PAOB TWA FBIDAT, DECEMBEB S, 1915 The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector PubllKhcd B; THE BEPLECTOIt COMPANY, Incorporated oref:nvillk. nouth cauolina Subacrlption, one year $1.00 Six nionlhs 50 Advorlising rates may bo had upoii application at tlie bualncs offlco in The Uellector building, corner Kvana and Third Btreets. All cards ot thanks and resolutions of respect will be charged for at 1 cent per word. Coniniiinlcalions and advertised candidates will bo charg ed for at three cents per line up to lifty lines. l^ntorud as second class mutter August 20, 1910, at the post office at Uroenville, North Carolina, under act of March 3, 1S79. FKin.lV, I>K('K.>IltKI£ Uogular CUarllo Chaplin stuff that Ualeigh Times gets oft. No city no country. Reports say KitchenPr la back in I.,ondon. to be a regular portable kitchenette. Ho Is getting We trust that the Kaiser will leave at least two Serbia!!? for exhibition purposes if nothing else. it is not the fellow iliut can yell the loudest who does tho most. It is us\ially the one who keeps (juiet and goes to it Tliat fellow Stephen IJard has started up his colyum of fuanygraphs again. Stevo ought to do proity well after awhile. “The word should not survive the Spirit,” editorializes the Virginian-I’ilot. But that Is exactly what is liapponing to day if our observation is dear. Mon should be govereiied by Ihelr own op.nlons says an SELF SUPPORTING AGRICULTUItE Self supporting agriculture is the subject of an article in the current University News Letter by Mr. Bradford Knapp, Farm Demonstrator Chief, who says: "We have a good thing in tho South, if we will only go to work and make agriculture self-supporting. ‘‘The plan of tho Federal Department of Agriculture la to foster homo gardens, to encourage thrift by teaching people to can fruit and vegetables for home use as they do in every thrifty community, to have farmers grow their own corn, oats, hay, peas, beans, potatoes, and some cane or sorghum for syrup, and to produce their own meat supply from a rea sonable industry in poultry, hogs and cattle. Ot course this would require son’e reduction of the cotton acreage, unless more acres were taken up; but under this plan wo w'ould establish a live-stock Industry sufliclcnt to utilize the waste land. On every farm there is waste land which could be made productive with live stock. "This is purely & business proposition, but one that has been sadly neglected in all our Southern territory. "The bankers have the pow^er, in my judgment, to Insti tute a safe, sound, self-supporting agriculture in the South f they will do it. Tho key to tho whole situation lies in the hatuls of the bankers and credit merchants of tho South. 'If tho bankers and credit merchants of the South still fail to lend their con.structive backing to the establishment ' of self-supporting agriculture, and are still going to make their loans and finance tho agriculture of the South as a one-crop agriculture, then wo are going to have a one-crop agriciiUuro until sucii time as human nature breaks and wo havo a revolution which will overthrow the present sys tem. "Can you blame the farmer, especially the little farmer or tenant, if he lioes not follow the advice of argiculturlsts and does not diversify, when he well knows that when he goes to the small banker or supply merchant of tho South tho basis of his credit Is tixed on tho number of acres of the one he Is going to produce? "I want (o tc‘!I you now there is nothing more Important, nothing nioro helpful, yon can do than to help the Southern farmer llnd reasonable markets for locally grown produce STORE FOR RENT OUR FORMER J. E. DEES Dealer in MONUMENTS Hiid CEMETEEY MEMORIALS Marble and Granite >VorkmanNliip iind MaterinI Giiarnn- teed riiono No. I.'.0 II E. 4th St. MODERN FURNITURE may not be so dainty tn fashioning as In the past, but it is more artistic and dur- able-when rigidly made. Our Furniture is not merely made to look at but to give long service as well. We have everything for every room in the house, from at tic to basement Also fine Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and Mattings. And you can save money by buying here, too. TAFT & VANDYKE WANTS TANSY i»l>A\TS, PA.NrfY PLA.NTS. Miss Bettie Warren, Phone 250-J. 12-l-3ld. WA.VTRP—THIO PrUK MH.IC CO. can furnish milk In any quantity and also 40 of cream, or will con tract for FO much per day. A lino to Washington, N. C., box 412, will sup ply you. 12-l-4td. oflice next to Western Union offlre. Moseley Bros. ll-30-tf-2t other than the one cash-crop of