FSmAT, DECEMBER t, 1916 ricn 9MBMA. Notice Big Sale t E,' Ob fresli eonntry «gga, Swift Pre mier bams, Orange Braid hams« ffvod •moked peppered shealders, Oelden Bed batter, sweet and fresh, flreea and smoked sansage. Don’t forget to try enr pore coffee, no ebJekery. We bare a nice line of Ilatloi|al eoek> ten and crackers. When la need of groceries of any description call Sol and we will be glad to make yon prices. Morris & Lassiter In the buildine formerly occupied bv W. A. Bowen’s Millinery. Evans Street—Phone 354. of tbs Stmuol Wflsuu land; one tract conUlning C 1-4 acres, lying and be ing situated on the Oum ;\. anip Road, one tract containing 169 acres known as the A. P. and E. V Pittman land; also one fourth interest in one certain tract contain'ng 59 "xres and known as the Bettie Bergeron land, all lying and being situated in Pitt County, North Carjlina; the jaid lands being the lands of the defendant T. E. Can non, which warrant is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of Pitt County, on the seventh Monday before the first Monday in March, it being the 17th day of January, ISIS, when and where the eferdant T. E, Cannon is required to appear and an swer or oeiuui to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 10th day ol Norembor, 1918. J. D. COX, Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County. Tyson by W. L. Hurst and wife. This Norember 23rd, 1916. KETURA TYSON, Admz. and Commissioner. P. C. JAMES & SON, Attorneys. ll-24-ltd-3tw. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND VOTICE OF SVMMUNS ATID WAB. RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Pitt County In the SuperiOi' Court Mattie U. CanauB ’ s. T. E. Cannon The defendan* T. E. Cannon in the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 4th day of Nove aber, 1916, ■a summons in the above entitled action was issued against tho defendant T. E. Cannou, by J. D. Cox, clcrk of the Sup erior Court of Pitt County, North Car olina, the plaintiffs claiming the sum of $3,()00.00 due for goods sold and delivered, money advanced or payments made to and for the the 3rd day of November, 1915, against certain lands, to wit; “Situated in Swift Creek and Con- tentnea townships, one tract contain ing 150 acrej and known as lots 4, 5 and 6 of the Samuel Wilson land; one tract containing 6 i-4 acres lying and being situated on the Gum Swamp road; one tract containing 16!) acres known as tho A. P. and P. M. Pittman ]ed In said complaint. NORTH CAROLINA, PITT COUNTY. la The Saperler Ceart Hattie King TS. Prank King. The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has commenced in tho Superior court of Pitt county to annul the bonds of matrimony between plalnttfY and defendant, and to secure for plaintilf an absolute divorce from the defend ant ' The said deefndant will further take notice, that he Is required to appaar at the next term of the Superior court for Pitt county to be held on the Seventh Monday before the First Mon day in March, next, it belnj; the 17th day of January, 1916, at the Court House in Greenville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand- land; also one fourth interest in one certain tract containing 59 acres and known as the Bettio Bergeron land, all lying and being situated in Pitt coun ty, North Carolina; the said lands be ing the lands of the defendant, T. E. Cannon, which warrant is returnable to the next term of the Superior court of Pitt county, on the seventh Monday defendant above named, which i before ti,e first Monds*y in March, It be summons is returnable to the next I j„g 17^1 ^ay ol January, 1918. when and where the defendant T. E. Cannon is required to appear and ans- term of U.e Superior court for county to be held in Greenville, North Carolina, beginning January 17th, 1916. Tho defendant, T. E. Cannon, will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issje. by the clerk of the Su.)crlor court of Pitt county on the 4th day of November, 1915, against certain lands, to wit: “Situated in Swift Creek and Con- tentnea townships, one tract contain ing laO acres and