ulwiMlii FRIDAY, OCTOBEU ±!, 1915. l*V(iK THHFK List your property with MOSELEY BROTHERS Real Estate Agents Greenville, N. C. SOCIAL and PERSONAL VILLA ASKEDTO i TAKE SIX PINTS STOP FIGHTING! FROM A NEGRO Is A<hiM-d Tliaf Cari'aii/ti Is The lloail Ul’ 'I'lic IM‘ Fa«‘t« inoiiK PERSONALS Mr, iind Mrs. W. .1. Ihirclep loll this :niornint!; to aiioiid tho SlaU! fair. Mrs. X. .1. Crowdor lol't (liis iiiorii- int? for licr homo at HlacUsliiiii' after ri vi.sil III lur tlaiiglili'r. .Mrs. K. A. .liisho]). :\Jr.s. 1), S. Hiiiilli aial two .sojis arc lltcii(lin>? till! Stato fair loday. .Mrs. W. II. Jones mid lililu ihiunlilvr, \du, loft today for a l>riiM' vi?.ii to Mossrs. llorbi'i’l and lii'Vin'ly Jones I, I’(>(prslp|iri^. .Mrs. Aniiio I'iHMiim and Miss Annie Smith rcliirni'd (his inorniiif!: from •hi' State fair. •Miss .Ahiiiii" llulh ’I’lUi.-ilal! loll liiis uioriiiii.u: for tirimi'slaiid lo tak(! up her diitii's as instnu'tor in tin; miisi<- 'h'liarlnu'nt of tin- (irinusland si lioi;!. .Mr. I >. S. Smith Wi'Ut. lo liak'ifih on llic i-arlv- iiiornins; irain in lake in llu' .?air. .!iiii.i-'i' II. W. Wl'.i'ilhi'i- rani" in tliis jnoniiiiK from I;ii/.al)cthioun to r jioiid <hi' woeic I'lid witli his fannly. >.!r. J. .1. l.ani;himAlio'i?.i' 'I'inrni-'l ilii.' iiHirnin;,' from tl'.i> l!ali'i};ii fair. .Mr. S. 'I', llii'ns ritui'i'.i-i! 'riinrsiiay ;if|i'riK>:iii from a li'i^im-.-s trip lo ■lt"i-ni' lMn:l:.^. .Mr. T. ?.jinu'iirii ufiii lo Wiison Tlmrsilay alli ri’oi.ii oi. a iisisiness ti ip. .1. .1 'i\'.'!l(>r i-.'iiri i! <Iay afi.’i'noi.n fmm thi' Chri^lian .■huni. I’onvi'iition at I'auii.^ii. Krv. and .Mi ... II. IT. t?\ittli’ have ar- rivr.l lioim.' from the Cl.ristian church c.ii.'. i-iiti'oa a( I’lri.'irc 'rin:r.-(Ia>’ a!'- ■ iioon. .Mrs i.iii .! : 'ly li;.' k ’I'l.iirs- • tay al'ii ! ::ouii :ri'in l’.ii’'cun u hen.'sh" i\en' '(I ri'iiri'..i“;l ihi- ('ari.-i iaii clinrcli nt il:' c.invcni ml! in id ai th-M plncc. .Mi.'s.srs. J. J. Satt('rwaitc, J. A. Ward, liobert FerniUido and Cecil Sattor- waite returned this niorniiig from the fair at Italei'Kh. RUSSIANS DRIVE GERMANS BACK Voii llimieiiltiirii' Najs lit- Is Cliisfiii; In .VnMiiiii liiisilaii I’on of Hluii >.ivt Verj l>:i|iiilly. lilOKId.N. OCT. ”1'. I’ia l.oailon. • The (.’ennan advance on the Riissinit llaltie porl of Itii’a. for possession of wliic ha 1,'i'cai l;all'c has hoen iinder way fill' several weeks, has bee iiear- rlf'd t’oiv.ard far'le'r. 'I'he war oHice reported today tiiat Field Mar.-:.lial Viiii Ili!iilcnl)u;’K's army had oc(Mi|iied the bank of the Dvina river northeast of .Mit:,ii. from l’.orl;owil/. to ISi'rse- imii ihe. Unssiaii ri.'poris of successes on the central and ;.oniln‘rn end of the line rcci'ived partial coni'ii'inalion in the statenuTl. (liTm-ui forces on the Slyr were comi' ilcil lo leneal. losing a new cai'Uon. ’Pile ain:ou:'iccnii‘!it follows; "We.stoii thcali':’ of war; '■ There weic i;o incidents oi' :.pcci;i] iinportaace. '■ i^i.-li.Tii tle .itT" of war: '‘.\rniy jtroup o:' I'ield Mar:ha! Von 'lindenlmiT; .\o;'iheast oT .Mil;'.u we oci iipieiJ ii!e haiii; of the J)vina from j liorUowit-'. In I'fi'. .■nmeiibe. 'I'he jhootylal>en i;p!o ihc jire-ent lime in the c;ii;aAcli.i :.In in lli^s di.dfici ainonn;' l:i six m.-u-liiin- j:uns an I 1,1'J.'i I i'i'i :i('r. . ■'.