UKEENTILLB iS TEE HEART OF EASTERN VORTB CAROLINA. IT^AS A POPULATION OF FOUR rnoVSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF 4LL KINDS AR^ INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE tOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT I 'I MS I AgrlcaitDrf! U tbc Xuwt thr Hn»i llraJthful* the Unit Muule mt^nt <>• M«u. -liourKt* nuMhlmfion WE HAVE A CIMVOLA TION OF TWELVE UUiS DRED AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN HART OF NO urn CAIiO- LINA AND INVITE THOSE WHO WiSlJ TO GET iit:r- TEh ACQUAlNTEIt WHll lUESE GOOD PEOPLE IS 4 BUSINESS'S WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACt AND I ELL THEM WIJAT YOU HA VE TO BRING TO THEIR ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING HATES ARE LOW AND CAN HE HAD UPON APPLICA TION, VOLUME 47. GKEKNVILLE, NOUTU ( AUOLINA, FUIUAY, DKCKMUEU 10, 1915. MMH£K tTTEMPT CRUSH IIILIEO lOOPS Prench Contimio Bombard The Whole German Front. LITTLE PEACE TALKS Berlin Says French In Ke- gion of Nordar River— Ipek In Montenegro Has Been Taken With ileavy Losses On Both Sides, Is Claimed, Mr. Merchant—llcj l Whou the foreigner jumps among you and begins to malve it liot by selling inl'urior goods at ciieap prices you call on the pa per to aid you. If the paper Uoea not denounce the pi'aclice from Sun Kise to Last Chance you swear it is a dirty, rotten rag. You threaten to auoot the edi tor on sight, or uuiy be some thing like that, but do you give the paper your support? Do you give it your work and a reason able amount of advertising, or do you send it away to some oth er place? Why not do your part by the paper and help to keep “Green ville Dollars In Greenville? PASTOR DANIEL WAS RETURNED LONDON, DEC. 8.—The campaign against the main Serbian armies hav ing been closed, It is expected Gen eral Von Gallwitz, with his German forces, will join the Bulgarians in Macedonia In an effort to crush the French and Rritish armies before they become much stronger. Information from Berlin indlcate.s | that the German forces engaged in | the earlier movements in the Ualkansi have now been detached for the pur-1 pose of sharing In the attack on the! Pranco-British forces along the j Southern Macedonian front. Dis-1 patches from Athens partially corrob orate this theory, as it is reported two German divisions are co-operat- tag with the Bulgarians near Stru- mitza. There Is little report from the other froncs save the usual minor opera tions. The French, however, are carrying on a particularly energetic bombard ment of the German lines In the Champagne. In Mesopotamia the Germans are beginning to show con siderable interest in the campaign, which Is developing in favor of their Turkish allies. It is reported from Geneva that the Germans under Field Marshal Von Der Goltz are preparing an exten- alve campaign which will be directed toward the Peraian Gulf by way of Bagdad. Further impetus is given to peace talk by the papal consistory at which Pope Benedict delivered an address calling upon the belligerents to make « Just and immediate peace. The effect of the dismissal of the German military and naval attaches at Washington on the German public is not ascertainable as the German Bewapapers have not been permitted nublish even >he bare facts of the ineideni. BKRUIN, DEC. 8.—Via l.ondon—The war office announced today that the French forcps in Southwestern Serbia, near the V'ardar river, have been com pelled to retreat. The cantiire of ipek, Montenegro, alfio Is annrut'cel. The ofBeia! atalemunt on the Balkan operations Js as follows; ■UalUa’, Ipek fill Moiirenpgro, a^out fifteen miles from th^ Serbian border), has beon roporte'J. Some I,2iiO were brouebt In. ‘‘On acc( ml of a threatened envel opment of tho'r po..ilions In the Cerna- Karasu-Vardnr sailicTit, the French List of Pastors For This Dis trict Is Given Below. Ucv. .M. Daniel, pastor oj the local Mothod;»t church has returned to Gri'onvllle from the conference which was linlil ill Wilmingto!' In.'t week. It will ho gratifying to Mr. Daniel’s many friends here to loarn that he has been returned to this charge. Following is the list of ministers and their charRes5 in this district: IVasliinptoii IliHtrict C. L. Read, pre.siding elder. Aurora c'rcuit, W. E. Aydoii circuit, Daniel I.ane, Jr. Bath circuit, J. J. I.owl.