known as lota 4, 5 and G of the Samuel Wilson land; one tract containing li 1-4 acres lying and being Bltualoil on tho Gum Swamp road: one tract containing 16'J acres u. C. Cannon and Sons fcnown as the A. F. and F. M. I’ittnian land; also one fourth interest in one certain tract containing 59 acres and known as the I3oUio Bergeron land, all lyiiiK ar.J Iicing situated in Pitt coun ty, North (;a;oliua; the said lands be ing tho lands of the del'endant, T. E. wre or demur t^ the complaint, or the relief demanded will ba granted. This the 10th day o£ November, 1915. J. D. COX, Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County. NOTICE OF SLMSrOXS AND WAK- KA>T OJ ATTACHMENT North CarJli-a, Pitt ’onnty In the Superior Court n. C. Cannon. C. V. Cannon, A. P.. Cannon and J- II. Coward trading as i This Ctb day of November, 1915. J. D. COX, Cterk of the Superior Court. F. G. JAMES ft EON, Attorneys for PlainMH. Land Sale By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted by J. P. Morris to John J. Ford and W. H. Woolard on the 24th day of November, 1U13, and which mortgage is recorded in Book Q-iO, page of the Pitt County Uegistry, default in payments having been made, tlie un dersigned will on Monday the 27th day of December, 1915 at 12 m. e.xpose t'l public sale, for cash, before the court house door in Greenville, N. C., tho following described tract of land; Joying and being Bethel townsliip, Pitt County, N. C. and more particularly described as follows, to-wit; Being In Ormondsville Township, Greene County. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior court of Greene county made at the June term, 1915 in a certain civil ac tion i>endlng in said court entitled: E L. Coward vs. John R. Manley, and by virtue of said decree the undersign ed commissioner will, on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1915, at the court house door, in Snow Hill, N. C., be tween the hours of 12 o'clock, noon and 2 o’clock p. m., offer for sale at public auction for one-third of pur chase price cash and the balance of purchase price in three equal deferred payments secured by a purchase mon- niortgage due one, two and three years or terms to suit purchaser, the following land and premises situated in Ormondsville township, Greene County, North Carolina, end known on lots No. 4 and 5 in the division of the lands of Wm. Coward, deceased, con taining 235 acres. There Is cleared 120 acres of said land and the balance in woodland, and on this land is the Old Coward dwelling house and all outhouses Including barns, stables, to gether with two fairly good tenant houses. For further Information see, write o* phone the undersigned commis sioner. J. G. ANDERSON, Commissioner. i 1 Greenville Banl T-> cingand 1 rust )any The Oldest and Largest Bank in Pitt County ■lo tho next term of the Superior court of I’ilt count:', on thu seventh Monday before the (h'fil Monday in March, it iie- ing the 17th day of January, 1910, wtien and where tho defendant T. E. Cannon is required to appear and ans- wre or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 10th day of November, 1915. J. D. COX, Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County. Sale of Vnlaablo Notes By virtue of a note with lien or mortgage attached executed by J. F. Davenport and Blanche Davenport to The Farmers Bank on July 10th, 1914, tho undersigned will sell at public sale for cash at the Court House door In Greenville, N. C. on the 20th day of December, 1915, at 12 m., the fol lowing described notes; 12 notes of $270.84, each executed by Moses Staton and wife, Cora Staton to Blanche F. Davenport on January 1st, 1914. These or loss and by tho lands of James -M. .Manning and tho J. L. Nelson lands. amc land deeded to J. 1’. vs. T. E. Cannon The defeni'at.t T. 1;.. Cnntion In the ^i,reo shares or lots of land, as follows, above “ and 3 of the Bithel Ford tract of) tfiat on the jrd day of ..ovembc.. , 1 , a summons in the above entitled action | land, and which three siiarcs or lots j issued agains t th'. del'endant T. I contain a5 acres more Cannon, which warrant is returnable' (’iuinon, by J- D- t'ox, clerk ol tae Sup- ijounUed erior Court of Pill County, North Car olina. the plaintilTs claiming tlie suni of $757.25 due for goods sold , Leing the and delivered, money advanced or;Morris by W. II. Woolard and J. J. paymonts made to and for tl'en'ord and for which this mortgage is whicii (Q secupc the purcliase price. This the 24th day of -November, 1915. comurtoleTeld in Greenville, North [W. H. WOOLAIID and JOHN J. FOUl), Carolina, beginning January 17th, j Mortgagees. 