Si^ iUtMSWWILLE 18 THE m«ikRT OF EASTERN %ORTH CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED i-NT) ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED liY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INI>USTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTEINO TO OFFER m THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE 10B AND PLANT. NEWSPAPER 0 Agrlciltafe to tll4 Xust Gwfal, tke Mo*t HpaltlifoL the Host >’oblr £iuplo;nteut »i' Van.--Grorv*' HHsbl WE HA VB. A Cllit'CLA- T/OA OF TWELVE llb.S^ DliKD AMONG THE BES'I PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CAIiO- LISA AND INVITE TIJO.sE W/IO WISH TO ({ET BET TER ACQUAINTKU WITH \ THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN A BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES HP ACE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU 'IA VE TO BRING TO THEIR A TTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. TOLmE XXXIV. GHKK.NVILLE, X. (’„ I’lUhAV A Kl-TKWXOOX. Slil’TKMUMJ -.M. I'.li;). Nt >im I! .1 fil THE HTTITOOE OFBIILKIINSTIITES ANNor>( i:mk\t oi m i.gaki.v’s NORlM/.Aii(»\ (AISIS Si;>SA. TION IN H>M»0> N0 (OH. MI;NT HY .XKWSI'Al’KHS. l.oiKlon, Sept. 2u. A war move that may solve the riddle of the Hulkaiis— iriobilization of the HiilKarian army— Uas struck Lomloii with dramatic sud denness. The afternoon newspapers refrained from e<litorial commeut, L' ld nt uiral renders of the;;e publioalions, except from drawing tlieir own cou- einsions from larKO type heads an<l sufli captions as "liulkan Honsation,” would t)c none the wiser as to w'leiher Kngland re;?arded tlio developments as a preliminary victnry for (he o'li- tral powers, or merely another over night turn (if the (!rc (i-Si'r!)iau-Hul-1 k;:riaii ni!goti:Uions. .\ '■onseusii;' of opinio!. Iliut a’lhou;;!! ll;c liiiij'ar army i.^ rmw (•» tli.> muv", liiilKur.;'. hr.r'. nut yi-t c:i.-t hi i' lot wr.h one s'iiii' III' ihi' o'.hi-r, Iiu* it i.''. as lier ii'ini'ii'r l.i'Vi' e>;;irc>.-.u(l i'. .-iiil r.i".i tiai. :-tiU \ aiUiiir hut ai'Mie l. 'i'h,' In'. t irill.'’:!i :niii0MUc;lH' i'-;!- f-'arii;'.-. i' i,o:..!niii li;. way oi .\i'W Vork. It was ( i folio-.', e'l by a i-tr>;;uil Ci' !flc’'/- ;.ni j fri)i!i till- :!a:npi\in laliiU;:.- tn !ii feet Il;;-t ir.''!)i i ixi't ioli. p:irtial O.’ gi'.i-j i-ral. !kmI I;ih'U ordi'i'' ! a' Sofiti. tllat. ( lini^<.r i.'valiy l:a.i ia'.vi'u llio iield and tiial l!iil;;ais oi liuhlil^K a^e v,ere hnrr.'inij; li'.'mi'. Hub^einieiiliy latnc lt;e news of rxeilcnu'Ut at Athcn.^ anil ().' the eonierence of tiic Kinu: v.iih political leaders. lint from Solia itself the Hritisli press receivefl no details. There is general activity of tiie Aus- tro-Germnn forces alonj.;: tite Serbian frontic'r. A semi-onicial dispatcl; friiiii Nish repudiates reports tiiat S(.rliia’i has been asked in effect to icmain t|uiesc('Tit while the Austro-deMuans ••onduct tlioir laminig nsouthwards The deveiopmcnt in Bulgaria threw into comparative obscurity the contin ued Russian retreat from Vilna, but with the exception tiiat the nortiiern tip of the Polish front, where the Rus sians are on the offensive near I’rieil- richstadt, the Germans claim progress tliroughout mid-Poland as far sinithas Ostrow, v.iiich they have lapturel The greatest number of prisoner;: taken at any point, however, did not fxceed 2,000 which would seem to in dicate that the attempt ((uiescent while the Austro-Germans continue to force the Uussian.s. has proved unsuccess ful. E IN mw GITf ( (Utl'OHATION ( OM.