tho community." The foregoing smacks of good wisdom and Is, In our opinion, something that should be taken hold of by theTOURING CAR 1913 banks and bankers and fostered in its growth. True, it Is model for sale cheap. Empire Sales a business proposition, but It Is one that the bankers and j Co. ll-30-t-f-2t farmers can botJi make a good thing out of if they see RI'NT COMFORTABLE ROOM fit to coopurate as Is suggested by Mr. Knapp. >n:ni( AL s( iiooi, inspik tion filnco tho introduction of me,ileal Inspection into tho schools of this State, many of them. It may bo taken for with bath connection, convenient to bf'arding house or hotel. Mra. H. Ij. Carr. ll-30-3t The Bank Habit PoBslbty you who road tl.l* have never kept a bank account If Dot, let us Nuegost that you make tho oxperimcnt You will find It helpful in many ways. Aside from the fact that your money will be safe from theft and flre, such a habit tends to thrift, economy, discipline, and a general understanding of business principles, all of which are essential to success. It affords also a convenient method for tho payment ot bills; and, as the checks are preserved always and returned to you, they serve as receipts for the amounts paid. THE NATIONAL BANK of Greenville Call Oornto’s Grocery for tho deli- i cades of the season. Fruits fancy | «5xchaiic:i3. But how many men would fail to bo governed ; Rrantcd that tho health of tho school children has been I every thii.g in the grocery line. n-29-3td guarded safer than it was before. It has been made pos- if this was universally put into practice. l-:vid(>iit!y that dirty lot nrxt to tin- po.^l olUco will remain in the .same eoniiilion for an iiuU;i.niio porio.l. U Reenis to us, though wo may be niistaUcn, liiat soineone of t!,e to'vn oliiccrs uouiil ii.ivu tho [lower to .-•■■i' ilial I,lli.^ lot i.s given WANTi:n TO nU''—DESIRAULE buildir.g lot. State lowest cash price. Box No. 304, city. lI-29-2t siblc t!;at many of the physical deficiojicles in tho children t'oiiltl l;o corrected, and those counties that have tried it will I omphatically declare that they would not be without It on jrounils. I Kor quick I .Meiliial innppction of school children i.'? comparatiVk?ly Oroccry. now in thi,-4 State, hut it Is liopnl to have it spread until SFCO.ND HAND tlio overluuiling tiiat it i.s (iu.'. it we arc tuistakcji, all j it i.-i tinivcrsal!y ailoiitc l by every county. Thoi-o is no ar-j lUo pas.senger Ford car, in good service phone Gornto’s i n-21(-Jt:l i risht, but if that i.-i tlm function of certain town otnccrs, ^ pfodiico.l to fend to show where t'.ie why don't liicy sen that the work Is done': rbo Kinston Free Pres thinks the critiei. in of the Sta'.o Board of llealtii has been unwarranted. Wiiiio wo appre ciate the manner in which the Free Press states Its case, wo beliovo tiiat a little criticism onco in a while Is tlie best thing for public institutions. In tiiis case we know tliat it has brought a promiso from tlie I5oard that it will attempt to stop Louisburg from dumping sewerage into Tar river. n'.edical school ir.spection is not almost of as much value as the mentiil rxaniiiiation and development which is ac- jcorded school chiMren. for if tho child Is handicapped Liy any phy.'ical deficiency, it can not ailvanco in tho studies. condition. ll-27-(;td. W. II. Dail, Jr. Commenting upon our remarks about what “the city gives the country," Editor (!ray, ot tho Raleigh Times gets ofr a real brilliant thought. He says that the country couldn’t get along without the city. Dldjo moan that real serious RANN DCH REELS Wamvd L. Rann ^ ^ i^M A ItLSlUAlSLE LADY boarder. I'hono 44S-.I. lU-20-tt CHRISTMAS GOODS Cards, Booklets, Post Cards Gift Books LOOK AT OUR LINE OF PARISIAN IVORY Our stock of Slailoner), Pcrfuinos and Toilet articles of every de- scrtpUon Is coniplelo. Warren Drug Company your ingredients for Christmas cakes from Goruto's Grocery. ll-i'U-3-d. TIIK SO.MNAMIU LIST Tiie somiiamlju' is a person who Is sound asleep every where except in the legs. An expert somnambulist who is : in good training can go to sleep sitting boll upright and 1 release a deep, cavernous snore, but both feet will remain Iwido awaUe and carry him hither and yon without missing like, or hadn t you tiiought how long this country got along BtroUe. The only way to wako up a soninonibulist is to without any cities? The rule can be applied both ways. Ig^gQi- (jf ^ lUird-story window and have t little Without tho country the people of the rural districts j fancy crochct work done on his collarbone by a hardened farmers if you will, there would bo no cities, likewise, | juitrne with a Van byko goatee. Uh AUE lidAHUUAUTLltS FO^. Fire Boards, Stove Pipe of ail size* Kepairing ncaily done on short no iie«. Wb are in a position to giv* :/ou prices that are the lowest to b* had on any in this line. S. 1 Hicks. 