^ -U-~y *■!. IJl J tij ' W- miMitim amm ^ - .MS' nilliriniiillmi'<iiii'i i aaiWrtiiitaitiitMwiieKifcaBa suto Uferlan GmWEWTlLLS IS MMT MKART aF BABTEEK T&BTH CAROUNA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR TBOUSANDy ONE HUNDRED i.ND ONE, AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOG ATE HERE FOR WE HA VE EVERYTUINO TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE' Wft AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. I lliiw % WE HAVE A OIEOWZJ^ TION OF TWELVE HUM- DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CARO- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO GET BET TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU UAVE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING UATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. 4RH«*iiltarr Is tlii> Mom! lli>efala tb>' Hcalttifiila tke MnHt Montr I'iiiploTni<*iit at Mnn.- -<4ror|(« Wttshfotrton. VOLI’ME XXXIV. vii,i,K. n. fimday kvkmnc;, akji st jt. M MMh I! I BIG TIME AT T itAitiii ri i; 1)Inm:i: si‘Ki:nii:s BY si; V Kit A L \OTKI) MK> sri'l'KH AT S I*. M. The volark'S of Masonry in Tilt county never exporienceil a luoru on- joyutilc clay nor a day lilled with niori' inicTOtit and instruction in tlie prin- cipli's of tlie order than lu the great Katliering at Ayden on Tliursday, tho iUth. Kvery one of Hit* ten lodges in the eounty was largely represented, •mil several from neighboring counties were i)resent, swelling the attendaiicc It) above two hundred and lifty. 'I'hn occasion was the oiganizatiun oi' a lii'tli district meeting composed of all (he lodges in I’itt couniy. and Ibis was I ho lirst annual sesion. 'I'hrou^b the leadership of Kistrici Deputy Grand Master John 11. ('heek and his excellent co-workers in Aydi n lodge, till' arrangcnionts for the dis- Irirl niiH'liiig liad been well planned and were carrie<l out ailniirably. ■|'Ui' Masons assembled in Aydeii's f.pUiidiil temple promptly at 10 o'i Iih U ami after tbe formal opening thiTi- was an address of welcome by Mr. David U. Ilollowell, of Ayden, and re- spiiiir-o by ,Iiidge F. M. Wooten, of Croenville. Then tin re were brief spcei lies on various topics of inter est to the fraternity, and the nioriiiii-'^ t;ession closed with a (|Uoslion box con- ductc’d liv Worsl.ipful Master H. I-:. Austin, of Sharon lodge, (iroenville. The call coming from labor to re freshnients at all repaired to one of the tobacco warrbouses where a bi'untifal barbecue dinner awaited them. The first work ot the afternoon ses sion was the selection of ollicers for the district meeting for tbe next year. District Deputy Grand Master .lohn 11 (Uieek continued in this ollice by vir tue of apolntineiit from tbe (!rand ho lpe of .Vorth (’arolina. an.: (lie other officers elected were as to’.lows: l)ir.lrict grand senior v.ardeii. .1. (ialloway, of (Irimesland lodge; dis trict grand junior warden, II. E. Aua- lii'. (>r Sliaroii lodge, lireeiiville; dis trict grand treasurer, W. U. \\ilson. fit' ('ii’t*' 1'il^e lodge: district grand igcretaryi B. A. Jenkins, of AyiliMi lodKC. Tlu; 1,'laco of bolding tin' kraal meeting was left to a committee wbiib i.s to report in October. T'Otb tlie lod-'t's of Creenville united in an invitation for tbe meeting to be hebl here. The most progressive step taken l>y tbe district meeting, and one that will prove a lasting monuntent to Masonry in ritt