- -’>»^^^-- ^ .HyiawM4>'i»»<''<C/MR'«t^)>»/ii4 jttfmiHaimi \rniny, •ih. ^tUa GBEENYILLB IS TBE HEART OF EASTERN SORTB CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BT THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. ^ INDUSTRIES OF ALL j KINDS ARE INVITED TO j LOCATE HERE FOR WE ' HAVE EVERYTHING TO ! OFFER IN THE irjy OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB A N D NEWSPAPER PLANT. r ■? i S«^ 9 ■ 1 T 'A 1 S'-t '3- .r 'sy... -'4 ■i- «5*- vy^, '-■ ■ V'>- > ^ •'•':*■' ^i?-'’■•{■.■ v«*M in: (7. \griculture Is f.’i^ Tt-.i' l. < .<-ni!. I‘: "<n.j Hivildiiiil. t!ii' Mnfit Xniil*' 1-i.'ii)Ii>.> ii.<mi m' Mai., M-.islii'j^ii ' i:f :::vu>.!.!:, ’^, r., I'jtiMW, M»V!;.Vii!i:i: :,. iiii:, WF HAVE A CIRCULA TION OF TWELVE Ul'N- DRED AMONG THE BEST j PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN \ PART OF NORTH CARO- i LINA AN If INVITE THOSE I WHO WISH TO GET BUT- \ TtR ACQUAINTED WU'H I THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN 4 BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE ■I PEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL IHEM WHAT YOU 'IAYE TO HIUSG TO TIIFIR .{ TTENTUjS. ui'H Al> , h in I S I G VJy'A'-S' ARE IJ^W A.Mj r.i,V iin IJAh r,”iK\ APPLIi A- TIOS. M MU! It ». OF Hii iiui'ii John Dtc, ITd. iOi, ITcw Heir To Ilillloiis. Gie THOUGHT Revival of The Plan to Deep en Tar River Being Talked. SMALL IN STATEMENT (j’rwiiuKc ('(iiild \<»H 0|i<‘ra(<' Itouts Uii’cct (o >'»•«■ York Hlil Is Not DoiiiH’ H —Kxpcrls (;i\i> Opinion. Kor sonielime nuu’h talk 1i:im biHMi current in tliis section rululivo to deep ening tiie Tar river for navigation from (Jreonville to Tarlioro, thus mail ing it possible to iiave a waterway roule from Tarl)oro stralKlit to New Yorlc. or any otiier luist Atlantic scni- port town. I’-oncerniiiK the inland waterway proposition, Cougressinau Small, wiio is roRarrtod as an au;Uority on Lliese Blatters, and wlio may well be re;;ard- eU as tlie father of the waterway plan, jrestorday said: “1 welcome the privilose of a brief expression ro(rardinp: intercoast wa terway ami the dcvolnpnient of our transportation. Tl.is intercoastal wa terway propositicn 1.“! an insidi; route from Ho.ston to Morida. The .soi'tion from New York to Klorida has al ready l)oen approved by the army en- g-ineoi'.s. While this embraces a total length of eighteen hundred niile.-s, it must not bo suppoi;e>l thut it consist‘d entirely of i^anals. As a matter of fact, it i.s only nerossaiy to coniie;! tlie numerous interior sounds and bay.-i aliiuK the Atlantic Scabnard and will only re(inire I'aiializin;; distani'o of about one hundred and thirty-one milc!!. 'I'lio total co:;t of the iniprove- Bient will bo a little le.^s than forty- eiglit million dollars. The mere con- tenifilation of sucli ati inside and s:ife route demonstrates this great value, but when you consider that this wa-, terway will intersoet the moulh.: of a numi^er of rivers having a total navi gable lengtli of more than live thou sand miles, its value is grca.Iy en hanced. To put it another way, its construction will open up the grea! trtink lino for water transpoi'tation of eighteen iiundreii niile.^ with branches of more than live thousand miles. I must be content with this general statement as to ti;e scope an : purpose of this Intercoastal water way.” Grenville alrc-.idy has the opportuni ty of using her waterway to great :i i- vantage. Exports on the matter say that the transportation facilities from Greenville by water arc tine, but owing to the fact that cheaper rates, or nuiekor transportation can bo had by way of the rail roads, there is practi cally no river craft that come to tJreenvilie. BOIM) OVKll Tl) i:!.