers ha%en't got their t roji graded anti rv’ajy for Bvarket yet. It is very noticeable that the farm ers ot Pitt county, and other counties too, are ’.ringing their tobacco to I il 1 I nvillt.. and tho mo<( of them say that ilio^ are doing this because the.v know that the prices here will he .iust as hii-'h if not hiithi'r than thi"^p paiii oil other markets. «;«»>/UTS \u\K u. I SF OF KOUFICN FI U.'<, A!<xi' <i City. Aug. 1 S.—(let.oral I’ab- h' <.;on.;a!es, ctminiar'der of the Car- AVilso'i, lir-t j I'.. ...I f.irces here, w ill issue a docreo j warning all foreigners attempting ti) I to secure (he foiirinuiieni for r lieutenant. !is army surgoon - iprotect Me.xic.m properties under for- lleriiiosillo raphireil. j 'ign flags that they will be liable to -\ogalos. .Ariz.. .Vii.g. IS. Hcrniosillo, j. Mnilsinn as "periiicioiis forei.gri(‘rs." (.apital of Sorona, has heoti oapturod ; The decree also will warn Mexican.^ i f •' U'O tif foreign flags wi!I hJ six uiunlhs adjutant gon-jby tieneral ('’alles. a Carranza coin ne\i era! dci iared ' iipplies w ill be rushed j maiulor. according to reports reoeivod , punished by at least under guard to the coast. j here today. Hctails are lacking. j p-isoniucut.

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