>IlSSHt\ UKAKS IM.KA 01 ( HAIM.OTTK ( ITI/K.\S HOW TKOI km: was HKOKiHT AUOl T SKT FOKTll. Kaleigh. Sept. :i3.—Six vi.siting county delegations having one or an other grievance before the Corporation Commission, yesterday saw seventeen Mecklenburgers, many of them de- Btendants of the immortal signers “of the myth" go down in quick death be fore that commission and not one in verted thumb liad been seen. The commission stood dei’endant in a giMicral arraignment by tiie Cliar- lotteans and their country cousins, cl arged w ith having created a ral.->e ui.ou ii raise. Tliat militant, trium- [iliuiu sign, "Watch Ciiarlotlo Grow," metuniorpiiosc.i in a i!ay or two inh) an "ub.^orvu Cliurlulte'.i slirink,” was still further iliaugcl iiuo a peiition "iiear Cluuiolle groiin," itnU aunif groaiiing iiiat great citj Th" day -.I'as M(/tal)!e. A;.;iur.. L the I ' : pri;. li.jof I he Carj ,'l)ow<i, lieriot Clark.-ion, i;. T. t.aii.-^ici'. CROSS PREICHES TO MOTKEIIS ON III Pin MS TOMORIiOWIIIGIII! TIIIJKK WKKKS KLAi'SK HKFl'OltK i OKPOKATiOX ( O.M.MISSIO.X WILL KKA( H A ( OXH SION--MAY lU: WITHDKAWN IS UKLIFF. •Messrs. iJrasco Hell and S. J. Ever ett, who went to Raleigh yesterday to confer with the Corporation Commis sion as regards an increase of taxes and in tlie valuation of taxes in Pitt connty, returned last night after hav- ii.g placed their iciniplaint before the commission. The action as has been brough' about is Htate-wicle. Tlio valuation of all real estate in the Stale has ))• on increased ten jier cent. This ■■n<-rc:,-fs ilii' luxes a Jilce aiiioiint. Six coiin*i(> Were reli." i'litcd in ii.ilei"!) yii;.i>‘i il.iy, iiiii ni! <i:i till' coniplaiiil■; was h;mii>-'i (i'iwii. In li:e (ipiiiiiin of Mr. H U, it v il! prni}- LOCIIL MEII ICIISE OF WEST IS HELP FARMER TO: GIVEN COWPER SIVE HIS MONEV; AS A REFEREE SLH.MOX LAST NUillT IITAKO {( olil!l>I’(IM)K\T I KtiKS III VI j ( ONTIM Kl» (ASK WMIIti; MJsT If I'l l I HUM V l UfMI ISS SKI,I, i n AI.MS IIK HAS M» I HKKN ! • THK sriUK(T KOK TO. ! IlMIl! TOISA(((» IIKICK IN j IVVIO KU|{ WOHK ON NKJHT IN ( HI'IMII. i (.UKKN VILKK. ! ilHNAI. l(V\h IMIIIMNt.. Anotlier large crowd iieard Kvaii.i-'e- llst Cross deliver his sermon last night on •‘How a Banker Was Convert ed." and showed by their good atten tion that the sermon was appreciated. Mr. Cross auoted the Hible all through liis discourse, and backed up all his statements with it. Tonight the subject wiil be •'.Judg- nients,” and there will be special ii.usic. Tomorrow night his subjeci will ))<• •.M(itl;cr," and though the sermon will be princijian.v lo mothers, everyou'.; is ii'viied to attend. .Mi I lie ni(»tliers i'(;(iiU'.sU'd to Wear a viiiU! riblion. I'here will he tliicl iDiiiDrrow nitiht. a!.|y i; III i.' Tiie (hr ;i,'iii'ral iieiic Alexai.diT, Paul C. Whitlock, i' Jiiirvin luti-h. Dr. i! I I ^tt-uin'-;' ,'.ii in li-r, I 1 .,1. ; t‘ I I oli:-ervaliun.- o; i,.e i-. vi-i'W!u’li;>.i::g !:j CI:aiio;ii; l!a:. ; llaiiNli Steamer Siiiik. London, Sept. 23.