1916. Tho defendant, T. E. Cannon, ,jyLiuS BROWN, Attorney, will also lake notice tiiai, a warrant of j attachment was issued by the clerk of ■ the Superior court of Pitt county on the 3rd day of November, 1915, against certain lands, to wit; “Situated In Swift Creek and Con- tentnea townships, one tract contaln- Ine 150 acres and known as lots 4, ft LAND SALE I will offer for sale at the Court House door in the town of Greenville on December 13th at 12 o’clock m., at public auction for cash the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being In Ayden Township on the road running from Ayden to Scuffle- tcn. Green county and being a portion of the Aron McLawhorn tract. Beginning at a stake in public road, Katie Moore's corner, and runs south 3 1-2 west, 116 poles to a stake in A. F. Cox’s line, tlience north 88 W. 10 poles to a stake, thence south 3 1-2 W. 57 1-3 poles to a long forked pine, thence south S2 W. 24 poles to the beginning. I’rivate sale can be made bcl'ore day of public sale by seeing tho under signed. W. 11. WILLIAMS. W. F. KVA.N’S, Attorney. 11-20-ltd 3t\v. and defendant above named, summons is returniibic lo Uio term of the Superior court for Iitt Land Sale By virtue of a decree of tho Superior court of Pitt county made in special proceedings No. 1975, entitled Ketura Tyson, Admx., vs. Joab Tyson ct als,. and ti of the Samuel ivmc and i*'*® undersigned comniiBsionel will sell pontaining 6 1-4 acres lymg anu 1 be^ng situated on the Gum Swamp for cash before the court house door Beginning at C. T^ Kittrell’s corner Attorneys, of land, and being part of the 1 mg the wardly with said Kittrell's line notes are secured by a mortgage on 40' t'y. North Carolina; the said lands be acres Matthias Harris tract, which land lios In Pactolus township on the North side of Tar river. These notes fall duo as follows; January 1st, 1915, and on the 1st day of January in each year and up to and including January 1st, 1926. Interest has been paid on each of said notes to January 1st, 1915, and a payment of $105.00 has been paid on the note due January 1st, 1915. This 29th day of November, 1915. THE FARMERS BANK. JULIUS BROWN, Attorney, ll-30-ltd-3tw. road: one tract containing 169 acres known as the A. F. and F. M. Pittman land: also one fourth interest in one certain tract containing 59 acres and known as the Bettie Bergeron land, all lying and being situated in Pitt couu- i . . I : * K on i«1 In TU\y oC* T. H. Cannon, which warrant to the next term of the Superior cr of Pitt county, on the seventh before the lirst Monday in Mu' Ing the 17th day of Jan when and where the do f Cannon is required to appo;.i wre or demur to the complain., or the relief demanc.ed will be granted. This the 10th day of November, 1916. J. D. COX, Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County. in Greenville at noon on FRIDAY, I»K(’EJI1U:R 2ITII, 191.), the following described house and lot In tho town cf Winterville; Sale of Personal Properly and Rcndiif! The undersigned executor will sell for cash In Carolina township on THI'USD.U', iii;ci;.nin:!i sm), loi.'i Sale beginning about ton o’clock a. m. at the residence of the late Mahala Highsmlth, all the personal property belonging to said estate con.sisting of household and kitchen furniture, horses, mules, hogs, cattle, farming Impliments, carts, buggies, corn, fod der, hay and one share of bank stoch in the Bank of Robersonville. And also on said day will offer for rental the farm of the late Mahala Highsmith in Carolina township, being a four horse crop, and also her hous( and lot in the towu of Robersonville N C. This November 12th, 1915. J. M. niGHSMlTH, Executor. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAJt- HANT OF ATTACH.MKNT North Carolina, Pitt County In the Superior Court r'«niion, J. C. June^ and J. U tradlLg aa J. E. Cannon ve. T. E. Ci-nnon The defendant T. E. Cannon, In the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 4th day of November, 1915, a summons In said action was issued against the defendant T. E. Cannon, by J. D. Cox, Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, the plaintiff’s claiming the sum of $271.21 due for goods sold and delivered, mon ey advanced or p.iyments made to and the defendant above named, W'hlch summons in returnable to the next term of the Superior court for Pitt county to be held in Greenville. North Carolina, beginning January 17th, 191 . The defendant T. E. Cannou will also take notice that a warrant o^ attach ment was issued by tho clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county on the 4th day of Novemljer, 1915, against the personal property and certain lands, to wit; Situated in Swift Creek and Content- nea Townships, one tract containing 150 acres and known as Lots 4, 5 and of t!io Samuel Wilson land; one tract containing 6 1-4 acres lying and being situated on the Gum Swamp Hoad, one tract containing 1G9 acres known as the A. F. and K. M. Pittman land, also one fourth interest in one pertain tract containing 511 acres and Nnown as the Bettie Borguron land, all lying and being situated in IMtt Coun ty, .North Carolina, also acainst the personal properly of tho said defend ant T. lO. Cannon, tho said lands being the lands of the do'emlant T. K. Can non, which warrant is returnable to the next term of the t^up’rior court of Pitt county, on i.c seventh Monday bpfore the Crst Monday in March, it being the 17th day of January, 1910, uhen and where tho dofcn lant la re- qiiirod to appear and : .ewer or ileniur lo tho complaint, or the relief demand ed will bo granted. This the 10th day of November, 1915. J. D. COX, On Monday, the Cth day of December ut utiOb ij) iioni ut ilio court Aoas* doer, as Attorney for tho Board ot County Commissioners, I will oRer to the highest bidder for rent during tho year 1916 the farm belonging to PitI county, on the north side of Tar river, touching tho farm of C. T. Munford and others. A bond will be required to guarantee payment of the rent. S. J, EVEItETT, Attorney. NOTICE or SALE By virtue of autliorlty vested In m* ander the Deed of Trus*, or by tho Pitt County Warehouse Co. on the 24 day of July, 1913, and recorded in Book L-10, page 453, and WHEREAS the conditions of tho said Deed of Trust has not been com plied with, and I am requested by the holders of the bond secured thereby, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder for cash at noon on the first Monday of December, 1915, being the 6th day of the month, at the Court house door in Greenville, tha following described property, to wit: Being the Pitt County Union Stor age Warehouse on the Norfolk & Southern R. R., and on 10th St., bound ed on the North by the vacent lot formcly that of Mosley Bros., but not included in the this description; on tlie Kast by the Liberty Warehouse, property, belonging to S. T. Hooker, and on the South by 10th St., on tho West by Pitt St. and Non'oik & South- jrn U U. Tliis the 4th day of November, 1915. R. C. Causey. C. S. Carr Attorney. LA.M) SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in two certain deeds ot trust exooutc'd and delivered by J. J. Cherry and wife, Mary J. C’herry, to C. S. Carr, tru.stoe, one dated .March 22nd, 1913, and recorded in Book K-10, page 4D4. in the Register of Deeds olTice of Pitt fiintitv, and the other dated October T.OTICE OF SI MMONS .North Carolina. Pitt County In The Superior Court J. W. Bailey, Admr. vs, Hebrew Jones, et als. The defendants, Hebrew Jones and|30th, 1913, recorded in the Register of NOTICE OF SCMMONS AND WlB- HANT OF ATTACHMENT North Cai jlina, Pitt County In t. e Supe/lor Co J. E. Cannon vs. T. E. Ca:.Jt>n The defendant T. L. Cannon in the abo/3 entitled action, will tat'e notice that on tho 3rd day of November. 