county, was the decision to creato a loan fund of $1,000 to be need by girls In getting an education at East Carolina Teachers Training Scliooi. Tbe suliject was discussed with enthusiasm, and the vote to i s- labtish tbe fund was carried unani mously. Mr. A. «1. (’ox. of VVintervH:e, wa:, made treasurer of the loan fund, and a committee of one from i-Jrii lodge in the county will have cliarg^’ of raising the fund. At 4 o’clock the Masons went in pro cession from the tenapie to the Metho dist church, where after a most titting Introduction by Hepreaentative I. <’ Galloway, of GrimeBland. an oration was delivered by Hon. R. ('. Dunn, of Ehfield. Mr. Dunn is grand orati r of tbe Orand Lodge of North Carolina. ; • ’ . ..I,>1.1' icfiuc'd he repeated the -.n'O orntlon 'hat be delivered at lb" last sesBion of the Grand Lodge. It CASWELL ASKEIItf AUTO TURNS OVER SUICIDED TODAY AND SLIGHTLY IN IN NEW BERN JURES OCCUPANTS A<;i;il M V\ t I T Ills OUN TilKO \T MITII \ l'0( KKT hMl K. I >iVKi\<; ja<;m:ii | VV<HM», I T\V<» VOI MKN ATTKUI'T T<» SHOOT i r Tin; toivn ok iu;i- IIAVi;> AM» <;kt tiikh- si;i,vi;s AUHKSTKH. I (l!y Wire to Tiie Iteflector.) j Washington, Aug. -While en- route from this city lo New Hern yes- [ li'filay evening, the automobile of ,\lr. Shaw Honner turned turtle about luilf way bet wen lu re and .\ew Item. Tile < ar was o( ( iiijiud by .Mr. ner, who wa.s ilriviijg; Teal I’aul ai. I Mr. Aski'W is a native of Trenton. ! Cray I’atil, and while going at a livi-i\ N but bad resided bere to'' ' i lip, strui k :i hog, swerving, ran iiilu time. ja ditch .md tiirned over. Three m tin ,\t a coroner's imiiiesl Ibis morniiij: mt ujianis were penned under th(( car. it was learned that ln! was the owner which at once caught ou lire. For a ll!y Wii’e !•> The Ueflecuir.t New Hern, .\ug. l-’il. Caswell .■\skew, V. bile, aged 71, l omniitted suicide here Ibis inorniiig at bis home on South Front street. .Mr. Askew cut bis throat with a pocket knife, making a jagged w<niiid and severing bis jugii- 'lar vein, lie was tound in bis rc.om. of I'onsiderable prcpe.rty in .lones , i cMinty. .No reason was assigned for , till! rash act, ntbi'r man that he s;ul- . fered from st(?mach tro\ible, and proli- | able despondtU’.cy caiisi'il him to lake bis own life. i >e\) llillicihg I litne il seemed as if tiii'V would mil be I'Xtricateil. Inn alter hi ri uleun t'f- forls, they were taken out just as a violent explosion made dust nf tin largo car. .\ll members of the patty riMeived SMiunds and l uts, ihough none of theni are Ibougbt lo be in a precarious cini- ilition. Will start rhursdav iiit:lJl in lliiie.; , Mall .'.IV l»-,,( a.herlisem.-nl any -r , Keports from Itelhav.-n this morn my p.esent luipils. '">> .voutig men in ,i Irving .1 Calkins. | buggy to(di il upon themselves to S-2:!--lt Ip iMslruelor shoot up the town of lielhaveii last !nii;bt. but were arrested bv I’oliceinaii -I'S I ' Dillon and takt‘ii bcM'ore the uiayor was a most beautiful tribute to .Ma- where they were liin‘d sevi'ii and live sonry and what it stands lor, yet in iioHars. respectively. closing the speaker spared not those members of the order who are remiss I in their duties in failing to live up to [ its principles, or who by their negli- j gonoo permit the entrance of those who are unworthy. i Again a little bef<iri' S o'clock all repaired to the warehouse, where the ladies of Ayiien had provided a ban (lUel. It had been inlendel at tbis bamiuel to have responses lo several toasts with Mr. K. C. Flanagan as toastmaster, but at tbe co;.i lusion of the repost be announced that as tiu- day bad been .