—The Danish steamer Thorvalsden, o.' 1.2!T tons gross, has been sunk. The crew was saved. , ,1. W ithe;’: and A. .M. Mc- :i;i' il'.'.nniuatin:-; .imiii.'.-i.'iii, rap.ii'ii arc.-, iliut Wi:.:l'- rowu la liio pa:^i ■ n dl:Mi('sitioii to >\T1MXAL HANK IXAlUrHATES i i' not I ji:;y I axe-, iSesiiic.i I I.e. I' !!Ui' feliin. .-; v. iTe W. F. Sleven.-', .Mayor T. L. Kirkpatrick .1. iO. Hiinni<iiti, George Wadswurtli. Jf.lui .M. Scott, ex-Sheriff Smith, W. S. Orr, and others who looked on not as member sof the protesting ilelegalion. Tiie .\ieckleal)urg people spoke theii tuitid. The senior Alexander inti mated tiiat tlio arbitrary conduct ol the commission was such as to im pose an untiearal)le i)urden and iiiat tl:e individual effort to adjust the cluinging times and the depleted fui-.ds o'” the State’s citizenship should have suggesteil to the commission sui li a course In taxation. Chairman Travis was occupying tiie throne then. He asked Mr. Alexander if he did not know that this is the legal reasse.-^sineiit year. Jlr. Alexan der knew it but thought it better to have passed the whole thing up riither than inflict burdens now. .Mr. .Alex ander told what a ery the commission had raised and Mr. Travis rejoined that Charlotte and Mecklenburg had dene a great deal to stir up the opposi tion among counties that wore satis fied. Perhaps the best testimony oit'ered ;came from I’aul Whitlock who sl.owed 'how realty that had become iiueived iand sold for debt fell so far sl.o, t of I its normal value. In some insi.i.iees it actually brought less than the l)ank I V II! lie w ithiira I,” to 1 11 II iv-riaiuly. It i’as I 111 lU'I witii r aiia»:ig tl. ■ I’sk'te (iwi)cr.; <.n arcuiii.t of lii. fad tlial if the vaJu.ilii.ii of liic lirup- ci iy is incrcaM-d. llu'Ve is iiu (inuica oj 1 a man to even scil his land at wl’,:” the tax conimlssiou rate;' il. it is I'Xpecieii liial a sMtcinciil on tile opinion, whi< ii llie (tominissioii will reaih, will lie given out in ihree w(>eks, tmt until that time, any com ment on the matter will be mere guess work. ' '■■u ni;iu |>!iilu I IS ! 11,il . aUli'.lliMl ■A AR li .l V i !(■ I.IUMOIl, gt-ncra li\ ■\lr. Farmer, is your time worth any- iKing? If 1-0, figure a little lor your- .‘•tlf. Why carry jour tobacoi from Pitt county to other nnirkets, when ."Oine 0'' the satue biijers are (j)i all gooil markets, and tJrecn ville is a good market'.’ Carry ing your tolKu-co to other markets in like suing your neighiior for sonii petty tiling you speua nune than it's ssoi’th in winniiig ii. And if .vou gel any bcticr jirici- inr your lobaii’n on oiie.T inarki't.' il is In'iaU'C li;c wa!'>'iio;;>i'liiaa k,.()'■'*■ Vdii arc j’l.'t liie i.rice fi';’iu l-i tn 1 c,"ii jii r ;m)uiii!. .\nd ihcii .. I.;,i '.;.vc If ; DU c;irfy II p'iri.ii ii.i'i ID t:T' . 11ill' ;i'i .i:.c, t- • 'ivil court ill ^:ts^ioll today gave '.he case of C. 1!. West again.-t owr.ers of the .\ational {iank Huiliiing to a ii feree. .Mr. Ccnvper. of Kinston. Tiiis (Ose was about Ihe only .m- liortant otie that has l)i;en bnniglil to bifore llii" icrni of ci,nri. It is cla;ni- (■d ijy .Mr. Wc;-i liiat he ;s due on- ■■;ider;;l)ie n.ore moiii y fer the ctiU- st ;i!cii(i!i uork lie did oi liii' iiimi-; !ii;iiO!i 'j'lii- is coate-ied m.. Mv-.-:-. 1 .au a iiiat; liou.