( OUDEirs CtH KT l!n’- !y I.ittle, the nec^ro who shot Kd. Moore in ihe leg sometime ago, and who was caugl’.t yesterday, was this ni')-.!'ii;g tried before a mr.gistrate and pl.>-c,l in jail in defuilt of a $200 boii;l lo await trial in the Kecordor’s court licxt .Monday. Mr. \V. .1. Turnage has been contined to his home Cur sevo.'al days .sic’sness. GRO’S SKULL Owing to some di.ipule Uolaud .loiin- son, coloied, of I'armvilie, last night struck Fiod liarrelt, colorcil, oa the iiead witli a cl\ib and crushed his skull In. It could not bo learned what the row was about. The Barrett negro is considered to be in a precarious condition and may not live. .iolinson was liroughi here ihis morning l>y the chief of police of Farmviile and placed in the county jail to await trial next week in the Uecorder's court. ! FROM ; THE REFLECTOR i 20 YEARS AaO Tl’.e Home .Merchant Thu home liic • nant i:. oiititied to your trade and ought to have it, as :;gaiiiKt the itinerant dealer or mer chant of some distant city. lie spends his money hero. He builds a home which eniiances the value cf all prop erty. lie helped pay for the church ,\uu worship in, anil the sciiool to uhicii you send your childreii. He can not afford to misrepresent his gooils or swindle you. Self interest alone woahl jjrevent Ihis. lie stays v.'itli you in sunsliine and storm, in times of ))ro. perity arai in times of ad versity. lie boars his siuire of the iiurden of good governnic;;t. When a sul/script.'on paii.T is pu^r ^'d. he is the lirst approached. These are a few of il;u reasons why you should patronize the iiome mercin'Uts. Aii>» li iiO kuep.i the good.s you >,anl, seU.i them at the right price, and lets tlie fact be known by moans of an ailverti. cmeat in Til.'; UiCKLlOCTOli he will be very apt lo get his sliare of the ti'ade. Town council meets tonight. A. II. (’ritcher has j;jovod liis faniilv it) OreenviKe and is occupying one of llie now .Muuford buildings. Tlu';-i> v.ere sevei'al land salc.s be fore the coui t house d(,-or today, <fi .'i.'lU i»(j''. .\o. li'l. :ib i; I rliiM. I il is live i:i I’hi!rdcliiliia.l'.a?' be- ■i nii' r.n lioir to luillions. bi.'can.-c .V!rs. f inlcy .1. Siioppaii. who wa.s llelen (jould, worth perhaps ^ ln.d'i:),- (,"Hj from th(> fortune ii'ft by Ih'r I'atn- <uis fatlier. lias adopi '.l him. The .'heiiard., have no cUildren. .Jehu Moc '..as foun'i on Ilic I arli sli-ps of St. I’ati'ick's <'aiii.'iiia! in Vcrk by a policeman aboui a ye.ir lie iravi; l.is nan'.e t-o f;.r as he cn'.;iii lie r- stisod as Auitin Mcl.ea y. He uilin-.l ni Hroad streijt and mui.ii i' d aboiil a lido on a train, a "bi,; l-nat,” a;ul a ■'railroad in the ;'ir " ;■(> it was thougiit hi; hatl b(!cn take:i from i'hil- ailelphia. llow(!ver. no iraii- of hi'.' p.irents was found there. He was sent to St. Christopher’s Honi(> at Donbs Kerry, near the homo of the Sheparda, and .Mrs. Shepard adopted him. .Now h(> is Finli'v .J, .Shepard, .Ir. ll(> has found not oc.ly a father and t'lotbev. but a fi'rlp.ne a:i''. soi'ial position. (ijQ!3 nn \M aKLin pr'Srinfij cjii? ti a nnrfulfil 5 r I OCTOBER ii SPOTLIGHT TEUTONIC ALLIES flDMIKISTER I OEFEiT Oi SERBS Hi RUSSiS MAN TO SLEEP FOR TWENTY FOUR HOURS .I'ayssonx ('<iiii;n^ (o ^Vhitcs \Vill l’i:t a .Man lo .Sleep in Carr iiinl .VI- kin’s VVindo>v 'lonitrht at Seven OVIock. lii;Ul.lN, M)V. \'ia l.ondon. Cacok. an important railroad junction point in Serb!;;, about ihii'ty i;;Hes to tile Kuithwi!.:! of Kra.T.