“to full of wor!. and good things, and there was yet to come the addres.s of .Mtorney Oeneiul T. W . lUckett to which all were looking, rather thah make the luuir of dispers ing too laic the toasts would be omitted. The next assemblage was in tiie large auditorium of ihe V'reo Will liajitist Seminary for the address of General Bickett. After a song by i select quartet, the speaker was intro duced by Mr. A. G. Cox, of Winter ville, in well chosen words. Though he omitted to <all the spt'aker’s name in closing, the reference to him as the next governor of Xorih Carolina was unllieient and wa.si gree i d with a burst of applause. Mr, Tiii'kett spoi.r ; II tini!!' inul bis addvf 'i' was ib- DARE DEVIL MAKES CLiB ^iAi>K \ si<( i:ssii i, ri.i.>ii! OI Till «OI KTiioi si; Yi;sTi:i{- i»A^ i:m:mn(;. TO HAITI AMPLE TIME EXTENSION ,>l|{. l,A\SI.N(i wn.l. NO'I' |l|S( I SS TKKATV AS SIHMITTI'O TO nil: ii uni \ I’l.Ol'I.K. .More than a thousand peojdi' i rowd- I'll around llie courthouse stiiiare yes- K'iday livening at tl:;!u o’clock to uatch II. II. (iardenier, the Virginia Daro Devil, make good his declarati.in that he would climb to tbe top of tin' I courthouse. (Jardenier starleil at one <'orner of the building, easily s<!aled il to tbe roof, valtued over the cornice and trotted up the roof to the dome, llert’ lie experienced a little dilllculty in get ting a secure hold on the corniie, hut he finally managed to get over. 1'he Dure Devil’s climb certainly was marvellous to the people of (iroenville. and many of them gave tile A ItOV IS KI N ovi;k Itv AN A! TO>IOItll.i: deed beautiful. It was filled with ad- out e aculations of wonder inoniiions to right living being just spectai ular exhlbiiion. to your neighbor and true to you' w’’‘'j - andwas inspiring to every bearer. Ayden certainly touched the heart of every visitor to tbe d'«lrlct meet ing. N’othing that couVl he des rc*-1 ^ was overlooketl and the bo«i>italit>', (My \^ire lo File Reflector.) WHS without bounds. Tbe people of Ho.ky Mount, Aug. 2t:. While at tbiit good town vied with each ofhc- tempting to alight from his father' in attention to their gue-ts abil s.iw automobile here yesterday evening, thnt everv comfort w -s provide I ' (ieorge Hales, S years old, was thrown Av<ten calls itself a little town grt»!il ' under the car, the wheels passinc ove ■ with opportunity, but it is greater still his body and crushing his collar bone, in genuine hospitality. The boy is in a precarious condition Wasliington, .\ug. -."i. Word laiin- from I’ort .\u I’rince today that Charge Davis, of the .\ni(‘rican lega tion, had extended until lonuirrow night the time for iicuoii tiy tin IJailen parliauien* v’i I’■ p'"posed treaty lo esiablisl. f(,i I" ,'..is aii .\nierican linaiuial protectorate over the island ri-public. .N'don loda.v bad been li.setl by tlii' chiirge as the lime b> wtiiih be would expect approval of llie treaty drafts submitted by the rMiled Slates. I be llaitiens protested, V.otM ier. against such a limit on deliate In parlianient and l.'ie exlensiop was s-'riiiiled. l»l licials here did nol coniiiieiit on pre>' re|iorts that the parliami'iil and niin- islry threatened to resign it tin .Vinerican goV(>rnment insl^lel ii|Hin imniediale action. SecM'elary Lansing made a slat'' nieiil U)day e.