-^e aiid llaniy '! la- • I-. iiav been u]i ;''-r ,"n,e i.u,--. and il.'' il ■ tcca;-. ii i:--: I.. i;;'. I'll ’.II a ! I, Miai ;• i . V ll.;V^. SERB BORDER IS SHELLEO \H>li < HI{fST.MAS SAVIXi rH Kj The readers of The Reflector are in- ■ vited to notice the change in the ad. of the Nntional Bank today. The bank i'! inviting a Christmas saving club that will enable those who can not aftord to make large deposits to start j It a small manner. i (loans on the property, he said, and ini. , jtig them at our works. Al SHfO-<iKI{>1 AN .MK\A( KS THK SKIfI!IAN KOHOKI!. Paris, Sept. 2;i. —The new .\ustro- German army on the Serbian front is continuing the heavy bombardment of the positions across the rivers wliieli form the boundary line, but so far has not attempted an invasion. The latest oflicial comnuiiiication from Nish, is sued yesterday and telegraphed to the Havas agency, brings up these opera- tii.iis to Sunday. It follows: 'The enemy threw noo shells fidii; Held artillery and mortars across the llanube and Save on the l!ith. direct- .•\t the same I will) rifles and machine guns from 2 many others failing to bring tl;e in-L. , . , , •* .u 1 1 . ... it'tne the enemy kept up a violent lire dcbtedness on it the holders ot the' mortgages bought it in. He thought ri'al estate is off from 20 to oO per cent, and he had been given splendid <>pportunities for observing. This was the story amplillctl by the , . Charlotte witnesses. They had suf This move b> tie .National h.i.i.v j j, great reverse in their values, one that shoul.i bo taken hold of, it is sure to induce the people to start ,onfessing it. Mr. D. n a ,ie savi!!": their money, even if it is in , , , , , elarod that real estate had ciroppiM: Bmall amounts. { I'lUl-.'-iria. \ P.uli;;iiia aii;..! brink of war. Tb-s believe ihat hosiil'; The miliinry aaiboriile.; have taliea possession il tlie railways and ordi- ii.'.’jry tiaflic has |je( n siispen led. iiiplomatic representatives of tlic l-.ntente jiowi'rs gener:illy rei-ogiiize tiiiit their cause i;t a lost one. and that Bulgaria is manlt'esting cle;irly a ten- i^'iicy toward the central powers. Thi.' i., due to the dissatisfaction of tlie government at Si’i'bia's reply in tlie negotiations i'iH' territorial com essions iii Macedonia and at lli<^ conduct id (Jreece in ihis eoimc.'t inn. None f)f the allie.<’ reiireseiiiaiives cherishes hniper tin- l.i.jie that liul- garia can be pievented from joiiiin.u v.iiii Ceimany. .-Vustria and Turlicy. In goviTiinient circh > me stateineni was made yesterday that all the mili tary measures taken ; le of a preveii tive nature, designed .-idely tii ginird against <'ircuiu.stance'- which niighi threaten Bulgaria's ;io.-iition in the pre.seiit situation, « hi< !i is deevioping with extraordinary rapidity. These measures consist in turning over the railroads to the military authorities and suspending ordinary tralHc. Kepoits from many parts of Bul- ijfiria teJI of eiiiiiiisiastio demonstra tions in favor of the government. This is consideerd svmptomatie of public ft (ding. 'I he formal cc' sion by Turkey of the territory ahuig the Dedeaghatdi rail- rr I, I, I".. a< < (,n'plisl)4fcg nothing I'rcm iroad ha.s been delayed by the action military point of view. We made only ef the entente powers in notifying l!ul- a slight reply." garia that acceptance would be regard- ei» as an unfriendly net. It was leanje;) yesterday that King Kerdinand, replving last Friday to the assertions of i- aders of (he opposition Pi'rties that :l. ' allies would be vic- I .