-iyeva!;; be.,!! ocf,;;iic;! by liie 'ii.'aid'il' forces erga.ged in the Serbian invasion, it was olTicia.Uy aiinouTU’cd '.oduy. Tile (icri..an advanci; on iiiga from Ihe west Ik'.s nur'e furiher progrc'ss. In the Dvinsk region lierco iighting is under way. 'I’he Kussions undei'tak- ijig a strong offensive movement, were ri [lulsed with heavy losses. The annoum ement follov.s: ‘■.Vrniy grouii of Kietd M.irshal von lli'idenbnri'- .Soutli of (ho Tniuim- liiga railwa;. our atiac^ nuide furiher pro;:..‘'...s on ; o'li .-^i e.^ o.' iiie river. "Itcfore l!,i..;■■!, lie.'ca liglilii.g con- tiene.i yc;-le d; y. o.’g liiis.-.iaii :it- tac'.is were ri-p'.;!- eJ with f.i vere io.-^se.; M. K. n. ICvans went to Aydon to day. A number of people passing the hardware store of t'.irr and Atkins today have wondered why that store has prepared a nice soft bed in the window. If.s simple. PaysHonx. wlu> is !f> be gin an engagement at White's lUeatre. ) will put a wan to sleep in that v. udow j tonight i.t seven o’clock Ivy im ■ s of j his hypnotic powers, ami Ihe n. ■ i v. ili , slee]) until tomorrow niphi at e'en. when he vill be awakened. Sounds funny doe.sn’t if? Wev. just watch developments tonight a i see the man I’oze off for a little n ,.:te.- of a twenty-four hour sleep. SheritT Joseph McLawhorn went to ■Aydon today on business. Mr. Paul Solomon left on the noon train for Ayden. Tiio battle.-. l.i.t'.>een Sv.en^on aii l 11- lakes are siill procv'^-aing. l-’ivi- !u;nd;’i* i [irlsonc.s f< il iiiiu oar Iiands. ‘ Arr.iy group of Prince 1-eopoId: The Russians altempleil lo ii.ilt our adva.iee west of C/artorysk by a loun- ter- attack on a w iiie front witli dense mi:'.f.e.; of troops. '1 liey were driven bm:k with heavy losses. Our altai'k continues. At Sienikowce tii<! Itnssians succeeded in t(unporarily penetrating positioi.s hold by the troops o' litm- VIHNNA. NOV. 2. A'ia London. Nov. :! Tiio general Italian offensive which lias been in progress for a forlniglit. I has been nu.'t suecei=si'uliy by the .\us- *'^^jtrians. the war otiire anno'ince.'. and i.i be;.yinninf; lo dciiin.'. 'i’i.o an'.ouncf;- inent. follov.s: •■'i'he third Italian attaeU airanist our coastal front uhicli began on <)e:ol)e.- Is and was renewc.l with ire li iroops on Oi tober Js begins t.» fail. ■"i'he enemy ailvatN'- 1 on Sunday against tin' norl'.ier'i .'I'r ■ of the lofty |i()l)erd<> pla-.iiean with strong forces, which, however, were weak at several points. 'I lie attack was in \ain. ami no longer general. Though I lie battle ma.v again lianu! uj) tiie atteii,iiii> 1 of fensive on the main front, w itii at least ?'.\enly-!ive int'antiy divisions Clno.oeo ii'en I V hii h tl’.e lialian crninu'.nd an nounced with lir.'ive words, has col lapsed on t'-e uiii'hakeable wall of ou'' vii torious troop.!. "On llu> Isoii/.o front the l.atOe of a fortniglifs durati.m repri'yenls a gain for our arms. O r- Viont is un- eliange !. I.i'uewise the defenders of the 'i'yrol and ('arini i iati fronts re tained lirinly llie po:-iiions llu-y ii'i'e heroically held since tiio beginning of the war. ' Tlirough these suei-e.sses our army has proved again bow idle and unten 1 'I'lie receipts for tiie Oreenville i>o.-1 ji'iire for tlie inontli o'.' ('ctobe:- were jthe largest dial liave cvc/ Ijeen re,.ch- |C(i in any one na.ialii. 