«» Bethel circuit, H. E. Tripps. Elm City, h. B. Pat'ishall. Farmville circuit, £. T. Moyle. Fairflelri, J. V. Fremont circuit, J. L. Rumley. Groenvllle—Jarvis Memorial, J. M. Daniel. Mr'tamuskeet circuit, W. H. Con stable. McKendree circuit, Ivy T. Poole. Mount Pleasant circuit, G. B. Perry. Nashville circuit, J. W. Autry. Rocky Mount—First Church, R. C. Craven; South Rocky Mount and Clark street, to be supplied; North Rocky Mount, to bo supplied. Stantonsburg circuit, D. A. Futrell. Stokes circuit, to be supplied. Spring Hope circuit, W. T. Phipps. Swan Quarter circuit, R. R. Grant. Tafboro, H. I. Glass. Vanceboro circuit, W. J. Covington. Washington, E. M. Snipes. Wilson, W. A. Stanbury. SPEftK[RS M[[ Lcn TOO NUMEROUS Convention On Clinrch ^iid Country Life Optiiu'd This Moriiiiiy:. AT COLUMBUS OHIO Momhorship Is Too Sm'dl, S‘\y Preachers While Tlu‘ Ministers Are Underpaid —“Chnrcli of Tonionow Will Be a Community Rather Than Sectarian. HORSE WAS STOLEN HERE DURING LAST NIGHT A horse belonging to James Mltchel. of Blounts Creek, was stolen from the stables of the Liberty warehouse some time last night. No clue has been learned that will give information as to who purloined the horse. Its occupants was destroyed. All ene- mv mine positions that had al- thoatre of war: The city of completed also was de.=itrrivr>d. “Rast of Aiiberivn, in the Cham pagne. about 2S0 metres of an ad- (Speclal to The Heflector) COLUMBUS, 0„ DEC. 8.—Spoaken before the national conference of the Commission on Church and Country Life here today agree that rural cliurcbes are too numerous and come- quently inefflcipnt. that tholr member ship Is too small, that country preach er? are underpaid and their energies di/idod among too many charge''.. The convention, opened (hir mnrn Ing with an address by GiiTord Finnhnt. chairman of the commission, and will continue through Friday evening when President Wilson will spea’? Meet ings of the evpciitive committee of the Federal Council of Churches ire being held slmultnnoously, and prominent churchmen from every stptc are here "The church of tomorrow will be a community rather than a sectarian institution,” said Rev. Alvr W. Taylor of Columbia. Mo., in an address tod;iv. “The day of emphasis upon creedal distlnctionj i‘> past. The neighbor hood division of religious Interest.s keeps all the churches weak and in jures religion. The church which adequately ministers to its whole neighborhood will thrive best in the rural communities of the future. “The average community has from three to seven churches within a radi us of four miles from any given can ter. Four miles is an easy ‘wagon drive’ and if every family were that far from a church the distance would not be too great. Duplication of churches in one community prevents any of the congregations from thriv ing, and the small church grows with much greater difficulty than the large one. ‘Once a month' service by an absentee pastor leaves the church of a strong nation-wide, lnter-de’’omi- natlonal movement to prevent main tenance of superfluous sectarian PERClf CROSS IS TOL[CIUR[H[RE I WRITER GIVES A FiiiW B01.D FACTS 'J. s. ■;Coiidonnis The “Aiiticipat- I iuy” And (Sluiiglitei- Saifs 1 Alter Jield lieie Editor Greeiiviliu lleMector: Al'ii r lending a rcfoiii issue of your |):U>er 1 iiavo loiiic to tlio coiichi.sioii Uiial in your e'.loria lo boost, as well i ‘The (-irL'envilUi, wiiut it sliouid ! ,lje, p: ugi csbivo, you have adiipto.i lorj jyuur alogaii, "Kol'J) tJreonvillo Doiiiirsi j lil (i i C','11 V. llu." I do ItllL Jli'ol'i'S.S to ho 'an (.'Xijort ut tho art, or adept at nuws; IT paper writing, but in words that 1 am sure 'uubsler would coii.sidur voiyj Dr. Cross Will Deliver The'"^“‘" ^ ‘ [ Lecture In The Court “'"I ^ ■ p , I usual amount ot good in regards to ‘ House lie Was L>Oin in Grtenville dollars in Green-1 llis Subject Will Bt‘ European War.” MAKES STUDY CF England And lias Had Much Experience-'lviiows The War, Rov. W'.ry G. Cross will lecture in the court house on Wednesday even ing December the fifteenth under the villi). 1 have travoled I'l oiii oiio eii.i of I this Tar ileel State to the other and j I feel that I aiu in a position to state! that is soon us Ureenvillo tai.os the' stand that other cities have taken in regards to the matter tiiat I aui Ktiiiit; to refer to, and hy some way, shape, auspices of the l.adies Aid Society manner, passes some kind of the Christian church on the subject, prevent certain uii.t- •‘The European War." cliants, from holding farewell and an- Ur. Cross recenily conducted a soul ^ sales at least lour or five .