\plainiiig the purpose lie' I niled States bad in proposing and pressing the Irealy with llaili at tbi time, lie said tbe Washington gov eriiiuenl was acting tri^in whollv ills- inleresleil motives lo savi' the lillb- reiniblic from ruin tbrougb never end ing ai tivilies of so-called ri'volulion ists for wboin the country s reve nues offered spoils. Tbe Secret a r; declared there w.i- no louudation f.'' repot t? that the proposed l onveiilioti would give the I'nited Stales Moir SI Nicholas as a naval base. While Mr. Langsing would not dis cuss tbe treaty, it is known that ii provides for .Mnericaii agenis ii charge of tbe ten custom bou-^e-. ibre of which, those at I’ort .\ii I'rince, St. .Marc, Cape llailieii bavi' alrcad> been taken over by Hear .\diiiirat j Cajierton. i Sidon .Menus, Hie llailieii ininisler 'conferred with .Mi', l.ansint.' during lb.- i day and preseii'-'d u I’oinniunica; ion ' from bis goveiMinenl rei|Uesting an explanation of ci'itain points in the I American proposals. I Although the minister would no ! discuss the nefotialions be said that he felt sur<- ll.al his governinent wa-^ anxious to liiing about an understand ing with the I'nited Stales as spedily as possible, lie mad** it clear tba' his governniein did not oppose tbe at tempt of tb" I nited States to bring about peace and recon<-iliation in tbe Island. Hiots and uprisings, lie ex plained, were in many cases due to igmnance of tbe intentions of tbe I'nited States and a misunderstand ing of the presence of American troops (m TIaitien s<dl. “1 hope and desire," said the minis ter, "that a real entente wll be cre ated betwcn the two peoples, but such an entente Is only possible when both sides ma!;e concessions." THE eERMAN AIIMy STORMS WM FOMfID Hi tRUSHES Cl'S TROOPS AROUIIO BREST LITOVSK Great Army of General Von Mackensen Organizes Itself For a Rush on the Lines of Czar’s Troops and Makes a Successful Onslaught, Capturing an Important Russian Position. The giivernment of Argentina has eniplo\('d a .lapanese expert to con duct an extensive cnmpaign to in- crea;-o r'ce production throughout the iiMblic. llerlin. Aug. Jii. via l-omlon. The Itussian advanced poi-itions lo the ^.)Uthwesl of the fortress of Hresl hitovsk were broken through yesler day by the Oernuins. aicording lo an (illicial annouiicemeni given out to day by iht! army headquarters stall. The te.'Ct of the slaleinenl follows ■ In llie western theatre. "In the Chainpagiie ilislrici we sin - ,-..^slul';' e'cploib'd several eiine.'-, ■'in the Vosges an utlink t.ia.le l'\ Hie enemy on Schral.'.niaiiiieie was n- pelU'd with hanit grenaile' and soiitb I'asi of Sondernach that Vari ol ihe tieiich soil ions wliicii we lost on An gu.'l IT, was recaptured. •A (lerniaii battle aviator r,hoi ilnuii a Freiu b biplane near Nieuporl. •In llie e-istern Ibeairi': ' Army group ol Field .M.irsbal \ou ,,i„,,..,„urg: .Norib ol ilie Nieinen ,.iver :•'>»' Kussians were laUeii pris eners during su. r.'.sUil eiigageim ■ in the neigliborluid ol llirslil. army under Voii Kiciiorn i^ advaiieing vietorionsly towards Hu ,.i.sl. ligbling all lUe wa\ This amiv eaplur.'d l..'