\raiy t;rou;i .li i’rini'O i:;!.'! of l-nrr.Miv:.'.,i. n liussiaii alta' ii 'vas II pul I'll hy a i o;inler-a 11 ;icU. ".\riiiy u’'o'.;ii of (ii'iicial \'o!i i,in- |.-i i'-;en: • hi ;!ie ;<tyr in the rc;,io;i ]of ( iarlori; Im al ca-.^a.L^emen'.-i de jVeli'piil lo a K'cai c-.ieiil. I’ari, of i:i (ii'i'ii;;',ii liivl ^ion f'trlil in;; there v. a-; jl'orci'l i'.v r,;e niiK'.erica! : uii"ri(>ri!y I) flhc cv.e;:'y 1f> !'i'ire:!l In a pnsilinti fiii'lhei' lo llic rear, whereby a few cr.nii'a vl.'cli ha! in ci h-' I in ,heir ipo.;illiins lo ihe l:;sl luoincin v..'re ‘lo.-^l. .\ I nuiili'i' all:'.' !. i.' ploceeil- NIOW VOHK, OCT. 22. Leaders liere of the Me.xicuii conventionisl parly were reported today lo have notified General Villa that, he must Rive up Ihe (iglit aKainsI Carranza and come lo the l iiited Stales. I’nless ho doos so, 1 i; was stated, all of bis generals of proininenco will (jiiit him. it is understood that Ihe eonvcii- lionisis in New York bi.dieve the fiRbt. for constitutional Kovernmi'nt in Mex ico can best be won by a waiting policy and that they will not attempt lo violate ilie nelllnl!il.^' of Die I'niKid Slates. Villa is now said lo be considering tlio iiltimal.iini and to bo undecided whether lo come to this eoun'ry r>r lo eoniinue liKhliiiK the Carranza nov- enrnieiit w ith such men as remain with him. Manuel Chao and Kaoul .Madero. two of Villa's jn-incipal u'cnerals, are hi're. A .New Lilli,' of Skirts just arrived, i’opiilar prices and styles, fiiiod val ue. C. F. Ml XFOUli IO-22-.'’.r Ol’licer l!ril<'.v Si'«>s Xettro Sell Hull’ I'iiil, <ii»<‘s Chase And <;e(s Six rinls. Ollicer lii'iley is running fdlicer lirewer a close second now in tho mat ter of catchini' blind tiners, as is prov en by Ihe faet that be bad a negro in cinirl yesterday morning, whom he saw sell a half pint. The ollicer started lo take Ihe negro but the negro made ;i break for lib erty and led the oflici'i- a line chase be lie was timilly sloppi'd and six more pints Were taken from his pockets. 'I'iie iii'gro was bound oviu' lo county I'oiiri and will he tried next Monday. New Crop Bulbs Freiirli iitid Ihilcli Hyaciiid's, nitite aiMl yclldw >ar«‘lssiis. Tnlips, (,'rot'us. and Ijlliiins, riniil early I'lir best n>- si/l(>. I nioK i: ( I T i iiOui-Ks i .liidt;'e Woolen’s Coiirl tjiiile an interesting little yarn has jiust come to light aiioiit llecordi'f Frank Woolen's court. It I'cnis lliat an old darkey, who had a l a.e coming up before Judge Woolen, asked Ihe jndge if the case could be transferreil I I tbi' Superior court. "l»o you want il sent lo Ihe ^;upel'ior cniirl," asked the jmi.ge. ■"I’as, r.oss," re)ilied ihc old in'gro, "I don't believe I's goin’ lo '.;ll ju lice In till.-! hiTe county court." ICiiscs, Cariiiiliiiiis, Violets, and Vul- lies in season. >Veddliiir ilecoialioiis in (lie latest !itjles. Oiir I'loral arraii^^euicnts aroj 01 the linest touch. ■ itoselinslie.