9-24-tf FrUM.SHKD ROOM FOR 1£E>T FO»i desirable gentleman. Phone 448-J 10-15-ff. without tho cities rural lifo would bo unbearable. TOO .MANY LOAFING >Kt;i{OKS Soinnanibulisiii results from various sources. Science says it is brought about by the victim eating something which failed to digest in a thorough and workmanlike nian- V\ 0 boliove that there is a way for the loafing negroes of (causing him to get up in hia sleep and liunt around fireenvillo, who are over ready to ply their trade of stealing, Ly^iicssly for tiie ipecac. Some authorities believe it is duo and soiling whiskey, to bo driven out, or at least put where I gaino microbe that produces the nightmare which Uiey belong and where they will be safe from any harm and where thoy can help to build up the roads of Pitt county. It is very easy to see from twenty to thirty negroes loaf ing around tho tobacco scction of town each day. At least we take them to bo loafing for we have not observed tliem doing any work. It i.s hardly possible that they are all farm negroes In town to sell their tobacco. Then it Is evident that they arc loafers, bumij. If you will call them that, and thero is no excuse for them to be idle when there is plenty of chances for them to secure employ ment. Tho polico force should exercise an eternal vigilance winds up in the Indian war whoop, but this is merely sup position, as nobody has even seen tho microbe In question except on a colored plato in some medical journal. It is a familiar practice of the medical fraternity to attribute a baffling ailment to some innocent microlie, and tlien give a photograph of tho microbe and his entire family as cir cumstantial evidence. The somnambulist is the only known mammal who sleeps with his eyes wide open. This is a merciful dispensation of Providence which enables him to walk around the house in total darkness without stepping on the upturned face of the family cat or barking both shins against (he piano stool. One seldom hears of an accident be'alling an agile and every opportunity It gets should nab these loafers or I whereas a sleepless husband who goes down vagrants. They will become a serious menace to the townjg{^j,.g baby’s bottle will run Into four dining room if those here now are given free reign and first thing wejp),j^jrg jjack with both feet full ot Etray needle.’^, know, Greenville will bo a veritable dumping ground forirj-j^jj, serves to omphasl7.e the fact that comnambulist ought negro hoboes. Yesterday a farmer was robbed by one of these vagrants to be taught in tho public schools. If persisted in for any length of time, somnambulism Eye Troubles Can 1)0 quickly elimin ated by tho wt'ariiig of tho j»roj>or loiisps. We know the ojjtical business and can furnish any lense your eyes may nood. No Charge for Examina tion W. L. BEST Optometrists California S T O Fruit Where you get your Thanksgiving Fruits and Vegetables. Florida grape fruits, Oranges, Cranberries, beans, cucumbers, squashes, celery, lettuce and tomatoes, pine apples, raisins and all kind of nuts. Telephone 436 You furnish the turkey and we will do the bal ance. and he made his escape. This negro, m-cording to tho jq gome very embarrassing sifuation.s. It Is a great Cabbage Plants % .MIIIioiiA of Tlioroiigli IJrrd Frost Proof Cabbage 1‘hmts For Sale The following varieties: Jersey Waketield, Charleston Wukefiel 1, Suc cession and Largo l ate Drum Iliad This pelection should give cintinuou>: headings through tho summer. At $1.00 per thousand f. o. b. Greea- etatemont of tho farmor, has approached him on three lj,[,ock to a modest, una.ssumlng citizen to go to bed in ajville, N. C. Cmii supply orUers an different times. We take it then that this negro has been single-breasted night robe and wake up a few hours N*ce stocky plants, loafing here for at least a month, but tho police had failed i^tcr on the corner of Main and Eleventh streets, surround- to get him. ’p(l by interested friends and tho Chief of Police. Tho only They can not bo too strict on thes'3 menaces to tho to prevent this is to chain the victim to a brass bed and Buut>i«iii;t! tiio uigui.\*tttcli. ( unnt uiid SutiKi'action Hauranteed L. C. rihur GUEENViLLK, N. C. PHONE 10 We wash everything but the Biby, return everything but the Dirt Bishop’s Laundry