.Mi lUissiaiis .m.l lo-k eral inaehine guns. •■Tin- army oi vieiieral Sibl/ n.aehed Herecowka. . apiure.l Kn> r, zyn and <rossed ibe Narew rh' i i" llie -onlb of Tyk<iein , ,ie army o. (o neral Von tiallwii, eapaire 1 the Narew river « ro^-ing on ,l,e S.dud>-ilialMok high road. Us rigbl wing ha> lea.iied Orianka a:fr having driven bae'.> Ibe eiiemv i be i,,-inv look nuire ll.aii l.i'Hl |.r;-oii. r.-. including eigbleeii olli" i and ime iiJiu liint' ■Ariiiy jAioiiit ol I’riini- *>i Itavaria; Yesterday I!.- .■iiein> al (.•nipled 111 'ail. lo liii:.g oui p'ir>uil l„ a Mandslill, He w.' - atla. ked end ihrown b:i(i. iino i;i;,l. ie:-ka forest. South of Ibis f.n-e t'our troops rea.b ed llie regiim to tbe I'.ist ot \\ lei sebowiilie. We e.ipiiireil nior. Ihan l.TiUt jnisoners. ••.\rniy grinip of Fii'ld .Marsl'all \ oe Mackensen: I’ursning th.' neleale.l enemy Ibis arm\ grout' i-- aiipreaeh ing the bills on tbi’ we .lei i, ban'.. " llu' Hesma, nortb of liresi i.ito'-k lln e;.*r"ve>ler.i from ol ll.ie^t I <• tivsk, at liolibynk.i. Mie .\iistro linn garian and C.ermaii iroo\)s bioK. through the ai’.van 'I i)o-iJion> ot t ■ lurtress yesterday. ■'On the eastern bank of tbe Itiig. northeast of Vladova, parts of tbe army of General Von Linsingen are advancing towarils the north, tigbting all the way.” Serious Rattle \ear I’lseliea and Kau'l I’etrograd, Aug. via London. 3 p' m.—Tbe garrison of Osstiwetz joined the Russian field array on Augtist L’l’, evacauting tbe fortress after blowini! up tbe permanent ofrtiti('alions, burn ing the wooden structures and remov ing or crippling the guns, thus endirif a year of defense of the principal croBsiDg of the Bobr river. War office officials pointed out that POLLOCK CASE IS CONTINUED roiTM T(»1»V\ i:\(.A(.|l> o.\ lOlfUiN’ W 11,1. ( ASl M'AKT- i;it II' VISTI KOAV. \'es leril..y I'M Niiig tbe coiirt look up till- l as, in regard lo I be Iasi will and lest.uiieiil of Ii W Forbe.-. and it waM still al wink on tins la'^e today al I- o'eloi, i\. The niuriler case ot S. M. I’ollock, charged wiili iln- murder oi a pidice- inan by the name ol Smith at Farm- vllle, aboni i«i' .'ear- aj-n. has been eonliiiueii until i!.'' .\ovi niber lerm (if court. cover has been inv> nted lor cook ing utensils wliieli I 'iuiip- ia )ila> e and i> providid wiiii a “trainer Ibronuh vlmli luiililii.: lW|\iid ran be safely pound. I SAY HILL IS E M o\ (II \im;i 1 »tit >11 liiu i{ \IMI IK;I l> INSVM IIV KOI K IM’I KTS. I r>\ W ire 111 I'Ik' lii'Ileilur.l Kiiision, \iig L'l' Coeper Hill, on Irial ben in Snpi rim’ I’ourt on a 1 barge of murder in tbe tirsl degree, was decalreil insane loday at I o'cloi U (i> Iiiiir cv|ieii>. who Iuiv<' I been examining him as to hi'^i sanity. I One of Ibe experts staled that it wonbi be doubtful if II:!! ever rcgaill- I'd bis right miii •. tie w ii lie sent to Ihe State I'l Min for t!.i Dangerous insane. the fortress was espeiially adapted for defense because of the marshes tb;.t surround ii, but that this fact would he one working to its disad vantage when the fortress "was cut off from the army, after tbe abandonment of the line of the Bobr, OsBOwezt ceased to have importance in th« View of the army officials. Bialystok Is still in Russian hands, but a large part of the railway from the north and west is in the hands of the Ger mans and they are expected to makel every effort to extend their lines to^ ward Grodno, the next fortress of 1X04 portance, ^

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