-., eliniblieries, (‘verjrreeiis.! |slijiiie trees and lieilm* plaiits, I j i~ ^ I I I >lail, 'reiegraph. and ’jdione orders proniplly exeeiiled. LECTURING ADAM AND EVE| Somewhat Humorous Painting In Ger-1 man Church, Work of Artist of j the Middle Ages. ' In the Church of Saint Scbaldus at ! Nuremberg there ia a delightful mural I painting ■which makes one merry even i to recall It. Tho subject Is tho Garden | of Eden. Adam and Hve are being i lectured by an elderly man in flowing : robes with a long wliito beard. His beard alone would worn than supply ' Adam and Evo with tho covering they lack. I In as easy attitude, with neither haste nor anxiety, he is pointing out to them the error of thi ir ways. He is as detached in manner as though he : were a professor lecturing at f.ieipHic on the fourth dimension of space. i Adam is faoinewhat dejected and re- | dines upon the pround. Eve, iin-, abashc^d, with nothing on but the ap plo she is munching, is evidently in a reckless mood. She looks like a child of fifteen, -with her hair down lier back; the dellance of her attitude is that of a nauglily little girl. Tho world-old probh'tn is under di.s- cussion, but with an air of good hu mor and cheerfulness on the part of j the lecturer, a.s though there were rttill timo in tho world, as though hurry | were an undiscovered human attrib ute, as though possibly the world | would still go on evi n if the problem were left unsolved, and this first leafy i parliament adjourned sino die.—New Viirk Telegraph. BARRED FROM HALL OF FAME ont lU sim:ss is <;i;<>\vin(j. J. L O’Quinn Co 1 /iom; it;s. i;ai.ui.ii, >. Vniir alleiition iia.. liecui arrested for .'I I’lomeiit n) tiiai, ;.<)U may be told lhat till.' best farm in I’ill, cour.ty is I'or sale. Il localcil midwa.y be- tv.i'.'ii Wii'ii'.'viile an'l /Vyd'':!. Con- n.ii'.s ll.'i acre.j, i;u acres cleared, two l()b::f'ri) Ij.'nil':. house, siiiail teii- nant house. Terta.s lo suit b'lyer. Write C. ,i. Jackson, Siale .'.f. C. A., .Na.-.h'iiie. Teiin. lO-l'O-St ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absoluisly Pure No Alum—No Phosphate IM i.!? 1'01{ :ii|IMM!il It'.'vSa.'i, CI, il.X,. IX r. -Jl’. ’di'.MV;;!! !iiin;lii'- <'apliiri'il •"('\eral t riplojecs oi ihe ’.’alaiiias ),and and I'altb' co;iipiin\. v,!i(i(a !:t;'V ::!'c for !)('() r,:!i- si i;;. ;;:';'e'dii!c:' to aduec'; leacliin: lure :r. m ('e’.is'Mli.n. .M. 'auomI- 111' (!;e Mi'alr i-. (iJn.'cd bv <‘(iiiipaiii rci'i ("ieniiit i\(■'. h'.';';-. !;o\M'\c". il !• nndcisiood ll!“ enipbijes ’\ere laiica ^^(!:le enroioi id e.unpirny |.iMjier'> ;'roni < o’uiiiUii,-. ai'ler biin;iii'j;' l,<iltd I:i .111 i.i' calile li» ihe ! ii:l‘.'il Stales, i»( ilcr iiione.. I’dsi ( a;'d: eiiiu ri'! iiri'N, i.iid.i!, iVor!'. i.rs.s tl;! . T\ui < hiiiiren liad Criiiiii. ! Mc!li(idis! ( !iiir<'ii I llev. C. U. Kcaile, in',',;ii|ii;g cMer of W hiiii'lon lii.Iriet wiil pr, aeli in tie- Meihoi'.ist church Sunday iiiorniiig at l!;i'0 a. 111. iii.'-ic.i,; of lll^■!l( as an- ni.uiiced. sp.'cial illU^ic wi'.l l.e I'ei’.''- 'eied. I'ulilic cordiaily iiuiled. 'I'iie l\v.) cliMilren of .1. W. .\i.< cvelanU (!a. hud croii[i. 1!" wrlle-;; i i’.oih g('t so <:ho: k;.''l un I lu'V co.iid |lauii;. brealhe. I ; a. la P'oloy's :.'.iiiiicy ;);i l Tar a:; l no liii;" e'-'.e a id |:t comple'ely ciiri-d Il.t m.” Cont,ii;w 1;.