-Jtirring revival here aiui is well known i year, then and not until then in Greenville. Uesiiles being a preach- " there be many, many dollars kejit or of tho Go;^pel, he has won consider-'*’* Greenville that othurwise would be able recpgnition as a Chautau(ina loi-- turer and can guarantee all who at tend a first class address. Dr. Cross was born in Enclaiid. but came to this country whoa he was joung. He has served In several phases of life and knov. s wlnu it i.s. | Dr. Crosa feels a peculiar ln!*‘‘‘**'^ hohiiiig farewell sales about sjat to some far off land. Tho Word farewell signifies parting, ;'nd lluU's just what hajipoiis lo ymir dollars spent at sucli sales. I can state tlie case of a iiierchant (not an .\meriraii) wl.i) liad a plaoo of lai.^i- ;;es;< i aidizabeth City who was in tho tho war as his birtii country is iiiv!)lv- el, and spends several hours eai'h day diligently studying the pro s d.s- patches and keeping up with every turn that is made In lOurope Dr. Cross Is at prosent cotidueting a revival in Kinston, whiih by the way, l.s tho .'^el'ond one that ho has con ducted In tliat city recently. Ills al- mirers in this section of the State arc many, and It is expected that a lar-'O crowd will turn out to hear his lec ture when he comes hero. |on -o every month. Tlie sale he advortlscd twonty-llvo thousand dol-* lar.s worth of goods at reduced prices.' •\ certain newsp;iprr in that city had| the stock Inventoried and the total amount of slock in the whole store U1U- to l(Ms than seven hundred dol lars. 'I'liat merchant la now selling' I'lMiuils 0.1 one of the street corner;!, j VVliy .' .Simply, because he can’t get aj i.aire in Iho city lo do business in. As : to whether ho is entitied to do business i ill ii city that is progressive, 1 will let I the readers of th;a paper Judge. I also j Wnltpr rinrk nf ClnV'^'ro ® merchant right here In this vvaiicr CJark, or j city inot an Amer‘ who has a Found Dead In Ilyde ipUu-e or business on your main street. County W’^oods. jwho professes to pay bills promptly, I jbut I can show a check that this man Walter Clark, of Chicago, nped flfty-|f.;ave In payment for a bill of goods two. was found dead in the BW'>Tnpr< of t..dt had been due for over a year, on I TIy:’e county yeste’-day. T* la presnm-ia oertaio bank, tho chock rame back ed that he died of heart fal’'ire while marked, “no funds." Where is the on a hunting trip. He he’d Ms gun ^ money that is being paid to this man j c'pprefl tight I" h<3 hani^s w*’en foi*id, every day by the pa!>lio? Is he keep-j Thfl body wap brongh* to Washln^'nn | iut; Gree.iville dollars iu Greenville j today nnd will be shipped to Chlc.rij A. 1 have stated, • ha\e b^en over Ifor burial. ' tiiifl state am. 1 will say thui wluit It l' "" ■ JtaKos to maiie a real honest io good- . . , . Hia I V (;,,.e„ville churches, particularly in country dis-py ^ ^ orpanizatlors In a rural dl? trlcta. triot wonid provide means of tr'>k‘n? The principal purpose of the rural women more u'seful to prisoners prench trench was takp than sixty men fell Into our ha^d^i. “Eastern theatre ofw ar; The situa-< tion is unchanged.” PFRLIN, DKC. 8 —By wlre'eis to to give up their th" community. “They v.-ill be more con tent with farm life If there is a com munity women’s club such as the V. W. C. A.," she said. Rev. Hubert C. HPTing of Boston, secretary of the national council of congregational chiirchea said: “The country Thurch suffers from lack of the co-operative spirit. It is never easy to get the community to work together. There are many feuds and factions. The sectarian spirit cause' ,some families to attend church outaide and the development of a community , parish, but a real get-together rivic rlchtoousness. In the j movement amnt'e churches will rem- weakened condition of the cnuntr> condli'on." have been co; ipp'lod to give up their j—"The position of thejchureh a.s an Institiition, co-operation other speakers today were Rev. W pos'tions th forces of the Kntente allies on the j is oasential for the maintaining of p Richardso-' Kansas City; Prof. Kd- Beg!)