'I'he ai!i(i’,..'!( I was ^LM'i l.iM. v. illi a net renii! iai.c ■ jto tlie government of ^1,"T".7S. I Tin; number of nlone^• order.; issued i during tlie mouth were 1,77- and tiie j number of parcad post pacl;ages iian.]- ! led real lied near!'. ; i\ ihousand. I I An avera.i-'c <d' aiami thirteen hnn- jined lioiind<! of mail i.- I:*eing iiandle.l I each day in tiic oli'a e. i This is indeed a hui'e amount of work for an oflice in a town the sixo of Crreenville. and as tl'.ere is need felt for additional help in the ol’.iee. it would seoni to tlie average person tliat the government could well aiford to give the local otlice additional help, which the postmaster has bceu trying hard to get. Tlie iirescnt fon.e is handling nearly iwiee the amount of mail thal the same number of cm- iployees handled four years ago, and jtl.ey are greaily ov«,’rcrowdcd with I work. I In view of the impetus forwa>'d th.at itireenville is now taking, it is sure tiiat jtiio amount of mail iiaiulled will in- craasc right on, and the ollico liere will not be able to serve the patrons as (piiek !is il wo’.'.ld liki' lo unless it is given more clerical aid. FLORIDA MAN GIVES REFLECTOR A FINE BOOST V.v. S. .1. <'(ircy Says (.ree:n;lie il::s 'S'iie Aev.sp::|,er And Nee!>> :: l.i>e ( innn'ier ol < irfiin'c.ce (o ileij.. rirc.duitown. i-'Im. .S'livmiliei' l^!. iCuitor. 'I'iie i);iily llelle. ' . rerniit me lo say a fe-.v words In l-.e- !;;ilf of n)v home lo'./ii and '■The l)ail;. i;e.'!ector"; ii:\ h-.aiie paper. Ali tirenvilli' tieed-! is a newsiianer of in lerest and an up-ai.d-doing Chamber (>f Comnieree. Il :ilri\uly lias Ihe jia- |U r a;.d no\»- is the time lo esfa'.Ii.'h tl.e ClK'.nilier of ('on;ii:ie, anii ii, i.^ niy mo.-; earne.M de.dre tii i.i-.>eii vilie. on iny nc.M vi.<i: ilu ,v. ui;li i!;e tuui li iH'e ied olgaiii/.at i.oii ;r ii;’ Work and hoosiitijj; ■'Our i' :.Viii.‘ ^'ours if you I'onie." i ta'<e pleasure in .■a>ing (iiat "Tiie lieileclor" has made ste-i .y iniprove- ineiit for the p.i-'l f ■ v nior.ilis. and keeps me informed a.-^ lo wi,;it i^ heiii” lione in and aiouial ni\ hon.e lown in a most inteie.'tii.g and eon.pli ti man ner. \'ery him erely yours. S. .lAsiM-.K ciiui:y Plan On Foot For Carnegie I Library and G-reenville I Directory Too. r,lST LAST NIGHT !(i i'iiicii'c \5 ill !i<> l!i(sine'<,«< Oi'pni/iia- i t'li’.i \iell As a Social One ! Nen .(leniiicrs Etapidly I'oni- j iii',r ln(<t It Now. 1 .-\n t;n!l'.ii.-iaslic meeting of the ineiu- bers of the Carolina Clnii was held in 'the ciiib rooms last night at which time many added improvi-meiits for the. club were discussed- 1 The members of tlie iduii feel that ;iiey are b.ainpered witli Ihe bad faci- lilies now being furn:shed. and ar(; planning to give liie rooms a tliorougl) icmoilolii’K. a'.-d at thi; same lime to iiuro-.iuce many new fi'aiures into the business of the ( iuli. For sonietinie the i.UUi has been I working in only a sc.eial line, but in v;-_-w of t':e tact that a large number o.' progi'es. ivi inisine.-s imm Inive sent in their aiipiic.ition for meiabersiiip, il i;- lhini;:lil tiiat the club will take li’.^ |)U'.ee as an active factor in the up building id' the town. I hast night s nu'e'.ing was lievoted, gcneraily. to a di.-cussion for the fu- lure plans by wlin h tiie i lub is hojiing I 1 bei-cnne an active bii.-iness org.ini'/.a- tion as \\e!l as a s(u-i.il ai'fair. 'i'i;e . ag'-.i'-lii.n y.,.'-Ii-rday iri 'i^lll'' lil.!-';J-,rTO;:. an.l 11.. jliiat C.i\- lUii'.e !; : lii r.iry if ii i t,'. . (!iss ill.; !a : !'' ill I .