(< o[!iaie.,. Cut ihe ;i'e,'ie' ;n; ojio..s j;.ir passages. Sold i veryv. Ik.tc Alv I FOES^LS ( I Five 1!iou>;uh1 iiuht prists IVoin six lo ciulit I'c-'t long, H. H. PROCTOR, Grimesland, N, C. The Summer Time ^nIoy our^X'^' I- ICE COLD TEA 5 have in stock your CHOICE of the BEST Black, Green and Mix^d Teas in half pound tins at 35 Cents BLACK TKAS Formosa Ooloax Formosa OolonR Orange Pekoe Ceylon and India Hnskot Find Japan I^n^lish nroakfaat Un«*i)lorod Japan hurnuisa Iniita Ceylon GREEN TEAS Japan 1 Imperial Gunpowder Yunj? Hyson I’owdered Japnn (tunpowder and Formosa Kormona and Japan Japan and India S. M. SCHULTZ, ; i 55 IHt'liieiiiber You can always tiiid a coiiiplet'' |.slocU of bay, corn oats, cotton .^eed jiueal and hulls, bran, ship.stuff, dairy feed, the famous bratul of Corno horse [and mule I'ef'd, hen and chick feed, ■stock salt, 'i'he best brands of lard !lo he had, also dry salt meal, .simar, jetc. .\liy kind of .seeds desired in Reason. We buy our goods as u-'iial in car lots and they are unloaded di rect from Ihe l ar to our building wilii- out drayage, are bought for cash and sold the same way, at the lowest pos sible prices liiat tirst tiass goods can h(^ sold. Also bear in mind that the people of (Ireeiiville and I’ilt I'imnly have never been imposed on witli high prices since this cash business was established in 11HI2. \Vheii in the market always get in toiK h with ,I()ll.\SO.\".-^ I'Hi:!) SKi'H) STOKi: iii-:.’L>-it. Eye Troubles < ’;m l)c (|iuc!;ly cliiniii- atcd by tin' wcariiii;' ttl' tlic })nii»c‘r It'iiscs. W(> I'Cnow the (iplical liiisiiK'ss and can runiisli any Icii.'^c yoiii' oycs may lU'OiL No Charge for Examina tion W. L. BEST Optometrists JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD OF SASH AND DOORS WE SEL_l_- Mowers, Rikes, Harrows, Hay Balers, Stalk Cutters, Manure Spreaders, Paints, Oils, Nail, Lima, Cement and Gupsum Plaster HART & HADLEY Painters of Humorous Pictures Un justly Treated, Is the Assertion Made by V/riter. In lilera'urn a man has ev(,ry riiance, if I-,,, can. to be ;is hilariously unijridled as .Mark 'I'wain and still taki" his pi.'ici* niiclialli'iiged on the KiU'lf wilh lii' I'.ri <-:i ;,r; on i ii" stu'-c he laay be a.' e~.'..a iiii;,lly a huniorir't as .I(, -.i'[)h .le'.i rsiiii, and y,-! t;o down in lii.dory v,;i|i a iialo aroui'd his mi'iii- ory: ev !i ill ihe tr'cor;/{ real f.plioro c,! music he may b'- as li.^ht and hi- ■/.arre and inipi.-:h as fancy will pt rmit, v,;i:iuut ill ,'iiiy way jeoj.ardi.ans his ar'LisUc di:-'iiiiy, I’.ut h'i him alii i;';t any s",:ch gala- hcarti'.i disjilay in u : ins of paint ami l’.“ niii.'t si:i;ii a(ail 'i.ician and tli.- most if. rvi'l Vuliiri o bang tiieirdoor willi ei|iial vi:.'.or in I.is face, -svrites I.niii.s l;:iury in llie : ■ nkman. ^V^lich ia I his d:'.v, ^^h'■u ;■ re is more talk than ever ii. fore cf :)ir> development of a really naiional ‘it, K"f'm:', ju.it a trii'ie I a. h. Tliat a brilliant ^:I.i^it that v.iihout n.i^sioil or lai'.-. a-, t nr .‘■■-cIiihiI rravc.s o;;ly (he ]irivili,".' o,' making holiday v.iih facts and lelti'. iini^ar;iaily with lb.' ir own gay ininiitati’.e, irreverent conl'elii ry .n'i ! ihal. b'lbs up in t'l.' c: rn;-.of cl\ lljv.-.treams too t!ioron"h!y .\i:;''ri.an to bc> eonpipned ahvn>‘- to tie i: r. mori.' ipUemeral pic'oriul avi aii's. \'a!tic of Mcfl'icr's Gtoriea, .^-arr.'l I.olllr' .Arnold "Lif'' shows us that liu' ,“iorii..s which are heart at the inotlicr'.s knees ar,-> aa es- r'Ctiliai I art of our in nla.-,". The child V ho is de.’iri'.id of this po.'S'''^.