“dl ig co.'dltlons on the West-peninsula Is growlne wor«e.Henl« and standards of civic life. L. Earp, Madison, N. J.; Dr. 8. K e-n an t K.Tifern front'», the official |p,,g,.y nccordln? to reno*t« fromjniral church should be the churches, j B’ - ton. O.; Rev. Ward st-xtemert sr’vs: 'Conotantinaple, the winter stor-vs that ^hut with all organizations which aim piatt. Philadelphia; Albert R. Roberts, “Western theatre of war; Near Ber- prevailing msklne It lmnn--«!lhle to at the betterment Of society.” New York; and President W. 0. ry-ati-Bac a ’nrge mlro was success-provisions 'or the troo'>s." the Miss .lessle Field of New I Thompson o’ Ohio State Univeralty, fully exp’oded A French trench with overseas news agency says today, known the country ov«7 as "the Coru Columbus. church is to stimulate community spir it among farmers and consequently the church reform movement means definite Increase in material prosper ity, according to Rev. R. A. Hutchison, prominent civic worker of Pittsburgh, and secretary of the home mission board of the United Pre.sbyterian church. The chief end of the country church is not ral«ii'g of crops and flocks," h- More fiald, "It I.m the production of men mark<>d for their personal character Ml 'd’lor that 1 yi.u- CiUiipi'ign illar.-^ Ill (Jreun- i:p has ii. and 1 believe ' ii- itv 1.“ V iiii ii u ti) ‘Keep Gr^'OuvilU' i vil.e.” 1 I. ,1. t.w.KIN.S. I t.Note ) The odito" ifii. .oui’h for the statunie ;t made I'l the ^:ise of the ;C!i7al).'t’i ri;y n;er.'unit, %>’• !'i' w;n on stalT of th* Ini:'T>'nile;t in that, citv when the tiick wiis turned. ; STOLE BUGGY DUPINO NIf7HT Ni’w U'ldi'r She?t('v ^^a’"S ;> Om>k Disappearaiit'c. Comity Coiuiiiissioiiers Elect Ufiic-ws For Xext Year. CHAIRMAN RESIGNED IJuiids Fur Falkland And Farmville Touii.siiip Were Suld At (juud Friei;—Caru- liiia 'I’owii.'^iiijj (lets Bond Issue For ( Jood Koads— Much Work. The Board of County CommlsBlonerB concluded ilieir regular session yes terday w;th ihe election of officers for the coming year, and with the making of linal arrangements for other mat ters wliich are ot great importance lo the county as a whole. ilr. S. A. Conglelon resigned as chairman of the board yesterday and was succeeded hy Mr. .1. S. Hoss, pro minent business man of Ayden who is \, t ii .suited [ur the position. In the reiigiiing of Mr. Conglelon. he stated that ho tell Dial owing lo ilie incon- veiiieiue of iu,t able to get to Greenville as well as others he thought that someone eise would be better suit ed for the po.sitiou. Mr. Congleioc has m.ide a mighty line chairman for the board and many of them were re- luclaiii to lose him, but it was pointed out iliut ,\lr. Koss is well suited for the posiiiun. Coiinly Attorney S. J. Everett, who has served tho hoard well, and who ranks as one ot the best lawyers iu Greenville as well as the surrounding coutury, was reelected yesterday. The bond.s for Falkland and Farm- villu townships, fifty thousand dollarti each, were sold yesterday at what the county attorney today slated to be » good price. 'I'ho election returns from Carolina township to l.-;sue bonds for good roads were passed upon and Mr. J. L. Perk ins was appointed chairman of the committee to see that the money expended where it will do the most bonelit. Sale of the I’oor House property was yesterday authorized and the At lantic Coast Itealty company, will, it is thought, sell this on December 21st. Too much praise can not be given the board of county commissioners for what they have done the past year. Since the present ho.ird has been la otlieo. such iniprovcnienls in this coun ty a.'i have never hf'iMi scimi before have been heralded, and the credit Is In a larne me:isine due this board which has served ho well duniig its term of Ollli'lV Kaeh pi-rson on tho board has not coii.xiili Teii any p*» 1CI tV.r sVc!-1 ter last night 'ts Hlnc.i ’ (t habit of doing, but thin mnmlng it had J disappeared. FINED RECKLESS AUTO DRIVER Henry Forllner was tried in city c iirt this morning on a charge of rcckless automobile driving and was '1i\ed twenty-five dollars. Pcirllner was the man that ran h1i» Ford Into a horse and buggy In front of Bishop’s laundry Saturday night It is paid that he turned from a side j-t-pft! Into Dickinson avenue and was «oing HO fast that ho could not kcoi» to the right and struck the buggy.