1915, a summons in the above entitled action was Issued against the defendar T. L. Cannon, bv J. D. Cox, -lerk of the Sup erior Court of Pitt Co nty. North Car olina. the plaintiffs claiming the s im of $33S.95 due for goods sold and delivered, money advanced payments defendant summons Is reti rnabla to the next Pl't NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAB- KANT OF A’mCH.KENT North Carolina, Pitt County In the Superior Court J. E. Cannon, J. C. Jones and J. U McLawhorne, trading aa J. E. Canuon Company. vs. T. E. Canron The defendant T. E. Cannon In tho above entitled action, will lake notice that on the urd day 01 Novsjiber, 1915, a summ. us in the aijove entitle' i.ctlon was issued against the defendant T. E. Cannon, by J, D. Cox, clerk of the Sup erior Court of Pitt CounV. North Car olina, the plaintiff J. E. Cannon Com pany claiming the sum of $,')04.43 due for goods sold and delivered, money ailvanced or payments made to and for llie defendant above named, which summons Is returnable to the next orm of the Superior court for Pitt . ounty to be held In Greenville, North made to and for Iho CnroHnn. Reginning Jinuary 17, I'.ilG. above named, which , Tjig defendant, T. E. Cannon will also take notice tha. a warrai.t of attach ment was Issued by the Clerk of tho Su| 9rlor Court of Pitt County on the 4th day of November, 1915, against yards to C. T. Kittrell’s backllne, ’ thence westwardly with R. W. Hun- B. F. TYSON, sucker’s line 35 yards, thence south-rjjnce on Fourth Street near Pran> wardly with Mrs. Louisa Cox’s line 70 Wilson’s Store, yards to Main street, thence eastward- insurance. •Toshua Jones above named in the en titled foregoing proceeding, will here by take notice that a .special proceed ing has been begun in the Superior court entitled as abovT by the adminis trator for permission and authority to sell land belonging to the deceased intestates to create assets to pay the debts owing and due by said Estate, and saiil defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear on, or before the 4th day of De cember, 1915. and answer or demur to tho petition filed in tho ofTSce of the Clerk of Superior court, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This the 4th day of Novonii)er, 1915. J. D. COX, CKrk of Superior Court. S. J. EVERKTT, Attorney. Deeds otlice of Pitt county in Book T- 10, page 131, thu undersigned will sell for cash before the Court House door in Greenville at noon on, Wednesday Deoonibcr 29th, lOt.’i, the following described town propertT, situate in the Town of Greenville and known as lot No. 55 in the plot of said town, bounded on the North by Third Street, on the East by the T. R. Cher ry property, on the South by thoO Ha gan property, and on the West by Oreene Street. Said property is sold to satisfy paid two mortgages. This November 29th, 1915. F. G. JAMES & SON, C. S. CARR, Attroneys. Trustee. \ You are evi dently taking . your time pi term of the Superior court for county to be held In Greenville, North Carolina, beginn nT January 17th, IfOfl. The defendai.i., T. E. Cannon, certai.i lands, to "'it: will also take notic! that a warrant of | Situated l.i Swift Creek and Content- attachnieiit was iss.ieC by tho clerk of nea 'rowushlps, one tract containing the Fuperlor cou<‘t of Pitt county on ' 150 acres an’ known aj lot' 4, 5 and <i About Purchasing that Buggy or Surry, but we cannot blame YOU for going so slow in the matter, /our privilege to make comparisons, get prices and take the best thot is offered for the least ._,ui-jy. -r- ALL WE .ASK IS THAT YOU CONSIDER US IN THE TRANSACTION We have every style of Voliiclc that tliis loenlity (k'niands. Wo make ovory vehicle wc sell and wo pinrantee each one of them for 12 months. If we do not satisfy you we will gladly reL'iuid your money. ^\’'o do not want your patronage unless we can jtrove ourselves worthy of it. Just give us a showl JO* ‘N FLANAGAN BUGGY CO. LiiiABLljtliLO mm I

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