-.e j,:c:,i <>,' S.-hoo!, an,! a n-ev.ilie. brary c-o;an;il'.ee -vxa- i:'' '■. ination a V. ..v..ej;.<S ,u;ve:l UlS- i!ie 'I'r.’iaiing 'f tile It'e.l) li- p:e. eni. and eral von liothmer. We recaptui'c l our tionches by a counlLT-attack, and took more than six hundroil prisoners. The viMage of Sieiiikowce ilseif was for the greater part re-captured by storm early ll'.i; morning, after bitter light- in:. d'lii; g the nighi. and 2,000 more l>rl. ■.me".- -.vere tal'.cii. M !;i>v i.i:t <»kk with iVmiFNT or AI.L Ti!i; < (IS!’S I able are all the i laims of our erst- vhile ally to the southwest frontier t<’rrilory wliicli he llneigiit he was able to coiKiuer l.-y a Ireaebcous attack in the rear. “In the battles id' liie second half id' Oetobi-r the enemy io.^l at U'ast 1'.O.OiU’ SMALL Gir.L IS RUN DOWN BY A STREET CAR ' .L'avc ills VIeU.- I.a llie ;Ul'.e>-: il was <; ■-Id'-.l li> i!:e I'a ailers iiroseat (hat lais siioiil.i 1 I- :u!i‘aiie 1 to at o:i •. aln! :'I1 po s.Me (.'''ort;- made lo si.-, .ve :.i I'ari.i - ie linrary. Ai.oiiier [dan V.’O on ai oia i- a t;:ce:.\i’.Ie lii: I'l.ice.l ail ovi'i i:.' a g.e-;: I;. ■ . .at tia' riuli is t(- ■ the (,;ii <d r-.-y 'j'iii.i \. ,;i b< •' eoantry. a;.d '.uii a:..l Ir- e'l.-, lie.’ I e^; nn- if II .eral n . ed npoi: b. ,-ia 11 V.-' -n 111. :..e I !ul! r ;.ji[ioad- \.o,-k, il ; I t at nil. at '1 iiu U -■■.'s w.ll b(. iuii 1..IS beon (I5y liastern l’ress> William Crandall, the small negro j NIiW lil-iK.N. NOV. Virginia Ha- boy who was tried yesterday in the; gooil. three .\i- ir old daughter of Mr. Uecorder’s court on a chargo of as- and Mrs. H. !'. Hagood of this idace. saulting ilubert Warrejt, a while boy. was found guilty, but had judgment suspended upon the payment of the costs in the action. stumbled against a street car in front of her home today, was knocked down and the rear wheels pa.sscd over her body, killing licr instantly. Wojiian SnlYrnge I»cfeu(cd In Ihe election >cs|erday. I’enns.vlvania, .\ew VorU and | i .Massaeliu..iUls doit-.;v.on | suftra.ge by large niajorilics. In .Mas: acliUscUs the i- i v be- ! tween Waish. Henncral. and Mit'all. Kep.ildican is clo-.c. a>’- cording to incomidcte returns. ( Tlie Kenlncky election i.; al o close wiih Uepublii ans api>ar I ently gaining. ('oUNtriirtion W«trk (ioing On The construction work on the many new buildings in and around C.reen- villo is progressing rapidly. Contrac tors are working hard so that the cold weather of the winter will not over take them and hinder operations. tii.-i! ir.>, il will be i.i.f e:' the tine-i .nst it 111 ions of it^- i iial in North ('aroUna, and it is towards making It |ei'ii.:etive in evi r> way lluit ea< h pres- ‘ ent nU'lillier of 111.' i-lub is seekinjr new members' apjiii cation s. I 'I'iie olU.'ers of tiie cliiii have ahead*’ ii'timale l that if the luu iness nu-n ot tiie town will rally to iluM' support, 'tiiat they will in.ike it answer the work ol a Chamber of Conimerce. and with lie rapidity wi:!i which the business men aro liiiii-;; rp. it is evident liuit this will bo (knie. I At tho ne.M meei.iis: ol (lie cli)b, jinany additional plans are to bo |ii'-oug!it up for consiili'ratiun. and then the work will bo comniea<'eil in {>urn- -\lr. A. 0. Cox, of Winterville. w.is seen on the streets today. Messrs. H. A. White, Don Gilliam and H. H. McClellan motored to Tar- boio Ihis afternoon to take in the fair«

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