-lie if:.y lo: I wilh y., : ;ii il ■1' 111 li I'-ir)!'; if yii-i ;;a el!S farin. i' it WnMu ^-..'t.l i.i .1,1 '. y,,,, -ivoiibl saxt- Ibis i-xd'a da.y b.' ^e!li^l:r ie i;:ei iiv;'ile ; ■ mor • lo.i. IIU fee.l yuur IlDl'.-e al Ic.l-t .I'l.ii i v.ort!'. ei' feed on tile I'.'p. You •■;i' !il lea't worth of food while vuu era away unlc.'.-; \ou are the ml>er> 1‘il.d bi'sides smail incideatals. And i.ow lei's see: NVo have a to!a! ol SjI.itO. or il I o.ii yo;! i.i; re in .-^ell away from Ihti' I ban you lluak you b..-e ly .';eUini; hole. You mal-. ' te., dollars at a cost of eleven ii ■liars aic; often I'nie-i nuire. ,\i e ;. e , niakint-' ar.yihiiig that way'.’ I’o, \im luiVen'l til-'ireil. .\ow il' you .!.'e indideiii and \iiii! liiiie is woriii less >1111 prob;;bl\ havi made sometbi-.-g. bin I don't Ibink i|i:'.t aid'lie.- to any of our i.eiga-- I'.iring farmi'i’s from my observation. 1 i,Tii nol interested ill llie «ali iiiais('s here tinaiuiall. bul of lourse v.ant you. Mr Farmer, to no .vour part l( enhan-e i!ie value of cmimy. and b>- so doin.g you are eiiluiiuing the ^alne of your prop<-riy. Yfiu have Iiriile in your farm, have the saiiu pride in your town. Tin's is your town as much as il is that of your friends who live here and possibly a little more, fte all want to see Pitt County grow. .Are you helping tc in.ike her grow? Yours very truly. •\ CITIZI N I .^'eiial-i;' I'.e Uiiii,'*. .■ ! ri 'e.ats ;. ;,y i \i- i;. .., j., ,. I eiit M ;i; ; I ' .\n e;:|. Il . ■; la\a.',a;.le i,,r ,i.. eii,; a. "Teniliiii';ii'\ sill i,.i.a;^i ,h ''.e ; gie.L’-ale 'oluiiK- n; .-..'■.in,.,-,-;; . . diisl; I ivil i. "lii'^lii-i- la!'-. I.:' iiiiere.-i a:.-; ,i jf.’rea'er lieuiie o; iii'-crlniiiiaal: -:i >-;i j la-1 (•; l!,-' i;ive-1'lie p.i’e;.. . I " er.'-; en liVi-ii ;;;'.ide lioi. l-- ;-. I al ly « ill ui ciihe. I "Cen...:. > l.i'-e-; e.r r;.i|l|e~iic li--,;-- |pr.'c~, ii.iliie t,ii:blii.:r .-f i ii-c- jn;.- r.,:;-s ;.;,d prebably ili.j buial- , iag of ~ie;:ni ra:l:'iiai!s «ill e\ji, ri. ■ . o ’.. a.,ile: iai li- . liM'- '' CONFERENCE TO 8EE0 HERE SI M»H S< IIO<M. MtNKKHKVtr 'l lli: WASIIIN(> l'0\ IHSTHK T 1(1 MKKT HKUK >KXT WKKh, had slumped but the loial autboritie-i had raised it all the same. Mr. Clark- i son said lie knew conditions and he 'tpev (b it ihe people could not stand the raise. It was burdensome. tContinued on Page Four.i .Millinery Oiienlni.'. On next Friday, Sepien'bei 2-lth, wi will have our opfuing of F.i!l and Winter Milliaery Our stock this sea son is of tb(' very Iat(>^t, and we wiil be glad lo have you come in and look before niaiiiiiL’ >dur pun bases. I 22 21 In .MRS I. F. I.KK k C(». Tl'.e Methodist Sunday School Ccn- fer»’i:ee of the Washington district i.s to be held here next .Monday anil '! ue' day. 'Ihe jilan ,1- now arranged is ;» nio.iel lU' >. It j.s planned to have ti,i> pasior of ei'ch charge in this distri. i a- .VI II A-. the superintendiuu of eai U Suiiday school present. It is- hoped that there will be al lea'-t ore oiiic r representative from each school here.

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