-^i('n will a'ways miss i!ie charm ii!"rature, Ihe joy of iHii'iry, liie swii't imapina- tion whie!i eiiabh'.s us to ^ I'.ari' in lhat \'liich is I'orci;-;! to our :nliuia;i,> < x- perience. v:.\-cipt a.^ this api rei'iation is assured, in child'ioed, it is never won.” Aside frmn tlu' lit. r.iry and ariHiic vaUlo of Ktuiies tle re is no greater force than they for the i rcHei vation of the purity of a <'iiiid. I'ill his mind with their rich imagery, their • tirrin.i-: deeds, their ideals set his fancy uo- ing about the mysterii's of nature, let him follow thij adventures of great heroes, and there 'vill bo littlo room loft in his life i.>r sordid or evil things. The best way (o banish darkness Is to let in the light. To tell stories to your ehildren is your duty and your privilege. Cosmopolitan Nation. Tlie Jiouinanian i.s a lover of the mountains and tho woods. It is. In deed, to tho peaks and forests of the Car)iatbians that he owes his national existence. Isolated in them, the Uouinanian has clung more tenaciously to tho ways and customs of iiis ancestors than any of the I-atiii races, and it is said that today hi.-; language contains more pure Latin words ihan the Italian. Ho is a composite nationality, however. About twenty towns and villages of Koumaniii have been positively identi fied by arcbeologisis as of Roman origin, but thi io \sere Iiacians in tho land before the Romans and other racial stocks iiave left their mark on the language and character of the people. Excrcise and Health. Take exercise. Take daily exercise. IIav*> a hobby that gets you out of diK)rs. Walk to \our business, to your dressmaker's, walk for the sake of walking, .loin a walking club and keep your weekly score of miles. Keep chickens, make a garden, wheel tho baby or play golf or any other game, but fake two iiours outdoor exercise every day. Gymnasium work is good for tliose who like it and can afford it, but avoid heavy athletics. Don’t j try to be a ‘ strong man,'' the cham- \ pion athlete often dies young. De a moderate, persistent, daily expo nent of exorcise. You may not burn the fnTiiily carriage, as lienjamin suggested, but at least, as he advised, walk, walk, ualJi. / Young if lothes Are a Specialty At This Store \\ i‘ i-ai r !' I ■''! 11 ■ci;| I I ' In III,' \ Mi;x's 1 r.'idi1 ici'<II\ ''Iir 1 »i/Ii ■ .■y dl’ I'liyiim and "I'lUti”' 1 he Ih-'i, c'l I'T .'lylc,- ,'111(1 !ii< '(Ici^ 1 '.'ii 11'Tiis ;iii(l I 111.- ill'' a\fi'aii'c < l.O'I'i 1 i N< 1 SToK*!-: li.i.-ii'l till- ill i-\c anil i r.'^rr.—.j\ I In in lian- (llr. Styles .•ii.iuui’ Iroiii M';i.';iiii In .'^i-a^nii, :ii)(l \'V llilr SnlUr i;!cl| cnll- li 11! In .-iliniit llh' .-.'iiui' niil 1 liiiiu'. > far al- tt'i' yc.'ii'. l!i'' ;i\rr;i_”’i‘ !i\c ymiim man waiils tn .<! !n\\ i ir ;i j i \'(‘ 11\ w r;t r- iii”’ ill!' i'.\Sl 11( )N- Aiii.i; « ijvr!ii;s uf llir )l’ lilj iind till 111 lici i' ill liiu wiricly. Our Styles aI'l• iiiaiIc 1 >y the \\iirld's licst clut 111 -' iiiaki'i's and iiavf ;i u'l'cal deai fn do w ith .^liaIiiiiu 1 hr 1 rend nl' ta<hinii. they hav(‘ niir >taiidinu' m-dci' i‘(>r i;nnd Sl'li'i'l inllS n| fhi* lll'U ihillu.-'. ,'i> Snnll ;i.s ihry a['pcar. <"niiis‘ ill and xnn'jl MT hnw nlir lli'W lv\Id. <'LO'rill''S r;in\ nlll til is idea. Frank Wilson The King Clothier

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